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5th July 2016, 15:27
Currently? None as I don't watch anything thesedays...But if I ever find Seinfeld I watch a few minutes definitely.

Do you like to drink in a bar or at home?

Rudy Tamasz
6th July 2016, 09:59
I like having a drink in a bar next to my office on my way home. I don't do that every day, though.

Whisky or Cognac?

6th July 2016, 10:04
Cognac. I've noticed nobody drinks cognac these days. Probably a snobbish issue. In the past there wasn't whisky on our market. A bottle of whisky offered as bribe was considered pure gold.

Vodka or palinka?

6th July 2016, 14:17
Vodka definitely

Nightclub or Bar?

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6th July 2016, 15:00
Bar definitely.

Milk chocolate or dark chocolate?

6th July 2016, 16:43
Both. On its own I like a bar of milk chocolate but for things like chocolate coated biscuits I prefer dark chocolate. But it's only a mild preference. In horse racing terms less than a length difference.

On the chocolate theme, do you like your hot chocolate on its own or with whipped cream and marshmallows?

6th July 2016, 21:19
never had with w cream and mm so can't comment...

same q

12th July 2016, 13:27
I don't drink hot chocolate.

Do you pee in the sea if you're on a beach or are you civilised enough to go to a toilet? :p

Rudy Tamasz
12th July 2016, 13:43
Only if I see a shark, although that never happened.

Do you often go to a toilet?

12th July 2016, 14:18
Only if I see a shark, although that never happened.

:confused: Be more specific cos it depends if you're in/out the sea. See a shark and you're afraid and pee instantly in the sea or you're out of the sea and too afraid to enter to pee so you go to the toilet?

Back to your q. It depends on how much I drink. Usually I don't but right now I'm on the second beet so....

Do you like grilled meat?

Rudy Tamasz
12th July 2016, 15:32
In theory, yes. In practice, I don't like picnics but have to attend them. When I'm there I am listening to everybody's praising the grilled meat and think when it will be finally over. The compromise is to go to a quiet restaurant and have the waiter to put the grilled meat right in front of you.

Salt or pepper?

12th July 2016, 15:36
I shall not answer as a protest for your pee answer that wouldn't come. :angryfire:

Rudy Tamasz
12th July 2016, 16:41
I mean when you are the sea and the shark is getting closer and you see the fin and you recall eveything you've seen on Discovery and then the whole your life passes before your eyes and then you stop caring about whether your watch is really waterproof as they told you in the store and you don't care if you are ashamed when and if you get back to the shore naked and pissed and you start planning on lighting a candle in the church when and if you are back in town and having a triple cognac in the bar and never going to this resoort again etc...

13th July 2016, 13:17
.....*and you don't care if you are ashamed when and if you get back to the shore naked and pissed .....

Come on....When you get out of the sea you're wet anyway....:-)
BTW. Don' t you ever come to 2 Mai beach. No sharks and no toilets. :...:p


Green tea or black tea?

16th July 2016, 23:15
Black tea.

Do you eat Chocolate alot?

17th July 2016, 08:59
A lot only in the cold season, in the summer I don't even touch it.

Do you eat a lot of fruits?

19th July 2016, 21:56
I dont eat as much as I should I guess, but I have just been eating home grown Strawberries. Now I have blackberries and apples on their way and I eat those.

Have you ever tried growing your own fruits or things to eat? It is very satisfying

20th July 2016, 04:18
Tomato, basil etc...in my balcony.
would love to cultivate more if I ever live (again) in a house on the ground :(

What did you have for dinner?

23rd July 2016, 10:16
Nothing. I had a bad day.

Do you like to travel by boat?

Rudy Tamasz
24th July 2016, 07:06
I do. I once traveled from Istanbul to Yalova across Marmara Sea and back and it was a fabulous, fabulous trip.

Train or plane?

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24th July 2016, 09:50
Train because I am interested in the railways over here.

What is your favorite TV show right now?

26th July 2016, 17:36
Lumea lui Banciu (Banciu's world)

Will you watch the Olympic Games?

Rudy Tamasz
28th July 2016, 16:34
No way. It's not a sport anymore. It's a poorly staged show.

Will you go to a theater or a classic music concert anytime soon?

29th July 2016, 01:38
No. But a metal concert soon (in 3 weeks) Even though I used to like theater haven't been in years.

Have you tried any adventure sport?

1st August 2016, 12:04
Have you tried any adventure sport?

I'm not sure where I would classify adventure sport really. Surfing, rock climbing, motocross, mountain biking and skydiving I've done.

Does anyone else sometimes wake very early without having had much sleep? (I was up at 3:30 am for no real reason!)

1st August 2016, 12:20
Last night I went to sleep at 1 am and I was woken up at 4 am. Then I couldn't sleep till 6 am when I finally fell but I was supposed to wake up. It happens all the time and I'm late at work every day.

What happens if you're late at work?

Rudy Tamasz
1st August 2016, 13:15
Nothing. I walk straight to my desk, start working and feel pretty unapologetic about it. I often work extra hours and compensates for all my occasions of being late. That said, I recognize that being late is not a good practice.

What other questionable practice do you have at work?

1st August 2016, 15:29
Check the posts of a certain forum, sometimes I post ( :angel: ), read posts on facebook, go on the hall for a long talk with my boss and a coworker. These have been said I still work a lot and I'm a more than responsible employee. The things above are just my way to fight with the stress.

Have you ever been reading fiction books at work?

Rudy Tamasz
1st August 2016, 16:29
I've read Virgil, Ovid and that kinda stuff to amuse myself and save my brain from boiling while drafting boring papers. These days my work is more demanding and all I can afford is posting on this forum and reading articles in online magazines just to have short breaks.

What is the most irritating thing at your work?

4th September 2016, 09:44
When it either rains or is too dry or is too cold or too hot...... Gardeners like conditions in the middle somewhere.

Have you ever considered doing something very different to spice up your life?

6th September 2016, 19:34
Obviously no one has :D

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2nd December 2016, 22:58
Probably no one looks here anymore.

Lets try and start the game again.

Have you ever been to a different continent? Something I have sadly yet to achieve.

Rudy Tamasz
6th December 2016, 08:18
I have. I am based in Europe and I have been to Asia and North America.

Have you ever had to perform a job, which was drastically different from what you had in your description at the moment?

6th December 2016, 13:12
Yes. I once applied to work in a car garage on a work placement. I know nothing about cars and hoped to improve and learn.

Instead I was made to clean the kitchen and bathroom. Not pleasant.

Do you know about cars and more mechanical stuff?

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7th December 2016, 16:31
I do know a bit about cars (err its a motorsport forum right?) but not enough to do any real DIY stuff. Although I think everybody should be able to do basic stuff...

Do you do a lot of shopping for gifts? (the word deal is getting on my nerves these days - its everywhere!)

7th December 2016, 16:51
I have a large extended family and my family seem insistent on buying for everyone else. So it can be nightmare ish. Been shopping just today.

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7th December 2016, 16:52
Sorry posted before my question.

Will you be celebrating Christmas in any way?

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Rudy Tamasz
8th December 2016, 07:59
I will go to church and then have a family lunch. Sort of, what it is expected to be, isn't it?

In what way will you celebrate the NY?

8th December 2016, 16:35
I used to have a small party/gathering at home with food and drinks...last couple of years , nothing really.
Neither do I have a lot of friends here nor do I specifically want to celebrate the new year as such.

Do you decorate your house in any way during these festive periods?

8th December 2016, 23:37
Yes I cover my house with lights, tinsel and all sorts. Like a big kid.

Do you like camping?

10th December 2016, 16:12
I'm sure I will like it a lot but I have never been camping as such (I've been in plenty of wilderness areas/parks but never stayed in an actual tent (log cabins/huts yes). I am planning to do it next year though.

Any plans for the weekend?

Rudy Tamasz
10th December 2016, 16:14
Party at my boss's place. :(

Any decent plans for the weekend?

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10th December 2016, 18:24
Just played football. We were 1-0 up on 75 minutes. 1-1 until 86 minutes and then lost 4-1
Tomorrow not sure yet.

What was your very first days work like?

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Rudy Tamasz
16th December 2016, 10:21
I was hired to be a translator. My first day was the Monday after the 1996 Belgian GP. Hill only finished fifth. I was upset and got drunk with my friends at my apartment. My cat had some reservations about the whole thing and he attacked one of my buddies. I rushed to protect him and the vicious creature wrapped himself around my palm with all his teeth and claws. As cat scratches go, my right (!) hand pretty much became disfucntional. The next day, my first day in the office I had to cope with a mighty hangover and my inability to type, which is what I was hired to do. I made it through the day, though.

Any other interesting run-ins with animals?

16th December 2016, 10:55
Yep an unleashed greyhound attacked my greyhound bitch while out walking - I ended up roling in a dog fight trying to separate them and protect my dog (she got pretty badly savaged). Only realised there was a chunk out of my left hand after I'd delivered the patient to the vet - thank mercy for insurance!!

So do you have any squeemish issues like fainting at the sight of blood?

Rudy Tamasz
16th December 2016, 13:26
My petty phobia is being hurt by static electricity on the door knobs. Not a big deal but I still get tense before touching a knob.

Are there times when you just want to be left alone in your capsule?

22nd December 2016, 11:55
Just recently with my dad's cancer, I really do appreciate all of the well wishers and people wanting to support the family, but at times I/we would rather be left alone with it (hope this doesn't sound ungrateful)

What do you do to take your mind off things?

22nd December 2016, 14:00
Garden. Being around, touching and working with plants and nature puts things in perspective for me.

Have you any plans for the new year?

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23rd December 2016, 01:13
Finish last semester of degree, then back to earning money. Looking to work for larger company, setting up and running an education and training department.

Would you prefer a winter or summer Xmas?

Rudy Tamasz
28th December 2016, 09:36
I don't mind the regular winter Christmas as long as it cold and snowy, not humid and muddy just like it is now.

What's your biggest holiday of the year?

18th January 2017, 10:21

Do you like to go to work?

Rudy Tamasz
19th January 2017, 10:47
Not really but I tolerate it.

There's an attractive lady in my organization yet she wears heavy makeup. I'm curious to know what she looks like without it. What would be an appropriate way to check it (within the limits of decency)?

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19th January 2017, 10:56
Curiosity killed the cat. :angel:

"Help" her get an eye infection. She'll have to give up make up :p

What is the limit of decency?

Rudy Tamasz
19th January 2017, 12:09
I'd say waking up in the same bed with somebody whose name you know.

Same q to you.

19th January 2017, 13:00
I'd say getting flirty on internet with somebody whose name you don't know.

Have you ever got flirty on internet with somebody whose name you don't know?

Rudy Tamasz
19th January 2017, 15:29
I have, but it hasn't got far and never been meant to. ;)

Have you ever had a blind date?

19th January 2017, 22:38
No, I hate to be rejected.

Have you ever been at a fancy dress ball?

Rudy Tamasz
23rd January 2017, 08:23
Been recently and could barely make it to the end. I was on the organizing side and had to make sure everybody was happy. A couple of nasty people didn't miss their chance to give me a hard time and show me their attitude.

What's you strategy of dealing with difficult people? Fight, compromise, stay silent?

23rd January 2017, 21:35
Ignore then because they are idiots, or if I am in a bad mood, I try to be annoyingly nice to them, this usually pi##es them off no end :)

Is the weather where you are unusual for the time of year?

25th January 2017, 00:52
I'm not sure, it was pretty cold when I arrived, now it's warm but windy in the evening....I just moved here 2 weeks ago

Do you follow the news - worldwide or local?

26th January 2017, 03:44
Just enough to get disgusted on domestic issues(USA)
Lately world news has been uplifting in comparison

Have you ever undressed in a car and exchanged cloths with a member of the opposite sex to surprise her boyfriend who sent her collect you?

27th January 2017, 10:30
Yes. I did it many times. And I still do it occasionally. :p :devil:

Were you naughty when you were in school?

27th January 2017, 22:30
It rather depends what you mean by naughty, I certainly got the cane a few times. But not for anything special enough to remember,

Do you think schools should be allowed to administer corporal punishment.

28th January 2017, 16:20

When was the last time you laughed?

29th January 2017, 08:48
Last night when I saw the pics of a fb friend.

When was the last time you cried?

10th February 2017, 00:26
Actually a very long time ago.... :s

Are you one of those who cries/gasps along with stuff on tv/movies?

12th February 2017, 09:01
Never on TV. Sometimrs I did it in a cinema theater. These days I have become a heart of stone and nothing on a screen would ever touch me.

Have you ever thought about commiting suicide?

26th February 2017, 17:32
Hello everyone :wave:

Wow what a hard question to come in on. Erm.... I have never thought about doing it seriously but it entered my mind briefly at a couple of tough times.

Am I allowed back into the game? :p

Rudy Tamasz
26th February 2017, 17:41
On a pay per post basis.

Does that sound like a bargain?

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26th February 2017, 17:46
Yes it does. However just to be safe I wont post again for 284 years :D

Do you have any hobbies or interests that many others find boring or strange but you enjoy/love?

27th February 2017, 08:43
Watching Eurovision. Nobody in his/her right state of mind does.:p

Will you watch Eurovision 2017? :angel:

27th February 2017, 12:53
Perhaps. Depends if I am busy or not.

It is tipping it down with rain here today. What is it like with you?

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27th February 2017, 14:15
Dry at the moment as the drizzle has stopped.

What is your least favourite weather?

2nd March 2017, 10:53
Winter time.

When do you consider somebody a friend?

Rudy Tamasz
2nd March 2017, 12:51
When a romantic involvement with that person fails :devil:

How many hours a day do you work?

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2nd March 2017, 17:43
None. as I am a full-time student again. doesn't mean I don't work I just don't get paid and they are ripping me off :mad:

Have you stayed away from your family/partner/kids for any duration for work etc?

3rd March 2017, 10:28
Never. On my first day of work here, my boss was fuming that he has to deal with a(nother) woman. He said that he doesn't need women in his office as we have to leave the city for some time. I almost cried when I heared that I'd have to go to villages to control agricultural related activities. However neither me nor any of my coworkers ever had to leave. :p

What is your phone ringtone?

Rudy Tamasz
3rd March 2017, 14:05


3rd March 2017, 14:27
Autumnsong - Manic Street Preachers :angel:

Where do you have lunch in your working days?

3rd March 2017, 19:05
cafeteria/food court - sucks , expensive and boring after a week or two.

same question?

3rd March 2017, 19:58
I used to have a roll or sandwich at my desk. (This was normal as a sandwich lady came round the office)

Do you think drinking (alcohol) at lunch time should be banned?

Rudy Tamasz
3rd March 2017, 20:06
I think it should be looked favorably at. ;)

What's your preferred drink?

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3rd March 2017, 20:18

Do you often go out to drink after work?

3rd March 2017, 21:08
I'd like to but due to my responsabilities I don't ever have time to do it.

Red wine or white wine?

Rudy Tamasz
3rd March 2017, 21:20
Red, red, I want red
There's no substitute for that!

Lager or ale?

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3rd March 2017, 22:02
I hardly drank any ales (it's mostly a pilsner market) back home, but ever since I moved I'm mostly drinking ales,especially Belgian white/Hefeweizen :facelick:

Your favourite style/brand of beer?

5th March 2017, 20:43
Nut Brown Ale, Samuel Smith is one of my Fav's, although Newcastle is one of my staples.

Do you sleep well?

5th March 2017, 21:43
Yes nearly always. 12-7 every night really.

Will you enter the Fantasy GP this season? / Or if you have already do you think Gadjo will? :p

7th March 2017, 09:37
As we already know, Gadjo is a moody person, so who knows?
We also know that she has no clue about F1 but she likes maths challenges so at some point she might take the exercise of matching the 5 options in the sum of 48 milion.
Guess I answered both questions....:angel:

Do you like to bet?

Rudy Tamasz
7th March 2017, 14:47
Nope. Around ten years ago I lost a bet with a co-worker regarding how long our president would stay in power. I though it would not last and got it wrong. It cost me a bottle of Johnny Walker.

What's you fav pastime?

9th March 2017, 15:48
Stalking complete strangers on facebook. :angel: :p :sailor:

Same Q

10th March 2017, 20:37
Its opposite. It is either gardening. I can easily spend a day outside amongst the plants and just enjoy nature. Or it is also being with my friends and playing football.

Do you stalk people on Facebook? If so who was the last person you stalked

Rudy Tamasz
10th March 2017, 21:09
In fact, I kinda opposed being stalked. I started getting friend requests from Mid-eastern gentlemen who I had nothing in common with and I just asked them questions about who they were and what they did and they just would go silent.

Do you think social networks are evil?

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10th March 2017, 23:40
Rudy, I swear it wasn't me in disguise. :p :sailor:

No. Unless you're idiot enough to get friends with unknown people about whom you don't have a clue.
Otherwise it could be fun. Esp. if bosses become friends with the employees and check how many of them are online at work. :p

How many fb friends do you have?

15th April 2017, 09:32
175 although some of those I barely know to be honest.

Has social media made it easier to have friends or not?

Rudy Tamasz
15th April 2017, 10:31
Not in my case. I prefer my friendships close and meaningful and the social media are not good at establishing this type of bonds. They can help with maintaining the existing ones, though.

Do you use business like social media (LinkedIn etc)?

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15th April 2017, 10:48
No way. I hate serious stuff.

Do you use to post pictures of yourself on social networks?

ps Rudy, aren't the forums a sort of social media?

16th April 2017, 00:24
sometimes ;)

When did you last go out for a nice meal somewhere & where did you go?

16th April 2017, 00:32
On february. At an italian restaurant. Not a fancy one but the food was good.

Will you have an Easter meal? If yes, what will you eat?

16th April 2017, 10:04
No I will not be having a special Easter meal. Just a normal Sunday Lunch. Roast Lamb, Roasted & seasoned potatoes and seasonal veg.

Do you watch movies?

Rudy Tamasz
16th April 2017, 10:17
Wow, what a coincidence! Just last night I was thinking a lot about my cinematic tastes. I like watching a good flick from time to time. The trick is to find the right one. The last couple of days i decided to go for some classics. On Friday night I watched 'The Spy Who Came In From The Cold ' with Richard Burton and loved it. Last night I watched 'Rocco and His Brothers' and gave up after one hour (it's three in total). I know it's considered an absolute masterpiece but to me it seemed a little theatrical and then I was just plainly uninterested in the times of the post-war social transformation in Italy.

Can you recommend some tough realistic drama or crime/spy story to watch tonight?

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16th April 2017, 13:32
No I can't really. I am not a big movie fan. I watch all sorts of sport and a few TV drama's here but almost never watch films at home or at the cinema.

Do you brush your teeth reguarly? :p

16th April 2017, 19:43

What are you wearing right now?

Rudy, I recommand Cidade de Deus.


Rudy Tamasz
16th April 2017, 21:46
Thankee, Gadjo.

I wear a motley set of casual/sporty clothing consisting of a T-shirt, a sweater and running pants. You?

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16th April 2017, 22:00
Hmm.... Not much, considering I'm just on my way to the shower.:devil:

What's the last thing you do before going to bef?

Rudy Tamasz
16th April 2017, 22:06
Hmm, that sounds, well, like being on the way to shower...

And I am on my way to bed, actually sitting on it. Now I'm gonna pray and then fly to the world of my dreams to some soft music.

Do you normally start your morning with coffee?

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16th April 2017, 23:18
Only on weekends. During the week I don't have time.

Can you yodel?

17th April 2017, 10:57
Not sure I have ever tried :spin:

Can you then?

17th April 2017, 14:47
Yodeleeii, yodeleeii, yodeleioo
Yodele yodeleioo
Yodeleeii, yodeleeii, yodeleioo
Yodele yodeleioo

Seems that I can :angel:

How much sugar do you have in your coffee?

17th April 2017, 20:06
I dont drink coffee :stareup: I used to have one sugar in my tea. Now I only have a half.

Do you eat much chocolate?

24th April 2017, 20:53
Not often. But having said that, I have thoroughly enjoyed the chocolate bunny and chocolate elephant my [grown up] kids gave me for Easter.

Do you there should be a world-wide ban on trade in ivory?

18th May 2017, 10:38
I simply don't know. :confused:

Is it OK to play music on your computer when you share an office with other 8 people?

29th May 2017, 03:56
Kinda depends on the type of music, can't image being too happy sitting next to someone playing death metal at 8:00am in the morning.

What sort of music would you consider to be ok to play in the office?

29th May 2017, 12:01
I don't think it's ok to play any kind of music in an office. I can't concentrate on my papers with perturbatory noises around. Sometimes I have emergencies or very difficult tasks and the radio is playing a merry tune or romanian songs with stupid or trivial lyrics. Occasionally, coworkers who usually have nothing to do and have a relaxed only neuron start to sing along or even dance showing off a joyful performance while you crack your brains working. I hate those noises even if I take a pause, I have enough personal troubles to think about and some rap music is the last thing on earth I need to listern to. I also find disrespectful the way some coworkers use their cell phones. They choose annoying and loud signals to get notifications or even loud sounds when they simply touch the screens. They will click for hours....
Right now a coworker brought her 5 y.o. daughter at the office. She's adorable but I have to work and am not interested at all in kindergarden poetry and tunes.

Where you live, do the girls polish their nails at their workplace?

29th May 2017, 13:35
I work in the rain and mud in peoples gardens. Not much hope of polishing nails there.

I have a national holiday here today? If you had a sudden day off what would you do with it?

29th May 2017, 14:15
I'll have a sort of national mini holiday from Thursday to Monday, so don't wake me up.

Do you have reliable neighbours?

29th May 2017, 22:23
I'll have a sort of national mini holiday from Thursday to Monday, so don't wake me up.

Do you have reliable neighbours?

My neighbours on one side are a mother and young kid, with a teenage son and some suspicious friends. On the other side I have an Ice cream man. He occasionally gives me left overs. Not that friendly though. Keeps his distance.

Same Q?

31st May 2017, 22:30
Matter of fact I asked this Q because I was terribly disappointed by 2 neighbours. They live on my street for about 30 years and I asked them to help me by being witnesses for an important paper that I needed from my mother, who wasn't able to sign. First they accepted but then when the notary came to my home they became reticent. The notary ridiculized them so they became angry and left leaving me in tears and in big trouble. It was just a simple formality and they knew how much I needed that paper. The problem is that in this area people can't afford houses and most of old neighbours left, being replaced by companies or new people who don't even say hello. The only nice people are in the next court, the couple that lost their son in that terrible club fire. Still they like to stay private.

Have you ever collected stamps?

2nd June 2017, 00:18
no, but my mum used to, there is an album at her place along with several boxes of unsorted stamps, all up we estimate she has over 10000 of the things.

if not stamps, is there anything else you collect?

Rudy Tamasz
2nd June 2017, 07:32
Not that I collect it, but my music library grows and grows, including stuff from Renaissance to ambient and alternative rock.

Same Q.

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2nd June 2017, 11:02
i have 4 guitars, 2 banjos, a mandolin and an antique bonjolin - on the lookput for a bouzouki and a balalaika.

do you prefer warm or cold weather, I ask because it is bloody freezing here at the moment :)

Rudy Tamasz
2nd June 2017, 12:56
I like it when it's cold in winter and hot in summer. Over the last couple years it's bee the other way around and it was weird and unpleasant.

Picnic or an indoor party?

2nd June 2017, 22:09
Hate to eat on a blanket. Not fond of indoor locations. I'd rather choose a terrace.

Do you like to climb the mountains?

22nd October 2017, 22:55
Yes I do like to climb mountains. I have done some of that recently.

What is your favorite non alcoholic drink? and alcoholic drink?

Rudy Tamasz
23rd October 2017, 08:22
alcoholic - strong Belgian ales
non-alcoholic - sour milk

What shows up most often in your stream of consciousness?

24th October 2017, 00:11
Horticulture, gardening and plants. It is my job, business, hobby and passion. I truly love my job and hobby equally and thus am quite happy.

What is the biggest problem in your country right now?

Rudy Tamasz
24th October 2017, 10:49
People's apathy. The common perception is that the economy is bad, the country is going nowhere etc. So instead of putting themselves together people wake up each morning and go to work like to their own funeral. Mood is dismal and faces are gloomy.

Same q.

24th October 2017, 23:05
In Britain: facing the reality of the Brexit vote. Those who voted "leave" are having to realise that there may well be implications they had not realised. Those who voted "remain" are having to accept that the country will be leaving the EU come what may come. And the politicians in general should recognise the difficulty of the task Theresa May has and not try to score cheap political points by sabotaging her task.

Next Q: Is there a workable alternative to "One man one vote" democracy?

Rudy Tamasz
26th October 2017, 07:56
Most of the polities in the history of the humankind were not "one man one vote" democracies, and some of them were pretty well run, so the short answer is yes. What will that alternative look like, I don't really know.

What part of your basic comfort are you ready to sacrifice for the common good?

27th October 2017, 23:53
Nothing. Enough with sacrifices!

Do you like to go to the theatre?

Rudy Tamasz
28th October 2017, 22:29
Yes, although I'm a casual theater goer, not a regular one.

What's your fav live music act?

29th October 2017, 18:33
It is probably well out of date but I saw Status Quo live and they were fantastic. Really rocked the place.
Having said that I have not seen many acts live.

What is your most memorable sporting event seen live?

Rudy Tamasz
29th October 2017, 18:52
Haven't attended too many, so it must be one of the two: in terms of the sheer majesty of the event it was 2001 Indy 500. In terms of on track action, though, it was the 2003 Champcar Lausitzring race. The fight between Seb Bourdais and Mario Dominguez was pretty spectacular.

And now the inevitable: who's your most favourite race car driver of all times?

30th October 2017, 09:15
Juan Manuel Fangio
( see? I'm not that stupid when it comes to F1. I heard about this guy even if he was a champ before I was born ) :devil: :p

Do you trust people that you met only online?

30th October 2017, 18:06
No way

Same Question?

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30th October 2017, 18:07
That no way was stated as a joke. Just to be clear

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30th October 2017, 18:28
No way

Same Question?

over time I trust them enough to meet in person one day.
(As did more than 10 years ago, met a bunch of people off these forums...most of whom turned out to be normal people....err cough odykas cough)

Are you planning on meeting any online friends? :p:

30th October 2017, 18:46
No way!
( No kidding :p )

Same Q

Rudy Tamasz
30th October 2017, 20:43
May God defend me from my friends: I can defend myself from my enemies.

Do you need friends at all?

31st October 2017, 09:58
We're humans and we have to socialize. I know I can't rely on ny friends, still I met them occasionally and pretend I have fun. I know that people avoid me but over time I've learnt to act like I don't notice, otherwise I'd lose my mind.

Do you attend class reunions?

donKey jote
31st October 2017, 10:30
I would, for a laugh, but they only organize them when I'm not in the country :arrows:

a still close friend of mine from school days went to one once and confirmed what I'd have expected: the complete twats then were still complete twats now, even after 25 years:p

Aren't you sometimes curious about where people are after decades of not being in touch?

Rudy Tamasz
31st October 2017, 10:49
Not really. it's no fun being curious about the whereabouts of your teenage love, then seeing how she aged and then realizing you aged even worse yourself.

How well do you get along with people a generation younger than yourself (except your own children)?

31st October 2017, 11:29
I would, for a laugh, but they only organize them when I'm not in the country :arrows:

About half of my highschool class live now în Canada or USA. However whenever one of them comes home they ask for a reunion – not at school but în a pub. Those who are still abroad join too, via Skype. Usually I don't attend because I find it weird, we weren't a close gang în our school days, on the contrary. But 3 weeks ago when a guy from Vancouver asked to meet him în a pub I joined the crowd and it was OK.

How well do you get along with people a generation younger than yourself (except your own children)?
Excellent if I'm online ( they think that I'm one of them :p ).
In real life I'm too shy for a normal connection.

How well do you get along with your coworkers?

31st October 2017, 14:03
I run my own business with one of my very best friends. So fabulous from that point of view.

So would you ever meet anyone from a motorsport forum if you found out you were passing close by?

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31st October 2017, 14:12
No! I'd hide and spy him/her. :p

Is it easy for you to get new friends?

Rudy Tamasz
1st November 2017, 14:33
Not really. The older I grow, the pickier I become in terms of new friends.

What forms of spirituality do you stick to, if any?

1st November 2017, 15:59
I don't really. I am athiest and don't have an mythical or spiritual beliefs.

The closest I have is my love of nature and feeling at one with it as I garden. It puts all things in perspective to me.

Is the lack of spiritual/religious belief in many people now a days shock you? Or is it understandable?

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Rudy Tamasz
1st November 2017, 16:33
It's not a shock and I see why people shun religion (excesses of the past, witch hunt etc.) even as I am a believer myself. At the same time, to me atheism comes off as a naive and maybe even childish view of the world, when adult people do their best to disregard the obvious things and come up with the most complex and highly implausible theories about how this world came into being etc. So it's a bit surprising to me that many otherwise smart people should know better, but they don't.

Do you practice any rituals, like kissing the ball before the game etc.? :)

1st November 2017, 18:04
(Just as a side note. I am atheist and just do not believe that there is anything higher. However I fully admit I could be wrong. Its just what I believe. I would never question anyones beliefs and would never try to convince them otherwise).

Not particularly, apart from things passed on by parents and society I guess. In the UK (maybe elsewhere. Please inform me lol). If you want to preserve a good time or lucky streak or do not want something bad to happen, then we say "touch wood" and have to find a piece of wood around to touch. Now that is not anything I think actually helps but it is so common here that you follow the ritual without thinking. Funny really.

Same question back, but with an added point of "Are you interested where these rituals come from?" I am and it intrigues me.

2nd November 2017, 09:34
We also have the wood thing only that we don't touch but knock it. When I can't find a wooden item I just knock my head. :p

We have a lot of rites here, most of them are associated with religious holidays although the origins are pagan. So:
- On certain 2 days/year I take „holy” water from the church and drink a shot every morning.
- I offer/get a traditional absurdistani spring symbol on March 1st.
- On Palm Sunday I take branches of willow from the church and braid them, then hang them on an icon
- I dye eggs for Easter and knock them with family/friends
- On Christmas I hang fir tree braids on the family crosses în the cemetery
- I organize commemorations for my closest family members that passed over for 9 days, 3 weeks, 40 days, 3 months, 6 months, 9 months, 1 year, 3 years and 7 years.
- when I was young I put basil under my pillow on the 5th February to dream my future husband ( :devil: ).
Etc. etc. etc.

What wiould you like to get on this Christmas?

2nd November 2017, 09:55
I am less bothered about physical gifts these days. When you are a child. You only worry about getting something nice. While a present is still nice. I mostly just want to spend time with my family and friends and have a nice time and fun.

Do you have plans for this Christmas?

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2nd November 2017, 11:20
Yeah. Home alone.

Do you have plans for the New Year night ?

2nd November 2017, 20:19
My family normally has a get together and a mini party. Good food, a drink and good music before midnight. That is a tradition for us.

Do you see the world becoming a better place as time moves on or worse?

Rudy Tamasz
2nd November 2017, 22:04
I envisage the situation akin to the fall of the Roman Empire. In some parts of the world we'll see the return to barbarity, in some parts life will go on as usual. People will suffer more, but then this situation may bring them back to their senses an make them more humble and less arrogant.

What do you think is the best period in a human life?

3rd November 2017, 20:23
It is hard. Being a child offers a time where nothing really matters on reflection. You can play and do whatever you want to without being judged which never happens after the age of 12 or 13.
On the flip side as an adult you have the freedom to travel and be free. So really I can't answer.

What was/is the best time of your life?

3rd November 2017, 20:39
Childhood. I grew up in a large extended family living in the same house ( italian style as we used to say ) and it was no time for getting bored. Then we were a crazy gang in the street. I had a lot of friends and we did a lot of crazy things.

What foolish thing do you remember from your childhood?

Rudy Tamasz
3rd November 2017, 20:49
I smashed a window in an empty apartment in our building when I was around five years old. My friends were throwing berries at the window, but I decided to throw a rock.

Same q.

3rd November 2017, 21:15
Hard to pick one.
We heared about spiritism - the communication with dead people. We were eager to try but didn't know how -ocult books were forbidden by the communist regime. After some " documentation" through the oldies in our families we thought it was the time. It was a laugh ( I still laugh when I remember the voice of a 11 y.o. boy invoking the spirits in a very imperative way ) but frightening too because we didn't know what to do if the spirit would have come.

What was your fav game to play as a kid?

4th November 2017, 08:22
Kiss Chase? :p If not it was football. Used to play it with other kids and when on my own. Created my own fantasy world and won the world cup many times ;)

Were you good at spending time on your own as a child? (I could play alone or with others and be fine)

4th November 2017, 13:35
It was hard to spend time on my own because we were 9 people sharing a ( quite big ) house. :p
Then it was my brother who played a lot with me despite being 8 years older. (We liked to play handball in the house and the gate was a full-glass door-- our dad was mad.)
But when I was alone I read a lot - fairy tales, magazines, newspapers.

Are you a good dancer? :p

Rudy Tamasz
5th November 2017, 21:33
No. But I'm pretty good at mosh, stage diving, headbanging and that kinda metal/hardcore stuff.

What is the heaviest music you've listened to?

8th November 2017, 12:51
I don't really listen to heavy music. Or should I say I dont fully understand the term. I like some of Black Sabbaths songs which are quite dark.

Do you take an interest in local history of your home/area?

Rudy Tamasz
10th November 2017, 15:03
Occasionally. A couple years ago I discovered some German fortifications in the basements of residential buildings in my part of town. Germans built these concrete holes for machine guns in 1944 in a vain hope to defend their positions against the advancing Red Army. Once the Germans were gone, it was impossible to dismantle those, and one could only blow up these structures together with the whole buildings, so they were left standing.

Is your town/area famous for anything/anybody special?

10th November 2017, 16:11
Marconi started his development and sale of radio. He didn't discover/invent but he had he first ever long distance use of it and then from that radio and TV spread worldwide. So Chelmsford is billed as the birthplace of radio.

Same question?

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11th November 2017, 00:23
Lol, Steve. Now I see where the name of your ex footie team comes from. :p

My hometown is known for beautiful girls and exciting night life.

What city would you like to visit?

13th November 2017, 11:22
Barcelona or Book a rest.

What is your favorite song?

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13th November 2017, 12:18
Eleanor Rigby :angel:

What is your favorite movie?

Rudy Tamasz
13th November 2017, 12:28
The Battle of Algiers by Gillo Pontecorvo


13th November 2017, 12:49
Anything that is soft porn. :devil:

What is your fav writer?

Rudy Tamasz
13th November 2017, 13:45
Xenophon of Athens.

You fav soft (or non-soft) porn actor/actress?

13th November 2017, 13:56
Titus Steele :p :angel: :sailor:

Sane q?

Rudy Tamasz
13th November 2017, 14:14
A tie between Dina Pearl and Sissi.

A "normal" actor/actress?

13th November 2017, 14:22
Anthony Quinn

Same Q

Rudy Tamasz
13th November 2017, 14:57
Clint Eastwood


14th November 2017, 14:42
Charlize Theron

Film director?

Rudy Tamasz
14th November 2017, 14:55
Sofia Coppola

Same q.

14th November 2017, 23:04
I don't know any really. I cannot contribute

Are you looking forward to the next football world cup?

14th November 2017, 23:38
I don't know. Watching matches by myself is boring. And I doubt we'll have comments here. Last time I had a good laugh and it was one of the longest threads. But a lot of my friends left the forum, those who still come here are either busy or not interested in talking.

Now that Romania is not qualified, what team do you think would win the world cup? :p

Rudy Tamasz
15th November 2017, 11:58
Anybody can win these days, but I'll be rooting for Argentina.


15th November 2017, 13:18
I think Germany may well win again. Brazil look good too.

I would like England to win but lol lol lol

I am not sure otherwise.

Shall we start a World Cup tread for the draw in a couple of weeks?

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15th November 2017, 19:33
No. It's too early. And it would be another disappointment for me to see that nobody is interested.

Will you follow the world cup matches or will you be too busy for this?

Rudy Tamasz
16th November 2017, 09:18
I will follow it on the news checking the results and either congratulating or teasing people depending on whether "their" team wins or loses.

Any other creative ways of teasing people that you practice?

17th November 2017, 18:30
No. It's too early. And it would be another disappointment for me to see that nobody is interested.

Will you follow the world cup matches or will you be too busy for this?

I'll always follow the W Cup wherever I maybe...it might be at the worst time for me next year and I may not get to "watch" but I'll be here to talk about it :p:

20th November 2017, 12:44
Any other creative ways of teasing people that you practice?

I NEVER tease people. :p

Do you like to be teased? :angel:

26th November 2017, 13:30
Yes in the right way. I like some fun. However not if it is nasty. I think that is wrong.

What do you eat today?

Rudy Tamasz
4th December 2017, 08:28
By now my breakfast has consisted of black tea. Hopefully, I'll get some yogurt, too.

Your plans for the lunch?

4th December 2017, 08:56
A Christmas fair has just opened in the front of the building where I work. A lot of goodies outside, barbecues, pots, kettles, etc. I'll go out later and pick something. Probably sarmale with polenta
Watch for pics in private. :p

What's the typical Christmas food in your country?

18th December 2017, 23:48
In Britain, a typical Christmas dinner would be:
Starter: Prawn cocktail, or "pigs in blankets" (small sausages wrapped in bacon)
Main course: Roast Turkey, with chestnut stuffing, chipolata sausages as trimmings, roast potatos, brussel sprouts, cabbage, carrots
or, some people have a beef joint with Yorkshire pudding plus roast potatoes, vegetables etc.
Dessert: Christmas pudding (think of a heavy fruit cake served hot) with cream or custard, plus mince pies (mincemeat is a mixture of fruits)
Needless to say, there are countless variations

Same question

18th March 2018, 23:51
Same answer but the moment of Christmas has gone somewhat. :p

We in the UK have had a slightly cold snap and typically cannot cope. How does your government/country deal with heavy snow or very cold weather. Do you have protocols?

15th April 2018, 14:34
Luckily, we don't get that cold here in South Africa! :-)

What's your average Sunday afternoon routine?

17th April 2018, 05:57
currently no routine as my life is very unpredictable right now..
(used to be football/F1 on tv, some cooking etc - those days are long gone - been years)

are you planning any vacation in the near future?

17th April 2018, 12:22
Yes, next month I'm going to the northern part of our beautiful South Africa for 10 days. Then in September and October a trip to Germany, France and the Netherlands.

What are your thoughts on the new F1 regs? Are you for or against the dramatic changes over the last few years?

20th April 2018, 06:47
Frankly the dramatic changes have been useless as far as creating a competitive series - its been Mercedes all the way (so far at least , this year might be a slow shift)
Hybrid technology is definitely good for road cars but racing cars speeding along without a roar is a travesty.

same question?

4th June 2018, 10:10
Same answer! :p

What's your hobby these days?

17th March 2019, 06:00
I have taken it upon myself to travel around my UK county taking photos of as many towns, villages and hamlets as I can. I also am researching a lot of history on my home city.

Do you think this game is dead or will anyone answer?

17th March 2019, 13:48
No, it's dead. No one will answer you. Did you expect otherwise?

4th June 2020, 22:21
I want to interview the person above me.

Say, Judy, why do you and your "sisters", AmyRok and IvyRok (yeah I know you're all probably the same person), want to waste your time spamming our board? Surely you realize that no one here is dumb enough to click one of your spam or malware links. So you (under that name) are up to 12 spam posts as I write this. What's the point, other than to be a nuisance?