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13th February 2007, 17:39
Yes, Big Mac please... regular fries and a coke...

Do you ever cry at films?

13th February 2007, 20:23
I did once, when I was about five, but I can't remember what the movie was.

Have you ever seen anyone get hit by a car?

13th February 2007, 23:29
Not that i can remember. Came close to it on the Wydean at the weekend, snow and rally cars without studded tyres don't really mix, saw a couple of scary moments but no one hurt, sadly the event didn't pass without tragedy.

What's the worst thing that's happened a motorsport event you've been to?

15th February 2007, 15:23
I haven't really been to any motorsport events with too serious consequences thankfully. In fact, unless I'm wrong, John Cleland having his accident at Snetterton in 1998 *may* have been the worst.

Have you ever got so drunk you didn't know where you were?

15th February 2007, 17:53
No... thankfully.

Did you send or receive anything for valentines day?

16th February 2007, 08:12
Didn't send anything, didn't receive anything :(

What famous person would you invite to your house for dinner?

16th February 2007, 12:54
Michael Schumacher. So far I've invited him 9213 times, but he still says no ;(

Are you lonesome, tonight?

16th February 2007, 13:58
Well I wasn't last night, and I won't be tonight either as I'm off out to meet some friends :)

What did you have for breakfast today?

Brown, Jon Brow
16th February 2007, 17:08
Puffs :erm:

What smells do you like & dislike the most?

18th February 2007, 07:12
Dislike: unhealthy urine. I've had to smell it quite a lot...

Like: Hmmmm............ fresh bread.

What's your favourite dessert?

19th February 2007, 21:26
oooooOoooh could be any number of things... maybe profiteroles?..

What's your greatest ever achievement?

20th February 2007, 11:51
I'll say being my own boss, don't have to answer to anyone apart from the tax man, who think he has shares in my company. :mad:

What's the worst job you ever had?

21st February 2007, 14:16
Probably the one I'm just about to finish :D

When was the last time you hit someone in anger?

22nd February 2007, 02:35
I don't think I've ever hit someone in anger. I usually start sulking and walk away..............

Have you ever drunk so much of something non-alcoholic that you vomited?

22nd February 2007, 23:30
Not something non-alcoholic. Alcoholic drinks on the other hand are completely different.

What are your two favourite foods?

23rd February 2007, 21:56
Hamburguers and Meatballs :lips:

Your favourite non-alcoholic drink?

23rd February 2007, 23:53
Water. I drink a couple of litres a day, at least.

Do you play games on your PC?

24th February 2007, 19:45
Not many. Usually just MS Links ( :D ) and Civilisation III.

Do you like prunes?

26th February 2007, 04:09
No, can't stand 'em :D

Have you ever ridden a camel?

26th February 2007, 04:29
nope but I have ridden their closest cousin, a llama

Ever been bitten by a spider or any other insect?

26th February 2007, 06:45
Spiders aren't insects!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But I've never been bitten by a spider, although there are a couple of poisonous biting native breeds in New Zealand.

have you ever been locked in anywhere embarrassing?

26th February 2007, 12:02
Other than a broken lift, no I haven't.

Have you ever been on a diet?

26th February 2007, 12:48
Noooooo... I'm pretty tiny so definitely no need... couldn't give up chocolate anyway so good job!

What's the last thing you bought off the internet??

26th February 2007, 13:58
The TV series Eerie, Indiana the other day. Its just as good as I remembered :D

Have you ever eaten Ostrich?

26th February 2007, 14:07
Yes, all the time, I prefer it to other red meat. Crocodile is nice too. :D

Have you ever bungee jump?

26th February 2007, 16:51
No, they don't make elastic that strong ;(

Would you ever jump out of a perfectly serviceable airplane for fun?

26th February 2007, 23:07
It depends. One of my friends is in to that sort of thing, if she challenged me, and was willing to do it with me, then I probably would. Otherwise no.

Have you ever been scuba diving?

27th February 2007, 23:25
The TV series Eerie, Indiana the other day. Its just as good as I remembered :D

I haven't seen that in years. used to love it when I was younger, an absolute classic.

Never been scuba diving, did a bit of snorkelling in Tenerife which was quite good, the colours of fish even in the Canaries is pretty cool, can't even imagine what it'd be like to scuba in somewhere properly tropical.

What's the next motorsport event you hope to attend?

27th February 2007, 23:32
Opening round of the BTCC.

OK, who farted?

27th February 2007, 23:48
Well, since the demise of my pooch, I no longer have anyone to blame except... Mp3Astra... :uhoh:

When will it stop snowing?

Captain VXR
28th February 2007, 17:19
When George Bush makes a war on the weather.
Who defaced my computer?

28th February 2007, 21:55
Carl did, I saw him, it was Carl!!!

Do you plan on going to Glastonbury/Carling Weekend/Radio 1 BW or any sizeablely large music festivals this year?

Captain VXR
28th February 2007, 22:45
Does anyone actually bother going to the whole duration of these events?

5th March 2007, 01:57

Do you regularly exercise?

5th March 2007, 12:39
I didn't use to but now I do 1 hr of bicicle everyday.

Do you daydream?

5th March 2007, 16:20
Yep, I dream about the LW every day :D

Do you eat five portions of fruit/veggies daily?

Captain VXR
5th March 2007, 17:17
Some days
Do you have herpes? :erm:

6th March 2007, 16:21
Um, no :s

Do you? :erm:

Captain VXR
6th March 2007, 17:28
No I don't
but I do know a certain forum member has

6th March 2007, 20:09
What's your question? You answer the question above, then ask one of your own.

Captain VXR
6th March 2007, 22:15
Does anyone know what my mental age is?

7th March 2007, 03:54
Yes - it's four :D .

Do you think it's a good idea to drink beer while attempting to do a uni assignment?

7th March 2007, 12:02
Sure, if you don't mind about the results.

What's you favourite beer?

7th March 2007, 17:56
Coors. I'm a lager drinker, haven't acquired a taste for ales.

When was the last time you travelled by train?

Captain VXR
7th March 2007, 18:49
Last summer in Poland
When was the first time you travelled by train?

7th March 2007, 22:15
Shortly after I was born, when we moved across the whole length of the north island, from Auckland to Wellington.

Do you work well under pressure?

8th March 2007, 00:24

Has anyone seen my dog?

Captain VXR
8th March 2007, 17:18
I saw a dog in the butcher's eccentric meat section with full cooking instructions.
Anyone know where my head of Oily went?

8th March 2007, 17:45
Look under your pillow.

What was you last major purchase?

8th March 2007, 23:41
brought a new sat nav system today.

who's for icecream then?

18th March 2007, 12:55
me please.

What are you doing today ?

18th March 2007, 22:17
wondering if the rain will ever stop :mark:

your favourite non-motorsport TV show?

19th March 2007, 16:37
Lost maybe...

Did you use public transport today?

19th March 2007, 17:33
Erm.......no :s

Is it snowing where you are?

19th March 2007, 19:39
Is that a rhetorical question? :dozey:

Did you eat your veggies today?

19th March 2007, 22:43
Yes, I had some peppers at lunch.

Do you like artichokes?

19th March 2007, 23:34

Can I go now?

20th March 2007, 07:52
No, you have to stay until the I.D. registrar says you can go ;)

What time did you get up this morning?

Captain VXR
20th March 2007, 17:29
What did you have for lunch?

20th March 2007, 17:47
Ask me again in about 86 minutes :D

What household chore do you dislike doing the most?

20th March 2007, 20:37
What's a household chore? Is that what the wife does?

Can I go now? I really need to.........

20th March 2007, 21:46
Being as you've put your hand up and asked nicely, yes.

What book are you reading at the moment?

20th March 2007, 23:35
I'm not, I'm reading a computer screen :p :

Do you like mice?

21st March 2007, 07:12
I love mice, especially when they're alive. Rats, however, are unpleasant, especially when dead and when someone (read "me") has accidentally cut through the bowel wall... for the rest of the story, use your imagination!

Do you work better in the morning or the afternoon?

21st March 2007, 12:48
I work better in the mornings

Do you like spring?

Captain VXR
22nd March 2007, 17:16
It's OK.
Who wants a nice warm bowl of cochineal?

22nd March 2007, 21:48
Not me.

Have you ever seen a wild owl?

22nd March 2007, 22:22
Yes, we get lots of them around here, especially barn owls.

Can I kick it?

23rd March 2007, 01:11
yes you can.

Where did it all go wrong ?

23rd March 2007, 07:09
In the conversion from imperial to metric.

Big meals occasionally, or small meals frequently?

23rd March 2007, 16:41
Big meals frequently :D

Is it your turn or mine?

25th March 2007, 09:39
It's neither of ours actually.

What do you think of flame-grilled Italian meatballs as a meal?

27th March 2007, 22:33
Sounds nice, but with some penne and a tomato and basil sauce :D

What is the last CD you brought?

28th March 2007, 18:23
Of Montreal - Hissing Fauna, Are You The Destroyer?

(Not particularily a great cd :mark: )

Do you have tickets to any upcoming concerts?

28th March 2007, 20:21
Sadly no... :(

What was the last film you saw and did you enjoy it?

Captain VXR
28th March 2007, 20:24
Mr Bean Goes On Holiday. It was funny especially the seafood plater if a little predictable

29th March 2007, 01:40
Question? Again?

Captain VXR
29th March 2007, 17:18
OK, when was the last tym you maid a speling mistaek?

1st April 2007, 20:00
I can't remimber.

Has spring finally sprung?

Captain VXR
1st April 2007, 21:24
When was the last time you knowingly broke the law?

2nd April 2007, 10:08

Are those earings new?

Captain VXR
2nd April 2007, 18:03
What earings?
Is the moon made of cheese? If so, what kind?

2nd April 2007, 21:47
Lancashire, I think.

What goes best with yellow?

3rd April 2007, 10:59
Coldplay did very well with yellow. :)

Where are my hours of sleep?

4th April 2007, 15:57
Over here, sorry I needed them :D

What's the first thing that comes to your mind?

Captain VXR
4th April 2007, 17:39
When as the last time you had a chav punch you for 50p?

9th April 2007, 16:11

Lancashire or Yorkshire?

Captain VXR
9th April 2007, 22:08
Do you hate the new Subaru Imhealthandsafetya hatchback that replaces the Impreza?

9th April 2007, 22:22

A slap with a wet fish or a kiss from a cow?

9th April 2007, 23:36
A slap with a wet fish, cows are creepy :D

What's your shoe size?

10th April 2007, 00:33
UK 10 or Euro 44

How much do you weigh?

Captain VXR
10th April 2007, 10:23
Shhhhhhhh, that's a secret
Why do some people have a life?

10th April 2007, 13:29
Because it's fun

Did you get many chocolate eggs at easter?

10th April 2007, 16:34
None ;(

Can I have one of your Easter eggs?

Captain VXR
10th April 2007, 21:15
If I can have your soul in exchange.
Who wants gingerbread?

11th April 2007, 15:09
I'd rather have an Easter egg ;)

What can you see from your window?

Captain VXR
11th April 2007, 15:30
I can see my porch
Why do people want to kill me?

11th April 2007, 17:47
Because you're annoying.

When was your last bowel movement?

12th April 2007, 09:16
I'm not going to tell you.

Why do you want to know that???

12th April 2007, 09:24
I think he has a fetish for these sorts of things :\

What's the weirdest question someone has ever asked you?

12th April 2007, 09:40
There was one this afternoon which I choose not to repeat, but it was... unbelievable. :s hock:

What is your preferred laundry detergent?

13th April 2007, 21:06
Bold, I think

When was the last time someone said they "need you"?

16th April 2007, 16:40
A couple of weeks ago when my buddy was installing new suspension bits on his car... :dozey:

Any tatoos?

16th April 2007, 21:11
No, when you're as good looking as me, it would be a crime to cover up my good looks............


If you had you life over again, would you change anything?

16th April 2007, 22:50
Yeah, there are a few small things, but nothing too major - I'm pretty happy at the moment.

How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

17th April 2007, 11:35
Obviously as much as necessary :rolleyes:

Any piercings?

17th April 2007, 11:38
Not any more, I use to have three in my left ear though :\

What time do you normally go to bed?

17th April 2007, 11:40
At midnight.

What time do you get up on Sundays?

17th April 2007, 15:40
Typically at 1:00am, 3:00am, 5:00am,... :dozey:

Do you get along with your neighbours?

18th April 2007, 10:29

What did you have for lunch?

Captain VXR
18th April 2007, 12:08
Havent had lunch yet although yesterday it was a ham sandwhich and a packet of quavers.
Can we stop schmenke licking elbows, it freaks me out?

19th April 2007, 12:42
I'm sure schmenke will have something to say about it.

Do you have any good plans for the weekend?

19th April 2007, 17:56
Yes, BTCC at Rockingham on Sunday :D

Do you still have all your own teeth?

19th April 2007, 18:07

Have you not previously asked that?

19th April 2007, 22:05

Why won't CarlMetro let me have the Last Word for more than 30 seconds?

20th April 2007, 00:21
Because he is, as you said, a meanie.

...not that the LW is his to give, it's mine :D

Have you ever been attacked by your breakfast cereal?

20th April 2007, 01:14
Erm...................no. That would be just you then, would it?

Am I repeating questions I've asked before?

20th April 2007, 01:19
Why not hire someone to check the backlog?

Well if not the cereal, has your duvet ever attacked you?

20th April 2007, 01:24
I worry about you sometimes, I really do :crazy:

Are you any good at DIY?

20th April 2007, 01:31
Well that depends... what am I good at doing myself? If it's building decks and such, then no; if it's... I think we'll go for a no on that one overall.

So, what about the washing machine? Come on, I can't be that unusual...

20th April 2007, 11:40
My washing machine leaks some water but I would not call that attacking.

How many weddings have you gone to?

Captain VXR
20th April 2007, 12:25
Are you going to the BTCC at Rockingham?

20th April 2007, 18:12
A tad too far for me... :mark:

Is it snowing where you are? :s

Captain VXR
20th April 2007, 21:01
Do you take notice of this sign?:
Toilet out of action, use floor below

20th April 2007, 22:48
Depends on whether I need to pee or not?

Is cheese a kind of meat?

20th April 2007, 22:59
Only in LaLa land

How many fingers am I holding up?

20th April 2007, 23:38
two, and I'm not too keen on which two it is.

(in LaLa land and the world of mighty boosh :D )

Do you know which way up is?

21st April 2007, 08:12
Easy - it's the opposite of down.

What colour of watermelon is your favourite?

23rd April 2007, 22:00
They all taste the same to me, although I don't feel quite right about eating anything but a red one :mark:

What's your favourite television show at the moment?

24th April 2007, 00:39
I think Babylon 5, although it's long-since finished, still has the edge in well-thought-out plots, characters and everything.

If you had to go back in time and live in a period of history, which would it be?

24th April 2007, 01:50
1960's Not very adventurous but great for the music :D

Isn't it about time you put some clothes on?

24th April 2007, 03:10
No. I see no problem with being at university naked ;)

Have you fed the dinosaur sufficiently?

Captain VXR
24th April 2007, 17:34
Isn't it the tiger?

30th April 2007, 16:33

Do you jaywalk?

8th May 2007, 11:15
Depends on how busy the road is :s

Have you booked your holiday yet?

16th May 2007, 18:27
Nope :mark: . Although we are going camping this w/end :mark: . The weather forecast however does not seem to be cooperative :s

Have you ever installed floor tiles?

16th May 2007, 18:38
Yep, in the kitchen of my last house and the wife's trying to persuade me to do the same in our current one :dozey:

Has anyone seen DonnieDarco?

Captain VXR
17th May 2007, 17:19
Can I have a chocolate smoothie?

17th May 2007, 17:38
erm............... no. Think I'll have one for myself instead.

What's your favorite kitchen utensil?

17th May 2007, 18:00
The bottle opener :D

Do you enjoy cooking?

17th May 2007, 21:00

Is there any smoothie left?

18th May 2007, 10:50
No, Slinkster consumed it all, but you can ask her to make some more if you want.

Do you want to come to New Zealand, sleep on my couch and write my assignments for me?

Captain VXR
18th May 2007, 17:29
Nah, the plane bit can't be very good, the rest is fine :)
Can I have a schmenke steak for breakfast tommorow?

22nd May 2007, 19:34
No, but you can kiss my rump roast :D

Whatcha have for breakfast?

22nd May 2007, 21:41
Toast and coffee this morning.

What can you see out of your window?

23rd May 2007, 17:55
Nothing necessarily pleasant... A somewhat industrial section of the city, with the downtown towers further off to the North :mark:

With what means of locomotion do you normally commute to work/school/parol office...?

4th June 2007, 12:07
Car, unless I'm 'working from home'

What time do you normally get up?

4th June 2007, 13:05

Do you usually remember what you've dreamed?

Captain VXR
4th June 2007, 17:45
Only for 5 minutes
Is there a slaughter house at carlmetro's because the tiger wants my goat for tea?

4th June 2007, 20:46
As Carl is a strange crater anyway, the answer is bound to be yes.

How was your Monday?

4th June 2007, 20:49
The sun way shining, the birds were singing and I've been stuck in my office all day writing a report which should have been in two days ago, I'll let you decide how my Monday was..........

Anyone for a kickabout in the park later?

4th June 2007, 21:00
So long as I am goalie (so I don't have to run about)

How many weeks until your summer holidays?

Captain VXR
4th June 2007, 21:46
Did you go to the Japanese Tuning Show at Silverstone yesterday (sunday 3 June)?

4th June 2007, 23:30
No, I didn't. On Sunday I wrote a bit of a story, read a bit of a book and relaxed a bit.

What's the biggest assignment you've ever written for school/university?

Captain VXR
5th June 2007, 17:43
If you had a tin can with no label what would you most hope is not in it(that comes in cans)?

5th June 2007, 23:18
Dog food probably.

If you had to take a pseudonym, what would it be?

6th June 2007, 11:38
Banana Boy, obviously :p

Why would you need a pseudonym?

Captain VXR
6th June 2007, 17:49
Don't know
Is it safe to eat dog food in the eu?

6th June 2007, 19:44
Give it a try.

Why do you answer every question with "Don't know"? :dozey:

7th June 2007, 10:14
Don't know :\

Can I be your friend?

7th June 2007, 10:33
First we should be formally introduced, shake hands and have some beers. (The LW might help ;) )

Do you have time for that?

7th June 2007, 16:11
I always have time for beers, especially if you're buying :D

Do you wear underwear?

7th June 2007, 23:47
Sometimes ;)

Has anyone seen MP3 Astra lately?

Brown, Jon Brow
8th June 2007, 11:26
He'll be Batracing :s

Is anyone else shocked that CarlMetro's surname is Metrovich ?

Captain VXR
8th June 2007, 17:47
Not me
Is anyone shocked that I exist?

12th June 2007, 21:30
But do you exist?

Is Captain VXR just a figment of someone's imagination?

Captain VXR
14th June 2007, 17:28
Not me but CarlMetrovich is
Can I have my lemonade now?

14th June 2007, 17:45
No, I've drunk it :burp:

Why are we here?

14th June 2007, 22:01
To post :mark:

Is it healthy to suppress a fart?

14th June 2007, 22:37
As my Dad used to say.........Son wherever you may be, always let your wind blow free ;)

Are you any good at board games?

15th June 2007, 00:03
I'm a Snakes and Ladders master ;)

Have you ever gone into an exam completely unprepared?

Brown, Jon Brow
15th June 2007, 10:59
I'm a Snakes and Ladders master ;)

Have you ever gone into an exam completely unprepared?

Yes, twice in the last week :dozey:

Whats your ultimate fantasy?

15th June 2007, 16:57
To have the LW :dozey:

Have you ever barfed in public?

15th June 2007, 17:17
Yes but only with the help of copious amounts of alcohol.

Any plans for the weekend?

Captain VXR
15th June 2007, 17:20
Can I have that kitkat that you don't want?

15th June 2007, 19:04

Does my bum look big in this?

15th June 2007, 19:17
The sun just went in! Oops no, its Carl's arse. Yes, it does look big in that ;) :D

Do you have memories you're not proud of?

Captain VXR
16th June 2007, 10:30
Getting points on my motorsport forums account for too much swearing

Any memories you're proud of?

17th June 2007, 10:27
Yeah, there are a few.

Have you seen Pirates of the Caribbean: World's End?

Captain VXR
17th June 2007, 12:19
Not yet
Is my rolo smoothie ready yet?

18th June 2007, 09:38
Oh!.............was that yours?

Can I go out and play now?

18th June 2007, 13:02
Only if you have finished your homework.

Is pork hash any good?

19th June 2007, 22:36
Sounds like a very interesting mix :s mokin:

What's the last gig you went to?

19th June 2007, 23:27
Kylie in Manchester :lips:

Who left their empty coffee mug on my desk?

Captain VXR
20th June 2007, 18:15
Me :p
Can I have it refilled?

20th June 2007, 18:44
Only if you brew it.

Can I have a day off? :dozey:

20th June 2007, 20:39
ermmmmmm...... no. sorry.

Do you know the difference between a tortoise and a turtle?

20th June 2007, 21:11
One lives on the ground and the other in the water?

Was that the correct answer?

21st June 2007, 01:02
I think it was.

Does Slinky know the answer, or was she asking because she wanted to find out?

Captain VXR
21st June 2007, 17:23
I don't know
Is my retard shampoo ready for collection - I need a hair wash?

25th June 2007, 16:41
No, still out of stock I'm afraid :s

Do you collect the fluff from your belly button?

Captain VXR
25th June 2007, 18:04
Can I borrow some of yours?

26th June 2007, 09:16
Yes you may, but return it in the container I'm providing.

When was the last time you held a baby?

26th June 2007, 10:23
I don't remember, it must be a very long time ago.

When was the last time you changed currency?

26th June 2007, 12:05
Beginning of February this year, Euros back into £'s

What is the longest distance you have travelled on a single trip?

Captain VXR
26th June 2007, 17:34
1000 miles
How far are you from the sydney opera house?

26th June 2007, 22:47
Not as far as you - Auckland to Sydney is 2,152km.

What would you do if there was a powercut right now?

26th June 2007, 22:58
Get some candles out of the cupboard.

Who said that?

27th June 2007, 11:48
It was your logical mind finding reasonable solutions for a common problem.

Do you get carried away by your emotions?

Captain VXR
27th June 2007, 17:33
Is my toy carlmetro ready yet?

27th June 2007, 23:28
:erm: what do you want one of those for??

What can you see out of the window right now?

27th June 2007, 23:31
Nothing, it's dark :\

Have you ever just quit your job?

27th June 2007, 23:34
I tried to, but they apologised and promised to improve the conditions for me :D (seriously, it was a job no one wanted to do, and as a male, they really wanted to keep me).

Care to have a guess as to what it was??

28th June 2007, 16:49
Professional elbow-licker?

Do you enjoy long walks on a quiet moon-lit beach?

Captain VXR
28th June 2007, 17:25
Do you have a lw trophy?

28th June 2007, 19:27
I have several.

What's wrong with long walks on a quiet moon-lit beach?

28th June 2007, 21:18
... sand in between your toes. Bad.

Do you prefer summer or winter?

28th June 2007, 23:30
Summer, so that I can enjoy long walks on a quiet moon-lit beach.

Are you bothered by sand in between your toes?

29th June 2007, 03:13
No, not too keen on my balls in the bunker either, which happened too often today :s

Isn't Calgary a bit far from a beach?

29th June 2007, 04:52
Umm, yes, but I too have had recent extensive experience with my balls in sand... :erm: ...

What's Brighton really like?

29th June 2007, 11:10
It's actually a really nice place, good resturants and nighlife and nice countryside surrounding it. Me and the misses go there quite a bit.

Anyone for tennis?

29th June 2007, 12:18
Yeah, sure, it'll be fun.

Would you like to bankroll the publishing of my book?

29th June 2007, 12:21
Can I read the synopsis first?

How much will it cost?

29th June 2007, 15:52
Do you want to finance Leon's book, "Elbow Licking For Dummies"

I'd like to sample it first.

2nd July 2007, 14:32

Brown, Jon Brow
2nd July 2007, 22:48
Schmenke has broken the thread

Why did Schmenke break the thread?

2nd July 2007, 23:26
I think he thought he was on a different thread ;)

Do you think Schmenke will ever tell us the truth?

Captain VXR
3rd July 2007, 18:22
I don't think so
Is my cochineal and carrot smoothie tasty?

5th July 2007, 07:57
It's the best thing I've ever tasted.

Have you seen the Transformers film?

5th July 2007, 09:01
No, but I did go see the new Fantastic Four film the other week :up:

Is it dull, grey and cold where you are too?

Brown, Jon Brow
5th July 2007, 13:49
Is it ever any different in North West England.

Is it ever any different in North West England?

Captain VXR
5th July 2007, 17:46
How do I know I'm a southern unposh Bathonion
Are you?

6th July 2007, 20:31

Where would you rather be right now?

7th July 2007, 02:24
Reduit bay, St Lucia :)

OK, who farted?

Brown, Jon Brow
7th July 2007, 19:36
Oh no I haven't farted, it's just my new aftershave ;)

Can you please take your hand out of my underpants?

Captain VXR
8th July 2007, 11:39
Wtf was that me - I must have been sleepwalking
Was it really me?

11th July 2007, 13:23
I wouldn't know, I wasn't there!

Have you ever been to Thailand (or South-East Asia)?

11th July 2007, 13:36
No I haven't but I know some people who have and they loved it.

Do you like your name?

Captain VXR
11th July 2007, 17:11
Not sure - it can get annoying
Please can you stop fiddling with the cat?

12th July 2007, 00:44
But I like playing with pussies :s hock:

Was that a bit too rude?

12th July 2007, 11:41
It is if they are not in the mood :cool:

Do you have any allergies?

12th July 2007, 17:46
Just pollen and general crap that floats in the air during the spring and summer. Antihistamines help somewhat :s

What do you normally eat for breakfast?

12th July 2007, 20:14
Mainly cereal, sometimes toast and bacon sarnies on special occasions :lips:

What brought you to this forum?

Brown, Jon Brow
12th July 2007, 23:25
The promise of a fuller life.

Will I ever be famous?

13th July 2007, 01:48
The name "Harold Shipman" sprung into me head when I read your question, Jon :p :

Will I complete my Masters in Nursing at any point in my life? (many years from now though, just finishing my Bachelors now)

Brown, Jon Brow
13th July 2007, 02:15
No, because I will do a Harold Shipman impression on you :mad: :erm: :p

If you could only listen to one song for the rest of your life, what would it be?

13th July 2007, 02:18
I'd choose Feeling Good by Muse, then you could kill me :D

Would you let someone practice venepuncture on you?

13th July 2007, 10:52
Not knowing what it is no I wouldn't unless it was recomended by a doctor.

Bugs Bunny or Duffy Duck?

13th July 2007, 11:31
Would depend on whether I fancied a stew or Chinese :lips:

Can I have a cup of tea, two sugars and milk please?

Brown, Jon Brow
13th July 2007, 12:43
Well I suppose you could, but the milk is sour :bigcry:

Why is my computer making a grinding noise?

13th July 2007, 13:08
Perhaps you should stop sitting on it?

Is this the way to Amarillo?

Brown, Jon Brow
13th July 2007, 15:55
For the last time..... NO!!! :mad:

How can I stop it from raining outside?

13th July 2007, 16:20
Move to the Sahara :dozey:

What should I do this weekend?

13th July 2007, 17:10
Play golf, drink beer, smoke a cuban?

What do have to do this weekend?

Captain VXR
13th July 2007, 20:39
Since your question makes no sense I'll leave it to I dont have to do anything this weekend
Do you like my choice of username?

14th July 2007, 22:46
Aye Cap'n

Do/did you have a nice sunset where you are when I write/wrote this post?

15th July 2007, 22:05
I don't know if I did when YOU wrote YOUR post but as I am writing this it is raining so no sunset for me.

Cheese or Nuts?

Brown, Jon Brow
15th July 2007, 23:51
Cheese - Smoked Applewood Cheddar is the best thing since sliced bread ;)

Guitar or Piano?

16th July 2007, 00:34

Would you like some toast ?

16th July 2007, 09:33
oooo yes please.

got any jam?