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Brown, Jon Brow
5th December 2006, 20:41
An interesting game
Answer the last question and leave another

What is your favourite 'Back to the Future' film?

5th December 2006, 23:39
The first one, definitely.

Whats your all time favourite Xmas movie?

5th December 2006, 23:47
National Lappons Chirstman Vacation

what is your favorite food?

6th December 2006, 13:01

What is your favorite book?

6th December 2006, 13:28
Slaughterhouse-Five by Kurt Vonnegut.
What is your favorite automobile?

6th December 2006, 18:33
A Hillman

Going anywhere exotic during the Christmas holidays?

6th December 2006, 18:56
No, I never travel on Christmas family is here and it is all I need.

Do you like the new forums?

Mp3 Astra
6th December 2006, 22:50
I think they are about 4.6X10to the power of 9 times better.

French or German (to speak)?

6th December 2006, 23:27
Na ja, Deutsch is am besten. Oder was?

Your favourite car? :)

6th December 2006, 23:52
See post #6 :p :

Apples or oranges?

7th December 2006, 16:38

Opera or ballet? :p :

7th December 2006, 17:21

Does my bum look big in this?

7th December 2006, 17:39

What is your job?

7th December 2006, 17:42

What size television do you have?

7th December 2006, 18:07
28", don't feel the need for bigger :s

Why is the sky blue?

7th December 2006, 18:34
Because the angels like it that way :)

Do you dunk?

7th December 2006, 18:38
It's a hard habbit to break, I've tried counselling but every time I've been they've always offered me tea and biscuits :\

Are you looking forward to Christmas?

7th December 2006, 18:49
Yes, very much. I'm especially looking forward to the time off, to spend some time with the family :)

Do you have much time off during the holidays?

7th December 2006, 18:54
Not really, just a miserly two weeks :rolleyes:

Do you miss the old forum?

7th December 2006, 19:06
Yeah, kind of. This VBulletien thingy gives me the impression of being a tad cold and uninviting. I guess I'll get used to it.

What do you think of the new forum?

7th December 2006, 19:49
well its better than the Montreal Canadian hockey team

What is your favorite sport

Mp3 Astra
7th December 2006, 19:59
Sport of the motor variety ;)

Expensive Hi-Fi or expensive speakers?

8th December 2006, 07:44
Combination of the two.

Blonde or brunette?

8th December 2006, 10:34

Roger Moore or Sean Connery?

8th December 2006, 12:08
ew.... but if I HAVE to choose.. ... Sean Connery.

What's the spiciest thing you've ever eaten?

8th December 2006, 12:44
Proper Indian Curry, not for the fainthearted :eek:

Did you see Mummy kissing Santaclaus?

Brown, Jon Brow
8th December 2006, 15:06
No I saw Dad kissing Santaclause :s :erm:

How many ways are there of skinnig a rabbit?

Brown, Jon Brow
8th December 2006, 18:04
No I saw Dad kissing Santaclause :s :erm:

How many ways are there of skinnig a rabbit?

That should be what's the best way of skinning a rabbit?

8th December 2006, 18:09
From the outside in, although I've never tried it the other way round

Can I have a bit of your sandwich?

8th December 2006, 19:14
B_gger off! Get your own :hmph:

Are you as tired as I am of the constant Christmas tunes on the radio? :s

8th December 2006, 19:57
I'm even more tired of the constant Christmas tunes in shops and restaurants.

What's the most boring thing you can think of?

8th December 2006, 21:14
Almost any large lecture with little student interaction and a professor that can't teach.

What's the most exciting thing you can think of?

Brown, Jon Brow
8th December 2006, 23:15

Why did you choose to reply to my post?

Mp3 Astra
8th December 2006, 23:33
Because it had the word "boobs" in it :p (immature lout :D )

Billy Joel or Elton John?

9th December 2006, 02:01
If it's under a truck then Elton ;)

Why haven't I got any reputation thingies yet? ;(

9th December 2006, 10:19
I don't know but I don't have either :mad: , I guess it is related to the number of posts, like the gold pages in the old forum.

Do you like waking up early?

9th December 2006, 10:44
It seems I waas completely wrong (http://www.motorsportforums.com/forums/showthread.php?t=112699)

9th December 2006, 18:52
No, I avoid waking up early as much as I can. Today, for example, I got up at 1pm :D

Do you get your '5 a day' each day? (5 portions of fruit and veg).

9th December 2006, 20:26
Sometimes... probably not every day though no... I make up for it in chocolate though :D

Have you ever backstabbed a friend?

9th December 2006, 20:35

Do you like dark chocolate?

9th December 2006, 20:44
Yes, especially atop Jaffa Cakes

What's your favourite drink?

9th December 2006, 21:09
Water when eating and beer or whisky when partying.

Have you ever been backstabbed by a friend?

10th December 2006, 20:39

Does anyone know when and where the world farting championships are being held next year?

11th December 2006, 19:31
I'll do some sniffing around and let you know.

Do you like to fart in the bathub?

12th December 2006, 00:11
No, thats a guy thing :D

Do you prefer showers or baths?

12th December 2006, 00:17
Showers, just because they're quicker.

Have you figured out how "rep" works?

12th December 2006, 00:18
Not really :D I just give good rep to people I like, no idea what happens if you get a lot of the stuff :D

Have you finished wrapping presents yet?

12th December 2006, 01:58
I wrapped and gave on yesterday, but I had to as it was our only chance for a 'fake' christmas while at Uni before we go home. I've not bought any genuinely yet.

What are you doing for New Year's Eve 2007?

12th December 2006, 02:46
Small party with my girlfriend, roommate, and close friends.

Have you a New Year's resolution yet?

12th December 2006, 16:44
Two: I want to go to a F1 GP with my mates (that's the where the problem is) I'm considering Silverstone.
I want to walk the Jacobean way from where I live to Santiago de Compostela.

Is everything gonna be allright?

13th December 2006, 14:00
Of course, it will be fine :D

Can I have a Vodka and Cranberry juice please, lots of ice?

13th December 2006, 16:06
Nope sorry I'm out of Vodka. :(

Have you ever had a crush on a cartoon character?

13th December 2006, 16:32
No, thats another guy thing, its usually Jessica rabbit, or Betty Boop :D

Favourite all time cartoon character?

13th December 2006, 16:33
Jessica Rabbit :lips:

Would you like some of my cake?

13th December 2006, 16:41
Thought you'd never ask :)

How about a glass of milk with that?

13th December 2006, 16:48
I'd prefer a Vodka Cranberry :lips:

Has anyone seen where I left my pen?

13th December 2006, 17:33
I think you left it next to MP3 Astra's collection, while your were taking notes.

Do you like to press wild flowers?

13th December 2006, 18:12
Not really.

MP3 Astra has a pen collection?

13th December 2006, 18:23
No, a poo collection. Well, perhaps he also has a pen collection, but his poo collection is world famous. I believe that Carl was taking notes for his on-going research when he misplaced his pen.

Do you have a collection?

Dave B
13th December 2006, 20:56
I've got some 1:18 F1 diecasts.

How tall is your Christmas tree?

13th December 2006, 22:00
6 ft and substantially taller than me!

How many scoops of ice cream do you usually have?

13th December 2006, 22:07
As many as will fit on a cone :D

What's your favourite ice cream flavour?

14th December 2006, 12:22
Chocolate, obviously!!!!

Do you have ice creams in winter?

14th December 2006, 21:14
Occasionally, by the tub, Ben & Jerrys, if I have someone to share with and if I'm not paying!

Do you buy magazines these days? If yes, how much compared to five years ago?

14th December 2006, 21:55
Rarely. Nowadays I get most of my por... er, I mean, news articles on-line.
I'll sometimes purchase a copy of F1 Racing, but it's awfully expensive on this side of the pond.

When's the last time that you were really, really angry?

15th December 2006, 00:40
I have a teenage son, so yesterday :D

Do you have an advent calendar?

15th December 2006, 10:13
Yep, I get one every year from my in-laws

Did anyone else go to see George Michael last night, or was it just me?

15th December 2006, 11:01
It was just you :D

What newspaper do you read?

15th December 2006, 12:07
Local freebies, don't bother with any of the Nationals, only if I've run out of toilet paper :s

Why do people keep phoning me on my days off?

15th December 2006, 12:09
Because they can't live without you and they have a phone.
Which was the last concert you went to?

15th December 2006, 14:42
Secret Machines

Why is it 70 degrees F in Georgia over my winter break?

15th December 2006, 15:18
Because of America's continued contribution to global warming.

Do you enjoy mince pies like me?

15th December 2006, 15:42
Nope, mince pies are in the same food-group as sprouts and cabbage, they are evil and should be destroyed :p uke:

Why is it illegal to dance naked in the fountains on Trafalgar Square?

15th December 2006, 16:02
Because of your previous incident.

When's the last time that you attended a (non-motrosport) sports event?

15th December 2006, 19:38
I think, never :D

Have you put decorations on your roof?

16th December 2006, 03:35
Nope, I leave that to sad people :\

Have you ever won a prize?

16th December 2006, 13:38
I won a skate board for winning a radio show when I was 16 (bloody generous people they were).

Have you ever been on TV?

Mp3 Astra
16th December 2006, 17:16
Yes and I'm very proud of it. At the last rounds of the BTCC in 2001 at the start of the sprint race you can see me by the start/finish line with my dad behind me.
Also, you can see me at the first rounds (if you recorded it and kept it, which I did not) of the BTCC in 2002, lying on the ground :D

Is your keyboard quiet or noisy?

17th December 2006, 04:13
Depends on my mood :s

Can I have some more Pringles?

17th December 2006, 10:21
Absolutely, have mine - I don't like them!

Do you cycle?

17th December 2006, 21:33
Yep, almost every week day for the 5 minute round trip to work. I used to cycle more but then I got a driving license and didn't really see the point :D

Do you like lager? (I do, it's full of tasty goodness :beer: )

17th December 2006, 22:17
lager is the "regular" beer, right? then yes

Beer or wine?

17th December 2006, 22:40
Probably what you'd call beer. In England we generally have three types which people drink, Real Ale, Lager and Stout. Real ale is the proper heavy brown beer, traditional English kind of thing. Lager is the fizzy yellow type colour one such as Fosters, Stella Artois and their like. Stout is a really heavy sort of flavour and looks black. Guiness is draught stout (I think) which means it is pumped under pressure like lager. I'm sure their are many people who could rip my descriptions to shreds but they are most likely petty (unless their is a serious factual mistake)

In a far shorter answer to your question: Beer every time.

Do you listen to much music which isn't really popular in your country?

18th December 2006, 13:15
Well rock/alt music didn't used to be as popular as it is, so I was always a bit of an outsider for a while... doesn't bother me though, I like what I like and I couldn't care less about wether it's fashionable or popular :)

Do you have an advent calendar?

18th December 2006, 16:45
What's an advent calendar? :confused:

What's an advent calendar?

18th December 2006, 17:22
I already asked that! On the previous page :D

Does anyone here actually like Christmas pudding?

Dave B
18th December 2006, 17:48
So much so that I eat them all year round!

Dogs or cats?

18th December 2006, 19:06
Cats, I adore my cat Buzz.

Will you attend midnight mass on Christmas eve, and will you even be sober?

18th December 2006, 19:16
Nope and nope :p :

Where are you spending Christmas eve?

18th December 2006, 19:43
In my mother's house, it would not be the same if I didn't.

Is there any typical Xmas drink or cocktail that you drink?

18th December 2006, 20:12
Champagne - usually a couple of bottles get popped on Chrimbo day but apart from that then beer is always good :D

Can I have a chocolate off your tree?

18th December 2006, 21:27
No, but help yourself to a pine cone.

What's for dinner?

19th December 2006, 12:03
Gee, I don't even know what's for lunch yet. :rolleyes:

So, what's for lunch?

19th December 2006, 14:18
a cheese and ham toastie :)

Have you ever given yourself an electric shock?

19th December 2006, 14:37
Many times. It's an excellent way to jump start a morning.

Have you ever lit yourself on fire?

Dave B
19th December 2006, 15:16
It's not officially Guy Fawkes' night unless I do! :eek:

When will I, will I be famous?

19th December 2006, 15:32
I can't answer, I can't answer that :rolleyes:

How much is that doggie in the window?

19th December 2006, 16:23
Very cheap. Only one previous owner... Britney Spears...

Will there be a white Christmas?

Dave B
19th December 2006, 17:47
Statistically yes, somewhere in the world.

How do you solve a problem like diarrhoea?

19th December 2006, 20:27
Salt water with a pinch of sugar, works a treat :D

Are you attending a pantomime this year?

Dave B
20th December 2006, 00:08
Not even if I had kids.

Who do you think you are?

20th December 2006, 00:30
I'm not sure, but every now and then I feel the urge to swing it, shake it :s

Which Spice girl would you choose for a life partner/quick shag?

Dave B
20th December 2006, 15:12
I can't say in case her brother's reading the forum ;)

Why do birds suddenly appear every time you are near?

20th December 2006, 20:07
Because the have a cuning plan to kill everybody of a heart attack.

What time do you wake up?

21st December 2006, 12:54
It varies but usually about 15 seconds after my son does :\

Don't you want me, baby?

21st December 2006, 12:59
Not in this life, pal :p :

What do you like to do on Sundays?

21st December 2006, 13:18
As little as possible, sometimes go to BTCC meetings but whatever I do, I spend it with my with my wife and son.

When Will I See You Again?

21st December 2006, 13:31
Maybe after boxing day, maybe after the new year. Depends on my mood.

What is your son doing right now?

21st December 2006, 13:57
Probably causing havoc at his nursery :D

Is this the way to Amarillo?

21st December 2006, 16:10
Don't start that sh!t again.

What's an advent calendar?

21st December 2006, 16:42
Don't start that sh!t again.

I didn't, Brockman did ;(

And to answer your Q.........

An Advent calendar has a system of doors, numbered from 1 to 25, the principle being that you open a door a day and behind each door there are pictures, pieces of chocolate or other small gifts.

When was the last time you swam in the sea?

Dave B
21st December 2006, 17:55

Have you booked next year's holiday yet?

21st December 2006, 18:04
No but I'm starting to make plans which a big step in my case.

What's the best excuse when you can't keep up with the schedule?

21st December 2006, 18:22
I blame it on a vendor :D

Do you own an iPOd?

21st December 2006, 21:34
Nope... thankfully.

How much money do you have in your pocket/wallet/purse right now?

Dave B
21st December 2006, 21:45
About £60.

South Park or Simpsons?

21st December 2006, 22:13

Are you a vegetarian?

22nd December 2006, 03:22
Nope, I was given teeth designed to digest meat, and use them to their full capacity :D

When will we see the sun shine again?

22nd December 2006, 07:20
Today!!! The first day of sunshine for three days here. Felt like Britian for a while :p :

What is the best way to eat a ham sandwich?

22nd December 2006, 12:31
I suggest you try your mouth.

Are there other ways to eat a sandwich?

22nd December 2006, 12:33
Open wide, shove it all in :D

Are you aware that Snakes On A Plane is released on Boxing day? :D

22nd December 2006, 18:08
I do hope you're referring to the movie.

Do you shop on Boxing Day?

23rd December 2006, 03:59

Can you give me hand?

23rd December 2006, 09:57
I hope you mean with the shopping, and if so? No :D

What's your must see film/programme on TV this Christmas?

24th December 2006, 11:28
None really, I think it will be the usual Christmas crap.

What's the best Christmas present you've received.

25th December 2006, 02:21
My first new bike when I was 12. Previously I'd only had 2nd hand do-ups.

Or my son a couple of years ago :D

How many pairs of socks did you receive for Christmas?

25th December 2006, 09:43
Three, sad but true.

Why are socks always a Christmas present?

25th December 2006, 15:30
Because it's cold and they keep warmness. :D

How many hours per night do you usually sleep?

25th December 2006, 16:35
Being in college, it varies. Basically, not enough.

Any (holiday or not) traditions in your family?

27th December 2006, 00:38
none at all.

Whats been going on whilst I've been away ?

27th December 2006, 02:18
Max Mosley was crowned King of the world, but Bernie Ecclestone shot him and overthrown him

Why is it called Boxing day?

27th December 2006, 09:47
Perhaps because it's when all the arguments and fights break out over the crappy presents you got, and who had the last sausage roll?

Did more than one person get you the same present?

28th December 2006, 16:00

Why is toast so addictive ?

29th December 2006, 21:00
Thats just one of life's mysteries :D

Do you like Marmite?

30th December 2006, 00:50
Yep :lips:

Can I come for tea tomorrow?

30th December 2006, 11:30
Sure, but bring a chocolate cake otherwise.....

Otherwise what?

31st December 2006, 14:33
Otherwise entry will be denied :D

Are you going to a party tonight?

31st December 2006, 20:01
Nope the party is coming to my place.

Do you expect to be faithful to your New Year's resolutions?

1st January 2007, 14:36

What is your New Year resolution?

1st January 2007, 17:42
Not to take any crap from anyone.

Have you ever done a bungee jump?

2nd January 2007, 11:49
No I have let's say... gravitational issues, but it looks very exciting to be honest.

What's the most daring thing you've ever done?

2nd January 2007, 12:41
Probably riding a motorbike at speed. I used to own a bike that would do 155mph, I know that to be true because I took it flat out several times :crazy:

Did you pinch my bum?

4th January 2007, 23:14
I wouldn't dream of it :s

Did that hurt?

5th January 2007, 10:59
Not really.

Was it necessary?

5th January 2007, 11:12
Of course it was.

Anyone want to buy a laptop?

5th January 2007, 12:10
Sure but do you want money in exchange?

5th January 2007, 12:38
No, just a ham sandwich but you must realise that there is 'slight damage' to the laptop.

Do you know what happens to a laptop when you drop it down a flight of concrete stairs?

5th January 2007, 12:57
I'm not entirely sure but from what I have heard laptops are not big fans of free falling.

5th January 2007, 16:06
Donney, where's your question? :D

5th January 2007, 22:30
Oooops...... :dork:

Do you mind if I ask a question?

5th January 2007, 23:09
Not at all! :D

Why, did you think I would mind?

5th January 2007, 23:16
No reason I just wanted to be sure.

What's the best adjective to describe you?

6th January 2007, 00:04
Ooh, so many I can't just choose one! Let's see, for starters... handsome, witty, charming, intelligent... :D

Do you consider yourself humble?

6th January 2007, 05:10
Tough one... I guess not as much as I should

Do you use youtube?

6th January 2007, 05:39
Yes, I cannot resist some of the cute animal clips, like this one:



Have you ever ridden a horse?

6th January 2007, 15:56
Tried to once, it didn't like me and made it's feelings quite plain :(

Has anyone got any Bluetack?

8th January 2007, 20:26
Yes, I have three blobs of it after taking down my christmas cards :)

How good at drawing are you?

9th January 2007, 23:28
I'm quite good at drawing stick men having a little war, you know the sort of thing lots of guns, the odd para-stick man, a few explosions, maybe a plane, basically the childish scribblings of an idiot.

Have you ever been to Amarillo?

10th January 2007, 06:00
No, but I know the way :D

If you could be an animal, which animal would you be?

10th January 2007, 09:02
I guess, one of my cats, because they gets spoiled all the time, yet have their own personalities.

What would you like your ideal job in live to be?

10th January 2007, 09:18
Kylie Minogue and Cameron Diaz's sex slave :D

Do you want fries with that?

10th January 2007, 10:48
I do not really eat fries but, since you are offering, Yes and Thank you.

Bananas anyone?

12th January 2007, 00:02
No thanks. I'll have some of Carl's fries.

Do you frighten easily?

12th January 2007, 11:04
Nah, only when I see my wife in the mornings after she awoke. :D

When were the last time you had a dream?

12th January 2007, 21:05
Last night but I can't remember any of it now... I have ace dreams though.

How many lies have you told in the last 24 hours??

12th January 2007, 21:09
Well... just had several meetings with clients, so quite a few :p : :D

Do you understand rep?

Brown, Jon Brow
12th January 2007, 21:11
There isn't an number that big!! (although thats probably a lie ;) )

If you were forced to join the Armed forces which one? Army, Navy, Air Force :?:

Damn it I was to slow :laugh:

Any way I do understand rep I just don't have much of it :(

If you were forced to join the Armed forces which one? Army, Navy, Air Force :?:

12th January 2007, 22:05
Air force I guess but I would to avoid the army by any means.

Have you had surgery?

13th January 2007, 09:06
Yes, broken cheek bone from a waterski accident.

What were the fastest you have ever driven? (a car)

13th January 2007, 16:37
Car 140mph, bike 155mph both on public roads too :rolleyes:

Has anyone seen Mp3Astra?

Brown, Jon Brow
14th January 2007, 17:49
Car 140mph, bike 155mph both on public roads too :rolleyes:

Has anyone seen Mp3Astra?

On BATracer ;)

Are you well endowed? :erm:

15th January 2007, 19:52
Of course I am many are my gifts. :rolleyes:

What do you procrastinate the most?

15th January 2007, 23:19
Probably purchasing gifts for Christmas, bithdays... :mark:

Are you a "morning" person? You know, one of those annoying buggers that seems to be able to get-up-and-go at the crack of dawn and manage to be cheery?

16th January 2007, 01:31
No, the exact opposite :D

Whats your all time favourite song?

16th January 2007, 15:14
This Ol' Heart Of Mine - Isley Brothers :up:

Are you wearing that for a bet?

Brown, Jon Brow
16th January 2007, 15:40
No!! Just for warmth, no other reason , honest!! :erm:

Who do you hate more Chavs or Emos's :?:

16th January 2007, 22:37
Chav's, I have nothing against Emo's, they're just Goths with colour and a very slightly chirpier look on life. (Plus some emo girls look hot). Chavs on the other hand are largely moronic violent people who seem to think that anything and everything you do means that you want a fight, especially if they are under 5 foot 8 (nothing scares a small chav more than a 6 foot, fat bloke who's just winked at you even though he is straight because 'everyone knows chavs are all closet gays who can't admit it and they don't like it')

Do you like to rant?

17th January 2007, 11:40
Yes but I'm way to lazy to write my rantings.

Is today gonna be a good day for you?

Brown, Jon Brow
18th January 2007, 12:51
Unlikey college follwed by work untill 8pm

Any forumer here that you hate?

18th January 2007, 16:35
Not really (most have probably already been banned :erm: ). Although there are one or two that I try to ignore... :mark:

Must you do that?

18th January 2007, 16:47
Yes, it's in the rules ;)

Do you still have all your own teeth?

19th January 2007, 16:24
Yes, I try to avoid inebriated Irishmen... :mark:

Have you ever been kicked out of a bar/pub/club?

Brown, Jon Brow
21st January 2007, 19:14
Yes, I try to avoid inebriated Irishmen... :mark:

Have you ever been kicked out of a bar/pub/club?

Yes, the forum pub. I got in a fight with Madcat, at the time I didn't relise he was the owner.

What's for dinner?

22nd January 2007, 00:26
Dinner will be boiled chicken with stir-fry vegetables.

What do you want for desert?

22nd January 2007, 01:59
Triple choc chocolate cake with chocolate cream filling and chocolate icing and chocolate sauce and chocolate sprinkles please :lips:

Have you ever vomited in public?

22nd January 2007, 03:53
Yes, actually, during an English lesson at high school, when I was 13 :s

Have you ever broken a limb?

23rd January 2007, 05:32
No, never thank goodness.

Have you ever been in a car wreck?

23rd January 2007, 05:37
No, but I've seen a couple of small ones.

Have you ever fainted?

23rd January 2007, 13:43
'fraid so... a few times. Not very nice at all.

Would you drink really out of date milk for a thousand pounds?

23rd January 2007, 13:54
Depends on how 'out of date' it was :\

Can I have a bit of your sandwich?

23rd January 2007, 17:27
No, b_gger off already! :hmph:

Do you like anchovies?

23rd January 2007, 20:04
Never had them, but I don't think I would if I had.

Would you go out with someone older than you?

23rd January 2007, 22:50
Go out with? I married one. She's 11 months and 7 days older than me :D

Is that your drink or mine?

23rd January 2007, 23:08
I think it's yours.

Have you ever seen anyone get hit by a car?

25th January 2007, 21:42
Not that I can remember thankfully. Come close to being hit myself a few times what with being a cyclist and a rally fan (the latter being the one that's given me my closest shave).

Can you swim?

25th January 2007, 22:18
Yep. As a kid I used to spend my summers in a cottage by a lake :)

Apples or oranges?

25th January 2007, 22:56
Apples, but if we're talking juice, orange juice.

What's the most you'd spend on a pair of shoes?

26th January 2007, 00:07
I have a pair of brogues that were £120 :eek: They are very nice though.

How many pairs of shoes do you own?

26th January 2007, 00:31
Just one at a time, me.

how many books do you own?

28th January 2007, 23:47
taking count Uni books, like 30, but only 6-7 of them are literature I bought because I wanted, the other 23-24 I needed it :mark:

Do you prefer shirts or t-shirts?

29th January 2007, 05:40
Shirts, personally.

Do you have any pets?

29th January 2007, 09:46
No but I have a two year boy I'll swap for a goldfish if you're offering?

Anyone for Tennis?

29th January 2007, 19:12
Sure. I'll partner with Sharapova. You can invite one of the Williams sisters... :uhoh:

Do you wear much jewlery?

29th January 2007, 20:52
Just four earings, a ring or two if I fancy it... nothing too outrageous.

How would you rate your day on a scale of 1-10 (one being worst, ten the best)?

29th January 2007, 22:18
5. Tends to be a pretty dull 5 most days.

What's your favourite smell?

30th January 2007, 00:44

Why are you here?

30th January 2007, 02:06
I'm not sure :dozey:

Have you been here long?

30th January 2007, 07:41
Nineteen years. Or, sixteen years, Or, ten years. Or, about half an hour, depending on what you mean by "here"...

Have you ever watched a woman give birth? Would you do it (again?) given a chance?

Brown, Jon Brow
30th January 2007, 11:38
No way!!!!!!!!!!!!

What's you favourite type of cheese?

30th January 2007, 23:33
Brie, or camambert.

'80s or '90s?

30th January 2007, 23:38
90's, even though the 80's had Group B.

Four wheels or two?

31st January 2007, 01:20
Depends on the weather but given the choice on a nice sunny day, two wheels everytime :)

Is that dirt or a scar on your face?

31st January 2007, 06:08
I was once hit on the eyelid by a Frisbee, but the scar has faded so it must be dirt. Or, it could be the scar from the time I hit myself in the head with a hammer.

Do you like stationary?

Brown, Jon Brow
31st January 2007, 10:05
I prefer to be moving than being stationary ;)

Richard or Judy?

31st January 2007, 10:10
Judy Bailey, the "mother of the nation", over the boring Richard Long.

taking your own notes, or printouts of the powerpoint slides? (in lectures)

31st January 2007, 11:27
Own notes, the powerpoint slides will only be of bullet points of the subject discussed whereas my notes would be a bit more indepth.

£5,000,000 now or £20,000 a year for life?

31st January 2007, 11:45
£5,000,000 now

Have you ever won anything, and if so do you still have it?

1st February 2007, 15:30
I won a mountain bike when I was young but my mom went and sold it claiming my brothers hand me down one was fine for me... I've won little things like boring vouchers... but nothing that I can really keep.

If you could be anywhere at all right now where would you choose to be?

1st February 2007, 19:40
Anywhere with good company and a good supply of cold beer :)

If you could spend one night in the pub with any person (alive or dead), who would it be?

2nd February 2007, 01:00
My best mate Michael, unfortunately the IRA removed that possibility a few years ago ;(

When was the last time you went to church?

2nd February 2007, 07:10
I worked in a Catholic rest home until the end of January, went into and out of the chapel there all the time. Apart from that, about ten years.

Own notes, the powerpoint slides will only be of bullet points of the subject discussed whereas my notes would be a bit more indepth.

Not in the Nursing school, they don't really know how to lecture...

Next question: What are you going to be doing in a month's time?

2nd February 2007, 09:55
Starting a new job :D

Do you still own any teddy bears?

2nd February 2007, 10:01
No, cant remember if I had any, could have, not sure, but no, do not own any.

When last did you take a vacation and where did you go to?

2nd February 2007, 10:09
Last Novemeber, California :D

Are you taking a vacation this year?

2nd February 2007, 11:01
I hope so but I never make plans in advance.

How many jobs have you had?

Brown, Jon Brow
2nd February 2007, 13:37
2 part time and 1work experience at a Jaguar Garage :D

Red Hot Chili Peppers or U2??

2nd February 2007, 16:22

What was/is your favourite childhood toy?

2nd February 2007, 17:44
My train set or my bike.

Good day or bad day today?

2nd February 2007, 21:35
Good day :)

Have you ever fired a gun?

2nd February 2007, 22:15
Never a handgun.
Only my dad's old hunting rifles... A 20-guage shotgun and a wee little .22 pump action :mark:

What's your most feared phobia?

3rd February 2007, 12:08

Have you ever dyed your hair, and if so what colour?

3rd February 2007, 18:10
Yep a few times. I've dyed it a lighter shade of blonde than my normal blonde hair!

Do you recycle?

4th February 2007, 02:11
Yes, as much as possible.

What time is it?

4th February 2007, 08:07

Stripes or spots?

7th February 2007, 19:32
Why not both. A lovely pair of green striped trousers with orange polka dots... would fit in nicely on the links :)

Read any good books lately?

8th February 2007, 05:57
One of the best books I've read is a fantasy novel called Corbenic, by an author called Catherine Fisher. Apart from that, just textbooks :(

What's the worst job you've ever had?

8th February 2007, 23:27
Only had two, including my current one so would have to say the other. I worked in a warehouse distributing healthcare products with a bunch of people that could make Jade Goody look like Einstein. It was soul destroying but it paid for beer and that's the main thing.

What's the most embaressing thing you've done in public?

9th February 2007, 06:39
I once vomited in class, during an English lesson at high school. That's what I think is the most embarrassing thing I've done in public.

Would you appear in Big Brother, given the chance?

9th February 2007, 16:49

If you were given a round-trip air travel ticket to anywhere you wanted, where would you go?

9th February 2007, 20:20

What was the first album you ever bought, and who was it by?

9th February 2007, 20:27
(Oh dear Lord, here I go "dating" myself again ( :uhoh: )... )

Photograph (the LP :erm: ) by Ringo Star :mark:

Do you buy lottery tickets?

9th February 2007, 21:17
nope... can't afford to!!!

What's the wierdest dream you've ever had?

9th February 2007, 22:14
(from the very few I remember) meeting Michael Schumacher in a football stadium :erm:

why your favourite category of motorsport is your favourite?

10th February 2007, 12:48
F1 - been watching it for 30 years so it has almost become part of life.

Has anyone seen my keys?

11th February 2007, 07:04
I can't remember back that far, but I bought Origin of Symmetry by Muse yesterday.

What can you cook the best?

11th February 2007, 21:34
fried eggs :mark:

which language would you like to learn/speak?

12th February 2007, 06:11
French. I learned it at high school and now I'm a bit rusty, but I'm trying to improve...

Have you ever failed an exam?

12th February 2007, 23:43
I failed my first driving exam (the written part)... :uhoh: :mark:

Cash or debit?

13th February 2007, 06:43
Cash, it feels like you're spending less, somehow.

Attractive person with cold hands or unattractive person with warm hands?

13th February 2007, 09:32
Cold hands, warm heart ;)

Can I help you?