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16th July 2007, 11:25
Not here but I have some blackberry jam home.

What's your favourite jam? I tried some Seville Orange in Brighton and it wasn't bad.

Captain VXR
16th July 2007, 17:27
Strawberry. Seville orange is a marmalade, stupid confusing English language :mad:
How was my cheddar and mozzerella toasted sandwhich?

16th July 2007, 20:21

Can someone please make me a steak 'n cheese sandwich?

Captain VXR
17th July 2007, 18:27
If you provide the steak
Talking about steaks, do you like them?

18th July 2007, 11:55
Of course, who doesn't?

Who does not like a steak?

18th July 2007, 16:30
Vegetarians :mark:

Do you like lamb (um, I mean to eat, not to perform certain activities with... :erm: )

Captain VXR
18th July 2007, 17:27
Nope the chops are tiny compared to pork ones :greedy:
Who wants bangers and mash?

19th July 2007, 12:06
Add a pint of ale to the lot and it is mine! :D

Some banoffee as dessert?

19th July 2007, 17:02
Would prefer vanilla cheesecake but if Bannoffee is all that's on offer then I guess it will have to do.

Can I have fresh cream with it?

19th July 2007, 21:55
No. All I've got is some cream I got last week and forgot to put in the fridge, instead I accidentally left it in the oven. Reckon it should be alright.

Ever drank milk that had chunks in it?

Mp3 Astra
20th July 2007, 00:44
I think I may have. But I hope to God no.

Have you heard of Tim Shaw?

20th July 2007, 01:00
Does he have a brother called Martin?

Are you any good at poker?

20th July 2007, 12:38
Not but I am good at Mus.

Do you bet on line?

20th July 2007, 23:46

What's the most you've ever won?

Captain VXR
21st July 2007, 09:56
BTCC Tickets
Have you been to a BTCC event?

21st July 2007, 16:11
Lots, although not as many as I have wanted to recently :s

Is the sun shining on you today?

Captain VXR
22nd July 2007, 11:39
Nope grey clouds :mark:
Do you think that the Ford Scorpio is ugly?

26th July 2007, 16:57
I find most Fords ugly :s

Have you ever driven a vehicle with more than two axles?

26th July 2007, 17:30
Yep, 7 axles in total, 3 on the cab and 4 on the trailer with a 60t road planer on the back.

Has anyone seen my cheese?

Captain VXR
27th July 2007, 11:45
Its in my stomach
Who's seen the Simpsons movie?

31st July 2007, 22:32
I have as well as lots of other people (probably). Not amazing, just like a long episode of the Simpsons which still makes it pretty damn good.

Do you ever eat them mini pringles and pretend that you're a really big giant and go "RAWWWWWWWWWWWW" "oh no it's a giant, help.... eeeeeeeeeeee" "HA HA HA HA HA, MMMMMM PRINGLES"?

31st July 2007, 22:42
Erm no............I always feel somewhat disappointed with the mini pringles, you just get the taste and they're gone ;(

What was the last thing you did for the first time recently?

Captain VXR
1st August 2007, 16:45
posting my holiday lw

Mp3 Astra
2nd August 2007, 00:51
You didn't post a question. I'll assume your question was "Am I stupid for not posting a question?" And the answer is yes :p :

Do you like fast food, and what's your favourite fast food outlet (if any)?

2nd August 2007, 21:06
Not really, although I do enjoy a Wendy's Big Bacon Classic from time to time :D

An hour in a WRC car or an hour in an F1 car?

3rd August 2007, 00:19
F1 car, so long as I'm driving it.

Have you ever seen a shooting star?

9th August 2007, 17:41
Yeah, but not lately.

How's your week been so far?

10th August 2007, 00:03
Not bad, the 12-hour shifts aren't too bad, but not getting paid is a bit of a pain.

When was the last time you had pizza, and who were you with?

10th August 2007, 12:04
Last thursday, with some friends.

Any good plans for the weekend?

10th August 2007, 12:28
Golf this afternoon, wedding tomorrow night and then a family BBQ on Sunday :D

Should you be doing something else instead of posting on here right now?

10th August 2007, 12:45
Yep, but it can wait.

Are you my boss?

10th August 2007, 16:54
No, I'm not your boss, so you can carry on posting for the time being.

Marilyn Monroe or Audrey Hepburn?

15th August 2007, 09:59
If we're talking acting skills then Hepburn every time.

When was the last time you saw the sea?

15th August 2007, 21:06
Last Friday when me and mates went to the beach. Love living 20 minutes away when the sun is shining. Shame about all the tourists though.

What newspaper do you read most often (if at all)?

16th August 2007, 06:15
The New Zealand Herald, not that I often have time to read the paper...

What's your serum sodium?

18th August 2007, 14:00
138 I think, so pretty average.

Do you have any medical problems?

19th August 2007, 01:10
Not really, although lately I'm begining to think that my liver has been taking a beating... :erm:

Whatcha do today?

19th August 2007, 20:37
Got up, felt glad I wasn't hungover. Watched match of the day from yesterday, watched MotoGP, watched BTCC, watched an old My Name Is Earl, watched rallying, went on internet.

Do you like toasted cheese sandwiches?

21st August 2007, 01:29
Oh yes, I have them every Sunday.

What's the latest at night you've ever caught a bus?

23rd August 2007, 11:37
I don't know, around 2 a.m. I guess.

Is anyone else not feeling particularly well today?

25th August 2007, 01:12
Feeling good, apart from a bit of a sore throat.

Has anyone every told you you look like someone else?

25th August 2007, 11:01
Yes, I've been told I resemble Andie MacDowell. At a certain angle, in a certain light, its possible, the rest of the time sadly not :D I think its mostly the hair :D

Would you ever use sniper software to get what you want in Ebay?

28th August 2007, 09:30
Yeah...............probably :confused:

What the hell is sniper software? :p :

28th August 2007, 17:03
"Sniper" is software that automatically places your e-bay bid for you at the last second.

Do you purchase from e-bay often?

28th August 2007, 20:38
Relatively often but not at an addictive level :-)

Whats the best bargain you've ever managed to find be it online or in a real store?

28th August 2007, 22:25
Not really a bargain but my brother managed to get 4 free tickets to a Man United game last season. Although not a fan I couldn't turn it down even though it was very short notice. After pretending to be Miss Richardson (name on ticket) we got in to see an interesting game that United won 7-1. Rivalled only by the free tickets we got for the Man United v Exeter City game that ended 0-0, a far better game in my opinion.

Do you ever use a fake ID?

29th August 2007, 23:15
No, never.

Are you watching or have you watched Heroes? Do you like it?

29th August 2007, 23:22
My brother downloaded the episodes, and I had them on my computer for a long while. It's a great show - I won't give you any spoilers, but I will say that it gets wrapped up in the end, although there is room for another series.

Do you know a vampire series from 1997 called Ultraviolet?

31st August 2007, 10:21

When was the last time you were drunk?

2nd September 2007, 18:58
Christmas '03.

Are you allergic to anything?

2nd September 2007, 20:17
Not that I'm aware of.

WHat, in your opinion, is the best way of cooking an egg?

3rd September 2007, 09:28
Scrambled with a little paprika sprinkled over the top when done :lips:

What's the longest you've ever gone without a bath or shower?

Captain VXR
3rd September 2007, 11:47
2 days
Will it be Plato or Giovanardi for BTCC champ?

3rd September 2007, 20:02
I'm going to go with Plato. Even though the Leon struggles with top speed I think he has the dirty moves that will see him beat Gio. plus he already has a points advantage.

What's gone wrong with MotoGP this season?

3rd September 2007, 22:19
Ducati have worked out the 800cc engines better than everyone else...?

How much coffee do you drink each day?

5th September 2007, 14:23
too much :s

Did you all miss me then?

5th September 2007, 22:26
I didn't.

Did Carl go somewhere?

5th September 2007, 22:45
You'll have to ask him that.

Are you a cat or a dog person?

5th September 2007, 23:51
Cat person - dogs scare me. I had a cat once - or rather, borrowed a cat from a neighbour once...

What can you see out of the window right now?

Captain VXR
6th September 2007, 20:49
The porch :mark:
When was the last time you screamed?

6th September 2007, 22:05
Probably two years ago on a roller coaster in Florida

Could hair get any bigger in the 1980s?

6th September 2007, 22:53
What is it with hair?

What's your hair like now?

6th September 2007, 22:55
It's blonde, about four inches long on top and a bit of a mess today.

What's your favourite kind of sweet?

6th September 2007, 23:32
I like those spinning-top ones, which are chewy and multicoloured.

What's your favourite type of chocolate?

Captain VXR
7th September 2007, 18:22
Lindor :facelick:
Am I allowed my rations yet?

7th September 2007, 18:23
Milk. Any brand, not fussy :D

Do you fidget a lot in bed?

8th September 2007, 17:29
No but I do smoke ;) :D

Do you feel that summer is over already?

8th September 2007, 21:47
No. Weather was really warm today. Far to hot for football, it should be raining and miserable not sunny.

How are you today?

8th September 2007, 22:38
I'm okay, although I was a bit sleepy and hung over this morning.

Marilyn Monroe or Jane Fonda?

9th September 2007, 08:42
Jane Fonda, easily.

When was the last time you posted a letter?

Captain VXR
9th September 2007, 13:45
Aaaaaaaages ago
Lucy Pinder or Kiera Knightley?

9th September 2007, 20:54
If I was a man... Kiera Knightley. Even though she only has one facial expression.

What facial expression are YOU currently showing? Please describe

10th September 2007, 01:13
A yawn...............you need me to draw you a picture?

Any plans for the week ahead?

11th September 2007, 05:40
I have an assignment to fihish...

Jon Travolta or Nicholas Cage?

11th September 2007, 09:41
fihish :confused:

Nick Cage, much better actor.

What is you favorite shop?

11th September 2007, 21:44
Lidl. It's like a lucky dip if you don't speak any of the eastern european languages, only a really, really cheap lucky dip.

When was the last time you were in a fight?

11th September 2007, 22:58
A friend and I got attacked outside the cinema a couple of years ago on a bright and sunny afternoon. Apparently they wanted our mobile phones. There were a lot of people around watching in horror so it didn't last long and we weren't hurt: they ran away quickly.

What was the last book you finished?

11th September 2007, 23:40
I know you got soul by Jeremy Clarkson

Do your toes look normal?

11th September 2007, 23:42
I think so, but I don't really make a habit of looking at people's toes...

Have you ever vomited in public?

Captain VXR
12th September 2007, 17:37
Not that I can remember
Whos going to be at Thruxton for the BTCC final?

13th September 2007, 21:40
IU'd guess that the drivers will be there, and probably a large crowd, oh and me :D

What's your favourite shape?

13th September 2007, 21:43
I like a nice circle, although the wife's a big fan of diamonds ;(

Any plans for the weekend?

Captain VXR
17th September 2007, 17:21
erm nope was hoping to go to Eurodrift Chepstow but dont think I'm going
Do you have a caravan?

17th September 2007, 19:46
No, parents have a VW camper though.

Do you enjoy camping?

17th September 2007, 22:27
Yes, very much, although we've done very little this summer :mark:

Do you drink much milk?

20th September 2007, 17:30
i tend to drink milk in cereals or have a milkshake

what do you get out of bed for?

20th September 2007, 22:08
A full bladder.

Is it raining where you are?

21st September 2007, 11:41
No, sunny day today

What's the worst thing you've done lately?

21st September 2007, 23:34
Spend a few days at Butlins :(

What did I miss when I was away?

1st October 2007, 11:30
I wouldn't know.. I've been away too!

Do you ever see faces in clouds?

Captain VXR
1st October 2007, 18:28
Was it YOU?

1st October 2007, 18:36
No, not me, I wasn't there at the time, must have been someone else ;)

Do you ever have days when you're crap at typing?

1st October 2007, 20:06
Every day :p :

How was your weekend?

3rd October 2007, 12:06
Nice and calm and slightlyu ruined towards the end thanks to the excess of water in a braking spot....

Is it raining today?

3rd October 2007, 17:02
Not yet :\

Have you every hit another car and driven off without stopping?

3rd October 2007, 21:12
Never hit another car (to the best of my knowledge). Ooh I did ride into one on my bike once when I was drunk. I got up and rode off but sadly one of my mates stayed back and shelled out £20 so that the taxi firm could get a new mirror glass (only damage) for their insured taxi. Anyway in that instance I did stop (briefly) but mainly because the car made me by removing my bike from beneath me.

Why can't Jagger get no satisfaction?

3rd October 2007, 21:25
Because he's just waiting on a friend.

Who let the dogs out?

5th October 2007, 21:48
Them bloody Greenpeace activists :D

Ever broken into somewhere/something?

11th October 2007, 12:57
Nope never.

Are you fulfilling your potential??

11th October 2007, 20:08
Probably not, but I can't be @rsed to try any harder :p :

Do you have a Facebook account?

11th October 2007, 20:48
Yes, but I don't know why :dozey:

Do you have a MYspace thingy?

12th October 2007, 21:06
Yes but I prefer facebook :P

What piece of advice would you give your past self if you were able to go back in time??

12th October 2007, 21:26
"Play the following lottery numbers..."

Do your ears hang low?

Captain VXR
13th October 2007, 10:49
Why should I approve of your favourite website (http://www.ratemypoo.com)?

21st November 2007, 19:52
I didn't know that was my favourite website

How many Es in Cheese?

5th December 2007, 22:09
threre are 3 e's in cheese

have you started your Xmas shopping yet?

5th December 2007, 22:38
Nope, that's what Xmas eve is for :p :

Why does it always rain on me?

14th December 2007, 21:03
Because you're too cheap to buy an umbrella?

Anone want to help me decorate my tree? It's been up a week, and it's still not done :D

14th December 2007, 23:09
I would love to but sadly I'm half way across the world, shame :D

Is it cold or is it just me?

15th December 2007, 13:02
-5 here at 9:00 AM. It would not impress Schmenke, but I'd say it is cold.

Will you watch the Race of Champions?

15th December 2007, 19:13
I can't wait to watch it on Sky!

Which childhood film scared the beejeezus out of you?

15th December 2007, 22:20
Not really childhood film but I saw The Shining when I was about 10 or 11, those creepy girls haunt me to this day. Also watched an episode of The Magic Roundabout when I was drunk, that **** is ****ed up.

Are you going to answer this question?

19th December 2007, 16:27

What is santa bringing you for xmas?

20th December 2007, 09:38
I really don't know, which I think is fun. If you know what you're getting it takes some of the fun out of it.

So what's the most you've spent this year on one present?

20th December 2007, 14:26
Only got one present so far and that was 30 canadian dollars, can't beat duty free :D

Do you leave things until the last minute?

13th January 2008, 21:59
All the time :D

How often are you on this forum?

14th January 2008, 20:17
Maybe twice a week... sometimes more depends...

Which smiley best sums up how you're feeling right now?

15th January 2008, 21:27
:beer: wouldn't mind a cold one right now :facelick:

Are you a nervous or relaxed person?

15th January 2008, 21:31
50% of the time I'm a pretty relaxed person and don't get stressed about anything, the other 50% I'm as wound-up as it's possible to be and freak out at the tinyest thing.

When was the last time you saw an invisible horse?

18th January 2008, 20:10
I thought I saw one the other day but it turned out to be a donkey.

Would you like to see my salami?

Mp3 Astra
21st January 2008, 21:14
I have one in the fridge, although I'm sure yours is proper Canadian Salami, probably covered in maple syrup.

Genesis or Led Zep?

22nd January 2008, 20:22
If I have to pick, then Led Zep

Who will win the Premier League of Darts?

23rd January 2008, 03:16
Alan Trainor gets my bet.

Do you like white chocolate?

23rd January 2008, 13:37
No, it should not even be called chocolate.

Will there ever be snow in Montecarlo rally?

Mp3 Astra
27th January 2008, 13:56
Probably, when climate change sets in.

Have you done all your chores for the day?

27th January 2008, 18:39
Yes :)

How many cars have you owned in your lifetime?

28th January 2008, 11:56
ONly owned the one, and that's only a legal term as it's really my brother's but he's in Toronto for a year so let me have it. I have driven 12 different cars in the short time I've been able to drive.

What's the furthest you've travelled to watch your sport team play?

28th January 2008, 16:43
Dunno, maybe 20kms :p :

What's your favourite nut?

Mp3 Astra
29th January 2008, 20:01
Ooh that's a tough one. Peanuts, but they're best when they're in their shells; in the form of monkey nuts. They require some effort to get the great reward inside them. They're probably an important factor of human evolution as well.

What's your favourite radio station, and what genre is it?

29th January 2008, 21:33
Don't really have a favourite as it's either Radio 1, Radio 2 or Radio Devon (only when Exeter are playing though). I guess it's have to be 5 Live on a Saturday. Fighting Talk at 11 and then an afternoon of football followed by Sports Report and 606. Magic :D

What was the second album you ever bought?

1st February 2008, 20:20
Good Lord, I don't remember!

Paper or plastic?

Mp3 Astra
2nd February 2008, 16:45
Plastic - who needs paper any more?!?

Who needs paper any more?

4th February 2008, 14:58
Me, can't get my biro to write notes on plastic. Nor will Exeter City accept credit cards on the gate :p :

Ever been to Rome?

Mp3 Astra
4th February 2008, 19:42
*Oh right, you were referring to money, I thought you were generally talking about paper and plastic, duh*

No, my Dad has and said it was pretty niiiiiiiiiice!

What's your favourite number?

4th February 2008, 20:59

Why did you choose your favourite number?

4th February 2008, 21:03
48. I have no idea why. Oh and 69, work that one out for yourselves ;)

Would you rather lose a hand or a foot?

Mp3 Astra
4th February 2008, 23:49
Foot, I can get a replacement. Hands are a bit more complicated. Although it would give me an excuse to have interchangeable attachments such as hooks, screw drivers and flame-throwers.

Who was the last person you spoke to?

5th February 2008, 00:32
My brother

Who is the first person you speak to in the mornings?

Mp3 Astra
5th February 2008, 00:53
Mum - She calls me on the intercom to get me up. I'm terrible at waking up.

What size feet don't you have?

9th February 2008, 17:29

Briefs or boxers?

10th February 2008, 07:01

Do you donate blood?

11th February 2008, 19:22
I did once

What comedy on TV you thought was funny originally, now clearly isn't when you watch it again?

12th February 2008, 07:20
There have been plenty. Everybody Loves Raymond springs to mind - the first episode I saw wasn't bad, but every subsequent one has been lamentable.

What's your opinion about Valentine's day?

Mp3 Astra
13th February 2008, 01:13
When I'm taken, it's great, they should have it more often! When I'm not (like now) it's a stupid day for stupid people.

Do you like cabbage? (Sorry, I'm not very inspired right now)

18th February 2008, 19:56
Only in coleslaw

Did you have an imaginery friend when you were a child?

18th February 2008, 22:47
I had two, Siggy and Booby. Although they weren't really imaginary friends at all but something I made up because I thought that kids were supposed to have imaginary friends. Think I read it somewhere. My Mum didn't realise until recently that I was conning everyone.

Is conning a real word?

2nd April 2008, 00:31
Depends on in which language you speak it........

Why am I here?

4th April 2008, 16:19
Because your Pa managed to successfully court your Ma.

Are you as tired as I am?

14th April 2008, 21:56
That depends on how tired you are.

What was the last gig you went to?

30th April 2008, 19:57
The Wiggles, a couple of weeks ago.

What's the last thing you ate?

2nd May 2008, 19:41
A fish supper

How many diets have you been on?

22nd May 2008, 22:17
None. I occasionally try to eat less or exercise more but it's never really a concerted effort which is why I now have boobs?

Isn't boobs a great word? Boobs. Booooobs.

23rd May 2008, 00:46
Not bad but I prefer bazookas.

What book are you reading?

10th June 2008, 21:39
Estate Management Law (6th ed). woooooooo (!!!) :rolleyes:

Where's everyone gone?

16th June 2008, 19:28
They leave when I leave

Can you live without your mobile (cell) phone?

16th June 2008, 20:07
Cripes, yeah! I'm ready to chuck it into the river :s

When did you last visit the dentist?

16th June 2008, 21:44
Beginning of May to have some fillings, my first dental work in my life :(

If you were on death row what would your last meal be?

18th June 2008, 19:00
Macaroni cheese, chips and peas with bread and butter and cup of tea.

Do you collect anything that is non-motorsport?

22nd June 2008, 19:24
Nope I'm too lazy to collect anything

Do you suffer from anxiety?

25th June 2008, 22:49
No, just stress :mark:

What's the difference between anxiety and stress?

23rd July 2008, 00:02
being single or married :\

What have I missed recently?

14th August 2008, 17:47
Probably the same stuff I've missed

Where can a man get a drink around here?

28th August 2008, 18:54
The Senior Member lounge is shut, so probably the nearest pub

What is the most boring sport in the world?

29th August 2008, 09:39
Formula 1 :p :

What is your occupation?

29th August 2008, 09:40

Is there any chance that I win the lottery?

Brown, Jon Brow
2nd September 2008, 15:43
You are more likely to be killed by your trousers.

Why did i just poo a small boy?

2nd September 2008, 19:59
Because you ate a big man, obviously.

Where is she?

3rd September 2008, 01:31
Over there, look. no, behind the... oh forget it. just call her name.

What's the weirdest conversation you've ever had with an ice cream scoop?

3rd September 2008, 21:24
Well, I sang into one before pretending it was a microphone if that counts. Hell, thats weird as it is :mark:

Have you ever solo danced in front of a crowd (it doesn't matter which kind of dancing?)

16th September 2008, 21:53
Probably, although it would have most likely been in a state of considerable inebriation, in which case I wouldn't have remembered.

Do you like brussel sprouts?

20th September 2008, 17:54
I love brussel sprouts!

Do you like the dancing banana?

25th September 2008, 17:22
I think that the dancing banana is one of the best things that I've ever seen.

What illegal substances (if any) have you taken? (Disclaimer: Jan does not condone the use of illegal substances, has probably never taken any and does not in anyway like any drugs of any kind.)

25th September 2008, 21:42
I perhaps in the past have sampled a selection of, ah, herbs, but purely for medicinal purposes... :erm: ...and I never inhaled... :erm:

When's the last time you slept in a tent?

26th September 2008, 16:48
Last "summer" at Donington.

What is your favourite corner on a British race track?

26th September 2008, 17:14
Quarry at Castle Combe, although watching the motorbikes disappear down Craner from Redgate was pretty awesome. Quarry though is just a legendary corner and seemingly easy to get really, really wrong despite being miles wide.

How many tracks have you visited (including street circuits)?

26th September 2008, 22:22
Two :mark:
Well, I've also visited both Monaco and Surfer's Paradise, but neither for the race :mark:

Do you floss regularily?

28th September 2008, 18:34

Who is your favourite driver in motorsport

13th October 2008, 19:04
That's tough, i have favourite drivers in categories

What would win in a fight - a shark v a crocodile?

14th October 2008, 22:58
Ooh, the croc, no doubt! It can battle both in the water and on land!

What colour would you choose for your Ferrari?

17th October 2008, 13:13
Well a Ferrari wouldn't be my first choice but I'd probably get a custom purple with some flames. :p

How many animals have you run over whilst driving?

20th October 2008, 19:39
Do the neighbour's kids count? :mark:
Never really kept count. Around these parts it's more a question of the animal running over your car :mark:

Ever been up in a hot air balloon?

20th October 2008, 21:45
No, although my Aunty has.

Do you like UFC or other MMA stuff?

23rd October 2008, 19:12
I guess not since I have no idea what you're talking about :crazy:

What are you dressing up as this Halloween?

23rd October 2008, 19:35
I guess not since I have no idea what you're talking about :crazy:

What are you dressing up as this Halloween?

UFC = Ultimate FIghting Championship MMA = Mixed Martial Arts :)

Not dressing up as anything, strikes me as a particularly pointless "holiday".

Ever had a man run passed you in the street carrying a barrel on fire?

23rd October 2008, 21:53
Alas, no, we on this side of the pond are not so cultured as to be privelaged to partake in such meaningful events :crazy:

How many songs on your iPod?

(Miguel, my kids don't share your opinion on Halloween :p : . Besides, I get to, ah, sample their evening loot :D )

23rd October 2008, 22:45
iTunes tells me 2974 items. I could easily put more on but don't really seem the point because I skip half the tracks that are already on there :D

Does Schmenke mean that he nicks his kids sweets?

9th November 2008, 15:06
Yes, and makes them do all the hard work for it :P

Which Race circuit in the world do you consider to be the most interesting?

10th November 2008, 17:52
Laguna Seca is always exciting.

When's the last time you purchased a music cd?

11th November 2008, 10:59
Last week I got the Shirehorses second album 'Our Kid Eh?' but only because I couldn't find it to download anywhere.

Did you play any sports as a kid?

11th November 2008, 13:53
Just golf. :/ (Silver spoon init)

How many Shops have you been in so far this year with Xmas tree's up in already?

11th November 2008, 18:54
None, thank God!

Don't you hate this early Xmas frenzy?

11th November 2008, 19:37
I don't even noticed. Too preoccupied with important things.

What is your day job?

17th November 2008, 19:47
By day I work as an engineer.
By night I do whatever a spider can, spinning webs any size, catching thieves just like flies; look out!

Who's your favourite superhero?

1st March 2009, 23:55

Do you have any spare Type 35 staples I can borrow?

2nd March 2009, 17:57
Nope, sorry, I use a Swingline 405 that uses #99500 staples.

Can you please fetch me a cup of coffee?

3rd March 2009, 22:23
ok [/hands over cofee]

I appear to have lost my marbels, has anyone seen them ?

Brown, Jon Brow
13th March 2009, 12:32
You sold them to me, silly!

So how did you cure your impotence problem?

13th March 2009, 20:01
I removed the prefix im-

Is there any solution for your current situation?

14th March 2009, 20:43
only if events that are out of my hands fall into place.

What percentage of trees are evil ?

Brown, Jon Brow
18th March 2009, 12:01
54%, although this can vary every 4 years

Do you want to go for a coffee with me later?

28th March 2009, 18:45
Only if you promise to keep your hands to yourself this time.

Whatcha up to this weekend?

29th March 2009, 23:47
Nothing much.

Where should I go on holiday this year ?

4th May 2009, 00:07

Do you get drunk on a regular basis?

4th May 2009, 01:17
It depends how regular. Usually every weekend.

On that topic: What type of alchohol do you prefer (i.e. larger, cider etc?)

10th May 2009, 13:44
Whiskey :)

Do you have any Easter Eggs left?

11th May 2009, 00:41
No. Especially considering that I didn't even have one to begin with. :p :

During weekdays, what time do you usually go to bed?

12th May 2009, 20:20
Usually 10:30 ish. Up at 5:30 :s

During weekdays what time do you usually wake up?

12th May 2009, 23:35
Usually 11am, depending on if I've been out late the night before. Sometimes 12.

Have you ever fallen off a pushbike?

13th May 2009, 15:48
Often, mostly off-roading and when my stupid clips wouldn't release :mad:

What's the last film you've watched?

(11am, blimey :erm: )

13th May 2009, 20:44
Resevoir Dogs on DVD. Haven't been to the cinema in years though.

Have you ever farted in a lift, in the company of other people?

14th June 2009, 00:02

If you could write something on the moon that would be visable from earth, what would it be ?

14th June 2009, 19:13
"I can see you" - just to freak people out. :p :

Have you ever been to a desert?

15th June 2009, 16:06
Can't say that I have.

What's your favourite dessert?

15th June 2009, 20:51
Trifle and cream :lips:

Do you smoke ciggies?

16th June 2009, 21:09

What are you doinf tomorrow ?

16th June 2009, 21:55
Working and possibly taking part in the national city cycle. Only if the other bike messengers are taking part though.

Do you plan your week in a day-planner or diary?

18th June 2009, 21:55

How many pens can you see ?

18th June 2009, 23:40
From my computer desk I can see 2 pens and a mechanical pencil.

Do you take milk and sugar with your tea (or coffee)?

19th June 2009, 19:09
Yes please, white with 1 an'alf for both :D

Favourite biscuit, or failing that favourite Half Man Half Biscuit lyric? :D

20th June 2009, 20:07
Bourbon Cremes

Have you missed me?

21st June 2009, 17:11
Yes, don't really know you too well. We seemed to have avoided crossing paths in our time so let's start now. I'm Paddy. :p : *holds out hand for handshake*

How many languages do you speak (adequate command counts)?

22nd June 2009, 20:18
I can speak English fluently.
I can speak French ~90% fluent.
I know pretty much all the popular cuss words in Finnish (prkl :p : )
I can order a cold beer in Mandarin as well as make a taxi driver in Shanghai understand where I want to go :mark: .

Do you tinker with the mechanics of your car?

23rd June 2009, 09:33
Hypothetically: yes. But I don't have a car :p :

Are you a breakfast, lunch and dinner person (i.e. every day do you have those 3 meals)?

23rd June 2009, 18:29
I don't have time for breakfast, l but I do have lunch and tea

Do you prefer coca-cola or pepsi?

Captain VXR
23rd June 2009, 19:06

Do you hate snobbery?

11th August 2009, 10:43
No. I'm too important to be bothered with that kind of thing.

How many forums are you a part of, and which ones?

20th August 2009, 00:51
Only this one now, but I do reada couple of others semi regularly.

What is your biggest regret?

20th August 2009, 16:42
Hmm... good Q. Perhaps not taking the time to travel more when I was younger.

What has been your favourite holiday destination?

21st August 2009, 18:34

Where was your last holiday destination?

1st September 2009, 20:02
Cornwall about three weeks ago. :)

Do you know any Japanese phrases/ words?

1st September 2009, 20:15
Only the usual of kanpai, domo aragato (sp??) and konichiwa.

What was the last thing you ate?

2nd September 2009, 00:13
An apple.

When's the last time you had a bowel movement?

2nd September 2009, 18:55
An apple.

When's the last time you had a bowel movement?

I'm having one right now, god bless wireless internet and netbooks :D

Wasn't that a pretty mental image I just gave you?

2nd September 2009, 20:22
Yeah, pretty sh!tty :p :

What is your daily footwear?

2nd September 2009, 20:55
Black trainer type things

What was the last TV programme you watched?

2nd September 2009, 21:18
The One show... it was crap.

Are you a lefty or a righty?

4th September 2009, 18:50

Glasses, spectacles, contact lenses?

4th September 2009, 19:53
I have glasses for reading/ computers etc.

What was the name of your first pet?

5th September 2009, 18:13
A lovely German Shephard called Max. He's long gone now though :(

Are you in school/uni/working/unemployed/self-employed/drug dealer :p :

8th September 2009, 16:27
I'm self-employed.

Where'd you go on your last vacation?

8th September 2009, 23:46

What version of Windows do you run? - or Mac

9th September 2009, 03:41
XP Professional on one, and Vista on the other.

Hom many different cars have you owned in your lifetime?

9th September 2009, 21:09
None! :( I'm insured on two other peoples!

Have you ever eaten Tripe?

9th September 2009, 21:41
Yes, and I don't fancy it :s

Have you ever eaten pigeon?

9th September 2009, 22:49
I can't say that I have, although I did eat menudo(tripe soup) in Mexico.

Have you ever been to Mexico?

10th September 2009, 00:04

Do you know the way to San José?

10th September 2009, 00:08
Not really, probably involves a plane or boat though.

What's yer favourite cheese?

10th September 2009, 00:17
I enjoy a creamy brie or camambert.

Do you think the cheese-makers are blessed?

10th September 2009, 02:38
Yes, anybody with a gift or skill is blessed.

Do you prefer toast done on the grill or in the toaster?

11th September 2009, 17:55
In the toaster.

How do you like your eggs?