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30th January 2015, 08:05
I noticed that all men shake hands when they meet but don't shake hands with women too.

I do shake hands with women I'm introduced to (in a professional setting), but woman friends? it depends on who it is..sometimes shake hands while saying bye or a hug - but definitely a hug for you when we meet gadjo :p:

30th January 2015, 09:07
but definitely a hug for you when we meet gadjo :p:

Absolutely....... two hugs for Gadjo:p

30th January 2015, 09:32
Anybody else?

31st January 2015, 10:44
Starter: Longer than I care to admit. :(

Gadjo: I am sure there is someone else. ;)

Do you like PeaNut Butter? Assuming you have tried it.

31st January 2015, 13:32
Starter: Longer than I care to admit. :(

Gadjo: I am sure there is someone else. ;)

Do you like PeaNut Butter? Assuming you have tried it.

Yes, I like peanut butter. For some reason it's almost a mandatory "staple" food at some point in childhood over here in the US. Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches have been put in many a school lunch bag. And it's great with chocolate!

What is the strangest food thing you have ever eaten?

31st January 2015, 17:07
Gadjo: I am sure there is someone else. ;)
I'm not. :p

Back to q.
I don't eat strange things, I don't even eat a lot of normal food like chicken, fish, sea fruits, turkey, liver, kidneys, brains, rabbit, sheep, etc.

What's the weirdest drink you've ever had?

31st January 2015, 17:59
I am not sure about the weirdest drink (I try not to stray too far from my staples = beer, wine or vodka)

As for strange food, perhaps the strangest was fried frog legs in some buffet somewhere in Florida!
Do you usually try out new cuisine/food or stick to what you like best? (gadjo not for you, you don't even truly enjoy your own cuisine ;) )

1st February 2015, 00:57
At times, I'll try just about any food. I've found many things I have liked that I never thought I would. When I travel, I always try the foods from that area unless or until I'm convinced I don't like them. I've eaten balut when in the region. :) (Free tip - most pizza in Norway sucked when I was there!)

Are you high maintenance when it comes to restaurant food? example... you send good back due to appearance without tasting it

This question inspired by a high maintenance neighbor who did just that because "It doesn't even look like the way my family makes it". And we were down the road in the US, and the food in question was more common to Puerto Rico.

1st February 2015, 10:29
No. I'm too shy and our waiters too arrogant. I'd die of shame to fight in a restaurant. I only did it when I found a wire in my steak.

Have you ever pinched a waitress's ass during her service?
( looks like I finished up the reasonable questions.....:p)

1st February 2015, 20:57
No. Not a waiters' either!

What is the most flattering thing anyone could say to you?

2nd February 2015, 09:18
That I'm a good person. Cos I know I'm not.

What's the worst thing anyone could say to you?

2nd February 2015, 15:36
That I am a horrible unreasonable person. Thats hopefully what I try to be above all else. Nice, realistic and kind. A decent person I guess.

How many times have you been to another country?

2nd February 2015, 19:21
Dunno, haven't really kept track. Perhaps a dozen.

What was your weekend like?

2nd February 2015, 21:17
We had rain for the first time in over six weeks. So Sunday was putting on shorts and a t-shirt and going for a long(ish) walk along the beach in the pouring rain - ahhhh.... shear bliss!. (got one hell of a cold now though :))

What is the greatest invention of all time - the one that has changed the world and that we couldn't live without?

3rd February 2015, 06:44
Fire overall but for us it's probably the steam engine or the light bulb.

What's the last book you read?

3rd February 2015, 06:52
The Carpathian Monkey by Radu Paraschivescu

Angel or devil? ( :angel: or :devil: )

3rd February 2015, 10:42
Both at different times and depending on who I talk to. :andrea::devil:

Whats the weather like where you are?

3rd February 2015, 11:21
Gloomy, early in the morning but it's sunny now. About 3C at 11.00.

At what age have you left home to live by yourself ( in case you left )?

3rd February 2015, 17:24

What was your first job?

3rd February 2015, 18:52
My first "official" job, with a real regular paycheck, was working in a hospital cafeteria on weekends and during the summer, washing dishes and mopping floors. Not a very glamorous job but it paid well and financed by university education at the time.

Do you think we'll see American tourists in Cuba any time soon?

3rd February 2015, 19:11
Definitely yes. And I envy them....

Do you use a feet deodorant? :dork:

3rd February 2015, 21:01
No I just wash them and use clean socks.

Just made a strawberry cheesecake (with my own made mascarpone) it has melted chocolate drizzeled through it a loads of fresh strawberrys - anyone want some?

3rd February 2015, 21:18
Yes. I love Cheese cake. See if you can get it here without it going off or getting squashed.:p

Do you have a favourite Cake/Dessert/pudding/gateau?

3rd February 2015, 21:50
Funnily enough... in summer strawberry cheesecake with melted chocolate drizzled through it. In winter hot apple pie with vanilla cream mmmm......

Long weekend this week (Waitangi Day) any ideas?

3rd February 2015, 23:22
Go to the beach, swim, relax, pick up a girl.

Do you wear white shirts?

4th February 2015, 03:44
Sometimes, but no more often than other colors.

Can you remember the first movie you saw in a theater and what was it?

4th February 2015, 10:07
Snow White when it was re released in the early 90s sometime. I was about 6.

Same Question?

4th February 2015, 16:39
Steamboat Willy :D .
Seriously, I can't remember :dozey:

Do you remember your first bicycle?

4th February 2015, 21:12
yes. it was a little blue thing with white balloon type tyres


it looked almost like this, but the blue and red were switched around

DO you still ride a bike now?

4th February 2015, 23:30
I last rode a bike about 25 years ago when I tried my son's out. I would need to go back about another 25 years to find when I rode one regularly.

Do you think there will be a large increase in cycling soon? I mean in Europe and the USA not in third world countries.

7th February 2015, 18:08
No. The world is full of lazy or arrogant people.

Do you like to offer flowers or see it like a sort of an obligation.

8th February 2015, 23:19
Problem with flowers is that they, as a gift can easily lead to misunderstandings. In NZ at least, if you send flowers for any reason, it is instantly seen as a romantic overture (sending them to close family obviouisly is different - unless you live in Inglewood) and can lead to uncomfortable situations.

What is the best gift a friend can give you?

9th February 2015, 10:18
A simple "how are you?" from time to time is enough to make me happy.

Do you like turkish food?

9th February 2015, 10:44
Never really tried much to my knowledge. I do like eating Turkey though :p

Do you like Banana's?

9th February 2015, 11:12
What's that? A club? :devil:
If you're talking about the fruits, I can't say they are my favs but I still eat them. There's no much choice of fruits during winter anyway.

Do you like burgers?

9th February 2015, 14:59
Yes. Medium rare with cheese and mushrooms. And a good craft beer to wash it down.

What time do you usually get up in the morning?

9th February 2015, 15:26
6.30, sometimes earlier, but I really like to laze around so I try to stay in bed as long as I can. Then I realise it's late and don't know what to do first. :laugh:

What time do you usually go to bed in the evening?

9th February 2015, 20:57
10:30-11:30 most of the time, unless it is a clear. still night, then I can be up until whenever gazing through my telescope.

do you sleep late at the weekend, or does your body clock still wake you up at 6:00 etc?

9th February 2015, 22:52
I'd like to sleep more but I can't. In one of the 2 days a nurse for my mum is coming at 7.30 . There's just one day left but I still wake up early. However I don't leave the bed, sometimes I prepare a coffee and drink it on bed. I dream of a day when I don't have any obligation to wake up. Just lazing around as long as I want to.

What's your best kept secret? :p

10th February 2015, 21:07
If I tell you it wont be my best kept secret, now will it?

Being born in Liverpool and being an avid red, I would have to say that admitting that Ferguson is the best manager of the Premier League era, and on a par with the likes of Shankley and Paisley is something I'm not meant to say out loud :)

Do you drop coins into fountains/wells and make wishes (I know it is kinda childish...) and if so what do you wish for?

11th February 2015, 07:13
Never..like you said I think it is childish and I'm a spoilsport when it comes to things like that.

Do you have any superstitions? (which you know are silly but still do it anyway)

11th February 2015, 13:39
I don't really. Dont believe in that sort of stuff. I know someone who will panic and get horrified if you cross any kind of knives. Strange

My fav number as you can guess is 13. An unlucky number here.

What are your favourite genres of music?

11th February 2015, 16:09
Progressive rock, jazz, new age and classical. Bluegrass instrumentals too.

What's your favorite genre of literature?

11th February 2015, 20:48
Good sci-fi. On the flip side badly researched and written sci-fi is absolute rubbish. I also like historical novels, again only if they are well researched and well written.

Have you ever considered writing your own novel?

11th February 2015, 21:29
Yeah. See the thread ''Let's write a never ending story". :laugh:
It was a failure. You yourself considered it's better to end it. :s

Have you ever written a poem?

11th February 2015, 22:24
Yes. Badly.

What is the next novel you expect to tead?

12th February 2015, 00:41
not sure about teading on, but reading one... not sure I just browse the library until something grabs my attention.

Who is your fav author?

12th February 2015, 00:57
Mario Vargas Llosa and Milan Kundera.

What is your fav book?

12th February 2015, 01:03
The 'Lord of the Rings' trilogy.

What, in you opinion, was the best conversion from book to screen?

12th February 2015, 01:10
Lord of the Rings was epic, even though there was quite a bit left out to cut down of the length of the movies, and strangely some things added in.

Do you prefer movies with a good story, that are simply told, or movies that rely heavily on special effects but with a less convincing story line i.e. Avatar etc?

12th February 2015, 02:20
Good story always. the rest are just time passers.

What's your best guess at the next eye catching headline?

16th February 2015, 01:51
New Zealand WINS the Cricket World Cup!!

16th February 2015, 02:01
New Zealand WINS the Cricket World Cup!!
Is that the question also??

16th February 2015, 08:10
There is always a question about Kiwi stuff :p:

16th February 2015, 09:10
Lets take it as

New Zealand to win the Cricket World Cup? :p No. They are in fine form but wont win it IMO.

Who will win the Cricket world Cup?

16th February 2015, 09:20
Romania!!!!!!!!! :laugh:

Who will win Primera division? :devil:

16th February 2015, 21:02
Lets take it as

New Zealand to win the Cricket World Cup? :p No. They are in fine form but wont win it IMO.

Who will win the Cricket world Cup?

NEW-ZEA-LAND!!!! and that's an end to it!!! :)

It wont be the West Indies - beaten by Ireland
Sri Lanka look doubtful, India haven't got much chance (sorry Storm), Pakistan are way past their best.

The best I can honestly come up with is

South Africa, New Zealand final, with Australia and either England, or one of the sub-continent teams making up the other two semi-finalists, even then S.A and N.Z. could both be beaten in the semis any way

16th February 2015, 23:05
Who will win Primera division? :devil:

Is this the Spanish one?

Barcelona ;)

If its the Argentina one, its too early to say.

Who will win Liga 1 in Romania? :devil:

16th February 2015, 23:06
NEW-ZEA-LAND!!!! and that's an end to it!!! :)

It wont be the West Indies - beaten by Ireland
Sri Lanka look doubtful, India haven't got much chance (sorry Storm), Pakistan are way past their best.

The best I can honestly come up with is

South Africa, New Zealand final, with Australia and either England, or one of the sub-continent teams making up the other two semi-finalists, even then S.A and N.Z. could both be beaten in the semis any way

I think Oz are hard to look past :hmph:

17th February 2015, 04:18
I think Oz are hard to look past :hmph:

No disrespect to my Aussie mates, but the Aus cricket team are too arrogant. Mitchell Johnson and David Warner are a pair of w@#$ers who are too disruptive. Don't get me wrong they have some great players like Steve Smith and Mitch Marsh etc, but I get the feeling they will lose control and explode at some stage. Having said that they certainly have the ability to win the thing. It will come down to who wins the NZ/AUS game - winner of this one misses South Africa until the final, loser will almost certainly play the Proteas in the semi.

17th February 2015, 07:27
NEW-ZEA-LAND!!!! and that's an end to it!!! :)

India haven't got much chance (sorry Storm)

I have no problem with NZ finally winning it. I have always liked their teams right from when Mark Greatbatch showed how to open an innings back in the early 90s :)
(those coffee coloured shirts were great!)

Frankly, I have completely stopped watching cricket since '11 (2007 to be honest) so I don;t mind if India wins or doesn't. I am fed up of the dumbing down of cricket (mainly the lack of a contest between bat and ball), IPL, our team, the media and so-called fans. I was possibly the only guy in India who did not watch the game vs Pak on sunday!

17th February 2015, 08:53
Who will win Liga 1 in Romania? :devil:

FCSB :angryfire:

Who will win Serie A?
( warning - take care what you say cos pino might ban you :laugh: )

17th February 2015, 18:17

bye bye folks :p: It was a good run while it lasted...

Who will win Euro 16?

17th February 2015, 18:32

bye bye folks :p: It was a good run while it lasted...

Roma ??? :laugh::laugh::laugh:

17th February 2015, 19:01

bye bye folks :p: It was a good run while it lasted...

:wave: Bye bye! I know where to find you! :)

Who will win Euro 16?

Who will win FIFA WC 2018?

17th February 2015, 20:32
Romania? ;) England? :rotflmao:

More likely Argentina, Brazil or Germany I reckon.

Who will win the Europa League this season? :D

17th February 2015, 20:33
Oh and bye Storm. Nice knowing you:p

17th February 2015, 21:03
Liverpool! :heart:

Who will win the Premier League?

17th February 2015, 21:23
THis is going to hurt - Chelsea (great I have to go and disinfect my fingers after typing that !!!)

Who will in the MElbourne GP?

17th February 2015, 21:25
Raikkonnen :p:
Hamilton and Nico out at T1
yeah well we can all dream...

Will McL Honda score points?

17th February 2015, 21:41
Yes! Many points! :devil:

Who'll be the donkey of the Melbourne GP? :laugh:

18th February 2015, 01:02
How do you know about that Gadjo? You never head over to the F1 forum do you? :andrea:

Maldonado or Mclaren Honda. Is the likely Donkey's

Who will win the six nations rugby championship?

18th February 2015, 03:45
How do you know about that Gadjo? You never head over to the F1 forum do you? :andrea:

I don't but the latest posts always appear on the right side of the general forums page. :p
{ Not to mention that I follow your posts :angel: )

Who will win the six nations rugby championship?


Who will be the wooden spoon of the six nations rugby championship? :devil:
( don't ask how do I know about the wooden spoon.....)

18th February 2015, 09:01
who cares? well France, not that I follow rugby

atleast its better than American football...have you ever tried to watch AF?

18th February 2015, 09:18
Yes, I always think I would like to watch the Super Bowl and then I sit down and start watching and quickly get bored. so switch off.

Evolution or Creation? Or maybe even both.

18th February 2015, 11:09
Evolution....Although the instant of big bang is also the instant of "creation" of our universe. Most recent theories do suggest that this was just one of multiple universes created. But still hard to know for sure.

Do you like Science Fiction?

18th February 2015, 21:02
I love good sci-fi - books, movies etc. It is my fav genre of things. However bad sci-fi is definitely the worst thing there is.

Do you like decent horror novels and movies?

19th February 2015, 08:45
I enjoy a good psychological horror movie (usually don't read horror novels) but most horror is the gore/slasher kind which I hate.
(and you are right, bad sci-fi, especially in tv/movies is the worst)

Do you think books should be cheaper to make them more accessible and relevant?
I look for good sci-fi books and usually the price is so prohibitive while the silly e-books are only .99$

19th February 2015, 20:57
Yes. The price of books is crazy, they are almost a luxury item. Being ..... erm.... slightly older, I hate using ebooks. I love the tactile feeling of a proper book, it some how makes it more real and believable than reading of a little screen.

Is personal digital technology progressing too far?

20th February 2015, 07:08
I think so, yes.
It is getting to the point of being silly if not it hasn't already. I recently had a debate about Kindle with a friend (much younger) who thinks she started reading again because of Kindle...that worried me a lot.

Reading a book is such a pleasurable activity for me that I simply cannot comprehend a piece of electronics replicating the same feel and satisfaction.

I said it before but anfield you really are my long lost twin it seems when it comes to stuff like this :p:

Do you think electric cars have a real future or hybrids seem to be better short term?

20th February 2015, 14:32
I think so, yes.
It is getting to the point of being silly if not it hasn't already. I recently had a debate about Kindle with a friend (much younger) who thinks she started reading again because of Kindle...that worried me a lot.

Reading a book is such a pleasurable activity for me that I simply cannot comprehend a piece of electronics replicating the same feel and satisfaction.

I said it before but anfield you really are my long lost twin it seems when it comes to stuff like this :p:

Do you think electric cars have a real future or hybrids seem to be better short term?

I can't see electric cars having any real mass appeal until the range is substantially better in terms of cost vs range available. If I have to travel for an emergency of some sort, I can't see planning charge times en route, or in preparation for the trip.

Hybrids IMO will continue to become more popular. They have greater appeal due to having both flexibility and increasingly better performance as they develop.

Do you attempt to be a "green" person even when doing so costs a few more dollars?

21st February 2015, 17:19
I tend not to because I am highly sceptical about how "green" some options are, eg what was the environmental impact of making and charging the batteries of an electric car.

What "green" initiatives do you believe in?

22nd February 2015, 20:23
Recycling first and foremost. The rest, as they currently are, offer dubious benefits. Solar as prices come down is closer to being a viable option. There are houses around here retro fitting for solar - but the payback is years. I'd consider it if I knew I'd be here for 10 plus years. Going forward and as we need them we are using LED replacement lamps instead of traditional or CFL options. Can't think of much else worth doing at the moment.

Is the death of the personal car going to be a mid or a far future occurrence?

22nd February 2015, 21:58
Both, in some respects. Depending on your location, it is closer than we may think. Many cities are doing all they can to keep cars away, with taxes and exorbitant parking costs. In countries like NZ it will be further away, partly because we are 20 years behind the rest of the world (wouldn't have it any other way) an we have limited mass transit i.e. no train services between towns, and limited inter city buses etc. Looking forward to the discovery and development of matter transporters - step in in New Plymouth, dial up London and WHAM you are in London (arms are in Lisbon, Legs are in Luanda, bags are in Luton is a slight drawback though :))

Is there any invention from sci-fi that you can see being real in the near future?

23rd February 2015, 07:10
I just read a book called Physics of the Impossible (Michio Kaku) which tackled this exact subject....He seems to think that we are fairly close to invisibility cloak in some form and even a form of teleportation.

I am highly skeptical that anything will happen in the very near future, but in say 100 years or so we might see some of that stuff. Perhaps nanobots or quantum computers..

Have you attended live event of any kind recently?

23rd February 2015, 13:32
Unfortunately it's been over a month, and that was at a local bar to see a friends band. We did get tickets recently to a summer show, which lifted our spirits some. More tickets to come Tuesday for when I take vacation. We will catch a local show, travel the next day to see another, and then relax some.

What is the most money you've spent on a liver performance, and was it worth it?

24th February 2015, 08:04
About 15k Rs spent (approx 400 USD at that time) on flight+ticket to watch Iron Maiden play their first ever show in India ( Bangalore)....totally worth it.
I wish I could go to more concerts but just can't and there aren't any really good things close by.

Do you travel without a lot of planning or fret over the small stuff when heading out on a vacation?

24th February 2015, 13:10
A bit of both. I worry try to plan for obvious eventualities before I go it's part of the anticipation of the holiday. But once at the airport I try to switch off and say to myself "That's it! I'm on my way now and if I've forgotten anything I can either do without or buy another"

At the airport do you get your ticket and passport out when you join the check in queue or just before you reach the desk?

24th February 2015, 20:59
Don't know. Being a highly kinesthetic person, my passport/tickets etc just seem to be in my hands when I get to check-in, I have no idea how, when, or why.

DO you pick your travel destinations based on how easy they are to enter i.e. do you avoid places where they are stringent on their border checks, visas etc?

26th February 2015, 22:10
Sometimes getting a visa, esp. an american one, might be a humiliating process. Fortunately we don't need visas whithin EU and it makes things easier.

Have you been to kindergarten?

27th February 2015, 02:23
no is the short answer (and the long answer too).

What age were you when you left school?

27th February 2015, 07:19
High school? 15
That's when we enter junior college or what is A levels for Brits and high school to Americans.

Do you ever think of going back to college (either to complete or add some skill or specialization) ?

27th February 2015, 10:11
When i was a student I was too stressed at exams although I learned a lot. I said that if I had to study one more year I'd mental.
These days is much easier to pass exams but I'm sure I'd be emotional again. More than that I don't have enough patiance to study.
And what's the use to improve my skills when our local society is full of imposters who get everything due to their connections......

What plans do you have for this weekend?

27th February 2015, 17:31
Not much. Skiing with the family on Saturday. No plans for Sunday.

Same Q.

27th February 2015, 23:08
It's so long ago I can't remember. Seriously I went to some sort of playgroup rather than a proper kindergarten then when I went to school the bottom class was called 'kindergarten' - it was followed by Class #1

Do you think attending a kindergarten is good for kids - as a transition before school?

27th February 2015, 23:15
D-Type you're so funny....
You missed a page. Again....

1st March 2015, 00:45

1st March 2015, 03:05
No plans for the weekend. Just got back from a three day trip in the mountains to celebrate our anniversary. The weekend will be chill out time.

What's your opinion of the latest assassination in Russia?

1st March 2015, 21:20
Without saying the wrong thing and getting put on Dobbie the House Elf's hit list. Putin sanctioned it and his rhetoric about hunting down and bringing to justice the killers is just for the international media. The man is a dangerous megalomaniac.

Change of seasons today - Spring in the North, Autumn in the South, does this have any significance to you?

1st March 2015, 22:15
Just got back from a three day trip in the mountains to celebrate our anniversary.
Congrats to you and Madame Starter.

Back to the game:

Yes. It's like coming back to life.

When was the last time you went to a party?

2nd March 2015, 08:48
what's a party? :s

same q?

2nd March 2015, 08:55
what's a party? :s

a group of persons with common political opinions and purposes organized for gaining political influence and governmental control and for directing government policy :p

2nd March 2015, 09:09
same q?

I was at a birthday party on Saturday. I was shy as usual and felt like sh*t although I met some nice new people.

What's the highest hour you have ever left work?

2nd March 2015, 16:10
Not sure I understand the question. If you mean "latest" then it would be 5:30 AM after going to work at 7:30 AM the previous day. We were getting a proposal finished for a big new contract and it was due at noon that day.The second longest was a few years later when I went in at 8 AM and left at 4:30 AM the next day. We had a crew in our distribution center replacing defective pallet racking and they had to work at night so our people could continue to work during the day.

Same question.

3rd March 2015, 01:13
4:30 pm in my current job - after starting at 8:00am :)

When I was swim coaching days would start at 5am and could go through to 8pm.

Are you on wages or salary?

3rd March 2015, 06:54
:eek: Until now I haven't known there's a difference. After googling I can say I'm on wage.

Does your job require traveling?

3rd March 2015, 08:04
Wage as in hourly/daily right?

No. It used to, but not regularly by any means.

Would you like a job which has a lot of travelling?

3rd March 2015, 10:22
It would be nice to travel abroad. Most Romanians use to see the world due to their job. But you know now I have responsabilities that don't allow me to leave the house for more than 4-5 hours. Besides, I tell again that I'm shy and would be stressed thinking I can't accomplish my mission.
I still dream one day I'll see Paris, Barcelona, Viena and San Francisco. Dreams don't cost anything....

Do you have women coworkers who polish their nails during working programme?

3rd March 2015, 16:47

My current functional (corporate) manager is a woman, and my current project manager is a woman (from Romania actually).

Where do you usually eat lunch?

3rd March 2015, 19:02

My current functional (corporate) manager is a woman, and my current project manager is a woman (from Romania actually).

Where do you usually eat lunch?

Nice game, it is the first time for me, so I hope I will not write an already posted question.

By the way, there isn't a usual place where I have lunch, there are 3 or 4 places near my office quite good but I'm not always there. But well, I usually work in the city center of Florence, it is hard to find bad food near here :)

How many hours do you sleep usually?

3rd March 2015, 20:38
About 5-6. Not as much as I want. That's why I'm always head in the clouds.

Do you drink alcoholic drinks at work?

3rd March 2015, 21:02
Nice game, it is the first time for me, so I hope I will not write an already posted question.

By the way, there isn't a usual place where I have lunch, there are 3 or 4 places near my office quite good but I'm not always there. But well, I usually work in the city center of Florence, it is hard to find bad food near here :)

How many hours do you sleep usually?

Don't worry about reposting - we do it all the time :)

3rd March 2015, 21:03
At work no. Grounds for instant dismissal.

Could you suggest a job were drinking at work is allowed, or even encouraged?

3rd March 2015, 21:40
In the past when we weren't so scared about our jobs and we were really friends at work we used to have a'' little one''from time to time.
Lol....there was a time when an old decree completely forbid it but everybody drank, from the doorman to the general manager. We had such great parties at work....

What kind of job you'll never do?

3rd March 2015, 23:53
Telemarketing. Some of those sell the sleaziest, most worthless products and services. Take your money and run.

What's the best job you ever had?

4th March 2015, 00:41
Either graphic designing at a local newspaper - enjoyed the job, but the boss was an ass, or swim coaching, the actual job was great, but the back stabbing and gutter politics were tiresome.

If you aren't already, would you consider being self employed?

4th March 2015, 01:02
I am self employed and in a nation where you wouldn't be it, cause there is no job and it is difficult to get to the end of a trial when clients don't pay but I really enjoy it since I have a basis of trusted and decent clients. I can wake up when I want, can organize my time but the most important thing is that I have the possibility to grow both professionally and economically. The worst thing is that I can go broke as well and taxes here in Italy are high beyond imagination :)

What do you think about neoliberalism?

4th March 2015, 04:44
free trade etc cant be all bad. But the only way philosophies like this work is if there is a level playing field, which is rarely the case - unfortunately.

Can you explain the reason/story etc behind your user name?

4th March 2015, 06:38
Sure. It's the name I picked when I joined because it's one of the things I have done at the track, among other things. I still use Starter because, back when I was a Moderator here, I was heavily involved in racing both pro and amateur (still am, though not pro anymore) and many of the folks who inhabited the CART and IndyCar forums (there were two of them then) were pretty passionate about their group - this was during the "split". I would actually meet some of them in person at races. Some were, ah..., less than pleasant on the board and needed to be chastised or sometimes sat down. It could be difficult in dealing with them on a personal level if they knew who "Starter" was. After all those years there's no reason to change now.

Same question to the next one up.

4th March 2015, 07:01
Gadjo dilo is the title of a french movie about a young French man who comes to Romania to do some research about a singer in a gipsy community. It means crazy stranger in Romany, strange with the sense of an intruder. I thought it becomes me as I landed here without being a Motorsport fan. :devil:
It was also very convenient because of the neutral "o'' ending of the words cos I thought people wouldn't think I'm a woman. Well, never thought I'll ever dare to post something here ( and look at me now.....:laugh: )
The funny thing was that I got to see this movie only a few years ago.
I kinda dislike this nickname, sounds a bit Slavic and the DJ pronunciation scratches my brain. But I'm too lazy to change it.

Same q.

4th March 2015, 07:57
well, I had a habit of putting some name as my MSN messenger handle (back when msn was the in thing!) and I put Storm as one of those names...later on when I joined this forum, I used the same as what was on my msn at that moment.

why? well I love thunderstorms....who doesn't? ;)

What is your favourite handle over here? not the person but handle?

ps: Starter, I remember those times of cart v indy ;) fun stuff as I read and even followed a bit of CART while it was on our tv then, but then I was mostly on F1 and that used to get very heated too.

4th March 2015, 08:53
why? well I love thunderstorms....who doesn't? ;).

ME! :s

What is your favourite handle over here? not the person but handle?

anfield because i'm a Liverpool fan. :laugh:

Do you have a nickname in real life? if yes what is it?

4th March 2015, 09:18
Pretty dull, but my nickname was Aki not so much anymore. Other than that I was nicknamed Sven for a while years back.
As of now though I don't have a nickname

How long do you think we will all survive here? I mean how long will Motorsport Forums hang on?

4th March 2015, 10:25
Pretty dull, but my nickname was Aki not so much anymore. Other than that I was nicknamed Sven for a while years back.
As of now though I don't have a nickname

You forgot about "Smiler". :laugh:
I have an excellent memory, don't play with words in your posts.

How long do you think we will all survive here? I mean how long will Motorsport Forums hang on?
As long as Mark wants. :p

4th March 2015, 11:02
Forgot about Q:
Where have you spent your best holiday?

4th March 2015, 11:32
My best holiday was in the Scottish Highlands a few years back. Fantastic scenery, lonely, quiet and exciting landscapes.


Smiler wants to know :p Do you have a good memory for many things or is it just silly things?

4th March 2015, 11:38
Is it a Q for me only or anyone can answer?:p
I have a very good memory for silly things. Otherwise I forget everything.:s

Is there any photo where Smiler is not smiling? :devil:

4th March 2015, 11:59
There is, but not many and I dont know where they are :D

Do you drink Fizzy drinks? i.e Coke, Pepsi, Fanta

4th March 2015, 12:05
Yes. Unfortunately.
Can't stand still water or uncarbonated juices.

Do you like McDonald's food?

4th March 2015, 12:46
No not really. I don't mind the fries, but all the other stuff seems poorly done in my opinion.

What would you like to have for lunch today?

4th March 2015, 13:17
I miss my mum's food. Esp. fried peppers with tomatoes sauce. It's a typical aromanian dish, romanians don't cook such thing so I'll never get the chance to eat this again ( you know how skillful I'm in the kitchen :s ). Here's a photo.

Where will you have lunch today?

4th March 2015, 13:21
I am at home, I have a meeting at 1pm here, so a quick bite to eat before hand. Just a sandwich or something. Then a meal tonight.

Do you like hot and spicy food?

4th March 2015, 13:57
Love it.

If you have time would you like a nap after lunch?

4th March 2015, 21:00
Nope. I don't like it, it would ruin all the day 'cause I'm not used to it. I could only relax after lunch (but not sleep) only if I've nothing to do in the rest of the day.

What is your favourite TV Series?

4th March 2015, 22:28
Sapna Babul Ka...Bidaai. :p

What is your fav drink?

4th March 2015, 22:37
depends on the situation. Decent cup of coffee during the day. Nice pint of Guinness is always welcome, or a decent scotch neat is hard to beat. Also strangely addicted to aloe vera juice for some bizarre reason or other

What is you fav food to go with your fav drink?

4th March 2015, 22:59
"Mici" with beer in the summer and "sarmale" with red wine during winter.

What's your fav salad?

5th March 2015, 09:51
Salad? Whats salad :D. I am a man so don't eat much of that.....

Seriously I like some veggies with a meal, but salads I really am not fussed about. With a burger sometimes, but really not interested.

Are you more a meat eater or a vegetable eater?

5th March 2015, 10:29
I'm a vegetable person without being vegetarian. Unfortunately I don't cook and don't get to eat too much veggies.
Meat, I eat only pork and only fried or "sarmale" or mousaka. But there was a time when I refused to eat any meat.
Steve, there are salads that also contain meat. My fav is boeuf salad that, of course, I make without meat. :p

What is your fav dessert?
( as " men" I hope you guys still eat sweet things )

5th March 2015, 16:59
I honestly rarely eat dessert.
If I do, I may have a home-baked cookie or something that the missus baked (recently it's been cupcakes :uhoh: ), but often it's a peice of fruit.

Do you spend much time on FaceBook?

5th March 2015, 17:35
I have a page but I'm rarely there. Mostly a big waste of time.

Is there any real value to social media in your opinion?

5th March 2015, 21:13
Bookface style social media - not really, I have actual friends, I don't need 100,000 people I have never met clicking a button to 'friend' me - what a load of garbage. I also don't need to know what people I have never met are having for lunch, nor how long it took for the wastes to be expelled from their poo shoot after the meal. As with Starter, I have a bookface page, but the last time I looked at it was Christmas eve 2013. Plus I don't need any government type agencies keeping track of everything I do (not that I do anything illegal or immoral etc, its just the thought of Big Brother watching :))

Blogs like this yes, you get to 'meet' people from around the globe who share common interests, and basically relax and zone out for a while (hello Big Brother!:))

Was George Orwell close to the truth in his book 1984?

9th March 2015, 08:01
Sapna Babul Ka...Bidaai. :p
WTF? Although I have no clue if such a serial exists, I can guess to what it might be like :mad:

1984? yes, I think at least we are partly there (I have to say I have not read the book but I know the concept)

Do you tend to read all the classics or only from a specific genre?

9th March 2015, 09:20
WTF? Although I have no clue if such a serial exists, I can guess to what it might be like :mad:

Come on.....The Ragini-Ranveer and then Ragini-Anmol love stories are every woman's dream. Wish I've ever met such guys. :love:
I'm Parul Chauhan's fan.
( In case you have doubts I'm still the same person who writes about art movies in the movie thread. :laugh: )

Well, I tried to read as many classics as I could. Not because I'm an avid reader but because otherwise I should have been considered an ignorant. The romanian standards in the past were totally different than today. :p Even when I disliked a book I finished it because I had to.

Did you read the classics of your national literature?

9th March 2015, 13:56
Yes and no. I read what I like and some of the "classics" are boring as heck.

Do you prefer to read fiction or fact?

9th March 2015, 15:57
It was fiction in the past, then fact. Now I hardly read. :s

Is it a book that you can read again and again without getting bored?

9th March 2015, 16:28
There are a number of books which I have re read. Usually with a gap of a couple years between readings.

What color shoes are you wearing today?

9th March 2015, 16:34
I wear some short black boots.

What colour socks are you wearing today? :p

9th March 2015, 17:29
Brown :dozey:

Did you just switch to daylight savings time? (yawn...)

9th March 2015, 18:01
Not yet. On the last Sunday of March.

Do you mind the switch to daylight savings time?

9th March 2015, 21:13
More daylight in the evening is a great idea, seems silly to waste good daylight hours by sleeping.

Do your farmers complain about daylight saving, or is that a uniquely Kiwi thing?

10th March 2015, 01:01
Not sure if they complain, but that appears to be the only reason that we still have daylight saving in the UK these days.

I like it as it is something unusual, but many would like to see it scrapped.

10th March 2015, 09:12
And the Q is......?

11th March 2015, 22:31
Oh yer....:D

I am really sorry guys. Would forget my head these days if it was not screwed on. Crazy times.

Have you ever run your own business or if not ever dreamed of doing so and what would it be?

12th March 2015, 00:03
Yes. I have had a landscape design business many many many years ago, and have run my own swim schools and coaching. When I win lotto I plan to open a hobby shop, selling kitsets, rc's science kits etc - all the stuff we had as kids, that many kids still want, but is hard to find. It will be called 'Static Motion" and I have already designed all of the marketing and signage for it (just need the finances to make it happen :()

What hobbies etc did you do when you were young, that you would like to still be doing now?

12th March 2015, 02:03
Heyyyyyy.... I'm still young.....;)
I loved to go to the theatre. Now I don't go at all.
I was interested in painting, I used to buy and study albums of art. I'm not anymore. A few years ago I bought an entire set of such albums but until now I didn't open even one of them.
I was a passionate Steaua fan and used to go to the stadium being almost the only woman on the stand. I still love the team but I won't go to watch them.
Etc. Etc. Etc. I used to be a modern person and I become a boring lazy fart. I blame it on my job.

What's the dumbest first name in your opinion?

15th March 2015, 10:32
Blimey, tough question. I guess Dick for a boy has to be up there :D

Have you ever run for office in anything. Government down to local action group?

15th March 2015, 15:36
Blimey, tough question. I guess Dick for a boy has to be up there :D
Yes, that name has to be right up there.

Yes, I'm on the board and an officer of a couple of non profit organizations, but haven't run for public office. I'd never make it in public office. They don't like people calling stupid stuff "stupid stuff". :rolleyes:

If you could make one, and only one, policy decision for your country, what would it be?

15th March 2015, 18:34
In my case it would be a decision for a country called Absurdistan, the place on earth where nothing is normal and according to the rules. Since corruption at all levels-the main plague of this country-will never be erradicated, I'd propose a populist thing, a working week of only 4 days. :laugh:

Do you open the door of the car for your lady? :p

PS. What exactly does mean
"run for office in anything. Government down to local action group?"
I don't get it.

15th March 2015, 18:57
PS. What exactly does mean
"run for office in anything. Government down to local action group?"
I don't get it.

Its badly written. If English is not your first language then its no wonder you struggled Gadji :p

15th March 2015, 21:06
In my case it would be a decision for a country called Absurdistan, the place on earth where nothing is normal and according to the rules. Since corruption at all levels-the main plague of this country-will never be erradicated, I'd propose a populist thing, a working week of only 4 days. :laugh:

Do you open the door of the car for your lady? :p

PS. What exactly does mean
"run for office in anything. Government down to local action group?"
I don't get it.

I hold the door open for most people, let others board a bus etc first..... (geez don't I sound like a real gentleman :D)

DO ill-mannered ignorant people annoy you?

15th March 2015, 21:20
Yeah. It's difficult to live in a city together with about 1,8 mil. of such specimens My daily existence is marked with a long chain of swearings against them. I walk on the street repeating '' tu-ti....." between my teeth. :p

Do you like green coffee?

15th March 2015, 21:29
I don't know, never tried it, or even heard of it :(

Should I try green coffee?

15th March 2015, 21:41
Yes if you want to lose weight. :p
Tried a cup this morning and disliked it. It's very expensive too.

What's your fav tea?

15th March 2015, 22:43
Coff(t)ee :) To me tea is tea, put the teabag in a cup then pour hot water on it and add some milk.

In Nz we have just got the BBC F1 coverage (sky last year). Is it always full of ex F1 pensioners babbling endlessly on about nothing in particular?

16th March 2015, 09:32
Probably. F1 seems to feature a lot of old boys yapping about a sport that has in all likelyhood moved on.

Is it a boring monday morning at work for you today?

16th March 2015, 09:50
Don't have time to get bored. More than that a certain forumer annoyed me at max. this morning. I'm ready to blow up.:angryfire:

How's the weather where you live today?

16th March 2015, 10:11
Grey, cloudy and light rain. :(

Same Q?

16th March 2015, 10:38
Sunny and warm. Too bad I'm a prisoner at work.

When will you stop heating the house ( for those who have winter ).

16th March 2015, 22:24
Sunny and warm. Too bad I'm a prisoner at work.

When will you stop heating the house ( for those who have winter ).

I feel unloved, ostracised , and left out now :(

16th March 2015, 22:29
:kiss: sorry.
I asked the question in the morning and I thought that somebody would answer until evening when you use to come here.

16th March 2015, 22:59
:kiss: sorry.
I asked the question in the morning and I thought that somebody would answer until evening when you use to come here.

Just kidding Gadjo :D - confused though - it IS the morning, evening is not unril tonight :D

16th March 2015, 23:29
Your morning is my evening.
Your summer is my winter.
Everything is upside-down in your part of the world.....
:crazy: :devil:

16th March 2015, 23:56
So you are saying we are born old and slowly de-age. It rains up instead of down. Pies and burgers are healthy, while fruit and veg are evil etc :D

17th March 2015, 01:08
What the hell is the question? :p

17th March 2015, 06:39
What the hell is the question? :p

When will you stop heating the house this spring?


17th March 2015, 07:17
My house is already heating up a lot. :angryfire
I hate summers, I hate hot and humid weather..I need a change :(

What's the place with the worst weather that you have lived/been to? (worst in your opi of course as cold weather would be nice for me :p: )

17th March 2015, 08:47
Not been too far away from home to be honest. Scotland I guess, rained a fair bit, but that was in the summer. In the winter it can get pretty cold.

I have cousin in Canada (New Brunswick) and they say that they are having the worst winter for snow they can remember. They have had 2 or 3 foot of snow for the last 2 or 3 months.

How often do you wash your hair? :p

17th March 2015, 08:53
Whenever it's needed. Generally 1/week on winter and 2/week on summer.

How often do you brush your teeth?

17th March 2015, 08:55
Twice a day, once after Breakfast and one before bed.

Do you go to the Dentist?

17th March 2015, 09:01
Only when I have a toothache or an old filling has fallen. :s

Do you like to talk about yourself?

17th March 2015, 18:10
No I don't. I was brought up to be a private person, ie not to boast, not to reveal your weaknesses, not to reveal your personal views, etc.

Do you think that these days people get too concerned about emotional issues?

18th March 2015, 03:55
Not neccessarily. I do think the world is too pc and any comment, statement etc that can be taken out of context is intentionally taken that way, so all the pc, self-righteous, do-gooders can get themselves in a lather and complain about the evils of the world and how the emotions of the down trodden are continually being marginalised (phew.... rant over :))

DO you make decisions based on emotions, or are you more clinical and scientific when deciding things?

18th March 2015, 09:19
I always take the wrong decision. Don't know if it happens cos I'm dumb or emotional.....:s

What gift would you like to get on your next birthday?

18th March 2015, 10:06
I don't mind what gifts I get as long as it is something that someone has thought about at least a little bit. I am happy enough to just spend some time with a friend or something.

What was the last gift of any kind you received?

18th March 2015, 10:14
A book in a jar.
In case you wonder what it is:


What kind of gifts do you prefer? Those that can be seen on you ( like clothes, shoes, accessories ) or practical things for the house or cosmetics?
( dumb question, I know....)

18th March 2015, 10:53
Not a dumb question at all. I would say out of those options clothes. I have received some nice shirts in the past.

Do you celebrate your Birthday much? Or would you rather forget you are a year older? :p

18th March 2015, 11:05
Used to do in the past, both at work and at home. Then i realised neither my friends or family invited me at their birthdays and gave up. These days i use to take a day off from work without telling anybody but still some cousins insist to visit me.

Do you remember the birthday dates of your friends and family or you have to check them in an agenda?

18th March 2015, 12:40
I remember certain close family and friends, but anyone else needs to be written down. :p

Do you think the Worlds population will continue to rise at the rate it is now?

18th March 2015, 12:54
I remember certain close family and friends, but anyone else needs to be written down. :p
On my bd you'll get a notification. :angel:

Do you think the Worlds population will continue to rise at the rate it is now?

Yes. I think so.

Do you like to think of social issues?

20th March 2015, 19:06
I do, however I rarely take any action on such things, which is quite lazy.

Can you play a musical instrument? If not, have you ever tried?

21st March 2015, 01:37
Yes, I play the stereo very well. As much as I love music my talent for playing is zero.

What would be your preferred instrument if you could play music?

22nd March 2015, 00:02

Would you mind if your wife/gf at her working place use to go to smoke about 4 times/day with a ( always the same ) male coworker?

22nd March 2015, 04:20
I would hate that because I don't smoke and would not want her to do so either. As for having male friends at work, that's not an issue. I either trust her or I don't. If I don't, then nothing she does would seem right. If I do trust her (which I do), then there's no problem. You have to remember that if someone wants to cheat or have an affair then they will find a way and there's nothing you can do about it.

Do you have any friends who are gay or bi sexual?

22nd March 2015, 06:26
No.But although it's legal people are still very reticent here. I guess there are many gays who are still in the closet. You see, the Romanian society is still very judgemental. I asked the previous question because we had a debate at work on that issue. I was shocked that a girl who pretends to be young and very modern reproached to two coworkers their "all the day" going to smoke because they are married persons. Forgot to say the guy doesn't even smoke. But he's so nice and helpful with all of us....And definitely doesn't look like someone to fall in love for. But in the debate all the other colleagues apart me and the guy ( but also the incrimunated smoker girl :confused:) agreed it's a bad thing. That's crazy......I thought what they'd say about me if they know that on the forum I talk a lot and joke and PM with a few married men. :devil:
Hard to live here, believe me.

Do you get on well with your coworkers?

22nd March 2015, 10:38
Yes, very because I only have one co worker.....and she is married :eek:

Do you ever do exercise of any kind? Running, playing sport etc......

22nd March 2015, 11:24
Yes, very because I only have one co worker.....and she is married :eek:

Take care how much extra-work time you spend with her otherwise my coworkers would be outraged. :p

Do you ever do exercise of any kind? Running, playing sport etc......
Knowing I'll disappoint all of you I honestly say: nooooooo......
However I do efforts to keep my mind alive and I try to solve difficult Sudoku. It's also a sort of exercise....:p

Do you enjoy watching old movies?

22nd March 2015, 11:45
Take care how much extra-work time you spend with her otherwise my coworkers would be outraged. :p

We spend a fair bit of time together generally too. We are good friends as well as business partners. I reckon your co workers must hate me already. :p

I am not a massive movie fan generally, but I do prefer older movies to new ones.

What is your favourite movie?

22nd March 2015, 11:50
I reckon your co workers must hate me already. :p
They hate anybody anyway, so go on, live your life!

What is your favourite movie?
There are too many to pick one. But you know that I prefer the soft porn genre.....:laugh:

Do you use to watch movies on TV or you prefer other kind of programmes?

22nd March 2015, 21:03
I prefer different types of programmes. Sport or Comedy mostly

What was the last thing you watched on TV?

22nd March 2015, 21:12
The infamous Liverpool-ManU match :s
Right now I'm watching one of my fav Romanian movies.

What event in history would you have liked to live?

22nd March 2015, 21:22
I would love to see the world pre human, but if its human history although it will sound strange I would like to see the second world war. To see humans at their bravest and strongest in the face of adversity

Same Q?

22nd March 2015, 23:58
I'd like to see some of the pre history (before recorded history) both in Europe and Asia as well as the Americas.

When would you choose to live if you could go back in time?

23rd March 2015, 01:00
To be honest now is good. But since I have a strange passion for tall ships, maybe 150 years ago when ships like the Cutty Sark were ruling the world would be ok, but I would miss the modern world too much.

If you could take one modern invention back with you what would you take and why?

23rd March 2015, 02:18
150 years ago is 1865, which is only just at the end of the installation of the London sewerage system. That comes at the end of a hideous story which includes the 1854 Broad Street cholera outbreak and "The Great Stink" of 1858.
I quite like the modern idea of not dying as a result of not having access to potable drinking water.

Do you like the aesthetics of steampunk, dieselpunk or some other -punk? If so, which is the best?

23rd March 2015, 05:09
150 years ago is 1865, which is only just at the end of the installation of the London sewerage system. That comes at the end of a hideous story which includes the 1854 Broad Street cholera outbreak and "The Great Stink" of 1858.
I quite like the modern idea of not dying as a result of not having access to potable drinking water.

Do you like the aesthetics of steampunk, dieselpunk or some other -punk? If so, which is the best?
I don't care much for any of the punks. I prefer my scifi as straight up extrapolations of today, not alternate historys.

If you were dying from an incurable disease and the technology existed would you have your mind downloaded to a machine in order to keep living?

23rd March 2015, 08:35
I think not.

What was the last good book you read?

23rd March 2015, 09:06
The same I said before. Maimuta carpatina ( the carpathian monkey ) by Radu Paraschivescu.

When this year will you go on holiday?

23rd March 2015, 21:10
December 18th (god that seems so faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar away :()

What would you like to be remembered for?

24th March 2015, 02:26
Not getting shot by a jealous husband?

Do you think global warming is true and, if so, is it man made or are human activities just part of the bigger picture?

24th March 2015, 06:53
It's probably true but I don't think it's only humans in charge of it. Earth suffered climate changes even before humans appeared. We're part of a solar system and its evolution also influence the climate. I also think that the climate on the other planets of our solar system is changing although they're not inhabited ( at least to our knowledge).

What are you doing in the nights when sleep won't come?

24th March 2015, 08:54
Had this a few times last year where I just could not sleep at all. Until about 6am and was due to get out of bed an hour later.
I got so fed up, that I used to get up and go downstairs and watch TV, or read a book. Or listen to music.

Didn't often work.

Do you suffer from lack of sleep often?

24th March 2015, 09:52
Matter of fact I'm exhausted most of the time. I have a very demanding job not to mention that I work in a very unfriendly environment. All I need when I leave work is to relax a bit but you know I can't and the stress at home is even bigger. I'd like to have a good long sleep but I have to wake up from time to time to see that everything is OK. It's difficult to fall asleeep again and to avoid thinking af my troubles so i use to browse the net, I want to do it for ten minutes but then i stay an hour. Sometimes I feel I'd like to sleep at 8 or 9 pm but there are responsabilities that I have to do and miss the sleep. Then I fall asleep on tv with the lights on and the tablet on my chest. I think I'd like to have a normal sleeping programme....
Or just to sleep when I want and how much I want..

Do you eat at the same hours every day?

24th March 2015, 23:00
Try too as much as possible. The only exception being Sunday, when main meal is in the middle of the day.

Do you need an alarm to wake in the mornings?

25th March 2015, 07:03
If it is earlier than my usual time, yes. Although when I really need to go somewhere very early I often wake up just before the alarm goes off :s

Do you use a wristwatch?

25th March 2015, 09:04
I don't USE a wristwatch but sometimes, esp. on summer time, I WEAR one as I like it as an accessory.
These days I'm crazy about buying a new one but I can't decide on colour ( love the golden rose but it's difficult to match ) size ( I'd like a big one but it doesn't suit me ) model ( lot of shapes on the market, all beautiful ). The real problem is that the ones I like are rather expensive. I have the money but I want to be sure I make the right choice.

Do you ( or members of your family ) clean the house or you pay someone to do it?

25th March 2015, 14:03
We have someone come in once a month to do a thorough cleaning and we do a weekly clean up in between.

Do you do your own car maintainance - oil changes, filters, etc.?

26th March 2015, 23:16
basic stuff yes, but anything that will take more than 45 minutes to do, not usually. I love cars and motorsports etc but I am a total clot when it comes to anything mechanical.

What plans have you got for easter weekend?

27th March 2015, 00:27
I'm going rabbit hunting.

What do you do for the holiday?

27th March 2015, 09:35
If you mean Easter:
I won't cook the traditional meal as I don't like lamb and am a lousy cook anyway. But I shall accept any invitation from family/friends to join the easter lunch if my own family conditions permit this.
I shall paint a few eggs, probably only red cos I don't have the patience with too many paint pots.
I must go to the cemetery and offer eggs and panettone for my dad's and the rest of the dead family souls.
As every year I shall go to the midnight service at the church but only to take "the light". Well, the church is round the corner and I have no excuse.
I shall eat a lot of romanian type panettone and drink a few glasses of red wine ( I apologize in advance for some dumb things I shall say then ).
I'll speak on the phone for hours with all the relatives and friends to congratulate each other.
BTW, the othodox christians will celebrate Easter on April 12.

Is it the custom to paint eggs in your country?

28th March 2015, 10:24
It is done here yes. Its not a massive tradition these days, but you do still see it around. Its now mostly chocolate eggs.

Do you have chocolate eggs for easter?

28th March 2015, 11:27
Chocolate eggs and rabbits are only for kids. Tradition is to knock the hen eggs.

Do you cook lamb for Easter?

28th March 2015, 11:48
As far as I know thats not a tradition here. We eat hot crossed buns.

What are you up to this weekend?

28th March 2015, 12:15
I'm going to see a soft porn movie. Right now. :p

Same Q

28th March 2015, 12:34
I am going to see a soft porn movie in Bucharest right now. :eek: Might see you there ;)

Whats the best thing anyone said to you recently?

28th March 2015, 18:14
I am going to see a soft porn movie in Bucharest right now. :eek: Might see you there ;)
Haven't seen you there. There were only 7 people in the theatre. Two of them about your age, but not you. I mean none of them was smiling.......:laugh:

Whats the best thing anyone said to you recently?
I don't remember anyone saying something good to me lately.

What was/is your fav thread on the forums?

28th March 2015, 19:59
This one or the FGP thread in F1.

Do you collect anything?

29th March 2015, 02:44
Money in a bank. :p

What car wiould you like to drive?

29th March 2015, 23:51
Always fancied a Lotus or Ferrari. Dreaming though :p

Do you grow any plants or flowers?

30th March 2015, 01:33
erm grass, weeds etc. Have 2 pohutukawa (Metrosideros excelsa) trees in the garden as well. They look stunning in the summer (google and see :)) plus some bird of paradise plants. Would love to grow a jacaranda, but the local climate would prob kill the thing.

At what stage in your young life did you decide on your chosen career path?

30th March 2015, 09:59
My decision to become a gardener came through horrid circumstances. After doing a lot of agency temporary work, my Mother had her stroke when I was 19. At that point I took over doing her garden, which I couldn't bare to leave to grow wild. While caring for her, I kept gardening and enjoyed it. So when she was well enough to potter about and I returned to work at 21. I looked for work in gardening. Now 8 years later I have started my own business.

Have you got a story where life throws up something unexpected which changes your life?

30th March 2015, 22:04
Several. I lost my much better half in a road accident a few years ago, she was hit by a drunk driving his car, when the bastard couldn't even walk without falling over. Changes your whole outlook on life, it has made me completely and utterly intolerant of drunks etc. Had other changes as well, most of them for the worse i.e I withdrew into myself for quite a while, and many of my friends kinda drifted off (not their fault at all) and I still spend more time on m,y own than most people do, but it also made me stronger as a person, and taught me to cope with almost anything the world throws up :)

What things can instantly change your mood?

30th March 2015, 22:40
When I'm in a bad mood it's easy to cheer me up. A happy song, a good movie or even a funny post on the forum can change it.
Otherwise it's also easy to get sad, esp. when I have to deal with rude and uneducated people, or liars, or arrogants or thrusters.

Do you know to play chess?

31st March 2015, 00:38
yes. I play quite poorly though, I basically play one move at a time. I started trying to play properly by planning 5 moves ahead, but the number of variations that led too made my eyes spin and my head nearly exploded.

What other intellectual type pursuits/interests do you have?

31st March 2015, 01:18
erm...... not sure I have any. :confused:

I don't do masses of intellectual.

Do you laugh regularly or are you quite serious? It won't surprise Gadjo to know I smile and laugh an awful lot.

31st March 2015, 07:07
Yes, you won't. Smiler! :p

Well, that's the contradiction. I look like a very serious person but I laugh a lot, sometimes even when I'm alone in the street I laugh remembering something ( an old Romanian saying says that only dumb people do this :confused: ).
I have coworkers who had to move to my office and are surprised I'm always joking. They say ''I didn't know you're like this". I blame this confusion on being shy with people I don't know.

Have you ever had a good laugh in a moment you shouldn't ? ( like when you're in school and a frightening teacher may punish you )

31st March 2015, 21:56
All the time. Not sure if it is a defence mechanism, or if I am just slightly (or not slightly) mad.

Can you laugh at yourself, or do you get upset if you are the person being joked with?

31st March 2015, 22:04
I can take a lot of ribbing and self mock. Think it comes from Football and that dreaded word "Banter", it helps you laugh at others and be laughed at without over reacting.

Do you think laughter truly makes you feel better?

31st March 2015, 22:36
Yes, it can also make people around you feel better too. When I visited my friend Alicia in hospital last week, I tried to keep laughing and joking with her, made us both feel better and take her mind of her accident and broken bones.

Do you intentionally do strange things to have people laugh at you?

1st April 2015, 08:20
Not really. I try to be funny but not do funny things per se.

What will be your next car/bike?

1st April 2015, 09:00
Some kind of jeep. I want to look like our nouveaux riches. :p

Do you intend to move your residence?

1st April 2015, 15:41
Yes. Don't know when but I want it to happen now.

Do you like to live in a house or in an apartment?

1st April 2015, 16:36
I prefer a house for the privacy and quiet (not to mention the tax write off here).

Is your current car a manual or an automatic transmission?

1st April 2015, 17:54
Two are 6-sp autos and one is a 6 sp manual.

Now that spring is here are there any outdoor activities that you're really looking forward to?
Anfield, same Q, but winter activities :p:

1st April 2015, 22:39
Yeah. Drinking beer on the Old Center terraces. :p :beer:

Do you like rabbits?
(Weird question.....:eek: )

1st April 2015, 23:02
I always liked the musical they starred in....Hare. :D

Have you ever gone to a nude beach?

1st April 2015, 23:53
:laugh: :laugh:

I spent a lot of holidays in 2 Mai, a small village by the Black Sea that was famous for its nudist beach (even during the Ceausescu's time ). But I always went to the " La Textile" beach. But for curiosity I used to stroll a bit at the nudists. Ha, ha.....With my clothes on, of course.
I remember that I was 16 and a pain in the arse for my 24 yo brother who had to take me in his holidays. A girl in his group said Tomorrow we'll go to the nudists and I was horrified to go with my bro and his best friend. She said I'm narrow minded cos I'm 16 yo and refuse to go. :laugh:....Poor boys had to come with me La Textile.

Same Q. :p

2nd April 2015, 00:14
No, not sure where any are in NZ. To be honest if I was sunbathing on a nude beach Greenpeace would try to refloat me :D

What is the next big sporting or cultural event you are looking forward to?

2nd April 2015, 00:51
What is the next big sporting or cultural event you are looking forward to?

The opening of the Australian Rules season is always something fun :D

Do you like going to the theatre?

2nd April 2015, 01:45
Before I answer Rollo, just let me say WAY TO GO TEAM - PAGE 500!!!! ( and yay me post 5000 in the thread)

Now back to it - Theatre no not really, mainly because we only have am-dram in New Plymouth and they can turn anything into comedy.

Do you like Shakespeare?