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2nd April 2015, 03:36
Yes, though it usually takes me the first act to get into the feel of the language. It's as good as many more modern plays. We have season tickets at Center Stage which is a theater in Baltimore. It's always fun to go, especially if they are doing something new.

Do you prefer your music live or on a recorded medium?

2nd April 2015, 04:25
Since most of my fav music is from the 60's-80's it is hard to see live, and I can't stand acts from the 60's stc that are still touring. So I would have to say mostly recorded.

This will make me sound intolerant of modern crap but.... Do bands that release cover versions of other peoples decent music getup your nose and irritate the hell out of you?

2nd April 2015, 05:36
It depends on how well its done. Most aren't done well. I've pretty much moved away from "popular" music anyhow. Picked up three new CDs this week (which I'm sure most won't like) - Silk Road's 'A Playlist Without Borders', Brooklyn Rider's 'A Walking Fire' and Lindsey Sterling's self titled album.

What was the last book you really enjoyed reading?

3rd April 2015, 09:55
Oh, come on......
I waited in vain that somebody will answer this because I'd look like a fool mentioning for the third time Maimuta carpatina ( The Carpathian Monkey ) by Radu Paraschivescu. Well, sad but true, I don't read anymore.
This book is in fact a collection of texts that RP published in newspapers/magazines. And of course it's about my country and life here after 25 years of transition. RP has a refined humour, I like his style and his vision on romanian society matches my own thoughts. Loved to read it.

What was the last movie you really enjoyed watching?

3rd April 2015, 11:53
I am going to look stupid now. I really don't watch any film. Have not been to the cinema for years and even at home never watch films. I guess I enjoyed Rush even though it had its issues.

I only watched that cause of the subject.

Otherwise I never care to watch films.

What happens in your country on Good Friday? If anything.

3rd April 2015, 12:46
I am going to look stupid now. I really don't watch any film. Have not been to the cinema for years and even at home never watch films. I guess I enjoyed Rush even though it had its issues.

I only watched that cause of the subject.

Otherwise I never care to watch films. .

But Steve....Last weekend you were going to Book a Rest to watch a soft porn movie......:confused:

What happens in your country on Good Friday? If anything.

There are a few traditions church related. It's supposed that Jesus was crucified and people go to the church with flowers and then they are passing 3 trimes under a table with a candle in their hands and then kiss a cross of crucified Jesus. in the evening there is a surmon for Jesus burial called " Prohod" followed by a sort of procession. It's like burying Jesus and the procession goes round the church with candles.
As a kid I followed these, esp. passing under the table was great fun. Now I don't have time for this ( not to mention that at my age and bones troubles i risk to remain blocked under the table :p ). When my mother was still OK we used to take part to the procession round the church but now I'm not comfortable to do it alone.

What happens in your country on the Ressurection night?
( in my country that's the best part ).

3rd April 2015, 14:41
But Steve....Last weekend you were going to Book a Rest to watch a soft porn movie......:confused:

I missed it as I called round to your place to visit. However you were not there but at the soft porn movie. :(

3rd April 2015, 17:03
I missed it as I called round to your place to visit. However you were not there but at the soft porn movie. :(
Liar! :angryfire:

7th April 2015, 04:19
But Steve....Last weekend you were going to Book a Rest to watch a soft porn movie......:confused:

There are a few traditions church related. It's supposed that Jesus was crucified and people go to the church with flowers and then they are passing 3 trimes under a table with a candle in their hands and then kiss a cross of crucified Jesus. in the evening there is a surmon for Jesus burial called " Prohod" followed by a sort of procession. It's like burying Jesus and the procession goes round the church with candles.
As a kid I followed these, esp. passing under the table was great fun. Now I don't have time for this ( not to mention that at my age and bones troubles i risk to remain blocked under the table :p ). When my mother was still OK we used to take part to the procession round the church but now I'm not comfortable to do it alone.

What happens in your country on the Ressurection night?
( in my country that's the best part ).

No disrespect to anyone, but since I am the worlds most unreligious person, my answer would be ??????. Easter was for me simply 4 days off work. I have the utmost respect for people who believe in any religion, but it is not for me.

Back at work now - how was Easter break for you?

7th April 2015, 06:52
I hadn't one. I'm orthodox and we celebrate Easter on next Sunday. But we don't have a proper holiday, only Monday will be a day off.

I had a good q and I forgot it since nobody posted here for days. :angryfire:
Does it happen to you to be alone and to talk loudly to yourself?

7th April 2015, 08:55
Yes. I do that quite a lot, but I am a Crazy, El Loco smiley person :p
I actually think everyone talks to themselves sometimes even if they say they dont.

What does this week hold? Anything different than the norm.

7th April 2015, 11:40
This week I'm probably gonna shoot my fuc*ing brains. I can't go on like this with my fuc*ing work. I simply can't and I don't wanna. And I don't care if any of you would have a problem with my fuc*in' sad posts. Don't any of you dare to send me a fuc*ing PM cos I don't wanna listern to nice words. Next week I'll be probably OK.

Have you ever felt you've got too much?

7th April 2015, 15:16
Too much what? I never feel that way (at least so far). No matter how bad things are, it will pass. I've also been in jobs where it seemed like the worst place to be. I solved the problem either by changing where I work or changing the situation around me. Life's too short to put up an excess of crap.

What are the reasons you've left a couple of jobs (assuming you've had more than one or two)?

7th April 2015, 17:01
Once for a better job (in terms of prospects at least) and the last one because I had enough of the bullshit and wanted to study something. Looks like it has not been the best decision :s

Do you ever get mosquitoes where you live?
Seems like the rest of the world is mosquito free and we aren't. Anyone who can eradicate them should get the Nobel prize

7th April 2015, 17:16
There's a joke around here that one of them landed at an Air Force base and the ground crew put 500 gallons of fuel in it before they realized what it was. So yes we do have lots in the summer.

Your choice, beer or wine?

Rudy Tamasz
7th April 2015, 17:41
Beer, absolutely. My reference point is a strong Belgian ale, like Leffe or Chimay. These are not widely available in my corner, though. When I went to a pub to watch the last race of the F1 2014 season, the bartender pissed me off by saying: "We don't have strong beer. We only have good beer."

Do you have a story to tell about a rude bartender/waiter?

7th April 2015, 18:33
How about the time I had to buy James Hunt a beer at the hotel bar in Trois-Rivieres when the French Canadian bartender refused to serve him because of his Brit accent? He didn't actually refuse to serve, just ignored him as though he wasn't there.

Where's your next vacation going to be?

7th April 2015, 23:16
That would require forward planning - I don't do forward planning :) Would love to go to Socotra Island one day. It is quite possibly the strangest place on Earth.

In the middle of our first real Autumnal storm right now, driving rain, gale force winds etc. Do you like storms?

7th April 2015, 23:27
Yes. I'm sure Storm has a great family..

Have you ever shaved your head?

8th April 2015, 00:16
Yes. Once as a forfeit for a bet. Liverpool lost the Champions LEague final to Milan. I dyed my hair bright red for the game, and had to shave it all off when we lost.

What is the weirdest hair do you have had?

8th April 2015, 14:16
Yes. Once as a forfeit for a bet. Liverpool lost the Champions LEague final to Milan. I dyed my hair bright red for the game, and had to shave it all off when we lost.

What is the weirdest hair do you have had?

I guess that depends on what you call weird. I've never had any hair colors, crazy spikes, or anything that would really be considered weird in the sense of a mans hair. I've had from no hair at all (closest clippers could trim) in boot camp, to hair almost half way down my back.

I guess the closest I've had was during military boot camp where at the end they let us grow a "high and tight" with a little hair on the top of our head.

Do you spend time on your hair or keep it a low maintenance style?

Rudy Tamasz
8th April 2015, 17:44
These days I trim hair short because it keeps getting worse. That qualifies as low maintenance, I think, but then when I was 17 and wanted to look like hair metal stars, it was low maintenance, too. I did not bother washing it too often and my hair must have looked pretty ugly. My driving instructor thought I could not see the road because of my hair. :D

Have you ever dreamed of becoming a rock star?

8th April 2015, 19:33
I really am a rock star. When I'm in the shower. :laugh:

What's the most exciting thing in a rock star's life?

PS. Rudy, welcome to our little group of curious people. :wave:

Rudy Tamasz
8th April 2015, 20:51
I really am a rock star. When I'm in the shower. :laugh:

What's the most exciting thing in a rock star's life?

PS. Rudy, welcome to our little group of curious people. :wave:

I think it's being sexy, and when you are in shower, you are sexy, aren't you?

It's about time for me to go bed before I say some more silly things. How many hours of sleep a day are enough for you?

8th April 2015, 22:57
A day? - my boss frowns on me sleeping during the day. But 6-7 per night is usually all I need

Do you remember your dreams?

8th April 2015, 23:30
I'm usually too tired to dream. When I do I remember only if it was something impressive. Last week I had a terrible one.

What's your fav position while sleeping?

9th April 2015, 03:49
On my right side. My favorite position before sleeping I can't post here. :eek: :p

Are you right handed or left handed? If right, did you ever want to be a lefty?

9th April 2015, 07:42
On my right side. My favorite position before sleeping I can't post here. :eek: :p

Why not? There's not one more shameful than another.....:confused:

I'm right handed. But I act as if I had two left hands.

What's the colour you'll never wear?

9th April 2015, 09:50
Pink (or something fluorescent like lime green). well I have worn a pinkish shirt but that was a gift....and it was pin stripes on white anyway :p:

same question?

9th April 2015, 13:26
. well I have worn a pinkish shirt but that was a gift....and it was pin stripes on white anyway :p:

:eek: was it at a gay parade? :confused:

same question?

Don't have one. Any colour becomes me. :laugh:

Do you use to edit your pictures in photoshop?

13th April 2015, 04:46
No I am photogenic, so I never need to improve things :D

Are people too concerned with looks, rather than substance?

13th April 2015, 07:38
I think so. Most of the people posting selfies day in and day out..there isn't a "natural" photo to be found thesedays...

Do you have any survival skills, i.e if you were ever to get lost out hiking/camping, would you manage to survive a few days?

13th April 2015, 09:16
Compared to the average person I probably have stronger survival skills. I learned the basics from time with my father hunting/camping, and did some more advanced survival training in the military. Having said that, I'd enjoy some hard core survival training, just for the fun of it. Every environment is different. And I'll also say that the mental strain of being hungry in that situation is huge compared to being ill or just choosing not to eat, such as those that fast. Go a few days in the wild without food other than what you gather yourself, and the whole game changes quickly. Including what seems enjoyable in your diet!

Have you ever encountered dangerous animals up close when in the wild?

13th April 2015, 17:07
yes, I wrote about it on this thread a while back about an elephant (mock) charging our jeep on a safari in Jim Corbett NP here. so I'll let someone else answer this again.

btw when I posted the Q about survival skills I actually did think that perhaps the one person who would say yes to this is you with your military background :)

13th April 2015, 21:20

Have you ever encountered dangerous animals up close when in the wild?

Not really "close up". I have encountered, from a distance, both black bears and moose (the latter are, statistically, the most dangerous animal in Canada).

What do you think of animals performing in a circus?

13th April 2015, 23:01
Absolutely love it... no... what is the opposite of love...HATE, I absolutely hate it. It should be banned worldwide. I believe we have a responsibility to the rest of the animal kingdom, to nurture and protect, not to exploit.

If you could come back as any animal, what would it be and why?

13th April 2015, 23:50
A kitty kitten. :heart:
They're beautiful, funny, lazy, sleep a lot and generally manage to find a shelter and an owner to love them.

What is your fav bird?

14th April 2015, 00:03
Jessica Alba. or if you mean the feathered variety Jesica Alba in an feather boa.

I love raptors, fav is the Osprey, but love Peregrine Falcons, Bald Eagles etc as well.

I recorded the Beverly Hillbillies theme, played on my banjo, and use it as my cellphone ringtone. Is this weird?

14th April 2015, 03:10
Not at all.

What's your fav food on barbecue?

14th April 2015, 03:53
baked beans :D. Not a huge bbq fan, meat tends to get tough, I'd rather cook in the kitchen and eat alfresco.

What is your fav everyday chore around the house?

14th April 2015, 06:52
Don't have one. And I hate them all. :p

Who was your fav teacher?

14th April 2015, 09:24
My Drama/Theatre teacher. I used to enjoy the subject at school. Maybe in line with the fact that the subject was less "sitting at desks", she was very laid back and supportive.

What was your favourite lesson/subject at school?

14th April 2015, 09:53
I was passionate about the ancient history when I was in the 5th grade. I enjoyed all the lessons.

What were the dullest school hours you had to attend?

16th April 2015, 01:01
We would sometimes have exams when we had to sit silent for 3 hours. Even if you finished after 1 hour. That was dull.

Are you interested in space exploration and things being discovered at the moment?

16th April 2015, 01:11
I'm always interested in those things. It's a shame the US, among others, let space exploration dry up toward the end of the '80s. We should have had permanent bases on the moon, Mars and some of the moons of Jupiter & Saturn by now.

What will be the next breakthrough in commonly available energy? Solar, fusion, or ?

16th April 2015, 08:30
Fusion (cold fusion) has been the holy grail of cheap energy, I think it might be the next big thing (we have all the raw material we want in the sea water)

What's the highest altitude you have been to? (Not in a plane!)

16th April 2015, 08:58
About 2300 m in Bucegi Mountains.

What's the most expensive thing you've ever offered as a gift?

16th April 2015, 23:04
my heart (awww :)) - don't get to sick about this, as it was returned with a rusty dagger in it.

What's the most expensive thing you have ever received as a gift

16th April 2015, 23:22
Well, I don't know if it can be classed as gift. I had an aunt who hadn't children and when she died she left me her home - in fact a one room flat in a communist-type block of flats. Otherwise I haven't received too many gifts. :s

What games did you like to play when you were a kid?

17th April 2015, 03:36
All of the usual ones I guess. Can't really remember back that far, old age must be slowly creeping up.

Do you keep in in touch with your childhood friends?

17th April 2015, 06:48
Some of them left the neighbourhood or the country when we were still kids and we lost touch. But my best friend from childhood is still one of my friends, my first friend ever lived a few houses from me until she died of a terrible disease, a girl who played with me works in the same place with me.

Have you ever attended a class reunion?

17th April 2015, 11:23
Yes, pretty boring it was...I prefer meeting the classmates I want to meet over a drink instead. (I still keep in touch with a fair few but only 2 of those live in our city thesedays)

Do you like huge parties with plenty of people or prefer small groups having a dinner or drink together?

17th April 2015, 11:33
I hate huge parties, esp. wedding parties where people come from obligation ( they were to our son's wedding so we have to attend their son's ). Only a few would really like to be there but they have to go. I also hate the organised things like let's reserve a table and meet on a certain date. I like spontanous things like leaving work and going to a pub with colleagues or talking on the phone with a friend and suddenly decide to go out for a coffee or a drink.

Same Q.

Rudy Tamasz
17th April 2015, 12:56
Same answer. I can literally repeat it word for word. :)

Do you ever feel like you need to stay all my yourself with a cup of tea in your hand a book or something just to recharge your batteries?

17th April 2015, 13:39
Same answer. I can literally repeat it word for word
Great. Maybe one day after a nice talk on the forum we'll go out for a drink when we leave work. :laugh:

Matter of fact all I really want is to stay by myself somewhere far away from home or working place and just forget all the troubles and don”t talk to any people who may remember that. Preferably somewhere near the sea. And honestly, I”d like a beer instead of tea.....

Can you work în a noisy environment?

Rudy Tamasz
17th April 2015, 19:14
There's nothing like a good Irish whisky when you are tired. But recently I started rediscovering bourbons.

Noise is no problem for me. Where I am now, there's a constant sound of flying helicopters and sometimes sirens are wailing. Still, I am working alright. I would prefer Sirens to be singing, though.

Does music mean a lot to you?

17th April 2015, 21:57
To understand how much imagine that my brother was always forbidden to watch f1 races because I wanted to watch MTV all day long. Poor thing was begging to be allowed to watch at least the start of the race. He never did. :p
But gone are the days when I knew the charts of every country. I kinda lost interest as I lost interest in anything.

Do you have a leather jacket?

17th April 2015, 22:18
No. I barely have a proper jacket. :(

Can I join Gadjo & Rudy for a drink. I also hate huge parties and also could agree with your answer word for word.

Have you got a nice hat?

17th April 2015, 22:35
Can I join Gadjo & Rudy for a drink. I also hate huge parties and also could agree with your answer word for word.

Only if you'll drink an alcoholic drink. :p

No. Because I never wear hats. :p

Do you wear boots?

19th April 2015, 16:17
Do you wear boots?

Not in quite some time, and only when the work environment required it or suited it.

In whatever setting you would see as "perfect" would you rather watch the sun rise, or watch the sun set?

Rudy Tamasz
19th April 2015, 18:49
I'm a sunset man, through and through. I love the colors of the evening sky, I feel the ambient, I am in the right mood.

Do you like watching the stars?

19th April 2015, 19:06
Don't have time for this and it's difficult to watch the stars from the middle of a big city ( ironically the national observatory is 2 minutes from my home ). But I like to watch the moon from my bed during hot summer nights.
I also watch the stars whenever I go in the country to my cousin's holiday house. We spend hours looking for UFOs.

Do you have a romantic nature?

19th April 2015, 20:39
Rise, that way I'd know a really good day was in the offing.

If you could have been anywhere in the world this weekend would you have picked Bahrain (this is an auto racing board) or somewhere else?

19th April 2015, 21:14
Starter, you did a D-type. :laugh:

20th April 2015, 06:20
Starter, you did a D-type. :laugh:
Does that mean I have to buy the beer or he has to buy the beer?

20th April 2015, 06:56
Both of you have to buy beer and to give it to me. :beer: :p

20th April 2015, 08:13
me too :D

20th April 2015, 08:58
Storm and Gadjo can share mine :p

20th April 2015, 09:00
Answering Gadjo's question.

I would like to think so. Probably some people would disagree.

Have you ever said something, that you instantly wish you could take back?

20th April 2015, 09:00
Thanx. :kiss:
( that's the reply for Steve's beer ):p

20th April 2015, 09:07
Have you ever said something, that you instantly wish you could take back?

Most of the times. I use to talk nonsense and I have a bad mouth. Thanks God that on the forum there's an edit button and a certain moderator who takes care.

Let's not lose Starter's Q: If you could have been anywhere in the world this weekend would you have picked Bahrain (this is an auto racing board) or somewhere else?

20th April 2015, 10:08
I would have picked a place where there is still snow or at least cold weather.....39C on Sunday here and we might hit 40 this week :( (that's 100+ for you Americans :p: )

When was the last you cooked a proper meal?

20th April 2015, 10:37
Well, I hardly can call my cooking "proper meal". But my latest release was pork with potatoes baked in the owen. I don't know how to translate it in english. it's considered an easy to cook dish. I cooked it for the first time in my life ( !!!!!!!!!!!! Ok, I know I'm weird...) about a week ago for Easter. And this is what it looked like. I imortalised it for the posterity. :laugh:
Please don't laugh.

When was the last time you got drunk?

20th April 2015, 19:20
I can't remember ;)

(Must have been too drunk)

Same Question?

20th April 2015, 20:41
I could have sworn it would be you to answer this......:p

I can't remember. ( because I NEVER get drunk, I know when I have to stop ;) )
Probably that day when I drank beer in my school uniform. :laugh:

What was your fav fairy tale when you were a kid?

22nd April 2015, 14:56
I could have sworn it would be you to answer this......:p

I can't remember. ( because I NEVER get drunk, I know when I have to stop ;) )
Probably that day when I drank beer in my school uniform. :laugh:

What was your fav fairy tale when you were a kid?

As strange as it seems, I can't remember hearing or reading them when I was a kid. I know my mother read to us, as I remember some Dr Suess and other stuff. I do often wonder though how some of these fairy tales become the ones we heard, or now teach to our kids. I was reading Jack and the Beanstalk to my daughter when she was little, and after the fact thought it's really not a good tale for kids. Broken down, he uses the magic bean to rob and murder someone. How did that become a book we want to read to kids?

Since I had no answer, I'm not posting a question, but providing a thread bump!

22nd April 2015, 18:02
I've noticed that all of you avoid my Q.
It's probably hard for a guy to admit he ever liked fairy tales. :s

23rd April 2015, 07:29
gadjo, like airshifter, I vaguely remember reading or being told those stories...but to be honest I did not like them much then and do not like them now. So my 2 yr old watches Grp B rally cars or a recording of BB King/Clapton instead of hearing fairy tales from me.

Do you often feel that endings of books/movies and especially tv shows throws away all the build up of the main body of work? I find that the end could have been done better and somehow drags that work downwards.

23rd April 2015, 10:05
Shall I risk to answer this? I took my share of cold showers either on fórum from mr.K or on work where I ended by adopting a silentio stampa attitude.....Once I read that în USA movies should end such as the audience wanted. A bad end would mean a low box office. And if I think twice rare are the american movies that end bad. Maybe that's the key to my lack of interest în them. Now to be honest I don`t care if a book or movie ends well or not, the important thing is that the end of them isn`t previsible. And if I also think of all the movies I saw lately( sadly, I don`t read anymore ), most of them ended unclear letting the audience to think whatever they want.
As probably you`ve noticed, I used to be a fan of TV series. In this particular case I`ve noticed that all start promising, with a very detailed action, but then ends abrubtly and disappoining as if produceres lack money, ideas or interest.

What is the book/movie that you wanted to have a different ending?

23rd April 2015, 10:58
Many actually, I can't name just one right away but for some plot based stuff often the explanation falls flat at the end while the build up is nice and intense. Like you I often dislike the all too happy endings of Hollywood movies (lets not even talk abt Bollywood!). An ambivalent or sometimes even a tragic ending makes that story even better. Different from the herd at least.

23rd April 2015, 11:22

23rd April 2015, 11:51

23rd April 2015, 11:55
For God`s sake. This thread is Interview the Person below you.


23rd April 2015, 15:42
that wasn't really an answer, more of an explanation..on the last page I mean...
ok, what's your favourite street food?

23rd April 2015, 15:53
I`m too shy to eat on the street. Besides, street food is not too popular here. The single thing I eat while walking is pretzels. But generally I buy them and eat at work or at home.

Do you eat ice cream cones on the street?

23rd April 2015, 23:15
I have done in the past. Not for while. Cannot remember the last ice cream I had......

What is your favourite song or piece of music?

24th April 2015, 05:56
There are way, way, way too many that I really like to name just one. From classical just about anything from Mozart; jazz would be Dave Brubeck's 'Take Five'; rock is It's A Beautiful Day's 'White Bird'; folk is probably Ian & Sylvia's 'Four Strong Winds'; bluegrass can only be almost anything from Norman Blake; electronic is, again, anything from Tangerine Dream; world music is Baka Beyond's "Spirit of the Forest' or maybe Silk Road Ensemble's 'Play List Without Borders' and I left out country, pop and show tunes as none of them do much for me. There are many, many more and if I had time to go through all the music I have the preceding list would probably change several times over.

If you could be really, really good at one thing what would it be?

24th April 2015, 07:57
Do you eat ice cream cones on the street?
I am actually wondering who eats cones at home or indoors? Here we always eat it outside!

24th April 2015, 08:40
I am actually wondering who eats cones at home or indoors? Here we always eat it outside!
You may eat one indoors at MacDonald`s.

Rudy Tamasz
24th April 2015, 12:00
There are way, way, way too many that I really like to name just one. From classical just about anything from Mozart; jazz would be Dave Brubeck's 'Take Five'; rock is It's A Beautiful Day's 'White Bird'; folk is probably Ian & Sylvia's 'Four Strong Winds'; bluegrass can only be almost anything from Norman Blake; electronic is, again, anything from Tangerine Dream; world music is Baka Beyond's "Spirit of the Forest' or maybe Silk Road Ensemble's 'Play List Without Borders' and I left out country, pop and show tunes as none of them do much for me. There are many, many more and if I had time to go through all the music I have the preceding list would probably change several times over.

If you could be really, really good at one thing what would it be?

Being a generalist, which means being quite good at a number of things. :)

24th April 2015, 12:10
Why everybody answer but forget to ask questions?

Rudy Tamasz
24th April 2015, 12:26
Oh yeah, and the question.

What would you do if you have spare time and nothing to do?

24th April 2015, 13:41
I'll do nothing. :crazy:
( In fact that's what I dream of ).

Do you consider yourself an active person?

24th April 2015, 15:16
No. Although I enjoy all sports and am still very involved in racing, I also like to sit in a chair and read a good book.

You have to go to the store, which is two miles away, and you have plenty of time - your choice: walk, bicycle, or drive?

Rudy Tamasz
24th April 2015, 19:50
Depends on the landscape. If I like it, I'll walk. If it's average, I'll ride.

What are the brands you like/dislike the most? Anything goes, cars, clothing, hotel chains.

25th April 2015, 17:51
I honestly can't answer this. I don't love or hate brands......I don't even care too much of brands. Of course, the snobbish side of me would like to have things from famous brands but most of the time I can't afford it. So just like the fox that couldn't reach the grapes and said they're sour, I consolate myself with no name things that practically look or do the same.

Do you like to eat in a restaurant or prefer a quiet meal at home?

26th April 2015, 10:56
I like eating out. But thesedays I can cook most of those things better at home so I really dislike all the restaurants here for their stupid prices and bad service!

Do you like eating outdoors? (in the garden/patio if you have one at home or outdoor seating in restaurants)

26th April 2015, 11:18
I have a nice terrace over the garage. I keep saying that on weekends or holidays I'll drink the morning coffee on the terrace but then I always prefer the warmth of the bed. :laugh:
When it comes to restaurants/pubs I always prefer the outdoors. Matter of fact I hardly go out to a pub on cold season. But on summer it's different and I'm lucky to live in a fashionable area full of cafes or pubs. The only problem is that friends are generally too busy to go out. That's why I can't wait the day you and Steve will come here for a drink. :laugh:

Do you like to meet friends at your/their home or prefer to meet somewhere out?

26th April 2015, 11:50
Got to meet somewhere out. Meeting at your own place, means you worry about what it looks like and meeting at their place leads me to feel uncomfortable sometimes.

So best to meet somewhere for a nice day/evening out.

Do you go out for meals with friends much?

27th April 2015, 07:52
Not really, not many close friends live in the area anymore...only when somebody visits we usually get together. The people who are here physically don't seem to have time from their busy lives (especially after having kids, I still do have time though :s )

ps: we do need to get to that pub sometimes, stevie will be paying for our beers and I will pay for his juice..oh wait, unless Bucharest is like Prague where a friend told me beer was cheaper than a bottle of water :|

Did you do anything interesting this week-end?

27th April 2015, 08:48
Played Football on Saturday. We battled hard all game until about 80 minutes at 1-1. Then missed two open goals and finally lost 2-1 in the 89th minute. That sucks. :( Good fun though.

Same Question?

27th April 2015, 09:16
ps: we do need to get to that pub sometimes, stevie will be paying for our beers and I will pay for his juice..oh wait, unless Bucharest is like Prague where a friend told me beer was cheaper than a bottle of water :|

It`s about the same price ( I think, I never order water :laugh: ) for both but cheap in comparison with other capitals. A paradise for foreign drunkers.

Did you do anything interesting this week-end?

No. As dull as always. Both days were screwed. Saturday by the changed movie schedule. I wondered on empty streets like a fool bacause I didn`t want to get home. On Sunday an unexpected visit also changed my plans. Not even on forum was any activity. I came here a few times but there was nobody to talk to.

Is 1 May a day off in your country?

27th April 2015, 09:24
Yep, May Day/Labour Day plus it is also the founding day of the state I live in.

What's your favourite brand of beer?

27th April 2015, 09:37

Just kidding. I`m such an idiot that for me all beers taste the same.
But if I`m in a pub I usually order Beck`s or Carlsberg.
I also like Redd`s Cranberry Crush ( feeling ashamed... )

What is your fav alcoholic drink?
( having a feeling that Steve is the next to answer.....:laugh: )

27th April 2015, 10:08
Ok, let's wait for him ;)

27th April 2015, 10:10
No, please. I think he`s already gone to work.

Rudy Tamasz
27th April 2015, 20:41
Drinking foodford with friends... I mean friends with woodword... I mean, it's like a bourbon called Woodford...

What's you favorite type of women?

27th April 2015, 20:46
Yeah, I'm also curious to know.......:laugh:

27th April 2015, 21:05
Funny, Kind, Nice, not vain, but just a down to earth person.

What is your favourite alcoholic drink?

27th April 2015, 21:15

Visinata - a home made sour cherry liqueur. Matter of fact I like the alcoholized sour cherries more than the drink. :facelick:

What's your fav non alcoholic drink?

27th April 2015, 21:55
I do like freshly squeezed fruit juice. Otherwise Lemonade or a such.

Do you plan on staying on this forum for much longer?

27th April 2015, 22:55
No. To be honest I want to quit. Or at least to post less. Those who want to keep in touch know where can find me.

Does it ever happen to forget if you did a daily routine thing ( like if you used a deodorant or brushed your teeth or locked the door when you left)?

27th April 2015, 23:47
I forget little things like that all the time, always have done. Everywhere I go my keys usually end up staying longer.

Here's an overly personal, help type question (sorry in advance)
As some will know I have a friend who had a serious car accident a few weeks back. We have been keeping in touch via email, txt etc once or twice each week. Last week we were chatting, and she asked me why I was so concerned about her, so I told her that I care about her recovering, she then said that I seem to care about her more than I should and has refused to speak to me since. She is not some one I want to lose touch with, but if I make contact before she is ready this will happen - What to do?

28th April 2015, 00:09
I'll let somebody else to give advice. When it comes to friendships I'm a total loser and I can't handle this kind of relationships. I guess I'm immature and I always end up losing my friends.
But anfield.....I'm sure you told us that another girl also treated you like this.
Maybe you're too insistent. Maybe she thinks you're in love with her and either she's ashamed because of her accident or simply she's not interested, etc.etc. :crazy:

28th April 2015, 00:22
I'll let somebody else to give advice. When it comes to friendships I'm a total loser and I can't handle this kind of relationships. I guess I'm immature and I always end up losing my friends.
But anfield.....I'm sure you told us that another girl also treated you like this.
Maybe you're too insistent. Maybe she thinks you're in love with her and either she's ashamed because of her accident or simply she's not interested, etc.etc. :crazy:

No it's not that. It was Alicia that tended to contact me, and (this sounds silly) we had the 'what is expected from each other' conversation a while ago. :)

28th April 2015, 00:59
No it's not that. It was Alicia that tended to contact me, and (this sounds silly) we had the 'what is expected from each other' conversation a while ago. :)
Expect nothing and you'll never be disappointed and sometimes you'll be pleasantly surprised.

28th April 2015, 01:09
Expect nothing and you'll never be disappointed and sometimes you'll be pleasantly surprised.

To be honest, my friend has had her face reconstructed after the accident and has about 60 stitches around her eye and cheek bone. She is understandably a bit depressed and finding it difficult to face the world, and it seems I am an easy target to take her frustration out on. I guess I stand back and wait and see what happens with her, the problem is I am a caring type of person, and I do tend to speak before thinking sometimes.

Any way back to the thread - who has a question then...?

28th April 2015, 07:57
I think give her some time, from what you say about her current condition (mental as well as physical) she needs time to heal properly and then have some fun in her life again. Don't give up and lose touch altogether but just take it slowly imo.

ok, question is it..
Do you use public transport often?

28th April 2015, 09:04
Every day. I use subway to go to work or shopping. I get earlier than if I go by car.

Do you use public transport for long distances?

Rudy Tamasz
28th April 2015, 09:29
I traveled across the Atlantic and back in public transport. I don't own a jet, unfortunately.

Do you enjoy long distance travel?

28th April 2015, 09:53
I enjoy ANY travel.. but 15 hr flights (been on a couple!) are dead boring, 15 hr train rides are more fun :)

Do you get bothered by driving in a lot of traffic? or are you one of those zen masters while driving?

28th April 2015, 10:30
I'm a zen master cos I don't drive at all. :p

Do you swear when you're driving?

28th April 2015, 22:45
Not usually. Can't see the point in getting angry at things I can't change.

Do you sing way too loudly to the cd/radio etc when you are driving - even if there are other people in the car with you?

29th April 2015, 00:48
Anfield - Re your post a page ago. I would tend to construct a thoughtful and well word email, stating why you care for her and in what way. Say you want to stay in touch as a friend, maybe reassure her (even if she finds it hard to believe) about the future and that you will help her along the way. Then say you hope she can understand that.

Then leave it to her as to whether she wants to know you.

Anyway. I do sing along if on my own in the car, but if people are with me, I get shy.

Do you do break the law much/at all while driving? (if you don't drive, would you :p)

29th April 2015, 03:14
Nah, don't even speed. The way I see it is unless you are doing twice the speed limit, you will not arrive anywhere any earlier. Have been caught driving without a current wof though - not breaking the law as such, I just forgot it was due.

If you could break one law and get away with it, would you, and what would you do?

29th April 2015, 08:14
^zen master I was talking about earlier...(I don't break driving rules either but I do get pissed at the traffic and the morons on the road pretending to drive)

I don't know, perhaps enter a country without a valid visa?
I find immigration/visa laws quite archaic sometimes....

same question-

29th April 2015, 08:41
Some tax evasion would be great. :p
We're the country with the most taxes and fees.
And I'm such an idiot that I declare every penny and pay all the aberrant duties.

Is there a certain tradition in celebration of 1 May in your country?

29th April 2015, 10:02
Maypole dancing is sort of the old tradition. Not much of it goes on, but it still happens.

Which is your favourite season of the year?

29th April 2015, 11:49
Winter, closely followed by the monsoon and summer a very distant third :angryfire

Do you drink very cold water or just normal room temperature stuff?

29th April 2015, 11:54
I drink cold water either from fridge or out of the tap which is also pretty cold.

Do you every go and just walk for miles, just to get away from stuff?

29th April 2015, 14:41
Do you every go and just walk for miles, just to get away from stuff?

Usually I bike, but for the same reasons. Sometimes I need to isolate just to clear my head, think things over, or temporarily escape from when life turns a bit upside down. Strangely I often don't figure much out while actually biking, but after I'm down a a bit tired the relaxation helps me think things through.

Does it irritate you when you're trying to "get away" to figure things out or relax, and people with good intentions want to prevent you from being alone?

29th April 2015, 16:39
Yeah. I just need some time for myself and can't get it. Today I took a day off hoping I'd do only what I want and maybe go out for a few hours. But I had to answer a lot of phone calls and welcome an army of relatives who didn't want to leave me alone today. At this very moment I'm trying to send my brother home - mission impossible......

What are you doing when you're feeling down?

Rudy Tamasz
29th April 2015, 19:37
Music, walk or bike, drink. Or I'm actually trying to resolve the issues that brought me down. Sometimes it helps. ;)

Do you prefer city or the countryside?

29th April 2015, 20:51
Country side generally and definitely if I could choose where to live. However I do like the hussle and bussle of the City. Only for a short time though.

Do you eat a lot of salad's and light meals or do you prefer a big meaty meal?

29th April 2015, 23:00
I eat salads of fresh vegetables and they are usually served with some other food.When my mother was cooking I used to eat salads every day together with some cooked food based on vegetables. Never been too fond of meat.
Now I don't have time to cook so I rarely do a salad ( although I continue to eat a lot of fresh tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, etc. Just don't mix them with oil and vinegar). I also don't cook vegetable food cos it takes time ( and skills :p ).

What kind of meat is your fav?

29th April 2015, 23:53
Cant beat a good pork roast. but beef, lamb, venison etc are all good. I will only eat pork and chicken that is free farmed, I would rather pay the extra for meat from an animal that has had a good life, rather than one that has been crate farmed, plus it tastes better any way.

What is the most difficult thing you have tried to cook?

30th April 2015, 10:01
I don't know. Everything is difficult when you have 2 left hands. :s

Is it important for you the way the food is served? ( I mean the plates, if the food is decorated, etc. )

30th April 2015, 15:45
The only important thing is does it taste good.

What will you do this weekend?

30th April 2015, 16:24
My weekend started yesterday cos I took 2 days off and on Friday it's a legal holiday. I wanted to solve a lot of things but as usual my mum has one of her terrible crises and spoiled it all. I still hope I'll get to the cinema for a remarkable Romanian movie and I also want to buy something nice and expensive for me. I want to go to n places but I think it would be impossible. Most of the people leave the city this weekend and I'll probably die of boredom.

Same Q.

30th April 2015, 22:52
nothing planned. in to town for a coffee at friends cafe at 10am - then?????

Is life better if you plane it, or is it better just to play it by ear?

1st May 2015, 00:52
Some things need to be planned, but life is much more fun if you just wing it and go wherever life takes you.

Do you have plans to visit another country in the next year?

1st May 2015, 07:33
Yes, but all my plans seem to fail so let's see if it actually happens.

same question?

1st May 2015, 08:26
I don't have plans but to travel is my secret wish that probably will never become true. You already know my dream destinations: Barcelona, Paris, Vienna, San Francisco.
+ northern Greece as a return to my roots.

What are you interested in when you go abroad? ( historicall places, monuments, museums, beaches, clubs, casinos, women(:devil:), etc.

2nd May 2015, 08:13
I like a bit of history but I am not a museum geek. I like to see nice old buildings and architecture but only upto a certain extent. What I love the most is nature at it's best. driving on some nice roads too !
Nature and then local Food is what I look for in any new location.

Do you go to a lot of places or prefer to stay at one or two on a long vacation?

3rd May 2015, 18:12
Nature and then local Food is what I look for in any new location.[

Then Romania is the perfect location. I'll wait for for you. :wave:

I prefer to go to a lot of places but unfortunately all my holidays are spent on one-two places.

Have you ever fight with someone ( I mean physically)?

3rd May 2015, 22:34
No. Dont believe in fighting really. Never get that annoyed at other people either. If I disagree with someone then fine. If they want to get physical I walk away. Not even fussed by the man aspect. People might say I am a coward, but really who is not afraid of getting hurt?? I don't get the "I'm not scared of you" macho thing.

Same question?

3rd May 2015, 22:53
Only once, many many years ago. I am not that sort of person, prefer other ways to settle things.

What would you risk your life for?

4th May 2015, 08:47
My son's life, otherwise discretion is the better part of valour (I found it out!)

Do you like to get wet in the rain sometimes?

4th May 2015, 11:28
Yes. I like the rain sometimes. Especially if its hot in the summer.

Do you sun bathe or do you stay in the shade?

4th May 2015, 17:30
Sun bathe? you Must be having a laugh stevie :laugh: I hate the Sun :evil:

some one else can go again, same q

4th May 2015, 17:53
Better not be me then. I dont hate the sun, but I don't either.

Same Q still going as I asked it.... :laugh:

4th May 2015, 21:16
I prefer the shade.

Do you have any relatives that you prefer over the others and why?

4th May 2015, 21:47
I have one Auntie I prefer over the other. I shouldn't say it out loud, but one is very supportive and is interested in everything and is very easy to talk too. The other, seems to get bored quickly when I talk about stuff. Generally seems a lot more closed minded.

Whats the furthest you have walked in one go?

4th May 2015, 22:49
20 miles on a sponsored walk as a student

Going back to suntans, do you consider a suntan makes someone more attractive?

4th May 2015, 22:51
used to do a lot of tramping/hiking when I was young and insane, so in a day prob about 50km

are you one of the insane group that 'run for fun'...why?

4th May 2015, 22:55
re-:Danswer Anfield

4th May 2015, 23:46
re-:Danswer Anfield

I'll have to learn to type faster and think less :D

Answer to d-type. Not really. A healthy colour is fine, overly suntanned people look ridiculous.

are you one of the insane group that 'run for fun'...why?

5th May 2015, 15:42
A healthy colour is fine, overly suntanned people look ridiculous.

Oy!! That better apply only to 'white' people...for us in the tropics its an occupational hazard. My mom tells me I was quite light skinned as a baby. I only have black and white photos so dunno :p:

5th May 2015, 22:47
Oy!! That better apply only to 'white' people...for us in the tropics its an occupational hazard. My mom tells me I was quite light skinned as a baby. I only have black and white photos so dunno :p:

Peoples with darker skin, like my Indian friends are not sun tanned. I know you didn't really take offence:) but yes I was talking about us 'whities'. You look at people, usually older people who have laid in the sun in on the Costa del Sol for two weeks, they look like prunes, and are usually a weird brown/orange colour. Not quite the colour of American news readers, but close.

6th May 2015, 07:46
I knew what you were talking about, no worries ;)

6th May 2015, 22:59
any way...
still looking for an answer to

are you one of the insane group that 'run for fun'...why?

8th May 2015, 08:47
I`m not. I can hardly find fun in any activity.

Have you ever dated a girl taller than you?

8th May 2015, 15:09
Never, and I'm not that tall. In general I prefer short girls to tall ones. But well, of course, if I will have an occasion with a beautiful tall girl I wouldn't say no :)

How old you were at your first kiss?

8th May 2015, 17:06
In the school days when we played games with punishments.
Kissing me was a sort of punishment. Ha, ha......http://www.pic4ever.com/images/Vishenka_04.gif

Same Q :devil:

Rudy Tamasz
8th May 2015, 20:01
I was around 14 and it was a game, too. I was about a year younger than anybody else in my class, and was looking at girls in my class and they were looking at boys from senior grades. I felt truly miserable.

What do you do when you feel miserable?

8th May 2015, 20:17
Either go out for a long drive in the country or read a book. Which ever I do is combined with a stop/break for ice cream.

When was the last time you changed your hair cut or style?

9th May 2015, 01:33
As the years go by I've been getting my hair cut shorter. When you are receding at the front and thinning on top longer hair looks stupid. But the style, such as it is, is the same as I've had for over 50 years

The weekend is approaching. What would be your ideal way of spending Saturday evening?

9th May 2015, 02:50
I will work on saturday as well. So the ideal way is to spending the evening is in some relaxing activity that could be going to the cinema, or play some game at home with friends, or just staying in the sofa. I think the sofa will win at the end :)

What about sunday?

9th May 2015, 09:51
On Sunday evenings I already start to think that next day I have to go to work so nothing crazy in plan. In my good days I used to meet with my friends in a big park, have long walks down the alleys, stay a bit o a bench by the lake and always end up to a terrace for a beer and some "mici".

Do you eat honey?

9th May 2015, 10:09
Occasionally. Its not my favourite thing. I never have a honey sandwich or on toast. Maybe on a desert or something.

Do you like Garlic?

9th May 2015, 17:42
Can't stand it. Without being a vampire......
However there is food that needs garlic. Like mushrooms with mayonnaise and garlic, some sausages or a bit of garlic in roast.
But the smell is horrid, I use to fight with my coworkers cos they eat food with garlic in the office. I think it's a matter of respect to avoid such smell in a public space.

Do you like the belly dancers? :p

9th May 2015, 18:15
hmm....... No idea really. I guess so. :p

Are you right or left handed. How good are you with your weak hand.

9th May 2015, 18:30
I'm right handed, but can do most things either way.

For those non vegitarians, what is your favorite type of meat - seafood or chicken/turkey/pork (sometimes referred to as "white" meat) or red meat?

9th May 2015, 23:11
In my country they say that the tastiest bird is pork.
Pork is the only meat I eat.

Have you ever tasted frog meat?

10th May 2015, 04:50
Yes I've had frog legs and they are pretty good too. Though if you eat too many they'll make you jumpy.

What exotic food have you had recently?

10th May 2015, 09:17
Nah.....I'm not able to cook exotic food and I wasn't out to eat for ages.

Have you ever eaten pheasant? If yes, did you like it?

10th May 2015, 22:55
Never. In NZ pheasant is not hunted, mainly because there aren't any.

Do you agree with hunting for sport?

11th May 2015, 02:00
Never. In NZ pheasant is not hunted, mainly because there aren't any.

Do you agree with hunting for sport?
Depends on what you mean by sport. Just killing for it's own sake alone is stupid. Shooting for sport and then taking it home and eating it is something different.

How id fishing different from hunting....or is it?

11th May 2015, 04:17
fishing for food is fine, not big on catch and release fishing, and claiming it doesn't harm the fish, I mean the poor bugger has been exhausted, dragged through the water, and removed into an atmosphere that it cant survive in - how can this not have any affect on the poor thing.

do you think that it is important to know where your food comes from, or is any old produce from the supermarket good enough?

11th May 2015, 10:23
I think there needs to be much stricter rules on what information is given on supermarket produce. Also better and more local sourcing if possible.

There always seems to be a feeling they are trying to get illegal or cheaper meat into produce.

Do you try to eat local food/produce as much as you can?

11th May 2015, 10:46
No. My criteria is the price. When it comes to fresh fruits or vegetables I used to prefer national products cos they had taste. But our peasants use now the same types of seeds like in the west and our products are bigger and get ripen sooner but unfortunately lost taste.

Have you ever worked in a farm?

11th May 2015, 10:55
I have not actually worked for a farm, but have worked on a farm. A business I used to work for was based on a farm.

I could never believe the hustle and bustle.

Do you believe that countries should provide as much food as possible for themselves or is it OK for countries to buy from others?

11th May 2015, 11:13
In our particular case it's a shame that a country that can feed 1/4 of Europe and had a tradition in agriculture is now importing a lot of garbage from abroad. It's ok to buy what we can`t produce - like exotic fruits- but what`s the point to buy tomatoes or potatoes? The funny thing is that we export a lot of such products while we also buy from abroad. The real shame is that in our so called peasant-market they sell imported vegetables and fruits pretending they`re romanian. Then if you travel by car through our country you`ll see peasants on the road's side selling the products of their personal gardens. But thse days even such products are imported. It`s a real shame.....

Do you eat fresh ( meaning not cooked ) vegetables?

11th May 2015, 11:48
I don't often eat them. I like them in a bit of salad.

When is your next days holiday?

11th May 2015, 12:40
Do you mean a day off holiday? On June 1st. It`s a religious holiday ( related to Easter`s date ) but I can`t translate what is all about.

Do you think it`s OK to do whatever you want in your house/court or you take into account that a certain smell or making noise might bother the neighbours?

11th May 2015, 23:29
bit of both. If you want your neighbours to respect your space, you need to do the same for them.

Would you rather not have neighbours, i.e. live in the country away from them?

12th May 2015, 09:23
I can't live isolated and even in our villages houses are too close and people more uneducated.
Things would be ok on my street if some gipsy families haven't established here. Their number is increasing in geometric progression. So does their rudeness.:s

Are you friends with your neighbours or just on greeting terms?

12th May 2015, 15:29
We're all friendly, but not close. Though we all have keys to each other's houses in case of emergency.

Do you know where your neighbors are from?

12th May 2015, 16:10
Not these days. In the past all the neighbourhood was friendly but now a new "wave" has come. Most of them don't even say hello. There's a family in the next court who seems nice ( in fact she is, he generally turns his head when we meet ) but I don't even know their name, they never introduced themselves. Then this area is very central and ideal for offices and most of my neighbours sold the properties to companies so it's difficult to communicate with them.

Do you have a swimming pool?

12th May 2015, 17:03
I would, these days i get easily fed up of people..so a little peace and quiet would be fine.

Are yo watching anything specific on tv tonight?

Edit, did a d type, my answer was to the isolated house q.

12th May 2015, 18:51
No and don't want one. They are a pain in the butt for maintenance and cost way more than the benefit. (Answering the pool question.)

If you could choose between a large screen TV that only got 10 channels or a smaller screen TV that got 100 channels, which would it be?

12th May 2015, 18:52
Yeah. A new episode of an Indian soap. Diya Aur Baati Hum. :angel:

I would have liked to tease some certain Barca fans tonight but after the previous 3-0 it's not fun anymore....:s

So, do you have a swimming pool?

12th May 2015, 18:53
Lol. A total mess....:crazy:

12th May 2015, 18:57
To Starter's q:

I don't know. I hardly watch a programme these days but on the other hand, I like to have options......

Do you use to watch TV news?

12th May 2015, 21:22
Sometimes, but the news channels here are a joke. Foreign news outlets are better, bbc et al

Btw a friend of mine just messaged me that bayern will win 5-1, well he is an idiot..bah

What's for dinner?

12th May 2015, 21:43
I bought some pizza from pizza hut + ice cream+ beer+ peanuts+........( fav food when watching a match)

How can a loser ever win?

12th May 2015, 22:00
Luck? No idea really. Have a laugh instead.

Do you wear a nice watch?

12th May 2015, 22:09
I have an old one that I think it's nice. But I want a new one, a Fossil.

Do you wear a fragrance?

12th May 2015, 22:16
Nice dinner for a game. I just had some ice cream, but nothing else in the fridge.

Loser can try gambling?

Ever been in a casino?

Edit:d typed again. Ormaybe its stupid tapatalk prob

12th May 2015, 22:31
I wear a bit of fragrance. Not much though

Never been to a casino either.

Will Barca win the champions League?

12th May 2015, 22:43
Hope not, I would prefer to see a Munich v Juve final, but looking at progress this morning Barca will be there :(

Will Newcastle get relegated?

12th May 2015, 23:09
Yes, but hull seem to be worse off. I used to like Newcastle.

Last game you watched in a stadium?

12th May 2015, 23:20
Hopefully not. :angel:

What shall I ask now? :crazy:

Oops.....it was my turn for a d-type...

12th May 2015, 23:25
NZ world cup qualifier v Bahrain.

would you rather wear a shirt or a t-shirt?

12th May 2015, 23:28
I used to like Newcastle.
the beer? :laugh:

last game you watched in a stadium?
Can't remember but it was definitely Steaua vs. Somebody cos it was on Ghencea Stadium.

Edit. T-shirt cos I don't have to iron them. :p

What do you wear now?

12th May 2015, 23:37
T shirt & shorts. Pretty much relaxing clothes.

What should I ask now? ;)

12th May 2015, 23:53
Nothing. Go to sleep! :p

What are you doing right now ( apart from posting here)?

12th May 2015, 23:56
I am watching the News, while emailing someone to do with work.

Do you use facebook?

13th May 2015, 00:21
I have a bookface account, but never visit it. I don't need the us government to know what I am doing and who I am doing it with :D. Last time I went onto bookface was Christmas two years ago.

Is life easier or more complicated with the invasion of digital media?

13th May 2015, 04:49
Just as complicated as ever, but it happens faster now which makes it seem more complicated.

If you make an ice cream float, do you use root beer or cola?

13th May 2015, 06:51
T shirt & shorts. Pretty much relaxing clothes.
My favourite clothes too. Gadjo, never had the beer, i meant the zebras in England. I liked those Italian zebras too!

13th May 2015, 07:41
Just as complicated as ever, but it happens faster now which makes it seem more complicated.

If you make an ice cream float, do you use root beer or cola?

To use anything other than root beer should be a crime. :)

Would you rather have a job that requires little effort, or do you prefer to have every day be a challenge?

13th May 2015, 09:13
I'd like challenges if my work would have a real utility but I work under high pressure with the feeling it's in vain. I long for a job that no matter how complex it is I have some time for analyse and taking decisions. But as it is now I feel like Charlie Chaplin working in Modern Times.

Are you eager to get retired? :devil:

13th May 2015, 09:55
Probably not just yet as I am only 5 months into my own business.

Do you have a dream about retiring. i.e what you would like to do or where you would live?

13th May 2015, 10:22
My dream is to go to visit Machu Picchu. I also use to tease my boss who'll retire in the same year with me. We keep saying we'll go together to Paris.:p
Well, I still have to work enough until retirement. But can`t wait to do whatever I want whenever I want. I can`t understand those who say they`re too active to ever retire. There are so many activities I don`t have time now for. Like travelling, reading, going out, going to the theatre, seeing friends. And if I ever get bored I`ll come to this forum.:p
In my dreams I see myself retired in a mediteranean country, by the sea ( another coworker tease me about buying a house in Spain although I prefer Greece).

Do you take any vitamin pills?

13th May 2015, 11:03
No, I eat enough vegetables I guess - because our food is mostly veggie oriented although I personally love meat more

Do you wear glasses? or ever worn contact lenses?

13th May 2015, 11:48
Yeah. I'm a specsy lady. :laugh:

Do you wear belts?

13th May 2015, 11:58
yeah, except when I'm wearing shorts (which is quite often thesedays)

Do you own multiples of things like belts/glasses/wallets/watches? (this is mainly for guys, gadjo prolly has tonnes! I usually have only 1 of these things at any given time...well except glasses which I have a couple)

13th May 2015, 12:24
I`m gonna disappoint you:
Belts -1. They don`t suit me so I wear one only with jeans ( I bought the jeans with belt included :p )
Glasses-1. I wear them permanently so I wanted some expensive ones. Can`t afford more.
Wallets -1. Don`t have enough money to need one more. :laugh:
Watches -1. I never look at my watch. Even if I wear one I look at my phone when I want to know what hour it is. Sometimes the phone is în my bag and I open it, take the phone out and look for the hour instead of looking at my wirst. :eek:
So I wear the watch more as a piece of jewellry.

How many pair of shoes do you have? :p

13th May 2015, 15:22
How many pair of shoes do you have? :p

At the moment, 6 I think. I tend to have a pair of formal shoes, a pair or two of semi formal shoes that I can wear with slacks, and a few pairs of everyday tennis type shoes. I like to rotate my daily wear shoes quite a bit just to give my feet a break.

What things do you keep that you should have long since got rid of? As example, my wife and I have hundreds of cassette tapes of all kinds of music, many in travel cases, even though most of the music is also on CD or can be had free online.

13th May 2015, 17:02
I enjoy Science Fiction and have complete collections of Astounding/Analog and Fantasy & Science Fiction magazines going back many years. They are just taking up space in the basement and I'll most likely never read them again (still a current subscriber to both) so I should probably try to sell them or donate them to a library.

If you could only ever eat out at one place, what is it's name and where is it?

14th May 2015, 02:54
Couldn't choose one place, way too many good places to eat around here (quite a few appallingly bad ones as well)

same question (because I am too lazy to think of one for my self)

19th May 2015, 08:43
Can't really decide.

Lets get the game moving with a new Question.

Hippo or Rhino? :p

Rudy Tamasz
19th May 2015, 17:52
Rhino. I especially like the ones from the pre-historic times.

Tiger or lion?

19th May 2015, 21:53
Tiger. They are so amazingly beautiful. Lions are OK, but a bit scruffy in comparison.

Motorsport Forums or Facebook? (we know what it should be.);)

19th May 2015, 22:46
Facebook, naturally. :devil:
Cos I have 2 amazing friends.

Champions League or F1?

19th May 2015, 22:58
F1, unless Liverpool is in the CL - so usually always F1 :(

Swimming or Skiing?

19th May 2015, 23:38
Facebook, naturally. :devil:
Cos I have 2 amazing friends.

Champions League or F1?

Anyone we know Gadjo? :p

19th May 2015, 23:48
Anyone we know Gadjo? :p
Don't think so....:devil:

19th May 2015, 23:54
F1, unless Liverpool is in the CL - so usually always F1 :(

Swimming or Skiing?

Swimming. I actually find swimming (slowly and relaxed) one of the nicer things to do.

Would you ever do something illegal for kicks/fun?

19th May 2015, 23:54
Don't think so....:devil:

I just hope they are nice and smile alot. :stareup:

20th May 2015, 00:07
Would you ever do something illegal for kicks/fun?
I do actually. Although I can pay I travel by bus without validating the card, I travel by subway using somebody else's free ticket....
But never had the balls to travel with the "godfather'' by train.

Books or movies?

20th May 2015, 00:11
I just hope they are nice and smile alot. :stareup:
At least one of them can't wipe his smile from his face. Since he was but a cute little boy.....:stareup:

20th May 2015, 00:25
At least one of them can't wipe his smile from his face. Since he was but a cute little boy.....:stareup:

He sounds a nice guy

20th May 2015, 00:46
He sounds a nice guy

Might have been....
I don't completely trust unknown people from the net.:angel:

20th May 2015, 00:53
Might have been....
I don't completely trust unknown people from the net.:angel:

Some people that you find are shy nice people who are exactly who they say they are. :p

20th May 2015, 00:55
Anyway. Movies. I am too lazy to read many books. Or too busy. One of the two.

Do you think people can be born evil (like Hitler) or is it all people and surrondings which make people who they are?

20th May 2015, 00:55
I do actually. Although I can pay I travel by bus without validating the card, I travel by subway using somebody else's free ticket....
But never had the balls to travel with the "godfather'' by train.

Books or movies?

Usually books over movies from a book, simply because when you read a book you see it in your own way, watching a movie from a book you are seeing the directors vision of how things are.

sharks or dolphins?

20th May 2015, 00:58
Anyway. Movies. I am too lazy to read many books. Or too busy. One of the two.

Do you think people can be born evil (like Hitler) or is it all people and surrondings which make people who they are?

Damn and blast, beaten by mere seconds :)

Definitely people can be born evil. Using Hitler as an example, there were no surroundings that really could have turned him into the monster that he was.

sharks or dolphins?

20th May 2015, 01:00
Tough one. Sharks are amazing predators that have in some form existed for about 450 million years. You can't help but be impressed by that.

Dolphins on the other hand are an amazingly intelligent mammal.

Sharks just about for long service. :p

Polar Bear or Panda?

20th May 2015, 01:07
Deleted. For D-type reason.

20th May 2015, 01:17
It's possible to be the latter. In the last years I have become a horrible person due to my coworkers-esp. one of them. In the past I never cared or even notice the ugly side of things.

Have you ever been on strike?

Done a D Type Gadjo. :p

Polar Bears or Panda's?

20th May 2015, 03:04
Polar Bears or Panda's?

Panda's what?
Cheese? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XYz3sl0LEA4

I'd support panda conservation over polar bear conservation because it is harder.

If you were on a plane for 19 hours and went by yourself, who in the world would you like to accidentally get a seat next to?

20th May 2015, 03:31
Not Kimi Raikonnen! gawd how utterly boring that would be. Jessica Alba sounds good (looks good :)). Steven Hawking would be fun to argue with about his hair-brained ideas of the universe.

Who would you least like to be stuck next to?

20th May 2015, 06:22
A so-called celebrity i.e someone famous for basically no reason..

actually I was stuck on a 8 hr flight once in the middle seat of a DC-10 with a guy wearing a ¨hairy¨ sweater...that wool was so itchy and pissed me off no end whenever our elbows touched. Worst flight ever.

Have you had a really bad experience with a neighbour on a flight/train?

21st May 2015, 11:24
Not really bad but in my country trains or long distance buses are designed with a very tight space for the legs and people are too uneducated to understand they bother their neighbours. Some adjust their seat too much on the back and you have to travel with them on your lap. One of the worst was on a train with seats face to face. There were 4 seats and a guy was sitting opposed to me while one of his twin sons was next to me. Our knees were almost touching and I did desperate efforts to keep a distance. Then his son fell asleep with his head on my shoulder. Really embarassing....

have you ever traveled by helicopter?

21st May 2015, 23:12
Once or twice. Interesting experience, bloody noisy though. Had to do the helicopter survival training as well, i.e. being strapped into a frame, turned upside down under water, and having to un belt and find your way out of the frame and up to the surface.

Have you ever been in a glider - would you like to?

22nd May 2015, 01:17
No and I don't think I'd like to.

What's the most embarrassing thing that happened to you lately?

24th May 2015, 21:29
I posted a picture of myself on FB as a 3 year old :o

Why do none of the old games in this thread get played anymore?

24th May 2015, 23:02
I posted a picture of myself on FB as a 3 year old :o

Bet you were a cutie. :)

Why do none of the old games in this thread get played anymore?
Because some of those who used to play lost interest and those who still wanted to play couldn't play by themselves.

What old game do you want to continue?