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12th September 2009, 13:25
Unfertilised :p

Have you been to University?

13th September 2009, 23:19
I'm currently at University. :)

Do you keep your room relatively clean?

14th September 2009, 19:40
Mostly I'm very neat and like to keep my flat tidy- except for my art studio which can get pretty messy.

What time do you get up in the morning?

14th September 2009, 20:54
6:45 to start work at 8...stupid 30 minute commute :(

What time do you usually finish work/school/college/Uni/watching Trisha on Five?

15th September 2009, 15:59
On a good day, I'm running to catch a ~5:00pm bus. Home by 6-ish.

What's on the usual mid-day menu?

16th September 2009, 14:12
Typically a sandwich of some sort.

WHat did you have for supper last night?

17th September 2009, 22:53
I had a bowl of serial

When was the last time you were on public transport?

18th September 2009, 03:45
I took the trolley tour of downtown Memphis about a month ago when my wife's nephews were up from Mexico.

Have you ever been to the States?

18th September 2009, 10:46
No, went to Canada the other year though (which is sort of like answering 'yes I've been to Denmark' when some asks if you've been to the UK)

Have you ever been to the UK?

18th September 2009, 15:38
Once, briefly, on a quick work-related trip to Crawley ( :dozey: ). I did manage to to take the train into London one evening for a bit of fish 'n chips ( :dozey: ) .

Have you ever attended an F1 event abroad?

18th September 2009, 20:43
No... but if I get lucky and marry a rich man I might one day... :D

Do you eat 5 portions of fruit or veg a day?

21st September 2009, 22:39
Sadly I don't, nor do I even try

How do you deal with pressure?

22nd September 2009, 09:53
I tend to be fairly relaxed and do nothing, right up until I realise that things have got a bit serious and I panic for a bit. After that I usually compose myself and just get on with it calmly :)

Which famous person would you least like to have a pint with?

Brown, Jon Brow
22nd September 2009, 15:10
Paris Hilton

Would you like to go for a pint with me?

22nd September 2009, 17:40
Certainly, I'll have an ale......or a Guiness......or a lager ;)

What's your favourite tipple?

Brown, Jon Brow
22nd September 2009, 18:34
5Lagers followed by 3 double JD and Cokes then a few rounds of shots and Vk's.

Does your girlfriend approve of you wearing those?

24th September 2009, 00:23
I'm married, and yes, she bought them.

Speaking of marriage, when are you getting married.

24th September 2009, 00:57
What, again?
Cripes, once was enough.

When are you going to the dentist?

24th September 2009, 10:10
Sometime in November for a check up.

Ketchup or mayonnaise?

24th September 2009, 11:40
Depends for example I never have mayonnaise on hot food.

Do you like your boss?

Brown, Jon Brow
24th September 2009, 14:38
I like my assistant boss. Mostly because she is beautiful. :erm:

Do you shower/bath in the morning or evening or never?

24th September 2009, 15:19
Shower every morning, rarely have a bath.

When was the last time you had a hangover?

24th September 2009, 15:38
A mild one last weekend. My buddy and I were playing Rock Band on the XBox 'till 2:00am :uhoh:

Do you play Rock Band (or Guitar Hero)?

Brown, Jon Brow
24th September 2009, 23:22
No. I play a real guitar.

Do you not think you are too old to play video games?

26th September 2009, 20:00
No I don't.

If you had to choose, would you spend the rest of your days surrounded by attractive people or ugly people?

28th September 2009, 16:19
Attractive people, Why would I want to hang around ugly people?

What do you think of the Roman Polanski case?

29th September 2009, 01:39
Not much.

Have you picked up the new Dan Brown novel yet?

29th September 2009, 19:25
No I haven't, I only read internet racing forums! :p :

What was the first race you ever attended in person?

Brown, Jon Brow
29th September 2009, 21:05
No I haven't, I only read internet racing forums! :p :

What was the first race you ever attended in person?

It was a Banger Race about 10 years ago. The first proper race I went to was British f3/GT at Oulton Park. Can't remember what year though.

Ale, Lager or Cider?

3rd October 2009, 17:57

Have you had Swine Flu?

4th October 2009, 21:33
No thank goodness.

Do you suffer from allergies?

5th October 2009, 02:47

Do you wear glasses/contact lenses?

6th October 2009, 17:58
I wear contacts.

Do you own a motorcycle?

16th October 2009, 19:06

What is your favourite item of clothing?

22nd October 2009, 00:50
My birthday suit :D

Watcha dressing up as for Halloween?

14th November 2009, 16:02
erm... I went to a comedy gig dressed as ... just myself. You can make your own mind up as to how scary that was :P

What's been your favorite year out of your life so far?

18th November 2009, 15:56

What's been your favourite month of the year so far?

18th November 2009, 16:53
January, I bought a new car and it snowed. Mind you I also got made redundant....but then I got a new job. Hmmm, and Exeter City got promoted in May, which was also my birthday. Tough choic.....I'll stick with January.

How old are you?

4th December 2009, 19:14
I am 26.

What colour eyes do you have?

8th December 2009, 04:06
They're blue.

Do you have any kids?

8th December 2009, 20:14
Nope. And I don't want any either. :)

Do you have a degree?

8th December 2009, 21:51
I do, although like many, I don't currently work in that field (and I'm happier for it.)

Do you want to start your own business someday?

9th December 2009, 20:42
I would love to be self employed working freelance full time and I'm already registered as self employed but on a part time ad hoc basis. So yeah. I guess I would!

Who is your most unusual crush?

8th January 2010, 19:22
My unusual crush - at the moment - is Robert Wagner.

How deep is the snow outside your house?

9th January 2010, 16:26

Will you be sliding down a hill of snow on a bobsleigh soon?

12th January 2010, 18:01
I have recently been sliding down a hill with my kids, but not on a bobsleigh.

The last time I was on a proper bobsleigh was about 10yrs ago, at ~100km/hr, after which I had to promptly change my trousers :mark:

What's your favourite winter activity?

12th January 2010, 20:16
I don't have a favourite winter activity as such, probably because winter here is just a bunch of cold/wet days.

Were Christmas good to you?

12th January 2010, 20:31
It was the best Christmas ever. We spent it in Mexico and it was non-stop posadas, Christmas itself, baptisms, weddings, my daughter's birthday, topped off by New Year's Day. The only downside was the 6.5 hours it took to get back across the border to come back home.

Do you like tequila?

13th January 2010, 00:03
Yes, when its followed with a slice of lemon/lime.

Do you sing in the shower?

13th January 2010, 19:51
Only if no one else is in the house. :D

Do you like the way you look?

14th January 2010, 15:43
Of course :D

Have you ever been to Maui?

14th January 2010, 18:10
If it's the place in South America, then no.

Have you ever been to Ireland?

15th January 2010, 00:26
I've not been to Ireland, but I've been to England. Also, Maui is in Hawaii (I went there on my honeymoon.)

Where did you go on your honeymoon?

3rd February 2010, 21:56
I'm not married

Who is your favourite TV cop?

4th February 2010, 11:46
Magnum P.I.

Have you done 3rd level/college/university?

5th February 2010, 01:52

Can you explain the basic laws of physics?

5th February 2010, 13:03
Physics is one of my worst areas. But I guess it's that gravity has a force of 9.8 something and "what goes up must come down..." - short answer: No I can't.

Do you like the sound of the bagpipes? :angel:

5th February 2010, 15:56
When played well, yes.

Do you play any musical instruments?

5th February 2010, 21:58
Yes a few. Banjo, flute, tin whistle, bouzouki, mandolin, mandola, guitar and as of last September - keyboard. You did ask :p :

Are you a vegetarian?

5th February 2010, 22:47
Far from it :D :D

What do you drive?

6th February 2010, 15:31
Little white dimpled balls is all I drive at the moment, as I am in between cars.......

Has much change on the forum recently?

6th February 2010, 15:58
Since I've joined, a lot has changed. The community isn't as communal, there is way more arguing nowadays. :(

Have you made any resolutions for 2010, and have you kept them?

7th February 2010, 06:33
Well I was going to start smoking, but I keep forgetting to buy cigarettes.

Do you smoke?

8th February 2010, 10:32
Yes - it is difficult to start though. You could seek help for that Alexamateo :p :

Do you keep snoozing your alarm several times after it rings in the morning?

8th February 2010, 12:04
No, if I did that then I would fall asleep again. I keep the alarm on the other side of the room so I have to get out of bed to turn it off.

What do you usually eat for breakfast?

8th February 2010, 16:59
Typically a bagel and a bucket-o-coffee.

What's for dinner?

10th February 2010, 10:38
Chicken Jalfrazzi, wild rice and some keema naan witha couple of bottles of beer.

Where are you going?

10th February 2010, 10:41
To 5-a-side after work. It may be a terrible mistake a I can't play football and have no fitness at all.

Did Derren Brown stick you to your seat?

10th February 2010, 18:45

Who's Derren Brown?

12th February 2010, 14:31
Someone who apparently can mess with your mind.

Who is the worst sporting pundit on TV?

12th February 2010, 20:11
John Motson, can't stand the bloke

Any plans for the weekend?

12th February 2010, 21:08
Watching the Wyedean Rally tomorrow and possibily going out in the evening. Recovering or possibly cleaning the car on Sunday.

How tall is too tall?

14th February 2010, 03:12
Taller than me (5ft 11in). It's a little awkward if you're with a girl that's taller than you I'd imagine. :cheese:

Do you eat healthy generally?

15th February 2010, 14:45
Generally I eat a balanced diet, just had an apple and now away to have some chocolate.

When was the last time you made a complaint about customer service?

16th February 2010, 20:36
A few weeks ago to the Higher Education Grants Dublin City Council. Long story!

When was the last time you vomited?

17th February 2010, 14:43
I think it was 2 and a half years ago, was v drunk on an empty stomach at a party and got home just in time to hug the loo.

What colour post-its do you have on your desk?

17th February 2010, 15:40
I don't, tend to use scraps of paper. When I used to have post-its they were yellow :)

Do you have cold toes?

17th February 2010, 18:49

Do you have cold feet ?

17th February 2010, 20:17

Did you have a nice weekend?

17th February 2010, 20:56
Last weekend was OK. Quiet, nothing major or productive done.

Have you ever been to an Irish pub (including the rip-off ones in other countries :p : )

17th February 2010, 23:46
Sort of. It was called O'somethings, was painted green and had lots of Guinness and Caffreys behind the bar :D Not very Irish though as it was in Falmouth and I don't think had any Irish people in it.

When was the last time you did some physical exercise.

18th February 2010, 17:32
Er... well if you count climbing 12 flights of stairs after a fire drill at work as exercise... then yesterday! :)

What was the last thing you ate?

18th February 2010, 17:50
A banana, as my mid-morning snack.

What's your favourite fruit?

22nd February 2010, 13:59

During the week, what time do you have your lunch?

24th February 2010, 01:08
Usually some time between noon and 2:00pm when I can find a few minutes to nuke last night's supper leftovers and skoff it down :mark:

Do you cook much using the microwave oven?

24th February 2010, 13:28
The microwave is the best thing invented for the kitchen! My oven is just an art piece in my kitchen.

What was the greatest April Fools joke you played or fell for?

3rd March 2010, 15:53
It wasn't really April Fool's, but in Spanish speaking countries, similar pranks are played on Dia de los Inocentes (Day of the Innocents) which is December 28. I was recently married and spending the Christmas holidays in Mexico with my wife's family, when I read in the newspaper that then President Bush was fishing for trout in Chihuahua, Mexico. I was going to my relatives saying, "Look!" They just laughed and laughed. For me it was believable, Bush had a place in west Texas, which wasn't so far away and liked the outdoors. I figured it out when I read some other articles talking about Madonna and Jennifer Lopez spotted partying together in a bar in downtown Chihuahua City.

So, Have you ever bumped into anyone really famous before?

3rd March 2010, 16:14
'bumped into' I take to mean 'by chance.' If so, then I guess the height of it would be Tony MacMahon who is one of Ireland's best known accordion players. I was at a gig in Dublin and he happened to be there, having a pint and enjoying the music. I got talking to him but had to leave way earlier than I would have liked :( - check him out on Youtube: a controversial character but amazing musician.

Have you ever entered a race or rally?

3rd March 2010, 16:34
Me and my Dad run in car in a few sprints each year. It'd great as allows me to drive a car to the edge in a way that I wouldn't dare on the road. It's weird because I'm used to driving within my limits (around 70-80%) but sprinting means I have to push to 100%....and sometimes beyond :D

Do you like cheese? I love cheese me.

6th March 2010, 00:02
I do.

What car do you drive?

10th March 2010, 13:53
I don't drive. Would love to own a DB9 though, just to look at it.

Do you shower or bath in the mornings?

10th March 2010, 14:12
Shower. I rarely find enough time to have a bath.

What did you have for lunch yesterday?

10th March 2010, 20:45
Leftover spahgetti :dozey: (warmed up in the microwave :D )

What were you doing at 8:00am this morning?

10th March 2010, 20:48
I was opening the door of the classroom.

What will you be doing at 23:30?

11th March 2010, 18:28
Most likely partying at my mate's house :D

If you've left a floater in somebody else's toilet, what do you do to better the situation? (let's pretend it's a girl/guy that you really like and want to make a good impression on) :p :

12th March 2010, 13:30
I flush the loo as many times as is necessary to get rid of it. Then avoid answering any questions from the host!

What is your favourite American TV show that's not a cartoon or animation?

12th March 2010, 13:48
Probably Breaking Bad. I think that FiveUS picked it up at some point but it really should be given some mainstream exposure. The 3rd season starts this month and in once of the trailers there is a quote which says "TV as God intended". I couldn't agree more. Find it on the internet and watch the pilot, now.

Is that my coat you're wearing?

12th March 2010, 14:27
Yes! Here you go *give coat back*

What is your favourite dessert?

12th March 2010, 14:55
I think it would have to be cheesecake with double cream - yum!

Who was the last person you spoke to on the phone?

12th March 2010, 15:02
Contracts manager at work.

Have you ever done grocery shopping online?

12th March 2010, 15:38
Nope. I like to feel and smell my produce.

What's up for the weekend?

12th March 2010, 16:05
Staying in college (i.e. not going home) to watch the F1 in peace. And hopefully get some assignments done :)

How do you like your tea?

12th March 2010, 16:41
Nope. I like to feel and smell my produce.

That sounds a bit wrong TBH.

I like my team with milk and one and a half sugars....unless I'm hungover in which case at least two.

When was the last time you had a day off work/school?

15th March 2010, 14:02
It was end of February, had 1 and half days off work.

What is the daftest injury you have ever given yourself?

17th March 2010, 15:44
I guess it would have been a gash in my head which was a few inches deep. It happened in daft circumstances. When I was working as a pushbike courier in Dublin last year, a pedestrian stepped out onto the road as I was speeding up the street. I hit her, went over the handlebars and, typically, hit my head of the very corner of a kerb. Of all the places I could have landed :mark:

Do you like Dean Martin? :)

17th March 2010, 19:16
You mean his music, movies...? Meh, not really. Musically I much prefer Sinatra :)

Do you wear a helmet when riding a bicycle?

18th March 2010, 06:02
On a bicycle, never, on a motorcycle, always!

Who ya got in the NCAA Basketball championship this year?

19th March 2010, 02:42
Nobody, since UNC is not good this year!

What kind of car do you drive?

22nd March 2010, 05:35
I have a Toyota Tundra and my wife has a Chrysler Town & Country.

What was your first car?

25th March 2010, 08:38
I have a Toyota Tundra and my wife has a Chrysler Town & Country.

What was your first car?

a 1974 VW Bus (aka Transporter for our European) friends complete with carpeting cut from the living room floor.....

Who will be the 2010 F1 WDC?

26th March 2010, 03:28
Fernando Alonso

When was the last time you were in a nightclub?

7th April 2010, 23:17
It was at a trade show in January.

Does your job require you to travel?

8th April 2010, 11:53
Yes, I'm travelling all day as part of my job, but only within the confines of Dublin city and its outskirts (bike messenger).

Can you sing well?

9th April 2010, 13:39
I think I can when rather pie-eyed and on a kareoke machine.

What is your favourite flavour of crisps?

9th April 2010, 15:31
Cheese & Onion

Have you ever been on TV?

9th April 2010, 15:34
Briefly in the audience for a Dave Gorman programme.

How tall is too tall?

11th April 2010, 15:17
Taller than me.

Have you ever been in a mosh pit?

12th April 2010, 13:46
I haven't, much too civilised

How funny was Celtic's defeat on Saturday?

12th April 2010, 16:05
Dunno, didn't see it.

So, how funny was Celtic's defeat on Saturday?

13th April 2010, 09:39
Well I only saw the two goals but both Scott and Craig scored crackers! :up:

What time do you start work/college/school on Monday morning?

13th April 2010, 12:30
Up at 6:45, leave house at 7:30, start work at 8:00.

Did you see the Swindon Town v Exeter City game last night? Great watching for a neutral, terrible suspense for a fan.

13th April 2010, 14:46
I didn't, I was out for a bike ride that lasted over 2 hours, purely because I had to get my tyres pumped up and blagged my tea at the same time.

Did you back a placed (1st, 2nd or 3rd) horse in the Grand National?

20th April 2010, 06:32
I'm afraid I didn't.

Do you like to gamble?

21st April 2010, 02:18

What do you enjoying watching on the telly these days?

21st April 2010, 15:24
Football (that IS a surprise by the way) and Discovery channel has some good documentaries on these days. As does TG4, the Irish-language TV station.

Do you like whiskey?

21st April 2010, 19:18
I don't

How many people do you know who are stranded abroad due to the ash cloud?

21st April 2010, 22:36
One. He was on the way back from NZ so is now stuck in Hong Kong.

Who's your favourite stand up comedian?

21st April 2010, 23:24
Billy Conolly

Have you had a hair cut?

4th June 2010, 22:03
No. I went to have it cut today but as I was in a seaside town and it was sunny (and half term) it was impossible to park so I gave up and went back to the office for lunch.

Are you regular?

9th December 2010, 17:51
You bet... just had a bran muffin and two cups of coffee :)

How do you like to enjoy the snow?

14th December 2010, 17:53
Snowball fights, mess around on my pushbike, watch the snow from the window at the fireside, get some driving in if it's not icy :)

What is the coldest temperature that you've ever went out in [and where]?

14th December 2010, 19:23
Dunno, minus forty-somethingish I guess (I live in Canada remember :p : ).

What's the hottest temperature that you've ever went out in [and where]?

16th December 2010, 15:02
Low 30s in the South of France.

16th December 2010, 15:02
Ha, forgot my question. Do you like protesting?

16th December 2010, 23:43
Well, I don't roam around with mobs wearing a balaklava smashing windows, if that's what you're asking.

What's been the highlight of year 2010 for you?

25th December 2010, 23:58
My holiday to Canada.

What are you looking forward to in 2011?

9th June 2011, 15:42
The release of F1 2011 by Codemasters :p :

How's your year been sor far?

9th June 2011, 16:18
Fan bl@@dy tastic, thanks for asking :p :

You looking forward to the supposed end of the world in 2012?

Captain VXR
9th June 2011, 16:41
So long I can crack out a few cans of Blackthorn cider

Which do you hate more, tailgaters or people who drive everywhere at 45mph regardless of the speed limit?

9th June 2011, 16:46
Tailgaters for sure :down: They should be strung out on a desert floor with nothing but their persperation to protect them :p :

What is your pet hate about other road users?

9th June 2011, 17:04
Mobile phone users :down: . Next to driving under the influence, the number one cause of accidents on the roads around here.

What's the last motorsport event you've attended?

10th June 2011, 07:21
The KZN Rally. Fun, sun, braai, beer, mates, more beer and a lot of dirt!

What is your favourite form of motorsport and why?

Captain VXR
10th June 2011, 15:50
Either touring car racing or, dare I say it, drifting. Both just excite me because of a lot of close action, and tend to use (heavily upgraded) vehicles that you sometimes see on the road and have a lot of car variety

What's the best foreign country you've ever visited?

10th June 2011, 15:57
Don't laugh, but China. Amazing history and architecture that dates back thousands of years. Friendly, humble people. An amazing contrast of fortunes between the rich and poor. Amazing development rate, economic growth, cities, factories, hotels etc. Amazing scenery. It had it all.

What's your favourite town/city in your country?

10th June 2011, 18:23
Montreal, but I may be biased :p :

What's the least enjoyable country/city you've visited?

11th June 2011, 13:20
Le Sable d'Olonne in France - though, in all fairness, I think it was more to do with the conditions of my visit rather than the place itself.

Have you ever had a big beard?

Captain VXR
11th June 2011, 23:32
Nope, never felt the need to look like a fisherman

What's the most 'gangsta' place you've ever visited?

12th June 2011, 17:16
By reputation: Belfast. In reality: Southill, Co. Limerick, Ireland.

Do you like to dance?

13th June 2011, 07:34
Hell no! The wife can dance for 12 hours straight, while I get plastered on the sidelines, then I have to massage her feet the next day with a huge babalaas ( thats a hangover for the rest of you )!

Where's teh best place in the world to ski?

13th June 2011, 10:14
Down a mountain?

Do you think Lewis Hamilton will complete a full race without a visit to the stewards this season?

13th June 2011, 16:10
He certainly is getting to know them well! :mark: .

Do you think the race should have started behind the safety car?

13th June 2011, 16:20
No, they robbed us :angry:

Should they not have re-started sooner than they did?

13th June 2011, 21:33
Definitely. Or, at least when they did restart, it shouldn't have been another safety car start.

Does Canada 2011 go down as the best race you've seen? Or even top three?

13th June 2011, 22:16
One of the most memorable perhaps, but best, hardly :s

What non-motorsport sport are you currently following?

14th June 2011, 07:21
Super 15 Rugby (better than any other rugby competion including the World Cup and Currie Cup).

What sport do you think is the most dangerous and why?

14th June 2011, 17:29
Javelin-catching. There’s a real point to that sport...

Have you ever tried bungee jumping?

14th June 2011, 18:47
No, and I don't think I'd have the balls to ever try it either.

What do you work at?

14th June 2011, 22:37
Huh? If you mean Where do I work... I work for the government and also freelance model making/illustration part time.

What is your favourite cheese?

15th June 2011, 07:24
Gouda! Goes with everything! Can't stand the stinky cheeses at all :s ick:

What is your favourite holiday destination?

15th June 2011, 10:42
St Lucia

Why does it rain every time I intend to cut the grass?

15th June 2011, 11:48
Thats just mother natures way of trying to prevent you from cutting the grass. Grass is very dear to mother nature and is not supposed to be cut :p :

You got a lotta trees in your garden?

15th June 2011, 15:59
Two :p : . A birch that I planted about 3 years ago which is now about 4 meters tall and 1 inch in diameter, and a Japanese maple that I just planted a couple of weeks ago. (This part of Canada is surprisingly void of trees :mark: )

Do you get along with your neighbours?

15th June 2011, 16:09
I have one direct neighbour and the answer is NO, I don't get along with them! They are full of shyte and they make a racket all the time. They can drive to the shop when they need a cup of sugar or a pint of milk :p :

Do you get along well with your immediate family (mother/father/uncles/cousins etc) ?

15th June 2011, 23:31
For the most part, I do. Obviously we have little family rows and, in the past, relations were a little rawer than now. But all is fairly solid these days :)

Can you tolerate sleeping with people who snore?

16th June 2011, 18:12
I don't have much choice... my partner snores... and when he's not snoring he breathes like darth vader when asleep. I'm a light sleeper so it's a bad combination really but I put up with it. I've just taken to nudging him with my sharp elbows. :D

Are you artistic?

20th June 2011, 10:49
Nope, struggle to draw a staright line with a ruler...

What is the one thing you wish you had done more of?

20th June 2011, 11:36
Spent more time with my two boys when they were under 18 months old! The cutest part missed due to work commitments. I have changed that now and spend as much time as possible with them!

Do you believe in Aliens?

Captain VXR
20th June 2011, 18:04
I think there is life out there somewhere, but highly doubt that flying saucers come over here to anally probe drunk rednecks

Which Austin Powers character do you most resemble?

20th June 2011, 21:24
Austin Powers himself, if I still had my longish hair. You won't see me wearing Union Jack apparel however.

Is there anybody famous from the area you were born (not country - I mean local district)?

20th June 2011, 22:31
William Shatner graduated from the same high school as me :D (um... different year of course :erm: ).

Any notable autographed memorabilia?

21st June 2011, 02:54
Yes, I have a cricket bat signed by the West Indies cricket team which included Brian Lara.

When was the last time you were properly drunk?

21st June 2011, 12:14
:erm: Saturday!

Whats your poison?

21st June 2011, 12:20

What's your favourite Star Trek series?

21st June 2011, 15:32
I hated Star Trek. I could never warm to it, even though my relatives seemed to have it on the TV every time we visited them during the year :mark:

Do you watch soap operas?

21st June 2011, 15:42
Gawd no :s

Your favourite spectator sport?

21st June 2011, 16:47
A tie between motorsport and rugby. Big fan of both, but if I had to choose I would have to go with motorsport.

Your favourite type of coffee and why?

Captain VXR
21st June 2011, 18:36
Double espresso with lots of sugar - ENERGY

When was the last time you smoked 'exotic herbs'?

21st June 2011, 18:49
Never have, never really want to either... though I probably absorb enough of it at work every day.

How many hours sleep did you get last night?

21st June 2011, 21:02
About 7 I think.

What time do you usually get up in the morning?

22nd June 2011, 05:51
Usually 04:45, today 15:30...

Does Red Bull give YOU wings??

22nd June 2011, 07:05
Yes, for about 5 minutes, then I get a downer moment where it feels like the wings have fallen off the plane :s cared:

When was the last time you did something really nice for a complete stranger who needed some help?

22nd June 2011, 10:29
I let a man in a BMW out of a side road yesterday........about as good as it gets lately.

Are you happy with life?

22nd June 2011, 11:18
Yes! Love it, love it, love it. Successful business, blossoming family, great mates, a new toy arriving soon! Life is great! Always be positive about it and you will be surprised at what you can achieve!

Are you one of the tree hugging types?

22nd June 2011, 16:18
Heck no.

What was your last major purchase?

22nd June 2011, 16:36
A new standby generator for my house. Not really a purchase as my company makes the bl@@dy things, but still a big purchase.

Which country, besides your own, do you think has the most beautiful woman?

22nd June 2011, 19:07
I don't really label vast countries of men OR women in this way... so I'm not really qualified to answer.

How long have you been in your current job?

22nd June 2011, 19:19
I started here last September. Before that I was with another company since 1996 :erm:

Are you handy with DIY projects around the house?

22nd June 2011, 19:20

22nd June 2011, 19:38
Yes as long as it doesn't invole any plumbing work. I'm pretty good with everything else around the house including electrical work.

Do you walk, cycle, ride, drive or use public transport to get to work?

23rd June 2011, 01:31
Walk to the car, drive a bit but then sit in the passenger seat most of the day and then drive home again.

What is for breakfast tomorrow?

23rd June 2011, 07:05
I don't do breakfast during the week. If a cup od coffee counts as breakfast, then coffee :p :

Do you eat lunch at work or pop out during your lunch break?

23rd June 2011, 15:23
Usually at work, at my desk, although we've just installed a few pic-nic tables on an outside patio that has recently been made available for employees (although we had to volunteer to build the tables :p : ), so, weather permitting, I'll chow down outside.

How many hours per week do you typically work?

23rd June 2011, 16:34
Anywhere between 40 and 65 at the moment

Been anywhere nice lately?

23rd June 2011, 18:34
Erm... Had a nice meal out in Nottingham last weekend... :S

How do you like your eggs?

23rd June 2011, 18:45

What's your favourite music genre?

23rd June 2011, 18:48

Have you ever been to Japan?

24th June 2011, 07:15
No. Been to China on many occasions but never Japan. It is on my list of countries to visit though :)

Ever been badly bitten by an animal and what was it?

24th June 2011, 16:26
Do mosquitos count? :p :

What's your usual daily footwear?

24th June 2011, 16:34
Bronx safety shoes. Casual-smart look around the offices while still safe to use in the factory, comfortable and durable.

When was the last time you wore a tie?

25th June 2011, 18:22
When I was at school as part of my uniform!

Who's your wierd crush?

25th June 2011, 23:16
When I was at school as part of my uniform!

Who's your wierd crush?

Helena Bonham Carter.

Pick your poison: Microsoft or Apple?

Captain VXR
26th June 2011, 13:32
Microsoft although I wouldn't mind an iPad 2

What's your favourite meal?

27th June 2011, 10:36
There's a resturant in China Town, London, called The Golden Dragon. They do the most amazing crisy duck. Add various other dishses like chicken in cashews, beef chow mein and maybe some mushroom rice and I would die a happy man.

Where would you rather be right now?

27th June 2011, 19:07
Shopping in New York with a biiig wad of cash.

Are you an early bird or a night owl?

27th June 2011, 21:58
Niether; I'm sleepy all the time :p :

Is there a Chinese restaurant called The Golden Dragon in your town?

28th June 2011, 07:52
Not that I know of. Not listed in the directory either!

Who washes the dishes in your household?

28th June 2011, 10:36
Me Ma. Though sometimes, out of sympathy, we'll (sons) help out.......albeit very rarely :mark:

Does your week follow a repetitive routine or is it constantly changing?

28th June 2011, 11:56
Pretty repetitive. Wake up, get the kids ready for school, drop them at school, go to work, kick arse all day, fetch the kids from school, help the wife feed the kids, bath the kids, put the kids to sleep, have a drink or two, watch a bit of telly, the wife goes to bed, play some PS3, go to bed :p :

When was the last time you had a really great day from start to finish and what made it so great?

28th June 2011, 15:26
Last Tuesday. I started volunteer work in a local radio station and had a great time learning about the processes of making a radio program. Then, I went home and got ready for a date with a beautiful girl who said she wanted to go and see the Senna movie! The movie (and company) was exquisite. I slept well that night :)

When was the last time to puked?

28th June 2011, 15:31
:erm: I think it was last week Thursday. Been sick as a dog with the flu, and ate something that my system rejected :p :

Who was your role model you looked up to when you were a young lad / lass?

28th June 2011, 21:27
My Mum... she's really hard working, but makes time for what's important.

Where are you going on holiday this year?

29th June 2011, 11:19
Beautiful Cape Town :) The friendliest city in the world :)

Have you ever hiked up a mountain before and is it a famous one?

29th June 2011, 12:05
walked up Snowdon when I was younger, took the train last time I went up there though, sooo much nicer :D

done anything energetic recently?

29th June 2011, 12:16
I went for a walk yesterday.

What is your favorite type of hat?

29th June 2011, 14:35
Normal baseball cap. Keeps the sun off my thinning hairline so I don't jump with pain in the shower after a day at the beach :p :

Did you have to wear braces on your teeth when you were young?

29th June 2011, 15:52
No, thankfully.

What's your current occupation?

29th June 2011, 21:03
I work for a police force. I'm also self employed freelance model maker.

Favorite Sausage?

29th June 2011, 22:22
Just a traditional Pork Sausage. Yum.

What was the last Sporting event you went too?

30th June 2011, 10:25
My sons school sports day yesterday.

Do you have a smart phone?

30th June 2011, 10:31
Sadly, yes. I've got an iPhone 3G.

Are you a morning person?

30th June 2011, 11:42
Hell no! Mornings start too early in the day for me :p :

What time do you normal call it a day and go to bed?

30th June 2011, 19:36
During the week... between 10- 11.30 depending how tired I am and what work I've got to do. The weekends... could be any time!

When was the last time you cried?

30th June 2011, 19:39
Real men don't cry :p :

When was the last time you were in a hospital?

30th June 2011, 20:00
Ummmmmm... god ages ago... I think it was a few years ago when I went for a job interview.

Do you moisturise?

30th June 2011, 20:47
Real men don't moisturise :p :

Shower or bath?

30th June 2011, 23:20
Bath, as I don't have a shower.

When did you last shout at someone ?

1st July 2011, 08:49
yesterday, I was teaching a pupil emergency stop procedure.

do you wear a watch?

1st July 2011, 09:56
Yes, feel a bit wrong when I'm not wearing one...to the extent that I've been known to wrap and elastic band round my wrist if I forget to put one on.

Do you have any allergies?

1st July 2011, 11:15
Yes, I'm allergic to bull$#!t :p :

What would you score yourself out of 10 for physical appearance?

1st July 2011, 19:57
eeek... maybe 4, 5 on a good day.

How do you like your steak?

1st July 2011, 20:24
Nice and Boring, Medium.

Whats your favorite sitcom?

1st July 2011, 22:15
How I Met Your Mother.

When was the last time you were out hunting?

3rd July 2011, 16:38
Shopping at Tesco's is the closest I'd ever want to get to hunting thanks. That was last week.

Do you shop at IKEA?

5th July 2011, 11:40
We don't have an IKEA.

When was the last time you took a drive just for the love of the drive?

5th July 2011, 16:07
Can't say that I ever have. If I'm going to drive, I'll drive with a destination :D

Any pets?

5th July 2011, 19:25
I've gone from having a cat, Indian Ringneck, African Grey and 2 dogs to just one dog and my grey now. Other dog passed on, the cat ran away (thankfully) and the ringneck was donated to the local bird park by my wife before I got a chance to wring his squaking neck :p :

Do you have a steam train in your town/city that still operates fun train tours?

5th July 2011, 20:00
Not round here no... but there are ones not far away.

Have you ever been arrested?

6th July 2011, 07:44
Yes, wrongfully when I was 19. Cops thought I was a drug dealer at a night club I was partying at, turned out I looked just like the guy they were looking for :crazy: Got released after a few hours when the dumba$$es realised I was the wrong guy. Not fun. Not recommended. Not again thank you :p :

You ever fallen flat on your ar$e in public and how did you do it?

6th July 2011, 20:27
Yep... drink... freshers week... pub full of people... and me on the floor. All I remember is looking up and seeing what felt like a hundred faces looking down at me. Not good.

What was your favourite toy as a child?

6th July 2011, 22:43
Lego or my Scalextric. Funny that my son has rather a lot of Lego and got a Scalextric for Crimbo last year :\

What is the worst programme on the telly?

6th July 2011, 23:17
Any realitiy show. i.e X factor, Britains got no talent. Hate all this crap.

What are you doing this weekend?

6th July 2011, 23:28
Am avoiding the annual redneck festivities in town and heading to the hills for a couple of days in search of an elusive white ball:
Kananaskis Country Golf Course: Golf Kananaskis, Alberta, Canadian Rockies (http://www.kananaskisgolf.com/)

When's the last time you sunned your backside on a beach?

7th July 2011, 07:21
About 3 months ago. And I burn for nothing. Think a fire engine is red? See me after 60 minutes in the sun even with 50 SPF cream :p :

At what age are you planning to retire, semi-retire or if you aint gonna retire when do you think you will croak?

7th July 2011, 11:05
Ideally? Next week but in truth around about 60.

have you ever bid at an auction?

7th July 2011, 15:21
Yes. It's fun! Before the days of having number cards to show when you bid, I remember when I was in my early 20's there was a bid going for a hunk of junk drawers. I'm talking absolute cr@p drawers here. I scratched my head for not even a second and the auctioneer thought I was bidding! Luckily, 2 idiots kept on bidding for a few more hundred bucks and I was saved having to explain why my hand was in the air for cr@p that I did not want :p :

Whats the tallest building you have ever been in?

7th July 2011, 15:40
I've been in that tower in Shanghai constructed a few years ago that briefly held the record as the tallest building. Can't remember the name of if it, but I think it still holds the record for the highest hotel.

Ever been in a submarine?

Captain VXR
7th July 2011, 22:34
Nope, although I'd love to

When was the first time you had a spliff? :s mokin:

8th July 2011, 07:18
About 15 or 16 years ago when I was in my final year at school. I rather get high on life now :p :

You ever had to have any form of major surgery?

8th July 2011, 17:57
Just stitches to my head. The gash went 2 inches deep though.

Do you often drink water?

Captain VXR
8th July 2011, 20:34
Mainly first thing in the morning straight out of the bathroom tap, but apart from that, not much really

What's the best gig you've ever been to?