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28th January 2014, 12:50
Hmm... I remember everything from that period ( always amazing my best friend when I recall names, pets, events, sayings, that she can’t remember anymore :p ). If I look back I’m impressed by the strength and unity of my family and of their friends. There were tough times when most of them lost everything but people were warm, close and continued to live their lives without complaining and supporting each other. I think that’s the reason I’m so disappointed today. I was raised that way and in time I had to face another world, of greed, selfishness and hipocrisy.

When was the last time you bought a piece of furniture?

28th January 2014, 19:12
About a year ago, I was refurbishing my bedroom and bought several items. Wardrobe, Drawers, Bookcase and Computer Desk.

Do you watch any USA TV shows?

28th January 2014, 19:37
I try not to, other than Mythbusters.

Are you a dog or cat person

28th January 2014, 20:06
Don't have either, but I prefer Dogs.

If you had to choose, what would be your favourite American Sport?

28th January 2014, 21:40
None of them. Can't understand them, don't even bother to understand them. Why should I?

Have you ever tried illegal drugs?

28th January 2014, 22:44
Nope. I'm sensible

Do you have any dreams which you believe you can make come true?

29th January 2014, 00:44
]Yeah. The dream of going to sleep and then never wake up again.

When was the last time you felt down?

29th January 2014, 09:19
I feel down right now. I fell over on my ankle yesterday and I cant put any weight on it and am on crutches now. I guess if its not better in a couple of days it will be a trip to Hospital. Works off and pretty fed up now.

Have you ever broken a bone?

29th January 2014, 09:52
Not yet but I have a million chances to happen these days since the snow won't stop for days and the road to work has become a real adventure.

Have you ever had an enema? :devil: :p

29th January 2014, 19:57
Not intentionally, but I did fall on my butt water-skiing and the effect was the same.

If you could choose would you rather live a long, long life that was quite boring, or a shorter life that was fun-filled?

30th January 2014, 09:06
There's no option. A boring life doesn't make me wish to live long ( as you can plainly see in my posts :p), a fun-filled life wouldn't probably make me wish to die.:confused:

Have you ever slipped on ice?

30th January 2014, 09:14
Yes. A few years ago I fell over when walking to the local shop. I have also slipped on ice while riding my bike.

How long is a piece of string?

30th January 2014, 09:29
Longer than my patience.

What is a string?

30th January 2014, 16:25
Use it for tying parcels up or hanging something from the ceiling. Anything you like. Its like Twine/Rope.

Do you think I am really Euro Troll?

30th January 2014, 17:22
You're not. But you two have many things in common. When I talk to you it's like I'm talking to him. (well, I said it. But anyway I have a feeling that most of the forumers think I have a sick mind, :p)

Would you like to be EuroTroll?

30th January 2014, 17:25
Not me.

Have you ever changed your user login ID on this forum?

30th January 2014, 20:07
No. Although that "djo'' sounds terrible.

Are you fed up with this winter?

30th January 2014, 20:36
We have had the wettest winter since records began over the south of the UK, so I am a bit fed up of rain, but as you know gadjo_dilo I would like some snow.

When did you last go the library?

30th January 2014, 20:50
Yesterday. I normally read two or three books every two weeks, so I am a regular vistor.

What sort of books do you like to read?

31st January 2014, 12:23
Don't read too much these days. I can't concentrate on serious things. I'd rather read essays.

What plans do you have for this weekend?
( glad I was the one to ask the Q :p)

2nd February 2014, 19:53
I haven't been able to do much at all. Broken foot means boredom.

When's your next day off of work?

2nd February 2014, 20:06
Next Thursday is a national holiday.

Are you a home-handy type, or do you pay someone else to fix stuff?

2nd February 2014, 20:36
I used to be a "ten-thumbed craftsman" as I can't afford to pay someone to do it. But now I'm suffering from arthritis

Which Rugby team do you think played ABSOLUTE CR4P this weekend?

3rd February 2014, 02:59
all rugby teams play absolute crap, it goes with the game :)

do you prefer sweets or savouries?

3rd February 2014, 08:13
Like both but I prefer sweets.

What are you doing right now apart from answering a stupid question?

3rd February 2014, 08:25
Preparing to go for a follow up appointment for my broken foot. I have to be at Hospital in 1 1/2 hours.

Have you ever appeared on TV/Radio or in a Newspaper etc.?

3rd February 2014, 10:15
I've already answered this at page 94. Hope for a better coverage when I'll apply the well deserved punishment to my boss. :p

What have you for lunch today?

3rd February 2014, 11:50
Just a Sandwich and Apple probably. Pretty boring.

Can you think of a question I can ask?

3rd February 2014, 12:18
No. I'm focused on my work now. :p

Do you use to sleep in the afternoon? I mean in weekends or days off.

3rd February 2014, 14:54
Not really, I sleep a long time at night.

If you are focusing on your work, why are you still answering silly questions on here? ;) :p

3rd February 2014, 15:06
Because otherwise my boring and stressful work would make me jump from the 6th floor. :p

What plans do you have for the summer holiday?

3rd February 2014, 15:16
Not sure yet. Its I have alot of work in the summer so get only 1 week in the summer. I have to plan tactics.

What will you do when you retire? Will you travel or have a quiet life?

3rd February 2014, 15:26
Lol. In my country people who retire generally live at the limit of subsistence. They travel for treatment to obscure destinations with subsidies for pensioners. Can't see me having mud baths at Techirghiol or drinking mineral water at Olanesti.....
Matter of fact I don't think I'll live so long. ;(

Since when do you know your best friend?

3rd February 2014, 15:29
I'll be honest. I don't really have a best friend. I have a load of very good friends who I play football with and meet regularly, but no one who is a special "best friend".

Sad I know.

What first comes to your mind about 2003?

3rd February 2014, 15:35
Sad I know.

Where do you play football?

3rd February 2014, 15:53
I play(played- I haven't played for months with different injuries) in my hometown for a local club. Marconi Athletic, we are about as bad as we could be but we are friends and all enjoy it.
Its over the other side of town and is about a 15 minute drive.

Have you ever played a sport?

3rd February 2014, 17:07
No. I was too busy learning. :p
Matter of fact I was always bad at sports although I enjoyed playing them. Played football in the street (girls were always the ""pole of defence":laugh:). We were too poor to afford tennis rockets so we played tennis with the lids of wooden boxes. Ha, ha.......

Do you have a fav pub ?

3rd February 2014, 19:47
Not really. If I have a couple of drinks it is usually at the Football club

How awesome are dolphins?

3rd February 2014, 20:47
Pretty Awesome. A beautiful, sleek powerful hunter with an intelligence that is rare on planet earth to that extreme. Some argue that they are the next most intelligent after humans. A true miracle of nature.

Would like to swim with or have you swum with Dolphins?

3rd February 2014, 22:20
No & no.

What age were you when you got your first job?

3rd February 2014, 22:53

What is your most prized possession? (Memories more than value)

4th February 2014, 03:02
My first guitar, an Epiphone Hummingbird. I have had it since 1977, it sits at home on a stand and gets polished from time to time, but I tend to play my other guitars and leave the Hummingbird in retirement.

Is "Big Brother" really watching?

4th February 2014, 09:39
Yeah but I don't care. It's funny to see younger people obsessed with being controlled when in the past you had to face the fearful political police known as "Securitate" or "the Eye and the Eardrum Cooperative" :p

Do you play chess?

4th February 2014, 12:20
I have done in the past but I was never very good. I could never master being able to think more than 2 or maybe 3 moves ahead. Not the planning 10 moves and laying traps.

My uncle is from Croatia and is very good at chess, but he was never able to teach me much.

To return the question to whoever. Do you play Chess?

4th February 2014, 12:51
No. That's for intelligent people. :p

Do you eat pop corn when you're going to the movies?

4th February 2014, 13:43
I hardly ever go to the movies to be honest, but when I do I tend to go for chocolate.

What can you see out of the nearest window to you?

4th February 2014, 14:20
The infamous Palace of Parliament, the second largest building in the world. It's across the street.

Can you sew?

4th February 2014, 17:24
Not really. I can just about mend a hole in my trousers, but anything more advanced and I am screwed. :p

Have you ever seen the real father Christmas?

4th February 2014, 19:46
The real Father Christmas is a marketing gimmick from Coca-Cola. Saint Nicholas or Santa Claus is a whole different thing.

What is the most annoying thing your next door neighbours do?

4th February 2014, 20:17
It's what they don't do that bothers me. They never shovel the snow off their sidewalk, so I have to plod through the stuff on my way to the bus stop every morning.

Will you be watching the Olympics?

4th February 2014, 20:28
Don't think so. I'm not a fan of winter sports.

When was the last time you were at a party?

5th February 2014, 09:51
New Years eve I suppose. We had a family gathering/party. Not very exciting but I don't go to many parties.

What is the weather like with you today?

5th February 2014, 11:28
Very unfriendly. -12C over night, about -7C now. Cloudy and the layer of snow is frozen and the pavement is a real skate ring. When I woke up I don't know if it were more than 8C in my bedroom. :mad:

Would you like to have more forumers involved in this thread?

5th February 2014, 14:27
I enjoy the "banter" with the few who show up here, but it could do with some more contributions as I am running out of questions. :p

Where have all the posters gone?

5th February 2014, 15:20
They're bored of our company.

When you were in school did you have one of those copybooks with Q for friends? We used to call them "oracles".

5th February 2014, 22:22
I don't think so, but I cant remember much about the old days. :p

Are you interested in Space and the Universe and astronomy?

5th February 2014, 22:33
Used to be when I was younger. These. days I've become a boring person.

Have you ever seen a falling star?

6th February 2014, 00:05
No, I've looked for them when the August meteor shower comes, but without any luck

Have you ever shot anything?

6th February 2014, 07:56
Apart from a session of 5 bullets shooting during the premilitary service I've never did. Even that time I think I missed the target.:p

Have you ever had your hair permed? :p

6th February 2014, 09:26
I have never had enough hair to Perm it. I am not bald, but since I was young I have cut my hair short. Although if I let it grow it does go a bit curly.

What style of hair do you currently have?

6th February 2014, 09:46
Neither my hair is what it used to be.... :mad:
I simply cut it at my chin's length. My cousin ( who's usually cutting it ) calls this "mala mujer coiffure" ( inspired by a colombian telenovela ).

Do you have a manicure? :p

6th February 2014, 10:03
Everyday of course. ;)

Tea or Coffee or even something else?

6th February 2014, 10:45
Coffee. Tea only when I'm sick.

When it's summer do you wear sandals?

6th February 2014, 10:53
Not really unless I am on the beach or something like that.

Do you think I am spending to much time on this forum?

6th February 2014, 11:11
No, no, no, no, no......
You're the only one who still wants to talk to me.

Do you like to spend time on this forum or you do it just because you don't have something better to do?

6th February 2014, 11:28
I really enjoy posting here. I post a couple of forums. I have a broken foot now so I have plenty of time on my hands.

What is your favourite Fruit?

6th February 2014, 11:35
Oranges cos they're juicy
Sour cherries and plums cos they're sourish.

What's your favourite desert?

6th February 2014, 13:19
hmmmmmm. Apple Crumble and Custard. Yum Yum.

I hate Banana's, do you like Banana's?

6th February 2014, 13:45
Not very much. I eat it but I don't have a special appetence for it.

Have you had a tooth ( apart of milk teeth ) pulled out?

6th February 2014, 14:16
Not Yet.

What do you use Facebook/Twitter?

6th February 2014, 14:26
I have a facebook account but I don't have friends. I mean I have just 5 and one of them is annoying active and posts all night long, my phone beeps and I wake up. I hardly post something, I'm too shy.

How many friends do you have on facebook?

6th February 2014, 16:10
I have 145 friends on Facebook. However about 100 of these I haven't met since school and some I worked with years ago.

I have 45 that are family members plus closer friends.

I too am shy in person but I am not really sure why. Why are you shy?

6th February 2014, 17:39
Because generally people can't stand me probably cos I'm ugly, stupid, unskilful, boring, uneducated, out of fashion, grumpy, ridiculous, naive, childish, etc., etc.

Have you ever attended dancing classes?

6th February 2014, 19:55
I'll answer you question with a question. Have you watched the old Disney classic Fantasia, particularly the dancing Hippo's? If I was 100x more elegant than I am I might just reach the standard of a dancing Hippo. So No I have never attended dance lessons, it would be like asking a fish to take flying lessons.

Other than in school, what lessons have you had?

6th February 2014, 21:05
Lessons? ....
I attended a so called ''course of cinematographic education'' of half an hour two times/month. Also a course of English at work. My biggest regret is that I don't speak French and don't play piano - the two conditions to be considered a lady. :p

Have you ever broken a window?

6th February 2014, 21:33
Yes. When I was young (about 5 or 6) I threw a croquet mallet and it smashed through a window. Then about 3 years ago I was using a grass strimmer and a stone flew up and broke another.

When did you last eat in a restaurant or café or fast food place?

6th February 2014, 21:49
Probably before Christmas. Probably at Pizza Hut.

Do you celebrate Valentine's Day?

6th February 2014, 22:10
Don't have anyone to celebrate it with, but to be honest I don't like the idea much anyway.

Can you drive? and if so what is the car you drive?

6th February 2014, 23:06
Don't have a driving licence although my dad was a driver and took me with him a lot during his job. When Ii was a kid I learnt all the rules from him and from a book that was my fav.

What is your fav flower?

7th February 2014, 01:16



To be honest I love most flowers and plants in general. Miracles of nature.

What is your favourite flower/plant?

7th February 2014, 02:04
I love hibiscus flowers, partly because they are truly beautiful and partly because of where the are from and the imagery they bring up, and also pohutakawa trees in summer are truly awesome.


Watching the news, especially from the U.K. the storms look truly aweful. Is everything ok with you?

7th February 2014, 02:51
Oh yes they have been rather bad. I've been visiting Portsmouth (U.K.) recently and as you know that's by the sea. :)

I say, it was very windy indeed there.

I watched The Mist (2007) the other night - thought it was very good. Have you seen it? :)

(Am I doing this right, I really have no idea...)

7th February 2014, 07:57
No but now that I have your recommandation I'll watch it if I get the chance.

Do you like to watch movies in a cinema?

7th February 2014, 11:18
(rjbetty - Nice to see you posting a question)

Yes I do like watching films at the cinema, however I rarely actually get to go.

Is rjbetty going to be a regular visitor now?

7th February 2014, 12:41
I don't know but let's hope rjbetty will be more than a "visitor".

How often do you change your bed sheet?

7th February 2014, 13:56
Not as often as I should. :p

I might have asked this before :confused:

Which town or City do you live in and if its a major City, then which district do you live in?

7th February 2014, 15:47
I live in Bucharest. It's divided in 6 sectors and I live in sector1.

Do you have a lucky number?

7th February 2014, 15:55
Yes, it's Sleven.

How many cows in a field?

7th February 2014, 16:12
Depending on da type.....

What's the pl and sg form for milk?

7th February 2014, 16:17
Milk and lots of milk.

How many fingers am I holding up?

7th February 2014, 17:16

How many active neurons have I?

7th February 2014, 17:46
Very many lots and loads.

Why does the sky appear to be blue?

7th February 2014, 18:29
Isn't it something to do with light refracting in the atmosphere and the blue spectrum coming through. Something like that anyway. The higher you go the darker it gets because the less atmosphere it has to come through.

(I'm no scientist)

Which way is the wind blowing?

7th February 2014, 18:59
It's related to atmospheric pressure and temperature but. I'm not a scientist either. :p

Why do we sleep. during night?

7th February 2014, 19:14
Some primates are nocturnal, so at some point along our distant past I guess primates to monkeys changed sleeping patterns because of hunting or habitat changes.

(Guess what :p I'm not a biologist)

Do you use public transport?

7th February 2014, 19:22
Yes. Esp. subway. (I travel for free.:p sometimes I'm caught in the act )

How can a loser ever win?

9th February 2014, 00:31
By cheating maybe?

Just how hot is too hot?

9th February 2014, 15:01
:rolleyes: I'm too dumb to answer this.

Have you ever been to a fancy dress ball? If yes what did you wear?

9th February 2014, 20:23
Yes. I wore a fancy dress... honestly.

Who is the most famous, well known, notorious person you have ever met?

9th February 2014, 21:07
Due to one of my cousins who worked for the national agency of artistic management I met a few actors and musicians but they would sound irrelevant for you. Out of the country the only famous Romanians are Ilie Nastase, Nadia Comaneci and Gica Hagi. Never met one of them although I remember how I freezed for hours for Ilie's autograph.

Who is your fav athlete?

9th February 2014, 21:31
By athlete I assume you mean general sportsperson, rather than an athletics competitor.
Fav sportsman Michael Phelps, or track and field athlete Mo Farah.

Fav racing driver?

10th February 2014, 08:18
Lol. When I was a kid whenever I was asked about my fav sportsman I would have answered Jackie Stewart although my knowledge was limited to an interview in an Auto Almanach and many photos with his gorgeous wife. Then I used to like Gilles Villeneuve and Ayrton Senna, once again because of that bloody almanach. These days I don't have a fav and I don't follow F1.

Will this new week bring something special for you?

10th February 2014, 09:33
Over the last few years, its been Lionel Messi. I love the way he has been playing football.

What's the greatest smell in the world?

10th February 2014, 12:18
Over the last few years, its been Lionel Messi. I love the way he has been playing football.

This is the answer to what Q? :confused:

The smell of fresh baked bread.

Which forum member ( apart from me, of course :p ) would you like to meet in real life?

10th February 2014, 17:03
Whoops sorry about my weird answer before, I must have missed the last couple of posts on a new page. That was my answer to the athlete question. Sorry for confusion. :o

Back to the correct question hopefully. :p

hmmmm.. How can I answer this without offending people. I guess if I couldn't meet you Gadjo then it would be rjbetty, Henners. Both are quite close and we tend to share a similar outlook.

If motorsport Forums had a meeting other forumers event close to where you live, would you attend?

10th February 2014, 17:45
Of course not. But I'll probably spy them somehow. :p That's my style. :devil:

Have you ever slapped someone?

10th February 2014, 17:53
myself that's about it.

I am generally very calm and although I may get annoyed by people I have never really slapped or punched anyone.

Would have a go at Luge (Winter Sport of going down a slope on a tray)?

10th February 2014, 18:44
Lol. I did it when I was younger. When I hadn't a proper sledge I used a plastic bag. :laugh:
Some people even used the toilet lids. :laugh:


Do you sing in the shower?

10th February 2014, 19:58
If I were to sing in the shower, the water would refuse to come out of the shower head, so that is a no:)

Is there a silly little thing that you are scared of (not a big thing like earthquakes, volcanoes, or tsunami, just something apparently insignificant that turns your blood cold)?

10th February 2014, 20:15
Bugs, spiders, moths.....
Insects in general.

Do you vote when elections come?

10th February 2014, 22:50
Yes. Regardless of whether you question the system or whether its worth it, you should always vote as you have one vote like every other person in your country and its the way to have your say. If you don't vote, then you have no right to question the way things are done.

Many people in the UK don't bother voting. Do you think this is irresponsible and disrespectful to their own country and to countries which don't have the vote?

11th February 2014, 03:29
Not really. It should be a personal choice. In Australia (as far as I know, though I am often wrong) it is illegal not to vote, I disagree with this, a democratic society should be allowed to decide for themselves. But if you don't vote you have no right to complain about the government (just as you said Steve).

in NZ we have about 4.5 million people. We have over 120 MP's (this changes slightly each election due to the MMP system). Is this too many considering that a country as big as Germany has 25 full members with another 10 advisory members and a population of 80.4 million?

11th February 2014, 09:21
I don't know your system, but generally I suppose you could look at it either way. That high ratio of MPs could be seen as good as you have more chance of interaction with your MP and thus more of a voice etc. However if they are funded like they are in the UK and receive benefits and high wages and possibly milk the system, then that is more funding per person average.

Have you ever contacted your local government for anything major?

11th February 2014, 11:04
Lol, yes. At work I have to cope with a lot of petitions from citizens more or less pissed off. Their requests are sometimes so absurd that in a jokey way I used to say I’d write something to a public institution just to see what answer I’ll get. The opportunity came when I had to get some money from the state and they delayed a lot. So I wrote a 3 pages petition to our Government, adressed to the Prime Minister. I used the literary style of a retired oldie (mixed with my own experience in that field to show them that I’m a very documented person). It was a laugh. I ended up asking 7 punctual questions with a solid fundamentation. The result was 5 rows of answer saying that to my request they’ll apply the governamental decision no. As if I didn’t know it. :laugh:
Now whenever I get complaints from my boss that I haven’t answered all the Q of the idiots I show him my own letter from the Government.

Have you ever been so drunk that you fell down?

11th February 2014, 16:35
Nope. Don't drink.

Where was the last place you went on a holiday? (Probably been asked before)

11th February 2014, 17:21
2 Mai/Vama Veche.

Did you have Chicken pox?

11th February 2014, 20:08
I am one of the small % of the population that has had it twice. First when I was a little kid, then again when I was studying for my I.T. degree. As a kid is is just annoying, but as an adult the virus is quite serious. When the doctor saw me she told me that the side effects of it included things like sterility, high fever, possible heart damage and death... sounds quite nasty:)

What id the Capitol of Uzbekistan?

12th February 2014, 12:46

Was Anfield drunk when he typed the Q above?

12th February 2014, 15:42
I don't know, but all I know is that I didn't know the answer. I could have looked it up, but wasn't sure whether that was cheating.

Would it have been cheating to look up the answer?

12th February 2014, 19:51
No, true intelligence is knowing when you need to use outside sources to find an answer. (and no Gadjo I was not drunk (well not too drunk :disturb: ) I just thought itn was time to ask a completely irrelevant question.

Are you happy to admit when you are wrong about something, or do you become adamant that you are right and the rest of the world is mistaken?

12th February 2014, 20:15
I am never wrong :D

Do you miss the geography thread?

12th February 2014, 20:53
Yeeeeeeessssss.....It was funny and there's where I met one of my best friends.

Which Spice Girl was your fav? :p

12th February 2014, 21:00
Who are the Spice Girls? ;)

What country that you have never been to do you like the sound of?

12th February 2014, 21:20
Which of your 2 Q should I answer? I'll pick the second.

What language that you don't speak do you like the sound of?

12th February 2014, 21:46
I have always liked the idea of speaking Spanish. I guess as I am a football nut, there is a lot of football in which Spanish is first language. Spain, Central and South America

I just had a look for the geography thread. So the question is.

Why cant I find the Geography Thread?

12th February 2014, 22:20
Because it wasn't just one thread but 4 or 5. All called 'How good is your geographic?"". :p
See page 5 of Chit Chat.

Have you ever been singing karaoke?

12th February 2014, 22:51
I am too shy.

When did you last write a letter to someone.

12th February 2014, 22:59
On Last Christmas. Not to Santa though....

What was the last exhibition you've seen?

13th February 2014, 10:05
It was an exhibition of model engineering about 2 years ago.

What was the last Museum you visited?

13th February 2014, 10:36
I visited 2 museums in Câmpina: Nicolae Grigorescu ( romanian painter ) and Iulia Hasdeu Castle ( I.H. was a very special girl who died when she was 18. They say her father B.P. Hasdeu who was a writer, scientist, historic, etc. and a great personality of his time built this castle at the indications she gave him after death through spiritism sessions. The place was famous for the spiritism sesssions of BPH in which he communicated with his daughter. I thought the place would be full of mistery but it was a disappointment ).

Have you ever been to a turkish bath?

13th February 2014, 12:56
No afraid not. A boring answer I know.

What is your favourite TV programme?

13th February 2014, 15:09
Lumea lui Banciu ( Banciu's World ). Love the guy. He's a good laugh and I have a lot of memories in common with him.

If you decide to take a dog what breed will you choose?

13th February 2014, 15:47
Good Q as I love dogs.
I'd probably pick either an English Border Collie or a Black Labrador Retriever.

Should we try to restart the Geography thread?

13th February 2014, 15:50
Yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes Yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes Yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes Yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes Yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes Yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes Yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes Yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes .....

Would you restart it?

13th February 2014, 19:37
It was before my time, I don't know what you are all talking.

Can someone enlighten me?

13th February 2014, 20:47
Have a look in the Chit Chat section. I have just relaunched the Thread. :p

Are you happy I re-launched the Geographic thread?

13th February 2014, 22:20
Yes. :kiss:

Do you think people will post in the geographic thread?

13th February 2014, 23:00
Probably not. Its so quiet round here.

What is the most important Sport for your country?

14th February 2014, 08:10
Like everywhere in the civilised world it's football ( or soccer or whatever you call it ). Don't know why cos we're cr*p at it.

Do you have a nickname in real life?

14th February 2014, 08:58
NO, but I am happy that geo thread is back..
Am I doing this right?

^ and no you are NOT crap at it (well right now? yes...but not in the past.....)

14th February 2014, 09:04
Yes. You are doing it right. Haha

What is your countries second Sport?

14th February 2014, 10:11
I don't know. Nobody is doing any sport today unless it may help to get some money. Gymnastics used to be very popular but it requires hard work so we lost supremacy in women gym. I think tennis might be the second sport.

What was your first job and how old were you when you got it? ( probably asked before)

14th February 2014, 11:35
My first job was to help clean up after the "V Festival" which is one of Britains biggest music festivals. It has a lot of major stars there.

Anyway I was looking for any job at the time when I 18, and so got a placement with an employment agency and the first job I got was to help clean up after this festival. It was pouring with rain and the litter covered a couple of square KM. It was a nightmare, it was soaking wet and we were on our knees all day and the boss man was a tyrant. Telling us to eat dirt and not worry about safe conditions and to have no breaks.

I quit after one day, but it still remains the worst days work I have ever had. Yuck.

Do you like to play Cards? If so what is your favourite game? (Probably asked before. Might even be where I got the idea from)

14th February 2014, 12:27
It's a way to pass time when meeting with friends. Haven't played cards for years but last summer I've met on holiday with my old friends and we spent evenings playing cards to remember the good old years when we were young and poor and the only entertainment at the seaside was playing cards and drinking beer (Matter of fact even now we didn't have other alternative in 2 Mai although now we're old and rich :p). We started to meet again since the New Year. We play Whist cos it's convinient to play in 6. Would like to try Rentz but it would take too much time.

Do you play Solitaire?

14th February 2014, 13:07
Yes I try, but I think I probably play it wrong. As you say passes the time.

Can you swim?

14th February 2014, 13:18
Yes but I'm not very good at it. Anyway I don't get drowned.... Love the sea. When I'm at seaside I spend about 15 min on the beach and the rest of the time into the water. Usually I get a tan of a peasant, gypsy-dark on my face, back and arms while the belly and legs stay white. :laugh:

Do you like to lay in the sun?

14th February 2014, 14:21
No. I feel ill if I just lay in the sun. I enjoy the sun, but only while having some shade close by.

Have you ever been / when were you on a boat last?

14th February 2014, 15:56
Can't remember when but anyway my boat experiences are resumed to crossing lake Herastrau or Techirghiol.:p

Have you ever used a ski jet?

14th February 2014, 16:14
No. It looks like fun though.

What is your least favourite household chore/job?

14th February 2014, 16:53
That's a difficult Q... Can't pick one as I hate ALL of them.
Probably cooking. I'm cooking right now. :mad:

For what household/chore do you think you have special skills?

14th February 2014, 17:54
I am king at dusting away the cobwebs.

What are/did you cook last?

14th February 2014, 18:22
I was sure you're gonna ask this. :mad:
Oriental salad. Any idiot can do it. Guess what, I screwed it again.....

Do you have a nickname for your boss?

14th February 2014, 22:32
Not that I care to reveal. haha.

No not really. His name is Tom so not much to go with.

Do you think Man will ever live on the Moon?

14th February 2014, 23:11
Only if he's exiled there.:p

Do you swear?

15th February 2014, 00:28
Yes I am afraid so. Not when my parents or close family are present. However when on my own or with my friends I do swear a bit.

Which do you prefer Chocolate or other sweets (hard boiled or chewy)

15th February 2014, 15:12
Anything hard( :p) and sweet.

Is there an animal you can't stand?

15th February 2014, 16:18
Not really. I think all natures pretty amazing.

But if I had to name one that I don't like to get too close to, its got to be frogs and toads

Whats your favourite animal?

15th February 2014, 19:35
Cats, penguins and seals.

What are you wearing now? ( I know I've asked this before but I suppose you changed your clothes in the meantime )

15th February 2014, 21:58
T Shirt and Shorts. Tucked up at home in the warm.

Do you ever drink hot chocolate?

15th February 2014, 23:00
No. Not that I don't like it but I'm not used to.

Have you ever run from home without telling anybody?

16th February 2014, 08:28
No. I almost did once when I was young 17-18 ish. I had an argument with my Dad which was unusual. I went to get my car keys but couldn't find them. So escape over.

How long does it take you to get to work?

16th February 2014, 10:58
If I go by subway about 30 min. If I walk about 40 min.
Don't think that I walk with a speed near the one of a subway, the difference is due to the route in both cases. Even when I take. the subway I have to walk a lot (the trip by subway is about 3-4 min.)and I take it cos it's more convenient to walk on a long alley with linden trees and without crossroads continuing to dream that I'm not going to work but to an exotic place.

What is/was your fav thread on Motorsport forum?

16th February 2014, 11:37
My most posted on thread is this one. Interview people below. However I think the best time I had was posting on the Le Man 24 hour thread last year.

There was only about 6 of us posting, but there was a lot of useful info and good spirit. And no trolling at all.

I will pass the question on. What is/was your fav thread on Motorsport forum?

16th February 2014, 12:24
""message to gadjo dilo"" of course. :p

What is your fav city?

16th February 2014, 13:41
My hometown of Chelmsford officially became a City in 2012. So it would have to be us. :p

Have you ever been on a steam train?

16th February 2014, 19:04
Yes. I'm old enough to have travelled on steam trains in Kenya and I've also travelled on some of the preserved steam railways in England like the Bluebell Railway.

On the same sort of theme, have you ever flown in a piston engined aircraft?

16th February 2014, 20:09
Frequently. NZ is a smallish country and many of the commuter routes use small planes rather than commuter jets. My first sky-dive was also out of a Cessna 206.

Have you ever skydived? - would you?

16th February 2014, 20:10
Frequently. NZ is a smallish country and many of the commuter routes use small planes rather than commuter jets. My first sky-dive was also out of a Cessna 206.

Have you ever skydived? - would you?

16th February 2014, 20:19
no and no.

Will you throw a party on your birthday?

16th February 2014, 20:49
Not If I can help it. I like a nice quiet day if possible. I am not one for lots of people.

Are you a people person? i.e- Are you comfortable in large crowds or do you prefer small groups or time to yourself?

16th February 2014, 22:52
no, I'm more the hermit type.

Do you like to take photos?

17th February 2014, 00:06
Yes. I have recently became interested in the last few years. I have been looking up old photo's of my hometown from 1865-1990s and I plan to take some modern photo's to match and continue the tradition for myself.

Have you seen a film at the cinema lately?

17th February 2014, 00:18
I saw "Rush" and the last before that was "Senna" and before that I can't remember - probably "Transformers" with my 3-year old son (he's now 33!)

Do you think anybody will ever produce a motor racing film that fans will approve of?

17th February 2014, 03:05
As far as I remember I liked this movie but it's true, I'm not a fan.....:p.
Then it also was Le Mans with Steve McQueen,

What's your fav song from a movie?

17th February 2014, 10:04
Tough one.

erm..... to honest I am not a huge film fan so I don't know many. I cant answer sorry.

Are you good at mathematics?

17th February 2014, 10:23
Now that’s a tough one....At this very moment I’m totally blank as my job doesn’t require math knowledge and I forgot all I’ve learnt in school. Used to be good on elementary school, then on high school I studied at one of the best schools in my country that was ultra specialized in math and I was submediocre. That was probably the time when I started to lose confidence in me. But then I went to university when I noticed I was way better at math than most of my colleagues. To be honest never liked it too much and don’t think I have a special skill for it. Also can’t understand why I had to spend so much time and cry rivers of tears ( but thx God hadn’t have to spend money ) studying it.

Are you good at geography? :devil: :p

17th February 2014, 10:49
Judging on how I missed Donkeys answer yesterday in the Geography thread I suppose I am rubbish. :(

Are you happy to see the geography thread up and running again?

17th February 2014, 10:57
Hey.....I've already answered it a few days ago.... Of course yes.

How good is your memory? :devil:

17th February 2014, 12:11
Not good enough. We need some other people to ask questions. I am running low on ideas.

Are you worried about climate changes occurring around the globe?

17th February 2014, 12:32
I am worried about it, yes.
We had a very pleasant climate (as pleasant as it can be in a hot, tropical country), especially in the rainy and winter seasons. But that has changed drastically over the last decade or so. (I do believe some or most of it is man-made)

Are you a religious person or do you believe in God?

17th February 2014, 12:53
I believe in God without asking too many questions, just take it for granted and I don't have a problem with this. Maybe because I belong to the eastern ( orthodox ) church. I'm more following religious traditions than being a proper religious person.

What is your fav shop?

17th February 2014, 13:49
Tesco. Because I can get all my shopping in one go. :p

What is the strangest question you have ever been asked?

17th February 2014, 14:16
If I ever has been driven in a car naked. :devil:

What were the circumstances when you felt really dirty?

17th February 2014, 14:28
I am going to take that as meaning in a literal sense. :devil:

Probably playing Football one time. It was pouring with rain and the pitch had no grass on it, it was just a complete mud bath. You would sink to you ankles and I was covered by the end. I had to have a long shower after that.

Have you ever seen a ghost?

17th February 2014, 14:34
Not yet. I've never met a member of motorsport forums.

Have you ever disguised as a ghost?

17th February 2014, 15:55
I have put a sheet over my head in the past and waved my arms around. That's about it.

Have you ever used a hammer?

17th February 2014, 17:22
Be careful. In Romanian ''hammer'' has 2 meanings. Yes. :p

Have you ever made a sculpture?

17th February 2014, 17:29
I am not a regular churchgoer, but I do believe in God and have what could be termed religious beliefs, but i keep my beliefs to myself. I suppose that, on balance, I do think of myself as a religious person.

When did you last change jobs, or think seriously of changing?

17th February 2014, 19:40
I think about changing it every day. But it's almost impossible to find a new one so I clench my teeth and endure.

Who is your fav writer?

17th February 2014, 19:52
I like Alistair Reynolds, Ben Bova and some Anne McCaffery. Plus too many more to list.

Coffee or tea first thing in the morning

17th February 2014, 20:25
Coffee every time

Do you normally eat lunch?

17th February 2014, 22:05
Yes. I have to have a regular 3 meals a day. Otherwise I go all floppy. :p

Which town or City do you live in. Or which is closest?

17th February 2014, 23:18
Come on.....You've just asked this the other day.....

Do you live in the centre of your city?

18th February 2014, 01:03
No I live in a suburb.

Have you ever written a story?

18th February 2014, 01:44
I was one of the cowriters of the Neverending story on this forum. :
It had only 11 pages though.....:p

Do you like the crosswords?

18th February 2014, 03:37
General knowledge crosswords are good, cryptic crosswords do my head in though.

Do you prefer tyo work with words or numbers?

18th February 2014, 08:10
Since I have to work with both of them the answer is none of them. Numbers requires more attention and we shall analyse them anyway and say "words" about results. Working with words means that at least 3 other bosses will read and give back the papers because in their opinion a comma is wrong placed. We have a deputy manager who always send back our works with a " discussion, please" note. Then she says the same but putting the words in other order. One day when we "discussed" a sh*t of paper I asked her who's her fav writer ( touching a sensible chord as I'm sure she's not that educated :p). She was surprised and asked why. I answered because I want to change my literary style according to her fav's in order to have my papers signed.

What name would you have liked to have in real life?

18th February 2014, 08:43
I am happy with my given name as it is.

What type of Bread do you normally eat? White, Brown, Grain or baguette's?

18th February 2014, 09:12
White. I don't have a bakery in the neighbourhood so I buy the most ordinary bread from the boutique round the corner.

Do you like pastry products?

18th February 2014, 09:42
I like a nice fruit pie. yum yum.

I am watching Curling at the moment from the winter olympics. Have you ever watched Curling.

18th February 2014, 09:48
No. Don't think it's fun.

Do you skate?

18th February 2014, 09:52
I have been ice skating a long time ago, but don't really think I would still remember how.

Do you ever go for a walk (for fun, not on the way to work)?

18th February 2014, 10:12
Yes. I'm lucky to live in the best part of the city ( well, in my opinion :p) and very close to the greatest parks.

When was the last time you offered flowers?

18th February 2014, 10:23
Around Christmas. I gave a bunch of flowers to my mother.

Do you have many photos/pictures or paintings around your house?

18th February 2014, 10:36
Not many, a few photos and the odd painting although ideally I would love to have some more paintings too (landscapes especially)

Do you play any musical instrument?

18th February 2014, 10:41
No. Part of my miseducation...

Have you ever been to a brothel? :p

18th February 2014, 10:45

(you can always begin to learn now? learning has no age limit)
Have you been on an adventurous trip? (say mountaineering..)

18th February 2014, 10:50
Nah....Not my style.

Have you ever been a member of a youth organization?

18th February 2014, 11:50

Have you ever seen a Polar Bear? (Wild or Zoo - Not on TV)

18th February 2014, 12:12
I think I saw one at the circus.

Have you ever prayed to God?

18th February 2014, 15:16
Only once. I am an atheist, but when my mother had her massive stroke. She was not expected to survive. I didn't think it would help much, but just in case I offered a prayer in my grief.

I was desperate and would try anything at that time. I hope if I am wrong and there is a God he forgives me in the end.

Do you have any friends that come from another country?

18th February 2014, 15:32
Camelopard from this forum. Never met him but he's always nice and supportive so I think of him as of a very close friend.
Otherwise not.

Don't you think that God exists if he listerned to Steve's prayer?

18th February 2014, 16:31
I know I offered the prayer. I maybe wrong. I don't claim to know for sure either way, but I still cant be convinced God exists.

Another option for me is that the incredible will for your body to preserve your own life, is so amazing that it repairs and heals itself of nearly anything. I never cease to be amazed at Life and how things repair and fight on.

Plus also I think the doctors who performed 3 major operations on my mothers brain were more responsible for her surviving than God personally. The skill of these people is incredible.

Who is Camelopard? I don't recognise the username. I assume he doesn't use the forum anymore?

18th February 2014, 17:34
I think he/she is an Aussie but I haven't seen that handle in ages....

Have you met anybody from this forum?

(btw I am quite like you on the God thingie....)

18th February 2014, 18:00
No never. I would like to some, why not.

(Especially Gadjo dilo - because she always says how shy she is :devil: :devil: )

Do you own anything rare?

18th February 2014, 19:33
(Especially Gadjo dilo - because she always says how shy she is :devil: :devil: )

You also say you're shy so figure out the boredom of our meeting :p
Camelopard decided to leave the forum because he had some fights with a certain member. He is an Aussie and was very active in the geographic thread. He's what I call a real friend.

Back to the rare things. I have 3 old Turkish gold coins. These kind of coins are usually worn by gypsies and even if I'd like to wear one I could be robbed in the middle of the street. I also have two copper flower vases made from bomshells from the WW I - another temptation for gypsy thieves.

Do you use to save money?

19th February 2014, 09:16
Yes I save money, I keep it all in a bank, so will probably more likely be stolen, than if I kept it in a tin under my bed.

Do you like Ice Hockey?

19th February 2014, 09:22
No. My brother tried for years to explain me the rules but I'm too dumb to understand.

Do you like Ice Tea?

19th February 2014, 12:38
Yes. Haven't had It for years now, but I used to drink it.

What should you be doing right now. If you weren't posting on a forum?

19th February 2014, 12:50
work. :D

What else could you be doing right now. If you weren't posting on a forum?

19th February 2014, 13:59
Crying about my broken foot. Cant do much else.

Have you ever used a yoyo?

19th February 2014, 14:17
Not a proper one. But I used a wedding ring hanging on a string to invoke spirits of the deaths :skull:

Have you ever made somebody cry?

19th February 2014, 18:39
Yes, but not recently that I can recall.

Do you travel much for work?

19th February 2014, 19:40
No. My at*e is glued to the chair all the time.

Have you ever sung in a choir?

19th February 2014, 19:54
Only at school.

Roughly what were you doing 10 years ago today? (Test of memory)

19th February 2014, 20:00
That's easy. I was doing the same thing like today: staying in a cold room and watching TV

Do you eat rabbit meat?

19th February 2014, 20:01
I was working for a local swim school and studying for my diploma in secondary education through Victoria Uni.

How about 20 years ago?

19th February 2014, 20:30
I'll sort out the fact Anfield5 answered my question as well as Gadjo's.

Yes I have eaten Rabbit, but not very often.

and 20 years ago I was 8, so apart from going to my local school I cannot answer. Around then I had my favourite scooter which I used everyday, so maybe I was on that.

Have you got a question you could ask?

19th February 2014, 21:45
Yes I have.

Shall I ask the Q I have? :confused:

19th February 2014, 21:46

Will you ask your question then?

19th February 2014, 21:50
Yes.And I want a honest answer.

Would you like to meet Billy's missus?

19th February 2014, 22:17
Given all the things written about her Yes, want to see how much of it is real. :p

What was the last thing you watched on TV?

19th February 2014, 22:23
I'm watching right now. My fav programme Lumea lui Banciu

What's the most stupid name in your opinion?

20th February 2014, 09:33
Wilfred. Just sounds so silly.

Were you naughty at school?

20th February 2014, 11:12
No. I was a boring, silent and stupid girl. Always got a "10" for good behaviour.

What teacher did you like most?

20th February 2014, 13:19
My Drama teacher. She was friendly and relaxed and got the most out of me in that setting.

Have you ever been invited to/gone to a class reunion?

20th February 2014, 14:21
Sometimes I go although I'm not happy to meet the ex colleagues from high school as we weren't a united group. I find it weird to meet now and pretend we're great pals and we care about each other. One of them has the stubborness to call us every year or even twice/year. But I haven't been lately. We use to joke that next time the reunion will take place in Canada as about half of the class left the country.

Are you still in touch with your school colleagues?

20th February 2014, 15:15
On facebook I chat to a few now and then but I don't meet any of them now.

Should Scotland become independent? (I am watching the news and it inspired this question)

20th February 2014, 17:33
I don't see any "real" need. Of course the Scots will think differently, but they already have a unique culture and are proud of it (from what I know)

Have you been to Scotland, if yes what part did you like the most?

(I have always wanted to go there)

20th February 2014, 17:47
Yes I have been 3 times. I have to say I love Scotland. Altough I have only been to the highlands, so I cant judge the lowlands and major Cities.

The highlands are quiet, stunningly wild, remote, beautiful, characterful and inspiring.

I don't know if you would ever get the chance to go, but I really urge you to. You will love it.

Where is the furthest place from home you have ever been?

20th February 2014, 21:06
Bangkok or Taiwan (both in the course of work). Culturally, I think Bangkok is further away.

What place would you like to visit?

20th February 2014, 21:50
Machu Picchu

What's the most bohemian place you've visited?

21st February 2014, 10:59
Never visited a Bohemian place.

Do you have a favourite meal to eat?

21st February 2014, 12:40
I don't have anymore.

Are you scared of the way you'll die?

21st February 2014, 13:36
I suppose I am a bit.

I want to die in my sleep while having a lovely dream.

Do you believe in the Loch Ness Monster?

23rd February 2014, 20:22
Yes and no. I am sure that people have seen things in Loch Ness, but it is not a plesiosaur or any other prehistoric 'monster'. I watched River Monsters' Jeremy Wade do an investigation on it, and he put forward the idea that some sightings were probably a Greenland Shark, which kinda makes sense.

What about Sasquatch?

24th February 2014, 07:04
Same way...there might have been odd mutation type species which were sighted (like the Yeti too) but are now extinct perhaps.

Do you think Liverpool will end their title drought anytime soon? (I did not think they would atleast in this decade but this season is a surpise , a nice one - they are my second team in football)

24th February 2014, 16:23
I didn't think they would but looking at how they are playing I wouldn't be shocked if they did, over the next few seasons. Especially if they tighten that defence.

If you could have any super power which one would it be?

24th February 2014, 17:57
Flying (without thinking that came to my head but am not really a superhero/power guy)

If you like reading, what is your favourite genre/author?

25th February 2014, 21:14
I am not a big reader I have to say, but I do enjoy Sporting books.

Where is Gadjo?