View Full Version : Your cell phone model

6th September 2007, 04:20
Hey guys!

I was wondering.. What cell phone have you got? (one of my latest wacky threads, that's for sure).

Mine is a Sony Ericsson W200i
http://img213.imageshack.us/img213/4315/w200ifront40angleviewirgy6.jpg (http://imageshack.us)

6th September 2007, 05:12
In Canada, Samsung A860


In Argentina, Alcatel OT-e161a


6th September 2007, 05:40
Have no cell phone, need no cell phone, want no cell phone, and resent having you stand next to me while using yours, forcing me to not only listen to half of the conversation I don't care about but also forcing me to absorb your second hand radiation.

Thank you.

6th September 2007, 06:12
So.. You're not into cell phones, are you? :D

Unfortunatly, it's very necesary at least here for working, studying, and being in touch with your family and friends. Unfortunatly in Buenos Aires, public phones are sort of in their way to extintion..

The only thing I'm against of is of those people who deppend on it all the time not for working or studying, but for living. There's people who can go out and walk a block away from their houses if they don't carry they're mobile phones. C'me on guys, it's not an actual extention of your body! Lol!

6th September 2007, 06:40
Public phones are on their way to extintion because of cell phones. No, it's not necessary to have a cell phone for working, and being in touch with your family and friends, it's just easier and having immediate access eliminates the need to think and plan ahead, allowing yet another portion of the brain for stupidity to homestead upon. Studying? If you are supposed to be studying, why are you chatting on the phone?

What tickles me is when everyday I see people with no job, no car, no anything, standing around talking on their cell phones.

For years, software designers struggled with voice recognition programs that would allow you to speak your instant messages and ICQs and then the software would type the message. None of them were really foolproof. Now you have this little tiny hand held device you can talk into directly and what do you want to do...type text messages on a godawful excuse for a keyboard at a significant extra cost.

Whats the matter with you people?

6th September 2007, 07:29
Verizon LG VX8600...

Wanted something slim and powerful that wasn't a motorola Razr, had limited options...

I have a cell phone because I travel (its a PITA to give out new numbers all the time afterall) and because I don't want a home phone...

6th September 2007, 07:31
I don't want a home phone...

I second that dude :D

6th September 2007, 07:50
Ok I've had some software problems just after I bought it, then I downloaded the newest software and it works fine now. It takes great pics (3.2 megapixel) and the sound is excellent. Yes I am using it most as walkman :D

6th September 2007, 09:36
I have a Nokia N95. It has lots of superduper features but the only one I regularly use is the 5.0 megawhatsit camera.

I wouldn't know what to do the the mp3 player or the inbuilt satnav stuff. :s

6th September 2007, 09:53
Just picked up a Nokia E50.

http://images.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http://www.physorg.com/newman/gfx/news/2_nokia_e50_low.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.physorg.com/printnews.php%3Fnewsid%3D67269271&h=305&w=250&sz=11&hl=en&start=2&tbnid=kqcZamvMvTdeNM:&tbnh=116&tbnw=95&prev=/images%3Fq%3DNokia%2BE50.%26svnum%3D10%26hl%3Den%2 6rlz%3D1T4SUNA_enGB218GB218

For me, as an external salesman, it is essential for me to have a cell phone. I spend at least 75% of my working week travelling in a car and I need to have the abillity for my customers to be able to contact me when they want to rather than leaving a message on an answerphone which I would pickup at the end of my working day.

6th September 2007, 10:18
Nokia 6280

It works fine and the pics are not bad.

6th September 2007, 10:49
I have a Nokia N95. It has lots of superduper features but the only one I regularly use is the 5.0 megawhatsit camera.

I wouldn't know what to do the the mp3 player or the inbuilt satnav stuff. :s
I have the very same phone :)

The camera is truly apallingly bad though. Might be fine for taking pictures in a dark club and posting small pictures on facebook or something but my 3230 took better pictures with it's 1.3mp camera. Carl Zeiss lens and 5mp sensor means nothing when it comes to image quality.

You should try the GPS :) Walk outside go to tools then GPS data and then to positioning. and wait a minute or two for it to lock onto the satellites and it will give you your GPS coordinates, altitude and speed :)

Brown, Jon Brow
6th September 2007, 11:03
Whats a 'cell' phone?? :dozey:

6th September 2007, 11:11
They're called Cell phones because each mobile phone mast has a "cell" around it.

6th September 2007, 11:33
What cell phone have you got?

Nokia :p

6th September 2007, 11:41
I've got a Sony K800i which I expect I'll keep until it breaks or I'm offered a (free) new one.

For Fiero, who thinks that I'm destroying my brain by using a cell phone and therefore inferior to him, what about the time when I found myself lost in the Pennines on a geography trip? Or making a phone call to a relative waiting for my arrival to tell them to not meet at the arranged time due to being stuck in traffic?

Think, and then think again about what you say

6th September 2007, 12:19
I've got a Sony K800i which I expect I'll keep until it breaks or I'm offered a (free) new one.

For Fiero, who thinks that I'm destroying my brain by using a cell phone and therefore inferior to him, what about the time when I found myself lost in the Pennines on a geography trip? Or making a phone call to a relative waiting for my arrival to tell them to not meet at the arranged time due to being stuck in traffic?

Think, and then think again about what you say

I don't mind you destroying your brain. It's your's to do what you want to with. Maps and compasses keep people that bother to learn how to use them from getting lost and the batteries don't die. Your relative can just wave their arms and fuss and you can meekly tell them you were caught up in traffic. Of course, unless it there was an accident or something extraordinary happening, they may fire back that at that time of day you should have known it would take longer and should have planned better. Depending upon the delay, I'm not sure there is much difference between actually waiting for someone and having to be on stand by for them to arrive anyway.

I have thought about what I say and stand by it. I will agree there is a use for them in business, especially sales. Other than that, the most thoughtless people out in public are the ones, especially drivers, with cell phones mashed up against their heads wrapped up in their own self importance, with little or no consideration for those around them.

It's amazing how defensive people get trying justify the "necessity" of a cell phone instead of saying it's a toy, I like it, have fun with it, and am going to continue to do so.

6th September 2007, 12:31
I don't mind you destroying your brain. It's your's to do what you want to with. Maps and compasses keep people that bother to learn how to use them from getting lost and the batteries don't die. Your relative can just wave their arms and fuss and you can meekly tell them you were caught up in traffic. Of course, unless it there was an accident or something extraordinary happening, they may fire back that at that time of day you should have known it would take longer and should have planned better. Depending upon the delay, I'm not sure there is much difference between actually waiting for someone and having to be on stand by for them to arrive anyway.

I have thought about what I say and stand by it. I will agree there is a use for them in business, especially sales. Other than that, the most thoughtless people out in public are the ones, especially drivers, with cell phones mashed up against their heads wrapped up in their own self importance, with little or no consideration for those around them.

It's amazing how defensive people get trying justify the "necessity" of a cell phone instead of saying it's a toy, I like it, have fun with it, and am going to continue to do so.
I think you're right :up:

I mobile isn't a necessity. It's useful for me but I don't need it. When my 3230 broke in July my life didn't suddenly fall apart and I didn't just get lost and so on. I would never go into the middle of nowhere without at least a map and compass. People have always been late and there's always been traffic. It's the fact that everyone has mobiles which makes people get worried when someone doesn't call as soon as they're going to be a minute late. So the mobile phone merely solves a problem that it created in the first place.

I always use the inbuilt bluetooth in my car stereo so as not to lose the ability to drive as soon as my phone rings. I'm a firm believer that phones should fit in around us and not the other way round.

6th September 2007, 12:31
Out of consideration I would rather not waste someone else's time where possible, hence my calling my waiting relative.

Agreed, as a geographer a map and compass could have helped me a great deal. The problem is that I did indeed have a map, I just wasn't on it, having wandered off the edges to locate a new site for collecting data and then, over the course of a day, losing my way.

My phone is as much a toy as it is a phone.

And I just love the way you instantly assume the negative that each situation was down to my own incompetence (granted I can't defend myself too much on the getting lost...)

6th September 2007, 12:39
Out of consideration I would rather not waste someone else's time where possible, hence my calling my waiting relative.

Agreed, as a geographer a map and compass could have helped me a great deal. The problem is that I did indeed have a map, I just wasn't on it, having wandered off the edges to locate a new site for collecting data and then, over the course of a day, losing my way.

My phone is as much a toy as it is a phone.

And I just love the way you instantly assume the negative that each situation was down to my own incompetence (granted I can't defend myself too much on the getting lost...)
Well that's just silly. You should never go anywhere without a map that covers the surrounding area. It's not a problem you should have been facing in the first place! You should also always keep track of where you are on a map and if you're going to wander off the edge at least remember a landmark to head towards......

Brown, Jon Brow
6th September 2007, 12:50
I don't rely on my mobile phone. The only reason I really have one is in case my car breaks down or something.

They also let you be more disorganised. If I was meeting someone without a phone you would need to arrange a specific time and place. I you just have a phone you can ring them and find out where they are.

6th September 2007, 12:50
Out of consideration I would rather not waste someone else's time where possible, hence my calling my waiting relative.

Agreed, as a geographer a map and compass could have helped me a great deal. The problem is that I did indeed have a map, I just wasn't on it, having wandered off the edges to locate a new site for collecting data and then, over the course of a day, losing my way.

My phone is as much a toy as it is a phone.

And I just love the way you instantly assume the negative that each situation was down to my own incompetence (granted I can't defend myself too much on the getting lost...)

I wasn't assuming any incompetence on your part, I was pointing out there were other options that worked very well prior to the invention of cell phones and will continue to work well when the cell phone dies. I remember as a small child, my parents (yes, Fiero had some) would leave a list by the telephone for the babysitter that had the doctor's phone number plus a list of the places they would be, the phone numbers, and the approximate times they would be there. It worked quite well.

I have a fondness for those that admit their phone is largely a high tech toy. I have all kinds of stuff I don't "need". Most of us do, we just hate to admit it.

6th September 2007, 12:53
I don't rely on my mobile phone. The only reason I really have one is in case my car breaks down or something.

They also let you be more disorganised. If I was meeting someone without a phone you would need to arrange a specific time and place. I you just have a phone you can ring them and find out where they are.

You get the "Honesty is Refreshing" award for the week. Bless you.

Brown, Jon Brow
6th September 2007, 12:58
You get the "Honesty is Refreshing" award for the week. Bless you.

Thanks :up:

I'm honoured :erm: To receive this honour.

6th September 2007, 13:01
You should thank all of the people who played a part in you getting the award :p

6th September 2007, 14:25
I have the very same phone :)

The camera is truly apallingly bad though. Might be fine for taking pictures in a dark club and posting small pictures on facebook or something but my 3230 took better pictures with it's 1.3mp camera. Carl Zeiss lens and 5mp sensor means nothing when it comes to image quality.

You should try the GPS :) Walk outside go to tools then GPS data and then to positioning. and wait a minute or two for it to lock onto the satellites and it will give you your GPS coordinates, altitude and speed :)

But I dont need my phone to do that kind of thing for me. I bought a SatNav with memory map built it to tell me that kind of thing. :p For some strange reason I dont think my phone would help me half way up a mountain when its foggy what path I need to be on. Although it would be a handy back up so I might try it.

6th September 2007, 16:16
Nokia :p

Ditto :p :

6th September 2007, 16:57
Nokia 3510i, made on May 22nd, 2003. It's a good phone, has fallen onto floor about thousand times and has a cracked screen glass because I got angry and pinched my phone.

Lately I see myself often wanting to go out withOUT my mobile. It kinda gives a sense of freedom, don't you think so? It would also mean that I don't have a clock(I use my phone mainly as an alarm clock and for mobile web).

I wouldn't want a landline phone though, as it would tie me down to one place(where I would have to retun to make my calls). Also, that would mean a(nother) contract with some company - I hate paperwork and bills and stuff. It's much easier to just buy a pre-paid SIM card and your deal is done.

6th September 2007, 18:11
I have the 02 X3. A model of 02 that is about 3-4 years old. I hardly use it but it serves me as mobiles are supposed to.

Which is another point about the modern mobile or 'cell' phone other than it's radioactivity.

Peer pressure. I think their is an element of it when it comes to the latest gadget. It seems the faster new models come out the faster people want it. And the more people that get it the older yours seems and the furher back with the times you will feel. Even if you don't feel people are laughing at your older model.

But in all honesty half the things you can do with new mobiles are utterly pointless when installed in a mobile, so I see no need to worry about how old your phone is. Why would I want a digital camera in my phone and how often will I sent pics via text when I can send bigger and clearer images via email?Why would I want a facility that allows internet access when I have Explorer on my PC?

I think people, strangely, are far more worried about the quality of their mates' phone than whether it gives of enough radiation to fry their brain.

6th September 2007, 23:40
The company I work at is now trying to formulate a cell phone policy. The first rule so far is that anyone caught using a cell phone while operating a company vehicle or equipment faces immediate termination. They have not really defined "equipment" (does that include a pc and a shovel?) and I am unaware of any accidents that have occurred where a cell phone was being used. I think the real issue is the cameras that are built into so many of them now. This place is all kinds of camera shy and you are supposed to have 2 seperate permits to bring a camera in the gate. Not having a permit is also grounds for immediate termination.

Anybody else out there with work/cell phone policies?

6th September 2007, 23:57
...Anybody else out there with work/cell phone policies?

Yep, my company has a world-wide, zero-tolerance policy prohibiting the use of cell phones when driving. The policy also applies to the use of "hands-free" sets.

6th September 2007, 23:59
Gridgirl, my phone would! It has got the nokia equivalent of memory map called viewranger.

7th September 2007, 00:13
I've got a SonyEricsson K750i. Had it since November 2005 and in no rush to change it. Does everything I want it to, so I see no need to upgrade it like I usually do with mobiles. Only problem is the joystick which likes to be a bit of a nuisance at times, but I can live with that.

I don't actually like using the phone to have conversations, so being able to text people instead is very useful to me, especially if I am not at home (and therefore not online) and can't quickly ask someone something, which isn't important enough to warrant a phonecall.

7th September 2007, 00:52
I have some sort of Nokia, which keeps turning itself off whenever it feels like it. It will be returned to the shop for the third time on Saturday.

By the way, can anyone remember how we used to let people know we were going to be horribly late for the pub/a meeting/a date/a lift/etc before we all had mobiles? Nowadays, we would all be reported missing if we didn't call or SMS.

7th September 2007, 00:56
The policy also applies to the use of "hands-free" sets.

I've often wondered about the logic of this. Here in the UK the police occasionally talk about the risk of being distracted from driving merely by talking on your phone regardless of whether your hands are free or not.

Does that mean that one should not talk to ones passengers? Or are they allowed to talk to each other as long as they don't talk to you? Or should all cars be single seaters to make them truly distraction free?

7th September 2007, 00:58
I've often wondered about the logic of this. Here in the UK the police occasionally talk about the risk of being distracted from driving merely by talking on your phone regardless of whether your hands are free or not.

Does that mean that one should not talk to ones passengers? Or are they allowed to talk to each other as long as they don't talk to you? Or should all cars be single seaters to make them truly distraction free?

Or concentrate on an interesting radio programme.

7th September 2007, 01:07
Is there a difference between a mobile phone and a cell phone?

7th September 2007, 01:15
Is there a difference between a mobile phone and a cell phone?

There's no difference. Cell is said in American English. Mobile (only) is on British.

7th September 2007, 01:28
Or concentrate on an interesting radio programme.
I tend to think it has something to do with the motor part of your brain having two tasks to complete (driving and holding the phone) as opposed to talking on a handsfree kit which leaves the motor part of your brain to only drive the car. I don't really think it's the talking that's the problem unless you're getting into a heated argument or something like that :mark:

race aficionado
7th September 2007, 01:42
No snotty iphone users yet???? :D

I have my blackberry because it is convenient for my work. (mobile e-mail access for me is a must)

I do confess that once those second or third generation iphones come up, I will probably change from my blackberry to my never before owned ipod.

I have never owned an ipod (my wife and son do have theirs) and if the iphone is actually as good as some say, that is, if it offers what I really need which is a good phone and mobile internet access, I will try it.

not yet of course, I still have a 1 year contract left with my reliable blackberry.

:s mokin:

7th September 2007, 01:52
No snotty iphone users yet????

I have my blackberry because it is convenient for my work. (mobile e-mail access for me is a must)

I do confess that once those second or third generation iphones come up, I will probably change from my blackberry to my never before owned ipod.

I have never owned an ipod (my wife and son do have theirs) and if the iphone is actually as good as some say, that is, if it offers what I really need which is a good phone and mobile internet access, I will try it.

not yet of course, I still have a 1 year contract left with my reliable blackberry.

The thing is the iPhone has how much memory? And is it expandable? No! :D

I hate the fact that they don't give you control over the device. If want to download a 3rd party application for my N95 I can. Plus I can text and dial faster than an iPhone user from most reports ;) RA. You should see if you can get your hands on an N95 and at least have a look. I've always thought slider phones were for people who just wanted to look cool and have something different. But the N95 is a very good execution of the slider principle.

I really don't get the point of having a big screen. I mean it's a phone. At best you should be able to write messages, make calls and perhaps listen to a song or two. Sure the interface is probably neat but it's overkill for a phone.

But that smug turtleneck fashion company owning fool Steve Jobs said it's cool so people think it's cool :D Like all fashions the Apple revival will come to an end and Apple will be a failed MP3/Phone company rather than just a failed computer maker as it was in the 90's ;)

Biased against Apple? Me? Never! :D

P.S The only good thing about iPod's is the dock connector and the fact that car audio manufacturers have taken it onboard. If not for that my iPod would be gathering dust rather than living permanently in my car as it does.

7th September 2007, 01:53
I have a fondness for those that admit their phone is largely a high tech toy. I have all kinds of stuff I don't "need". Most of us do, we just hate to admit it.

You are being too obtuse with this. There are all kind of possible reasons to have a cell phone (including the ones you mention).

My wife and I started using cell phones when our first girl started to go to kindergarten. Two parents, different jobs, one vehicle: being able to get hold of the other in case of need is important.

Besides, we know live in a place where if your car fails in the highway in Winter, you could freeze to death faster than you can think about it (happens every Winter, several times). In that case, being able to call for help is not what I would call frivolous.

If there is a brake-in in my house, the monitoring company will locate me on my cell if I'm not of any of my known landlines. It happened once that our daughter arrived from school and we had not being able to make it home: the monitoring company called me and I contacted a neighbour to take care of the girl until we arrived. Many examples like that can be cited, and because of those is that we have cell phones.

We total (rounded up, 5 seconds = 1 minute) around 30 minutes a month between the two phones.

7th September 2007, 03:14
Hey All i have a k800i and love it, also something for you to try out is http://www.mbookx.com i come across it the other day, its free mobile phone image books, and you can also create your very own, Have a look i loved it.
Have a good day all

7th September 2007, 04:49
I'm not that interested in mobile/cell phones. I only have one because work pays for it. Otherwise, I couldn't care less about the things.

They have changed the way we go about our lives though, and can be very useful. I like the idea that my kids will be able to call for help if they need it no matter where they are.

People do use them in strange ways though. A guy I work with used to get 10 to 12 text messages from his wife every day. She would text him about the most trivial things. It used to drive him, not to mention his colleagues, nuts.

They just got sepperated and his soon-to-be ex-wife seems intent on conducting the divorce via text message!

As for which one I've got, it's a Nokia and it's black. I have no idea where they put the model number on the thing.

7th September 2007, 05:19
while everyone sophisticatedly changes their phone once the one released, I stand with my Siemens C45 ;( :D


7th September 2007, 05:50
You are being too obtuse with this. There are all kind of possible reasons to have a cell phone (including the ones you mention).

My wife and I started using cell phones when our first girl started to go to kindergarten. Two parents, different jobs, one vehicle: being able to get hold of the other in case of need is important.

You are correct, I am. When I was a small child, doctors still made house calls. And they can be handy in emergencies as long as that same emergency didn't take a tower or two out with it. Hell, one weekend every 9 weeks I have to carry a company issued phone as part of the on call rotation. It has never rung and I'm not sure it will work out where I live anyway. It's a Nokia phone but I don't think it does any tricks or takes pictures. It has never rung when I've had it so I've never used it.

7th September 2007, 08:41
I have a Nokia E65, works as phone, mp3-player, map/route finder thingy, camera(ish), mobile web browser, IRC device, 2 Gb memory stick, cancer inducer, you name it, sort of like a Swiss army knife, does almost everything but not as good a real tool.

7th September 2007, 10:42
I have old Nokia, is this 3210? No toys.

Most useful it was on September 11, 2001 when we had to send some 40-50 sms's back home to tell that we are OK on Boston - New York road (and turning back to Haverhill).

If you can find working public phone in the USA you still need tons of coins to call overseas.

Dave B
7th September 2007, 10:59
Or concentrate on an interesting radio programme.
The MP3 player on my phone is loaded with several such programmes :D

7th September 2007, 12:02
Several studies have shown that talking on a phone is different to in person when driving. In person a passenger will recognise when a person does not respond when they are dealing with a situation. When that visual clue is removed they don't know why you have stopped talking so the driver is under pressure to continue the conversation even if it is not safe

7th September 2007, 14:15
can't set of hands-free help this situation, it just like talking to person next to our seat when we are driving :)

7th September 2007, 14:20
Several studies have shown that talking on a phone is different to in person when driving. In person a passenger will recognise when a person does not respond when they are dealing with a situation. When that visual clue is removed they don't know why you have stopped talking so the driver is under pressure to continue the conversation even if it is not safe
So in-car video calling is the answer? :p

7th September 2007, 15:25
I use a Motorola Razr. I love the freedom a phone brings. I am in sales and am not tied to an office. I run my errands and return phone calls at the same time. I can take my kids to the zoo and still keep track of trucks and deliveries. I think it's one of the greatest inventions ever. The next greatest is the blue tooth headsets. In fact, I hate talking on the land line in my house because I hate holding a phone now. I am so used to having both hands free.

Funny story this morning, my one year old must have gotten ahold of the blue tooth because I couldn't find it, but it was still connected. My phone was ringing but I couldn't answer it. The range is about 30 to 40 feet so I was walking outside the house in all directions trying to triangulate where I lost and gained connection trying to pinpoint the headset. I found it in the bottom of a basket of toys. :D I don't have a phone with e-mail capability yet, but that may be the next step, I don't know though dealing with e-mail is actually like work though, yuck! :D :)

7th September 2007, 17:23
I have the very same phone :)

The camera is truly apallingly bad though. Might be fine for taking pictures in a dark club and posting small pictures on facebook or something but my 3230 took better pictures with it's 1.3mp camera. Carl Zeiss lens and 5mp sensor means nothing when it comes to image quality.

Mobile phone cameras aren't really meant to more than just taking fun little photos.
This is pretty much what can be done in normal light with a basic 2mp phone camera. It works on 800*600 sizes but not any bigger.

7th September 2007, 17:27
Mobile phone cameras aren't really meant to more than just taking fun little photos.
This is pretty much what can be done in normal light with a basic 2mp phone camera. It works on 800*600 sizes but not any bigger.
I would very much like to know why you're watching heartbeat :mark:

Yes I know phone cameras are crap but people go on about how good they are and I was just wanting to say how crap they are :p

Also..... you call that a pizza? Don't make me laugh! This is a pizza


Brown, Jon Brow
7th September 2007, 17:33
Thats an old episode of Heartbeat :p

Is that a Chicago Town Pizza Daniel?

7th September 2007, 17:37
Nope. The base was made from scratch by my mum and toppings are done by me :)

7th September 2007, 17:40
And what in the name of all that is holly is in the glass?!

7th September 2007, 17:53
And what in the name of all that is holly is in the glass?!
The blood of his enemies which he distills into a rather tasty cranberry flavoured drink.

7th September 2007, 18:03
I would very much like to know why you're watching heartbeat :mark:

Yes I know phone cameras are crap but people go on about how good they are and I was just wanting to say how crap they are :p

Also..... you call that a pizza? Don't make me laugh! This is a pizza

I tried to be sneaky and adress two things with one photo, that the bleeding Heartbeat is back on tv here and that's a pitsa for pino's eyes, not a pizza

And what in the name of all that is holly is in the glass?!
Raspberry lemon juice concentrate. No sugar, little taste.

7th September 2007, 19:15
Thats an old episode of Heartbeat :p

I suspect that old rogue Claude Jeremiah Greengrass has been up to no good as usual.

As has been said, camera phones are for capturing things for fun. Not for serious photography. Handy things to have. :)

7th September 2007, 19:44
Yes but when companies use phone brands like "cybershot" and using Carl Zeiss lenses and start putting 5mp sensor in them it gives people the impression that it's a proper camera :)

Dave B
7th September 2007, 19:47
Yes I know phone cameras are crap but people go on about how good they are and I was just wanting to say how crap they are :p

Because the marketing people have done a very effective job in convincing the public that lots of megapixels = good.

7th September 2007, 19:54
Exactly. Like I said my 3230 took better pictures with it's 1.2mp camera. A physically small high mp sensor will always give noisy pictures with bad colours :) I think the problem is not so much a marketing thing. It's just silly people who would take a 10mp sensor over a 3mp one in a phone :mark:

7th September 2007, 20:21
I have an oudated Samsung SGH-X156, no camera or pther flashy stuff.

I just don't feel like spending 150€ on decent cellphone right now

7th September 2007, 20:25
I have an oudated Samsung SGH-X156, no camera or other flashy stuff.

I just don't feel like spending 150€ on decent cellphone right now

7th September 2007, 21:26
We got it Javier! No need for a demonstration here. :p

8th September 2007, 09:43
I have an oudated Samsung SGH-X156, no camera or other flashy stuff.

I just don't feel like spending 150€ on decent cellphone right now

Good for you!

Though I am a fine one to talk, mine has a camera, movie facility and a WAP service (O2 Active), but what is the point of having all the flashy stuff like cameras and internet access if all that you need to with it is what it was invented for; making calls?

It is nice being able to do all the cool stuff but in all honest on a scale of 1-10 how important are they?

8th September 2007, 10:48
Do people actually pay for their phones?

Since I want on a contract many moons ago I've never paid for a phone just gone for what looked good and was available free on my contract. I've just looked up my phone on the o2 website and its available free and up to a cost of £249.99. Mine is a nice phone but I wouldn't pay that much for it.

Thinking about it, I think I like to have the latest cool phone even though I dont and never will use all its features. If it came to actually paying for it I'd rather have any old brick of a phone because I'm not too bothered really as long as it makes calls.

8th September 2007, 11:13
Though I am a fine one to talk ...

We know, we know... :p

8th September 2007, 12:41
We all pay for our phones. One way or another.

8th September 2007, 12:47
We all pay for our phones. One way or another.

That's a very philosophical comment on mobiles!

8th September 2007, 13:23
not really. Check out how many minutes you get on a 25 quid phone plan and how much you get on a sim only plan ;-)

8th September 2007, 13:25
It would have actually been more expensive for me to get my phone through the operator deal since i don't talk as much as many on it, and quite frankly I'd rather have it hurt me once badly than to pay 20-30 Eur per month for two years. :)

Dave B
8th September 2007, 13:26
That just means that the networks make even more profit on SIM-only tarrifs. The cost of subsidising a handset is still well-and-truly built into the monthy subs.

Incidentally, T-Mobile are offering me a £15/month discount not to upgrade. So that tells you they're also prepared to subsidise a new handset to the tune of £180.

Dave B
18th September 2007, 14:26
Anybody fancy paying way over the odds for a lovely looking phone with a poor technical spec (it doesn't even have 3G FFS!) and a non-replaceable battery?


18th September 2007, 14:33
But it's on O2 so it doesn't matter if it has 3G or not as you can never get a 3G signal :p

18th September 2007, 14:37
Anybody fancy paying way over the odds for a lovely looking phone with a poor technical spec (it doesn't even have 3G FFS!) and a non-replaceable battery?

At least you know 40% of your money would go to the Apple cult ;) All hail the Lord Steve of the Turtleneck.

18th September 2007, 17:23
Nokia phone, i was thinking to change for an ericsson device with nice sound and it took nice pics too, after i found out you could not call with it, i skipped the option.

18th September 2007, 17:24
Nokia phone, i was thinking to change for an ericsson device with nice sound and it took nice pics too, after i found out you could not call with it, i skipped the option.
AFF has a nice Ericsson phone. Perhaps you could buy it off him. Not very "mobile" though.

18th September 2007, 17:26
AFF has a nice Ericsson phone. Perhaps you could buy it off him. Not very "mobile" though.

thank's for telling, but i think i stick to phones.

18th September 2007, 17:46
It is a phone though :)

18th September 2007, 17:55
It is a phone though :)

are you sure? not same like Pinos device?

18th September 2007, 18:47

Nokia 6230. Not a bad phone really, but the fascia is rubbish as soon as I got it, the insides got dusty. It's a pain!

18th September 2007, 18:54
are you sure? not same like Pinos device?
No :) It's an antique phone. Probably as much use as Pino's new one though :rolleyes: :p

18th September 2007, 18:55

Nokia 6230. Not a bad phone really, but the fascia is rubbish as soon as I got it, the insides got dusty. It's a pain!
J4mie has a 6230 and here's a video he made with it :)


18th September 2007, 19:13
J4mie has a 6230 and here's a video he made with it :)


That's not bad quality. I guess that's your voice at the beginning?

18th September 2007, 21:04
not sure. Think it is

29th November 2008, 20:42
I know this is bringing up an old thread but I was curious as to what cell phone you guys use. I currently am using a Motorola Z8 phone. I just ordered a new Motorola Q 9e phone. It's on its way, I cant wait. Both of these phones are unlocked. I currently have Cingular (AT&T) as my carrier.

Here is a picture of my new Moto Q...

306 Cosworth
29th November 2008, 20:54
Samsung E900

Had it since April 2007, dropped it countless times, been bashed about lots too. No trouble with it, still works like new, and hardly any scratches on it.

Why upgrade if it still works fine :up:

30th November 2008, 12:27
I've just got a bog standard (for late 2007 at least) LG phone.

donKey jote
30th November 2008, 13:48
Siemens C25 (http://www.gsmarena.com/siemens_c25-91.php)
why upgrade if it still works fine :D


306 Cosworth
30th November 2008, 19:18
Fair play DJ :up:

30th November 2008, 21:46
I have 2 at the moment. A Nokia 1200, cheap phone as my other one semi-broke. Cheap and cheerful really, the battery lasts a week though :) And a semi functioning Nokia 6230.

I will be getting a new phone for my birthday, but the question is, which one do you guys recommend me?

1st December 2008, 11:02
Got a Nokia E66. Great phone!!!

1st December 2008, 11:17
Got a Nokia E66. Great phone!!!

I've just gotten an N96, again an excellent phone. Especially since it can download programmes using BBC iPlayer.

My only grip with it is that the interface hasn't really moved on since my N73. Still it's quite usable at that.

1st December 2008, 12:06
Nokia 3110 Classic. Does what it needs to.

Brown, Jon Brow
1st December 2008, 14:02
I've recently become one of those annoying people that look at their phone every 30econds to check if they have any text messages. :dozey:

Oh I have an old Samsung.......ooooo,.....text message!!! :D

2nd December 2008, 07:28
I've just gotten an N96, again an excellent phone. Especially since it can download programmes using BBC iPlayer.

My only grip with it is that the interface hasn't really moved on since my N73. Still it's quite usable at that.

Funny, I was either going to take the N96 or the E66, but eventually decided the E66 suited my needs better. You cant go wrong with a Nokia. My first phone in 1994 was an Ericsson GH198, followed by a Motorolla (cant remember the model) and since then I have had 9 Nokia's and a Samsung D900 (my last phone before my current E66). All I can say is Nokia make the best phones by far :up:

2nd December 2008, 08:18
I've recently become one of those annoying people that look at their phone every 30econds to check if they have any text messages. :dozey:

Oh I have an old Samsung.......ooooo,.....text message!!! :D

Don't their phone have message alert for every message received? I think they do the right thing not to keep them have sent message in waiting for response.

3rd December 2008, 06:06
Sanyo SCP-3200. Telecom prepaid. One thing I don't like about it is the keys are shiny plasticky stuff and my fingernail slides all over the place. Recently I saw a girl going up an escalator and she was tapping out a text messsage at a great rate and barely looking at the keys. Me, I barely ever get one word done properly without using the back key.

Brown, Jon Brow
3rd December 2008, 15:26
Don't their phone have message alert for every message received? I think they do the right thing not to keep them have sent message in waiting for response.

I'm always on silent

3rd December 2008, 18:55
At the moment I've got a "well-used" (how it's still working is anyone's guess, I'm forever dropping it) Sony Ericsson K550i. £60 and without a doubt the best phone I've ever had

Brown, Jon Brow
26th September 2009, 14:51
Just got one of these

I want to know if it has the application that makes it look like you are drinking a pint of beer

26th September 2009, 16:42

Sony Ericsson C905. Great 8.1 megapixel camera and built-in aGPS Google Maps, to name a few built in goodies

Dont call it a cell phone...Mobile sounds better :p

26th September 2009, 17:50

26th September 2009, 18:22

I've got one of these :) My favourite phone so far :)

26th September 2009, 18:58
i have a At&t go-phone

i have a Avril Lavigne wallpaper on it

and my ringtone is "Girlfriend" by Avril Lavigne

26th September 2009, 19:03

I've got one of these :) My favourite phone so far :)

doesn't the keypad look a wee bit too small

26th September 2009, 23:20
Looks small but isn't

Brown, Jon Brow
27th September 2009, 00:20
Looks small but isn't

Buttons are so 2005 !!! :p

27th September 2009, 00:23
Seems usability is so 2005 as well :)

27th September 2009, 00:50
Got me a Blackberry Pearl 8100 now. Basic but the internet functionality is fantastic and comes into its own when you are at a rally and want to know who's leading :D :D

27th September 2009, 06:47
IPhone for me. I'm using it right now to reply to this thread. Although the iPhone is good, I don't think I'd ve willing to pay £250 or whatever it is to get a 3Gs model.

I have the beer drink app for iPhone. It's amusing the first couple of times and then you never use it again. At least it is free.

28th September 2009, 22:26
Sony Ericsson C905. Great 8.1 megapixel camera and built-in aGPS Google Maps, to name a few built in goodies

Dont call it a cell phone...Mobile sounds better :p

Agreed, I also have a C905 and I love using the GPS, whether for navigation or for sports. The camera is important and ace too. I'm not interested in these touch-screen phones that have lots of internet-based apps, this phone with lots of genuine features (hardware-based) is the best out there.

Whilst unnecessary, the pedometer is a nifty little feature too.

29th September 2009, 08:44
Mine is a Sony Ericsson W610i and I like it very much!

Dave B
29th September 2009, 20:00
I've got one of these :) My favourite phone so far :)

Aaaaargh, I've got the same phone as Daniel! :eek: :p

I may have to talk to you about where you get your software.... ;)

30th September 2009, 09:44
I've got a Nokia N97. One of those ones which looks brilliant from the reviews but is actually just average.

In fact it was less than, average - diabolical, when I first got it. Eventually many of the features, such as camera, music player etc stopped working. A combination of vastly under provisioned memory and inability of the OS to make efficient use of what it has.

However I'm now upgraded the firmware and it's much better, at least everything works!

I've been put off the iPhone until now, but with the recent improvements and the prospect of a price war in 2010, I wouldn't rule it out as my next phone.

30th September 2009, 09:56
Silly man for preordering a phone :p

30th September 2009, 12:53
Silly man for preordering a phone :p

Pre-order? No. It was very much out when I got it! The problem was that it should not have been released in the state it was in. Twas ever thus with Nokia products.

30th September 2009, 13:00
Preorder doesn't mean you got it before it was released :p