View Full Version : 61 years ago, Freddy Mercury was born

6th September 2007, 03:25
Today is the birthday of a real icon in the history of music. One of the greatest vocalists of the twentieth century was born 61 years ago.

R.I.P Freddy Mercury
September 5th, 1946 - November 24th, 1991

And in order to give you a li'l Argentinean touch...
http://img396.imageshack.us/img396/8838/queennn6.jpg (http://imageshack.us)
Look at Freddy's shirt, LOL!

"Is this the real life?
Is this just fantasy?
Caught in a landslide
No escape from reality"

oily oaf
6th September 2007, 07:33
I remember that gig. It was staged at The Sheep And Shooter public house in downtown Port Stanley.
Sadly it all ended in tears when the geezer in the Union Jack T shirt pictured to Mercury's left who was none other than Staff Seargent Bob "Mad Dog" Falkland of the 3rd Ballion The Parachute Regiment shot Freddie in the back with a sten gun during "We Will Rock You" shouting "That's for South Georgia ya big-nosed poofta" :(

6th September 2007, 07:53
I remember I was in the army 1991. 23rd of september I read from newspaper that Freddy Mercury has AIDS. I was totally shocked. Next day the same newspaper said Freddy is dead. That was too much in way too little time.

Freddy was definately one of the greatest vocalist ever.

6th September 2007, 21:01
Freddie, and Queen, have influencedso many artists today. Hope Freddie has a fabulous birthday in heaven.

8th September 2007, 14:17
He was a great vocalist and a creative genius, but being a dirty slut (or at least shagging one) led to his downfall.

8th September 2007, 14:44
One in the vicinity of the groin there from you Walrus81. Freddie may have lived life a bit to full for my liking but hardly a slut.

But that first bit does sort of make up for it. Creative is an understatement. The range of stuff they churned out never ceases to amaze me. Take Innuendo. Just listen to the different music styles in that. Their is that bit somewhere in the middle after where he sings "Be free to yourself" where the instrumental becomes a Spannish guitar. Or Barcelona with Monserat Caballe. Only Freddie would do something as daring as mix the rock anthem with opera.

Funilly enough Lalo, the concert in Rio was on one of ITV's digital channels the other day. Picture quality weren't good but loved some of the songs. I's A Hard Life is one that isn't in any of the DVD's I have.

Yeah, I cannot belive it has been so very long too. I wasn't a fan then - I didn't become one till a few years later - but as one now it still nevertheless makes me sad he is dead.

8th September 2007, 19:03
He has been, and will be missed by many. Here's to ya Freddy!! Thanks!!

9th September 2007, 03:30
Looks like Borat.

Mark in Oshawa
9th September 2007, 05:20
He May look like Borat, but he could sing. The guy was a piece of work, and maybe one of the greatest pure voices in rock.