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12th December 2011, 11:19
No, it's summer here dude :p :

What do you REALLY want Santa to bring you for Christmas?

Captain VXR
12th December 2011, 18:16
1oz good weed, several bottles of Thatcher's Katy Cider, BBQ ribs and chicken wings, some good movies and a pornstar

Have I made a good choice?

12th December 2011, 22:07
I'd replace the cider with some speckled ale. I'd replace the pornstar with a special friend of mine ;) Other than that, it would be a great Christmas gift.

Should I send Captain VXR my postage address so he can send me a Christmas present?

Captain VXR
12th December 2011, 23:39
That depends if I can get a £4000 Western Union transfer to authenticate your request

Would you be willing to take the risk?

13th December 2011, 06:10
Not even an Irish Paddy would fall for that one ol Captain :p :

Paddy, you gonna wire him some dosh or what?

13th December 2011, 20:53
I can wire him the monies if he just sends me his bank account number, sort code and PIN.

Will Captain send me the above details?

13th December 2011, 22:20
I wouldn't be surprised.

Do you change your PIN number(s) regularily?

14th December 2011, 06:53
Why you asking? You trying to fleece me of my hard earned money? :p : No I have had the same PIN(s) since I left school!

Do you bank online or go stand in lines?

14th December 2011, 15:36
I can't remember the last time I set foot inside a bank :mark: .

Cash or debit?

14th December 2011, 15:45
Cash is king! Fits under the matress better than a debit!!!

Where ya at right now?

14th December 2011, 20:03
I'm in my room at a computer but will be at a physio appointment in half an hour.

Do you like the sound of the melodeon?

15th December 2011, 15:56
(I had to google "melodeon" :erm: )
I don't know if I've heard one played :mark: .

Do you play any musical instruments?

17th December 2011, 15:03
Yes. Mostly banjo, guitar and flute but also mandolin, bouzouki, mandola, tin whistle and, more recently, I've been tinkering about with the ukulele. Shouldn't have asked eh? :p :

Have you had any significant injuries recently?

19th December 2011, 16:11
A paper cut :mark:

How far away do you currently live from where you were born?

19th December 2011, 21:21
I was born in a hospital 1 mile away from my current Dublin home. But, for the academic year, I live in Limerick which is about 200km away.

Captain VXR
19th December 2011, 23:04

Would you like to go bungee jumping?

21st December 2011, 23:00
No. Wonder how my question didn't send... :mark:

Do you enjoy your day job?

22nd December 2011, 15:20
Meh, it's alright I guess.

What you your ideal job be?

22nd December 2011, 22:53
Hard to answer, to be honest. But I wouldn't mind trying out as a car mechanic, journalist, news reader, radio presenter or van driver.

Do you look after your teeth?

23rd December 2011, 16:14
Yes, I try to, although I can't say that I floss regularily :erm: .
I do visit the dentist twice a year for a check-up and cleaning.

When's the last time you enjoyed a sunny beach?

31st December 2011, 03:46
July 2010, i was working all summer this year so i just didnt have time for beach.

Favorite sport, after motorsports?

31st December 2011, 18:23
I don't follow any other sports but I do like watching mountain biking and boxing. I'd watch the World Cup football too. As for playing: darts and snooker is about the height of it.

Roll-on or spray deodorant?

11th January 2012, 22:44

Where is everbody?

Captain VXR
12th January 2012, 18:25
Being detained in Gitmo

When will they escape?

13th January 2012, 15:22
Some have already but keeping a low profile to avoid recapture

Did you have a nice Christmas?

14th January 2012, 14:21
Yes. Quiet but enjoyable :)

Do you read in the toilet when you know you're going to be taking some time to complete your business?

Captain VXR
15th January 2012, 17:39
Yes. Quiet but enjoyable :)

Will Schmenke diversify his product range into glittery leggings?

16th January 2012, 16:36
Sure, I'll start a new product line just for you Captain.

What's the current local temperature in your neck of the woods? (-24 C. here now :s )

Captain VXR
16th January 2012, 17:07
4C here, not bad, not good either.....

Can I book an order soon?

17th January 2012, 13:55
No. But you can order a book if you like.

Are you excited for Rally Monte Carlo this week? :D

17th January 2012, 16:03
Not really. We get bugger-all television coverage of the WRC on this side of the pond :(

Do you eat your vegetables?

Captain VXR
17th January 2012, 20:20
Depends on whether or not they taste like arse

5 places, 5 countries, 5 days - where would you go?

18th January 2012, 01:51
London ---> Paris ---> Berlin ---> Antwerp ---> Luxembourg

Have you ever seen a real pyramid (and I don't mean on a computer!)?

18th January 2012, 23:28
You mean like the kind the Egyptians built way back when...? No, but I will be sunning my backside in the Mexican Mayan peninsula in a couple of week’s time. I may think about making a trip to visit the nearby(?) Mayan ruins.

Do you know what @rse tastes like?

19th January 2012, 03:55
I don't and, to be honest, I've never been curious to know. More into the front side myself.

How many pints of Guinness can you handle before getting sick?

20th January 2012, 16:31
Dunno, never really tried or gave it much thought. I guess it would depend on how quickly I consumed them. I once had a friend chug 3 pints in less than half a minute (seriously) and he was expelling his recently consumed steak and kidney pie onto the floor (along with three pints of Guinness :s ).

How many siblings do you have?

21st January 2012, 21:36
1 sister and 4 brothers.

Do you have a university degree?

23rd January 2012, 17:03
Yes, B. Eng.

Do you still listen to CDs?

23rd January 2012, 22:40
Only the odd time in the car if I forget my iPod.

Do you like rap?

Captain VXR
24th January 2012, 21:20
Some of it, but there is a lot of crap rap e.g. Soulja Boy

Will Schmenke have his request for the lw thread closure approved by a diktat from the bureau of locksmiths' chief commisar?

26th January 2012, 12:22
If he makes a neat application, I don't see why not.

Do you drink tea? And, if so, how do you have it?

27th January 2012, 16:07
Coffee for me, thanks.

Bath or shower?

30th January 2012, 04:18
Shower, because we don't have a bath any more. Though I would like to take a bath for old time's sake.

Clubs or pubs?

Captain VXR
30th January 2012, 18:15
Pubs, there's too many assholes in clubs who have far too much alcohol and cocaine and then wish to engage in bouts of pugilism with anyone who happens to inconvenience them in any way

What is your main consideration when voting in elections? (e.g. past performance, policy)

30th January 2012, 18:34
It starts with their policy. If I agree with their policies, I weigh it against the likelihood of whether or not they will fulfill their promises. Deep down, I don't care too much for politics and generally waste my vote. Perhaps in a few years my view will change.

Do you like American country music?

14th March 2012, 15:24
No, I find in general it's too "fabricated" :s

What's the city with the largest population you've ever visited?

18th May 2012, 20:17
Besides São Paulo (which is my hometown), I think it was Florianópolis.

My question: Pepsi or Coke?

20th May 2012, 16:19
Rarely do I choose either but, because of its higher prominence around here, I'd go for Coke.

Do you still play computer games?

30th May 2012, 16:12
I rarely play on the computer except for the odd ocassion when I load up Civiliation III. I play XBox more often.

Xbox or PS3?

Captain VXR
30th May 2012, 22:49
PS3, although I may get a XBOX at some point too.

Are corporations people?

2nd July 2013, 10:21

Do you have any cats?

4th July 2013, 15:28
Nope, no pets.

Do you enjoy the neighbourhood that you live in?

5th July 2013, 05:58
Yes, it's very safe and a lot of good restaurants are nearby.

How many hours a day do you sleep?

11th July 2013, 08:53
I sleep about 7 hours at night. Never have time to take a nap though.

What was the last Sporting Event you went to?

12th July 2013, 16:43
Can't remember :mark: . Likely an NHL hockey game last winter.

Any upcoming holidays?

5th August 2013, 13:18
Not right now too busy, but maybe in November or December :)

When was the last time you laughed until your stomach hurt?

6th August 2013, 02:20
When I saw a comment from Tony Fernandez asking people to give his QPR football team time to get things right because it is taken him 3 years to get Caterham to the level it is at now.

What is the last thing you bought that broke the first time you used it?

6th August 2013, 08:04
A helicopter I got for my son that was made in China...and anything else made in China :angry:

What, for you, constitutes a good time had?

6th August 2013, 21:58
time with family doing whatever we please, without having to worry about time.

How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? and what is a woodchuck?

7th August 2013, 07:39
A woodchuck is a fabled creature that chucks wood at the Redneck Games to earn spare cash to maintain it's drinking problem and pay for it's many offspring. Oh, and the answer is 1,354,354 pieces of wood.

What is your plan for today?

7th August 2013, 21:58
To think of another question to ask, when I have a few minutes to spare during my work day. And to contemplate how to get my loud, drunk of a neighbour to shut the #*!$ up and let us get some sleep. Oh and to keep looking out of my office window onto the North Taranaki Bight to see if another tornado/waterspout forms today.

How do they get those big ships into those little bottles?

8th August 2013, 17:35
I think they fold the masts flat before inserting through the neck of the bottle, then pull them up with a piece of string.

Do you drink Red Bull?

8th August 2013, 21:57
No. Full of sugar and caffine, tastes disgusting and sends your body on a false high, deep low cycle that is damaging to your health and psychological well being.

Has any one else not had a winter this year?

14th August 2013, 15:22
We've barely had a summer this year :( .

Do you take vitamins?

14th August 2013, 15:28
No, they are a gimmick that just turns your pee yellow :p :

Do you ever go to the gym or work out at home with free weights etc?

14th August 2013, 15:40
No, although I probably should... :erm: .

What's the method of conveyance of your daily commute; car, bike, bus,...?

14th August 2013, 15:59
By car, love driving. Motorbikes are too dangerous over here and we have no decent public transport anyway so buses are out of the question!

Do you like driving and/or your car or is it just another chore you have to do to get about?

14th August 2013, 21:40
I love driving but my car is just a simple machine that joins point A to point B. So much so that I usually bus to work.

Is there life any where else in the universe?

15th August 2013, 11:05
It would be arrogant to think that we are the only life forms in the universe as large as it is. May not be like us, but there is definitely other life forms out there.

Would you take a return trip to a Mars lunar base if it was offered to you for free?

15th August 2013, 15:57
Nope. A round trip would take upwards of two years. Far too long to be exposed to the many dangers of being outside the protection of Earth's Van Allen belt.

Are you a sci-fi geek?

15th August 2013, 16:44
Hell yeah :D I could even be called a geek when it comes to sci-fi! Love my sci-fi movies, love watching the stars and wondering what is out there etc.

Are you a tree hugger or a tree cutter?

15th August 2013, 21:39
Neither or both. It is important to preserve the natural resources that we have, but not to the exclusion of progress, there are many different ways to balance the two.

What is the favourite thing that you own/have

16th August 2013, 15:46
Would probably have to go with my yacht. Nothing beats sailing away from the city and leaving all the crap behind you. No police sirens, no hooters, no work problems, just the ocean, clear blue skies, a couple of light beers and good company.

What is your favourite time of the day and why?

18th August 2013, 22:00
Just before dawn. Still and quiet, I can look up and see Venus, Mars etc. Works best with the telescope. There is nothing quite like seeing the rings of Saturn with your own eyes.

Other than motor sport, what sports do you follow

21st August 2013, 12:08
I'm a massive rugby fan and also enjoy cricket and watching the 100m men's sprints (Bolt has brought excitement back to the sport).

What sports did you play at school/college/club level?

21st August 2013, 22:14
I was a swimmer at a National Champ level, played Football to a National League level, cricket, golf, rugby for 2 years in high school and some volleyball and surf lifesaving.

What is your dream job and why>

22nd August 2013, 07:49
It's what I do now (running my industrial equipment manufacturing company), cause I enjoy it immensely and I make bloody good dosh doing it too :D

If you had no choice but to choose from 3 public jobs for the rest of your life, would you rather be a police officer, a fireman or a paramedic and why?

22nd August 2013, 21:48
A fireman. Nobody deserves the abuse idiots throw at the police, I couldn't cope with attending to accident victims knowing some will die. So a fireman is the best of the three, plus they have really cool trucks to play with.

Are you an Winter or Summer person?

23rd August 2013, 00:08
Around here you have to be both :dozey:

Do you enjoy beaches?

23rd August 2013, 01:10
Yes and no. In summer out Taranaki beaches can get to be unbearably hot owing to the black volcanic sand, you can literally burn the soles of your feet.

What is the most interesting thing about the place you live in?

23rd August 2013, 08:05
The diverse culture. Within a 10 km radius you can experience Africa culture with our Zulu dancers and their kraal dwellings etc, Indian culture with the temples and cultural museums, European/Western culture etc etc all in our back yard. We have a very diverse city in Durban.

White bread or brown?

26th August 2013, 02:23

Fish or beef? (or surf 'n' turf)

26th August 2013, 10:12
Surf n turf any day, best of both worlds :D

Which part of the world would you most like to visit that you haven't visited yet?

26th August 2013, 22:09
Saint Lucia in the Caribbean. I did a web design project on it many years ago. It is a stunningly beautiful place. And Socotra Island at the head of the Gulf of Aden. It has the wierdest plant life in the world.

What one thing that you haven't done do you most want to do?

27th August 2013, 07:29
Bungee jump naked. The naked part is easy, it's the jumping off the bridge that scares the living cr@p out of me :p :

What is your greatest achievement? (it can be something simple you did at school, something at work, having a kid, the skies the limit here)

27th August 2013, 22:09
So many to choose from :rolleyes:

Qualifying for my first national swimming champs final, or gaining my degrees, or heaps and heaps of family stuff that technically weren't mine, but a shared effort.

Do you think there is life off planet earth, or are we a 1 in 60000000000000000000000 (the approximate number of stars in the known universe) happenstance?

28th August 2013, 10:24
Yes! There is definitely other life out there. It would be arrogant to think otherwise. They may not look or be like us, but there has to be some sort of life form out there whether advanced beyond us or not. I hope we find some before I die :)

Are you the church going type, the not interested type or the I pray at home type?

28th August 2013, 21:43
Personally I am not the church going type, although I was christened as an Anglican (CofE). My perspective is the same as Billy Connolly's i.e. if any person believes in (insert belief system here) then it is real and absolutely exists), but I am more scientific in my beliefs (I hope that doesn't sound too pretentious).

Is global warming a real issue or is it as some offer simply a natural planetary cycle that will run it's course?

29th August 2013, 07:43
It's two parts....firstly it happens in cycles, the earth gets warmer then it cools down, it's a natural phenomenon...secondly it is being used to promote/suffocate us all with carbon taxes, our cars are now the devil, factories are pits from hell etc and the world is dumb enough to believe all this crap the governments and so called "scientists" say about "man made global warming". It's all a load of cr@p.

Sunday, 2pm, beautiful clear day, the wife and kids are taking a nap, do you:
A. take the motorbike for a spin?
B. take the car for a spin?
C. take your bicycle for a spin?
D. check out the hot chick next door in her bikini?

29th August 2013, 21:47
Check out the hot chick next door in a bikini, show her the motorbike and take her for a spin in the car :D

Or in the real world stay at the house, wash the car, sell the motorbike because the wife doesn't approve and change the tyres on the kids bike. And you certainly haven't seen my next door neighbour.

What sort of music do you listen to

30th August 2013, 07:42
Anything and everything as long as it is good. I enjoy rock, pop, classical, metal, you name it. The only thing I won't listen to is rap, now that is cr@p.....see what I did there, rap / cr@p rhyme :p : Ok lame I know :D

What are your plans for the weekend?

1st September 2013, 21:54
Watching my beloved Liverpool deal to the Scum from down the road and go top of the Premier League. As it has already been played as I write this I must shout MISSION ACCOMPLISHED - LIVERPOOL 1 - 0 MANCHESTER UNITED :D :D (hope that doesn't look to fanatical - but if it does YEA)

Are you a Univesity/Technical graduate, or were educated at the much tougher school of experience?

2nd September 2013, 08:20
Both. I matriculated from High School and started working straight away as my mother couldn't afford University fees. Once I had saved some money up I did a correspondence course to get my degree. I also take technical courses every year to keep myself up to date with what is happening in my industry.

Blond or brunette and why?

2nd September 2013, 21:41
I'm blonde :D thanks for asking. But the answer you want would be neither, Tracey is a green eyed red-head, so it's safest to go with that!

Morning person or night owl?

3rd September 2013, 22:27
Neither :z

IOS or Android?

4th September 2013, 03:14
Even though I have a degree in IT, I must admit I hate cellphones, mine is an android, but it drives me mad.

Have you ever lived outside of your country of birth?

4th September 2013, 15:43
Yes, briefly, for a couple of years in Shanghai.

How many brothers and sisters?

4th September 2013, 16:30
One younger brother 2 years my junior and one sister 13 year my junior ( yes she was an oops! ).

What exactly is a schmenke?

5th September 2013, 15:50
It's what everyone admires and aspires to :p : .

What's the last film you've seen?

5th September 2013, 16:28
The Lucky One with that dude from High School Musical, Zack Efron. Not a bad movie, and he's grown up a bit too! Also just watched The New Daughter with Kevin Costner, waste of time :down:

What was the last music album that you purchased?

5th September 2013, 21:43
Erm... well.. I dont tend to buy albums anymore. But the last one I bought was The Eagles Greatest Hits. Don't laugh, is was in the bargain bin at the checkout at the supermarket for $3.

I just bough a computerised 144mm refractor telescope, does that make me a Geek?

6th September 2013, 13:20
Erm... well.. I dont tend to buy albums anymore. But the last one I bought was The Eagles Greatest Hits. Don't laugh, is was in the bargain bin at the checkout at the supermarket for $3.

I just bough a computerised 144mm refractor telescope, does that make me a Geek?

Not at all, I've already lined up a nice one for myself for my Xmas present to myself this year :D

What was your nickname at school?

8th September 2013, 21:50
Sven (Explanation - When Sven was England Football teams manager, I was at school and I have a mole on the right cheek, thus for some reason I become Sven the Swedish Mole). Beat that.

8th September 2013, 21:50
Q: What are you doing this week that is out of your normal routine?

9th September 2013, 22:45
Waiting for the night-sky to be clear so I can play with my afore mentioned new telescope

Coffee or tea?

10th September 2013, 00:37
Tea. Not even close. Cant stand Coffee.

What is your favourite Chocolate Bar/Sweet that you treat yourself too occasionally.

10th September 2013, 01:09
I can't remember the last time I've had either, but if someone shoved an O Henry bar in front of me it would likely promptly end up in my pie-hole.

Whisky, gin or vodka?

10th September 2013, 03:10
absolutely scotch (but a good irish is also good). I can't stand gin and vodka simply gets me drunk without knowing why

do you agree with the maxim that a good home should be clean enough to be healthy, yet messy enough to be happy, or are you at one of the two poles?

11th September 2013, 17:28
We have an 8 and a 6 year old. Our house is always messy :p:

What's your least favourite household chore?

11th September 2013, 21:36
Ironing. Mostly because I suck at it.

What's your favourite household chore?

11th September 2013, 22:37
Cooking, as long as I get too choose what I'm cooking (can't find any pleasure in heat 'n' eat cooking for the kids)
Unless watching sport on the tele is considered to be a household chore, then I'll pick that.

What can you see from your office/work window?

11th September 2013, 23:00
I work as a Gardener so my office Window is the world. :vader:

What was your favourite ever holiday?

12th September 2013, 01:00
Relaxing on a beach in St lucia with nothing to do but do nothing but look at the amazingly beautifull surroundings and then do more nothing, then going for a swim/dive before doing more nothing.


Adventure tourism or laid-back chill out?

12th September 2013, 16:00
Laid back chill for me. My life is a daily adventure so when I manage to get away from it all I wanna just have a few cold ones, a good book to read and just clear my mind of all the work and other responsibilities I have to worry about the rest of the year.

You ever been skydiving?

12th September 2013, 18:41
No way, I could never do it. I am not afraid to admit I am chicken when it comes to that.

Have you always lived in your own country or have you lived around the world? If so where?

12th September 2013, 22:45
I was born in the mighty city of Liverpool. The family moved to New Zealand when I was 8 and I have been here ever since.

Do you work to live or live to work?

13th September 2013, 00:19
I work to survive :dozey:

Are you planning on changing jobs soon?

13th September 2013, 01:12
Not really planning too, but a change could be nice. I would like the opportunity to use my degrees more. (I have one in education and one in Information Technology, but my current job doesn't use either of them).

Do you play any musical instruments?

13th September 2013, 10:28
Yes, the cd players in my car and my house :p:

Is anyone in your extended or immediate family mildly famous enough that we may know them?

13th September 2013, 19:57
Boring answer. No.

Do you know anyone famous?

15th September 2013, 23:05
Boring answer sort of. I have competed against and trained with several swimmers who have made Olympic finals.

Slightly against the rules, but answering the previous question.
John Godfrey Parry Thomas set the world land speed record in a car called Babs (before he tragically died in same car). The car was properly known as the Higham Special (same surname as me) because it was designed and built by Count Zborowski and named after his home at Higham Park. This estate was founded by when land ceded to the deHegham Family was settled and the family name was Englished to Higham. We are decendants of the deHegham/Higham clan so I am related to a land speed record car :)

Books or movies and why?

18th September 2013, 14:30
Prefer books, but as I just don't have the time to read novels these days, it is movies.

An interesting one for a change :D ..... You ever been arrested and if yes, what was it for?

18th September 2013, 22:55
No, unless being a psychotic axe murderer counts?
The only run ins I have had with the establishment are two speeding tickets and a fine for having my car unwarranted (this one was a bit naf because I had just rebuilt the damn thing and was taking it for a test drive around the block and was stopped at a check point :(.

Are you a motor sport fan because of the racing or the technology?

19th September 2013, 23:08
Racing all the way. Technology is interesting but I am not overly up on it.

Red or Blue?

20th September 2013, 13:03
Red AND blue. The colours of my beloved Steaua Bucharest.

Man. U or Man. City?

20th September 2013, 13:25
Neither...soccer is played by faggots and poor actors :p:

Beer or whine or spirit?

20th September 2013, 13:58
Any of them, depending on the season.

What kind of mineral water, sparkling or still?

20th September 2013, 15:26
Still for me, never liked sparkling at all.

Action movie, drama, comedy or sci-fi?

20th September 2013, 15:51
Don't mind the genre as long as the movie has something to say. I love Romanian movies of these days. Realistic dramas with comical accents.

Theater or cinema?

20th September 2013, 16:50
Neither, I prefer watching at home on my own big screen. No whiney kids ( besides my 2 boys lol ), no lasers being pointed at the screen, no one kicking my chair, no one farting next to me etc.

SUV or sports car and why?

20th September 2013, 16:54
None. I'm not interested in cars.

Holiday at the seaside or in the mountains?

21st September 2013, 03:54
If I stay home I can have both

summer or winter

22nd September 2013, 08:33
Summer all the time. Winter is the season when I stop to live.

villa or apartment in a block?

22nd September 2013, 10:15
I would prefer something with space around it, slightly out of town.

carnivore or herbivore?

22nd September 2013, 10:49

Which Motorsport is your first love?

22nd September 2013, 10:57
None. I'm not interested in cars or races. But I used to have a soft spot for some drivers. :p

Hypermarket or boutique?

22nd September 2013, 15:56
(Gadjo how did you get onto Motorsport Forums if you don't like motorsport?)


Where do you live? House, Flat?

22nd September 2013, 17:34
Gadjo how did you get onto Motorsport Forums if you don't like motorsport?)


flat in a house.

city or countryside?

22nd September 2013, 23:00
Prefer the open spaces away from noise and light pollution etc. I want to find a couple of acres not too far from town and keep a couple of horses.

How do you wind down after a day at work?

22nd September 2013, 23:19
I watch stupid Indian soaps on TV.

Do you like your job?

23rd September 2013, 00:15
Gadjo how did you get onto Motorsport Forums if you don't like motorsport?)


Off topic:

So you're telling me your a cat who sings for a living then :devil:

23rd September 2013, 00:17
On topic:

Yes. Out all day in the fresh air

What is your job?

23rd September 2013, 03:40
It has two titles. A program manager, for my clients who need to upskill esp numeracy, literacy, office computing and a Job Coach for my clients who are work ready. We are tasked with getting unemployed people back into work.

What is your perfect night out?

23rd September 2013, 10:13
Off topic:

So you're telling me your a cat who sings for a living then :devil:
Nooooo......You're the cat....
I'm the pretty little girl who accidentaly fell into this fantasy world populated by peculiar, anthropomorphic creatures. :laugh:

I don't go out that much so everything I'd do would be special. I'd probably like to go to the theatre. Haven't done it for ages.

What is a gardener's job during winter?

23rd September 2013, 10:50
I am a gardener so, I can tell you.

Raking a lot of leaves up that have fallen over the autumn/Laying new Lawns and Turf. Cutting back Trees and Shrubs.
As well as a bit more time off.

Do you Cycle?

23rd September 2013, 11:38
I used to cycle quite a bit before my kids came along. Now I just don't get the time. I have a gym at home so I work out for an hour a day and I'm right there if the family needs me :).

Do you like dolphins?

23rd September 2013, 12:45
Comme ci, comme ça

Do you play a musical instrument?

23rd September 2013, 13:28
Yes..... I have a classical guitar, a round backed folk guitar, a banjo and a mandolin! Looking for a nice bouzouki to add to the collection, I love the sound of Greek acoustic string music.

Do you understand the LBW rule?

23rd September 2013, 13:32
You mean the Let Bards Wilt rule? No.

What's the fastest you have ever driven?

23rd September 2013, 13:43
I don't have a driving licence. :p

How do you get on with your coworkers?

23rd September 2013, 13:46
I don't have co-workers, I have employees :) And I get along very well with them, they work hard, I pay them well, and everyone is happy :)

Do you work in an office or outdoors?

23rd September 2013, 13:55
I have employees :) And I get along very well with them ....and everyone is happy

Yeah...All employers think so :p


Is your working place far from home?

23rd September 2013, 14:46
Nope, takes me less than 5 minutes for me to get to work, in peak traffic :D

What would your dream home be like?

23rd September 2013, 15:15
New. I hate repairs and having to cope with builders/plumbers/electricians, etc.

Are you attached to your home or have no problem to move to other places?

23rd September 2013, 15:18
Yes, I am attached to my home. It is my wife and I's dream home, we won't find a better place and we can't re-create the memories it holds and still has to offer up :).

Hot or cold towel on the plane and why?

23rd September 2013, 15:24
I don't travel by plane so I can't answer. But don't think it's important anyway.

Hot meal or cold meal?

23rd September 2013, 15:27
On hot days, nothing beats a good chicken salad. On cold days, nothing beats a good bunny chow.

What's your poison?

23rd September 2013, 15:30
Red wine. Although they say a glass/day is pure health.

What clothes do you wear at work, smart or casual?

23rd September 2013, 15:36
Casual, jeans with "stylish" safety boots and my company shirt. My company policy is dress comfortable and smart but presentable, not fancy and stupid. I often go to board meetings and the other CEO's are like WTF is up with this guy! I tell tehm to get knotted every time :laugh:

Do you love your job or would you rather watch paint dry all day to liven up your 9 to5?

23rd September 2013, 15:50
Hate it from the bottom of my heart. It's prosaic and implies a lot of responsabilities. My boss is a knobhead and most of my colleagues are boring and unscrupulous careerists. Explains why I spend so much time on the forums...

Do you like classic music?

23rd September 2013, 15:52
Yes I do, in fact I like all music genre's with good good music, except rap which is a lot of cr@p!

Are you a dog or a cat person?

23rd September 2013, 15:59
Love both but cats are closer to my soul. Never had my own but always took care of my neighbours'.
These days my next door neighbour's cat spends all the time at my door/windows/terrace.

What city would you like to live in?

23rd September 2013, 16:03
I'm happy in Durban, it's the best city in the world for me. Laid back, friendly people, great food, ocean right here, dozens of wild game parks within 1 hours drive, The Drakensberg Mountains 90 minutes away, the best weather in the world all year round...the list goes on and on and on.

How many countries have you visited?

23rd September 2013, 16:12
This question is throwing me in deep depression. Makes me realise once again what a cheap dull person I am. Like every boring person from my country I spent a few holidays at the seaside in Bulgaria. Nothing more.

Do you read books?

23rd September 2013, 21:06
Not as many as I should.

What would you do tomorrow if you had no responsibilities to fulfil.

23rd September 2013, 22:46
What ever I chose to do. Probably play my guitar or mandolin a lot, read and continue to brainstorm ideas for a book that I want to try to write - one day.

Apart from what you do now. If you could do 1 job for the rest of you working life, what would it be?

23rd September 2013, 23:22
I'm good for nothing so I can't think of a suitable job. I would have liked to be a sort of artist.

What is your main quality as a person?

24th September 2013, 03:39
My main quality is porbably my sense of humour and quick whit. What I look for in others is honesty and open mindedness.

What is your favourite cuisine

24th September 2013, 12:54
I'm a plain person and not very intertested in food.

Were you a good school boy?

24th September 2013, 18:54
I guess so. For the most part I didn't get into too much trouble.

Were you required to wear a school uniform?

24th September 2013, 21:08
Yeah.. Even in high school. They were horrible: the cut, the cloth, the colors. Plus we were forced to have tied hair and ridiculous white headbands (girls) and short-prison-type hair (boys)
Here's a pic of how poor teenagers looked

Which classes did you like in school?

24th September 2013, 23:06
Does Lunch Time count? Favourit other subjects were Geography, Science (never could get my head around Physics though), Maths, infact the only subject I didn't really like was English.

Do you keep in touch with many of your school friends?

25th September 2013, 00:22
I am friends with most on the dreaded Facebook, but face to face I have lost touch with them all. New circle of friends now.

How did you get to your school?

25th September 2013, 03:31
In England we went on the bus. After moving to NZ it was walk or cycle.

What are you afraid of?

25th September 2013, 09:40
Big bad wolf.

Do you have siblings?

25th September 2013, 10:55
Yes, a younger brother and a much younger sister.

What is your favourite colour?

25th September 2013, 14:03
It's never the same. It changes according to my age, face&hair colour, season........

Do you ever cry?

25th September 2013, 16:14
Yes, whenever my wife says, "babe, I really need........" Brings tears to my eyes wondering what I'm gonna have to get for her this time.

What is your motto in life, if you have one?

25th September 2013, 16:35
Hmmm....Maybe because I don't have a motto I run such a miserable life.....:confused:

Have you ever suicidal thoughts?

25th September 2013, 21:13
hmmm.... deep question. Yes and No. I mean I have never thought about doing it, but have sometimes wondered if I would ever be in the position in the future.

On a lighter note.

What would you do if you became a millionaire (after sorting out family and friends). What would you buy first?

25th September 2013, 22:05
I used to be a millionaire before our currency denomination.:devil: Unfortunately 1 mil lei wasn't too much.
If I have much money I'd like to make improvements to my old house.Otherwise I'm not interested in material things. I'd like to travel around the world and spend winters in sunny places.

Are you a good dancer?

25th September 2013, 22:45
NO! I can play music but I have absolutely no rhythm when it comes to dancing.

If you could learn to do one new thing, what would it be?

26th September 2013, 12:09
Play the guitar. I suck at it :angryfire:

Do you miss the days of the Arcade?

26th September 2013, 18:59
No. Because I don't know what you're talking about. :p

Are you the friendly type?

26th September 2013, 22:42
Yes, but quite shy so I need to get to know you first before being too friendly.

Do you like chocolate?

26th September 2013, 22:46
Good chocolate yes, cheap milky processed crap (I'm looking at you Cadbury Dairy Milk :crazy: ) No

Do you make your own bread?

27th September 2013, 01:05
No. Afraid not.

Do you like 90s music?

27th September 2013, 04:20
Some, it's certainly better than the modern c-rap, I prefer 60's - 80's (geez I'm showing my age)

On a similar theme, what is your favourite song/piece of music?

27th September 2013, 08:05
Hotel California by The Eagles is probably my favourite. Just a great classic song that everyone likes, never heard someone say "man I hate this song" before :).

What's in your CD player right now?

27th September 2013, 13:26
Probably Christmas carols with Stefan Hrusca. I don't have time to listern to the music and not enough money to buy CD-s.

What hour do you wake up in the morning?

27th September 2013, 16:48
Between 04:30 - 05:00 everyday. I get a head start on everyone else while they sleep.

What time do you normally go to sleep?

27th September 2013, 17:58
About 24.00 during summer. On cold winters I fall asleep earlier mostly while watching tv. It's enough to close my eyes and listern to some talk and I fall asleep.

Do you sleep in the afternoon?

28th September 2013, 01:03

Do you sleep well and get enough sleep?

28th September 2013, 08:06
In the cold season I sleep like a bag and I won't get up from the warm bed. During short hot summer nights I sleep just a few hours but I don't feel tired.

Do you get to your job in time?

28th September 2013, 10:52
I arrive between 2-4 minutes late most days, therefore over the years I must have saved a day or so.

Are you happy right at this moment?

28th September 2013, 14:44

Are you a good singer?

28th September 2013, 20:08

What would you say is you're best feature?

28th September 2013, 20:41
:confused: I don't know if ''feature'' refers to my face or my personality. Anyway it doesn't make a difference because I'm a horrible person from all points of view. :devil:

Do you watch reality shows?

28th September 2013, 21:42
(Gadjo - Don't be so hard on yourself. Sad to see you put yourself down all the time. Im sure you're great)

No. Cant stand them.

What are you doing now? (Before or After writing on the forum)

28th September 2013, 21:50
Drink a glass of wine, watch The voice of Romania on TV and solve a sudoku game during the ads.

Do you believe in magic?

28th September 2013, 22:29
No. Afraid not, I am a strictly science man.

Do you ever do anything childish when alone?

28th September 2013, 22:53
Of course. The real problem is that most of the time I feel I do childish things in public.:p

What football team do you support?

28th September 2013, 23:12
I watch my local side. Chelmsford City who play in the 6th tier of english football, we are 19th at the moment and shocking.
I also keep an eye on West Ham
Plus I am a huge Messi fan so I follow Barca a bit too.

Which Football team do you support?

28th September 2013, 23:34
Steaua Bucharest.. I love it since I was a kid. I'm also a Liverpool fan.
When it comes to national teams I always loved Argentina.

Do you go to stadium to see the matches?

28th September 2013, 23:43
I go to my low level local club quite often. I have been to West Ham a couple of times and never been to Barca.

Do you mind the fact that we are the only ones playing this game today?

28th September 2013, 23:51
No. The others probably have better things to do on a Saturday. Good for them. :p

Do you ever think the Motorsport forums is a boring place?

29th September 2013, 00:16
Sometimes. Being a motorsport fan when it is the off season and nothings going on. Also there are not as many members around these days.

Do you only stick to the Chit Chat Section of the forum?

29th September 2013, 00:26
These days yes. When I first came here I used to follow the Touring Cars section. Did it for about 2 years but never posted there.

Did you use other nicknames on these forums?

29th September 2013, 00:49
This is my only account, but I was aki13 for 3 years before adding my first name to become steveaki13.

Do you use any other forums?

29th September 2013, 09:54
Used to be a member of 2 other forums but I lost interest. Sometimes I read the posts on one of them but I don't post anymore. (I was banned anyway :p)

Do you like the rain?

29th September 2013, 11:24
In do like the rain actually. Nothing like getting soaked.

Do you/Did you ever play sport or do any physical activity as a hobby?

29th September 2013, 14:15
No. Never have enough time or special skills for that. Just played badminton and football in the street with the other kids. I was mad about tennis but couldn't afford it. And because of my brother I never missed any sport competition on TV.

Have you ever performed on a stage?

29th September 2013, 14:40
I took GCSE and A Level drama and so performed quite a few plays. Not since though.

Whats the most beautiful place in your country?

29th September 2013, 15:37
That's a tough Q. How can I pick just one? But since we're on motorsportforums let's stick to this theme:

Transfagarasan, the perfect road for our coforumer who likes to drive without clothes.:p

Do you like to travel?

29th September 2013, 21:59
Yes. I have been to many places, but there are so many more I would love to see.

Would you, I f money were no object, go on one of Richard Branson's space tours?

30th September 2013, 00:13
I think I would rather go fully into space and visit the space station if money were no object.

Did you ever think that you would post so much on these forums?

30th September 2013, 02:14
I was with another site that had forums and I posted thousands of things over the space of a few years, so yes.

Are top sportsmen, actors and such paid too much and how can it be justified?

1st October 2013, 13:41
Yes they are paid way too much. Paying someone 200,000 pounds a week to kick a round leather ball around is criminal! They don't really contribute anything major to society besides entertainment. People who cure cancers, build machines that improve our lives on a daily basis etc should be paid more than them, but don't!

What was your first job?

1st October 2013, 19:23
I worked for the planning department at a factory of construction equipments. I was even a chief although I wasn't paid for that. It was a hard work but I also had a lot of fun because people were very nice and made me feel great. We really were good friends and cared for each other. And had great parties at work although it was forbidden....

In time, how many jobs had you?

1st October 2013, 21:58
I started managing a swimming pool complex and running a swim school, than had my own design business, then worked night-shift in a freezing works, then worked for a news paper as a graphic designer, then did my second degree (in I.T), then went to work for a swim school, then moved across the country to run a competitive swimm squad, then started the job I have now so that would be 8 different jobs in 23 years.

Do you plan to retire or are you the sort who would rather keep on working?

1st October 2013, 23:00
I hate my job and I find it too stressful so I can't wait to retire. Unfortunately they keep increasing the age limit for women.

What motivates you to change your job?

1st October 2013, 23:51
Money or not being respected.

What would be you're absolute dream job?

2nd October 2013, 00:03
Working for a foreign cultural institute.in my hometown. Doing almost nothing but being in touch with refined people in a creative environment..

Is it easy for you to change your job?

2nd October 2013, 01:25
Yes and No. I have a degree in education and a degree in Info Tech, so you would assume there would be a good number of opportunities, but alas with my experience for the last 5 years being in the program management and job placement coaching, the only change I can realistically make is to a different company doing pretty much the same thing.

What is the best day at work you have ever had?

2nd October 2013, 07:53
It was 2 years ago on a Tuesday. It was the perfect day :). Landed a massive lucrative contract, managed to successfully head hunt my current sales manager who agreed to join my company the next month, the coffee was good, my lunch meeting was fantastic, the weather was perfect too, even got leg over from the wife that evening if I remember correctly :p:. It was a hectic day but it was by far the most perfect business day ever in my 18 year working life :) These kind of days only happen a few times in a lifetime for most people so it's important to enjoy them.

Are you just working to pay the bills or are you working because you love it and are career driven?

2nd October 2013, 08:55
Paying the bills baby. If I could afford to retire through inheritance or lottery win I would.

Do you like thunderstorms?

2nd October 2013, 10:17
No. They scare me.

Do you like snow?

2nd October 2013, 11:07
Yes because you can have snow fights, no because it is frikkin cold!

Do you know how to ride a motorbike?

2nd October 2013, 11:10
No. And I'm afraid of it.

Are you a daring person?

2nd October 2013, 11:41
Yes, I chirp my wife all the time, she hasn't managed to hit the mark with any solid objects yet :p: :D But seriously, I'll try most things once, but won't jump off a bridge with a rope attached to my legs or jump out a perfectly good aeroplane with a small case attached on my back!

Do you visit your family often or have group activities together regularly?

2nd October 2013, 11:56
I'm of aromanian origin and we're famous for our tight family ties. My mother lives in the same house with me, my brother comes to see her about 3 times/week.
I'm also quite close with 4 of my cousins who used to live in the same house - we were brought up like brothers. However things have changed a bit in the latest years.

Are you getting well with your in-laws?

2nd October 2013, 13:25
Yes I have 5 brothers and 5 sisters in-law and 1 mother in-law. We all get along like a house on fire which is very rare indeed! I'm very lucky!

How far back can you trace your ancestry?

2nd October 2013, 14:08
Not very far I'm afraid. From my father's side only till great-grandfather. My mum was always head in the clouds about her relatives. Hard to do any research cos my family came here from Greece.

What's your sign?

2nd October 2013, 14:42

What's your sign?

2nd October 2013, 14:49
Taurus. It means I'm a cow.:p

Do you recognize yourself in the features of your sign?

2nd October 2013, 17:23
Well, not really. I am confident and strong as my sign suggests but otherwise I think it's all a lot of astronomical nonsense!

Do you believe in ghosts?

2nd October 2013, 17:50
No. But I'm afraid of them.

Do you believe in communication with the spirits of the dead people?

2nd October 2013, 21:55
Personally no, but I have friends who believe in it, and I fully respect them for it.

Do you believe in UFo's

2nd October 2013, 23:23
Not of the alien variety.

Do you believe in Santa Claus? :p

2nd October 2013, 23:53
Yes. I've met him when I was a kid.:p

Do you like to cook?

3rd October 2013, 02:08
Absolutely yes

do you eat fast food.

3rd October 2013, 08:53
I try not to too often, but yes I do when I need a quick fix :D

You a greens person or a meat person?

3rd October 2013, 09:21
A carnivour with some herbivourous tendencies

do you have a favourite colour

3rd October 2013, 12:05

Do you like to walk?

3rd October 2013, 14:49
No, I don't walk where I can drive or cycle. There is no such thing as a nice walk!

Are you fleet of foot?

3rd October 2013, 15:12
No. I'm a lazy a*se.

Are you the handy type?

3rd October 2013, 16:08
Yip I am :D I fix nearly everything around the house, from taps to electrical work to the pool pump etc. My wife keeps me busy on the weekends :p:

Have you ever scuba dived?

3rd October 2013, 16:19
No. (Good God, my answers in this thread are the real proof I'm the most boring person in the world :p )

What are you wearing in this moment?

3rd October 2013, 21:38
(this sounds like one of those dirty phone calls, just need some heavy breathing :) )

I have just arrived at work, so I have clothes on.

how do you get your average work day started, i.e. how do you get going for the day?

4th October 2013, 09:30
What are you wearing in this moment?

Now now this is a family forum :p: ;)