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9th July 2011, 08:12
Queen Live Magic in 1986 at Wembley

Have you ever had a Scooby Snack?

10th July 2011, 18:06
Only if feeding my Prodrive Scoobie oil counts :p :

Are you a member of the mile high club?

15th July 2011, 21:45
hehe not yet no.

Do you like sushi?

16th July 2011, 11:52
I do, though I haven't tried it very often. I've always meant to get some sushi for lunch but it keeps slipping my mind.

Can you handle your alcohol well?

16th July 2011, 18:04
When I was younger, yes! Used to warm up on a Friday night with a case of beers before we went out clubbing then hit the hard tack all night! These days I don't drink too much since my kids were born and I get sloshed after three beers :laugh:

Do you have wild animals that frequent your garden?

16th July 2011, 18:39
Yeah... the occasional hedgehog and lots of birds of course. I don't have a very big garden though.

Would you rather be a pirate or a ninja?

16th July 2011, 19:15
Ninja. The wooden leg would get uncomfortable after a while and the parrot on the shoulder would drive me nuts :p :

Whose your favourite actor and actress?

17th July 2011, 14:34
I think you already know what I'm going to say but - of course it's Johnny Depp. Not only is he just beautiful... but he's an extremely talented actor and a good father to his kids. :)

What was the last gig/concert you went to?

17th July 2011, 15:40
Robbie Williams. No, I am not gay, the wife wanted to drool over him :p : He wasn't half bad if I am totally honest :)

Ever jumped out of an aeroplane?

Captain VXR
18th July 2011, 19:06
I don't want to naturally select myself yet, so no

Ever spent time in jail?

20th July 2011, 17:34

What is your best physical feature?

23rd July 2011, 20:00
Maybe I could send you a picture, then you could tell me. We could hook up, maybe for a drink ;) But, in all seriousness, I get most compliments on my smile, eyes and hair!

How many hours a night do you sleep, on average?

25th July 2011, 18:31
Maybe I could send you a picture, then you could tell me. We could hook up, maybe for a drink ;) But, in all seriousness, I get most compliments on my smile, eyes and hair!

Hehehe! Smooth!

To answer your question... not many sadly. I don't sleep well at all and I think my body has adjusted to it. I probably get about 4-5 hours sleep a night on average.

Do you wear glasses?

25th July 2011, 22:11
You know, I reckon I have a remedy that could help you sleep better. It's called the Cummins concoction and, if you visit Ireland, you could sample it first hand, from me personally ;)

Ok, I should probably stop this. Yes, yes I do wear glasses. And I've no desire to wear contacts or get laser eye surgery either!

Are you an interesting person to talk to?

28th July 2011, 17:43
I don't think I'm boring ... And I do like to talk about random stuff ... so I would hope so. But it all depends on who I'm talking with I guess!

Do you like Spiders?

29th July 2011, 12:53
They're ok, I can deal with them but I wouldn't say we'll become friends.

Is there anything more boring than the first day of Test Cricket Match?

29th July 2011, 16:46
Maybe golf?

What was the last dream you can remember having? (keep it brief and clean! :p )

29th July 2011, 20:24
Don't know why, but I was looking around my next door neighbours house with a view to buying it. He only has a semi detached, but it had hundreds of rooms inside (A bit like Dr. Whos Phone Box)

I then began to maintain the garden despite not owning it. Don't understand it or think its very interesting but that was the last.

Is there anything better than the first day of a test match? ;)

(I love Cricket)

29th July 2011, 20:34
Watching paint dry :p

How often do you shave??

29th July 2011, 20:41
Once every few months. Im too lazy and like having a short beard. Once it becomes annoying I go back to stubble and begin again.

What can you see out of the nearest window to you?

29th July 2011, 21:19
A lemon tree.

What's the last movie you saw at the cinema?

30th July 2011, 14:53

Do you use hair gel?

31st July 2011, 02:14

What are you lookin at?

31st July 2011, 15:31
A computer screen (what other answer could I possibly have given, in all fairness?)

Do you like the smell of petrol?

31st July 2011, 17:54
I have never liked the smell of petrol it makes my feel weird for 10 minutes after leaving the pump.

What car / cars do you own / drive?

1st August 2011, 12:29
Volkswagon Golf Mk 4 (1.4). Sometimes I use my Dad's Focus Estate (2001, 1.6) but I'm not insured on it so......

Are you good at fixing cars?

3rd August 2011, 06:13
Kind of. General repairs no problem but new cars are becoming increasingly hard to work on without a million bucks worth of computerised diagnostics equipment :(

Have you ever seen a volcano erupt in real life?

Captain VXR
3rd August 2011, 15:59
Sadly not

Do you listen to a lot of British music?

3rd August 2011, 20:05
You need to be a bit more specific as to what you class as "British" music but I'll attempt an answer. Yes. And, by that I refer to: John Martyn, Nick Drake, Fairport Convention, The Verve, Blur, Oasis and Morris Dancing Tunes. My reason for selection was because the first two are British singer/songwriters (well, Scottish and English respectively), Fairport Convention are sometimes considered 'English Folk Rock', the next three fall into a genre regularly called 'Brit-Pop' and the final choice is none other than your favoured festive music. Some of those tunes are quite nice if you can appreciate them from a deep traditional background.

Is my answer, above, justified?

4th August 2011, 08:43
No :p

Why do it rain when you don't want it to?

Captain VXR
4th August 2011, 16:24
Because there's no God to make the weather perfect

Have you ever been arrested, and what for?

4th August 2011, 17:50
Nope never.

What's your favorite season?

4th August 2011, 22:20
Autumn - Still nice weather, no bloody hayfever and fantastic time for walks in the woods and enjoying the fabulous colours.

Do you still have all your own teeth?

Captain VXR
4th August 2011, 23:20
Yeah, and they're doing fine thankfully

What would your perfect burger consist of?

6th August 2011, 17:12
A 1/4lb steak burger, lettuce, tomato, mayonnaise, barbecue sauce, sliced white cheese and gherkins! And now, I'm feeling rather hungry...

Do you were tracksuits casually? (i.e. outside of training)

6th August 2011, 19:06
Most definitely not.

Can you remember your first ever trip to the cinema?

Captain VXR
6th August 2011, 21:40
Only very vaguely, not even sure what film I even saw

What's the best thing that's happened to you in 2011 so far?

8th August 2011, 22:47
Tough one. I'm going to say - getting my first car.

Do you sleep well at night?

9th August 2011, 01:01
not very often

What is the saddest thing you've seen this year so far?

9th August 2011, 10:06
The Norwegian massacre

Do you like to sing?

9th August 2011, 21:09
I do around the house, but never if I think anyone can hear.

Whats your favourite meal when going to a pub/resturant?

Captain VXR
9th August 2011, 21:18
Probably bbq+bacon+cheese smothered chicken

whiskey or vodka?

9th August 2011, 21:50
Probably bbq+bacon+cheese smothered chicken

whiskey or vodka?


Chocolates or biscuits?

10th August 2011, 10:12
What do you mean by 'or'?

iPhone or Android?

10th August 2011, 14:34
Neither :erm:

Isn't this the wrong thread?

10th August 2011, 15:48
Yes, but look who's posting :p :

Are you from the pro guns or anti-guns lobby?

10th August 2011, 15:56
Anti-guns for me.

Where should I have posted my last question ?

10th August 2011, 15:57
The "this or that thread" ;)

Do you regularly make mistakes (ie are you accident prone, forgetfull etc) ?

10th August 2011, 17:48
I am pretty forgetful when I'm stressed or have a lot on my mind... I'm not clumsy though or accident prone. :)

How do you relax after a hard day at work?

Captain VXR
10th August 2011, 18:02
Usually just by browsing the web for a bit

Who did you last punch?

11th August 2011, 06:55
A prick who drove into my car then proceeded to give me a mouthfull of verbal abuse. One klap and he was very, very quiet while we swapped contact details :p :

Have you ever gone on a tree canopy ride?

Captain VXR
11th August 2011, 16:09
No, but it sounds interesting

Clarkson for PM?

11th August 2011, 21:03
No thank you.

How often do you shower?

11th August 2011, 22:07

When did you last laugh uncontrolled?

P.S ^ I only have a bath not a shower.

12th August 2011, 07:03
About two days ago. Watched one of our local comedy movies called "Rainbow Skellems" and it was pretty darn funny!

Do you live in a flat, house, condo, farm, hotel etc ?

12th August 2011, 09:25

have you ever stolen anything?

12th August 2011, 10:14
Once, when I was 5 years old, I nicked a small sweet worth about 5 cents from the local shop and even at 5 years old I felt guilt about it for a long time. My family was poor back then. When I got my first paycheck at the age of 18, I went back to the same shop and gave the same shop owner 10 bucks. He wanted to know what it was for and I wouldn't tell him, but I felt a hell of a lot better about myself, even though I was only a small kid when I did it. Never stolen anything again, have no need to!

Ever woken up next to strange chick/guy and thought, who the hell is this!

Captain VXR
12th August 2011, 14:18
Chick - sadly not. Guy - thankfully not.

What should be done to chavs caught looting?

12th August 2011, 15:44
I like the idea of making them do like chain gang community service with them all wearing pink overalls. Make them repair the communities they went out and destroyed and see how big they look in front of all their homies. Failing that, I hear the taliban are looking for live ammo targets in Afghanistan.......

Are you any good at video games?

Captain VXR
12th August 2011, 16:52
I'm alright at Gran Turismo and GTA, nothing special

Is there life after death?

14th August 2011, 18:36
I highly doubt it.

Do you like photography?

16th August 2011, 06:51
Yes, but I don't do much anymore. the digital age has pretty much destroyed the anticipation of how the pics would look when they were developed. Will they be good, will they be crock? Now you just look, keep or delete :(

What is your favourite dessert?

16th August 2011, 20:33
Apple Crumble and custard. Yum.

Do you have any interest in Steam Railways?

17th August 2011, 14:36
Not really, although I do find the locomotive engine technology interesting.

Do you floss?

17th August 2011, 15:07
Yes! Brush. Floss. Rinse.

Do you own an arcade machine?

Captain VXR
18th August 2011, 06:42
Nope, don't have enough money to burn,a PS2 and PS3 do me fine, and I may have to buy a XBOX 360

How do you like your steak done?

18th August 2011, 11:22
Medium well. Preferably a 500 gram cut. Pinkish inside with a dark brown outer :) Delicious!!!

How many siblings do you have?

18th August 2011, 21:02
One older brother, one younger sister.

What is the nearest blue object to you?

19th August 2011, 06:31
My mousepad! A beautiful shot of a blue sky with sporadic clouds and one of my product logos jumping out of it :)

What size monitor do you have?

19th August 2011, 09:18
22" widescreen

Do you have any allergies?

19th August 2011, 13:16
Not that I know of no. My skin is quite sensitive.

What can you see out of your nearest window?

19th August 2011, 14:28
A parking lot :s

What food are you craving right now?

19th August 2011, 17:29
Bacon sandwiches with ketchup

Is it friday yet?

21st August 2011, 08:39
No still got 5 odd days to wait now.

How much spare cash do you have in your pocket/wallet right now?

21st August 2011, 14:20
7 cent. I had 2 euro on top of that but this morning bought a flapjack. That 7 cent has to last me a long time too :p :

Have you taken many sick days off work this year?

Captain VXR
21st August 2011, 14:49

What's your favourite food when you're intoxicated?

21st August 2011, 19:59
Chinese or a decent curry

do you have any pets?

22nd August 2011, 09:18
I have a miniature jack russell named Oscar. He does my head in!

Are you an outdoor type?

22nd August 2011, 11:14
Yes! Love to sail, play golf, run around with the kids etc. used to do a lot of hiking but don't get the time anymore.

Do you know how to wire a household plug?

22nd August 2011, 18:04
I think so yeah... remember learning it in school. I'd have a go.

What are you scared of?

23rd August 2011, 11:17
My mother and my wife. Nothing else in this life scares me at all except those two woman :p :

Do you like/ride motorbikes?

23rd August 2011, 14:41
I love bikes, used to ride but don't have the time these days.

Toast or cereal?

23rd August 2011, 17:54

When was the last time you bought flowers for a lady?

24th August 2011, 10:52
Last Saturday, for my wife, for our wedding anniversary. Remembering the date was welcomed more than the flowers were :p :

Does your home have a fire place?

24th August 2011, 21:08

Do you collect anything?

Captain VXR
24th August 2011, 22:23
I have a stack of Redline magazines that grows monthly, but apart from that, not anything that I can think of.
Incase you have no concept of a magazine.

What magazine(s) do you read?

25th August 2011, 11:19
Motoring: Car Magazine, Topcar, Top Gear, Speed N Sound.
Gaming: NAG
Leasure: FHM

Whats your favourite bird?

25th August 2011, 18:38
I like seeing robins fly into my back garden.

If you are in the middle of nowhere, with no toilet facilities, but really need to pee, would you do your business at a wall or bush close-by?

Captain VXR
25th August 2011, 20:04
Wherever is most private and secluded.

When did you last knowingly break the law?

25th August 2011, 21:38
Probably the other day when I need to let off a little steam and blatted up to 90 on a dual carriageway.

Are you watching the footie?

25th August 2011, 21:47
No, not a football fan.

Are you eating?

Captain VXR
25th August 2011, 22:27
No, bit late in the evening

Are you smoking?

26th August 2011, 11:51
No, don't have a joint on me at the moment :p :

Are you breathing?

26th August 2011, 16:28
not sure.....how can you tell?

Do you ask stoopid questions a lot?

26th August 2011, 17:46

What's your best talent?

27th August 2011, 10:03
My banjo and/or flute playing.

Do you like country music?

27th August 2011, 12:29
Hell no.

Do you have any tattoo's?

Captain VXR
27th August 2011, 13:05
Not yet, purely because I'd probably regret them 30 seconds after I had them done

Would you like a dart board with Rick Perry's face on it?

27th August 2011, 21:07

Who's Rick Perry?

29th August 2011, 15:57
Why you asking me when I don't know either :p :

Would you date Rick Perry?

29th August 2011, 19:33
Unless he looks like Megan Fox, I doubt it.

So, who is Rick Perry?

29th August 2011, 20:21
What are you asking me for, not a clue.

Can anyone be bothered to Google Rick Perry?

29th August 2011, 20:27

Would you like to see a photo of Rick Perry?

30th August 2011, 00:04
Not really. I think we should keep him elusive.

Should I 'Go Compare'?

30th August 2011, 00:47
I used confused.com for car insurance last time and found quite a decent saving, so yes worth a try I would say.

fancy a fight?

30th August 2011, 06:40
Depends. You feeling lucky punk...well do ya? :p :

Ever attended a live boxing event?

30th August 2011, 15:08
No but I have seen entertaining fights break out on the street after a night at the club :p :

Is your occupation one that you have desired to be in since being a schoolboy?

30th August 2011, 18:16
I've never been a schoolboy.

Biscuits or cake?

30th August 2011, 19:35
Biscuits all the way.

Do you read a newspaper still these days?

30th August 2011, 20:31
Only local weekly freesheets, never been a daily national reader.....too many opinions.

Have you ever baked a cake?

Captain VXR
30th August 2011, 20:38
Yes, not something I'm very skilled at. (Unless someone invents a preassembled, microwaveable cake)

Do you still live in the town/city you were born in?

30th August 2011, 23:50
Nope, about 3,000 kms away.

When's your next holiday/vacation?

31st August 2011, 00:47
This week :D Spending a bit of time off with Ollie before he goes back to school next week.

Did we find out who Rick Pervy was?

31st August 2011, 11:36
Not that I know of...why are you so interested in this chap? :p :

Would you like to know the hour and the day that you were going to die so you could live your life to the fullest?

31st August 2011, 14:32
Cripes no (why such a deep question 555? :crazy: ).

Are you a sound sleeper?

31st August 2011, 15:55
( Not a seriously deep question old matey, just inquisitive :p : )

I battle to get to sleep as my mind is always going and I normally get to bed at 12:00-1:00, but once I do go down, I GO DOWN!

Are you a morning person?

31st August 2011, 17:23
I don't sleep too well either, so a lie in for me is about 9.00am. I don't mind morning too much... I think I'd be an early bird AND night owl if possible. I've adapted. :)

Do you wear jewellery?

31st August 2011, 20:24
No, though I used to wear an ear stud.

Have you ever jumped into a bush of nettles?

Captain VXR
1st September 2011, 15:00
No, I'm not that much of an idiot.

What's your favourite beer?

1st September 2011, 20:58
I don't really do beer... Cider on the other hand...

Do you call your evening meal dinner or tea?

1st September 2011, 22:44
Dinner - but it's always followed immediately by tea, biscuits (if available) and a smoke :s mokin:

When is the last time you read a whole book?

2nd September 2011, 06:12
A few months back, the one about Bernie Eccelstone. Good read.

Have you been to any school reunions?

2nd September 2011, 11:02
My old school doesn't host them.

What was your favourite era of F1 racing (if you're not an F1 fan, pick from your favourite racing series)?

2nd September 2011, 11:46

Are you married?

2nd September 2011, 14:45
Yes, happily with two kids :)

How far is your daily commute to work/school/probation office...?

2nd September 2011, 16:56
My daily commute to the Police Station is about 15 mins by train with a 15/20 walk on either end. On a day like today, I love it.

What can you smell right now?

Captain VXR
2nd September 2011, 18:21
The room I'm in at the moment is basically odourless.

Would you vote for Obama?

2nd September 2011, 20:17
No I'm not American so I couldnt even if I wanted to.

What colour is your car?

2nd September 2011, 22:22
My daily POS driver is a metallic grey overlayed with an eye-catching pattern of rust :p : .
The bus that the missus uses to transport our kids, along with the seemingly ubiquitous gang of neighbourhood cling-ons is a charcoal grey.

Do you have any family that you wish lived closer to you?

3rd September 2011, 11:40
Not really. I find I can get in touch with any family members without much hassle.

Do you like a morning fry-up when you've had a few gargles (drinks) the night before?

Captain VXR
4th September 2011, 13:11
Ugh no. Cant stand anything greasy when hungover.

Do you think I should have permanent custody of the last word?

5th September 2011, 11:32
No, it would consume you!

Do you find your holidays are always too short?

5th September 2011, 14:34
No but the bankroll suffers a bit too much at times.

Why would anybody chose to go on holiday to a cold place?

5th September 2011, 15:52
Maybe cause they like to ski, make snowmen, have snow fights, curl up by a log fire, watch their sausage shrivel?

Do you get annoyed by people who talk loudly in public on their mobile phone?

5th September 2011, 19:05
Only on a bus or train... I really don't care what time you're booking your hair appointment for... or worse, your trip to the doctor. I've even heard someone giving their bank card details out!

How hungry are you right now?

Captain VXR
5th September 2011, 21:33
Not very, I had dinner a couple of hours ago consisting of a 4oz steak, 4oz gammon steak,two cumberland sausages, a chicken breast, chips and a grilled tomato.

What one food item would you ban if you could?

5th September 2011, 22:16

Red or Black?

5th September 2011, 22:37
Black #17

When watching a motorsport race live on TV, are you inclined to write down a few notes beforehand (e.g. quali position, practice times etc) as a point of reference during the event? Perhaps in order to put better perspective on it.

6th September 2011, 14:46
Gawd no. Far too much effort :p : .

What's the one food that you could eat every day without getting sick of it?

6th September 2011, 14:51
Gawd no. Far too much effort :p : .

What's the one food that you could eat every day without getting sick of it?

Pu55y - oh sorry, that's not food ;)

How much is that doggy in the window?

6th September 2011, 14:57
Ah bai! Gimme 5 tonne and you can take her away - she's a sound piece o' work lad. Now away with ya!

What the fastest speed you've had a tire blow out at?

7th September 2011, 11:03
Approx 150 km/h on a secondary road when I was heading back home after visiting friends for a week. Full trunk of luggage and 4 people in the car. Luckily the AWD system saved the day.

Ever climbed a significant mountain?

7th September 2011, 12:16
Walked up Snowden, that's about as significant as mountains get over here.

Have you won anything in a competition?

7th September 2011, 12:18
A trip to Thorpe Park when it first openend in a Help the Aged sponsored walk!!!

What do you call a fly with no wings?

7th September 2011, 14:45
A bug.

Do you mind spiders?

7th September 2011, 14:47
Scared witless of 'em.

It's a walk by the way, not a bug!!!! :)

7th September 2011, 16:02
Scared witless of 'em.

It's a walk by the way, not a bug!!!! :)

Where's your question numb nuts :p : :?:

7th September 2011, 16:09
Where's your question numb nuts :p : :?:

I left it in temporary memory cache....

Why are oranges orange?

7th September 2011, 17:20
Because the good lord made them that way :\ :dozey:

Is it tea time yet?

7th September 2011, 17:23
Yes! But I'm not hungry... :( ( I love that you call it tea time... like me :) )

Do you name your car?

7th September 2011, 17:29
Kind of... my daily drive is known as the "POS" (even my kids call it that :uhoh: ).
The bus that the wife uses to transport the kids is known as the "swagger wagon" (<- search that in Utube and have a chuckle :) ).

Do you like pina coladas?

7th September 2011, 22:07
I've never tried them. I don't actually know what they are. But now I'm curious to give them a go!

Have you got the flu?

7th September 2011, 22:22
No, not quite "flu season" here yet.

Do you like getting caught in the rain?

7th September 2011, 23:40
Depends if it's warm rain or cold rain.

Are you into junk food?

(showing our age here schmenke ;P )

8th September 2011, 09:48
I do like crisps with my lunch and I'm mad for biscuits with tea. Chocolate too. But wouldn't be mad on jellies or those Refresher bars etc - don't know how I ate that stuff when I was a kid :s

Have you ever driven an articulated truck?

8th September 2011, 10:39
No, but my wife has :s hock: She grew up on a farm and can drive tractors, trucks etc no problem :p :

Do you have a pilots or skippers licence?

9th September 2011, 08:28
No. It's an idea though.

Are you happy that it's Friday today?

9th September 2011, 11:16
Yes and No. Two days of not making money coming up. Weekends are bad for businessmen. On the up side, get to spend time with the kids :)

Do you prefer to go out to a club or a bar?

9th September 2011, 17:04
ooooh that depends... If I want to chat with friends obviously a bar, but If I want to get dressed up in my heels and dance- club it is. Difficult... I'll say bar for the casual nature of it. :)

Are you good at art?

9th September 2011, 21:08
Musical art :D But not painting or drawing no.

Do you like Mint Aero bars?

9th September 2011, 21:32
Yer I don't mind them

Do you like a Twix?

Captain VXR
10th September 2011, 19:16
Yeah, although they aren't normally my first choice

Out of Button and Hamilton, who will have scored more points by the end of the season?

11th September 2011, 04:33

Do you like to trim your nose hairs?

11th September 2011, 08:56
Don't have a need to yet. Fingers crossed it stays that way for a while.

Have you ever been on TV, Radio?

11th September 2011, 11:43
I've been caught on TV standing in crowds at musical festivals but I've never been the centre of attention. I have played on an Irish music radio program two or three times though.

Would you be partial to some karaoke?

12th September 2011, 20:03
If I'd been on the jack and coke long enough... :)

How much loose change have you got about your person right now?

Captain VXR
12th September 2011, 21:33

on a scale of 1-10, 1 being cr@p and 10 being very cr@p, how would you rate British weather?

12th September 2011, 21:37
Only 1. I enjoy our changeable weather. But Im a bit :crazy:

What are you doing this weekend?

12th September 2011, 23:07
Cripes, I don't know. It's only Monday for crying out loud! :p :

You watching rugby these days?

13th September 2011, 06:09
Oh yes!!! Got my beer fridge stocked for the month, biltong stocked for the month, braai stuff stocked for the month, got a roaming Drifta so I can watch anywhere I go! As you can see I'm just a casual rugby fan :p :

Do you shower in the morning or just get up and go?

13th September 2011, 14:35
Depends. I like to shower in the morning but, because I work as a bike courier, it makes more sense to wash all the sweat and dirt from a day's work off me in the evening. However, on weekends, I would shower in the morning, unless I'm working on the car or the pushbike whereby I would be full of oil and shower afterwards. And a lot of the time, I just shower every 2 days :p :

Are you/have you ever been bald?

13th September 2011, 15:25
Never been completely shaven bald, but my hair is slowly trying to add me to the bald guy sector of society :( Still got most of it though for now :p :

Have you ever had a chance to swim with dolphins?

13th September 2011, 17:53
Nope never.

When were you last drunk?

Captain VXR
13th September 2011, 19:58
Wednesday 31st August 2011

When were you last sober?

14th September 2011, 06:07
:laugh: right now :laugh:

Do you attend church on Sundays?

14th September 2011, 07:58
Every so often when I feel like it.

Do you eat breakfast before setting off in the morning?

Captain VXR
14th September 2011, 16:23
If I get up early enough yeah

If you could change your name to anything, what would it be?

14th September 2011, 18:24
Mrs Depp. ;)

What language would you love to be able to speak fluently?

14th September 2011, 18:42
Right now I think Mandarin would be a wise choice :mark:

What languages do you speak/understand?

Captain VXR
14th September 2011, 20:22
I can speak and understand basic Polish and German - enough to buy things in shops etc. Know a little bit of French and Spanish, but hardly anything

Is English your first language?

16th September 2011, 19:00
Tá sé (yes).

Do you were shoes or runners?

17th September 2011, 19:50
Shoes, boots, heels, wedges... I have pumps and one pair of trainers which very rarely get worn.

Are you hairy?

18th September 2011, 00:42
I can be around the face if I don't shave for a few days. I've a medium amount of chest and leg hair but none on my back.

Have you ever been wired?

26th September 2011, 22:21
Wired, as in too much caffeine? Perhaps way back in my uni days when I was staying up late to cram for exams :mark: .

What would you do if you found a wallet/purse containing a significant amount of cash along with the owner's ID?

27th September 2011, 05:59
I have more than enough of my own money so I wouldn't take the cash. And in this country, you can't take it to the cops cause they would steal the cash and toss the wallet away. So I would try and trace the owner from their ID and return it unmolested. Someone did this for me about 10 years ago and I was like, WOW thanks boet!

Who was your role model growing up?

1st October 2011, 19:40
Liam Gallagher, Neil Buchanan and Tommi Makinen.

What was the last significant injury you've had?

3rd October 2011, 15:30
I got a paper cut the other day opening a box of cookies :mark: .

What was your last major purchase?

4th October 2011, 09:33
A timing belt kit :p :

Do you like driving cars with automatic transmission?

4th October 2011, 18:42
I never have actually... I think it would feel wierd and not like driving.

Should I spend £250 on perfect wallpaper?

4th October 2011, 20:50
Erm.......pot of paint for £10 or £250 for wallpaper? Paint wins

Have I missed much?

4th October 2011, 21:58
Not much. I went to my first BTCC meet on Sunday.

What was the last motorsport event you went too?

5th October 2011, 14:34
It's been a while :s . I think it was the Edmonton Indy GP a couple of years ago :s

What's the highest elevation you've ever set foot on?

5th October 2011, 17:13
13th floor of the Georges Quay Plaza in Dublin. It's Dublin's second tallest building if I have my facts right so, relatively speaking, it's pretty high :p :

Would you regularly take an hour or two nap during the day?

5th October 2011, 17:31
If I could I would. I survived three years at Uni on naps at around 4pm before a loong night out. :)

What is your favorite smilie on the forum? :eek:

5th October 2011, 20:19

What smilie gets on your nerves most when people post?

5th October 2011, 22:54
:bounce: :p

Do you have any bruises?

6th October 2011, 12:28
Yes. 3 on my right foot.

Do you watch Wheeler Dealers?

6th October 2011, 12:40
Only if I have to.

Whats the speciality dish that you cook?

7th October 2011, 10:27
Takeout :p : :D

Do you enjoy seafood?

8th October 2011, 02:50
only when not sober while dining at the y......

does you momma love donkeys?

8th October 2011, 15:36
She likes them I suppose.

Ever been to Oklahoma?

Captain VXR
9th October 2011, 14:00
Nah, the only southern states that I would be very interested in going to are Georgia and Louisiana

Is Geert Wilders an idiot?

10th October 2011, 17:45
Seems OK to me.

Do you like going to raves?

10th October 2011, 20:12
No too old for that.

Do you like going in caves?

Captain VXR
10th October 2011, 21:09
No too lazy for that

When was the last time you agreed with Bolton Midnight?

10th October 2011, 21:38
In the early part of the smoking thread, I think. Not too sure though.

Do you miss the original forum?

11th October 2011, 14:41
Not sure what you mean by the original forum. There are some members who haven't posted in a while that I miss.

Do you enjoy horseback riding?

12th October 2011, 17:35
I was referring to the one prior to 2006 or thereabouts. I've only been horse-back riding once and it was years ago so I don't remember it very well. My sister is getting into it though.

Do you prefer tall, hot women or small, cute women? (girls, just answer anyway :p : )

13th October 2011, 14:33
The wife would be very upset if I answered tall, hot women :p : ... :uhoh: .

Now that the season is clinched, will you continue to follow the F1 season?

Captain VXR
13th October 2011, 20:21
Possibly, just to support the Brits though

Am I a chav because I'm going to be drinking WKD tomorrow?

14th October 2011, 15:07
Definately, don't forget your Burbery baseball cap and wear your jeans half way down your bum......

Do you think I'm as old as I look?

14th October 2011, 15:30
No, you look older :p :

What time do you hit the sack on Friday and Saturday evenings?

14th October 2011, 17:03
I don't have a set routine on a friday or saturday... All depends if I'm out in a pub/club/friends house or at home...! Anything goes!

Can you juggle?

14th October 2011, 19:26
Why, yes, I'm quite adept at juggling my balls, thankyouverymuch :uhoh:

Chinese food or curry?

15th October 2011, 14:25
I like both but am partial to prawn chow-mein and duck with plum sauce so I suppose Chinese food.

Do you like the sound of the bagpipes (played well obviously)?

Captain VXR
16th October 2011, 12:48
I guess I don't mind them, but they're far from my favourite instrument

Out of The Star, Express and Mail, which is the worst 'news'paper?

16th October 2011, 23:16
The Star. Not familiar with the Express and I'm sure Ireland's "Mail" is a different newspaper to the UKs.

Do you use predictive text?

17th October 2011, 20:01
Npe. Cant stadn it.

Any pets?

Captain VXR
17th October 2011, 21:06
2 cats. And an Eki.

Rationalism or empiricism?

19th October 2011, 13:47
Well with Rationalists claiming that there are significant ways in which our concepts and knowledge are gained independently of sense experience. Where as Empiricists claim that sense experience is the ultimate source of all our concepts and knowledge. I would be inclined to say Rationalism.

How many encyclopedias do you normally eat for breakfast?

Captain VXR
19th October 2011, 20:59

How are my burger cooking skills?

22nd October 2011, 13:50
Tastes like thin air. Needs a hell of a lot more flavour bud.

Do you like stand-up comedy?

Captain VXR
22nd October 2011, 21:17
If the comedian is good, hell yeah?

Rap or cRap?

23rd October 2011, 13:12
I like older generation rap (Kurtis Blow, Coolio, Nas etc). Not mad on modern rap at all, though some songs still catch my ear from Eminem and a few others who don't come to mind immediately.

Do you like karaoke?

24th October 2011, 19:26
Only if I sing :p :

Do you like to cook?

25th October 2011, 15:52
Well I like to braai (barbeque) so if that counts then yes! Otherwise, I stay out the kitchen, but I do make mean takeout :p :

Have you sorted out funds for your retirement one day?

Captain VXR
25th October 2011, 22:24

What are you most looking forward to at the moment?

28th October 2011, 14:33
The weekend :dozey:

When was your last visit to the dentist?

1st November 2011, 22:36
I'm thinking it was about 2008 or 2009. I had a check-up and got a cleaning up and filling as far as I remember. Nothing serious. Probably should pay them a visit again soon :p :

How many cars have you owned since you started driving (models would be nice to know!)?

2nd November 2011, 09:08
15. One of those was an Escort Mexico and another a Skoda Coupe RSR- Those were the days.

Are you able to make the appointment??

7th November 2011, 22:35
I just made an appointment at a mechanic to try to remove a bent stud-bolt from my right-front wheel, if that's what you're asking :dozey:

Do you think we'll see a manned mission to Mars in our lifetime?

Captain VXR
8th November 2011, 21:09

Whats the likelihood of me being wrong?

10th November 2011, 14:40

Do you enjoy seafood?

11th November 2011, 12:50
Oh yes!!! Nothing beats a good seafood platter or great sushi :D

Do you race in some form of motorsport whetehr it be professional or amateur?

28th November 2011, 18:47
Well, I drive the expressways around here daily, if that counts :s

When's the last time you made lemonaide, from real lemons?

29th November 2011, 00:13
I made an attempt back in the late 90s but I was bullied by an old friend, Taylor Keith and he robbed all of my materials.

Do you talk to yourself daily?

29th November 2011, 14:28
Of course! The rest of you are mad. The only decent conversation I have is with the mirror every morning :p :

If you had the money would you like to take a trip into space on the new Virgin commercial space flights?

29th November 2011, 14:46
Probably not.
The actual time in space is, what, 10 minutes or so? Not sure that's real value for the money. I'd rather just buy a bag of weed to get high.

Do you read much?

29th November 2011, 15:02
^^^^I read that didn't I?

Whats the story, morning glory?

29th November 2011, 19:45
It's definitely a maybe.

Would you consider yourself romantic?

30th November 2011, 11:07
I'm a male, so no. And my wife will back me up on that :p :

Do you enjoy karaoke?

30th November 2011, 18:03
I do, but don't do it often :)

Do you prefer taking pharmaceutical/medicine or old school/natural methods when sick?

5th December 2011, 14:54
"old school/natural methods"...? I assume you're referring to hoeopathic treatment? That's a scam.
I prefer to take my meds in pill-form rather than eating a pound of tree bark.

Are you travelling anywhere during the Christmas holidays?

5th December 2011, 21:37
"old school/natural methods"...? I assume you're referring to hoeopathic treatment? That's a scam.
I prefer to take my meds in pill-form rather than eating a pound of tree bark.

Are you travelling anywhere during the Christmas holidays?

I wasn't really referring to that. I guess I was saying that if, for example, you had a sore throat, would you be inclined to (a) buy some relevant medicine from a pharmacy or (b) take some honey and gargle some salt-water?

To answer your question: I'm not going away during the holidays but I am just back from a few days in Amsterdam so that constitutes a holiday for me :)

When eating dinner, do you usually follow it up with dessert?

7th December 2011, 19:26
Rarely, although on occassion I've been known to enjoy an evening dram of malt, but alas typically not the Irish variety Paddy ;)

Are you a "morning" person?

8th December 2011, 05:27
Hell no. While I love my kids more than anything else in this universe, being dragged out of bed at 5am is not my cup of tea!!!

Are you an "evening" person (read as night owl)?

8th December 2011, 21:22
Yes but I'm trying to break that habit. This bloody internet has me awake into the small hours most nights (no jokes please!).

Are you a caller or a texter?

9th December 2011, 05:34
Neither, I'm a face to face person. Hate talking on the phone, it's just so impersonal. Texting is for people who just can't be bothered :p :

What is your weekend gonna be like?

9th December 2011, 14:45
Not very exciting.
Saturday: Take the kids to the slopes. Maybe get in a bit of Christmas shopping ( :s ). Evening at the neighbours for a few laughs.
Sunday: Recover from hangover. Take the kids to the pool. Perhaps find a Christmas tree to purchase.

Do you wash your vehicle often?

9th December 2011, 19:23
No. I haven't washed my current car since I bought it back in April :p : Though, in fairness, I was thinking today that I should wash it soon...

Has the winter flu made its way to you yet?