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13th April 2016, 18:01
No. If anything I got into heavier stuff as I grow older..I found tonnes of obscure or lesser known bands which I had missed out in my teens (as it wasn't easy or cheap to listen to my kind of music back then). I have had these same thoughts too that most people seem to like mellow stuff now but I keep going back to the early to mid 80s thrash/heavy metal that I truly love.

It's weird though that my 3 yr old son is also listening to some of that stuff now along with Little Baby Bum videos :s

Any particular band(s) that you want to see live but hasn't been possible?

13th April 2016, 18:05
Led Zeppelin

In all my years I have never had the opportunity to see them live, and it looks like I never will :( .

What was the last music concert you attended?

13th April 2016, 18:12
Testament & Carcass a month or so ago. But I know that feeling..I would have loved to see Led Zep/Deep Purple/Motorhead/Dio/Rush/Judas Priest someday....at least JP and Rush is a possibility but they are now almost at the end of their touring careers :uhoh:

same question?

Rudy Tamasz
13th April 2016, 18:28
Tourandot (sp.?) opera. Great music including the Nessun Dorma tune also covered by Manowar and Jeff Beck.

What classic music do you listen to?

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13th April 2016, 19:06
I don't really know any, but I do occasionally listen to a classical radio station.

What music do you recommend to people?

13th April 2016, 21:22

Just saw their R40 tour a few months ago. That was my fourth time seeing them in four different decades :D :uhoh: .
Yep, looks like this is their last tour. Apparently Peart is in pain every time he drums :( .

13th April 2016, 23:13
What music do you recommend to people?
Gipsy music. :laugh:

Do you use a hair gel?

Rudy Tamasz
14th April 2016, 17:00
No I don't and I often laugh at mid-Eastern guys who do.

Do you wear skinny clothing?

14th April 2016, 18:40
Not intentionally, but I sometimes make large clothing look skinny :D

What country do you most want to visit (that you haven't already been to)?

Rudy Tamasz
14th April 2016, 19:49
Iran. Must be very exotic.

The person you'd like to meet?

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15th April 2016, 10:31
Nobody. I'm a loner. :p

same Q

15th April 2016, 18:53
All of you guys of course :p

Have you ever met someone you had always dreamt of meeting?

15th April 2016, 19:27
Not yet. Still dreaming.....:p

Is there a person who had a big impact on your life?

15th April 2016, 21:24
Yes. One of my closest friends has believed in me and built my confidence and lead me to starting to do more things.

I have applied to start marshalling at motorsport. Have you got any hobbies that are maybe out of the ordinary?

15th April 2016, 21:52
I can't think of anything, other than I've been a member of a local Scotch whisky club that my friend started up a couple of years ago. I guess that's not really out of the ordinary :mark: .

Do you participate in any local clubs or social activities?

Rudy Tamasz
16th April 2016, 12:38
I am a notorious recluse. No big companies for me. That said I have quite a number of bilateral friendships and I spend quality time with people one on one.

What kind of eccentric things do you do for fun?

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16th April 2016, 19:13
Spending a lot of time and posting on motorsport forums without having any interest or at least a clue about these things. :-)

When was the last time you felt sick?

Rudy Tamasz
17th April 2016, 09:39
When I abruptly moved from a dry hot place in the mountains back to my home country with its cold and humid weather, I fell sick within two weeks and it took me a while to recover.

How do you handle people who think everyone owes them something for no reason?

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17th April 2016, 19:58
I can' t handle people at all. Any kind of people.

What was the last match you watched?

17th April 2016, 23:54
England vs Italy women's Rugby International - live, not on TV.

Do you think that women doing very masculine sports like Rugby and Boxing is a bit pointless?

18th April 2016, 01:07
Do you think that women doing very masculine sports like Rugby and Boxing is a bit pointless?

No. I've known women in the military that were tough as nails and would beat down many a guy. And were still feminine too. Nothing wrong with a badass woman, regardless of the sport.

What do you think would be a good overall judge of fitness these days?

Rudy Tamasz
18th April 2016, 07:38
Either a long and hard military campaign, or a tough civilian crisis (nothing to eat, nothing to heat your house with etc.).

Axl Rose is going to sub for Brian Johnson at AC/DC. Who do you think would do a better job? Methinks Jimmy Barnes. It would also be funny if Rod Stewart stopped being a crooner for a while, revisited his modsy days and used his raspy voice properly.

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18th April 2016, 16:02
I've always enjoyed AC/DC, and have had the pleasure of seeing them live, but I can't help but think it's time for them to finally pack it in.
Rod Stewart...? No. Besides, his voice has deteriorated in the last few years, to the point where he can no longer hold a note.

Are you a tidy person, or disorganized?

18th April 2016, 16:41
I like things to be in their proper place...but I also tend to spread stuff around when working on something, then I try to put all the stuff back though. Thesedays the house is just a random collection of toys and stuff lying around. Entropy! :s

btw the Accept singer would do a great job for ac/dc too :)

How often do you clean your house?

18th April 2016, 21:44
Reguarly. I dont like an untidy house or home. Except the bedroom funnily enough. Everything gets dumped there.

Do you like to have an actual clean house, or do you believe a little bit of dirt/grim is good for the immune system?

19th April 2016, 16:00
... or do you believe a little bit of dirt/grim is good for the immune system?

If that’s the case you’d think the schmenke family would be super-healthy… :rolleyes:

Aisle or window?

Rudy Tamasz
21st April 2016, 09:36
Window, and watching the clouds.

Jazz or rock?

21st April 2016, 09:45
Rock and trashing radios.

Turn the other cheek or revenge?

Rudy Tamasz
21st April 2016, 10:36
Hide the other cheek in the normal state and revenge with the red mist in my eyes.

Cheek or lips for kissing?

21st April 2016, 11:17
Depending on who I'm kissing.

Hen eggs or chocolate eggs for Easter?

22nd April 2016, 03:51
Hens egg, I prefer a chocolate bunny!

Osculate or tease?

22nd April 2016, 09:48
Hens egg, I prefer a chocolate bunny!

:stareup: as if we don't know you prefer Playboy bunnies...

Osculate or tease?

Both! :angel: :p

Good girl or bad girl?

Rudy Tamasz
22nd April 2016, 13:48
Two in one, depending on circumstances.

PC or Mac?

23rd April 2016, 04:04
How often do your dates include masticating?

23rd April 2016, 08:28

When was the last time you confessed to a driest?

23rd April 2016, 18:14
~ to a driest! Do you have to go into the desert to do that?

23rd April 2016, 18:23
Sorry. I meant priest

23rd April 2016, 18:45
Never. I dont think atheists do that :p

Do you think atheists are evil? ;)

23rd April 2016, 21:05
Not evil. Just big heads. :p

Have you ever been in a cave?

25th April 2016, 02:07
Yes several in the Southwestern US. The Grand Canyon Caverns are easily accessible.
Have you ever watched the submarine races?

25th April 2016, 02:08
Yes, several, all commercial ones with lots of lights. I wouldn't go into an unlit one on my own.

Have you ever been in a disused military building?

25th April 2016, 08:35
Lol. I think D-Type answered again a previous question.
Anyway my answer is No to both his and Taz questions.

Have you ever worn a military uniform?
( I mean not necessarily being in the army )

Rudy Tamasz
25th April 2016, 09:03
Yes, first it was military uniform during my military training at uni and then protective armor in a war zone.

Have you ever pretended somebody you were not?

25th April 2016, 10:51
Yes. On this forum I pretend to be a normal person. :p

Have you ever smashed a thing?

Rudy Tamasz
25th April 2016, 12:23
Yep, quite a few.

What do you do when you are sitting at an event you can't leave, but you're bored to death?

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25th April 2016, 12:28
Just sit and wait till it ends. :p

What do you do when you at an event and everybody is dancing but you don`t want to?

Rudy Tamasz
25th April 2016, 12:34
Watch the person I'd like to leave the place with.

What is the most advanced piece of technology you ever used?

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25th April 2016, 13:10
From this point of view I`m still in the 20th century. I don`t know what to say....I`m not even interested in such things.

How do you react to a coworker who`s rude to you?

Rudy Tamasz
28th April 2016, 08:41
I'm being polite in response.

Favorite summer destination?

28th April 2016, 14:48
I don't really have summer holidays, generally I use all of mine to go skiing. I'm having a week in the Lake District in late June which will hopefully be nice...although if it happens to fall on a nice summer day then there are few places nicer to be than Wiscombe Park Hillclimb

When was the last time you had a cold?

30th April 2016, 19:57
Can't remember, I'm quite strong from this point of view.

At midnight I'll put an end to lent-fasting and I'd like to celebrate what I couldn't last week. I need your suggestion: what bottle shall I open? Whiskey? Cinzano? Or Jagermeister liqeur?

Rudy Tamasz
30th April 2016, 20:37

What' your favorite Easter dish?

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30th April 2016, 21:15
Most of dishes are based on lamb and I dislike it -which is kinda weird since I'm macedonian. Also not a fan of boiled eggs but because I fast I love to eat them at midnight with much pepper and mustard. When I come back from church I also like to eat telemea sheep cheese with fresh green onion. The best dish is the desert "cozonac"" and""pasca" but tradition is to have them handmade and it require time and skill. Most of us buy them. BTW, I painted the eggs red and blue as a real Steaua fan. :laugh:

Same q.

Ps. Lol I just found a bourgogne bottle :p

30th April 2016, 21:21
Rack of Lamb with pineapple mint sauce.

Do you have a role model?

30th April 2016, 21:28
Not exactly. Matter of fact I don't even know what I want or what should I do.

Have you ever fallen from your bed?

1st May 2016, 01:27
Yes I have. A family story says that while travelling on the Scotland-London sleeper, Mum heard a thump and put the light on to find I was sitting on the floor hugging my teddy bear and not in the top bunk. Never as an adult, but I have fallen onto the bed and woken up some hours later - cold and sober.

Do you think Kenya did the right thing burning 100 tonne of poached ivory?

2nd May 2016, 00:35
I haven't read that story but I'd rather burn the people who chopped the ivory off the elephants to begin with.

Read any interesting book lately?

2nd May 2016, 06:44
Not really. Only books I have time to read are degree related, such as Operations Management - Process and Supply Chains and Organisational Behaviour - a Modern Perspective. Interesting is not a word I would use to describe them :)

re the ivory burning. Agree Storm much better to see the ivory attached to the elephant and the rhino horn on a rhino's nose. But burning it made it impossible to steel and on sell.

It May and we still havn't had any real rain, summer is dragging on and on. Does this mean that the seasons are changing, or is global warming a bigger issue than some people think?

3rd May 2016, 12:26
I think seasons are really changing and it's because of global warming. :p

Do you like to watch beauty contests?

Rudy Tamasz
3rd May 2016, 14:33
Never watched one. They are totally soulless. I'm more into seeing an interesting looking woman in the street and admiring her.

Do you like drinking something like coffee or beer while walking?

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3rd May 2016, 15:04
Definitely not.

Do you like drinking something like coffee or beer while watching the sea?

3rd May 2016, 15:09
I can watch the sea for hours , it's even better if it's warm and I've got a cold beer :D

Have you ever been bungee jumping?

3rd May 2016, 15:13
no. I`m not courageous enough.

Would you like to spend a day at Disneyland?

4th May 2016, 16:28
Speaking from experience, no I would not :s

Have you ever scuba dived?

5th May 2016, 19:50
No, and I can't say that I want to really. I have done normal snorkeling though and enjoyed that.

Do you enjoy your job?

5th May 2016, 20:25
A milion times NO! Hate my job, hate my coworkers (cos they hate me )hate everything related to it.

What do you think: is it enough to have only the knowledge required by your job or general knowledge non-job related is also important?

Rudy Tamasz
6th May 2016, 07:55
General knowledge is useful, but the biggest thing is the soft skills helping you to find your way with people.

When do you think this world was in a better state, now or forty years ago?

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6th May 2016, 07:59
Forty years ago when people were still human.

who is your fav extended family member?

6th May 2016, 14:37
My wife's 77 year old aunt. Active, fun, acts as if she's 20 years younger, always has a full table

Same question

6th May 2016, 15:55
My cousin's husband. Runs his own design company and is hugely passionate about that and his hobbies. Always interesting to talk/listen to and likes a beer or two. He's also a funny bloke with some good stories.

Friday night on the town or sat at home?

6th May 2016, 16:42
Sat at home, definitely :s

Whatcha up to this weekend?

6th May 2016, 17:11
mostly outdoors...park or hiking somewhere followed by lunch..
at home is crazy with storm jr. better outside trying to expend his energy (and mine :s )

same q?

6th May 2016, 17:34
I wanted to go out with my friends cos my birthday was on the Good Friday and couldn't have a drink. Unfortunately one of them has other commitments so we'll go out on next Friday. I'm home tonight, in case one of you wants to chat. :p No plans for the rest of the days. Probably a visit to a mall.

What's the next event you'll attend?

6th May 2016, 17:48
Monaco Historique next weekend :spin:

If you could attend any event, what would you choose?

6th May 2016, 18:12
A football world cup, a match on Anfield or the olympic games.

What kind of events do you prefer? Related to sports, music,art,etc.?

9th May 2016, 15:20
Sports or music concerts (none of which I go to often :\ )

How is your favourite sports team doing this season?

9th May 2016, 18:26
The season has finished for us (Exeter City) and we didn't do great, managed 14th in League 2. Started badly, did worse in the middle of the season and then picked up near the end when it looked like we might make the playoffs. Ultimately the last 5 or so games were so bad that we slipped out of contention.
My other team (Toronto Maple Leafs) finished bottom of the league in the NHL. Given the time difference I didn't watch quite so many games this season!

Same q?

9th May 2016, 18:27
Steaua missed the chance to win the league ( won by Astra Giurgiu :angryfire: )

Liverpool did quite bad in Premier League but will play the final of Europa League ( winning it means playing in Champions League next year but I don't have much expectations :s ).

Have you ever accepted/sent requests of facebook friendship from/to totally unknown people?

PS thanks for asking the same q cos I postedit 1 min. after you :p

9th May 2016, 18:51
I've done loads, I even set up a fake person (Barry Fullalove) who has over 100 friends. Some of them are my own friends that I sent a request to without telling them, just to see if they'd accept the random weirdo based solely on him being a connection with me :D There are also still people who post Happy Birthday messages to Barry.

Can you remember the last time you laughed so much that you cried?

Rudy Tamasz
9th May 2016, 19:30
A friend of mine once recalled funny rhymed messages that I wrote in his school diary to his embarrassment and teacher's anger around 27 years ago. We were standing at a bus stop and I couldn't stop laughing.

What did you do in public that was embarrassing and/or indecent?

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9th May 2016, 20:16
I've done loads, I even set up a fake person (Barry Fullalove) who has over 100 friends. Some of them are my own friends that I sent a request to without telling them, just to see if they'd accept the random weirdo based solely on him being a connection with me :D There are also still people who post Happy Birthday messages to Barry.

Ha, ha... If these days Barry gets a request from a person with a weird name, he should know it's me. :devil: :laugh:

What did you do in public that was embarrassing and/or indecent?
Embarrassing things I do all the time, but indecent.....? :eek:
Maybe splashing in high waves knowing I'll definitely lose my swimming suit. :p It was embarrassing just for me cos everybody lost it. And in 2 Mai there is a nudist beach anyway. :laugh:

Have you ever lost your bathing suit in the water? :p

9th May 2016, 23:05
Not that I remember.

Have you ever skinny-dipped?

10th May 2016, 02:20

Do you smoke?

10th May 2016, 08:51

How much coffee do you drink daily?

Rudy Tamasz
10th May 2016, 14:33
2 to 3 cups, pretty large ones.

Do you sleep well?

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10th May 2016, 14:53
Not exactly. I fall asleep about midnight, too tired to wake up to shut off the light or turn off the tv, sometimes with a tablet on my breast. Then I wake up completely dizzy in the middle of the night and try to sleep again but can't. When I have to wake up I'm usually too tired or simply lazy and delay the moment I leave the bed.

Do you have an afternoon nap in the days when you don't work?

11th May 2016, 16:27
What's a "nap"? :dozey:

Do you ever buy a newspaper, or do you read all your news online?

12th May 2016, 08:35
What's a "nap"? :dozey:

:eek: nap = a brief period of sleep, especially one taken during daytime:

None of them, I'm not interested în news. Nothing notable happens here apart from some rich gypsy spending millions on a wedding/anniversary/christening. Occasionally I read news on fb aș once I „liked” a local tv station.

Do you like to go out to eat or do you ( your family ) cook at home?

12th May 2016, 16:46
:eek: nap = a brief period of sleep, especially one taken during daytime...

Sounds nice. Perhaps one day I'll get to try it :dozey: . I bet Storm has also forgotten its meaning :p: .

...Do you like to go out to eat or do you ( your family ) cook at home?

With a family of four, we rarely go out to eat. The only time we eat out is if either both or one of my kids is away for a few days (camp, etc.) so we don't have to pay for all four :D (seriously :mark: ).

When's the last time you dressed up in a costume?

14th May 2016, 20:19
Years ago. I dressed up as Frankenstein's monster.... there are no photos available:p

Will you watch Eurovision?

Rudy Tamasz
15th May 2016, 09:12
No. It's a human zoo to me.

Do you like flying?

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15th May 2016, 10:03
No. It's a human zoo to me.
https://youtu.be/pM07r57QqGg right! :angel:
Last night I was at the zoo with Steve and Donks. :p

Do you like flying?

I'd like if that Ivan above taught me how to fly :p

When was the last time you flied?

15th May 2016, 18:35
A couple of years ago we flew to Barcelona to spend a week with my father in law who has a mobile home near there.

When was the last time you rode a motorcycle of any kind?

15th May 2016, 22:08
I have never ridden a motorcycle of any kind actually. Its weird. I have always loved racing cars and thought I would love to drive at racing speeds, and yet motorbikes scare me a bit. Especially on the roads.

Do you think driving tests should become more detailed and tougher to pass in order to improve driving standards?

16th May 2016, 12:17
I don't think it would help, overall awareness needs to be improved though. I think that a renewal system (after say 10 years) would be good though. The standard of driving in the UK is on average very poor.

Can you operate normally on less than 6 hours sleep?

16th May 2016, 23:05
I often have. Mainly due to watching late night football.

Is medical care stupidly expensive where you are?

16th May 2016, 23:18
Difficult to quantify. Canada has a taxpayer-funded universal healthcare system. I pay squat when I go see a doctor, require prescription medicine or (heaven forbid) am hospitalized. How much of all that "privilege" comes from my taxes, I haven't got a clue :mark: . All I know is that close to 40% of my bi-weekly paycheque is reimbursed to Mr. Taxman :s .

Are you afraid of heights?

17th May 2016, 02:39
not afraid but I do suffer slightly from vertigo, and get light headed when I look down from a height.

what weather phenomena scare you

17th May 2016, 03:36
Tornado probably...although I find extreme weather rather interesting than scary (err...my handle would be a clue ;) )

Have you been in any scary weather situation?

17th May 2016, 05:12
had lightning storm and some off shore tornadoes last night. We had a big tornado a few years ago that flattened a few buildings in New Plymouth. A couple of years ago we had the worst hail storm on record - 5 inches of hail fell in 15 minutes.

what other (non weather) natural phenomena make you nervous?

Rudy Tamasz
17th May 2016, 09:17
A certain species, both destructive and self-destructive, called homo sapiens often gets on my nerves.

What non-human natural phenomena make you nervous?

17th May 2016, 09:41
Earthquakes. You never know how long will it take and how stong will it be.

Is it easy to get on your nerves?

Rudy Tamasz
17th May 2016, 13:12
Generally not. One can get me ballistic either when I am very, very tired and in no mood, or, on the opposite, when I am thoroughly enjoying myself and somebody gets in my face with some stupid business.

What is your best feature?

17th May 2016, 13:36
Don't think I have one.

Who was your fav teacher in school?

17th May 2016, 16:48
In college we had a professor, Dr. Joe Schwartz, who taught chemistry, specifically organic chemistry. He was a very likable teacher who made learning the subject extremely fun, even demonstrating wacky experiments in class that would be very entertaining. He even had his own 1/2 hour show on one of the local radio channels at the time.

Is there any place that you've ever visited that, in hindsight, you regretted making the effort?

18th May 2016, 12:32
In short no. Even the worst places were interesting in some way, and afterwards we all like to tell everyone how bad the place was.

Where is the worst place you have ever visited?

Rudy Tamasz
18th May 2016, 13:30
Moscow. Hostile people, enormous distances, everything far from everything else. Prices are a separate story.

White type of climate do you prefer? Is there a place with an ideal climate for you?

18th May 2016, 13:59
Mediteranean, I guess. Never too cold, still not tropical heat. Back to Greece would be perfect.

Do you like to travel?

18th May 2016, 14:11
I love it, prefer short haul stuff and quite happy just going somewhere different for a weekend. Would rather have 4 short holidays in a year than one big one.

Where did you spend your last holiday?

18th May 2016, 17:52
Haven't really been on holiday in a while. Was in the UK last September for about a week. Nowhere noteworthy since.

Same Q.

18th May 2016, 19:39
Nice/Monaco for the weekend watching the historic, where this happened to a McLaren M23

Have you ever seen something happen and then doubted whether it actually did happen?

18th May 2016, 21:42
Nice/Monaco for the weekend watching the historic, where this happened to a McLaren M23

Oh dear :erm:

18th May 2016, 22:00
Oh dear :erm:

Indeed. Bit of a cock up all round really. I saw it on the big screen but they cut away pretty quickly, amazed they allowed the race to start (it happened on the formation lap). Another fairly big shunt happened in the aftermath, you'll notice the course car in the middle of the pack at 2:30, he came out in the middle of the field and several people stamped on the brakes, which caused one car to crash into another at full throttle going up the hill. The following race was really entertaining too, much better than staying at home and watching the F1 :D

19th May 2016, 10:58
Have you ever seen something happen and then doubted whether it actually did happen?

The romanian revolution from 1989. It was like people finally dared to rise against a tyranic regime.
However it's more likely it was a coup d'etat with the script written at Kremlin and directed a la Hollywwod. :p

How should the perfect woman look?

Rudy Tamasz
19th May 2016, 11:29
90-60-90, heavy makeup, high heels, designer clothing (or not ;)), overpronouncing each word, a yes sayer etc.

A perfect man? A Mister Universe?

19th May 2016, 11:51
A Mister Universe is a big turn off. :angel:
Let's say, 1.85 tall, athletic constitution but not "worked" muscles, long haired, not necessarily handsome but with expressive features. And a big laugh too, I hate constipated people. These been said, I'm famous for liking what other women would consider ugly guys.

Have you ever dreamt ( while sleeping ! ) the perfect woman?

Rudy Tamasz
19th May 2016, 11:57
Does this look close?


19th May 2016, 12:12
No way......

More rather:



Matter of fact I also have a pic of the personification of your dreams but I thought it's still a family forum...:devil:

Rudy Tamasz
19th May 2016, 12:43
Send it to me with a PM. And it's not my dream, just a bloke's joke. My perfect woman is the one who treats me right at the moment. And I've seen such women in my dreams.

Your most memorable dream?

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19th May 2016, 14:39
Sorry. Family forum! :p

What's the worst job you ever had?

Rudy Tamasz
20th May 2016, 13:21
The one that didn't pay. I was supposed to manage the content of the Website for an IT company. Neither they nor I had a clear idea of what exactly that content should be and we were growing unhappy with each other. They wouldn't paymbe the agreed amount until later, which meant I effectively got paid the same amount but for a longer period of time. One day I got fed up and around lunchtime stood from my desk, said I had a fever and left only to come back and pick my belongings a couple weeks later.

Your best job?

20th May 2016, 20:50
I had only 3 jobs, all of them with ups and downs.

First was in a factory. I felt great there because the coworkers were nice, funny and very friendly. But it was far away from home and I had plenty to work
The second was in a foreign trade company. It was in the neighbourhood and I had almost nothing to do - it was a total boredom. The coworkers were awful, probably most of them were members of the communist secret service. Not friendly at all and very suspicious.
My current job is good as social position ( most of the people fear this institution ) and is decently paid ( according to our standards ) but I can't find a sense in my work, it's much to work, generally under time pressure and the results are mostly useless in my opinion. The coworkers are also annoying. They're very proud, bosses asskissing, egoistic, ready to walk on corpses to reach their targets, not loyal and not caring of anybody but themselves.
So I honestly don't know which one was the worst.

What job would you like to have?

24th May 2016, 03:01
I enjoyed my time as a graphic designer, the company I worked for was not the best. So freelancing as a graphic designer would be good. It would be great to have the responsibility of fixing and running F1 and turning it back into a sport again.

What is the worst job you can imagine

24th May 2016, 07:51
Something sitting in an office and being on the phone all the time. My idea of a nightmare.

Do you like spending time outdoors?

Rudy Tamasz
24th May 2016, 16:08
Hmm, my life is Steveaki's nightmare, at least to an extent.

I love spending time outdoors. I love traveling ranging from walking in the neighborhood to flying overseas. Just moving along makes me feel better.

Do you prefer being in the crowd or staying by yourself or staying by yourself in the crowd?

28th May 2016, 09:12
Staying in a small crowd.

Have you ever been a two-timer?

Rudy Tamasz
30th May 2016, 09:54
What's a two-timer?

30th May 2016, 10:02
What's a two-timer?



Rudy Tamasz
30th May 2016, 10:13
Then, no. ;)

Are you introverted or extraverted?

30th May 2016, 10:34
Introverted in real life, extraverted on the forum, fb, etc. :p

Will you watch Euro 2016?

31st May 2016, 04:47
I will watch until England is sent home (that will take care of the first week then :)) then prob watch selected games after that.

If you had to get up in the middle of the night to watch Euro (like we do down this end of the world) would you bother?

31st May 2016, 08:15
I'm fool enough to post on the forum in the middle of the night so probably not. However I'm famous for falling asleep during late hours matches.

What are you doing when you miss somebody?

31st May 2016, 10:21
I get a little sad, but remember the fun we will have when we meet again. :)

Its raining to the point of flooding here. Have you ever dealt with floods?

Rudy Tamasz
31st May 2016, 10:37
The climate around here has changed over the last few years and we started having torrential rains in summer. Those were quite rare but very spectacular. The drainage did not have enough capacity to cope with it. As a result, after some brief but powerful rains we would have floods in downtown with sunken cars and basements full of water. I even heard stories of people riding water bikes in the streets. Now the city authorities have improved the drainage so we no longer have that problem.

Have you ever got sunburnt in a funny way?

31st May 2016, 13:41
In April I managed to get sunburnt while skiing (the lovely google tan) but while it was completely cloudy and overcast. I had a stupidly red face and had to put up with people saying "there's been no sun". The worst bit about it was that I'd joked with someone else in the morning because he'd put suncream on!

Have you ever seen a tornado/twister?

31st May 2016, 16:14
Not really, no. A couple of years ago I saw one beginning to form. It was kind of eerie as it was a small "tail" beginning to descend from the bottom of a layer of very dark, dense cloud. As quickly as it started it dissipated.

Continuing on the meteorological theme... Have you ever experienced damaging hail?

1st June 2016, 00:17
No. Never had that level of hail. Only marble sized stuff which hurts when it hits you.

Do you look back at the past and ever think "wow" I cant believe where life has taken you?

Rudy Tamasz
1st June 2016, 07:49
Yep. When I was a kid the biggest phobia of our generation was to be drafted to the Soviet army and sent to fight in Afghanistan. The army was withdrawn from there before I hit the draft age. Yet I got to work in Afghanistan many years after on a commercial basis and that was a huge experience.

What was the most dangerous place you have visited?

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1st June 2016, 08:03
Don`t think I visited any.

Are you afraid about getting old?

1st June 2016, 09:10
Nope. Its something which you cant battle or stop, so go with it. Just makes you think that you should make the most of it.

Same question

1st June 2016, 10:17
Lol. When I was your age I didn`t bother either. But now, esp. since I have to take care of my old mum I`m really scared. In Absurdistan the social assistance is almost nule, the health system is in collapse and generally speaking people don`t bother to help. Not even those who are paid for this. The last year experience when I broke my fingers and became somehow helpless also made me ask myself what if I were really old and had to stay in bed without anybody coming to open my door? Well, I mean I'm not sad about losing some capacities or beauty ( that`s easy cos I never had it ) but about being helpless and a burden in a country that have not respect for old people.

It`s child`s day in Absurdistan. Is this day celebrated in your country?

Rudy Tamasz
1st June 2016, 10:39
Yes. In fact, I have organized a Muppet theater performance for children and it is ongoing right now. I heard some complaints from the artists and sponsors about the logistics, which is my fault as I am not a good logistician. Children seem to be enjoying it, though.

Do you enjoy playing with children?

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1st June 2016, 11:06
I don`t know. I`m not a funny person and I think that children don`t enjoy my company. That makes me very unconfortable in their presence.

What was your fav game when you were a kid?

1st June 2016, 18:47
Wow I feel exactly the same about the last question Gadjo. I only start like kids when they get to the age they calm down and you can talk to them.

hmm.... fav game???? er........ kiss chase :kiss::angel:;)

Do you believe people are born a certain way or do character traits develop via the environment in which they are raised?

1st June 2016, 19:44
Both, I've always been very laid back and can remember being so from my earliest days, backed up by what my parents tell me from the few years that I can't really remember. Other characteristics develop over time, I'm a different person now to the one that was gearing up for university 13 years ago.

What colour is your hair? :D

1st June 2016, 22:07
Dark acajou. It's dyed. :p

Do you have a loyalty card at any shop?

hmm.... fav game???? er........ kiss chase :kiss::angel:;)

:eek: Never heared of such game. Bet you were a girls fav since you were such a cute little boy. :p
In Absurdistan it's adults who play such things. Here's a traditional dance that practically ends all big parties ( like weddings or new year's eve )



1st June 2016, 23:44
Bet you were a girls fav since you were such a cute little boy. :p

What do you were such a cute little boy? ;)

1st June 2016, 23:59
What do you were such a cute little boy? ;)

I don't understand the Q.

2nd June 2016, 00:45
Sorry. Missed a word.

I mean

What do you mean "were a cute little boy"? Are you saying I am not cute now ;)

That was the joke/question but I ruined it by missing a word

2nd June 2016, 01:01
No, I didn't mean it. Just that you're an adult now and don't play that game anymore. But come here to Absurdistan and all the girls will pick (and kiss) you in that traditional dance called Perinița (little pillow). :p

Rudy Tamasz
2nd June 2016, 07:29
How do you resume a conversation interrupted by an awkward moment of silence?

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2nd June 2016, 07:56
You do what you did Rudy and ask a question.

Can you remember when you first decided to join the forum?

2nd June 2016, 08:02
It was in 2001 I think. But haven't the courage to join immediately. :angel:

:angryfire: I asked a Q about having a loyalty card and you ignored it. So it's still my Q.

Rudy Tamasz
2nd June 2016, 09:55
Plenty of those. Right now at the bottom of the crisis businesses hand their loyalty cards at the moment of the first purchase. I recently bought my wife nice earrings at the occasion of our 10th anniversary and immediately got a card from the jewellry store. My wife saw it and thought I had a mistress. She thinks it takes a few purchases to get a card, and she wasn't getting anything...

Same Q.

2nd June 2016, 10:22
My wife saw it and thought I had a mistress. .

No wonder. Now that I know you a bit I would have thought the same. :p

Not as many as you. I have cards for Cora and Billa hypermarkets, 2 cards for shops of cosmetics and beauty products and 3 for drugstores. Already difficult to handle.....

Do you have a fav store of clothes that you use to follow?

Rudy Tamasz
2nd June 2016, 10:43
It's not about me having mistresses, honey. I don't have any for the record. ;) It's about women thinking I have a mistress or mistresses. It a nice little sample of women's way of thinking. When they see a guy getting emotional, or inward, or buying stuff, or anything else out of normal routine, they immediately think, oh, he's got a mistress! Not necessarily. Women would be much better off caring about their men, not guarding them.

On the fav store, yes. It's Peek & Cloppenberg. My normal shopping tactic is go to an expensive store (P&C is one) and look for discounts. Then you get great stuff at the price of the average stuff.

What's your attitude towards the celebrity culture?

2nd June 2016, 11:17
Hey.......You don`t know much about women's mind.....They`re always suspicious when they have in their claws a good looking guy with a more than decent social position, a good salary in US dollars and clothes from P&C. :p
These guys are always an easy target to unscrupulous women. :angel:

My normal shopping tactic is go to an expensive store (P&C is one) and look for discounts. Then you get great stuff at the price of the average stuff.

Not a good tactic in case those around you use to do their shopping there. :p They`d know you shopped at discount. :p

Celebrity culture? i can`t be arsed with such crap. Esp our stupid local "celebrities".

Have you ever liked a reality show?

2nd June 2016, 13:19
Not really. I used to watch one where Celebs dance in competition. Not much else.

On the Rudy subject. Do you think relationships are between just 2 people or do you think in the modern world if someone cares about 2 people and they all agree then that's ok?

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2nd June 2016, 13:32
On the Rudy subject. ......
Well, let`s see what he says....:p

Rudy Tamasz
2nd June 2016, 14:05
Rudy subject? I'm old school. I'm not into threesomes at all. A lady with more than one guy is a gang bang. A guy with more than one lady is in fact a series of conflicting bilateral relationships, even in fully legitimate Oriental harems. This stuff just doesn't work, pure and simple.

Now returning the question to you...

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2nd June 2016, 15:03
I'm overly jealous and possessive. If I find out about the #2 ( :angel: ) it's over. Forever.

If you were an actor what leading role in a famous movie would you have liked to play?

2nd June 2016, 16:14
Just to make clear. I wasn't just talking physical relations (sex). I was meaning emotional too

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2nd June 2016, 16:16
Probably a sad answer but James Bond. He has an exciting life in many ways.

My last question got misunderstood. Do I make sense most of the time ?

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2nd June 2016, 18:12
Just to make clear. I wasn't just talking physical relations (sex). I was meaning emotional too

To make it clear I was also meaning from emotional point of view. That's more painful. To see that your love interest not only has physical relations but also has strong feelings about somebody else is something that is killing me.

Back to game: Your questions make sense even if sometimes we understand something else :p

What gift would you like to get for your birthday?

Rudy Tamasz
2nd June 2016, 18:32
I guess we are talking about romantic relationships and those normally involve both emotional and sexual sides. If it were spiritual love or pure friendship it would be a whole different story. But then these days people do not often think of those types of relationships, do they?

For my birthday I would like to have a tour to a mediaeval castle.


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2nd June 2016, 21:43
Just a simple day walking around and spending time with close friends or family.

What is it like to be 30 (if you are 30)? (I can answer that myself in a couple of weeka)

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3rd June 2016, 08:28
I don`t know. I`m too old to remember. :p

Had you/will you have a cake on your birthday?

3rd June 2016, 22:49
i hope so. Its always nice to get a cake.

Do you think the EU is a good idea or has it become to invasive into independent nations workings?

Rudy Tamasz
4th June 2016, 10:49
EU is as bad as it gets. Being governed by unelected bureaucrats is bad enough, but being governed by unelected bureaucrats from another country is even worse.

Do you think the idea of democracy is getting obsolete?

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4th June 2016, 18:43
I think total democracy is hard to get to be honest and it really doesnt seem to be something easy to manage. Someone is always looking out for themselves and makes decisions for themselves.

I have to vote in the UK EU referendum soon. Do you think it would be make much difference if the UK left the EU?

5th June 2016, 01:15
It wouldn't make much difference to the EU but it would make a helluva difference to Britain

Should Britain face reality and give up Gibraltar and the Falklands which are getting increasingly unsustainable

5th June 2016, 10:56
Only trouble with that is, that Britain surely has a duty to the people that live there who class themselves as "British" in broad terms. If we give them up do we say they have to move or is it that they have to become Spanish speakers and put up with Argentina & Spain force ably moving them on? Its not as simple as just saying they are miles away lets not bother.
If there was nothing much on them and no inhabitants then yes I would absolutely agree.

On the flip side, do you think it is silly how much focus Spain & Argentina put on trying to get small pieces of land back? I mean why would any country bother with the land mass we are talking about.

6th June 2016, 22:28
Less silly than how much UK needed to have and keep such small spots. Concern about British citizens is a silly excuse. Then all the colonies should have stayed colonies. Population may be relocated or may stay and continue to speak their language ( right in the middle of Romania there are 2 counties whose inhabitants refuse to speak Romanian, matter of fact I don't think they even know it :p. ).
These small spots may have strategical, military or economic importance. For instance, the Serpent Island, which previously Romania has been divested by the USSR and who lately has been an apple of discord in relations between Romania and the Ukraine. It's a rock of 0,17 square km. with no inhabitants but the seabed nearby is a substantial deposit of natural gases and oil and it's a strategical point near the Danube Delta.

What's the right altitude we should have at work? To behave the way you don't bother the coworkers or to think that everybody should feel comfortable and tolerate things that really bother you ? ( example: is it OK to eat garlic smelling food in an office? Some may like it and they have to eat anyway, so if it smells it's OK, we'll open the window even if there are -10 °C outside. Or I like garlic but if I eat it it will smell like hell and it's in bad taste to force the rest of people to bear it )?

7th June 2016, 05:15
I guess it comes down to the culture of the organisation you are in and who sets the ground rules. It can be hard to change the culture and most of the time you are forced to live with the norms that have been set. (cripes I sound like one of my Management text books :))

What business cultures would make you want to join a company?

Rudy Tamasz
7th June 2016, 16:24
I don't see why the UK would need or want to throw the residents of the Falklands into the the den of a country less prosperous, less democratic and culturally alien? The Falklenders are as British it gets yet have the GDP per capita higher than that in the UK. Giving up on them would be an act of stupidity.

Speaking of business cultures, the American culture is the only one I am familiar with from the inside. What I heard of the German, French or Belarusian corporate cultures does not sound very attractive to me.

Do you suffer from any form of dyslexia?

7th June 2016, 22:26
No, I don't think so.

Do you usually use a hair dryer?

Rudy Tamasz
8th June 2016, 08:02
No, cause there ain't much to dry. :)

Are you able to take a cold shower?

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8th June 2016, 08:06
Yes if it's summer.

What colour is your sponge? ( :laugh: lack of inspiration ....)

8th June 2016, 21:28

Do you like wildlife?

10th June 2016, 02:47
I love wildlife. (or domesticated animals...its the humans I am wary of :p: )

Are you planning any trip?

10th June 2016, 09:15
No. Just dream about trips. Dreams that never come true.

What`s your priority on this moment?

10th June 2016, 12:20
Helping a friend.

Same Q?

Rudy Tamasz
10th June 2016, 12:38
Putting together a corporate event.

Biggest wish at the moment?

10th June 2016, 13:21
A holiday. No matter where, no matter how much time. I need it and I can`t get it.

Same Q.

Rudy Tamasz
10th June 2016, 14:08
To fly away to the rainbow in the sky and then come back on Earth refreshened and rejuvenated.

Do you live in a city or in the countryside?

10th June 2016, 14:18
City. I'm a city girl. :p

Would you like to live permanently in the countryside?

10th June 2016, 16:23
I think I have answered this before some time through this game, but yes I would. Countryside in the UK is beautiful in places and since never far from a city. I would love the peace and quiet.

Are you ready for the Euro's?

10th June 2016, 16:38
Yeah. Beers in the fridge, peanuts, ice cream, salty biscuits, a yellow shirt to wear, etc.

Do you think that the Euro thread will be attended by other forumers apart from me and Steve? :p

10th June 2016, 17:04
Not often.

Is that bad?

10th June 2016, 17:13
Yes. Because you're busy most of the time.

Have you voted in the Euro poll?

10th June 2016, 18:52
Yes. Voted for the team I expect great things from. Romania........................

Have you ever played a sport?

10th June 2016, 19:12
Yes. Voted for the team I expect great things from. Romania...................


Only in the street as a kid. Football and badminton. But I followed most of the sports. I used to be a real enciclopedia. I blame it on my brother.

Have you ever had a crush on an athlete?

14th June 2016, 23:25
of course.

If you are close enough to famous sportsperson would you try to take a photo or autograph?

Rudy Tamasz
15th June 2016, 09:09
No. He or she is just a mortal like I am.

Would you ask a celebrity for a date?

15th June 2016, 14:35
No. I hate to be refused.

Do you know personally a celebrity?

Rudy Tamasz
15th June 2016, 17:40
Couple of local ones.

Would you like to be one?

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16th June 2016, 08:09

Would you?

Rudy Tamasz
16th June 2016, 09:11
No. I'm quite successful by my own standards (status, earning etc.) yet whatever I do causes endless questions. I guess if I were a celeb people would grill me for how I walk, breath etc. That's no fun.

What do you think of EU as an institution?

19th June 2016, 13:35
I think it is something that was set up as something useful and positive, but it has become all conquering in many ways. I dont think in the long term it will succeed in what it is trying to achieve.

What is on your job / "things to do" list in the near future?

Rudy Tamasz
20th June 2016, 10:28
Put together an agendat for an office retreat this Friday, including a practical exercise for some lazy minds.

How come Albania defeated Romania? I had no idea Albania was there...

20th June 2016, 14:24
I bet you also hadn't idea that many Albanian players are from Kosovo. :angel:
Romania lost because they don't know how to play, matter of fact they didn't play at all, the Romanians were arrogant and thought that Albania can't ever win against us, they have a losers mentality, etc.

Now that the favourite of the tournament is out, who do you think that will win? :p

Rudy Tamasz
22nd June 2016, 10:52
Northren Ireland (sic! The spelling is correct!)

Who do you think was/is the greatest football player of all times?

22nd June 2016, 16:53
Maradona. Loved him. He also had personality.

Have you ever worn the shirt of a famous football team?

22nd June 2016, 21:57
I have worn the shirts of England (I have 6 shirts), West Ham, Chelmsford City, Barcelona and of course my own team. Marconi Athletic.....

I am one of these :p

https://scontent-lhr3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/1509083_10154222395639689_242624315586501902_n.jpg ?oh=786ff6ed25046e881391abd0d8e44fef&oe=57F4F93F

Do you think football is in a bad place? Cheating, diving and bad sportsmanship

22nd June 2016, 22:25
You're looking great, Steve. :p

The only thing I dislike about it is playing just for the result. And too many buses parked on the pitch. :p

Will you ever dare to go to a stadium dressed in a stupid outfit? (like those fans at Euro dressed as knights or vikings )

22nd June 2016, 22:30
How do you know which one is me? :p

No. If i went to the stadium I would be too embarrassed.

Do you like thunderstorms? We are due one today

22nd June 2016, 22:50
How do you know which one is me? :p

Of course I don't know. :angel:
But since all the guys in that picture are looking great I said it knowing I can't be wrong. :laugh:

I hate thunderstorms and I'm afraid of them.

Is there a picture when you're not smiling?

22nd June 2016, 22:55
I dont think so. I try and be happy and smiley.

I think thats a good trait.

Are you sad the group stage of the Euros is over? Or do you enjoy the knock out games ahead?

22nd June 2016, 23:16
I hoped that this competition would bring me some much needed joy but I kinda lost interest. The forum is also dead and I miss the happy times of the world cup. Of course the knock out phase is more exciting but our TV channel will broadcast only 3 games from 8. Even that link where I saw a few games online doesn't work anymore. I'm a bit disappointed about the final table.

Is there any player that impressed you until now?

23rd June 2016, 19:43
I hate thunderstorms and I'm afraid of them.


24th June 2016, 22:41
hmm.... defo Payet. He has looked so awesome.

What should we talk about? Can think of a better question. :p

Rudy Tamasz
25th June 2016, 08:49
What is a likelier scenario for the universe, a continuous expansion and eventually freezing to the zero point or contracting back to where it started with the big bang?

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25th June 2016, 09:47
I don't know. :p

What should I do to make me happy?

Rudy Tamasz
25th June 2016, 09:49
A good double espresso will work.

Same Q.

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25th June 2016, 10:00
A shopping session to P&K.

What should you do to make a friend happy?

Rudy Tamasz
25th June 2016, 10:38
Either do something useful for him/her or just listen patiently to his/her complaints about how bad everything is etc.

The best way to relax in 5 min?

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25th June 2016, 11:09
Caress a cat.

Same q.

Rudy Tamasz
25th June 2016, 16:21
Let the cat caress you :)

American or European music?

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25th June 2016, 17:44
Rather American.

Have you ever danced a folkloric routine?

25th June 2016, 18:51
No I dont think so.

What have you done today? Its being tunderstorms here. So staying inside is the best thing.

Rudy Tamasz
25th June 2016, 19:23
Been to a reception, taken kids to an exhibition, put up with their whims. It's very hot here, above 30C.

Anything exciting planned for tonight?

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25th June 2016, 19:49
Yes. Watching Croatia-Portugal.:p
Talking about temperatures it's 37C here for more than a week. It's really unbearable because of humidity. I'm sweating like a disgusting pig.

Summer or winter?

25th June 2016, 21:58
Spring :p I guess summer but i do not like the heat. I like snow of winter too.

Do you enjoy the changing seasons or would you like to live somewhere tropical with a set temperature all year?

Rudy Tamasz
26th June 2016, 07:29
I love changing seasons. On the other hand, I heard stories from Ecuador how weather is the same 365 days a year and every day it starts raining exactly at noon. That must be depressing.

What's your favorite weather?

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26th June 2016, 08:51
Warm but not hot. And dry. May is a good month from this point of view although kinda rainy.

When is the best time for a holiday?

Rudy Tamasz
26th June 2016, 10:15
Whenever you feel tired and ready to go on holiday. My best vacation which ended up in the acquaintance with my wife was totally spontaneous. I felt tired, found a good offer for tours to Turkey, and off I went.

Fav drink?

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26th June 2016, 10:55
Whenever you feel tired and ready to go on holiday. My best vacation which ended up in the acquaintance with my wife was totally spontaneous. I felt tired, found a good offer for tours to Turkey, and off I went.

Fav drink?

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Bet she was impressed by your tan.....:devil:

Don't have a fav. I'm open to all possibilities. :p

Same Q

Rudy Tamasz
26th June 2016, 11:20
Must be a sour milk drink with biphidobacteria. I drink it every morning.

Animals that you like?

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26th June 2016, 13:10
Cats, penguins, seals, tigers, dogs, pandas.

Have you ever been bitten by a dog?

Rudy Tamasz
26th June 2016, 15:19
Nah, just scared in my childhood and never liked them ever since.

Do you have a dislike for any particular type of people?

28th June 2016, 19:31
I dislike most people :)

But yeah people who constantly talk about themselves or post photos daily on facebook etc about their activities /trips...

Been anywhere interesting recently?

28th June 2016, 21:29
No and I'm sad about this cos I would have liked to post photos on facebook on daily basis. :laugh: :devil:

Do you like to buy furniture?

29th June 2016, 22:48
Surprisingly I do. I like seeking out something that is"just right" eg our dining table is circular that extends to an oval AND it is smaller than standard which suits our small room. I even enjoy putting flat pack furniture together - and modifying it when necessary

Do you enjoy assembling flat packs?

30th June 2016, 21:47
No. I have 2 left hands.

Have you ever grown a beard?

Rudy Tamasz
1st July 2016, 06:40
I have it now.

Sideburns Elvis style?

1st July 2016, 18:11
I have it now.

:eek: :heart:

Sideburns Elvis style?

Yes.. When I was much younger. :laugh:


1st July 2016, 21:17
Nah..... I believe in full face beards only. (I even have one)

Do you like tatoos?

1st July 2016, 23:22
Nah..... I believe in full face beards only. (I even have one)

:eek: :heart:

Do you like tatoos?


Do you like cats?

1st July 2016, 23:26
Yes.... I look after my friends one occasionally. She is very cute and pretty.

Do you like dogs?

2nd July 2016, 16:09
Yes. I grew up in a home with dogs

Do you think it's fair to a dog to keep it indoors in a suburban home?

2nd July 2016, 18:43
No. That's the reason I gave my 4 month old puppy to a friend (I have a flat on the 7th floor)...who promptly moved from her flat to a home with a yard :eek:
Then went and adopted 2 more "stray" dogs to give him company!!!

Have you ever lived in a village?

3rd July 2016, 08:16
No. I'm a city girl. :p
Living in the countryside is killing me. But I spent holidays in places classed as villages.

Do you feed pidgeons?

Rudy Tamasz
3rd July 2016, 10:14
This is how I entertain my kids.

What else would you do to make children happy?

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3rd July 2016, 10:34
I am not good with kids, but once they get to a certain age and like playing sports outside then I can do that. Football, Cricket or basketball

Do you have anything that you currently want to buy? i.e a bigger purchase. New car, TV, house etc.....

Rudy Tamasz
3rd July 2016, 10:46
Some peace of mind. Any idea where they offer a good quality/price combo?

Same Q.

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5th July 2016, 10:06
Some peace of mind. Any idea where they offer a good quality/price combo?

Shakespeare would have said "get thee to a nunnery" :p
Well, don't know how a monestery of monks is called.......

Matter of fact I have to renovate the house. It's not about the money but the fact I have to deal with Romanian workers. I simply don't have the tough nerves to deal with them and having a sick person in the house make this even worse.

What should I do if I had three weeks of holiday but I can't leave the city?

Rudy Tamasz
5th July 2016, 10:46
Try to find harmony in your inner world, read good books and watch good movies, explore new places in your hometown. Make new friends as well.

Some breezy feelgood music you would recommend?

5th July 2016, 13:23
Greek music that make you think of holiday.

Do you or your family do the cleaning of the house or do you pay someone to do it?

Rudy Tamasz
5th July 2016, 13:42
We clean it ourselves (my wife and I, that is, children do exactly the opposite). At the same time we are getting closer to the idea of hiring somebody to do it, preferably in our absence.

Do you cook or you buy readily available food?

5th July 2016, 14:25
I hate to cook and I'm a lousy cook anyway. Also don't have time to spend in the kitchen. I do only simple things and thanks god I'm the only one who eat it. I also use to buy pizza once a week, or ready made meatballs. These end up in eating a very unhealthy food.

Do you have a fav show on tv?