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4th October 2013, 09:35
(this sounds like one of those dirty phone calls, just need some heavy breathing :) )

I have just arrived at work, so I have clothes on.

how do you get your average work day started, i.e. how do you get going for the day?

I wake up between 04:30 - 05:00, have a shower, get dressed, get the coffee going, get my laptop and phone ready and anything else I need for the day from home. Then I wake up the wife and kids and help get them ready for school. Once the kids are at school I stop off for some takeout coffee and a breakfast roll and I'm in the office by 06:30 - 07:00. Repeat the next day :p:

Do you wear formal or informal clothes to work and id your work environment a relaxed one or do things to the T kind of environment?

4th October 2013, 11:59
Always detested formal clothes cos they make me feel like having a stick in the a*s.. And don’t have a motivation to wear them at work ( that means that none of the guys I work with deserve the effort :p ). There are days when I know that a manager from X company would come and then I try to look „decent”. The trouble comes when my boss and managers pretend to be busy and send me at Parliament or meetings at public institutions and I’m wearing jeans or casual t-shirts. :p
As for the environment, I don’t know if I understood the Q. It’s anything but a relaxed environment. We’re always working under pressure ( although I can’t see the importance of our work ), we’re talking dirty ( not to mention some talk too loud ) and my colleagues are the kind of people that always get on my nerves.

Are you a polite person?

4th October 2013, 12:47
Generally yes. But if you are wasting my time or p!ss me off, I have no problem telling someone to their face to find someone else to annoy!

Have you ever experienced harassment at work from a superior? (doesn't necessarily have to be sexual harassment)

4th October 2013, 17:15
Well, our bosses use to treat us like slaves on plantation but I can't say it's harassment. I've noticed that my boss has a special pleasure to annoy me. He gives me a lot of work and acts like he never notice when I'm sick or have a serious personal problem. Of course he has some protègès who have a nice quiet life with the same salary as me. I wouldn't mind if he was running his private business but we all work for the state.

Will you employ me? :p

4th October 2013, 17:28
Not a chance!!! My staff are hard working, well mannered, efficient, productive.....everything you said you aren't :p: :D ;)

Would you employ me?

4th October 2013, 17:40
Not a chance! You have a bossy attitude......

Are you a mysoginist?

Not a chance!!! My staff are hard working, well mannered, efficient, productive.....everything you said you aren't :p: :D ;)

:confused:have I really said these?

4th October 2013, 17:43
Just messing with you ;) Smile it's Friday :)

4th October 2013, 17:44
What would you do if you won $ 100 million in the lottery? ( we talking US dollars not Zimbabwe dollars :p: )

4th October 2013, 17:57
I'd bribe some f×××ing officials to get the papers for my gas heating system.
(fair to say I prefer the Botswana currency :devil:)

What would you do if one day you lost everything and have no chance to get a job?

5th October 2013, 08:38
go to the pub!

what is the main thing in the world, that doesn't affect or effect you own life that really an truly annoys you?

5th October 2013, 08:53
The too many "'nouveau riche'' people in the society I live in.

Have you slept well last night?

5th October 2013, 22:33
I was away last night, and had been active all day so slept like a very heavy log.

Have you ever been to the UK or When did you last come to the UK?

5th October 2013, 23:45
No. Never been.

Have you ever won something at a lottery?

5th October 2013, 23:55
A whole 10 pound on 3 occasions.

Why do you think we exist?

6th October 2013, 00:29
“If I were to be totally sincere, I would say that I do not know why I live and why I do not stop living. The answer probably lies in the irrational character of life which maintains itself without reason.”
? Emil Cioran, On the Heights of Despair
That's one of my fav quotes from one of my wise fellow countrymen.

Have you ever won an award?

6th October 2013, 09:37
Never done anything worthy of an award.

Do you eat a lot of fruit?

6th October 2013, 09:55
Yes. Love them. No day without at least a fruit.

Whose was the last gig you went to?

6th October 2013, 21:49
This will sound really sad but, it was the Eagles 10 years ago when they did their reunion tour.

What/where is the most unusual place you have ever visted

6th October 2013, 23:57
Not unusual in a way, but the most surreal and strange was the war grave yards in France. I visited them years ago and there is no describing the feelings and emotions you feel there.

Whats the worst place you have visited?

7th October 2013, 00:13
The little town Floresti in Prahova county. Looked like a miserable ghetto.

What was the last present you've got?

7th October 2013, 01:27
A coconut shell ukulele from Rarotonga

Would you rather go to a new place on holiday on an organised tour, or look after yourself?

7th October 2013, 11:27
I’d love to visit new places. If it’s abroad an organised tour is more convenient as I’m shy, head in the clouds and unable to take care of myself. If it’s in my own country I prefer to go on my own as our services are very bad.

Do you understand my English?

7th October 2013, 19:59
Yes, it's fine.

What languages do you speak?

7th October 2013, 20:12
Only English at the moment, but I am really keen to try another. So hopefully I can get myself in gear and have a go.

Good question so What languages do you speak?

7th October 2013, 21:31
My first language is Romanian. When I was a kid we used to speak aromanian at home. INow I speak it very badly, I almost forgot the words.
I speak a bad English as well. The second foreign language in school was Russian. I hated it because it was associated with the communist regime so I didn't learn it. Fair to say it wasn't time for it anyway as the high school was a tough one. And neither the teacher was interested to help us. These days I think Russian doesn't sound bad at all and I regret I don't know it.

Have you ever written a poem?

7th October 2013, 21:45
Only when I was at school in my English class, unless a dirty limerick on the wall counts?

Have you ever considered writing a novel?

7th October 2013, 21:58
Used to have a good (though kinda sick) imagination. But now due to my dull job whenever I try to write something I'm betrayed by the beurrocratic wooden language. So my answer is no.

What was the latest book you've read?

7th October 2013, 23:05
Black Echo. An old detective novel by Michael Connelly.

What did you have for lunch?

7th October 2013, 23:09
A ham sandwich and strawberry yogurt.

Do you eat breakfast?

8th October 2013, 01:19
Sometimes, but usually breakfast is a cup of coffee on the way to work.

Is it wrong to have cornflakes for dinner?

8th October 2013, 13:45
Hell no! I eat breakfast stuff all times of the day.

Do you like your coffee black or white, regular or decaf, with or without sugar?

8th October 2013, 14:09
Black-regular-without sugar

Do you think that I lie when I post here?

8th October 2013, 17:29
To be honest, I don't really give a continental if you do or don't, it's up to you :p:

Would you trust a stranger to carry your tray of eggs to your car in the shopping mall? ( thought it was time for a strange question to appear :p: )

8th October 2013, 21:51
It depends on what she looks like! (my, but that answer sounds really shallow)

How many cars have you owned, and which one did/do you like best?

9th October 2013, 01:37
I have owned too, and due to being poor they weren't great. A Ford KA now a Ford Focus.

Fav was the KA just because it was my first.

Do you think this is a good question?

9th October 2013, 02:25
Well as questions go, I must admit too have seen better

Do you complain about the weather when it rains?

9th October 2013, 07:58
Only if it's pelting down and I have to walk in it for some reason and get soaking wet. Otherwise I love the rain man :D

Do you prefer warm weather or cold weather?

9th October 2013, 09:34
Cold weather. Its easier to warm up than cool down.

When was the last time you travelled by train?

9th October 2013, 10:26
Eish! Probably about 20 years ago! Can't remember exactly when but it was on one of those classic steam train day rides with several stops at restaurants, markets etc.

Pool, ocean or dam?

9th October 2013, 18:28
Ocean! Love splashing about in the surf. Sadly, living about 1,000kms from the nearest ocean offers limited access :p: .

When's the last time you were stung by a bee/wasp?

9th October 2013, 21:58
Errrm... I remember when I was in primary school standing on a bee, so that was in about 1976 (god I getting old)

Are you a dog :) , or a cat ;( person?

9th October 2013, 23:39
I like both but have neither. If I was to get one, it would be a dog. So I guess slightly a doggy person.

Is a Zebra a Horse in disguise?

10th October 2013, 06:54
A zebra is a donkey who says political jokes . ( that was a joke during the communist regime cos if you were heard telling political jokes you risked to be imprisoned and wear that stripes suit ).

Are you comfortable with your real name? If not what name would yoou like to have?

10th October 2013, 10:15
Yes, after all, it's just a name and a few letters scribbled on a birth certificate. It doesn't define who or what you are :)

Do you enjoy board games like scrabble and do you still play them considering the digital age is killing everything else?

10th October 2013, 21:47
I play scrabble about once every week, we use it on my course to help my trainees with their spelling and word comprehension skills, I play chess from time to time, the problem is finding someone else to play against. Also play games like Yahtzee and contig etc.

Christmas is on it's way, do you have a big family Christmas, or a small "normal Day " Christmas, on none at all?

10th October 2013, 21:56
Huge Family Christmas, where unlike most on TV we do all get along and behave like excited children

Do you enjoy Christmas?

10th October 2013, 21:56
Huge Family Christmas, where unlike most on TV we do all get along and behave like excited children

Do you enjoy Christmas?

11th October 2013, 00:53
Yes and no. It's used to be the only time the whole family got together, but my younger sister is now in Australia, and my elder sister only shows up to what she can take home with her. I do enjoy doing the cooking - turkey, ham etc. We usually spend a few day with my patents either side of Christmas etc.

Do you have siblings, and how well do you get on with them?

11th October 2013, 16:07
Yes I do, a younger brother and sister. we all get along very well and regularly visit each other for braai's, dinner, family gatherings etc.

What is your idea of the perfect 4 car garage?

11th October 2013, 17:24
Ooh, good Q! Might be a candidate for the chit-chat form, 555 :)

I know as soon as I reply, I'll have thought of a dozen more... , but off the top of my head:

1955 (yes '55 :p: ) Mercedes 300SL Gullwing
1965 Shelby Cobra 427. I mean, c'mon, power-to-weight ratio!
Series II Jaguar E-Type coupe (yes, the series II with the 6 cyl, not the later 12 cylinder which was far to heavy and unresponsive).
1962 Ferrari 250 GTO - The epitome of Ferrari design - Sex on wheels!


What's your favourite car that you've owned?

12th October 2013, 10:19
To this day, my 1991 VW Golf 2 GTI 8V is still my favourite car I have owned that I bought second hand from a mate of mine when he emigrated to OZ. It was a brilliant basic drivers car that you could have fun with without having to do 200 km/h to get the best out of it and I have very fond memories of it too as I was I youngster when I bought it and partied everywhere with it :D

You gotta drive 1000 miles in two days and there are no speed limits to worry about. What would you choose from the two options of a comfortable cruiser like a Bentley GT Continental or a crazy assed hyper car like a Pagani Zonda?

12th October 2013, 13:02
Being 6 ft 5 an Zonda possibly wouldn't be the best choice. I would go for a GT car, most likely a DB9 or a Ferrari 599.

Are Porsche 911s (and the million different derivatives) just VW Beetles with an ego problem

14th October 2013, 13:39
No, they are probably the finest sports cars ever made. Ultra reliable, fast(ish), understated...perfect!

Is the VW Golf really the best hot hatch in your eyes, or as I think, is the Golf overrated against the likes of the fine Focus ST, Opel OPC, Megane RS etc?

14th October 2013, 21:45
I like the mark 1 golf but the mark 5 is just a bit blah. I would rather have a Focus, but in reality I personally think all so called 'hot hatches' are a bit blah, although Top Gear tested a Vauxhall. something or other a couple of years back that made me laugh, by the way it simply couldn't go round any corners at all.

Power or handling?

15th October 2013, 08:07
Power is nothing without handling and handling is pointless without some power. What you want is a combination of both. But, if you could only pick one, handling is the way to go. That's why I loved my WRX STI so much, it had a bit of both :D

You prefer American muscle cars from the 60's - 80's or European exotic cars from the same period?

15th October 2013, 22:07
I hate muscle-head cars, they are usually incredibly ugly, uncomfortable, soil themselves when they see a corner etc, I would rather have to spend the rest of my life doing a handstand in sour milk than own one of those things!......... So that would be a decent car from the same era from Europe, something elegant but powerful like a Facel Vega for example. (Geez I hope I didn't over-react to the whole muscle car thing :crazy: )

Does the colour of a car have an effect on it's and your personality?

17th October 2013, 11:27
The car, yes. I mean, nothing beats a bright yellow Lamborghini or a red Ferrari now does it? As for people, I don't think so, it's just a colour. I think the actual car itself does more to effect our personalities.

Maybach or Rolls Royce?

17th October 2013, 17:12
Rolls. Maybach was a half-hearted, poorly concieved and executed business venture for Daimler. You can now buy a Maybach for a bag of washers.

Monaco F1 or Le Mans 24 hour?

17th October 2013, 21:42
Hard question to answer.....not. The Monaco Gp where 22 of the most powerful and technologically advanced racing cars in the world slowly follow each other round and round a gambling resort, with no chance of a race ever breaking out? I would choose Lemans every time, cars actually race each other, ....no..... honestly they do.....really, I'm not kidding.

If you could add one new skill to your skill-set, what would it be?

18th October 2013, 08:27
Psychic / predicting the future. So that when I see in the future that the wife is going to give me horns for something, I make sure I'm not around :p: :D

What's your favourite place in the world?

18th October 2013, 11:16
I have a few. Liverpool, because it's home and is always special. New Plymouth, where I now call home, when the snow is down on the mountain, it is absolutely beautiful, St Lucia is incredible, and Socotra because it is like nothing you have ever seen before.

what scares you the most (apart from the mother-in-law)?

18th October 2013, 15:27
Not having fun in life. Besides dying, I'm not really afraid of anything or anyone in this life. My only concern is having fun in all aspects of my and my families life :)

What colour underwear are you wearing now, if you are wearing any? ( I just know someone is gonna rib me over this one :p: )

18th October 2013, 18:01
Well, I could post a cheesy answer and say my home town of Montreal but I'd be obviously biased :D.
But one of my favourite places visited would have to be Australia, with beautiful landscapes, beaches, good food, cold beer and wonderful people. Then again, I'm still waiting for an invite to RSA :p: .

Do you do anything special for Halloween?

18th October 2013, 18:03
Oops, obviously posted to the wrong post. Carry on... :mark:

21st October 2013, 03:03
Not having fun in life. Besides dying, I'm not really afraid of anything or anyone in this life. My only concern is having fun in all aspects of my and my families life :)

What colour underwear are you wearing now, if you are wearing any? ( I just know someone is gonna rib me over this one :p: )

May as well be me then :D Do they have ribbed underwear in South Africa, or does getting ribbed mean something different?

In answer to your question, I can't remember what set I crawled into this morning. I was up at 5:30 and drifted into the shower, turned it on let it warm up for a few minutes, plunged in and it was stone cold; the hot water heater had decided to retire from it's assigned duty, so by the time I dressed I was absolutely freezing, and just grabbed the first thing I could find.

My question then "555-04Q2" why the hell do you want to know that for?
Even the wife doesn't give two hoots about that, just so long as it's clean, 'cause she refuses to identify the body if the undies aren't fresh. :D

21st October 2013, 09:15
Ribbed underwear :shock: I will have to check out our local S&M store to find out :p: ;) I thought it would be a change to the usual line of questions and spice things up and has proven so by the reaction it generated :D Mission accomplished :p:

What would you do if your doctor told you today that you had 6 months to live?

21st October 2013, 21:48
Be glad I didn't put off visiting him for six months, 'cause that would really suck. Honestly I kinda hope I would continue living until the time came not too.

If NASA or some other agency discovered a comet was going to crash into Earth and completely destroy it, would you want to know. Knowing that 1. There is nothing we can do to prevent it and 2. If the populace were told it would lead to complete and utter mayhem and anarchy?

22nd October 2013, 00:29
I would want too know, but you're right for the sake of humans no suffering for the days before it would be better not to know.

Do you like a duck billed platypus?

22nd October 2013, 02:58
Depends on how it is cooked really.

how much of a good thing is too much?

22nd October 2013, 09:02
There is never too much of a good thing, that is reserved for bad things only ;)

If there is life out there, would you want to know and what do you think they would be similar to us or completely different?

22nd October 2013, 21:58
I have always thought that there IS life on other planets, and yes I would really love to know. As to how it would look, I maintain that if they come from a planet similar to Earth i.e. 'Goldilocks Zone' with similar atmosphere etc, they would be broadly similar to us. Obviously with some differences eg, if the light levels are different, the skin tones and colours and eyes would be different, If they come from a higher gravity environment they would by neccessity be shorter and more powerfully built, or from a lower gravity, be taller and more elegant etc. I guess it comes down to if they are carbon based (organic) or not.

Are there animals (big enough to notice) on Earth that we haven't seen yet?

23rd October 2013, 01:02
Yes. Caption: The olinguito (Bassaricyon neblina) is the first carnivore species to be discovered in the Western Hemisphere in 35 years.

http://www.cnn.com/2013/08/15/world/ame ... ithsonian/ (http://www.cnn.com/2013/08/15/world/americas/new-mammal-smithsonian/)

This was discovered a few months ago, so there must be hundreds of small mammals in the deep jungles in Brazil, New Guinea and Borneo still discover. Let alone Birds, reptiles and insects.

I know this had already been seen, but still.

Which direction is you're favourite?

23rd October 2013, 01:35
Is going round in circles a direction?

If not, living in NZ all that is to the south is Antarctica and cold storms, so that's not nice. The prevailing weather is from the West, so when the Westerly blows it tends to rain, and if you go West from New Plymouth you end up South-East of Melbourne roughly in a place called Morwell in Australia.
Hawke's Bay is on the Eastern side of the North Island, and they think they are better than us because their weather is hotter in the summer, so that leaves North, and since I was born in Liverpool, which is far to the North, North it is.

Eventhough you are an adult, do you still enjoy watching cartoons?

23rd October 2013, 08:44
I have two young sons so I don't have much of a choice. There are three televisions in my house but that doesn't mean I don't get dragged to the one they are watching so they can show me Sponge Bob or the Smurfs etc for the gazillionth time :p: I would say I enjoy the time with my sons more than those type of cartoons. What I really do enjoy though are the cartoon movies such as Cars, The Incredibles etc which are not too bad and, I think, meant for us more than the kids :)

It's raining outside. It's Saturday afternoon. Would you rather stay inside and watch the telly or use the PC etc or do you tough it out and go out and ride your bike or kick the footyball around a bit instead etc?

23rd October 2013, 21:45
Erm its only Thursday here :D

It depends on how heavy it's raining and what the wind is doing. I quite like playing golf and football in the rain, but if it's windy as well I would either stay home or we will go into town for lunch or a movie etc.

Looking out of my office window I am watching ships head in and out of Port Taranaki. Have you ever wanted to just say to hell with it and sail off into the great blue??

24th October 2013, 07:58
Well I sail at least once a month and it's nice to get away from the city with only the sound of the wind in my sails and the waves lapping the side on the boat so technically yes, but I have to return to moor and then continue with my daily responsibilities. But I have, on a few occasions, wondered what it would be like to just continue sailing to the horizon and not turning around when the sun goes down before the reality kicks in that I would be stuck with 2 screaming kids and a grumpy wife on a floating prison with no where to run :p:

Do you enjoy flying or is it a terrifying experience that is something you have to do to get to point X sometimes?

24th October 2013, 21:39
I have only ever flown on commercial planes. On intercontinental planes (747 etc) its just like riding a train, but the smaller commercial planes (Bombadier Dash 8 etc) it is a lot more fun because you can feel the airflow going past the plane. Always wanted to ride a copter, but so far the chance hasn't presented itself.

Do politics interest you, or are they just a bore that we have to occasionally put up with?

24th October 2013, 22:00
Bit of both. I feel a lot of politics is just one party scoring against another and nothing but BS.

However it is necessary so It is interesting as the important bits decide our futures.

Will you watch the Rugby League World Cup?

24th October 2013, 23:31
I will watch when England play, and when the Kiwis play, but I have gone off the Kiwi's after they dropped an already selected player to include sport's biggest a---hole Sonny-Jill Williams, surprisingly there are a large number of us New Zealanders who feel the same.

Why are American news readers painted a peculiar shade of orange?

25th October 2013, 08:32
Because it's illegal in the US for them to be painted in a shade of red. If they were, lawsuits would abound with wild claims of injustices, theft of copy rights and just plain old unfair play being the main files in the lawsuit for US$ 1,000,000,000.

It's late, you've had too much to drink, you're at a club, you're single, there's only you and an ugly chick at the bar. Do you take her home? ( For the girls, work the other way round :p: )

28th October 2013, 21:24
Exactly how drunk am I and define ugly? :colour: At may age probably not, I may be drunk but I still have standards, minimalist though they may be.

When is it ok to lie to the wife/husband/life partner etc?

28th October 2013, 23:49
During you're 63 affairs. :kiss: :laugh:

Do you ever have snow where you live? If so do you still act like a little kid when it snows?

29th October 2013, 01:43
We have snow on the mountain, which is about 25 km away. As a matter of fact it snowed last night which is really strange considering we are moving into summer. It snowed in New Plymouth at sea level 3 years ago for about half an hour, this is the first time in living memory that we have had snow on the ground. And yes when I am in the snow I still act like a little kid and run around in it.

Is the NSA listening in to your phone calls, or maybe even reading this post?

29th October 2013, 07:45
Who cares? If you aint doing nothing wrong there is nothing to worry about, I don't care if they hear me talking about the latest gossip with my mates. But just in case they are watching, and to get them worked up...hey, Pete, pass me that brick of snow, need a snort or two before we go rob the bank :p:

Describe your dream home.

29th October 2013, 15:41
An open-style on a beach in the south pacific, with a multi-car garage and a private 18-hole golf course out the front door :D .

Have you served in the military?

29th October 2013, 20:45
No, unless being a boy scout counts?

Schemnke - Why would you want a multi-car garage on your South Pacific beach house, there are no roads? :D

Or a question for everyone else. Would you rather know exactly what time it is, or would you be happier getting up with the sun, eating when you are hungry, sleeping when the sun goes down etc?

30th October 2013, 01:44
I'll take knowing the time. Just like to plan things that need doing.

Frog or Toad?

30th October 2013, 04:32
Frog, some species are quite interesting, while toads are just plain ugly

Fish and chips or a fancy dinner?

30th October 2013, 07:40
I'm all for simple meals. I'll take the fish and chips please with lots a salt and vinegar thanks! :D

Where do all the lost second socks that we lose and can never find again go to?

30th October 2013, 20:50
I,ve got them!. Well looking at my sock box, there are a lot of strays in it, some of them I certainly don't remember ever seeing before!

Do you use public transport?

30th October 2013, 22:04
Not really. My job is away from viable transport routes. Any time I go out or away, I bike, walk or Car.

I occasionally use the train, but hardly used a bus in 10 years since leaving college.

You have had a long day and don't have the energy to cook a big meal, what is your quick fix meal of choice?

30th October 2013, 22:50
Beans on toast, unless I'm feeling adventurous, then I might add a couple of eggs and some cheese. Or if I am really worn out and no one else is home, a bowl of cornflakes has been known to be eaten at dinner time.

Is genetic modification of crops wrong? i.e do you have a problem with grain crops being modified to allow them to grow in arid conditions, to allow people to grow thee own food, or should this technology be used, but strictly controlled?, or even used as whoever using it sees fit?

31st October 2013, 07:08
I don't mind at all if I'm honest. It can't be any worse for us that "naturally" grown crops. I mean, just think of all the pesticides etc that are used on crops anyway. Plus most of the stuff if then packed into unsafe plastic wrapping etc. It's just safer not to eat at all :p:

If you saw a meteorite bearing down on your house, besides your loved ones who we will say are away at that moment, what would be the one thing you would grab before the house was obliterated?

31st October 2013, 15:39
My bottles of single malt scotch whisky! :shock:

Do you like whisky?

31st October 2013, 16:00
I wouldn't say I like whisky but I do enjoy a good one with a bit of ice now and then, but I'm more of a:

1. Beer man - when I just wanna sip on something cool after work while I'm swimming with the kids or chilling on the deck.
2. Rum man - when I wanna let my hair down ( ok figure of speech as most of it is gone :p: ) with some mates while we braai.
3. Rose wine man - when the wife and I have a romantic dinner without the kids or while we have dinner at home.

Describe what your garden is like. If you live in a flat/apartment, describe your pot plant :p:

31st October 2013, 16:14
Not much of a garden TBH. Typical suburban grassy yard with a small lilac tree (bush?), a small Japanese Maple tree (stick?) that I planted a couple of years ago and a raspberry bush that produces about a dozen berries every summer :mark: . A rickety rusting swing set that causes the neighbourhood kids all manner of scrapes and contusions finishes off the backyard accessories.
Oh, and the back deck is home to Gertrude, my stainless steel, three-burner, 50,000btu volcano used to char the ubiquitous weekend cow :D .

You dress up for Halloween?

31st October 2013, 16:18
We don't celebrate Halloween so I would have to say, no, I don't :p:

What are you and the family planning to do for Christmas this year? Stay at home with family and in-laws or go somewhere and chill out?

31st October 2013, 20:48
We usually all meet up at my parents place. I normally provide the ham, turkey etc, then get stuck in the kitchen most of the morning cooking, which is good because it means I don't have to listen to my sister talking about herself for hours on end!

In NZ our summer holiday is over the Christmas period, so this question really only works for Southern Hemisphere people, so Schemke and others might not have an anwer (sorry Chaps :) ) Are you planning to go anywhere new or special for your summer holidays?

1st November 2013, 07:07
Yes I am :D Taking the family up to Nelspruit in the Lowveld area of the North Eastern part of our beautiful country to visit my best mate and his family. They have a game farm with all the Big 5 on it so we can enjoy safari drives viewing the animals (night drives spotting Leopards is my favourite) and braai around the lapa, swim in the dam etc. It's one of the most beautiful places in the world and the perfect way to unwind for a few weeks and forget about having to pay staff, meetings budgets, kids school problems etc :)

Have you got a Zoo nearby and have you ever been there and did you enjoy it?

1st November 2013, 21:16
Yes just up the road. Colchester Zoo.

It was upgraded about 15 years ago and is now a nice zoo. I last visited about 5 years ago. I was nice but I am never a big fan of Zoos to be honest.

When did you last swim in the Sea? If ever.

1st November 2013, 23:17
This morning, and it was bloody cold. The house is 20m from the high-tide line.

Does technology make life easier, or more complicated?

4th November 2013, 07:34
Definitely more complicated. Now you can't go anywhere without being contacted by someone. If you don't answer your mobile people say why don't you want to talk to me? You just can't get away from the world anymore. And while things like shopping, banking etc have become easier, computers have just swamped us with more things to do and, unlike we were promised, created more paperwork. Sometimes I would love to just throw the phones, computers etc into the bin and just chill out by the pool for a week :D

Are you one of those people that just has to have the latest gadget?

4th November 2013, 20:43
Even though I have a degree in IT etc, I have to say that electronic gadgets do nothing for me. My cell phone is 3 years old, and usually sits on the bed-side table all day, often without a charge on it, my lap-top is nearly five years old etc etc etc.

There was a story in the news last week about Jamie Oliver not allowing his 11 year old to have a cell phone. How old do you think is old enough for you kids to have one?

5th November 2013, 00:49
I don't have kids, but I would say about 14 or 15. When they begin to really have a close circle of friends and probably start hating the parents.

Should we (human race) try to land people on Mars?

5th November 2013, 01:28
In short yes. The question I guess is when? And when we do is one nation going to stick a flag in it and try and claim it as their own property.
Eventually (maybe hundred years from now) humanity will set up colonies off Earth. Mars might very well be the place to start. If you are interested in these ideas try reading some Ben Bova books, he wrote a series about settling on other Solar system planets, and many of his ideas are credible.

What do you think is the most important invention ever invented?

5th November 2013, 07:29
The motorised vehicle. In that I mean cars, bikes, trucks, trains, aeroplanes etc. It made traveling great distances easy, brought the world closer together and made it possible to develop faster. The pace of growth over the last 100 odd years has been frankly phenomenal, thanks in no small part to transport solutions.

Where do you see mankind in 100 years time?

5th November 2013, 09:38
Almost impossible to say. We have come so far in 100 years like you said. Who knows what un-trodden path will be explored by then.

Do think the Panada will exist in 100 years time?

5th November 2013, 09:48
I hope so! Traditions are important and if I remember correctly the Panada is a traditional Scottish or English dish isn't it? I remember having had one before :)

What was / is your mothers cooking like? ( be careful here guys :p: )

5th November 2013, 19:12
Decent, without being epic. Don't worry she wont ever be reading this.

When did you last laugh out loud?

5th November 2013, 20:42
about 5 minutes ago, laughing is good for the soul etc etc etc blah blah blah... :laugh:

Are you a leader or a follower

5th November 2013, 21:51
tell me what you are, and I will be that.

If you could afford it (if you cant already). Would you take a tour into Space?

6th November 2013, 01:19
Absoulutely!. However, rather than go on the quick trip i.e. up and back, I would prefer to wait until the proposed space hotel is ready

There are plans to send a manned expidition to Mars. Would you go, knowing that you would be living on your transport ship until you have finished building a habitat, and knowing that it was a one way trip, with no prospect of returning to Earth?

6th November 2013, 07:13
If I had no family to support or worry about, yes I would do it in a heartbeat. Besides raising a successful family, is there really any other point to life? We live for a while then we die. It's kind of a repetitive cycle with no real point in the end is there, or at least none that I can see! I would go so I could see what it's like out there in the big black yonder and see what the small light I see in the sky is really like up close :)

Who let the dogs out?

7th November 2013, 00:19
I did last night, well this morning at 2am when some little ar#$%le started letting off fireworks across the road in the beach car park.

It has just turned black out side and a thunder storm is approaching from the north-west. Do you like thunderstorms as I do, or do they scare the bejeezus out of you?

7th November 2013, 00:39
I love thunderstorms. I find a nice place to just sit and listen to nature in all its power and glory. I never quite get why people are scared of thunderstorms overly. I know you have to keep your wits about you and that they are potentially lethal, but they are stunning.
Sadly we don't get many here.

How often do you have thunderstorms?

7th November 2013, 01:16
Not that often, probably only half a dozen each year. In NZ we usually only tend to get sheet lightning, which is quite cool, but it just lights up the clouds. proper fork lightning is extremely rare.

If you had to name one reason for tourists to visit your home town/area what would it be?

7th November 2013, 06:51
The climate mainly along with our beaches and game parks. Our summers can be pretty warm from December - April, but overall there is no better climate that I have experienced anywhere else in the world. May and June are fantastic months here where the temperature averages in the mid 20's, there are few rainy days and evenings are a pleasant 19 - 20 degrees. We braai a lot that time of the year as it's just fantastic to chill outside, not sweating nor shivering. Perfect! :D September and October are also great months like May and June, but we tend to get more rainy days that time of the year.

Can you describe, in a bit of detail, what your road is like where you live?

7th November 2013, 20:46
Ermm its greyish with some white lines on it.

One side has houses the other side runs along the cliff top down to the beach.
This is a view from the road.

If you could choose one animal to keep as a pet, what would it be and why?

7th November 2013, 22:16
Easy. A dog. The most loyal and affectionate companion I can think of (I know, not a very original answer :mark: ).

Do you put much effort into decorating your house/apartment for Christmas?

8th November 2013, 00:12
Yes. I am a big kid, so everything I can think of goes up each year.

Might you ever move country? For a first time or again depending on circumstances.

8th November 2013, 00:27
I am one who did/has. I am from Liverpool (the proper one not he one in AUS, USA or any other English speaking country) and now happliy live in New Plymouth.
I have to say I have no plans to up sticks and head away, but who knows what the future will offer.

Are you concerned by other peoples opinions of you, or are you your own person?

8th November 2013, 01:26
My own person. To hell with everyone else's opinion. (Was that OK)

OK none of the macho answers like "I am to hard for this question"

Have you ever punched someone clean in the face?

8th November 2013, 05:46
I did playing football once. I miss-timed a punch on the ball and smacked one of the opposition strikers smack in the middle of his face and broke his nose.

What is the worst food you have eaten?

8th November 2013, 11:51
Computers and Adidas.

What's the most exotic food you've eaten?

8th November 2013, 12:15
I've eaten a lot of exotic foods, but for me, the most exotic is sushi. Yeah I know its popular and all but there is just something about it that makes it seem an occasion every time you eat it :D

Hot lunch or cold lunch?

8th November 2013, 13:49
It doesn't matter. Some food is better when it's cold.

Lunch from restaurant/fast food or a package of home made lunch ?

8th November 2013, 15:36
Either a decent sit down meal at a restaurant or a home packed meal like a sandwich with banana, yoghurt, fruit bar etc. It is difficult to find fast food that has any taste let alone one that is not dripping in oil :(

What is the square root of toffee?

9th November 2013, 03:16
Ice cream.

Do you have a lucky number?

9th November 2013, 21:38
Not a lucky number because I don't believe in that sort of superstition but I do have a favourite number. 13. Hence my username.

How do you feel about Sandcastles?

10th November 2013, 20:32
It depends where they are. On the beach they are fine, but no so goof in the middle of the living room.

If you could invent something what would it be, and if you know what it would be why don't you go and invent it?

11th November 2013, 07:23
I would invent a woman that doesn't expect us men to listen to their moaning, is always smiling, that looks the same in the morning as she did when she went to bed, that will agree with us when we talk to them, that has common sense, that has no emotional breakdowns, does not leak bodily fluids for a week once a month and that is always willing to have a good old routing when the mood arises. And the reason I haven't invented this woman yet, it because I don't have an Adam to steal a few ribs from :p: :D

What would be the ingredients of your dream hamburger?

11th November 2013, 09:03
I would invent a woman that doesn't expect us men to listen to their moaning, is always smiling, that looks the same in the morning as she did when she went to bed, that will agree with us when we talk to them, that has common sense, that has no emotional breakdowns, does not leak bodily fluids for a week once a month and that is always willing to have a good old routing when the mood arises. And the reason I haven't invented this woman yet, it because I don't have an Adam to steal a few ribs from :p: :D

Good news! This woman already exists and it's called blow up doll. Just ask Schmenke.

Back to post:
None as I don't eat hamburgers.

What is the most romantic thing you've ever done?

11th November 2013, 22:40
Remembered the other half's birthday once :D

Was the moon landing a hoax?

12th November 2013, 08:13
Remembered the other half's birthday once :D

Was the moon landing a hoax?

No it really happened. I think the conspiracy theories were by people who just couldn't accept that man had advanced so much that they were actually able to land on the moon, let alone put a man there. They had big balls back in the 60's, kudos to the Americans and Russians for achieving what they did with the limited technology back then :)

Do you ever just lie on the lawn and watch the stars at night?

12th November 2013, 09:22
I bought an astronomical telescope so I can do just that.

Favourite TV show?

12th November 2013, 09:38
Cronica Cârcota?ilor ( The Carpings Chronicle ) and
Lumea lui Banciu ( Banciu's World)- definitely I'm in love with this guy.

Do you read newspapers?

12th November 2013, 15:09
Yes, everyday. I enjoy reading the letters to the editor, sports section etc while I have a few sun downers by the pool :)

Do you still read print magazines or do you subscribe to digital ones?

12th November 2013, 15:09
Sorry double post!

12th November 2013, 15:22
These days I don't read magazines at all.

Do you like winter sports?

12th November 2013, 15:25
Depends on what you class as winter sports. Are you referring to skiing, ice skating and the likes or rugby, soccer etc? I enjoy watching some snow sports like snowboarding and love winter sports such as rugby. But never been a fan of ice hockey, figure skating etc.

You having a good hair day or a bad hair day today?

12th November 2013, 17:52
I tend to think I have a bad hair day everyday. :p

Do you believe I'm brave enough to go to the next office and punch my boss in the nose?

12th November 2013, 19:41
No, although let us know how things work out :p:

What do you typically have for breakfast?

12th November 2013, 20:52

Did gadjo ever punch her boss on the nose?

12th November 2013, 21:06
Not yet. But he has been warned (too) many times that this thing is gonna happen soon.

Have you ever felt the urge to punch your boss in the nose?

12th November 2013, 23:02
At a previous job absolutely. I worked for a local paper designing ads etc. He would take the proofs to the clients, and if they were good, would tell the client hed did them himself. At the same time he would stay late and alter certain ads before having them proofed, when the clients told him they needed changing (usually back to how they were before he had altered them) he would blame us for doing a sloppy job....

What type of people really get under your skin, up your nose, and generally really irritate the hell out of you?

12th November 2013, 23:57
It's their world: uneducated and proud of it, ready to step on corpses to reach their material goals, selfish and disloyal, corrupted to the bones, arrogant and bossy, attention seekers. Well, in a few words I described Romanian society of today. Maybe now you'll understand why I'm always depressed.

At what hour will you go to sleep tonight?

13th November 2013, 00:46
I usually watch Top Gear, so usually the TV goes off at 11-11:30

Do bad drivers annoy you, are do you just ignore them?

13th November 2013, 07:01
I don't mind bad drivers too much, I accept that the majority of people are complete idiots and that they have no clue what they are doing. What I can't stand is dangerous drivers, the ones that skip stop signs, jump red lights, do 120 km/h in a 50 km/k zone etc. Those kind of drivers I take no shyte from and on several occasions have pulled them out their cars and given them a good old beating, one resulting in a court case for assault :angry:

Do you think we will see flying cars within the next 20 years?

13th November 2013, 20:55
Not in general use no, but as a rich mans plaything, the ones we have now will still be here. To develop the sort of flying cars we see in the movies (i.e. wingless things that levitate) will take longer than 20 years.

Is it right to put a cola mine in the middle of a natural habitat, knowing that
1. There is millions of dollars and hundreds of jobs made
2. The habitat will be damaged possibly beyond repar?

14th November 2013, 06:47
It's called progress, so yes, if we want to continue our way of life, it would have to be done. The thing is, every city, town, home, school etc has been built on a natural habitat at some point, but no one complained, so I don't see why another peace of earth would make a difference.

What is the most beautiful nature scenery you have ever witnessed and where was it?

14th November 2013, 09:57
One evening we were on the beach at 2 Mai drinking a beer in a pub and listerning to Pink Floyd's Dark side of the moon when suddenly the moon rose from the sea. It was impressive and we still remember that wonderful night.

When was the last time you cried?

14th November 2013, 12:04
Everyday. I walk up, take one look at the wife next to me in the bed who has gone from pretty to haggard looking overnight and realise that the hot chick in my dreams is just that, just a dream :p:

Two wheels or four?

14th November 2013, 13:09
Two legs.

Do you snore?

14th November 2013, 13:34
My wife says I do, but I've never heard myself snore before so don't know what she's complaining about :p:

What's your favourite time of the day?

14th November 2013, 13:52
I love mornings. Unfortunately I have to spend them at work. My fav moment of a day is the one when I leave my working place. It doesn't last long cos suddenly I have to think of the troubles I have to face at home.

Do you smoke?

14th November 2013, 14:23
I do socially or if I have a cigar at home. I'm a bit of a health nut and work out and eat well, but I have to admit that smoking is damn pleasurable. Pity about the side affects though!

Where were you when the clock struck 12 when the new millennium rang in?

14th November 2013, 14:29
Like every Reveillon night I was at home knocking a glass of red wine and getting sad that it's winter, it's cold and I have to face a new boring year.

Do you use to celebrate the new year's day in a special way?

14th November 2013, 14:47
My wife and I used to go to a new place every new years eve to party it up. But since my kids came in 2007, we've been staying at home and having a few friends over for a braai and just chill out. I love looking back at a successful year that was and looking forward towards another and all it's challenges it will present :)

Would you say you are a calm person or are you coiled and ready for action?

14th November 2013, 15:12
I'd like to think I'm calm - like all those who feel depressed with life,disgusted and dissatisfied :devil: - but when I burst out I act like a volcano.
I love the security of the status quo and I'm somewhat hostile to change so you can't expect much action from me.

Do you have many friends?

14th November 2013, 15:41
I do, but sadly a lot of them have moved to far off places so I don't get to see them as often as I would like :(

Did you enjoy your time at school or was it a nightmare period you would rather forget?

14th November 2013, 16:03
Elementary school ( 1-8 grades ) was super great. High school was the cemetery of my youth :p

Have you ever been in a school camp?

14th November 2013, 16:27
Yes we did quite a few at school. It used to be very popular here to go on school camp outings, but these days not so much.

You still chat to people you went to school with?

14th November 2013, 16:36
My best friend in school is still one of my best friends. Then I live in the same house for a lifetime and some of my school mates are also in the neighbourhood.

Did you play prank jokes when you were in school?

14th November 2013, 20:55
Yes, still do for that matter.

Is it more important to be able to not take yourself too seriously, or to build up your own worth?

14th November 2013, 21:05
I think it depends on what kind of person you are....

Do you like to take pictures?

14th November 2013, 21:54
Kind of. I'm interested in photography but rarely get a chance to get out and practice. I'm thinking of taking a lesson or two.

Do you sing in the shower?

14th November 2013, 22:07
I did until I realised the wall is very thin and I could listern to some neighbours conversations. I still do it but only in my thoughts.

Do you like to eat garlic?

15th November 2013, 01:00
Love garlic, as long as it is used well. Pickled garlic is awesome (lucky I have strong toothe paste or my breath would stink :) )

What are you doing this weekend?

15th November 2013, 07:15
I got a relaxing weekend coming up for a change :D Tonight, I'm gonna have a good workout, then chill in front of the telly. Tomorrow, got the gardener and maid around to sort out the house, got my sons cricket match in the morning then in the late afternoon gonna have a fat braai and watch the Springboks smash the cr@p out of the Scots while I get semi wasted! Sunday morning will be recovery time and I'll just chill on Sunday afternoon with the wife and kids before catching the Sunday movie on the telly.

What are you doing this weekend?

15th November 2013, 09:42
Might go to the movies, might have ( again?) some workers to fix some pipes.
Definitely go to a mall and since I can't afford a maid I should sort out the house by myself.
Talk for a few hours on the phone, watch X Factor and Voice of Romania ( in case I don't fall asleep )
Take the usual ratio of tears, trying to sleep a bit longer, etc.etc.

Do you like to do your shopping?

15th November 2013, 11:48
I absolutely, positively hate shopping. Even if its to buy a new toy for myself, I still hate the process of having to go to a shop to get it. That's why I try and buy as much as I can online.

Do you have online grocery shopping available to you?

15th November 2013, 12:31
Yes but never heard of someone to buy grocery products online. In my country salaries are very low and food quite expensive so everyone tries to buy at the lowest price possible mostly at hypermarkets like Carrefour, Cora, Metro, Kaufland, Selgros where you can find everything from furniture and electronics to mineral water and can benefit of substantial promotions. They are even in the central part of the city so pushing the carrier at hypermarket is a sort of national sport. I find it very relaxing but I hate to carry the bags.

Do you like to go to museums?

15th November 2013, 13:14
Yes I do! Sadly, a lot of our older museums have either closed down or are no longer fully functional thanks to our inept ANC government that don't spend money on anything unless it involves lining their back pockets. But we do have a few good ones left and I love looking back at the history of our country and how we have now progressed :)

Do you enjoy going to the opera, live cabaret shows etc?

15th November 2013, 13:28
Not very fond of the musical shows. In the past I used to go to the theatre, I never missed a chance since I was a schoolgirl. These days I don't know why but I don't go anymore. It's a shame as most of the theatres are close to my home.

Who's your fav actor/actress?

15th November 2013, 15:27
Favourite actor - Morgan Freeman. Great actor with some great movies, especially The Shawshank Redemption :)
Favourite actress - Jodie Foster. I thought she was hot when she was younger, and I just enjoy her acting for some reason :)

What is your favourite movie of all time and why?

15th November 2013, 16:30
Can't pick just one as it was my hobby to watch the best movies of all time. Generally speaking I like some movie directors and try to follow their work. I absolutely love the movies of Emir Kusturica but you should live in the crazy colourful world of Balkans to enjoy them. I like films by Pedro Almodovar, Fellini and Milos Foreman (from his Czech period ). I also love a Romanian director called Nae Caranfil cos he shares the same sense of humour with me. Asphalt Tango, Filantropica or E prricoloso sporgersi, I can watch these 100 times and still have a laugh.
But if I have to pick just one this should be Gadjo Dilo. :devil:
Believe it or not, my nickname is the title of a French movie. :p

Do you watch soccer games?

17th November 2013, 01:23
Yes. Love Soccer/Football.

I am enjoying watching the International matches this week.

Do you think Romania can come back from 3-1 down with the away goal to beat Greece and get to the World Cup next year?

17th November 2013, 10:14
Definitely no as we're the masters of losing chances in the last minutes. This team don't deserve it anyway being the least talented bunch of arrogants in our football history. They play nothing, they don't have a good physical condition but have an idiot coach who's not able to choose the team and calls all the losers who play abroad. This guy got on my nerves when he was a striker at Steaua, now he drives me crazy as a coach.

Would you like to go to Brazil to watch the WC matches live?

17th November 2013, 20:50
I was seriously considering going, but decided against it. Couldn't really justify the thousands of dollars I would need to spend, so yes I would love to go.

What is 1 sporting event you would really like to see live?

17th November 2013, 21:21
Probably a football World Cup but it's not funny if my country wouldn't be a part of it.
WC 1994 -USA - that was the one I would have liked to see live. My country was very close to play in the semifinals.

Do you have to take a medicine on a regular bases?

18th November 2013, 02:20
Probably a football World Cup but it's not funny if my country wouldn't be a part of it.
WC 1994 -USA - that was the one I would have liked to see live. My country was very close to play in the semifinals.

Do you have to take a medicine on a regular bases?

Romania had one heck of a team in the mid 90's Prunea and Bogdan Stelea were both great goal keepers, Dumitrescu Petrescu and Popescu were all world class and Gheorghe Hagi was phenominal

re medication.
Does Whiskey count? I do take asthma meds, but I try to do without them as much as possible.

What is the funniest thing you have ever seen (in real life, not on TV)?

18th November 2013, 07:42
I was at a club when I was about 21 or 22 and we were watching a 2 hour long stripper show by the New Zealand Angels. Forget the stripping parts, it was amazingly a great show that involved the audience getting involved with the ladies pulling men out their chairs and putting them on the stage for some interaction. There was this one guy that was calling out the whole night to be involved in the stage shows so they eventually gave in and pulled him onto the stage, a big guy, well built, kinda like a Ben Affleck lookalike with muscles. One of the strippers had his pants round his ankles doing a move on him when another came from behind and pulled his jocks down to reveal the smallest member I (and I think the crowd too) had ever seen. I'm talking Tic Tac's here! The strippers tried not to but they burst out laughing, the crowed burst out laughing and cheering and the poor guy couldn't get his pants up fast enough or run to the exit fast enough either. Poor bugger :p:

What you got lined up for the week?

18th November 2013, 09:08
Work, work, work, work....
Going to dentist
Watching the tuesday match
Rest of the time I'll spend on this forum :p

Have you ever had an accident?

18th November 2013, 12:13
I've stubbed my toe once if that counts :p:

Did you pass your drivers test first time?

18th November 2013, 12:34
Never tried. :p

Why do you spend time on forum when you're supposed to be at work? :p

18th November 2013, 14:01
I'm the boss so I decide if I want to work or not :D I have a great company and because I have it setup correctly, my managers run it while I oversee the operation and make decisions on the future, finances etc. I do have free time to browse therefore, unlike maybe you who should be, erm....well, working? :p: ;)

Train ride or taxi ride?

18th November 2013, 14:11
unlike maybe you who should be, erm....well, working? :p: ;)
I am actually. Harder than you might think. But if I didn't come occasionally on the forum to have a laugh I'd probably kill someone.:p

Taxi inside the city, train outside.

Are you scared to go to the dentist?

18th November 2013, 15:47
Speaking of dentists, I was there last Tuesday to get a filling done on a molar. Now another one needs to be done! I hate them with a passion. Hate coming out with a fat lip and a numb face :p: But I do go at least twice a year for a clean and polish, don't mind those as they don't hurt :) :D

Do you go to your doctor regularly for a check up?

18th November 2013, 18:07
No. I even don't go when I'm sick. Just when I feel I'm gonna die. However I go to the family doctor once at two months to take my mother receipt. The doctor never comes at home to see her. Our health system is anyway made to make us die earlier. :p

Have you ever suffered a surgery intervention?

18th November 2013, 20:57
I have had surgery on my right achilles tendon 5 times and my left one 3 times. (a design fault from the manufacturer)

WHat are you most looking forward to?

18th November 2013, 21:34
An email from a friend.

Do you shave your legs?

18th November 2013, 23:04
No way. They are not overly hairy anyway.

When was the last time you had a burger?

19th November 2013, 01:00
Proper home made healthy tasty mmmm good burger last Monday. Decent takeaway burger about two weeks ago, horrid expensive unhealthy tastes like garbage dripping in fat McWendy King burger, I'd rather die first.

Is it better to sit on the fence or be a wee bit more direct... Like me for instance?

19th November 2013, 08:11
Direct is always best. Life is too short to pussyfoot around. Tell it like it is and people will get over it soon enough :p:

You ever been in a fist fight (for da boys) or have you ever been in a hair pulling fight (for da girls)? :D

19th November 2013, 09:57
Not yet.
But I'm still determined to punch my boss in the nose. :p

Have you ever dyed your hair?

19th November 2013, 10:39
yes. The last two times Liverpool were in the Champions League final I dyed my hair bright bright red.If England make the World Cup final I will dye it white and paint a red cross through the middle of it (I think I will be safe with this.)

Do you have any tattoos?

19th November 2013, 10:56
No. When I was very young I thought that only sailors and those who were to jail have such things. Most of them looked rudimentary and we used to have a laugh at them. Now I kinda like it but I think when you'll be old and the skin don't look good you'd be ashamed.

Do you wear ties?

19th November 2013, 11:59
Hell no!!!!!!!! Ties and suits are for another age, not today's real businessmen and events. I look at these idiots that walk around in their three piece suits and ties and wonder what goes through their minds! I pitch up at board meetings in my jeans and still do the same job as if I was in a suit. I aint there for my looks, but what I can offer you and I'm sure you don't want my suit! They are also impractical, uncomfortable and look too formal. Maybe for a funeral I would say ok, but otherwise a smart open neck shirt with jeans or formal pants is far better :)

Where do you shop for your daily essentials?

19th November 2013, 12:37
I don't have time to go shopping during the week so I do it on Saturdays on Sundays at Cora Hypermarket in Sun Plaza or Obor market. Otherwise I buy from a Mega Image supermarket near work or a Billa supermarket near home. There are also a few small shops on my street or round the cormer but their prices are unshamelessy high.

Where from do you buy vegetables, an open market for fruits and vegetables or a supermarket?

19th November 2013, 13:59
Depends on how busy they are. Normally I shop at our supermarket as the fresh food market is normally packed Monday to Sunday and I don't do queues!

What is your favourite fruit?

19th November 2013, 14:07
ALL of them except for pears, apples and melons which I like but I don't mind if I don't eat them. I love fruits in their own season, I mean I don't like a watermelon during winter or plums on March.

What is your fav perfume ( in case you wear one )?

19th November 2013, 17:11
Eau de schmenke

Do you like seafood?

19th November 2013, 18:27
No. Fair to say I didn't ever tasted it cos I have a repulsion towards these creatures.
(also fair to say I'm an ignorant peasant)

Red wine or white wine?

19th November 2013, 20:44
It depends on why you are drinking it. With a meal I like red, but just to sit and drink I would rather have a nice light chilled white.

Lager or stout?

19th November 2013, 21:42
Don't know what you're talking about. I suppose it's lager.

Do you send Christmas cards?

19th November 2013, 23:28
Yes to my wider family and friends so about 50 in all.

Do you have to do much Christmas shopping?

20th November 2013, 00:36
Just immediate family, so there is mum n da, two sisters, one inlaw and six nieces and nephews, plus whatever other friends etc.

are you a day before Christmas eve last minute panic shopper, or do you plan things out and try to have your shopping done early?

20th November 2013, 00:51
I have two thirds done already and hope to have most of it done by December. So I guess I prepare.

What will we discuss on the F1 forum after the season ends?

20th November 2013, 11:17
What you, boyz, usually talk about: politics, football, women.....:p

Have you ever disguised as Santa Clause?

20th November 2013, 12:43
Not a chance, I'm not fat enough or old enough :p: :D

Is Christmas too commercialised now? Have we lost its spirit of family and togetherness?

20th November 2013, 12:55
Yes. It's out of order to go shopping on 15 th November and see shops decorated with christmas trees and already playing christmas carols. In the past gifts were symbolic and mostly for kids, now they should be definitely expensive. Even the end of the year bonus has become a trivial "bonus for the pork" ( a hint that romanians should sacrifice a pig and do a lot of what I call "porkies"- different kinds of food using everything from skin to blood.).

Have you ever been poor?

20th November 2013, 15:03
Yes, extremely so at one stage. I remember going to bed a few times not having had supper as my mother didn't have money for food for us. I remember hearing her cry at night when she thought my brother and I were asleep. I was too young to understand our circumstances and gave her a hard time for not having food for us. It was only later in life that I appreciated the predicament she was in. I am happy to say that I am no longer poor and I cherish everything I have in life, most people don't :(

Have you ever been stuck in a situation that you thought you would never get out of?

20th November 2013, 15:52
Yeah, all the time. Can’t understand why the others get things so easily and I have to fight hard for the most ordinary thing. You can’t imagine the level of bureaucracy and corruption in this country. You need hard nerves and a thick cheek to survive. Unfortunately more and more often I feel I can't continue.

Have you ever lost an exam?

20th November 2013, 16:06
(Don't worry, we are as corrupt as your country is trust me! Our President has just spent over US$ 25 million on his personal home for "security upgrades". Didn't know Jacuzzis and disco balls were part of a security requirement!)

I failed a few exams when at school, more out of laziness than anything else. But since I have left school I have passed every test and tertiary examination that I have taken :)

What are your plans for this evening?

20th November 2013, 16:18
Hope to don't have extra work. I'll watch my fav show on TV - and definitely I'll fall asleep. Might spend some time on facebook chasing my "lovers". :p

Do you decorate a Christmas tree on winter holidays?

20th November 2013, 16:19
I've got 2 small boys aged 4 and 6, what do you think :p: :D And here in the civilised part of the earth it's summer, not winter ;)

What do you hope Santa will put in your stocking this year?

20th November 2013, 16:32
Nothing, as usual. :devil:

And here in the civilised part of the earth it's summer, not winter
Is it necessary to remind this all the time? :(

20th November 2013, 16:45
No :p: .

Are you traveling anywhere over the Christmas holidays?

20th November 2013, 17:23
No. I hate winter and we don't have a winter holiday anyway.

Do you sing christmas songs?

20th November 2013, 20:58
I absolutely hate Christmas songs! Radios have been known to take flight when they drone this nonsense out for too long. The modern ones are the worst, they are just plain awful badly written dribble... But that's just my opinion

Is it right that the Santa we bring our kids up with i.e. the fat man with a white beard in a bright red suit is an invention of the Coca-Cola company

20th November 2013, 21:18
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Santa_Claus :confused:
We also celebrate Old Nicolae on 6 December. I use to surprise my coworkers with chocolates ""left by the oldie in my boots for my colleagues'' and my boss with a stick left by the oldie for the naughty one. :p

Have you ever had long hair?

20th November 2013, 22:25
Not really. I have had an almost skin head when I was young, but now I have bushy head of hair, without it being long.

What were you doing at 3pm today?

20th November 2013, 22:39
I was at work studying some boring papers. Had to stay till 8p.m. Hate it.....

When was the last time you had a drink?

20th November 2013, 23:01
Last night (this morning in Europe) watching NZ try to head Mexico off and make the World Cup.

Do you like pigeons?

21st November 2013, 01:13
(I watched both legs of NZ v Mexico. Blimey some goals 3-9 on agg. Fantastic support from the kiwi's)

Not especially, but they have their own charm as a bird species.

Which is your favourite Big Cat?

21st November 2013, 08:11
The lion. Big, mean, powerful, he's king for a reason :D

Ever seen a Big Cat in the flesh?

21st November 2013, 08:51
Only at zoo or circus.

Do you own a little cat?

21st November 2013, 09:19
Yes and no. Yes, because we have a cat that just moved in. No because I cant stand them and he wasn't invited. Problem is the little sh!t wont leave! :p:

Where you at the moment?

21st November 2013, 09:29
At work, where else? And don't ask again about evening plans cos yesterday I had to stay here till 8 pm.

In the place where you live are extra hours paid?

21st November 2013, 10:18
I suppose you mean overtime for work? Well it depends on what your position is. What we call general workers (construction staff, store clerks etc) get paid for extra hours worked but generally speaking managers don't get overtime as they are already paid well enough in our country.

What are your plans for tonight?.......................................... ....................................just kidding :D ;)

What would you rather be doing right now if you had the day off work?

21st November 2013, 10:53
I need some peace of mind as just 5 minutes ago the head of our department was shouting at us like Tarzan. I'd be happy if I could go outside and spend just 5 minutes on a bench. I think today I'll give up and jump from the window.

Have you ever wished to die?

21st November 2013, 12:06
:erm: Life is never that bad my dear, think positive! :)

When was the last time you did a good deed for a complete stranger?

21st November 2013, 12:43
:erm: Life is never that bad my dear, think positive! :)


When was the last time you did a good deed for a complete stranger?
All I ever do prove to be wrong so I don't know.

Have you ever been rude with your employees/coworkers?

21st November 2013, 16:42
No, it serves no purpose. It's far better to try to resolve issues calmly, even if your coworkers, employees or superiors are being ignorant. Ignorance is usually the result of misunderstanding the issue or problem. It’s best to discuss the issue and ensure everyone understands the problem, to allow the best decision, even though it may require compromises to some, to be taken.

Can you lick your elbow?

21st November 2013, 20:42
erm no, and before you ask Schmenke I didn't even try :)

Are fashion trends important to you, or are you your own fashion icon

22nd November 2013, 07:05
:erm: Liar! :p: :D

No, I don't give a continental about fashion. There is no such thing as fashion. You wear what you like and what makes you feel comfortable, warm, cool etc. I go nuts when I see people spending thousands of bucks on cr@p just because it's the "in thing" now. Why o why do people care what others think? Life is too short! Get a life and put on your favourite clothes not the ones that other people think you should be wearing!!!! Be an individual, not a sheep! <rant over> :p:

What's in your cd player right now?

24th November 2013, 13:49

Have you ever wandered through the streets without a target wishing you'd never come back home?

24th November 2013, 15:57
No cant say I have.

Have you ever danced around your house, with no one else knowing?

24th November 2013, 16:19
I move with the grace of a cupboard so I avoid dancing.

Have you ever felt like leaving all behind it and starting from zero?

24th November 2013, 19:43
Whenever I look out of the office window at ships leaving the port.

If you did leave everything behind and start over, where would you go?

24th November 2013, 19:49
Back to my roots, in Greece. A sunny place with wonderful people.

Have you ever felt you're living in vain?

24th November 2013, 22:34
No, life is what you make of it, every morning you can wake up and get out of bed is a good morning.

What is the most out of character thing you have ever done?

24th November 2013, 23:07
Applying for my current job

Have you ever felt like I don't wanna get out of my bed without being tired?

25th November 2013, 03:52
I could say I've never been in your bed, but..... :D

There is the odd morning when lying in bed with a good book and fresh coffee seems really appealing, but usually by the time I have made the coffee, other people in the house are up and about and going back to bed with a book never seems to happen.

DO you prefer to stay up late or get up early, if it was your choice, not because of work?

25th November 2013, 05:56
I stay up until about midnight every night and I'm up by 4:30 - 5:00 in the morning. 5 hours is all I need, anymore and I get grumpy. I can't see how people can waste their lives sleeping for 8 or 9 hours a day. That's over a third of your life wasted, gone, 33% of your life spent doing nothing! The only time I'll sleep longer is if I've had a bender the day before :p:

Do you sleep in total pitch black darkness or do you have some form of light in your bedroom at night?

25th November 2013, 10:39
I can't see how people can waste their lives sleeping for 8 or 9 hours a day.
You'd surely understand if you had a dull life like mine. :p

Back to the game:
My bedroom is set on a corner and has windows on 2 walls. One of them is right under a street lightning pole so I always have light. During winter I sleep in a room with a window to the inner court so it's completely darkness. I guess I can sleep no matter how conditions are.....

Have you ever faced a situation with no solution?

25th November 2013, 11:51
No never. There is a solution to every situation, you just have to find it. Sometimes it's easy, sometimes it's difficult, but it is always there ready to be found :)

What is your favourite place to have lunch at?

25th November 2013, 12:15
At home.

What's your size?
(I mean for clothes. :p)

25th November 2013, 12:20
:erm: that could have been an awkward question :p:

I'm a medium overall. My shirts are getting a bit tight around the arms and chest area as I have been doing my summer mass building sessions 5 days a week now so may need to get some larges soon to be comfortable :)

What is your natural hair colour?

25th November 2013, 12:29
As far as I remember it was dark brown.....:p

Did you have a nice weekend?