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24th August 2015, 15:38
No. Not a fan of them. Only ever had one or two.

Do you eat salad alot?

24th August 2015, 15:56
No because I don't have time to do it.
I eat the fresh vegetables without adding oil and vinegar.

Do you eat bread? What kind?

24th August 2015, 16:34
Yes I do. I eat all sorts. Plain supermarket white bread, granary, fresh baked stuff from bakers.

Do you have anything on your bread?

24th August 2015, 16:38

What's your fav TV channel?

24th August 2015, 18:13
I have to say Star Sports (used to have all the footie + F1 and has decent (!) punditry too - its basically a child of Sky UK) but now they have dropped La Liga I won't be watching their channels much.

For other stuff, Zee Cafe or FX - or basically whatever is showing anything I remotely like to watch (Seinfeld/Big Bang reruns etc :D )

same question?

24th August 2015, 21:48
The TV is on most of the time but these days I seldom watch anything. Generally it's set on Realitatea TV, a news channel. Sometimes I watch National TV ( for Indian soaps :laugh: ) and B1 TV for a talk show.

Have you ever been bitten or stinged by an insect?

25th August 2015, 00:19
I once got stung between the eyes by a wasp. As a gardener I am always being bitten by flies of some kind.

Are you allergic to anything?

25th August 2015, 01:09
Two times in my life I had a horrible eruption all over my body except the face. It was like a few red points appearing, growing and filling with a liquid. They were disgusting and very itchy. I felt like wanting to pull off my skin. Both times I was on holiday. I tried to understand what happened, thought it was from the sun, but then the conclusion was it was from drinking water from the tap. Kinda weird cos I don't drink water on holiday but I use to prepare instant coffee with water from the tap..Also weird that in my hometown I don't have this problem. Now I buy mineral water or coke for coffee whenever I go and don't have problems anymore.
( lol. I was kinda incoherent.....)

When you were a school boy ( or girl :devil: )have you ever been in a school camp?

25th August 2015, 22:34
We didn't have school camps in Kenya but I did go to camp with the cadet force - playing soldiers

Do you think uniformed organisations: scouts, guides, cadets, etc are good for children

26th August 2015, 00:11
I cant see many down sides so yes. They hopefully teach children useful skills for life and teach them respect for others etc.... All in all must be positive.

Do you think disciplining of Children should include a physical aspect. i.e a smack if they have been naughty?

26th August 2015, 16:30
Ideally it should not include smacking at all.
But sometimes the urge to do so is overwhelming when you have a 2.5 year old running amok and not listening to a thing you say and shows their worst aspects especially in public!

While growing up we did get smacked on and off, but the generations after us were not - at least in middle class/upper middle class households...Now its pretty rare here.

Do you think you are a good parent (or will make a good parent?)

29th August 2015, 00:48
No i have to say I dont really ever see myself as a parent. I also dont think I would make a good one.

I am not a big child fan and find the whole kid thing drives me crazy. Not sure I would cope with it.

What is/was your relationship with your parents like?

30th August 2015, 09:42
Not great to be honest. My father passed away few years ago but can't say I really had a very good relationship with him...I mean not hostile, infact my mother stays with me for last couple of years, but by then I was so used to living separately that it is a bit difficult for me to be together again on a daily basis.

ps: like you steve, I was never a child friendly guy (still not really) and never thought I would make a good father either...but all that changed when we had our own little one. :)

Do you take prints of photographs nowadays or its only digital?

30th August 2015, 19:34
All digital for me personally. I never got on with print. It was a bit before my interest in photography.

Do you own a camera? If so would you like to get a better one?

30th August 2015, 22:01
I've recently acquired an all singing and dancing Panasonic Lumix digital: incredible zoom range, viewfinder as well as screen, loads of override functions. But it's rubbish. The viewfinder and rear screen can't be used on a bright day, the controls are fiddly and not intuitive. The instruction book is hopeless. So it's a case of 'point and hope' rather than 'point and shoot'. I'd like to change it for a decent DSLR.

Do you think people are taking too many photos now digital technology makes it all too easy to take photos?

30th August 2015, 23:47
I do actually. Photo's have really lost there value I believe. While its easier to get good photos which is important, they now stay on a computer more and rarely get seen. This is a shame.

Do you keep photos on computer now or do you still put them in an album or something?

31st August 2015, 00:24
I have a computer only at work so most of my pics are on a USB stick.

Do you take selfies?

31st August 2015, 00:36
Not often. Not in the familiar way.

What time do you go to bed?

31st August 2015, 00:39
I should have done it at midnight. But I'm trying a review in the movie thread.

When will you wake up in the morning?

31st August 2015, 01:06
Normally up for work at 6am but no work tomorrow. So 7:30 -8am

Same Q?

31st August 2015, 01:10
Normally 6.30. But tomorrow I'll lie I was at the hospital so 8.30 :laugh:

Do you lie a lot?

31st August 2015, 08:06
Not really..Unless there is a special case, so its mostly hiding stuff from others or misdirection than actually lying :laugh:

What type of TV do you have, and are you planning on changing it anytime soon?

31st August 2015, 09:16
In my living I've got a Samsung smart TV with a screen of 102 cm. OK, I know it's safe to don't speak in front of it. :laugh: I bought it about 2 years ago so it's rather new to be changed. In the bedrooms I still have 2 old classic sets, a Daewoo and a no name one. I'll change them when they break.

What type of car do you have and are you planning on changing it anytime soon?

31st August 2015, 09:29
Ford Focus from 2004 so quite old. Until recently I have not really had the money for a new car, but maybe soon I can afford one.

Boring question, but whats the weather like with you? Its pouring with rain here.

31st August 2015, 11:16
hot again.
35 C if not more. and high humidity. when I had arrived at work you could have squeezed me.
Everyone but me were at the seaside on weekend. :s

when was the last time you were on a beach?

31st August 2015, 11:23
Actually last winter. Had a stoll along the beach. Must be a few years since I went on one in the summer.

What would be a good way to celebrate 9000 posts when I get there? :p

31st August 2015, 11:42
I'd let it to your imagination although I might have some good ideas. :laugh:

same q for my own 9000 posts.

31st August 2015, 12:52
You should send a message to your forum pals :D

Would you ever like to ski? Or have you ever skied?

31st August 2015, 13:53
You should send a message to your forum pals :D

Easy! I don't have many forum pals and I send them messages anyway. :laugh:

Would you ever like to ski? Or have you ever skied?

I'm scared of falling down and breaking bones. :angel:

Have you ever been sleighing?

31st August 2015, 14:15
Only down a small hill in light snow when younger. Not properly.

I am eating home grown potatoes, carrots, beans and apples today. Have you ever grown your own food of any kind?

31st August 2015, 14:22
No. I have no space for that and I hate agriculture anyway. Still I have some grapes in my yard growing in a narrow piece of ground. Poor harvest this year.

( lol. You eat for free today, what have you cooked? )

The other boring Q: what have you for lunch today?

31st August 2015, 16:12
I cooked a tradional sunday roast (i know its Monday but I was away yesterday) I bought a nice ham joint and cooked all the veg. Then Apple pie for afterwards

Same Q?

31st August 2015, 16:23
:eek: do you make apple pie? Yourself? :eek:

I also have a sort of "sunday" roast but due to my working schedule I could eat it only after 18.00.
At work i ate very late ( 14.00) a bar of melted cheese with fresh tomatoes and kapia pepper and drank an non alcoholic lemon beer. I was sure I took some plums and a peach but I probably forgot them home. :laugh:

What's the latest song you listerned to?

31st August 2015, 19:10
There is a new Rod Stewart song that is being played alot around here.

What was the last movie you saw at the cinema?

31st August 2015, 19:23
The Irrational Man by Woody Allen, last Saturday.

What was the last party you've been at?

1st September 2015, 01:09
As I'm now retired, I wake up when I feel like it. Early when I've something to do and late if I haven't. It also depends when I go to bed

Related to your earlier question, do you have a regular bed time?

1st September 2015, 08:29

1st September 2015, 09:27

D-Type, you're incorrigible.....

1st September 2015, 11:28
OMG - sorry, I've done it again haven't I! :( :mad:

I must double check I'm on the last page before posting ... I must double check I'm on the last page before posting ... I must double check I'm on the last page before posting ... I must double check I'm on the last page before posting ... I must double check I'm on the last page before posting ... I must double check I'm on the last page before posting ... I MUST ........

1st September 2015, 22:03
D Type - I go to bed between 11-11:30

Gadjo - Not a party as such, but a get together with some old work friends about 2 weeks ago.

Do you/would you socialise with people you work with?

2nd September 2015, 14:08
Do you/would you socialise with people you work with?

I would, but usually don't. When I would I draw lines most of the time depending on the professional relationship and how too much social interaction might influence that relationship.

What is the worst sunburn you have ever had? :laugh:

2nd September 2015, 23:07
Having a fair skin and growing up in Kenya, I've got badly sunburned pretty often. The worst is probably when I was about 12. I got so burned I peeled and somebody was able to take the skin at the shoulders and peel my whole back in one go (aren't schoolboys callous to be able to do that?). Or the time when I was and got the tops of my feet burned and couldn't wear shoes - or even flip flops. :mad:

Same question

2nd September 2015, 23:24
In my mid twenties during a holiday at the seaside. Hadn't used any lotion and the skin on my shoulders was so burnt that made some horrible thick crust. I was so irresponsible that I continued to stay in the sun on the next days. Since then I always have a towel to cover my shoulders - which is useless since I stay only in the sea :p
However now I use sun lotions and avoid staying on the beach at noon. But due to my southerner pigmentation I always have a red stage.

What's your fav computer game?

3rd September 2015, 03:24
FIFA 15, Don Bradman Cricket, Skyrim and others, if I continue to answer it will look like all I do is play on the Xbox all day. :)

would you rather play a sport on the computer/Xbox etc, or play it for real?

3rd September 2015, 06:52
I would play it for real but I don't.

When was the last time you played a team sport? (not you steve)

3rd September 2015, 07:05
Back in my childhood. Probably handball at school or football on the street.

How often do you get a haircut?

3rd September 2015, 07:25
Used to be every couple months in the past....these days when I feel like it...so a minimum 5/6 month gap. Just had one 1.5 months ago. Probably not going to cut it for 6 more months.

What's the longest you have gone without a hair cut?

3rd September 2015, 13:11
I`ll let the guys answer this. :laugh:

3rd September 2015, 15:55
You can if you want to ;)

3rd September 2015, 22:48
About 3 months is all. I hate my hair getting too long, but I can be lazy. I didnt shave then either and ended looking like a hobo.... :D

Do you change hair styles often or at all?

4th September 2015, 05:23
About 3 months is all. I hate my hair getting too long, but I can be lazy. I didnt shave then either and ended looking like a hobo.... :D

Do you change hair styles often or at all?

I'm feeling a bit meh tonight, so thought I'd come look around this section of the forum.

this is a good one for me. My hair is an issue at the moment, it has actually gotten below my shoulders(!!) Been 2 years since I cut it (longest ever time), the time has just gone and I haven't really had a moment cos things have been so crazy the whole time. I now have to tie it back for work. I've gone from some people saying I look like a surfer or something to saying I'm a stoner :( though I'm totally not. So yes I'm due for a change, something much nicer, but still medium-ish length cos it suits me more than short and spiky. My hair is short in my driving licence pic and I actually think it looks quite good if I say so myself :). I'll see if I can upload it (just the pic part).

I thought about tryin some red streaks/highlights or something if I ever get some money but that could be a disaster...

Er... Anyone ever shaved their head?

4th September 2015, 06:46
Not me. I mean not yet. But I think I should do it. :angel:

Well, I think this Q was meant for guys so I repeat it.

4th September 2015, 06:54
Not me. I mean not yet. But I think I should do it. :angel:

Well, I think this Q was meant for guys so I repeat it.

NO! Don't do it! Unless it's for charity or something.

Well I haven't. I've had really short hair but that's as close as I got. I was going to try it just once a few years ago then never again, but didn't take the chance.

Anyway I'll think of a better Q.

Um... You like peanuts? Or anything similar to snack on? I have some next to me but like Bombay mix. A favourite snack of mine when especially broke was cheapo peanuts, bananas and a litre of water. Makes you feel full and it costs... well, peanuts.

4th September 2015, 11:31
I like peanuts and I also had the bad habit to crunch snacks ( sweet or salty ), esp. when I watch footie on TV ( got some extra weight during last year's world cup :s ). Also because I don't like to cook. I like hazelnuts more but they are more expensive. Not that I can't afford it but I'm kinda stingy. :p

How many beers do you drink when you go to the pub?
( for Steve – how many soft drinks :laugh: )

4th September 2015, 17:05
Usually 3 to 4 (330ml each). I can drink more but I normally have to drive/ride back and don't like to get drunk either.

Any plans for friday night or week-end?

4th September 2015, 17:17
Tonight I'll go out for a drink.
Completely forgot that tonight we'll play against Hungary at football but hopefully they'll show it on the cafe's TV. Lol. The customers will have a shock at my behaviour and language. Otherwise I look like a serious and responsible person.:laugh:
No plans for the next 2 days. If you want to talk you know where to find me. :p

Same Q.

6th September 2015, 14:55
Friday Night I did nothing. Yesterday I played footie and watched San Marino v England. Went shopping this morning. Now watching F1 and then gardening later.

Have you ever laughed til you cried. If so when was the last time.

6th September 2015, 22:40
Yes. It was at my workplace a few months ago but I can't remember why. Probably a stupid joke.

If you were a fairytale character who would you be?

14th September 2015, 22:36
No sure.

Prince Charming I guess :p

Would you ever sell something of great personal value?

21st September 2015, 09:55
Am I going to have to answer my own question? :confused:

21st September 2015, 09:58
Yes! :laugh:

21st September 2015, 16:49
Probably not (answer to both your questions) unless there is a very compelling reason.

Have you ever moved to a different country to live for a while? if yes, do you like the whole moving thing or is it a chore?

21st September 2015, 22:19
I have never moved country so will struggle to answer that, however I dont like the process of moving anyway. So I would suspect I would find it very hard going.

Do you do quizzes or puzzles?

21st September 2015, 22:48
I do quizzes for fun. Puzzles - never

Do you do crosswords?

21st September 2015, 23:12
I try them sometimes but I am quite bad. So then I say Cross words :dork:

I have only a few posts to get to 9000. I have a special picture lined up. Will I get there tonight?

21st September 2015, 23:25
It's up to you.:-)
Hope the picture is decent. :angel:

Will you host a syrian refugee?

22nd September 2015, 12:46
In principle I would be prepared to host a genuine refugee, but unfortunately many would-be economic migrants are jumping on the 'refugee' bandwagon so I would be very selective.

How can we prevent powerful countries like China, Russia and the USA trying to impose their views on other countries by interfering in their internal affairs?

24th September 2015, 09:53
We simply can't. :s

Do you ever feel helpless?

24th September 2015, 22:52
Sometimes. About stuff that cant be described or talked about. However it is not for very long.

Are you going to get the latest computer/i phone/ipad technology or are you happy to be a bit behind the latest stuff?

24th September 2015, 23:21
I don't need the latest technologies for what I do with such devices and I don't have money to waste.

Do you ever wear a suit?

25th September 2015, 19:59
I used to have to wear a suit to work. Now I'm retired it's a case of 'weddings and funerals only' (and - perish the thought - for any court appearances)

If you go to see a doctor, lawyer, accountant, bank manager or other professional for advice, does the way they are dressed affect your confidence in them?

27th September 2015, 23:11
I don't care what they wear as long as they're in fashion.:p

Have you ever felt eager to go back to work after a holiday?

28th September 2015, 00:06
No. :mad:

Was that question directed at me? :p

28th September 2015, 02:14
No. It was directed to me. It's for the first time in my life when I really want to go back to work after 2 weeks of so called holiday..

Will/did you watch tonight's supermoon lunar eclipse?

28th September 2015, 19:56
I got up and had a look. It was quite unusual, I had expected a slightly more red colour but instead I saw a copper colour.

Same Q?

28th September 2015, 20:22
Lol. It was cloudy and freezing cold. Imagine me dressed with a longish skirt and a jacket over the nightie gown. :p
Went outside and seen nothing because of clouds and high buildings. I even walked down the street like a lunatic. Ironically, the national observatory is 100 meters from my home.:-)
Quite a disappointment....

Have you ever seen a solar eclipse?

28th September 2015, 21:20
Yes a partial one. There was a total one down south, but didnt get to see it.

Do you clean your teeth on a regular basis?

29th September 2015, 18:24
No. :laugh: :laugh: :devil:

Do you?

29th September 2015, 20:28
Yep. Every morning and evening

How many pairs of shoes do you own?

29th September 2015, 20:42
Hard to answer. Basically it's three. But I also have a pair of sandals I wear on holiday and a pair of canvas beach shoes I wear around the house as I'm fed up with slippers that last two months. I almost forgot - a pair of hiking boots as well

Do you own a dressing gown / bath robe ?

29th September 2015, 22:48
I have one but never wear it.

What gift would you offer at a wedding?

30th September 2015, 06:33
I dunno, depends on who it is I guess.

Last wedding gift I bought was a couple of shirts for a friend and then also a dinner-set for the couple who moved in to their new house.

What is the usual place you go for groceries? A supermarket or a road-side grocer/smallshop?

30th September 2015, 09:19
I have a few small shops around my home but I hate their prices so i buy from them only emergencies. Otherwise once/week I do my shopping in a hypermarket that's 6 subway stations far from home. For bigger things or special offers I also go to 2 supermarkets in my home area.

What is the usual place you go for vegetables and fruits?

6th October 2015, 05:39
I have a few small shops around my home but I hate their prices so i buy from them only emergencies. Otherwise once/week I do my shopping in a hypermarket that's 6 subway stations far from home. For bigger things or special offers I also go to 2 supermarkets in my home area.

What is the usual place you go for vegetables and fruits?

For vegetables I usually go to the smaller local supermarket. Their prices are higher, but stuff is usually better.

For fruits I go on the internet. There are always plenty of fruits to observe.

Are you a good sport when it comes to jokes? :)

6th October 2015, 08:31
Yes. I play football so you have to give jokes and be able to take jokes.

Do you wear clothes that are bright colours?

6th October 2015, 17:13
Usually no, but I occasionally wear something different...On sunday I actually bought a shirt which is a light pink, blue and white checks!
Do you have a colour which dominates your clothes wardrobe?

7th October 2015, 09:59
Not really. But in the cold season I wear a lot of ( different shades of ) grey shirts and on summer a lot of pink/magenta/fuchsia ones.

Mine is quite intersting so what does your horoscope say for today?

9th October 2015, 15:33
I don't really check it...I read the one liners sometimes in the newspapers just for fun....really hilarious how 1/12th of the world's population is supposed to have a great financial opportunity or get a new job on the same day :p:

Do you believe in astrology (or any of these pseudo-sciences?)

9th October 2015, 18:35
Well, I'm a Taurus and I 95℅ recognize myself in the features of this sign. I don't believe in daily horoscopes from papers or TV ( lol. There is a certain astrologist who predicts things like you'll meet some friends for a barbecue. How can she see the barbecue in the stars? ). But sometimes I like the predictions ( like 2 days ago ) it was exactly what I needed and opened my eyes on a fact that I refuse to see for about a year. I also used to have a laugh when some astrologist said on TV that a retrograde Mercury would affect communications and destroy electronics. But it really happened.....

What are you doing to relax when you're angry?

10th October 2015, 01:25
I have a good shout and get it out of the system

My wife has a hospital appointment that corresponds with the Scotland game on TV tomorrow. Should I make her go by bus or do the right thing and take her meaning I miss half the match?

10th October 2015, 06:24
Are you crazy? Take the wife to the hospital or you'll never hear the end of it. oh btw Scotland are gonna qualify? :eek: :p:

Is doing things online the better way or do you like the human interaction - say while buying stuff or paying bills (fail to see what anyone would like in the queues etc but stilll..... :p: )

11th October 2015, 02:29
What I actually did was take her to hospital under protest and got back for the second half. Does 'By the skin of their teeth' cover Scotland's qualifying?

I'll let someone else answer about doing things on line.

11th October 2015, 11:37
Probably sounds wrong, but from that point of view I do not miss human interaction. I am happy to pay and buy online.

Do you have self service checkouts in supermarkets? If so do you use them or do you prefer human interaction in that way?

11th October 2015, 19:29
Never heared about such thing. But you know I'm a sort of idiot.....

Do you fear any of the forumers? I mean when you post do you worry that a certain member will attack you? Verbally, of course.....:p

11th October 2015, 21:04
Never heared about such thing. But you know I'm a sort of idiot.....

Do you fear any of the forumers? I mean when you post do you worry that a certain member will attack you? Verbally, of course.....:p


Same Q?

11th October 2015, 21:42
To be honest there is someone. I noticed he's very harsh when he gets angry and I'm very careful with my posts. However he was always respectful with me and thanks God he doesn't post too much on Chit Chat.. :p

Have you started to heat the house for the cold season?

11th October 2015, 23:03
Yes. About a week ago on cold nights. Stilll nice in the days

Have you started organising for winter?

11th October 2015, 23:37
What do you mean? I don't have a car to use winter tyres. I'm not a good housewife to prepare pickles.
The only thing I have to do is to exchange summer clothes with winter clothes in my wardrobe. :p

When will you change the clock for winter time?

12th October 2015, 00:32
25th October

Has winter arrived with you yet?

12th October 2015, 01:03
Nope. Its supposed to be fall but the leaves are all green.

Are you planning to go anywhere during the winter?

12th October 2015, 06:49
Even if I could I wouldn't. The posibility of becoming bocked by snow on a road, train or airport would be too much. Then I hate the cold days and long nights that make you stay in the house. Winters are sad episodes of my life....

What colour is your toothbrush?
( stupid question, I know.....) :p

13th October 2015, 22:54
Just changed yesterday from a green/white to a fluorescent green/black with red/white bristles :D

(we have a silly pact so we don't forget the which is which..
mine is always green and her's always red/orange etc)

Are you particular about colors of things you use?

15th October 2015, 02:08
not really. my nylon guitar is bright orange, folk guitar is a red sunburst, electric guitar is electric blue. I do always wear something red (be it a sock or two socks, belt, shirt etc.)

do you or would you choose a new car based on its' colour?

15th October 2015, 14:07
No, nay never. Apart from not buying a car in some outlandish colour like "Girlie shocking pink"

Do you wish that people would wear brighter colours in winter?

15th October 2015, 23:22
Just as long as it isn't "Girlie shocking pink"

DO you wear colours that reflect your current mood or state of mind?

21st October 2015, 20:40
No. I chuck on anything thats comfy, warm or cool depending whats needed.

Have you ever done Jury duty/service?

21st October 2015, 21:47
Yes, twice. The first time I wasn't called for any case. The second it was two interesting ones: a drugs bust and an immigration scam.

By the way, I'm told that the way to avoid jury service if summoned is to write a letter on the lines of "Although I'm not a member of the National Front (or UKIP if you prefer) I have to admit I that I do have a certain degree of prejudice and in all honesty I have to admit that I would find it very difficult to be impartial if it were an immigrant on trial. Can I therefore request to be excused?" They would have to excuse you because if a defence lawyer got hold of a copy the letter there would be hell to pay.

Which leads to the obvious question: "If summoned for jury service, would you try to get excused?"

21st October 2015, 23:54
Absolutely. Although never been summoned, I do have a colleague that was some time ago and he said it was unbearable. He had to be sequestered in a hotel for several days with no outside contact, and long hours in a courtroom. No thanks, I’ll pass.

Are you currently following the Rugby World Cup?

22nd October 2015, 00:47
no, I would rather follow an overflowing sewage truck on a moped. :) Can't open a paper or turn on the tv without hearing the words Rugby World Cup, or All Blacks...

do you feel compelled to support you country's national sport?

22nd October 2015, 18:38
I don't feel compelled but I always do. Especially in the sports I follow.

Are there any unusual sports that you follow closely ?

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23rd October 2015, 17:18
My wife thinks all sports I follow are unusual :D
Or I have an unusual amount of interest in them :erm:

Any plans for the week-end?

25th October 2015, 09:29
No. :p
But this morning I took an important decision.

Is there a question that you'll never answer on this thread?

26th October 2015, 00:53
What was the decision? Or is it too personal?

As to your question: I've not thought about it. I suppose there are some that I'd consider a bit too personal, but I can't think of examples. Also I like to stay clear of politics.

Are you surprised that the Rugby World Cup final is between Australia and New Zealand?

26th October 2015, 21:00
Not really because
a) I have never followed rugby, so I don't relly care!
b) even if I haven't followed it I still know who is usually good at it, so NZ Aus or SA being in finals isn't very hard to believe

Have you met anyone interesting recently? (new aquaintance as such)

28th October 2015, 14:53
Have you met anyone interesting recently? (new aquaintance as such)

By complete chance I recently spoke for a while with a former US Olympic team cyclist who rode with all the big names the biking people would know. Amazing stuff as I picked his head about cadence, wattage, etc.

Are you one to get "star struck" as in excited and all wound up if you meet someone famous? For example, if you saw Gadjo_dilo on the streets would you get a photo, autograph, and then tell all your friends about it?

28th October 2015, 15:15
If it was Gadjo then absolutely, otherwise probably not so much. Leave them to get on with their life.

Have you ever been involved in any kind of road accident?

29th October 2015, 01:29
only 1, when a dog ran out in front of the car one night, didn't even see it until it was too late. Did $2500 damage to the front of the car, but sadly the dog came off far worse.

are you making plans for Christmas yet?

30th October 2015, 01:05
Not really. Its a bit too early for me. However into November i normally begin to plan.

Have you got any kind of pre Christmas tradition that you perform in the build up?

30th October 2015, 02:09
I write a Christmas list which I give to my wife - and she ignores it completely

What is the most non-traditional Christmas you have spent? (If you don't celebrate Christmas substitute another annual festival)

2nd November 2015, 05:31
First Christmas in NZ. Instead of near freezing temps etc, it was 30 degrees celcius and we had Chrissy dinner in the garden. Used to it now, so a winter Christmas would seem strange and non-traditional now.

How much is too much?

5th November 2015, 18:51
When enough is enough.

It's bonfire or fireworks night here today. Do you like fireworks or do you see them as a waste of time and effort?

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7th November 2015, 13:17
I will answer now cos this question doesnt seem to have interested anyone. I think fireworks are OK in a proper display but at home can get a bit dangerous and tiresome when every person is letting them off.

Do you think countries are handling the situation with planes in and out of Egypt well?

7th November 2015, 17:38
I could have answered the fireworks since its Diwali next week and the whole of India is literally burning money during that week.

I'm not really following the plane story, just saw a bit on tv news so not sure how they are handling it.

What's the biggest news on tv/papers right now where you are?

8th November 2015, 19:22
Egyptian planes: If it was a bomb then the Egyptians must up their game regarding airport security. It may have been lax to let the bomb aboard but it's a national insult to claim they can't produce effective security. If, on the other hand, it was a missile - and nobody has said it was - then all the airport security in the world won't help

As it's Remembrance Sunday here in Britain I'll ask do you feel a national remembrance day is a good idea?

9th November 2015, 05:52
It usually is. It reminds those of us who were not alive of the epic struggle in the past to achieve something (I assume it has to do with WWI/II)

Have you done any military service (if not, would you have liked to ? - Personally I'm a sucker for most things related to armed forces and do think I missed my calling!)

10th November 2015, 22:15
I never did national service (it was abolished a few years before I reached the age). I think I would have hated the monotony of peacetime service. I wouldn't want to do active service, but I envy the sense of fellowship of those who experienced it together.

On a lighter note: I always enjoy the range of autumn colours - what is your favourite season?

18th November 2015, 16:45
Winter or Fall.

What's the last movie you saw?

18th November 2015, 17:49
Rush (somewhat predictably)

Has anyone ever made a movie about any sport that fans have been happy with? (Documentaries excepted)

12th December 2015, 13:21
This has stalled so here's a new question

Have you done your Christmas shopping yet?

13th December 2015, 06:11
Not doing Christmas this year, apart from for the kids. Family decided to just all get together for the day instead.

Same question

28th December 2015, 11:53
Yes I have done my Christmas shopping, :D

What will you do for new year?

28th December 2015, 13:38
Get drunk. :p

who have you kissed under the mistletoe?

28th December 2015, 19:10
Get drunk. :p

who have you kissed under the mistletoe?

Who haven't I kissed under the mistletoe? :devil:

That is both the answer and next question:p

28th December 2015, 19:58
Billy's missus? :laugh:

( also both answer and next question ).

30th December 2015, 17:48

Do you make resolutions (and stick to them)?

1st January 2016, 11:09

Do you make resolutions (and stick to them)?

No not really. I have never really made any because I know I would never keep them.

What will you be doing today?

3rd January 2016, 00:54
I just came back home after 2 days in a town about 100 miles from here.
Spent some time walking around a waterfall/gorge, took some photos and drove around. Quite cool but sunny day, was nice after the cloudy, breezy and cold day yesterday!

:s I read it as what did you do today...anyways in the evening, some grocery.. mundane stuff

What are you planning to do on Sunday?

8th January 2016, 23:30
I'll be singing:
" What are you doing Sunday baby.
Would you like to come and meet me baby you can even bring your baby.
Ooh ooh oh. Ooh ooh ooh ooh. Ooh ooh ooh ooh. Oh."

That's also the new question.

14th February 2016, 11:20
I would like to go to Bucarest one day and meet you Gadjo. Maybe not on an individual Sunday.

What have I missed?

14th February 2016, 11:38
I would like to go to Bucarest one day and meet you Gadjo.
Book-a Rest is an ugly boring city so let's meet up one day in Barcelona. :p

What have I missed?
The always busy Steve has missed the chance to talk to his old friends on the forums and to get some new likes. :p

So let's go back: What are you planning to do on Sunday? :laugh:

14th February 2016, 21:37
Today I have had a break from gardening for business to gardening at home. Lots of cutting and pruning to do. Tad chilly but its been good.

What have you done today?

15th February 2016, 00:24
Walking on sunshine.

What would you like to eat right now?

15th February 2016, 10:19
A nice hearty breakfast. With bacon, eggs, sausages, mushrooms, hash browns and toast. Yum yum

What did you have for breakfast this morning?

15th February 2016, 11:58
Just a sesame pretzel and an instant coffee when I arrived at work

what would you like for lunch?

15th February 2016, 18:43
I just had bacon and french toast :D

Will think about lunch later :s

same q?

15th February 2016, 22:13
I would like something cooked by my mum. I miss her food. Esp. those macedonian fried peppers with tomato sauce. :s

Do you like cats?

16th February 2016, 16:43
I'm indifferent to cats. Prefer dogs.

How do you travel to/from work (or school, parole office...)?

17th February 2016, 09:50
Usually by subway - about 30 min
Sometimes I walk - about 45 min or take a cab - about 20 min on rush hours.

Do you listern to the radio at work?

17th February 2016, 16:59
No, mostly I just listen to my coworkers complaining about others :dozey:

Are your work hours flexible, or are they on fixed hours (e.g. 8:00 to 5:00)?

18th February 2016, 12:22
Fixed. But dammit they want us to stay after hours. Forever if possible. :angryfire:

Does your work imply going out during programme or are you stuck on a chair?

23rd February 2016, 01:23
I get out and about. Not fun in the wind and rain....

Will you watch the Euro 2016 championships?

23rd February 2016, 05:29
I will if I can find it on a channel here, at least will watch the main games in a sports bar when I can. I have never missed a world cup or Euro since 1996.

Who do you think will win this year?

23rd February 2016, 09:24
Romania! :angel:

Who do you think will win the Eurovision song contest this year? :angel:

24th February 2016, 00:52

Will you watch the Eurovision Song Contest?

24th February 2016, 09:39
Only if there will be a thread on this forum for funny comments :p

Will you comment on Eurovision on this forum? :p

24th February 2016, 09:50
Maybe. Depends when its on and what I am doing.

Will you watch the summer Olympics?

24th February 2016, 20:43
Most definitely. (But not the Eurovision Song Contest except by chance)

Do you think they should legalise performance-enhancing drugs? (On the basis that the present rules are almost unenforceable)

25th February 2016, 00:51
My Uncle tongue in cheek always said there should be two Olympics. One for normal athletes and one for drug users. I know its not realistic but always made me laugh.

No I don't. I realise they are hard to enforce, but I would rather give up and stop the sport than accept cheating. Same with things like footie. I still watch it, but with diving etc.... become more and more common. Its getting to the point of "whats the point"

Do you find cheating in "professional" sport acceptable or is it an argument for sport to be amateur?

25th February 2016, 17:27
Blatant cheating is a no no, but gamesmanship has always been part of any competitive sport.

What's the plan for the weekend?

25th February 2016, 20:24
Still only Thursday here. Haven't thought that far ahead :p: .
Likely head for the slopes on Saturday, assuming there's still snow (we've had very mild temperatures here this month).
Sunday will likely be a lazy day; perhaps I can manage to pry the electronic devices away from the kids for short hike in a nearby park :dozey: .

Has the weather been unusual where you are?

27th February 2016, 10:12
In theory February is a winter month. But it happened many times to get spring temperatures. My brother who can't stand heat woved that if he ever gets married it will be in winter time. His wedding was on a February 18 day and there were 20°C and we left the coates home. :p Same thing happened also on the wedding day of a coworker. So I don't find it weird that it's been a warm month.

Have you ever seen a thief in action?

28th February 2016, 00:55
Yes. I had moved into a new flat in Porto on the 4th floor. On the day I moved in I was on the balcony looking at the view when a woman on the plaza below had her bag snatched and the thief got away in an accomplice's car. I couldn't even get the number as it was too far away.

Have you planned your annual holiday yet?

28th February 2016, 01:14
Not quite sure what or where I want to go. Thinking cap needed.

Do you think the UK will leave the EU?

29th February 2016, 23:38
Living in NZ I have to say I don't have the faintest idea.

Does the UK benefit from being in the EU?

29th February 2016, 23:48
I think we will vote to stay in.
Unless the various "We want out" organisations stop fighting with each other. When we joined we had a choice to stay out and be driven into becomimg a 51st US State economically, and to an extent politically, or to formalise the relationship with our largest trading partners, Europe, by joining the EU. When we joined the EU we had to sever the trade links and trade treaties with the Commonwealth and it would be impossible to re-establish these now as we inevitably alienated the main countries, the "Old Commonwealth". We currently suffer from the tabloid press making headline news of negative issues and distorting the facts while at the same time ignoring the positive aspects.

Do you think we should stay in or leave?

2nd March 2016, 08:52
Tough question. I am a bit on the fence. I am trying to see to the real issues, but the media make it all about which personality wants this or that and is against who.
I am and will continue to listen to all sides before deciding. I can see various pros and cons each way.

Do you use a calculator for easy maths or do you favour working your brain?

2nd March 2016, 16:50
I do not use the calculator for arithmetic unless I need an exact number right away.

Do you think school kids these days use the calci too much?
(we were not allowed in school and only got our hands on calculators in college.)

4th March 2016, 21:00
Yes I think so. I guess like you say Storm, once you get to an advanced level its OK, but learning arithmetic is far better for basic Maths.

Have you ever had a scary experience on public transport?

6th March 2016, 05:16
There were a few terrible winters when due to the glazed frost the streets became a sort of rink. The bus drivers lost direction and the buses were whirling.
Then there were times when buses were so crowded that they traveled with open doors and people hanging on the stairs. Traveling by bus/tram was a sort of extreme sport - a national one. I had to travel on the last step of the bus a few times and it was really scary.
If you know what I mean:

What's the first item you'd take with you on a trip?

7th March 2016, 23:04
depends on what the trip is for and where I am going. Short trip is coffee in a thermal mug. Big trip possibly one of my guitars or banjo.

Can anyone explain Donald Trump?

8th March 2016, 17:32
Trump is visible proof that 50% of the population is of below average intelligence.

Does anyone understand why the US electoral process has to be so complicated?

9th March 2016, 16:14
Cant say I do and therefore its a boring answer :D

Do you think that there will ever be a day that the world more or less is living in peace? Or are humans incapable of that.

9th March 2016, 19:47
I think we are not fundamentally capable of enduring peace. Unless aliens really visit and are hostile to us I don't think the 6/7 billion people here will ever truly be united. Even then after the war they will go back to their usual parochial selves.

Do you think your country will be in another war in your life time?
Not talking about America cause they will always be in one..somewhere :p:

9th March 2016, 23:32
I don't think Britain will be in another out-and-out war, like the Falklands, for a few years, but I can see us being involved in many ISIS or Afghanistan "International policing" conflicts

Do you think that the ever-increasing world population will lead to conflicts simply because people will want a share of scarce resources: food, land, etc

Rudy Tamasz
10th March 2016, 12:54
It's not the increasing population per se. The Earth can host a lot more people. It's the expectations. Most people think they are entitled to more than they actually deserve or even practically need. They want more and they want it at the expense of the next guy. This is how conflicts happen. Then it's just human nature in all its glory.

What will be the last rampart of privacy to fall in the world of big data, government surveillance, facebooks etc.?

10th March 2016, 16:43
Text messages.

There was a recent incident in the National Hockey League where a player was suspended for 20 games for clobbering an on-ice official. The player, and his team organization, appealed the suspension but the appeal was rejected because the league got hold of some derogatory text messages from the player’s personal phone. No one knows how the league managed to get a hold of the text messages.

Do you post personal photos (of kids, family, etc.) on Facebook (or any other open social media)?

10th March 2016, 16:57
I do not. I do share some trip or vacation photos with friends but not on fb but photo sites etc. (even there picasa managed to become G+, **** google)

I frankly am fed up of people posting stuff all the time. I have seen a friend even posting pics on fb within 15 minutes of her child being born. That is just crazy to me.

Ok, any plans for the week-end?

10th March 2016, 22:38
I am going to a Spanish taster course. Fancied learning a language for a while and so have booked this to see if Spanish is for me. If I like it I will book a course. Then playing football afterwards. Gardening at home Sunday.

What languages can you speak?

10th March 2016, 22:55
None apart from my mother language which is romanian.

Who's your fav singer?

Rudy Tamasz
10th March 2016, 23:39
Randall Bramblett.

Fav writer?

10th March 2016, 23:56
Milan Kundera and Mario Vargas Llosa

Fav painter?

11th March 2016, 15:40
What languages can you speak?

I do speak spanish btw
so if you ever want someone to practice it would help me too.

15th March 2016, 23:53
...Fav painter?

My 9 year old ;)

Do you consider yourself artistic?

16th March 2016, 16:43
I like to think so, but I'm not.
I am neither sporty enough nor artistic enough. in the middle :s

Are you following the mess that is the American election process?

17th March 2016, 15:54
Not really, although I've never really made an attempt to understand the US electoral process.
I just enjoy the silly sound-bites from Trump's pie-hole from time to time :D

When's the last time you've cast a ballot (national, provincial/state, municipal...)?

Rudy Tamasz
17th March 2016, 16:01
In 2006, and only because I knew the presidential candidate personally so I kinda felt obliged to vote for him.

I have a weird theory that absenteeism is ultimately a stronger voters' weapon than participation, which politicians channel the way they want to, anyway.

When was the last time you fell in love? ;)

17th March 2016, 17:34
where's steve when you need him to answer stuff :D

17th March 2016, 20:46
where's steve when you need him to answer stuff :D
May I answer on his behalf?
"It happened back in 2014 during World Cup when I met a girl in a motel room while all of you were watching that memorable Germany vs Brazil semifinal''. :D

Same Q. :devil:

17th March 2016, 22:00
where's steve when you need him to answer stuff :D

Why do you want me to answer? :mark:

17th March 2016, 22:01
May I answer on his behalf?
"It happened back in 2014 during World Cup when I met a girl in a motel room while all of you were watching that memorable Germany vs Brazil semifinal''. :D

That wasn't love:p

17th March 2016, 22:15
Sorry. ....
Now you're free to say the real one. :devil:

17th March 2016, 22:24
Why do you want me to answer? :mark:

Because all the others have a missus who might spy their posts. :devil:

17th March 2016, 23:11
Because all the others have a missus who might spy their posts. :devil:

Never been in love so cant answer. :)

19th March 2016, 09:50
Nobody would answer. Game closed. :devil:

25th March 2016, 19:30
I have fallen in love in some respects in the past. New friends, pastimes etc....

When did you last laugh out loud?

Getting the game going.

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26th March 2016, 11:31
Last nite.

When did/will you change time to summer hour?

26th March 2016, 12:11
Clocks change tonight. So we can have lighter evenings etc.....

Do you think changing time/clocks for summer is worthwhile these days?

26th March 2016, 15:07
I've never thought it's worthwhile.

Sorry, but what are your plans for this weekend? :p

Rudy Tamasz
28th March 2016, 08:25
Do some work in my country house, drink wine like it's water, watch the stars, do nothing. In fact, my weekend is still ongoing. What are your plans for the work week?

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28th March 2016, 09:23
Work, work, work, work, work, work, work, work, work, work, work, work, work, work, work, work, work, work, work, work, work, work, work, work, work, work, work, ........
That's what country expects from me.
Unless you keep me busy on the forum :devil:

What can I do to relax a bit?

28th March 2016, 19:19
Wine, wine, wine, wine, wine wine, wine, wine, wine, wine wine, wine, wine, wine, wine wine, wine, wine, wine, wine wine, wine, wine, wine, wine, wine, wine, wine, wine, ........ - but only two glasses! Then kick the cat out.

Did anyone get given an Easter egg? If so, what was it like; if not, what sort would you have liked?

29th March 2016, 12:39
What can I do to relax a bit?

Go for a walk, listen to some music, enjoy the cool evening... find relaxation wherever you can! I often get caught up in that too much work, work, work, work thing and don't relax enough.

How is the weather in other parts of the world lately?

29th March 2016, 12:48
You were supposed to answer the q about your eggs :devil:

29th March 2016, 15:35
No eggs for me, but the choco bunnies that my kids received are suspiciously missing the ears :angel:

Do typically sleep well at night, or does every little noise wake you up?

P.s. the weather is quite nice here, thankyouverymuch :p:

29th March 2016, 16:38
I alternate between the two. Sometimes I am kept awake by weird sounds and happenings, but sometimes I sleep through earthquakes (literally a 7.1 earthquake in 1993 in my home state and i slept through it)

Can you sleep in airplanes/buses/cars/trains? I envy people like that :hmph:

29th March 2016, 19:02
Airplanes, no. Buses, not really. Cars, yes. Trains, yes. I think the difference is down to space. When I sleep on a train it's only when I have a table to rest my head on (and I usually only use the train after a big night out somewhere). In a car you also have more space than on a coach or a plane.

Have you ever surfed?

30th March 2016, 04:28
No, but I used to compete at surf life-saving if that counts.

have you ever dozed off while driving?

30th March 2016, 08:45
(Because I don't drive :laugh: )

Do you use to sing while driving?

30th March 2016, 12:53
Do you use to sing while driving?

If I were to sing while driving, nobody in the car could sleep. They would probably dive out while in motion. Including me. So I don't sing in the car.

Do you know anyone who sings very well yet thinks they can't?

30th March 2016, 13:23
No. :p
All those around me are aphonous.

Do you sing in the tub/shower? If yes what is your fav song?

30th March 2016, 15:56
Yes, and it sounds like angels :p: . Don't have a favourite song, I think it's usually the last song I heard on the radio.

Is the public transit in your city fairly reliable (are the busses/trains on schedule; are they clean and comfortable)?

30th March 2016, 16:44
In my current location, yes. although the trains seem to have a habit of delays for no apparent reason especially when you are in a hurry :p:

The city I have lived most of my life? horrible buses, plenty but crowded/unreliable/uncomfortable - mostly. Things are getting better but not fast enough. We have a plan approved for metro but I don't think it will happen soon. Traffic is horrendous and we need the underground metro in reality.

same question? Also what's your favourite type of public transport?

30th March 2016, 22:18
The buses are never on time, but as it's nominally every 20 minutes it's not too long to wait. Despite their reputation the trains on my London commuter route aren't too bad - but when something goes wrong no member of staff has the faintest idea what.s happening.
My favourite? The river bus - I use it so rarely I'm like a tourist.

Do you think public transport should be free of [direct] charge?

31st March 2016, 01:09
No. But it should not be too costly either.

How much do you drive daily? gadjo = 0

31st March 2016, 05:36
How much do you drive daily? gadjo = 0
Wrong assumption. :angryfire:
I drive people crazy.

31st March 2016, 15:32
Weekdays, not much as I usually take public transit to work.
Weekends, it depends on what the family plans are (I often don't have a say in the matter :mark: ).

My "daily driver" car is three years old and it has only ~22,000 kms on the odometer.

Does your city/town have many dedicated bicycle lanes?

Rudy Tamasz
31st March 2016, 16:17
A few of them. Problem is, pedestrians are clueless. When riding a bile you need to watch out for a granny or a kid or anybody else to step in your way right in front of you

How safe is it to cross the road in your town?

1st April 2016, 12:45
How safe is it to cross the road in your town?

It ranges from very safe to taking your life into your hands even if being careful. The city I live in is a large area of land that has very rural and some very congested areas as well.

Do you think pedestrian bridges help in congested areas?

2nd April 2016, 08:37
Depending on people's civilization. In my country people would continue to cross the.road like they used to do.:p
Besides, it's difficult for those who are old, have luggage, disabilities, baby carriers, etc.

Have you ever had a video chat session with an unknown woman?

Rudy Tamasz
2nd April 2016, 10:28
Yes, and she broke my heart. She came from a donor agency and she said she wouldn't fund our projects.

Have you ever had a blind date?

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2nd April 2016, 16:33
No. Nobody deserves the punishment to meet me.
Neither I deserve the embarrassment to be rejected.

Have you ever danced alone in front of a crowd?

4th April 2016, 16:13
No. I basically cannot dance.

Tried any totally unknown food recently? (I'm just eating a Belorussian honey cookie, nice :p: )

4th April 2016, 17:21
No, I'm afraid of experiments. But I won't say no to a nice piece of Belorussian honey cookie from Rudy.:p

Do you like soups? If yes, what's your fav?

Rudy Tamasz
4th April 2016, 18:19
Hungarian hulas leves.

Main course?

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4th April 2016, 18:23
Depends on my mood. I like a steak (rare) but also gammon, egg & chips.

When did you last go on holiday, and where?

4th April 2016, 19:52
Summer of 2013. At 2 Mai-Vama Veche.
:s. :s. :s

Where do you want to spend your next holiday?

5th April 2016, 22:19
Somewhere beautiful. Not fussed about beaches, sun and parties. Stunning natural beauty is key for me.

Do you think Holidays are essential to our well being?

5th April 2016, 22:29
They are to mine. I work pretty much just so that I can afford to go on holiday. The only downside is that I get terrible post-holiday blues which make me a) miserable b) want to quit my job and c) book another holiday. In fact I like holidays so much that I only have one day off work between now and April 2017 that I haven't already booked for a trip somewhere :eek:

Do you watch any vlogs? I seem to lose hours of my week to watching stuff on Youtube that doesn't really interest me :mark:

6th April 2016, 16:15
Not really. It takes quite a bit to interest me to the point that I'll actually sit down and watch something from start to finish either on the telly, youtube or streaming services such as Netflix.

About a month ago I started watching a rather lengthy youtube presentation on the first world war (the program is about two years old now but I only just discovered it :mark: ). Also, about a month ago I started watching Downton Abbey ( :uhoh: ) on Netflix (yes I know, it sounds sad :dozey: ).

Have you watched Downton Abbey?

Rudy Tamasz
6th April 2016, 16:16

Do you like Mad Men?

6th April 2016, 16:40
Dunno. Never watched it.

Is Mad Men any good?

Rudy Tamasz
6th April 2016, 16:44
Sometimes it's overly graphic in depicting the lives of its characters, but it's quite interesting otherwise. What was obviously designed as a caricature about the 1950-60s generation (sexist, racist, hard-drinking, smoking, cheating etc.) turned out to be the testimony to the fact that human nature hasn't changed that much.

Any other interesting series that you could recommend?

6th April 2016, 18:28
Obviously Breaking Bad (but most of the world has seen that), the first season of True Detective and the first season of The Killing (the Danish version, not the US remake). For comedy then Fresh Meat has been good, but you may need to be UK based/student to enjoy and recognise some of the references. There's also a show available on Youtube called Adam Buxton's Bug which is interesting. Basically a guy pointing out cool Youtube music videos and then reading some of the comments...it's better than it sounds, trust me :)

What's your song at the minute?

btw, never really watched it but best thing about Mad Men is Christina Hendricks :eek:

Rudy Tamasz
6th April 2016, 19:25
Culturecide by Primal Scream, they are damn cool. Christina just plays too slutty a character in Mad Men to my liking.

Your favorite beer? I' m having a Leffe...

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6th April 2016, 19:39
Just having a Ursus beer in a Heineken glass. Don't really have a fav. :p

Do you like to eat garlic?

6th April 2016, 23:58
Not raw, but I like garlic bread and food cooked with garlic.

Do you eat spicy food? Or do you like plain food.

7th April 2016, 03:22
I love spicy food :cheese:
But I'm equally at home eating bland stuff like British food (which I love!) :laugh:

Do you ever eat green chilli?

Rudy Tamasz
7th April 2016, 11:34
Whenever I can get hold of it.

Do you use a lot of salt in your food?

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7th April 2016, 15:34
No. As a family we try to avoid excess salt.

Do you like sushi?

7th April 2016, 19:06
No, and it really annoys me that I don't. I love the idea of sushi and the process involved in making/eating it. But sadly whenever I've tried it I just haven't been able to enjoy it.

If you could change one thing about yourself (either looks, personality trait, anything), what would it be? Or would it be nothing because you're already perfect?

7th April 2016, 21:09
Definitely not the latter :D. I don't know really if it was an ability as stupid as it is it would to be a better football player. I love playing but am rubbish.

Otherwise I would probably make myself more outgoing. I tend to be quite reserved and a loner alot of the time.

Same Question?

7th April 2016, 21:14
Definitely drive. I procrastinate far too much and it ends up being a real burden. Take now for instance, I've got work to do so have stayed on, but I'm reading several forums and doing a crossword. It's ridiculously stupid and means that I don't get home until 10pm having only achieved about 2 extra hours of work since 5:30.

Do you have an activity which makes you happy even if you just think/remember about doing it?*

*Keep it suitable for a family forum :D

Rudy Tamasz
8th April 2016, 07:53
Same crap with me - poor time management. I was like that last evening. A chat here, a post on the forum there, and I ended up not completing a paper, even though I planned on doing two. Right now I'm traveling to the office with a resolve to make up for that.

On the question, I enjoy recalling my encounters with people who deeply impressed me. Some were so good that when I dive into the memories, it immediately stops all my anxiety.

Do you enjoy cloudy weather?

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8th April 2016, 21:12
Not at all. I'm a sunshine dependent person.

Gold or silver?

Rudy Tamasz
11th April 2016, 20:26
Silver. Or white gold. Or platinum.

Fav perfume?

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12th April 2016, 00:35
Roasting coffee!

But that's not really a perfume so same question again

12th April 2016, 16:08
Freshly baked cookies!

But that's not really a perfume so same question again :p:

13th April 2016, 12:39
I avoided this Q from personal reasons but since nobody confess to like a real fragrance I`ll stab it:
I`m mad about Lancome - La vie est belle and just did the madness to buy a big bottle the other day.

Are ads for products influencing you to buy a certain thing?

13th April 2016, 12:56
Are ads for products influencing you to buy a certain thing?

Usually not. I like the effort and enjoy good ads, but try what I try and like what I like, regardless of what name is attached to it.

Do you try competing products often, or just stick to what you know you already like?

Rudy Tamasz
13th April 2016, 17:46
Choosing between various options might be practically difficult. If you wake up next to Jenny, it's not that easy to say: "Hmm, now let's try Sally." I try to make the right choice with my first attempt. Not that I always succeed, though. Sorry, Jenny...

Do you get mellower in terms of your music preferences with age?