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24th May 2015, 23:17
I liked the interview the person above thread. I also enjoyed writing a never ending story.

When are you next going into the shopping mall?

24th May 2015, 23:22
Next weekend.

When are you next going to a sport competition?

24th May 2015, 23:24
I nearly went to Brands Hatch today, but didn't get round to it.

So I am not sure really. I would like to go to a England match at Wembley soon.

What have you done today?

24th May 2015, 23:31
I went to a shopping mall. :p

Have you ever driven a truck?

24th May 2015, 23:59
Not a 'big rig', biggest would only be about 1.5 t fixed axle thing

if you could choose just one thing to do to bring some excitement to your life, what and why?

25th May 2015, 09:28
I`d like to travel. No matter where, just to a place I`ve never been before. But preferably Machu Picchu, Barcelona, Paris, San Francisco, Viena. :)
If I could, gone would be my depression.....

Let`s get personal: what deodorant do you use? ( in case you use one :devil: )

25th May 2015, 10:11
usually Old Spice or something similar...

what will your next gadget be?

25th May 2015, 10:32
I've just got a new phone from work. Not outstanding but a bit better than the last one. The good news is that the new contract assure also free internet. You know I couldn't access youtube or fb when I was at work due to restrictions. Now it will be possible so we'll be able to comunicate all the time. :)

what will your next car be?

25th May 2015, 11:08
Not sure. I have been thinking about getting a new one in the last year. However with starting my business up that has taken a back seat.

Do you buy lots of shoes/boots?

25th May 2015, 11:30
Not so many as I'd like to. :devil:

What had/have/will have you for lunch today?

25th May 2015, 19:24
Nothing. Slept in late (it's a holiday here) and ate breakfast late. We'll go have ice cream mid afternoon at a place that makes their own. For dinner grilled shrimp and corn on the cob are on the menu.

How will you spend your next holiday?

25th May 2015, 20:20
Sad question. I can't have a holiday although it's all that I want.

Same Q

25th May 2015, 22:45
4 weeks of work left then lonnnnnnnnnnnng holiday while I find a new job - luckily I will have nearly 7 weeks holiday pay to fall back on.

Have you ever been unemployed

25th May 2015, 22:50
Yes. Last year after breaking my foot. Found a new job which wasn't great, but then met a friend and started my own business. You never know what can happen.

Do you watch a sports team live regularly?

26th May 2015, 04:20
Not in New Plymouth. I dislike Rugby and there is not much else other than local league sports. When sky had proper coverage of the Premier league I watched Liverpool every weekend (although after this week's debacle prob glad we don't have that at the moment)

Are you a passionate supporter of a sports club ie. did Liverpool's amazingly apathetic (read crap) effort against Stoke City bring you to tears - or similar feelings when your team do or don't perform?

26th May 2015, 07:02
Weird since I am so far away from that location in every sense but yes, I do apparently support a "hateful" team.
I also have other teams I keep an eye on - hoping they win something (cough...LFC being one :s )

What's the furthest you have walked in one go?

26th May 2015, 22:55
used to go tramping (hiking for you Americans), so I would guess about 25-30 km.

Do you feel safe going out at night where you live?

27th May 2015, 05:56
Absolutely and at any hour. No problems where I live. Though about twenty miles from my house (as the crow flies) that might not apply so much.

Since we were talking about hiking, which would you prefer for a nice afternoon - hiking (there's an American joke about the old maid who went for a tramp in the woods), boating, picnicking or a quiet read under a tree?

27th May 2015, 22:48
Now days the quiet read under a tree sounds good. Picnics are too much bother, I love sailing ships, but small boats don't quite measure up, and my ankles are too far gone to allow me to go tramping, or ecev brisk walking.

DO you like spending time on your own, or do you need the company of others to be happy?

27th May 2015, 23:01
I can spend a lot of time on my own absolutely no problem. Doesn't bother me at all. However company is nice.

Do you go out drinking to a local bar/pub often?

27th May 2015, 23:43
I can spend a lot of time on my own absolutely no problem. Doesn't bother me at all. However company is nice.

Do you go out drinking to a local bar/pub often?
There's a local bar which offers craft beer that I like. Only 17 taps, but the owner rotates then all the time so there is usually something new up just about every time I go in. Friday nights if I'm home, sometimes on other days. He has an amazing collection of single malts too, like 207 of them at last count.

What's your favorite pub to stop in to?

28th May 2015, 00:35
Don't really have one to be honest.

How do you like your coffee?

29th May 2015, 08:48
Black and prepared turkish style.

How many coffees do you drink daily?

31st May 2015, 09:10
one coffee, and a couple of cups of tea
used to be a lot more coffees in the past..

What did you do last evening?

31st May 2015, 10:02
I watched a little unknown footballer score a pretty average tap in. :angel:

Same Q

31st May 2015, 17:29
I missed that same bloody thing :(
watched Arsenal win the FA cup, just a few mins and their trophy presentation, a few minutes of Dortmund losing to Wolfsburg, had an ice cold beer while watching Seinfeld and then went to sleep fuming due to lack of Copa coverage after midnight.

How often do you get a food delivery/takeaway?

31st May 2015, 18:04
I missed that same bloody thing :(
watched Arsenal win the FA cup, just a few mins and their trophy presentation, a few minutes of Dortmund losing to Wolfsburg, had an ice cold beer while watching Seinfeld and then went to sleep fuming due to lack of Copa coverage after midnight.

How often do you get a food delivery/takeaway?

We've cut way back and now probably only once a week on average. There was a time when we wasted WAY too much money on delivery and such, mostly due to just being crazy busy with life and work.

What is something you know you "waste" money on, but to you it's worth it?

1st June 2015, 22:54
If its worth it it can't be a waste:) I have 7 guitars and suchlike - classic guitar, folk guitar, 12 string, electric, 5 string banjo, mandolin and a vintage banjolin - prob don't need that many but.....

If/when you win lotto 9national lottery) what is the first thing you would/will buy?

Rudy Tamasz
6th June 2015, 18:51
I'll buy myself a triple espresso, sit under the tree and reflect on what to do with that money.

Have you ever won anything in a lottery?

7th June 2015, 01:47
Lol. 2 months ago I won at the new lottery of fiscal receipts introduced to reduce the tax evasion. It was unlikely but still I had a receipt of 6 lei with the date 7.02.2015. Unfortunately so did a lit of other people so finally I got only about 50 lei ( 11 euro).

What's the last thing you bought?

7th June 2015, 19:27
A bag of pre-mix mortar to finish off a garden project.

What is the biggest DIY job you have tackled?

7th June 2015, 23:33
does cleaning the gutters count as DIY?

what noise do you find to be the most annoying?

8th June 2015, 08:05
some machine cutting or polishing tiles......its on right now somewhere out there ....it is always ON Grrrr, somebody is either building houses or renovating!

Do you listen to the radio?

8th June 2015, 22:44
not that often any more. Hadn't really thought about it until now, but I haven't listened to the radio for years. Listen to my own music instead.

How many hours of TV do you watch?

9th June 2015, 08:55
Less these days since starting my current project :p No time anymore.

What do you do to relax if short on time?

9th June 2015, 22:49
Depends on time of day/night. I like to read and always have a couple of books on the go. If at home I will pick up a guitar or banjo and play. At work I usually go out to the cafe up the road and get my friend Jess to make a coffee and have a short chat about nothing whatsoever.

DO you know any people who have names that suit their jobs eg. my above mentioned friend Jes is a baritsta and her name is (honestly) Jessica Coffey - perfect!. There is also a plumber in Opunake (small Taranaki coastal town) called Dwayne Pipe :D

14th June 2015, 19:22
I know someone with the surname Butler but sadly he isn't.

Its grey and overcast here today. To get the game moving whats the weather like with you today?

15th June 2015, 01:37
started off windy, wet and cold. But the sun has just emerged, and ALL of the clouds have gone - now clear blue, windy and cold.

Final week at work has just started. What should I do first on Friday afternoon?

15th June 2015, 08:45
Grab a beer or two with a friend (that's what I'd do) or go out for a drive in the countryside.

Do you ever watch a movie on your own? or any activity alone?

15th June 2015, 08:55
Grab a beer or two with a friend (that's what I'd do)
I also wanted to suggest this. just go to Jess's pub.

Do you ever watch a movie on your own? or any activity alone?

Most of the times. Even on the forums I feel sometimes that I'm the only one who's posting. :laugh:

What are you going to do on this summer holiday?

15th June 2015, 08:58
Be lucky if I get one. :(

Whats the plan today?

15th June 2015, 09:10
Work till 17.00 ( hopefully..... ), home I have to defreeze the fridge :angryfire: and hope to have time to watch an indian soap.

What will you have for lunch?

15th June 2015, 12:07
you won't understand what I ate :s
wheat roti + potato/onion curry + thick yogurt added to cucumber and carrots (kinda like tzatziki)

same question?

15th June 2015, 12:20
I'm eating right now.:p
A fresh pepper filled with a cheese paste made by me ( telemea sheep cheese + creamy cow cheese +butter+ much fresh dill ) and a fresh tomato.
Still thinking if I should also eat a fruit passion yogurt as a desert.....

Do you go out for lunch or eat in the office/at home/etc.?

15th June 2015, 22:47
both or neither. If I stay in the office lunch is usually just a cup of tea.

What is your fav lunch?

15th June 2015, 23:13
I miss the summer food cooked by my mum.
Now I have to be happy with a pizza or some filled mushrooms.

Do you like to eat sweet food ( like cookies, cakes, ice cream, chocolate, etc)?

16th June 2015, 01:23
Yes I do, my fav is a strawberry cheese cake I make with a raspberry topping. Sadly I am not supposed to eat much sugar (history of diabetes in the family) and artificial sweeteners are never as good.

What is your fav sweet?

18th June 2015, 11:46
Too many to be mentioned. Almost everything with a cream.

What's your fav spice ( not girls :laugh: )?

18th June 2015, 22:57
depends on what I am cooking, all different and most are good at different things, plus nutmeg is poisonous.

what is the worst cooking disaster you have ever had?

18th June 2015, 23:21
Almost all my adventures in the kitchen are a disaster.
Let's just say that a month ago I was trying to cook some rice following a receipt from internet. They said you shouldn't lift the lid so I didn't but I burnt the pan. :laugh:

Who taught you to cook?

19th June 2015, 00:55
As kids we helped in the kitchen and from 12yrs onwards my sister and me would cook once every week for the family. From there mostly trial and error has been a good teacher.

do you cook/bake without recipies?

21st June 2015, 10:06
I'm very inexperienced so I use to consult recipies. On the other hand the Romanian cuisine is quite different of the Macedonian one to which I'm used so I try to remember what my mother did. The result is a disaster, anyway......

When was the last time you had a haircut?

21st June 2015, 17:27
Yesterday believe it or not. A beard shaved off too. :p

Was that question aimed at me? ;)

Same Q?

21st June 2015, 17:35
Yesterday believe it or not.

Was that question aimed at me? ;)


A beard shaved off too. :p
:angryfire: This was supposed to be the next question......

I think that about 2 months ago I had shortened it a bit

When was the last time you had a proper bath (meaning laying in a bathtub )?

21st June 2015, 17:39
Answer the question then :D

21st June 2015, 17:46
I did. :p

21st June 2015, 18:25
Editing after the event is cheating Gadjo. :mad:

21st June 2015, 18:26
I do not have a shower. So always have to lay in a bath tub. I enjoy it after a long day at work.

Do you have a shower or bathtub? If both which do you prefer?

21st June 2015, 18:37
Both but I prefer shower. When I lay in the tub the steam makes me sick. When I'll renovate the bathroom the tub will be gone.

Do you like to stare at yourself in the mirror?

21st June 2015, 18:39
Yes :laugh::erm:

Same Q?

21st June 2015, 18:49
Yes :laugh::erm:

Same Q?

No. It will get broken :devil:

Do you take pics of yourself in the mirror? :devil:

Ps I wasn't cheating. Just posted before finished. I use to press the buttons wro.ng. Asked by mistake a forumer for friendship on fb. :p

21st June 2015, 18:59
No. It will get broken :devil: So do mine, i just buy new ones. :stareup:

Do you take pics of yourself in the mirror? :devil:

No. Never.

Ps I wasn't cheating. Just posted before finished. I use to press the buttons wro.ng. Asked by mistake a forumer for friendship on fb. :p

Be careful becoming friends on FB with anyone from a forum. They can be strange creepy men. :erm:

21st June 2015, 19:00

Do you ever plan to move house in future?

21st June 2015, 19:10
No. Never. I love this old ruin. Besides I'd never be able to buy a new house in this area. It's too expensive.

How many TV sets are in your house?

21st June 2015, 19:13
Be careful becoming friends on FB with anyone from a forum. They can be strange creepy men. :erm:

I know. That's why I deleted the request. :p

21st June 2015, 22:28
Three. One in the living and one in each bedroom

Do you listen to the radio much? If so what stations.

21st June 2015, 23:17
Only when I'm at work and against my will.My colleagues selected a station that doesn't air too many ads, Magic FM, They play old boring music that is repeating evey day.

Do you spend time in clubs?

21st June 2015, 23:35
Not really my scene. Don't like big crowds, don't like loud music.

When did you last go to hospital?

22nd June 2015, 01:03
Never been for myself. Last time I entered a hospital was last year on February when I was trying to send my mother there.

Have you ever fallen asleep while posting here? :angel:

22nd June 2015, 08:19

What time do you usually sleep?

22nd June 2015, 08:52
If I'm allowed to, it's 1.00 am - 6.30 am. But sometimes I'm falling asleep while watching TV or browsing the internet.

How much liquids do you drink daily?

22nd June 2015, 09:06
I drink around 5 or 6 cups of tea a day, plus while working a litre or so of water.

Do you eat alot? or do you only eat small meals

22nd June 2015, 09:17
Theoretically I eat once at work + once at home ( in case I have something cooked which is rarely happening ).
Since my mum can't cook anymore I eat unhealthy food whenever I have time. At work I,d eat anything just for the sake of a pause. Sometimes i take extra food in case I have to stay after hours but then I eat all I have with me. That's why I continue to put weight. :s

What's for lunch today?

22nd June 2015, 09:27
Not sure. I have a busy morning but not much on this afternoon. So I will see where I am when I get hungry.

I am off to work now. What does your work day involve today?

22nd June 2015, 09:35
I can't divulge much about my work. All i can say is that I have 4 files full of papers that should be studied and then write a point of view.. Next week I'm supposed to take a holiday ( just saying, obviously I can't leave the city ) so i must finish ( finish? they never finish, the papers and files flow day by day, all of them emergencies.....:s ) them in a few days.

What shall I do on a holiday at home? :s

22nd June 2015, 09:45
Read books you have wanted to read for a while but haven't been able to...maybe you can start some exercise routine? (which is what I want to do but can't get around to :( )

Do you have any large family gatherings?

22nd June 2015, 10:00
Unfortunately my family becomes smaller and smaller. I miss the old macedonian family gatherings on St John or St. George ( only the male members of the family were celebrated :s ). There were about 30 guests + the ten of us ( mine and my uncle's families lived in the same house ). The weird part was that the guests weren't too close relatives of us but the relationships were very warm.
These days I gather sometimes with my first cousins on Christmas and Easter, sometimes on birthdays. But we never are more than 10 persons on the table ( my cousins live in communist-type blocks of flats ).

Same Q.

23rd June 2015, 01:24
My wife's family are keen campers so they have a family meet up once a year for a camping weekend. Maybe a dozen people with campervans and tents and 3 generations represented.

Do you think [trailer] caravans should be banned from the roads at peak periods?

23rd June 2015, 08:52
I think it could be argued that is a good idea, however in practice very hard to justify. Similar with tractors, but ultimately they have jobs to to. I guess caravans are all for jollies.

Do you own anything very rare?

24th June 2015, 02:31
I have a 90 year old banjolin (cross between a banjo and a mandolin) Some of the rocks and minerals I have are quite rare as well, so yes I do :)

Same question...

24th June 2015, 17:12
Well not really in the sense of the word used..

Do you want to buy something which is rare? (I was thinking after the above question and I didn't seem to think of anything!)

25th June 2015, 00:15
Can't think about such things.

What magical creature is your heart hiding?

26th June 2015, 02:33
a liverbird (what else could it be?)

do you believe in the supernatural?

26th June 2015, 03:04
There's no supernatural. There are powers that humans don't realise they have and entities that human mind don't have the capacity to perceive

Have you ever had an extrasensorial perception experience?

26th June 2015, 08:12

Which of the 5 is your best sense?

26th June 2015, 15:00
Hearing I would say.

Would you ever do something nasty to someone for financial reward?

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27th June 2015, 01:15
The financial side of life doesn't mean much to me so definitely not.
(So beware! I might do nasty to you for free. :devil: )

What's the city you'd like to live in and why?

27th June 2015, 13:44
Not really sure, I am not one to live in big Cities. I live in a small one now. I guess London would be fun. There is always something going on.

Same Q?

27th June 2015, 15:17
Sometimes, when I'm angry on life ( read: most of the time :laugh: ) I ask myself how would my life have been if my parents families had never left their native Greece.....
I'm not the one to live in a small city, the " provincial sadness" ( it's not an offence but the title of a great poem and song ) would kill me. Although I envy my Greek relatives for their style and views on life, I don't think I'd like to live in that small city. But Thessaloniki in the same area would be great. Why? Because I simply love Greece....

Now a boring Q: what are you doing this weekend?

27th June 2015, 18:39
A quiet one. nearly everyone I know is away :( So I have been gardening at home.

There is a heatwave predicted here for next week. Its going to be tough for me outside working.

So question is, Whats the hottest temperature etc... that you have experienced? Was it bad?

27th June 2015, 23:00
Don't know exactly. It happens on our hot summers that it exceeds 40C. Still, irrelevant cos temps are measured on a certain height and in the shadow. At ground level, in the sun and in the central part of Book a Rest it's a real hell of about 50C. Add to this an annoying humidity that makes you feel wet all over your body.
That's why usually temperatures are associated with the index of thermic discomfort.

What's your fav dog breed?

27th June 2015, 23:46

What colour is your hair?

28th June 2015, 00:15
Red. Dyed.:laugh:

What colour are your eyes?

28th June 2015, 00:22
Not really sure. A green / grey . I was once told I had nice eyes.

Have you got any strange habits?

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28th June 2015, 00:31
Yes. But I'm not ready to share them on the forum. :angel:

Have you ever performed in your school shows?

28th June 2015, 00:36
Yes years ago I was in Mac Beth and several others. I really enjoyed acting.

How often do you use Facebook. ?

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28th June 2015, 00:56
Used to hate fb. But since the forum is so boring quiet I started to use it quite often. I mean whenever I have time, sometimes even when I'm at work. Don't have many friends though.....

Same Q.

28th June 2015, 09:10
More than I should. Most of it is nonsense, but I have a couple of friends on there I keep in touch with.

Do you ever play music very loud or do you prefer to wear earphones etc....

28th June 2015, 10:14
I can't stand loud music or noises of any kind. It's because I think that nobody is forced to listern the noise of another person and Romanians are champions at having a thick cheek and disturb people around. There are a few songs that make me feel good and sometimes I play them loud but I don't bother anybody. Another thing that annoys me is the volume of phone call sounds. There's a girl at work who always choose annoying alarms and set them at max. The rest of us suggest her we're bothered but she doesn't care.

As a school boy were you scared that the teacher would examine you or that you might get low marks?

28th June 2015, 14:52
I was a drifter at school, which I slightly regret now. I was not a teachers pet or hard worker and thus A*, but conversely I was clever enough not to fail anything despite not much effort at times. So teachers neither focused on me because I was great or because I was a concern.

As a school boy/girl did you try hard or were you naughty and lazy?

28th June 2015, 15:22
I tried hard because I'm not a smart person and the perspective to be a worker in the communist regime was dark. Also we used to be frightened by teachers.

Who was your fav teacher?

29th June 2015, 04:11
Who was your fav teacher?

Mrs Julie Clark, my high school sophomore English teacher. She made every effort to connect with her students.

In a strange twist, I took her class two years in a row, even though I had a good grade the first year. I'm just not comfortable sharing that story with those that don't share their strange habits. :laugh:

Do you think you have the potential to be a good teacher?

29th June 2015, 07:07
Not at all. First of all I don't have the ability to communicate. I'm shy and I'm always thinking I'll make a fool out of myself. Then I don't think I have enough knowledge to share with others and the pupils might be smarter then me. Then I think this job requires patience and finesse but I'm a vulcano when somebody gets on my nerves. Last but not less mportant I'm not a charismatic person, I'm sure the pupils would call me horrible names and I'd be petrified.
Lol. This made me think of the gallery of cantors ( that's what they like to be called) that buried my youth......
You know, we had a high school class reunion.I looked at them and realised how ridiculous things were. Now we were the powerful guys with successful jobs and they a bunch of old fashioned with old clothes who begged for the favors they used to be offered.
I was shocked when the physics teacher who was the mischievous type that made our life a hell and made me hate this object came conspiratvely to me laughing of my joke I made about him in my presentation and said: so you're working for XXX......Can you help me with my niece, etc. etc......
So you see dear airshifter, school days weren't only beers drunk in the park restaurant wearing stupid uniforms....

Do you think you have the potential to be a good doctor?

29th June 2015, 16:57
Not at all. First of all I don't have the ability to communicate. I'm shy and I'm always thinking I'll make a fool out of myself. Then I don't think I have enough knowledge to share with others and the pupils might be smarter then me. Then I think this job requires patience and finesse but I'm a vulcano when somebody gets on my nerves. Last but not less mportant I'm not a charismatic person, I'm sure the pupils would call me horrible names and I'd be petrified.
Lol. This made me think of the gallery of cantors ( that's what they like to be called) that buried my youth......
You know, we had a high school class reunion.I looked at them and realised how ridiculous things were. Now we were the powerful guys with successful jobs and they a bunch of old fashioned with old clothes who begged for the favors they used to be offered.
I was shocked when the physics teacher who was the mischievous type that made our life a hell and made me hate this object came conspiratvely to me laughing of my joke I made about him in my presentation and said: so you're working for XXX......Can you help me with my niece, etc. etc......
So you see dear airshifter, school days weren't only beers drunk in the park restaurant wearing stupid uniforms....

Trust me.... though we didn't wear uniforms my stories of high school days are much more sinister more likely.

As for the reunion, very strange circumstances indeed. At least you made yourself a person that others now seek favors from. Though their desires seem a bit misdirected and strange, people usually don't ask favors from those incapable of helping them in some way.

Do you think you have the potential to be a good doctor?

Not even remotely. Even if I had the knowledge required, dealing with ill people all the time would quickly bring me down. I have great respect for those that can deal with it on a day to day basis.

Someone else should come up with a good question, as my mind is mostly mush right now! :laugh:

29th June 2015, 17:11
Question on airshifter's behalf:

Did you ever have a crush on one of your teachers?:devil:
( I suspect airshifter has a bit of a story with Mrs.Clark:devil: )

29th June 2015, 19:23
Yes. I did. She was my geography teacher and at the time I think all the boys liked her. At that age I am pretty we liked anyone :D

Do you have what people refer to as a best friend?

29th June 2015, 23:06
No. Not in real life. Whenever I need someone I found myself alone.
But I have a few good friends on this forum. :kiss:

Same Q.

30th June 2015, 01:29
Not as such, no. I have many friends, mainly through shared interests etc, but no 'best friend' as such apart from my hummingbird guitar :)

Do you assign human traits and characteristics to inanimate things (like erm... guitars for example)?

30th June 2015, 01:29
Not as such, no. I have many friends, mainly through shared interests etc, but no 'best friend' as such apart from my hummingbird guitar :)

Do you assign human traits and characteristics to inanimate things (like erm... guitars for example)?

30th June 2015, 02:38
Do you assign human traits and characteristics to inanimate things (like erm... guitars for example)?


- Gitaa - it's like her boyfriend.

I have a cheeky little car, a grumpy refrigerator and a temperamental microwave oven.


What thing do you wish could exist but currently doesn't?

30th June 2015, 08:21
Interstellar Travel.

Have you ever been in any war/conflict area (as soldiers or civilians caught up in it)

30th June 2015, 09:38
The revolution or coup d'etat, or whatever had it been in december 1989. The ending of communism in my country, esp. in Book a Rest, was marked with blood, mostly after Ceausescu was caught. It was frightening cos officially the army and his secret service betrayed him and were on our side, but people still were shot in the streets by unknown enemies. The rumour was they were terrorists special trained by the dictator or even Arabic guys. Most of events took place in the area where I live and imagine how it's like to live a quiet life, seeing a gun only in the movies and never heared a firegun and suddenly to see tanks, TABs and soldiers on your street and live for a few days in the noise of continuous shooting. The strange thing( is it strange? :devil: ) is that no "terrorist ''was ever captured and after so many years we still don't know who shoot.

Are you interested in the Wimbledon tennis tournament?

30th June 2015, 10:16
I used to be very interested back in the late 80s and even in 90s, but back then I was so crazy about sports that I watched footballl, motorsport, cricket, NBA, MLB, voleyball, golf, tennis..even snooker! Only thing I have always avoided is NFL.

Not since the 2000s though, when I lost interest in tennis and most of the other stuff.
nowadays I read the paper to see who wins..

How much do you pay for internet?

30th June 2015, 11:33
Complicated to say......
At home I have a Telekom package phone land line + internet that includes
. 400 min free phone calls anytime
- unlimited free phone calls in any national land line network + mobile in Telekom network + in any European land line network + in any land line or mobile network in USA and Canada ( unfortunately no free calls for India........:s)
. internet unlimited
The cost is about 75 lei( 17 Euro)/month, but the contract is on my mum's name who has an important deduction as a refugee so I pay about 37 lei (~8 euro) for this package. I could pay less if I chose less options but it's very affordable like this.
I also have internet on the phone from work. Well, we are part of a collective contract but it's us who're paying .So for 3,75 Euro/month I have unlimited phone calls in any Romanian network (land or mobile) + 12000sms +11GB internet( that's good cos you know that I have restriction on the computers at work).
:crazy: don't know if I was intelligible but the main idea is that now I can be contacted anytime. :laugh:

Same Q

30th June 2015, 16:47
Internet (and communication services in general) services here are hideously expensive :s

Our home high speed internet is bundled together with our HD cable TV service, for which we pay a total of around $100/month (including 4 cable outlets in our home).

Our mobile phone service is on a different provider and is a bit more complicated. The missus, her mother and my eldest daughter share a "family plan" which allows them unlimited calling amongst themselves anywhere in Canada, plus shared free data up to a certain limit (not sure what the limit is). I believe that plan costs around $80/month. My phone is company provided so I pay squat, including unlimited long distance, data and roaming charges anywhere I travel.

Summer vacation plans?

1st July 2015, 08:13
None, since our summer was over a month ago :p:
But unfortunately none in the monsoon or any planned for the winter either...

sorry same Q for a better answer?

(For the internet thing, gadjo that sounds cheap to me! schemnke's sounds expensive indeed :s )

1st July 2015, 09:13
(For the internet thing, gadjo that sounds cheap to me! schemnke's sounds expensive indeed :s )
Yeah, might look cheap. But the average wage here is 540 Euro/month(380 Euro after tax deductions).

About holiday q: I'm on holiday right now but I'm spending it at home for the reason you know. I intend to do some house cleaning and to sleep a little more.
Rather frustrating to see all the people around being excited about leaving on holiday and relaxing and having fun.....
Too bad that the forum is so quiet. I also could have had some fun.

What kind of holidays do you like? At the seaside, on the mountains, on exotic places, on luxury hotels, camping, on quiet places, on circuits, in historical places, all inclusive, etc.?

3rd July 2015, 01:37
Type of location isn't really a factor i.e beach, mountains etc, just as long as it is somewhere new and isn't a tourist trap. Would love to visit Socotra one day.

If you could go on a two week holiday anywhere with any one (either living or historical) where would you go and who would you go with?

3rd July 2015, 07:19
I'd go to Barcelona to see the unusual buildings designed by Gaudi. I'd go with Steve cos he's a good laugh, takes great pictures and would have the chance to chase his idol -Messi for an autograph. :laugh: :devil:

What do you consider that it's wrong about you?

4th July 2015, 10:00
I'd go to Barcelona to see the unusual buildings designed by Gaudi. I'd go with Steve cos he's a good laugh, takes great pictures and would have the chance to chase his idol -Messi for an autograph. :laugh: :devil:

Chase him lol......
Wow you could go with anyone and choose me :beer:

Hmm...... I think I am too shy, I really struggle to make new friends. That is one thing I hate about myself. I don't have many close ones.

What do you consider your personal strengths/is good about you? (Please dont say nothing if you answer Gadjo):rolleyes:

4th July 2015, 11:01
Chase him lol......
Wow you could go with anyone and choose me :beer:
Matter of fact I think you'd be the only person who would accept my boring company.:p

Hmm...... I think I am too shy, I really struggle to make new friends. That is one thing I hate about myself. I don't have many close ones.
:confused: but you're the friendliest person on this forum. You always have nice words for everyone ....And a healthy sense of humour. There's no need to have many close friends. A few that you can trust is enough,

What do you consider your personal strengths/is good about you? (Please dont say nothing if you answer Gadjo):rolleyes:
OK I won't say nothing. I'm a loyal and thoughtful friend. Don't know if this is a strength point as these values aren't at high price these days. Once you become my friend you'll always be. Maybe my friendship doesn't manifest by a lot of effusion but I do little gestures to show to my friends that I thought and care of them. Unfortunately most of the times the feedback is dissapointing. It's painful to see that those who you consider best friends forget to call you even on your birthday....

Have you ever failed an exam?

4th July 2015, 20:56
I failed my first driving exam. I started on a hill and almost crashed into a building. lol

What was your last exam?

5th July 2015, 10:01
Don't know if it was a proper exam....I attended an English course and at the end I had a sort of written examination to get a certificate. But everybody passed, even those who absented all the course. Typical Absurdistan thing.....
Matter of fact this forum taught me more English than any course. Some certain posts couldn't be understood without consulting Urban Dictionary. I'm grateful for these lessons for free. :laugh: Not to mention nobody would ever examine my knowledge. :devil:

Have you ever milked a cow ( or goat, or sheep, or any other animal)?
( :laugh: don't know why I'm asking this stupid Q.....)

5th July 2015, 11:36
Nope. (Nothing more I can say :p )

Have you ever ridden a horse, cow, elephant, donkey........ or what ever?

5th July 2015, 11:48
Matter of fact this forum taught me more English than any course. Some certain posts couldn't be understood without consulting Urban Dictionary. I'm grateful for these lessons for free. :laugh:

If y'all can understand what I am rabbiting about, you are one clever gal. :D

See if you can work out this:

I went up the apple and pears to answer the dog and bone. It was all about some dosh I was owed, I think it was a Pony for cash. I shouted can you Adam and Eve it, I am owed some much money. In fact I shouted until the old Hobson's choice was sore. But it was the Mae West when I recieved my rock of ages. ;)

5th July 2015, 12:05
I' ll try to understand when I get home.....

Much saying ridden.... Just up on a horse for a picture, peeing my pants of scare. :)

Have you ever trimmed a sheep, or dog or other hairy animal?

5th July 2015, 12:15
:rotflmao:I am quite hairy. Does that count? Otherwise no.

Have you ever fed a baby animal that was not a pet. So a sheep, cow, whale etc..... :p

5th July 2015, 12:43
:rotflmao:I am quite hairy. Does that count?
depending on the hairy parts......:angel:

Have you ever fed a baby animal that was not a pet. So a sheep, cow, whale etc..... :p I think I threw some rests of food to some pigs.

Have you ever bathed an animal -pet or not?

5th July 2015, 13:09
No. Never had a pet of any kind, so sadly these animal questions are no good for me.

Will you watch the British Grand Prix today? ;)

5th July 2015, 13:23
I'd do if I had that tv programme. Jusr for stupid posts sake. :p
I,d probably end up in a fight getting unbearable insults.:s

Why didn't you go to Silverstone to watch it live?

5th July 2015, 13:48
Too big crowds generally at F1. I have been a few times. Plus its very expensive. I am going to the Silverstone classic later in the month.

What are you up to today?

5th July 2015, 14:14
Right now I'm in a mall looking for bargains. Nothing special otherwise... Wasting time on forum, fb, etc

Same q

5th July 2015, 14:35
Getting ready to watch the race. Wasting time on this forum, FB etc....

Will anyone else ever ask a question or is it just Steve & Gadjo now?

5th July 2015, 15:24
If the race is about to start I'm afraid it will be only gadjo :s

Who do you want to win the race?

5th July 2015, 16:41
Its finished so I am back. You should come over to the F1 and chat..... :D

I wanted Bottas or Massa in the Williams to win. I like Hamilton, but its too repetitive.

Have you been watching Wimbledon Tennis?

5th July 2015, 17:26
No. I've lost interest in tennis.
Simona lost from the first round anyway. :s

Would you like to drive a f1 car?

5th July 2015, 21:56
Oh yes. I reckon I would suck though......

If you could have been top level in any sport. Which would it have been?

5th July 2015, 22:26
Tennis. It was my dream as a kid to be a tennis player.
Now I don't love tennis as much but it brings a lot of money, has a large coverage in media and it's an opportunity to travel around the world.

Is it a sport whose rules you don't understand?

6th July 2015, 00:29
American Football. Dont get the details. The basic premise is fair enough.

Same Q?

6th July 2015, 00:54
Same american football. Also I can't follow the hockey matches although my brother tried hard to explain it.

What sport do you think it's silly to watch on TV?
Friendly advice for the person below: don't say then "same O". :devil:

6th July 2015, 01:31
If y'all can understand what I am rabbiting about, you are one clever gal. :D

See if you can work out this:

I went up the apple and pears to answer the dog and bone. It was all about some dosh I was owed, I think it was a Pony for cash. I shouted can you Adam and Eve it, I am owed some much money. In fact I shouted until the old Hobson's choice was sore. But it was the Mae West when I recieved my rock of ages. ;)
I went upstairs to answer the phone. It was about a sum of money I was owed, it was some 25 pounds. I shouted, can you believe it, I was owed more money and shouted until I had no choive

. But it was.......

6th July 2015, 08:12
^^ like I said earlier, I watched all sorts of stupid sports on tv, so perhaps I am not the best one to answer..
still, there are plenty of stupid sports in Olympics where you even get medals..that thing where people brush the surface or something so that the puck thing stops/moves - curling is it?

Or squash, it might be good as a game to play but it's silly on tv...oh wait, Chess !

What did you have for dinner last night?

6th July 2015, 08:39
I went upstairs to answer the phone. It was about a sum of money I was owed, it was some 25 pounds. I shouted, can you believe it, I was owed more money and shouted until I had no choive

. But it was.......

Bravo Gadjo...... pretty much spot on. You must know your cockney rhyming slang.

6th July 2015, 08:42
A right old mix. I had lots of bits and pieces that needed eating so, cooked them all. Sweetcorn on the cob, eggs, flat breads, veg.

Crazy meal.

Is there local slang in your area, that others can't easily understand?

6th July 2015, 23:33
I don't have a good understanding of the word "slang".
We have a few different speeches here, related to the geographic areas, but we can understand each other. Then there's an argotic language but it's spread allover the country.

What's the last fruit you've eaten?
(Another stupid question. Came to my mind because I'm eating some peaches. :laugh: )

7th July 2015, 08:43
Strawberries because I have been growing loads of them. So many.......

Will Greece leave the Euro?

7th July 2015, 09:07
Yes, 61% said so :p: (I'm guessing odykas too!)

Do you invest in the stock market or any other financial thingie?

7th July 2015, 09:33
No. Our economy is too fragile. :devil:
But since under the communists we all were owners, all of us were given a sum to be invested in stocks of different companies ( not very flourishing of course ). I was too lazy ( meant to say stupid) to think about companies so I chose an investment fund for my money. Unlike my coworkers who invested in companies I even took some dividends. Not much but enough for a few beers.:laugh:
I don't even know their value on stock market anymore.

Do you have saved money in a bank? ( take care, the next Q will be how much :laugh: )

7th July 2015, 11:24

I have saved some, but with my current "scene", that isn't much. Most of the money I saved was invested in some mutual funds (equity type) and now I think is the time to remove it while the stock markets here are on a high and put that in the bank or in a piece of land. But everything is such an flux at the moment that I am not planning too much into the future.

What's the biggest industry/source of jobs where you live - not in the country but the specific area.

7th July 2015, 13:12
Usually oil and gas, and dairy farming.

Are you looking for a new job?

7th July 2015, 13:40
I'd like to but nobody would hire me. :s
So I avoid the embarrassment.

Why don't you post more often on the forum as you used to do in the past?
( Q for everybody}

8th July 2015, 02:04
until I start my Business degree I am around computers a lot less than I was a couple of weeks ago at work, and I hate typing on my mobile (big hands and small keys :)) Should be back to normal in a couple of weeks when degree starts.

Are you good at not being busy, or are you easily bored?

8th July 2015, 10:04
I'm a difficult person. I get easily bored and dream of things less ordinary but when I'm busy I wish I could rest. It's like I don't know what I want.

Have you ever shaved your head?

8th July 2015, 12:54
In short ...yes. I usually keep it shorter than short, but occasionally it is absolutely shiny.

What is the biggest lie you will admit to?

9th July 2015, 10:07
I don't know. All life is a terrible lie ......
Sometimes things aren't how they seem to be, other times you should compromise to move on. It's horrible.....

Have you ever fainted?

10th July 2015, 12:18
Passed out fr over indulging when I was younger maybe

Have you ever woken up not being able to remember last night

10th July 2015, 14:55
No. I like a glass or two but I never get drunk to forget my actions. Maybe I should try though......

Do you tickle?

12th July 2015, 11:08
I am very ticklish and some people know it. :o

Will you be going out and about today?

12th July 2015, 16:04
Just my weekly visit to a mall.

What have you done last evening?

13th July 2015, 08:22
Not much. Trying to pacify a cranky child (who usually isn't this cranky!) and then just walking around a bit nearby. A nice cold beer followed by our version of scrambled eggs to end the day.

What did you have for dinner last night?

13th July 2015, 19:55
Filled mushrooms.

What is your flavour of ice cream?

14th July 2015, 08:08
Chocolate followed by fresh fruit flavours like orange, guava etc

Do you drink milk?

14th July 2015, 12:09
No. When forced by a diet, only UHT milk 1,5% fat. And I'll NEVER drink fresh milked from the cow.

Do you drink cocoa?

15th July 2015, 16:31

Have you ever milked a cow (or goat...)?

16th July 2015, 08:45
nope. I'm a city guy born and raised.

Would you like to live on a farm with animals etc?

16th July 2015, 10:50
nope. I'm a city girl born and raised.

Have you ever lived on a farm, even if for only a short period?

16th July 2015, 16:50
Sometimes I feel like my house is a farm :rolleyes:

When I was a kid, I did once stay on a small pig farm for a couple of weeks. Took me a couple more weeks of bathing to get rid of the stink :s (I did go home with some good sausages though :D ).

Do you/have you ever been on a hunt?

17th July 2015, 01:55
No. I hate hunting and the concept of killing animals. Happy to eat them though, so I guess I am some sort of hypocrite.

Do you eat much processed food?

17th July 2015, 08:40
Probably more than I should. Its quite hard to avoid it when on a budget.

Do you enjoy sailing or going on boats etc.....?

17th July 2015, 16:46
Dunno, never really tried sailing. Does a canoe count? :p:

Do you enjoy fishing?

17th July 2015, 17:17
Now I'm sorry that on the other thread I matched boring with Motorsport forums. Fishing would have been a perfect match. :p
So no.

Do you like to eat fish?

19th July 2015, 23:29
Love fish, as long as it is cooked, not hugely fond of shellfish though

Do you play, or would you like to play golf?

24th July 2015, 23:15
No and no. It's not popular here.

Do you give money to beggars?

25th July 2015, 00:40
No I dont.

I am in a motel room again near Silverstone circuit, ready for the Silverstone classic.

What are you up to this weekend?

25th July 2015, 01:05
I am in a motel room again near Silverstone circuit, ready for the Silverstone classic.

With the same Brazilian girl? :laugh:

What are you up to this weekend?
This weekend would be on fire as the forecast says we'll have 39 degrees. This evening I was out with some friends but the next days I don't intend to leave the house. Unfortunately the forum is not an alternative since everybody will talk only about Hungarian gp :s

Who was the last person you took a picture of?

25th July 2015, 08:41
My friend and business partner. When we had a much needed day out last week. Made a change to see each other while not working.

Have you ever seen inside a Beehive first hand?

25th July 2015, 09:19
Although I'm sure most of you consider me a wasp I'm afraid of bees and really can't stand them. So no.
( hope I got the meaning of the Q)

Are you allergic on something?
Or someone.....:devil:

25th July 2015, 12:44
Even though I am a gardener, I have hay fever.

Do you watch the TV news?

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25th July 2015, 13:25
The tv is always on a news channel but I'm hardly attentive. Maybe because our news are sh.it. But what can you expect from Absurdistan?

Will you follow tomorrow's f1 GP?

26th July 2015, 20:23
I completely missed the race (woke up after it ended from a late afternoon nap - err had too much food in a very fishy lunch today! 3 types of fish and prawns :facelick: )
I bet it was dead boring anyways.

Do you buy stuff online much?

26th July 2015, 21:16
Never buy online. I have to see and try on the things. I'm also scared to pay online. The best hackers in the world are from Absurdistan.

Do you wear jewelry?

I bet it was dead boring anyways
Believe it or not I saw a piece of the race.
Didn't understand much so it was boring indeed. :s

27th July 2015, 08:49
My presumption about the race turned out to be wrong it seems... what a shocker, the race had a different winner and none of the 2 usual suspects even finished on the podium :eek:

1st August 2015, 18:27
I wear a watch. Someone once bought me a ring when a teenager, but I never like to wear it.

Do you read anything while in the bath?

1st August 2015, 19:52
I only have showers so it would be difficult :laugh:
Still I read in the bathroom if you know what I mean. :devil:

Do you sing while in the bath?

3rd August 2015, 09:31
No not really. I only tend to sing in the car. When I hope no one can hear me. :p

Do you sing anywhere?

7th August 2015, 23:26
In the shower, in the house, sometimes at work to punish my coworkers.

Have you ever fallen in love with a coworker?

10th August 2015, 08:37
No one wants to answer then :p

10th August 2015, 09:26
End of the game!

(Unless some naughty forumer would dare to answer :p)

11th August 2015, 12:05
Have you ever fallen in love with a coworker?

End of the game!

(Unless some naughty forumer would dare to answer :p)

I did, and we ended up married. There is nothing naughty about that part of the story. :)

As a side note, there was complete chaos the day I walked in. My wife was sitting with one of her friends and told her friend she was going to marry me. And she was right.

11th August 2015, 12:19
Bet it happened when you were long haired. :p

BTW, you should ask a Q

12th August 2015, 11:31
That was a dodgy question unless you had the perfect answer ala airshifter.
new q?

13th August 2015, 01:04
Why? What's wrong in admitting you had a crush on a coworker? :confused:

(Don't think that airshifter is still interested in this game so consider this as the next Q )

13th August 2015, 06:44
Someone else might read these answers ;)

13th August 2015, 07:26
Someone else might read ALL the car*p we post here.:laugh:
I confess that when posting on this thread I tend to forget it's a public forum. We are about 4-5 who follow this thread, all of you are my friends and I trust you and my answers are really honest.
But I'm sure that apart from us nobody's interested in this. :laugh:
As for potential non-forums readers like family or friends, I reckon they already know these things about us.

Storm, you forgot to interview the person below. :p

13th August 2015, 16:11
Do you think spouses/partners secretly lurk on forums to keep track of you?

13th August 2015, 21:18
I don't know but I'd definitely do. I'm jealous as a turk. :p
Mrs. Storm doesn't spy you. If she saw a thread like the counting one you'd be in trouble despite posting only tools, trams, trains or Dacia cars.:laugh:

Would you spy your spouse/partner on a forum?

17th August 2015, 04:55
No. Trust is important. Just imagine the fall out when you get caught. (notice I said when and not if you got caught:))

Do you find it easy to forgive someone who has broken your trust?

17th August 2015, 08:36
Double post

17th August 2015, 08:38
Yeah. First moment I'm disappointed and sad and determined to stop talking to that person, then in time I tend to forget the incident and admit that nobody's perfect. All that remains is some bitter taste. I suppose I have no choice,I still need a social life. Sometimes these things happen with family or good friends, I get angry and stop tațking, then I miss them like hell. So my friend, remember that if you break my trust you'll be forgiven. :kiss:

Do you regret harsh words you told when you were angry?

17th August 2015, 08:41
Yeah. First moment I'm disappointed and sad and determined to stop talking to that person, then in time I tend to forget the incident and admit that nobody's perfect. All that remains is some bitter taste. I suppose I have no choice,I still need a social life. Sometimes these things happen with family or good friends, I get angry and stop tațking, then I miss them like hell. So my friend, emember that if you break my trust you'll be forgiven

Do you regret harsh words you told when you were angry?

17th August 2015, 08:50
Yes sometimes.I do have a bit of a temper (which cools quickly!) but I'm never two faced. so err often I tend to be too frank for people's tastes. In some cases I have regretted words that escaped my mouth in the heat of the moment.

What did you get up to over the weekend?

17th August 2015, 22:21
I found myself alone in an almost empty city that is boiling for weeks at 38°C.
I also found out there's not much to do with just one hand. Cried a bit.
Nothing else.

Is it easy for you to take decisions or do you think a lot before it?

18th August 2015, 08:47
I like to think of myself as a quick decision maker but inspite of that I tend to think over a lot on the smaller things...like the menu in a restaurant. While I bought the apartment I live in having looked at not more than 2 other flats!

Do you own a more than one house?

ps: now you know how it feels to be me...38 or 39 for a month in April/May and then no rain in June either :s This year sucks.

18th August 2015, 11:07

18th August 2015, 11:31
That's complicated......
Legally I own a one room flat in a communist-type block of flats. I inherited it from an aunt and never lived there, neither have any intention to ever live or rent it. However I pay its taxes and utilities. All my life I lived in an old house in central city, a fashionable and expensive area. It's funny that I pay for all taxes, utilities,repairs but legally I own nothing. One half is still my mother's who never had money to afford it. The other half was confiscated by the communists when they arrested my dad. I had a long and tiring battle in the court to get it back. I was the one who paid the lawyer, paid for a lot of stupid documents, wasted a lot of time, nerves and tears in this battle. But living in Absurdistan the result was that it was given to by brother who paid nothing, never provided a document and generally didn't care about it. He doesn't even live here although it's his residence in his ID. I'd probably inherit my mother's part and we'll have a 50-50 share.

How many rooms are in your home?

18th August 2015, 11:40
ps: now you know how it feels to be me...38 or 39 for a month in April/May and then no rain in June either :s This year sucks.

A storm might hit the city today.
If it's you I'll pay the beers. :laugh:

18th August 2015, 23:58
Around 8............ :p

If you could do one thing tomorrow that would be free and make you happy. What would it be?

19th August 2015, 06:45
A storm might hit the city today.
If it's you I'll pay the beers. :laugh:

you never know!
Though I will be chivalrous and offer to pay when we meet ...:p maybe not!

8 what? 8 rooms? Hello, Steve Aki Esq. :D

oops, answer the Q, maybe fly somewhere far off where I can get some free beers too :laugh:
Did you ever win any "free" gift/object ?

19th August 2015, 08:52
8 what? 8 rooms? Hello, Steve Aki Esq. :D
I'm sure he did a D-Type and answered a previous Q. The one about the houses he owns. :laugh:

Did you ever win any "free" gift/object ?
Lol.. I remember the times when some guy knocked at our doors and said you're the winner of our special contest and you won for free some electric appliance. Then he said it's not enough and continued to offer things from a bag - about 8 products. After the "victim" nearly fainted he was like it's for free but you have to pay the import fees and asked for a considerable sum.:laugh:
It happened to me to be "chosen'' by such a guy, my mum was so excited....even offered some wine to the crook, then when he asked for money I showed him off.:p
So freebies.....I don't know......My cell phone is offered for free as part of the season ticket. I bought an expensive perfume and was offered a douche gel forfree, I won a free CD when I answered at a radio contest.....

When you're shopping do you buy things that you don't strictly need only because they're on a promotion?

19th August 2015, 09:29
Sorry it was 8 full estates actually with big mansions on each one. ;)

Oh yes sometimes. If you see a special promotion on something that looks really cheap you simply have to buy it.

Do you use a shopping list? or do you go to the shop and just buy what you see?

19th August 2015, 09:46
Something between. The shopping list is on my mind, I leave home thinking I should buy this and this. But every time I forget something.

Do you do your shopping in the nearest shop or do you go farther cos it's cheaper?

19th August 2015, 09:58
Something between. The shopping list is on my mind, I leave home thinking I should buy this and this. But every time I forget something.

Do you do your shopping in the nearest shop or do you go farther where it's cheaper?

19th August 2015, 18:41
Used to go away for groceries and bring back tonnes of stuff which would last a few weeks or more (apart from fresh veggies which we always bought right next to our house).
These days I have given that up due to the traffic/parking issue and maddening crowds and queues in such hypermarkets , so now I only order groceries (including perishables) online. Same/next day delivered at home where you can even pay cash.

Money no object (lets say you are very well off but not exactly a millionaire) what would your garage look like?

20th August 2015, 00:43
For fine weather a Golf GTI convertible
For normal weather a Jaguar XK8
For snow and bad weather a Range Rover
For everyday use , eg doing the shopping, a Smart
A good workbench and good set of tools

In your tool kit do you have any favourite tool, ie one that you enjoy using?

20th August 2015, 01:59
The biggest hammer I own, hammers will fix anything!

Is your kitchen full of appliances, or is it more traditional?

20th August 2015, 08:13
Just usual set of appliances, microwave and stuff, so I guess its fairly modern yet traditional in a sense..still have a mortar & pestle for all the good stuff in spite of the blender!

What dish do you like to cook or cook the best?

20th August 2015, 12:28
The biggest hammer I own




Anfield, you really.....

20th August 2015, 12:51
What dish do you like to cook or cook the best?

Should I answer this? :s
Nothing! I hate to cook and I'm the worst chef.
Sometimes I cook oriental salad ( that's what I cooked today) or boeuf salad ( although I don't have the patience to cut the vegetables and buy the mayonnese from the store ), or cook filled mushrooms or pork steak baked in the oven, or some pasta.
That was a depressing question......

What food do you like best? Cooked at home or cooked in a restaurant?

21st August 2015, 01:42
Cooked at home - but only if I don't have to cook it

Do you normally have a dessert with your dinner?

21st August 2015, 06:51
Should I answer this? :s

Nope :|

22nd August 2015, 22:06
I love dessert. Cake, ice cream or fruit. All nice....

Do you suffer with spots alot? :D

22nd August 2015, 22:26
No. Never had such problem.

Do you have a dandruff problem? :p

22nd August 2015, 22:33
No cant say I do. However I do suffer spots. :confused:

I think Its sweat from working outside in the heat all day.....

There is a big music festival here in my home City today. V festival. However I am not there. My question is, if there was a big music festival near you would you go?

22nd August 2015, 23:00
Matter of fact tomorrow is starting George Enescu Festival ( simphonic music) on locations that are 10 min. from my home. There are even concerts in the open air for free. In the past I used to attend but now you know I can't go.

Do you like to swim when the waves are high?

22nd August 2015, 23:17
I used too. I still would if I ever got to the coast.

Do you ever get to the coast. When was the last time?

22nd August 2015, 23:25
2 years ago. But always dreaming of going again.

Do you like to solve Sudoku games?

22nd August 2015, 23:40
Never really played them. Not much time now.

Do you believe romantic stories should come true?

22nd August 2015, 23:56
Ha, ha.... I know they're true only on my mind but it'snice to dream. At least until life takes care to offer some cold showers to make me see the real thing. :devil:

Do you ever dream with eyes open?

23rd August 2015, 00:02
I assume you mean what we here call day dreaming. Yes I do. I find myself thinking about what might be or could be. Its natural and nice.

Same Q?

23rd August 2015, 00:27
Most of the time. But my dreams are more related to the present. It's my way to deny the ugly facts that I have to deal with.

Are you afraid that people might think you're crazy?

23rd August 2015, 00:34
Yes. Sometimes. I have some elements of my life which people might see as strange. I do think people will think me strange or crazy in some ways.

Do you care what others think of you?

23rd August 2015, 08:44
Usually no. Of course when younger, like everybody else it was very important to do things that were appreciated by others rather than just for myself. Now at this point in life I do not really give a damn about what anybody thinks about me apart from a very few close friends. (but then they don't judge me like my family or some other so called friends tend to)

Last music concert you been to?

23rd August 2015, 14:44
I saw Status Quo at Silverstone a few weeks ago. Maybe that counts.

Its started to rain here. When it rains do you use an Umbrella, hat or rain coat?

23rd August 2015, 21:30
Never wear hats. In the cold season I have some coats with hood but not exactly rain coats.
When I have no choice I use an umbrella and I hate it. It's annoying to walk with it in the crowded places not to mention that the wind breaks them all the time.

Do you wear sunglasses?

23rd August 2015, 22:01
No. I really should, because being outside all day in the bright sun cannot be good for my eyes.

What have you done today?

23rd August 2015, 22:02
Sex :p :devil:

Same q

23rd August 2015, 22:07
Who should be so lucky! :shock: :blackeye:

Taken my 88 year old mother-in-law to choose and buy a new fridge freezer. (She lives on her own and can't get out - and both fridge and freezer have died of old age)

Do you believe euthanasia should be legalised?

23rd August 2015, 22:22
I still can't answer this. I take care of my old mum who's immobilised in bed for 20 months and is totally dependent of me. I'm on the edge of a breakdown and I'm aware that the situation would last but still I can't accept the idea of her death "by request".

Do you like to eat pizza?

24th August 2015, 00:35
Yes. I enjoy Pizza alot. Probably should not eat as much of it really.

Do you believe people should be allowed to choose how and when they die regardless of situation or should it only be on a Doctors agreement? (Similar question to above)

24th August 2015, 06:29
I think it should be upto the person if they want to live or not.

Have you donated/do you want to donate your organs? (eyes or anything else)

24th August 2015, 10:37
I am a registered organ donor. I see know reason not to be. Once I die, if someone can live by using something of mine they need, then thats great IMO

Do you think you should have to opt in for organ donation or opt out?

24th August 2015, 11:03
I think it should be upto the person if they want to live or not.
If so, today you wouldn't have the chance to speak to yours truly.

Have you donated/do you want to donate your organs? (eyes or anything else)
Steve, I think the q is about donating while you're alive.

Back to S's q:

( trying to figure out how's to live with Steve's big heart :p)

If you have enough money for the rest of your life would you like to quit work ?

24th August 2015, 11:25
Up until 8 months ago i would have said yes, but now I might like to keep working a little bit. However I would cut down.

Have you ever been on a boat? If so what type?

24th August 2015, 12:14
Those you may find on the lakes in parks. :laugh:
Still have a laugh with my best friend remainding we were 12-13 y.o. and hired little boats in Cismigiu park although we didn't know to row. I think they were irresponsible to let us. So was my friend's mum who lent us her ID for this.
Also went on ancient steaming boats that cross the lakes.
BTW, my coworker still teases me about cruising.....:p

Have you ever ridden a motor bike?

24th August 2015, 12:38
Steve, I think the q is about donating while you're alive.

nope, it was about donating post mortem...I definitely want to donate my whole body (if anyone wants it) :p:

24th August 2015, 12:48
nope, it was about donating post mortem...I definitely want to donate my whole body (if anyone wants it) :p:
Sorry, I was confused by that "have you ever.....". For a moment I forgot that some of us are only spirits.:)

24th August 2015, 14:10
Never ridden a motor cycle. Cant say I am keen to either.

Have you ever ridden in a super car?

24th August 2015, 14:34
My personal best is a Maserati, if this may count. I wasn't driving though.....

Have you ever jumped in a pool from a platform?

24th August 2015, 14:38
Yes but never the highest one.

Do you ever go to the swimming pool?

24th August 2015, 15:33
Only if I'm on holiday away from my hometown.

Do you like to eat kebap?