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25th November 2013, 15:18
Yes I did have a fantastic weekend. Got to spend time with my kids, watched some great rugby on the telly, had a braai with my family, got a bit of time to talk to the love of my life ( my car not my wife :p: ) so it was a great weekend thanks :)

Did you have a good start to your working week?

25th November 2013, 15:25
No. I dream of the day when just one of the stupid pieces of work I have to do will not be labeled as "urgeeeent".

How many hours do you work/day?

25th November 2013, 15:37
10 or 11 hours a day normally from either 7 - 5 or 6 - 5 depending on when I want to get to the office and if I have to drop my kids at school.

What is your ideal job?

25th November 2013, 15:48
Something related to art. I'd like to work for an art gallery, a book shop, a movie production, a cultural institute....
A job where I could meet refined and good mannered persons.

Are you doing the job you wanted to do?

25th November 2013, 19:50
No. I wanted to be a school teacher, went to uni got a degree in Education then decided I didn't want to be a teacher. Later I got a second degree in IT. I have also trained as a swimming coach and coached with some success i.e. having swimmers qualify for National finals and even win National medals. As with many sports coaching jobs, politics often get in the way, the club I coached and another local club decided to combine, and for reasons not related to coaching, the other club demanded that their coach was employed ahead of me. I would like to go back into coaching, but it would have to be for my own swim school etc, so the political crap can't raise it's head.

There are renovations going on in the office space immediately below where I work, the noise is tooth rattling loud. Do loud noises drive you up the wall?

25th November 2013, 20:52
Yeah! !!!!!! I had a club near my house and it drove me crazy. But God is good and helps those in need and finally the bankruptcy hit it. :p
Then there's a gypsy family who play their horrible music very loud and let their stupid kids shout in the street at impossible hours. At work I have a few colleagues who talk all the time on very high tones. Yeah, a high level of decibels makes me mad.

Do you buy second hand clothes?

25th November 2013, 22:14
If it is something slightly unusual I have been known to. I got a great leather bomber jacket, that looked new from a charity shop, it cost me $50 instead of $350. Both my parents are retired and work on a voluntary basis in a Hospice shop, mum is always picking things up that she thinks I or the family would like. In my job I often make my clients/trainees look in charity shops, to find decent clothes that can be worn in interviews etc.

Do you read your local news paper?

25th November 2013, 22:56
Not anymore. There are only a few journalists that I like. There was a time when they were invited at TV talk shows but these days the programs have a too political orientation.
Last year I used to read some tabloids at work, just to kill the boredom and to tease a coworker. I don't do it anymore, our so called VIP-s are a laugh......
The weird thing is that every morning I take the free newspaper from the subway but never read it. I just find it in my bag next morning and throw it away...

Do you like to watch TV?

26th November 2013, 00:39
Yes and no. I like good TV, but I can't stand these awful reality programs, the worst are these no hope talent shows like America's Got NO Talent etc, I'd rather be hung from my toes.

Are you interested in the WInter Olympics?

26th November 2013, 07:59
Not really if I'm honest :p: I will watch a bit but it wont faze me if I don't!

What is your favourite ball sport?

26th November 2013, 08:54
In the past I was crazy for tennis and handball.

Do you want a long life?

26th November 2013, 09:30
No. I want to live to about 65 or so and then bow out before I cant make it to the toilet in time or need assistance to tie my own shoelaces. I told the wife if I ever get to that stage, put a pillow over my face while I sleep :p:

Do you think that we will one day have the medical advances to let people live to 200 years old?

26th November 2013, 09:44
It's possible. Hope for life has already increased a lot if we compare with the beginning of the 20th century.

Do you think 555-04Q2's missus will have the strength to put a pillow on his face when he becomes a helpless fart? :p

26th November 2013, 20:00
It depends on how big his life insurance policy is.

What (apart from family) is the greatest achievement of your life so far?

26th November 2013, 20:42
I fail in everything I do so I can't. think of an achievement. Some would say that I have a good job in an important institution but since I hate it so much.....
Maybe the fact that I managed to enter a university in the time when the passing examination was a very tough business and required a lot of private classes to prepare the exams. The universities offered a very low number of places and the competition was tough. However I managed to be in the first 25 who were admitted.

When was the last time you said a lie?

26th November 2013, 22:02
I never lie :rolleyes: , just occasionally bend the truth a wee bit. I told the missus that I was feeling a wee bit sick on Sunday, so she would have to take the boys to her mother's for lunch without me, when I really wanted to stay home to watch the Mersey-side Derby on the TV at mid day. The first thing she said when she got home was "Well who won Then?" so she knew the truth anyway, so it doesn't really count as a lie :cool:

What is your best quality

26th November 2013, 22:16
I'm a loyal friend.

So, who won then? :p

27th November 2013, 03:51
I did, I always do - I tell lies :o

How do you keep fit?

27th November 2013, 06:04
I work out 5 times a week. I have a small gym setup at home so I can workout whenever I want. I normally wait for the kids to go down at about 7 or so and then I'll pound the weights for an hour while the wife does her girly things. I do a bit of muscle mass building as well as definition and concentrate on cardio work as well. I try and get the best of three worlds, strength, looks and fitness. It's amazing what you can achieve with your body in just 5-6 hours a week and I eat whatever I want and I don't have to take supplements at all to get the results :)

What you up to today?

27th November 2013, 08:53
I did, I always do - I tell lies :o

Hey! I just wanted to know if Liverpool won.....

Back to game:
It's gonna be a horrible day from all points of view. It's the first snow of this year in my hometown and I think it's too early for that, what about global warming? :confused:
Secondly it's Wednesday and along with Tuesdays these are the worst days at work. No sooner I enetered the office that an "urgeeeent" piece of "s*it " landed on my desk. I worked for this yesterday, I finished it, it was signed by everybody and now a new and modified form ( of course a wrong one ) is ready to be analyzed...I'm gonna kill somebody.....
Don't know when I'll leave the office. Probably late so I'll just go home, probably eat something, have a shower, jump in the bed ( have I mentioned it's bloody cold? ) watch my fav TV show and falling asleep before it's finished.
See? I have a wonderful life....

Do you have a lunch break or you eat when you have time or you're hungry?

27th November 2013, 09:07
I eat as and when required. I don't believe in tea breaks, lunch breaks etc. If I'm hungry, I eat. I want a cup of coffee, I drink one while I work/walk around etc, don't need to sit down specially to drink a coffee.

Do you have a coffee machine at work or do you have to make do with instant cr@p?

27th November 2013, 09:44
Usually I drink coffee at home but in the last few months I hadn't time. We have a what we call "filter coffee" ( don't know how this equipment is called ) in the office but nobody bothers to make coffee or clean the filter so I use to have a quick instant in case I have time ( this morning I hadn't ). There are also a few coffee machines in the building and when I feel like I can't bear it anymore I take a latte machiato or cappuccino just to leave the office. Sometimes I go with a coworker and gossip about the others.

Do you ever drink tea?

27th November 2013, 20:02
I am another one who hates instant coffee, so at work I will normally drink tea.

What is tour favourite sandwich?

28th November 2013, 01:08
Really healthy option.

Sausage and Egg sandwich. yum yum

How many days until you do something exciting and what is it?

28th November 2013, 07:50
Nothing exciting happens in my life so the next exciting moment will be my death. I don't know when it will happen.....:devil:

How's your hair, straight or curly?

28th November 2013, 08:14
I have it quite short, but if I let it grow in goes curly.

What colour is your hair right now?

28th November 2013, 08:23
Dark acajou

What colour are your eyes ( right now, of course :p)?

28th November 2013, 14:28
One is brown, the other two are blue :p: :D

What is your height?

28th November 2013, 15:55
About 180cm.

Do you think gadjo_dilo should do something about her constant depression?

28th November 2013, 15:59
Yes, the mind is half the problem. Things can be bad, very bad, but you can still be positive and come out on top in the end. C'mon gadjo, give it a try :)

Do you think my advice above will help?

28th November 2013, 16:40
Naahh....A good advice was ''Go and hang yourself''. A clean solution. :devil:

Do I annoy you with my dark thoughts?

28th November 2013, 19:33
Doesn't annoy me. I feel sad for you :( and sometimes feel I should give you a hug. :p

Would you like a hug? :D

28th November 2013, 20:02
I can think of other things I'd rather have.

That question wasn't really for me was it :) ?

28th November 2013, 22:10
Well its for whoever was next but it may have been more relative to another.

Do you like Hippo's?

28th November 2013, 22:24
What's this? A. club? :confused: :p
It's say no whatever it is.

Do you think you're a cool guy?

29th November 2013, 00:17
I am as cool as people judge me to be. It doesn't really worry me at all, I'm just me.

What is your best childhood memory

29th November 2013, 08:05
Can't pick just one as that period was a very happy one. But most of them are related to the crazy gang on my street. We were a bunch of about 20 kids/teens aged between 6-20, of different ethnics ( romanians, greeks, gypsies ) and coming from families with a very different social status. We played all day long and have an adventurous life a la Tom Sawyer & Huck Finn. God, how I miss that time....

Did you played on the street when you were a kid ?

29th November 2013, 10:47
Hell yeah we did!!!!! On the street, in the river, in the bush. You name it we did it. It was safe back then to do so. Nowadays I have to watch my kids like a hawk if they want to play with the neighbours kids in the street. Sad really.

You have a happy childhood?

29th November 2013, 12:42
I've already answered it. YES.YES.YES. million times YES. Which might sound weird if you think it was under the communist regime.:p

What are your plans for the weekend?

29th November 2013, 13:42
Got a hectic schedule this weekend. Already had 3 school functions this week for my kids, now we got my youngest sons Carols by Candlelight tonight. Then tomorrow got the gardener and maid round to sort the house, my youngest sons school swimming gala just before lunch, then I have to replace the down lighters in my house before we have the neighbours over for a braai. Sunday consists of getting the cars washed, doing a spot of shopping for food and meeting with family in the afternoon. Only free time will be Sunday evening after 8!

What are your plans for this weekend?

29th November 2013, 18:39
30 Nov is st Andrew day - the one who introduced Christianity to this country, 1 Dec is our national day. Both days are official holidays and it's a bad luck to be on Saturday and Sunday.
Don't have any Andrei or Andreea ( probably the most common name for today's girls) to celebrate so my weekend will be the same as the last minus the cleaning /washing/ironing forbidden on religious days. I shall go to see a french movie, go to a mall to buy some boots (30?sales!!!!!!!) and presents for St Nicholas day, talk on the phone for hours, cry a. bit when going to bed. The only change. is that it's freezing cold in the house.

Who was your idol when you were a kid?

p.s. what is. a braai? Barbecue? :confused:

29th November 2013, 19:30
number one. I don't know what braai is.

Number Two. When I was a small lad. I loved Dennis the Menace, then Superman. Not the most original idols.

What is your favourite movie?

29th November 2013, 20:44
I think I've already answered this about a week ago and said that when you had seen most of the movies that made history it's hard to select just one.
However there's a movie that I've seen at least 50 times and never get bored of it. It's Zorba the Greek by Michael Cacoyannis, The kind of movie I watch when I'm down because it's about friendship,, love, intelectual's dilemmas and a hymn to life.
I also love Romanian movies esp. Filantropica, Asflalt tango, E pericoloso sporgersi, California dreaming.

What was your fav book when you were a kid?

29th November 2013, 23:04
(Sorry to repeat a question so soon Gadjo :o )

Lion, witch and the wardrobe. I always loved it and used to read it over and over.

Do you have many tree's where you are?

30th November 2013, 00:36
If you're talking about country - about 27? of the territory is forest
If you're talking about my hometown there are enough trees and many parks
If you're talking about my street - courts are too small for trees but across the street is a big building with a big court and with a few trees that I can see from my street windows

What was your fav toy when you was a kid?

1st December 2013, 19:50
going back to an earlier question braai is Africaans for barbecue or grill, it is usually cooked over hot coals, rather than the modern, not a real bbq gass burner.

My corgi rocket track and cars. (similar to a hotwheels set, but much much better)

Have you kept any of your fav toys from your childhood?

1st December 2013, 20:02
No. I hadn't nice toys.

Where have you spent your last holiday?

1st December 2013, 20:36
The Great Central Heritage Steam Railway for 3 days a few months ago.

How many times have you been abroad?

donKey jote
1st December 2013, 21:07
I've been abroad all my life.

How many times have you been a broad?

1st December 2013, 21:37
I'd let you guess. :p

Have you ever worn a beard ( a real one not a false one)?

donKey jote
1st December 2013, 22:22
no, only stubble.

Do you shave your moustache every day ?

1st December 2013, 22:26
No. Sometimes I have no time. :p

Have you ever shaved your head?

donKey jote
1st December 2013, 22:35
No, I'm bald enough as it is :p

What time do you normally go to bed?

1st December 2013, 22:40
Around midnight but I lay on the bed early and sometimes I fall asleep watching TV.

What time do you normally wake up?

donKey jote
1st December 2013, 22:46
sixish... then sometimes again around sevenish. Today around tenish :eek:

what do you usually have for breakfast ?

1st December 2013, 23:03
Don't have time for it. Just a coffee and a few biscuits in case my mother wakes up and make it. Then a bretzel and a tea when I get to work.

How many coffees do you drink/day?

donKey jote
1st December 2013, 23:15
normally maximum one. But a big one (half liter :D ).

Do you take milk & sugar ?

1st December 2013, 23:20

At what age did you start to drink coffee?

2nd December 2013, 00:31
I honestly dont remember, all the coffee I drink has started to affect my brain.

Do you wear jewellery

2nd December 2013, 06:10
I wear my wedding ring and that's it. If it wasn't for the wife moaning I wouldn't wear it either! I have quite a fantastic collection on watches, chains, rings etc locked up in my safe that were presents from family and friends. They know now to rather buy me socks which I'll actually use :p: :D

Do you have any piercings?

2nd December 2013, 08:30

Do you have a Tatoo?

2nd December 2013, 09:02

What was the last technically illegal thing you did? Major or Minor.

2nd December 2013, 09:29
I do some illegal things like travelling by bus without buying tickets ( it's called "travel with the godfather" :p) or by subway using my mother's free season ticket, like buying things from the black market, but technically....I don't know....
There's a guy who - don't know how - has attached his facebook account to one of my emails address and I always get messages related to him. A few times I logged in to see what is all about. But at the same time I've got emails saying that an unknown device from Bucharest Romania with the ID.... or that someone with a Samsung TV is connecting to your account and I was scared. Besides, the guy is a boring womaniser and always gets messages from ladies saying how cute he is although he's as ugly as a sin.

Have you ever bribed someone?

2nd December 2013, 11:49
All the time. Get pulled over by the cops for traffic violation, pay them the bribe money they want, carry on driving. Quicker and cheaper than going through the "legal" process of paying the fine to the other corrupt department, our government :dozey:

You ever accidentally run a red light / stop street because you weren't concentrating?

2nd December 2013, 15:08
No because I don't drive. As a pedestrian I'm quite disciplined but sometimes I'm taken by the usual wave of idiots who cross the street on red light or in a place that you're not permitted to.

Have you ever been part of a sports competition?

2nd December 2013, 15:41
Quote a few. Played junior level national cricket at one stage, played in a number of charity cricket tournaments to raise funds for homeless kids. Also done a bit of local racing to raise funds for car accident victims families. Also played in a number of beach volleyball competitions when I was younger, we had an awesome side that had a 90%+ winning ration :)

You ever tried tap dancing?

2nd December 2013, 15:50
I dance like a boot and I also have a high sense of the ridiculous so I abstain from such activities. :p

Have you ever worn a bandana?

2nd December 2013, 16:31
I don't think so.

Have you ever fired a gun?

2nd December 2013, 17:01
Yes In high school at the prelimilitary service. Neither that time I couldn't do a proper job and lost the cap of the bullet. I was so scared I'd be in trouble that shot the rest of the bullets at random. :p

Have you ever driven a truck?

2nd December 2013, 19:12
Not Yet. Driven Vans but no trucks.

Whats the biggest wild animal you have seen around your town?

2nd December 2013, 19:57
Should probably let 555 answer this because the wild animals in South Africa are way bigger than here in NZ. But.. a possum (about the size of a cat if you are not familiar with possums), but there are some red deer in the hills. Unless you count things that live in the sea, in which case either Mrs White (our resident great white shark) or an Orca or the very occasional hump-back whale

What is your favouite wild animal?

2nd December 2013, 20:12
A moose :p:

Do you enjoy visiting the zoo?

2nd December 2013, 20:26
Our zoo is quite poor and I don't think I was there since I was a kid. I'd rather go to the museum of natural history which is great and 5 minutes from my home.

Have you ever been robbed on the street?

3rd December 2013, 06:52
Yes and no. About 10 years ago I was walking in our city centre when two guys pulled a knife on me and asked for my wallet and cellphone. I politely told them no and proceeded to kick their arses up and down the pavement. They were not expecting me to retaliate the way I did that's for sure! You wanna know the crazy part though? The cops wanted to charge me for assault! What a firkin joke :rolleyes:

I stay away from our city centre these days only venturing there if I absolutely have to. Become too dangerous.

You ever get into a fight when you were at school?

3rd December 2013, 07:53
No. I was a model schoolgirl. :devil:
However we had in our class some hooligans who repeated the year. One of them was sitting behind me and tried to sting my neck with a pencil. The professor saw him and applied him some physical correction. In the break he revenged by beating me.

Did you ever ride a horse?

3rd December 2013, 07:56
Yes, once. After a few minutes I got off. Not my cup of tea. My wife on the other hand loves them and rides whenever we visit here two sisters that own farms and have numerous horses. While they do that, I play golf with my brothers in law.

You have any pets?

3rd December 2013, 08:10
No. But my neighbour's cat is more mine than theirs. She comes to my window every morning mewing for food, she's expecting me when I come from work and generally spend all the time on my starirs, terrace or window. Sometimes I feel she's the only being who cares of me. :p

Have you ever worn a skirt? :p

3rd December 2013, 08:33
hmm.............yes. (That's all I am telling you :p )

How often do you yourself actually go shopping. (i.e not online but too the shops)

3rd December 2013, 08:37
Once a week to do the weekly shopping. I do my main shopping in the middle of the month when its quiet then weekly to get odds and ends that we need. I hate shops, period.

Do you consider yourself a good cook?

3rd December 2013, 08:52
I'm lucky to live in the same house with my mother who's doing everything related to the kitchen.
I don't like to cook, I don't have time to cook and when I try the result is a disaster. I'm the most unskilful person ever.

What's your fav food?

3rd December 2013, 09:02
Beef bunny chow! It's a local South African Indian dish that originated right here in Durban. Take a quarter or half loaf of bread, cut out the middle, fill it with beef curry and lots of sauce and enjoy with a side order of sambles or banana. Enjoy!

View it here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bunny_chow

Do you like curry?

3rd December 2013, 09:17
Never eat. I'm a peasant, remember?

Do you like to eat vegetables?

3rd December 2013, 09:21
Yes, they are good for you and if done right taste absolutely fantastic :)

What's your favourite salad?

3rd December 2013, 09:30
Salad de boeuf
I prefer it without meat as I'm alergic to birdy meat.

What's your traditional food for Christmas?

3rd December 2013, 10:04
A braai normally. We don't do the crappy turkey dinner thing. So stereotyped and boring!

Do you celebrate Christmas?

3rd December 2013, 11:17
Yes. Christmas tree, Christmas carols, Santa, presents, pantagruelic meals, etc.

Will Santa come to you?

3rd December 2013, 11:32
He already has :D :D :D

Would Santa approve of you this year? You been naughty or nice?

3rd December 2013, 11:44
Naughty or nice he won't come to me anyway. :p:

Do you sing or say poems to Santa?

3rd December 2013, 13:10
No, I sing like a frog and I can't write poetry for sh!t :p: :D

So, do you think Santa is real?

3rd December 2013, 13:28
Of course since he came to you.

Do you also celebrate St Nicholas? I mean another old guy who brings presents on kids boots on 6th December. To the naughty ones he brings a stick. I always get the stick.....

3rd December 2013, 17:03
... I always get the stick.....

(Why does that not surprise me :mark: )

No, our family knows only the Coca Cola version of Saint Nicholas.

Do you have any close relatives that live far away?

3rd December 2013, 17:59
Close relatives no. But as Romanians use to say: you aromanians are all related to each other.:p
Which is true cos we're very close even without being relatives . I have a lot of second grade cousins in Greece and at least one of them is very nice and supportive although I've met him only 3 times.

Have you ever had a broken bone?

3rd December 2013, 19:48

A broken toe and a broken wrist.

Have you ever broken a bone?

3rd December 2013, 19:51
I broke my left pinky playing football when some moose from the other team stood on it, and I broke 3 vertebra in my lower back playing football, when I slammed backwards into the goal post.

Would you rather live in a city or in the country-side?

3rd December 2013, 20:03
Hate the countryside. I'm a city girl.

Do you like sweets?

4th December 2013, 12:02
Yes, mainly mint ones though :)

Have you ever run down the street naked for any reason?

4th December 2013, 12:10
Not yet. But quite often I wonder what shall I do if an earthquake will find me under the shower. :p

Have you ever felt a big earthquake?

4th December 2013, 12:38
No, I live on a civilised piece of the earth :p: :D

Have you ever been to a large waterfall?

4th December 2013, 13:00
Well, a large one never. But we have a few very spectacular here like Big?r Waterfalls.

Have you ever been to a river delta?

4th December 2013, 13:33
Yes :) We have a few just round the corner from here.

What the highest hill/mountain that you have ever climbed? If you live, eat and breath in a city, what's the highest building you've lazily climbed in an elevator? :p:

4th December 2013, 14:09
Lol. Whenever we did trips on the montains I was the last to reach the chalet. I did some easy routes to some of the usual destinations in Sinaia, Bu?teni, Predeal - in the Bucegi Mountains. I always reached in four legs. :p However never climbed to the Cross , Babele or the Sphinx from Bucegi.
About buildings what shall I say? There aren't too high buildings in Bucharest. Don't know if I ever climbed higher than the 12th floor. Even the (in)famous Palace of Parliament isn't very tall.....

Have you ever been disappointed by someone you thought he/she's your friend?

4th December 2013, 14:36
Yes! When I was young I was dating a girl for 4 years and we got engaged when I was 22 and she was 20. We had 4 great years together, even though life was tough financially for both of us back then. We hardly ever argued with each other. Within a month of our getting engaged, the wheels fell off and she became pretty nasty and just not the same person I knew. We split and I was badly heartbroken. But, looking back I'm glad it happened when it did and not after we had married. My life has since turned out very nicely :)

You ever had your heart broken by someone you thought would never break it?

4th December 2013, 15:37
I think I have a heart of stone. :p
Now seriously, who hasn't ?

Have you been a spoilt child?

4th December 2013, 16:10
No, not at all.

What's the furtherest north and south (latitudes) you've ever been?

4th December 2013, 17:18
Don't know exactly but not too far of 45° parallel.

Have you ever spent a holiday alone?

4th December 2013, 19:36
No, I live on a civilised piece of the earth :p: :D

Have you ever been to a large waterfall?

And here's me thinking you were South African :)

4th December 2013, 19:39
Depends on what you mean by holiday, a week off work in the middle of the year, then yes. Christmas, no the family always meats up at mum and dads

Have you read Lord of the Rings?

4th December 2013, 22:22
No. Not even have the patience to watch the movie until the end. Definitely not my type.

Have you ever used make up?

5th December 2013, 00:17
Only while performing in a play when I was younger. Other than that people can take me as they find me.

Have you ever appeared in a play?

5th December 2013, 00:33
In primary school, but I have worked behind the scenes on a few.

Have you ever been on TV?

5th December 2013, 07:56
Lol. It was a riot at work and one TV news station took shots of a group where it happened to be my humble person. The bad part is that it was repeated million times during the debates on TV. At the beginning of the riot we were scared we'd be fired - a coworker talked on the phone with her hubby and he was like "please don't turn around. the camera is on you :p" - but next day it became natural.
Also when I was in the audience at the foundation of an aromanian organization.

What kind of programms do you watch on TV?

5th December 2013, 10:25
90% of the time, I watch sport. The other 10% I watch the news, weather or a good movie.

You a movie buff?

5th December 2013, 10:51
Used to be. When I was very young I never missed a movie. Then I was attracted by art movies and you can't imagine to what lengths I went to see old archieve movies or the new ones that weren't on our screens. These days I go to the movies only if I read a good review. It means you never see me at an american movie. I also love the new wave in romanian cinematography.
Don't have the patience to watch movies on tv. Those that are interesting are too late. But I admit sometimes I watch indian or south korean telenovelas. That's my guilty pleasure :p

What's the oldest ( as year of production ) movie you've ever seen?

5th December 2013, 11:33
I think Gone With The Wind, from 1939 I think? I love some of the old stuff like Ben Hur, Forbidden Planet etc :).

You cry when you watch a sad movie?

5th December 2013, 15:49
Nah, I'm a tough 'nuck :D .

If you found a wallet with a wad of cash and ID what would you do?

5th December 2013, 16:56
My mum found one that belonged to a judge. We tried hard to find her and when finally did she took it back without saying thank you.

Did you ever get a fine ( apart for driving mistakes)?

5th December 2013, 19:41
no, just 2 speeding tickets.

what was your best, most liked subject at school

5th December 2013, 21:45
Ancient history, I found it fascinating and I was the best in my class. Unfortunately we studied it only in the 5th grade.

What colour is your car?

5th December 2013, 22:37
Light metallic Blue.

Do you have a Christmas tree up yet?

5th December 2013, 23:05
No, I will get the fiber optic one out on Christmas eve and plug it in.

Have you had a white Christmas?

6th December 2013, 08:54
I don't know yet. Wish I haven't but the weather forecast says yes.

What do you think I found in my boots this morning (from st Nicholas)?

6th December 2013, 15:07
Smelly socks :p: :D

What you getting for yourself this Christmas?

6th December 2013, 15:29
I don't know. What I'll find as a bargain. I'd like a perfume but they never have special offers in this season.

What is the most expensive thing you've ever bought?

p.s. thanx for not asking about weekend plans.:p

7th December 2013, 10:29
My Car.

What are your weekend plans? :D

7th December 2013, 15:08
Well, it's like I had a premonition. We were announced we should come to work on Saturday and Sunday. And not because we should work for x or y paper but because "it's possible to come some works'' Typical Romanian. Don't know how I had the courage to suggest that we'd better stay home and they call us to come if the SH!T comes and the manager said that's a good idea and my boss mumbled in anger as he should be the single one to come.:p (have I ever said that he practically does nothing at work?).So here I am ready with the rifle at my foot (the phone) checking for calls between trying on clothes, dealing with peasants at the market, making slaloms between shelves...The only regret is that I have. to miss a promising Romanian movie. Tomorrow I'll do the same.

Have you ever done a voluntary work?

8th December 2013, 19:57
It seems that I do voluntary work every day of my life :)
I have worked for several different organisations fund raising etc.

Right now, what is one thing that would make you truly happy?

8th December 2013, 23:21
A heated house. The perspective to spend another winter in my cold house is killing me. I don't think I'm able to resist and I'm fed up to fight with the bureaucracy that make impossible to link a house from the heart of an European capital to the gas distribution network.

What happened in the last dream you had?

8th December 2013, 23:24
Cant remember all of it, but I was trying to get to work, but everytime I tried to get a lift. I ended up further away.

Can you touch your nose, with your tongue?

8th December 2013, 23:51
No. And I'm not snub-nosed.

How do you plan to spend the new year's eve:
a - at an open air party with the crowd
b- at a restaurant/pub/club with family or friends
c - with family or friends at somebody's home
d - at home,, in robe and slippers, drinking a glass of champagne at midnight and then going to sleep

9th December 2013, 03:37
e - just like every other night :|

are you going to make any New Years resolutions, and how long will it take to break them?

9th December 2013, 08:25
Why should I bother when anything I wish/want never happens?

When will be your last working day of 2013?

9th December 2013, 19:25
Weds 18th December. I then have 3 weeks off until beginning of January.

Is your house, one that you are happy with. Or do you still dream of finding a dream home.

9th December 2013, 19:48
My house isn't my house, it is a flat in town, I would much rather have a house and a couple of acres of land out of town and keep a couple of horses, a dog, a donkey and a goat. (honestly I love donkeys and goats - hope this isn't too strange :crazy: )

Do you use the evil insidious face book, or are you one of us who prefer not to be tracked by the CIA?

9th December 2013, 20:23
:arrows: I wrote 10 rows about my home but you were faster.

I'm not a fan. Only a few months ago I created an account and only because I wanted to see who's the idiot who use my email address. Never posted something until two months ago when an ex coworker asked me. I'm too shy to share my thoughts or pics with people. Not to mention that people from work could see another side of me. I prefer the forum where nobody will ever meet me. For years with one exception nobody knew I'm a woman and it was fun.

Do you have birthmarks on your body?

10th December 2013, 00:01
Just a big ugly lump perched on my shoulders.

What is your best physical feature?

10th December 2013, 07:49

What is your weak point?

10th December 2013, 19:49
I am quite disorganised.

Who is the most inspiring person for you?

10th December 2013, 19:52
Leonardo da Vinci

Juventus vs Galatasary tonight. Which one will you support?

10th December 2013, 23:14
One is Italian, one is Turkish, I am from Liverpool and live in New Zealand ermmmm....., I don't give a rats ass to be honest.

Why do people walk around in ugg boots in the middle of summer?

11th December 2013, 08:03
Because they're crazy. I feel it's hot even in sandals.

Why does it always rain on me?

11th December 2013, 08:33
Because you always stand under a cloud.

What is your weather like right now?

11th December 2013, 09:27
10 0'clock. Partly cloudy. 0 degrees C. Disgusting......

When was the last time you ordered a pizza?

11th December 2013, 15:37
About a week ago.

Do you eat healthy?

11th December 2013, 15:48
I eat a lot of fruits and vegetables but I don't know how healthy they are since our peasants started to "treat" their cultures to get earlier and bigger products.
I also eat a lot of things with E's without caring of consequences. I'm a weird person, I can't drink milk from peasants' cows or brand laid eggs from the hens in peasant's court.

Do you drink healthy? :p

11th December 2013, 18:01
I don't drink Alcohol at all for a start. Other than that I drink Water, Fruit Juice or Tea.

Do you have good or bad eyesight?

11th December 2013, 19:58
My guide dog thinks my eyesight is poor, but I ahtkawgmm. I wear glasses and have to admit I am finding it more and more difficult to focus on small things such as words in a book (ahh the wonders of getting older :| )

Do you intend to age gracefully or rebel and go down kicking and screaming?

12th December 2013, 08:27
My intention is to age gracefully but I'm afraid the second option is closer to reality. :p
Those who get to know me always say they thought I was different.

What colour are your socks?

12th December 2013, 16:06
Right now, white... I really have no fashion sense and most days my wife insists on an inspection before I leave the house :uhoh:

Do you work "normal" hours, meaning 5 days per week with weekends off, or do you work odd hours?

12th December 2013, 18:48
Well, it's what you call ''normal'' but I find it odd that I know the hour when I start work but never the one when I can go home. I wouldn't mind but the task we are supposed to stay for can be done very well next morning with a clear mind. Not to mention that sometimes we stay but the papers don't come or that next day they want something else. It's an annoying feeling of working in vain.

Do you like playing cards games?

12th December 2013, 19:37
I used to, but not really anymore, I guess it's a time thing really.

do you prefer to stay out late or get up early

12th December 2013, 21:12
I'd rather stay late.

Do you drink milk?

13th December 2013, 02:53
In tea yes.

Black coffee or white?

13th December 2013, 08:03
Black and prepared "turkish" way.

Will you get a Christmas bonus?

14th December 2013, 09:25
Not a bonus as such, but a few of our customers give us tips.

What is your job? What is your role?

14th December 2013, 17:06
I work for a central public administration institution (the one that most of the people hate :p). Can't say more cos I might get in trouble as our posts are usually monitorized. Anyway you won't believe that such an unserious person like me can run such activities. :p
If you're still interested I can send you a PM.

What kind of presents would you like to get from Santa?

15th December 2013, 19:55
Good health, a happy life and something really expensive :D

What would be your perfect night out?

16th December 2013, 08:05
Having a drink with friends on a terrace by the sea and then playing cards or dice.

16th December 2013, 14:08
Q:Have you ever been to one of the class reunions?

16th December 2013, 15:58
No, but I had an opportunity to attend one last year, but couldn't make it, partly because I no longer live in the city in which I graduated.

Do you send out Christmas cards?

16th December 2013, 16:38
Only one ( thanks for remembering I should send it tonight ). Otherwise for wishes I talk on the phone or send emails.

Are you a thoughtful person when you buy christmas gifts? ( to match the size, the colour, the need, etc.?)

16th December 2013, 19:43
Not really, I simply see things people might like and buy them.

How big is your family?

17th December 2013, 08:21
Depending on how you see the things. According to the fact that macedonians are very close I belong to a large family. According to the instructions for filling in my declaration of assets and liabilities I'm alone. :laugh:

How would you call a turtle without shell? Homeless or naked?

17th December 2013, 20:02
An iguana.

What is your fav season of the year?

17th December 2013, 20:14

Have you ever watched an Indian movie?

17th December 2013, 22:19
not intentionally, I just don't get them.

Fav movie star?

18th December 2013, 09:07
Don't have one anymore.

Do you talk dirty?

18th December 2013, 17:22
Only on saturdays.

Do you still have a telephone land line?

18th December 2013, 18:15
Yeah. I pay almost nothing for it and have unlimited minutes to all national networks + unlimited minutes to EU, USA and Canada

Do you have a Christmas party with coworkers?

18th December 2013, 19:10
Yes, our company provides a terrific annual event for employees and families here:

Employees get a company-subsidized rate for the rooms.
Families usually drive to Banff on Saturday morning. There is an afternoon barbecue and activities for the kids. A formal dinner and party, with entertainment and live band, for the parents is held on Saturday evening, with a separate party for the kids. Sunday morning breakfast is provided before the drive back home.
It’s a lot of fun!

Are you going to (m)any parties over the holidays?

18th December 2013, 19:42
Yes, our company provides a terrific annual event for employees and families here:

Employees get a company-subsidized rate for the rooms.
Families usually drive to Banff on Saturday morning. There is an afternoon barbecue and activities for the kids. A formal dinner and party, with entertainment and live band, for the parents is held on Saturday evening, with a separate party for the kids. Sunday morning breakfast is provided before the drive back home.
It’s a lot of fun!

Can I come and work with you?

18th December 2013, 19:43
Not planning on going to many parties, kids first fun second (I don't really mean that)

How is your Christmas day likely to unfold?

18th December 2013, 20:27
I'll work till 24Dec. on a draconic schedule (8.00-18.30 + extra UNPAID hours) so on Christmas morning I'll try to sleep a bit longer. No need to wake up early cos I know for sure Santa won't come to me. I'll try to go to the cemetery to light a candle and to hang a little fir tree crown at my father's grave. At lunch I'll go to a sort of family reunion at one of my cousins where as usual I'd feel like the black sheep of the family, the one who did nothing in her life. In the evening I'll finally eat like a pig and drink a red wine glass with my mother. During the day I'll have endless phone calls with people I talk once or twice/year, pretending we're happy to hear each other and it's a shame we can't see more often. Finally I'll go to sleep in my cold bedroom thinking seriously if I'll have the strength to survive another year.
Kinda boring, isn't it? :p

Do you wear elegant clothes on Christmas day?

19th December 2013, 00:51
It is the middle of summer in New Zealand, it will be 25ish degrees c, most of the time is spent outside, so it is more than likely to be shorts, t-shirts and jandals.

Is Christmas better in the summer or winter?

19th December 2013, 15:52
I wouldn't know. I've only ever spent Christmas in the winter :mark: .

Real (pine, fir, etc.) or artifical tree?

19th December 2013, 19:44
I love the smell of fresh cut pine trees, but they do tend to drop all of their needles, which knacker your vacuum cleaner, but shiny plastic trees look so tacky. To be honest though I have a plastic tree with a computerised fibre-optic light display programmed into it.(hey I'm a computer geek!!)

What are you looking forward to in 2014

19th December 2013, 21:56
The Football World Cup, The F1 season, Recovering from an injury which has stopped me playing football for 4 months. Also another year to see what the garden brings.

What do you plan for 2014?

19th December 2013, 22:39
Win millions of dollars on loto, then spend 4-6 months back in England catching up with friends/family etc that I haven't seen for 1/2 a life time.

when I win loto, who wants to meet me in the pub for a few drinks. Location is not an issue?

20th December 2013, 07:33
Don't count on me. I won't fly to the end of the world to meet a milionare in a ....PUB.

What's the traditional food for Christmas in your country?

21st December 2013, 10:15
Hard to say, the English part says, turkey, etc, but in NZ many people simply have a bbq.

do you like the rain?

22nd December 2013, 14:05
Hate it.

Are you already on holiday?

23rd December 2013, 23:19
Finished work on Friday, don't go back until Jan13th

do you smoke?

26th December 2013, 11:48
I smoked for about 40 years and admitted to smoking 20 a day. Then the doc read the riot act to me. He diagnosed emphysema and told me it is irreversible but carrying on smoking could only mke it worse. I read Allen Carr's Easy Way to Stop Smoking and stopped and started again. Then i went to one of his organisations half-day clinics. All I will say is
and I'll recommend it to anybody who really wants to stop.

Do you find elderly relatives can be a pain at Christmas time?

27th December 2013, 02:35
No, I don't have any in NZ, so they are never a bother.

What did Santa leave you this year?

27th December 2013, 16:10
A necklace, a book, a photo frame, an old scarf that make me look like an oldie, a cheap silly perfume, a useless handmade tablecloth.......
And a lot of chocolates.
And 2 shirts that I bought myself with my mother's money.
Nothing that I really wanted or needed :mad: :(

Did you enjoy this Christmas?

28th December 2013, 20:42
My idiot next door neighbours made that impossible. They started playing their stereo loud enough for the whole country to hear at 4pm Christmas eve and despite being warned by the police about excessive noise, they were still going at 6:30 am Christmas morning. They then apparently went to sleep until 11am, then started again. I ended up going to visit them with my favourite old golf club to persuade them to shut the ^%$# up.

What sort of rubbish did you watch on the tele on Christmas day?

29th December 2013, 23:02
Either I didn't watch anything at all or I don't remember....:confused:

Have you ever kissed somebody under the mistletoe on Christmas day?

3rd January 2014, 22:14
Yes. Mostly family members sadly. No one exciting.

I haven't been around for a couple of weeks. Are you happy to see me back? (Careful)

5th January 2014, 08:07
Oh, Stevie......The forum without you is like a wedding without fiddlers.
Welcome back. :kiss: :laugh:

What did you do on new year's eve?

5th January 2014, 23:57
Went round a family members and had a nice meal, plenty of chat and saw in the new year together.

Are you religious?

6th January 2014, 08:38
Well, I'm christian orthodox but I don't pray (anymore), don't make confessions and I go to the church only for weddings, christenings amd funerals. I don't question the existance of God ( neither mine nor the God(s) of any other religion ) because I simply feel there's something beyond our senses and knowledge. My religious life is resumed to follow the traditions ( many of them of pagan origin ) like celebrating saints ( meaning lots of parties :laugh:), don't wash laundry on holy days, taking willow branches on Flowers Sunday, etc. Might sound weird but these things can bring me a peace of mind and you know I need it. For ex today we celebrate the christening of Jesus in Jordan river and I'll go to the church and fight ( literally) for a bottle of "holy water". I'll drink every morning this water before eating and although I know it's plain water touched with a silver cross and some basil I feel I do the right thing and feel better. I'm very comfortable with my religion as it's not tough, it's not intruding my life and has mercy for sinners like me. :p Fair to say I also used to be the mystical type and interested in occult issues.

Do you think people lost interest in this forum?

6th January 2014, 23:53
Not anymore now that I'm back :D

Did you get a flu shot?

7th January 2014, 08:04
No. I don't really care of me.

Did you put on weight during these winter holidays?

8th January 2014, 08:23
Yes. I bought so many sweet treats and no one ate them over the holidays. So I had to eat most of them myself.

Are you likely to hug anyone today?

8th January 2014, 10:37
No. I don't have any intention to spoil anybody's day. :p

Do you have annoying coworkers?

12th January 2014, 20:23
In my office there is only me and Melissa, and we get along really well. however some of my clients/trainees are extremely annoying.

Have you already done all of the things you promised not to do this year?

19th January 2014, 15:08
I only wish. Sometimes secretly hope. Never promise.

Have you ever sunbathed on an optional clothes beach?

19th January 2014, 19:45
The blunt answer is no, not even sure if such things exist in New Zealand?

Is religion and/or faith important to you?

20th January 2014, 10:10
Faith- whenever I'm in trouble ( I mean most of the time ) I feel that the only solution is that something supernatural would change the things.
Religion - I live my life after an orthodox calendar. Things like "tomorrow is St. Helen" or "after 3 months we'll celebrate Easter" are still important for me. Not that I'll become more devouted but I try to obey the rules ( like congratulating all the girls with that name or dyeing eggs and offering alms).
I don't question if it makes sense or not or if it's a good or bad thing. It's important that I feel a relief doing these things.

Are you or have you ever been a member of a political party?

20th January 2014, 19:49
In university I was a member of the McGillicuddy Serious Party. Described by Wikipedia as being "A satirical political party that provided "colour" to ensure that citizens not take the political process too seriously." There were candidates put forward in (usually Univeristy electorates) for two ot three General Elections.

We had a fairly serious earthquake yesterday evening (6.3 r at 50km) Do earthquakes worry you?

20th January 2014, 20:45
Good God....I hope you, your family and your home are alright.
Earthquakes scare me to death after I was shaken by a 7.2 on Richter scale one. In my country earthquakes are of big depth and always my hometown is the most affected. A new major one of about. 7 is imminent and they say that this time the deaths will be of hundreds thousand people. I live in an old house in the central part - the most vulnerable area. So in case you'll hear at the news that it happened and there will not be a sign of me on the forum, then I.....

Do you like to play cards?

20th January 2014, 23:07
Yes. I play a few card games. I don't know many, but always enjoy the games we play.

Do you like fish?

21st January 2014, 01:31
Fish to eat, love it, fish the card game, not so much.

Do you fish?

21st January 2014, 08:39
No. Can't understand why people like it.

Do you fish in troubled waters?

21st January 2014, 20:09
Depends on what I am trying to catch.

Are you a kinesthetic person?

21st January 2014, 21:44
:confused: don't know what you're talking about. Probably not. I'm too plain and insensitive.

Have you ever stolen something ( apart from girls hearts, of course :p)?

21st January 2014, 23:30
Not that I can recall, unless the odd biro from work counts?

If NASA (etc) discovered an astroid on a collision course with Earth, that was going to wipe out all life on the planet, would you want to know?

21st January 2014, 23:56
Yes. However it is probably best for the human race generally not to know. To save our last hours being destroyed by looting and violence.

What colour is your hair?

22nd January 2014, 00:22
What there is of it is either dark blonde, or light brown, with a few to many grey streaks through the temples

What do you think is mankinds single nost important invention?

22nd January 2014, 08:07
If I was an atheist I should say God. :p

Do you post on this forum when you're at work?

22nd January 2014, 08:28
No. My work takes me out and about, so its only mornings, evenings or weekends I can post here.

Have you been to watch any top level sport recently?

22nd January 2014, 17:00
There's no top level sport in my country.

Are you talented at drawing/painting?

22nd January 2014, 19:16
I can draw a bit, never really tried painting.

One day I really want to give it a go.

Do you find Coati's Cute? (If you don't know what a Coati is, then look it up on google or something)

22nd January 2014, 19:32
Very cute.

Do/did you have a pet?

22nd January 2014, 19:55
Where I live now no, but I have had several dogs (the best one being a 50-50 cross German Shep-Irish Wolfhound). Two or three cats, rabbits, tropical fish etc. I really want to move somewhere with some land so I can get a donkey and a goat.

Apples or oranges?

22nd January 2014, 20:25

When was the last time you told a lie?

22nd January 2014, 21:42
I have never told a lie. ;)

(See what I did there)

Where has The South African 555 gone?

22nd January 2014, 23:48
He was going on holiday up country with the family, should be back home in a week or so.

Do you miss him?

22nd January 2014, 23:56
Yes. I also took a few weeks away from the forum and wondered where he had gone. Thanks Anfield5.

How long have you lived where you do? (House I mean)

23rd January 2014, 08:05
Since I was born. I love this house despite being unconfortable and having very expensive utilities. Hope to live here till I die.

Have you ever had to take care of an old sick relative?

23rd January 2014, 08:27
Yes, My mother had a stroke quite young and was very sick. My Father worked so I cared for her for around 2 years. Then my father retired and my mother is a lot better now and so they live a semi normal life.

Have you ever been to a Rock Concert of any kind?

23rd January 2014, 08:35
Been to a Boomtown Rats concert when I was very young.
Then I still have memories from a concert of romanian band Vama Veche. I wasn't a fan but my ex-boss forced me to go and I felt like I was from another movie.:p

Have you ever been to a ballet performance?

23rd January 2014, 19:41
Went to Copellia when I was a kid, and have seen the Nutcracker. I love the music esp Tchaikovski, the actual dancing part, is very impressive, but truthfully it does nothing for me.

Are you planning to watch the Winter Olympics?

23rd January 2014, 21:26
Don't think so. I'm no longer interested in winter sports and I don't even know today's best competititors.

Do you wear a wrist-watch?

23rd January 2014, 22:02
Yes. Only at work or out, never round the house.

What are you doing this weekend?

23rd January 2014, 22:37
Hard to say as a terrible weather is forecasted. On Saturday I should go to a commemoration of a relative. In the evening I'll meet some friends at one of them's house and play cards and drink beers till midnight. On Sunday I should take care of my mother who's very sick and cook. something as she's not able anymore. Don't know if I'll have time for shopping and cleaning the house. But definitely I shall make paths in the snow a few times cos they say it would be snowing all the weekend.

Do you like to cook?

23rd January 2014, 23:07
Yes I do, but its something that I actually rarely do. Which I suppose suggests that I don't like it. But I really do when I get the chance.

Do you watch TV much?

24th January 2014, 00:51
Nor a huge amount, there are certain things I can't miss, like TopGear, Mythbusters, Ehh Headsand some sports, but other than that, it is often on in the background, but most of the time but I normally couldn't tell you what was on it.

What is your favourite movie genre

24th January 2014, 15:47
Don't have a fav. But definitely I can't stand ""action'' movies and not a fan of sci fi too.

Have you ever made a snowman?

24th January 2014, 19:13
Yes. I have made quite a few when I was young, and about 2 years ago I made one again after probably 10 years and it was still just as fun. Carrot for a nose, coal for eyes and buttons. A stick for a mouth topped off with old scarf and hat.

Have you ever been snowed in your house/building?

24th January 2014, 20:23
I have all the chances to be snowed in my house this weekend as a red code of snow falls and snow storms threatens my hometown.
In the past I was confronted with heavy winters with a high layer of snow and in the morning I was the first on my street to go to work and the one who had to make the path. Grrr....If I hate anything then this thing is winter.

Have you ever been snowed in your car?

24th January 2014, 21:19
No Luckily we don't get that much snow here, and if we did I would generally stay away from driving.

Do you enjoy answering these questions on Word Games Forum?

24th January 2014, 21:30
Yes although it's weird cos I don't like to talk about me. Maybe I dare to talk because nobody knows me here.

Have you ever been skating?

24th January 2014, 21:38
Yes a long long time ago. We I was young. I was actually not bad as I had been used to Rollerblading.

Which is/was your favourite decade? For the record mine was the 90's young a free back then. Enjoyed the TV and music too.

24th January 2014, 21:59
Definitely the '70s. There were years when even the communist regime wasn't too tough. The cultural life was amazing - great movies, great theater performances, great and cheap books in stores, many art galleries. And a terrible appetite for them.. Unfortunately I was too young to take advantage of these....

Have you ever traveled on the stairs of a crowded bus? I mean such crowded that the doors remained open and passengers traveled on the last stair.

24th January 2014, 22:14
No. Sounds scary.

I'm intrigued, Have you ever traveled on the stairs of a crowded bus? I mean such crowded that the doors remained open and passengers traveled on the last stair?

24th January 2014, 22:56
Yeah, a few times in the past. These days I don't travel by bus and they are no more allowed to travel with open doors.
However never dared to travel like this


Would you dare to travel like this?

24th January 2014, 23:14
No I am too much of a scaredy cat.

What is the most dangerous thing you have ever done?

24th January 2014, 23:35
My first job was outside the city and I used to accept the invitation of a coworker to be driven to the central part. She was a public danger on the road, we all knew she's the worst driver who took her licence due to her bf, still we were happy to get home earlier. Once she even avoided the barrier of a railway and we were about to be hit by the train, just like in the comedies with Keystone cops. It was always a competition to get to her car earlier to avoid the front seat.

What are your plans for the weekend? :p

25th January 2014, 00:10
Well tomorrow I have to re organise my kitchen after it has been refurbished, then in the afternoon I will play football with my friends.

Sunday the rain is meant to be terrible so I don't really know what I will do. Probably post in the word games forum with you Gadjo. :p

What time will you wake up tomorrow?

25th January 2014, 07:30
I couldn't sleep too much anyway as it was very cold but I kept staying in bed until 8. I would stay longer but at 10 I have to be at the commemoration.

What's the lowest temperature you had to endure?

25th January 2014, 10:22
Only about -8, I was outside looking at the thermometer.

Whats the Hottest Temperature you have had to endure?

26th January 2014, 09:28
Summers are really hot here and sometimes temperatures grow over 40°C. Problem is that they measure it outside the city, in an airy place and in the shadow. In fact they are much higher in the central city where I live and also much higher at the pavement level. Add to this that the heat is associated with high humiidity and the index of discomfort is exceeded. However I prefer the heat and to throw bottles of cold water over my head instead of trembling of cold.

What's your no 1 wish at this moment?

26th January 2014, 10:41
For my painful Foot to heal, so I cant run properly again, rather than hobbling like a 70 year old.

What is your favourite animal?

26th January 2014, 17:06
Cats. Love them although I don't own one.
I also love penguins cos they look as helpless as me. :p

What's your fav cake?

26th January 2014, 20:14
Chocolate gateau. Can't beat choch and cherry

what is you fav day of the week

26th January 2014, 21:26
Monday you can fall apart
Tuesday, Wednesday break my heart
Oh, Thursday doesn't even start
It's FRIDAY I'm in love
Saturday wait
And Sunday always comes too late
But FRIDAY, never hesitate.

Who's your fav musician?

27th January 2014, 03:57
I could say 'The Cure", but that wouldn't be quite true :)

I don't really have a fav but I am a 60's child from Liverpool, so the Beatles are quite important, I like Queen, The Eagles and others. I also love listening to music by Stanley Myer s (Cavatina is simply stunning) and I love Greek bouzouki music (Zorba's Dance, Ta traina Pou Figan etc)

What is your fav musical instrument?

27th January 2014, 22:30
At infant school we had a percussion band. the most musical kids had tambourines and so on down to those with no ear for music who had triangles. I had a triangle! So I suppose that must be my favourite.

Are you at all musical?

28th January 2014, 00:06
I used to play Guitar but sadly I let it go and now I dream of playing only.

(Risky question)

How old are you?

28th January 2014, 00:35
(Risky answer) I'd rather not say but I was born in 1966

What is your strongest childhood memory?