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9th November 2014, 16:36
D-Type, you're again a page back......

9th November 2014, 16:38
D-Type, you're again a page back......


9th November 2014, 20:57
At this moment I'd be happy to leave for any destination just to forget for a few days about anything. But I prefer Barcelona or Paris.

Have you ever your pet got lost?

When I had Sam (black lab) he used to take himself for walks. He would go into the back garden, find a hole in the hedge and half an hour later he would bark at the front door, he never actually got lost though.

Fav dog breed?

9th November 2014, 22:17
Hope I'm on the right page this time :mad:

Fav dog - Labrador but a boxer comes close. I suppose my ideal would be a boxer/lab cross. The 'permanent puppy' mentality of a boxer plus the gentleness of a labrador

Does your dog take you for a walk or do you take it?

9th November 2014, 23:03
When we had Radar (German Shep crossed with an Irish wolf hound) he wouldn't go for a walk unless he was holding his own lead, so I guess he would take us. Sam the lab was too stupid to do anything like this, so we took him.

If you were King of the World, what is the first thing you would do to make the World a better place for everyone?

10th November 2014, 00:31
Eliminate sex, money and politics. It would be paradise with nothing to argue over anymore. ;):rolleyes:
(Just kidding of course)

Would you rather play a sport, go hiking or go canoeing?

10th November 2014, 00:34
When I had Sam (black lab) he used to take himself for walks. He would go into the back garden, find a hole in the hedge and half an hour later he would bark at the front door, he never actually got lost though.

Fav dog breed?
Interesting. Both my dog and my wife's dog (before we were married) were named Sam. Mine was named for Samwise in the Lord of the Rings.

10th November 2014, 01:39
Interesting. Both my dog and my wife's dog (before we were married) were named Sam. Mine was named for Samwise in the Lord of the Rings.

When we got our Sam he was 18 months old and had been neglected and bullied, he was called Sambo, which we didn't like so we shortened it to Sam. His real name was Honeywell Khaki Lad (he was the only pedigree dog I have ever had)

10th November 2014, 01:41
Eliminate sex, money and politics. It would be paradise with nothing to argue over anymore. ;):rolleyes:
(Just kidding of course)

Would you rather play a sport, go hiking or go canoeing?

Can't really choose. I used to play football in the winter and cricket in the summer, as well as being a competitive swimmer, so organised sport was a big part of my life. I also love canoing, kyaking and white water rafting, and walking on and around the mountain.

If you could be anyone else for a day, who would you want to be?

10th November 2014, 08:56
Cristiano Ronaldo

If you could choose, which celebrity would you like to be your gf/wife/mistress?

10th November 2014, 16:12
I dunno, maybe Stacy Lewis. Perhaps not a celebrity but at least I would no longer have to work. And maybe she could help correct my slice :p: .

What are you doing on Nov. 11th?

10th November 2014, 16:27
Why? Are you organizing something? :p
Nov 11th in the orthodox calendar is St Victor and it's my fav cousin's husband anniversary. He's a great guy and a supportive friend and I'll try to get some free time to go to them and congratulate him. :beer:

What will you do on the same day? ( is it a holiday? )

10th November 2014, 17:52
The family is going to the municipal Memorial Park to pay our respect.

Do you have to equip your car with snow tires?

10th November 2014, 20:45
Not in the summer no :) Although if you saw the pics I posted on the "Talk About Anything" thread, I might change the no to a maybe.

Has the world grown enough so that there will never be another Global conflict?

11th November 2014, 17:37
Unfortunately there are organisations dedicated to global domination, eg Al-Qaeda

Have you any idea how we can curb the Islamic fundamentalists?

11th November 2014, 18:00
Outside of a new virus that only attacks a certain state of mind, no.

If the only way to stop those same radicals would be to wave a magic wand which would instantly kill all of them and you had the only wand, would you use it?

11th November 2014, 20:44
No, because absolute power corrupts absolutely, and by using such power, wouldn't the user be as bad as the problem he/she is trying to fix with it.

Would you rather go on a holiday tour, on a bus with 45 other people, or go on holiday with your self and whoever else, and do what you please?

11th November 2014, 22:22
I would never, never, never want to go on a holiday tour with 45 other people. No matter how interesting the itinerary I just could not stand not being able to view things at my own pace.

Have you ever visited somewhere and later regretted missing something?

11th November 2014, 22:37
Went to Loch Ness once and never saw Nessie. Was back in Liverpool a few years ago and had the chance to go to Liverpool's last home game of the season against Bradford City. It was the last game before the Kop was seated. I didn't go because my cousin was coming round to where we were staying with his new baby, and we were flying home the next day. I don't regret missing the match and catching up with family as family are more important, but I do regret not being able to do both.

What is the strangest, oddest or most interesting place, thing you have visited?

11th November 2014, 23:23
Strangest- Poas, which is a volcano in Costa Rica. Been there several times and it seems every time it's covered in clouds. (Or maybe it's just shy.)
Oddest - The Gulf of Fundy in Nova Scotia. The tides, which can be 30 feet or more, are amazing.
Interesting - Yellowstone Park in the US. The geothermal activity at many different sites around the park are something to marvel at. Must be seen at least once in a lifetime.

What do you think is the most important invention of all time?

11th November 2014, 23:42
The Internet. How else could we ever meet? :p

What's your criterion of choosing the place of your holidays?

12th November 2014, 20:39
Will any one else I know be there. If so, then find somewhere else.

Apart from the Internet, what is the most important invention ever?

13th November 2014, 05:54
Writing. The wheel as a close second. Fire doesn't count since its a natural phenomenon and not an invention.

Do you remember where you were on your 10th birthday?

13th November 2014, 07:00
Don't have memories of my birthdays as a kid cos in aromanian families these weren't celebrated ( never knew my parents birthdays until I went to university and had to fill in a form for the military service - I lied cos I had no clue :p). My birthday is in April so I probably went to school and offered some chocolates to the teacher and classmates.

What have you done on your last birthday?

15th November 2014, 16:37
I have no idea at all what I did on my last birthday. My birthday falls between Christmas and New Years, so most of the time we are kind of out of "going out to celebrate" mode and it's just another day. Not that it bothers me at all, to me it's just another day after you turn 21 or so.

What would be a perfect birthday for you?

15th November 2014, 17:32
I'd like a quiet one. When I started to work I had to throw parties at work with food cooked at home and a large assortment of drinks that were carried one by one, in time, cos drinking is forbidden at work ( although everybody drinks :p).
It was a nightmare... Instead of being happy it was stressful. Then my extended family ( that never invited me at their celebrations) and close friends would come at my home and then again it was stressful.
I'd like to have a day off from work and go shopping something nice and expensive for me and then having a drink in a pub with my friends and getting some nice presents that I've never got before.

Do you like winter holidays?

15th November 2014, 19:20
I have never really been on a winter holiday. However i love snow, so I guess I would.,

Have you ever punched someone?

15th November 2014, 23:43
Yes. I was horrible with a very dear person.

Can you imitate a celebrity?

17th November 2014, 01:48
You mean be drunk and disorderly? Sure, couldn't we all?

What is the thing you most look forward to next weekend?

17th November 2014, 02:45
next week end there will be only four more weeks till Christmas break starts.

has this year flown by, or am I just getting older?

20th November 2014, 14:41
has this year flown by, or am I just getting older?

Well we can confirm that we are all getting older. :laugh: But many years do seem to fly by. This year not so much for me, but some years are nothing but a blur really.

Do you sometimes have difficulty finding that proper balance (for you) of work and pleasure activities?

20th November 2014, 17:06
Yeah, work keeps getting in the way of my pleasure activities :p: .

Do you put up any lights or decorations around the house for the Christmas holidays?

20th November 2014, 18:03
We don't do outside lights or decorations but do put candles in the windows and decorations inside.

What would you like to get this Christmas?

20th November 2014, 19:42
A thoughtful friend. Real or virtual ? I don't care......Never had one.

What are you doing when you feel that everything goes wrong?

20th November 2014, 20:58
Like this week at work? - If I know I am in the right I trust that things will work out ok. If Iam not in the right I usually try to take responsibility. If it is a force of nature type thing There is not much I can do, so why stress on it. If it is personal i.e. breakdown of relationship, I tend to sulk for a while.

Last F1 GP of the season, will you watch and are you on team NICO or team hamilton?

20th November 2014, 20:58
A thoughtful friend. Real or virtual ? I don't care......Never had one.

What are you doing when you feel that everything goes wrong?

I would say most of here could be classified as caring virtual friends

20th November 2014, 22:29
Last F1 GP of the season, will you watch and are you on team NICO or team hamilton?

Team NICO and I won't watch.

Have you ever cried watching a movie?

20th November 2014, 22:34
I would say most of here could be classified as caring virtual friends
This forum has become a dead place. None of you were here when my head was smashing and I needed to talk.

20th November 2014, 22:35
I am a 6'5'' guy so the official answer is of course not - but in reality yes I have been known to shed the odd tear from time to time.

What sort of movie scenarios make you cry?

20th November 2014, 22:36
This forum has become a dead place. None of you were here when my head was smashing and I needed to talk.

I am truly sorry to hear that. But we are here now, and we cant undo the past, just support the present and create the future.

20th November 2014, 22:58
Have you seen Michael Haneke's movie Amour? It was so emotional that I cried rivers of tears and left the cinema with red eyes. Who would have known that I'll face the same problems like the hero? I wiish I could have his patience and the strength to end this nightmare the way he did....

When was the last time you've been brokenhearted?

20th November 2014, 23:05
About 6 months ago. Someone I cared deeply about (probably still do) basically turned on me and stopped speaking to me for no apparent reason. Took a while to get over it, but now I see it as her loss rather than mine.

Four more weeks of work until Christmas!!! we get a mandatory 3 week summer holiday, are you planning to take extra time off?

21st November 2014, 00:56
All of my days now are time off. :p It's nice to be retired.

What is the one thing (within reason) which you'd like to receive for Christmas? (We need time to go shopping. :))

21st November 2014, 01:13
But I've already answered......A reliable friend is a reasonable thing...
OK, if you want something material I'd say an expensive perfume ( from Chanel, Calvin Klein or Gucci), a nice watch and a new bag. As nobody would offer me such things ( naughty girl? ) I'd probably buy them myself. :s

What things will you buy as presents for your missus ( yours, not Billy's), or gf or sweetheart?

21st November 2014, 02:24
before problem outlined a few answers ago I had ordered her a guitar. But that has since been cancelled.

What one thing could someone do right now to make you really happy?

21st November 2014, 06:54
The only thing that can make me happy is a holiday, obviously nobody can "do" it.
But it will be OK even if you continue posting.

How long do you want to live?

21st November 2014, 14:29
How long do you want to live?

That is a REALLY deep question.

At the end of the day I want to live long enough to be secure in the fact that my teenage daughter is on the right track, has a promising future, and has learned the important life lessons that teach her to be a good person throughout her life. That is all happening very quickly, but that is my primary concern.

After that? Well I'd [i]like[/] to live long enough to see her live part of her "adult" life, to see if she gets married, has kids, etc. And I'd hope that she found a career that was rewarding to her daily and gave her more than sufficient income to be financially secure.

In a perfect wish list I'd live to be at least late 70's-early 80's. Though I do enjoy being productive and working, I think I'll really enjoy true retirement and the time it gives me to do what I want and cross some things off my bucket list. And if I stayed of sound mind and body, living to be 100 wouldn't bother me in the slightest. It would be amazing to see the changes that continue in the world, even though some are troubling at times.

Same question to the next person.....

21st November 2014, 17:29
Ha, ha.....Guess who's answering........
I'm very serious when I say that last night I went to sleep repeating I wanna die, I wanna die.....
Don't want to continue with arguments ( it's Friday, goddamnit....) but I simply can't find a meaning to my existence and the continuous failure in everything I try or feel deepen the pain.
Don't worry, I'm also the pussillanimous type who wouldn't ever take her life.
But I confess that I'm really scared I might have my mum's fate and become a burden ( burden to whom? :confused:). So anyway I want to die without agonizing.

Let's continue. Same q to the next.

21st November 2014, 18:15
gadjo , have you tried contacting the Romanian Red Cross - they may be able to offer you some support or help. They seem to have some age-related programmes.

21st November 2014, 18:21
How long do I want to live? difficult question. In short, I would like to live as long as possible. But with the proviso that if my quality of life deteriorates rapidly let tit be for a shoert time.

Do you consider life sacrosanct? Or would you agree with euthanasia in some cases?

21st November 2014, 19:05
gadjo , have you tried contacting the Romanian Red Cross - they may be able to offer you some support or help. They seem to have some age-related programmes. In this country the health system is a mess, the social assistance almost inexistent. We can't afford to be ill.
All I could do was to access a 3 months programme, that's all the support through a private association that get money from the state for this. A woman came once/day and took care of her wounds - about half an hour. It was supposed to be for free but I bribed those women to assure they'll help me after that. And they still come . 1/2 hour/day when they find time to come. The rest of the time it's me or my brother who have to fight with a woman who can't leave the bed and have moments when her mind is completely gone.
I can't afford to pay a woman to stay permanently with her, not to mention that her treatment is about 1/4 of my wage. Asylums are but a few, a private one is too expensive.
Sometimes I feel I'm at the end of patience, sometimes I wonder how much strength I have, sometimes I behave like a real bitch- like I'm doing right now

22nd November 2014, 14:06
Sometimes I feel I'm at the end of patience, sometimes I wonder how much strength I have, sometimes I behave like a real bitch- like I'm doing right now

You are far from being a bitch. You are simply a person in a very trying situation doing the best you can to do the right thing. And that can sometimes be very taxing and take a heavy toll. The fact that you continue to endure this heavy toll reflects very kindly on you as a person, and despite all the material things we can sometimes be distracted with, being a good human being is something that eludes many....... but obviously not you.

I'm sorry that you are going through such a trying time, but I'm glad that you find this forum and the people on it a comfortable enough place to vent your frustrations. Sometimes seeing inside a persons life like you have allowed us to do reminds us all that some priorities in life aren't easy, but should remain priorities. Having been through a similar situation in the not too distant past with my father, I can sympathize with what you are doing through. And I can also respect that you are doing what you feel is right, despite the personal price you are paying.

And understanding that having others to help you through it helps, consider this an open offer to PM me any time you need to vent. Being I'm not on the forum all that often, I'll give you an email address if you want as well. I don't want to see another human in need feel like they are alone in their struggle, and if I can help you through this time I will do so gladly.

22nd November 2014, 15:46
How long do I want to live? difficult question. In short, I would like to live as long as possible. But with the proviso that if my quality of life deteriorates rapidly let tit be for a shoert time.

Do you consider life sacrosanct? Or would you agree with euthanasia in some cases?
I think young people should go to China to learn about other cultures. ;)

I firmly support people's right to "check out" if that is what they really want. There can be many reasons for it, but it's a personal choice. There should be some limits so you can't just do it on a whim though. For people with terminal illnesses, in my opinion it would be a crime not to allow them death with dignity. It's illegal in the state where I live, but my wife and I have made arrangements so that, should either of us we ever get to that point, the other will be able to take care of things.

Following the line of thought, what is your opinion on the subject?

22nd November 2014, 17:59
I think young people should go to China to learn about other cultures. ;)

I firmly support people's right to "check out" if that is what they really want. There can be many reasons for it, but it's a personal choice. There should be some limits so you can't just do it on a whim though. For people with terminal illnesses, in my opinion it would be a crime not to allow them death with dignity. It's illegal in the state where I live, but my wife and I have made arrangements so that, should either of us we ever get to that point, the other will be able to take care of things.

Following the line of thought, what is your opinion on the subject?

We just found out a couple days ago that my daughter was accepted in the exchange going to China to learn about other cultures. Dead serious! :)

And with the topic at hand, I agree with you. If a person is of sound mind they should be allowed to make the decision to end their life. I might also add that there should be some types of provisions to ensure end of life decisions are followed. In the not too distant past my father died, and I believe his end of life wishes were likely denied by his wife, as she never produced the living will to clarify HIS wishes, even though it was known to exist.

Same question to the next person.

22nd November 2014, 18:25
I was trying all the day to avoid an answer to this. We already had that topic about euthanasia.....I don't know. Before having this painful experience I was against it. Questioned the 'personal choice" and "death with dignity'' concepts. Then, when confronted to my personal case I thought it's correct.
I simply don't know now...Never thought she'll resist so much. What if I have opted for her death back in March?
There are moments - like last night - when I can't endure the nightmare and want her to die. Then I try to feed her and she refuses food and I'm desperate(omg, she'll die.....)

Let's change the topic( not before claiming I don't want any help, it's the last thing on my mind to have people of the forum implied in my troubles. Airshifter I beg you once more to delete that):

Where have you spent your best holiday and why was it the best?

22nd November 2014, 21:28
At my house on over Christmas with, believe it or not, both sets of in-laws visiting from out of town. The water heater igniter gave up the ghost late on Xmas Eve, way too late to get a plumber to fix it. Spent that night and the next day with no hot water. We ate Christmas dinner on paper plates with plastic utensils (only used our BEST paper and plastic of course :eek:). We all had a very good laugh about it and, somehow, that holiday seemed more special than others.

Which holiday out of the year do you most enjoy and why?

22nd November 2014, 22:03
The summer holiday. In fact my only holiday cos I hate the cold season and avoid leaving town. I like to go at the seaside, watch the sea, smell the salty air, building sand castles and swimming a lot. The years when I couldn't see the sea are lost years of my life (2014 is one of them).

Are you afraid of earthquakes?

22nd November 2014, 22:23
I guess you have to be afraid of the consequences of earthquakes. I mean they can be disastrous and deadly. However the actual earthquake I find fascinating and would actually like to experience one in the right environment. Doubt I will.

Why do you think Gadjo missed the earthquake around her way today?

22nd November 2014, 23:59
Maybe because a total idiot broke her heart, she's devastated and doesn't notice anything around.

Who do you want to win tomorrow race?

24th November 2014, 02:40
We just found out a couple days ago that my daughter was accepted in the exchange going to China to learn about other cultures. Dead serious!

Your daughter is incredibly lucky. First Machu Picchu, then China.....And she has such great parents who are preoccupied by her education....

Spent that night and the next day with no hot water. We ate Christmas dinner on paper plates with plastic utensils (only used our BEST paper and plastic of course
But why didn't you just heat some water on the stove?

24th November 2014, 05:50
But why didn't you just heat some water on the stove?
Because the paper plates tend to get soggy if you wash them in soap and hot water?

24th November 2014, 09:21
But you could have washed the porcelain plates.....
Sorry...Just remembered the last years of communism when hot water was available just between 7-9 and 20-22. Imagine the race to be home in time for a decent shower. :devil:
But even these days you may have surprises. A terrible storm in the area where my cousin has a country house led to a power cut that was remediated in 3 days. No power means also no water. Cold water. So imagine 4 persons celebrating a birthday on candle lights ( that was the romantic part ), missing a football match that we were dieing to watch, collecting rain water to throw on the toilet, watching the fridge defrozing and all our food gone and going to a well to wash our faces and teeth. The best part was when we went on a trip to a posh resort in the neighbourhood fearing we may smell like skunks. :laugh:
Not to mention that about 4 years ago at my house due to a terrible frost the water got frozen in the pipes and I haven't a drop of water ( cold or heat ) for about 20 days. Having baths and washing laundry at relatives or friends and carrying hundreds buckets of water from the neighbours. That was probably the moment when I started to think seriously about the wasting of natural resources.....

24th November 2014, 23:21
Is this the end of this thread?

25th November 2014, 00:04
I hope not because with whats going on in my life at the moment, I may well need it soon.

Have you ever felt scared at how a job is coming to an end?

25th November 2014, 00:06
Yeah....I always threaten my boss that I shall kill him. :laugh: :devil:

Will you decorate a tree for Christmas?

25th November 2014, 00:55
Yeah....I always threaten my boss that I shall kill him. :laugh: :devil: ...

Careful what you post online gadjo :s .

Yes, we always decorate a tree. The kids are responsible for the bottom 4ft :p: .

Do you have plans to travel somewhere for the holidays, or staying home?

25th November 2014, 02:50
No plans, but I have just been told/suggested to me from head office that I am using two weeks of my accumulated leave, so I have a 5 week break this year, so my plans now might change.

What can I do for 5 weeks with a horribly small budget?

25th November 2014, 08:53
Watch TV and drink beer. :laugh:
You may also keep me company on the forum while the others will be busy holidaying. :devil:

Are you the jealous type?

25th November 2014, 20:58
Watch TV and drink beer. :laugh:
You may also keep me company on the forum while the others will be busy holidaying. :devil:

Are you the jealous type?

I will look forward to keeping you company in here as often as I can :)

25th November 2014, 20:59
No I am not the jealous type. I have what I have etc and that is good enough for me.

Are you a competitive person?

25th November 2014, 23:19
No, because I lose every time. Even if I am the single competitor I'll come the second......;)

Do you buy souvenirs when you travel abroad?

26th November 2014, 00:24
maybe a t-shirt or something similar, but not trinkets.

if/when you travel abroad do you try the local cuisine, or stick with familiar things?

26th November 2014, 08:55
I really don't know....Haven't traveled too much. Depending where I'd travel......
And on ingredients. I'll never eat chicken...

When you travel abroad what's your main interest? ( like people, food, museums, historical places, etc. ).

26th November 2014, 21:29
I love history, so museums are a must, especially small local museums because they concentrate on local things more than large metropolitan museums do. I have never been a night-club person, so I avoid these lake the plague.

If a visitor/tourist was to come to your town/city, what would you direct them to see/visit/do (apart from get out of town)?

26th November 2014, 22:04
Nothing special to be seen in my hometown. A famous place is People's House- now it's the Palace of the Parliament, the world's second largest administrative building. In my opinion it's just hideous and useless.
Foreign tourists have just two options:
1.Village Museum - a collection of traditional village houses from different parts of the country
2. The old center-don't be fooled by this title, it's not defined by some special architecture or historical buildings but by a collection of pubs and cafes, many with international specific - Irish, Greek, Turkish, Lebanese, etc.:devil:

What's the worst thing about your hometown?

27th November 2014, 00:58
Being on the west coast, with westerlies as the prevailing wind, the spring weather can sometimes be quite unpredictable (for unpredictable read nasty). Apart from that it is a wee bit isolated from the rest of the country, but this can be a good thing.

What is the major industry where you live?

27th November 2014, 07:54
Automobiles used to be the top now superseded by the software services/IT industry..

same Q?

27th November 2014, 09:06
Beggary. It's a real industry with even a luxury branch. :laugh:

What drink would you like just now?

Storm, you're back! :wave:
Show us some pics from your journey.

27th November 2014, 09:13
ok, I will ;)

drink? a coffee will do nicely

What did you have for breakfast?

27th November 2014, 09:17
I'm trying to drink a coffee and to eat a pretzel but my boss is running me with a lot of sh*t works.

What will you have at lunch?

27th November 2014, 17:18
Leftovers from last night's dinner: Pork piccata and mashed potatoes.

How long have you been at your current job?

27th November 2014, 20:58
six years.

What is the longest you have been in a job/company?

27th November 2014, 21:44
I was with my previous company for about 15 years.

What do you consider your most memorable accomplishment in 2014?

27th November 2014, 21:58
The fact that after all I had to come through I still haven't lost my mind. Despite crying rivers of tears ( for different reasons) I'm probably stronger than I thought.......

Have you ever met in real life a person you first met online?

27th November 2014, 23:16
Quite possibly, but probably not.

Do you make new year's resolutions, if so do you stick to them?

27th November 2014, 23:19
No, I never bother because I never stick to them :p: .

If you had a choice to travel somewhere by plane or train, and it took overall about the same amount of time, which method would you choose?

28th November 2014, 07:49
Train - much more fun overall...although I love takeoffs and landings, the rest of the plane rides are boring.

have you travelled on a boat/ship for a long duration?

28th November 2014, 08:53
No. Not yet.:devil: ( there's a guy at work who claims that a cruise is all I need to be happy. whenever he passes my desk or me his desk he's whispering to me: a cruise, when will go on a cruise? :laugh: )

When will you go on a cruise? :devil:

30th November 2014, 20:51
Never - I can't think of anything worse than being stuck on a ship with hundreds of people having to do what they do when they do it, it sounds like a prison sentence. Funnily enough though one of my life's passions is/are sailing ships.

If you couls learn one new skill next year, what would it be and why?

30th November 2014, 22:35
Pole dancing. To make people laugh. :laugh:
Now seriously, I'd like to do something about my communication skills. I'm very shy and I can't handle even a friendship. I'm lucky that my work don't require too much contact with people.

What's your favorite star ( on the sky ;) ) and why?

30th November 2014, 23:04
Betelgeuse or Gliese.

Betelgeuse because it has such a cool name and Gilese because it is only 20 light years away and has a planet orbiting it that is in the "Goldilocks Zone" and quite possibly can support or does support life.

If you could travel to Gilese 581 (Zarmina's World) or 581g (planets orbiting the star Gilese that are in the "GZ", knowing that you could survive there, but not knowing what if any life was already there, and there was no way to come home - would you go?

1st December 2014, 00:24
I'm not able to start a new life on earth, how could I do this on another planet?
I admit I'm a boring person that lacks fantasy, but....that is.

what animal really scare you?

1st December 2014, 01:19
I guess it would be a lion or something in reality. However of things I come across regularly I guess it is frogs. Not scared as such, but I just don't like getting too close to them.

Who was the last close friend you made?

1st December 2014, 08:13
Still waiting for Santa to bring him/her. :s

Are you revengeful when somebody hurts your feelings?

1st December 2014, 09:06
No. I just feel sad or down for a while and then move on.

Do you like eating fish?

1st December 2014, 09:14
Yes. I enjoy shellfish (crab or prawns) more. Can't get a lot of good fresh fish closeby though.

Do you shop in a supermarket or at a butcher/fishmonger/fresh veggie market?

1st December 2014, 09:58
Now that I have to answer this I see that I live like a robot. Every Saturday I shop at a huge supermarket cosmetics, things for home, conserved food or prepacked meat. Every Sunday I shop from a very big peasant market fresh vegetables and fruits, sometimes cheese. That's the only going out I permit these days. To bring a ray of light to this grey existence I accompany this shopping with a visit to a mall ( the supermarket is a part of it ) or a big store associated to the market.
That's funny, today I have a day off, yesterday I was at the peasant market, the day before yesterday at the hypermarket. Where should I go today? :confused:

Do you eat popcorn in a cinema hall?

1st December 2014, 16:42
No, because I never go to the cinema :mark: .

How many hours a day do you typically work?

1st December 2014, 17:46
Monday - Thursday 8 1/2
Friday 6
Tuesdays + extra hours

How many days of paid holiday do you have from work?

1st December 2014, 21:07
I currently have 43 days owing. I am using 21 of these over Christmas, that will give me 5 weeks off. 21 days plus 4 days statutory holidays.

Do people understand your sense of humour, or do they tend to look at you as if you were slightly odd?

2nd December 2014, 06:44
People who don't know me perceive me like boring serious.
Those who know me say that I'm never serious......
Does it make me odd? :confused:

What do you think about my seriosity?

2nd December 2014, 20:51
I love the word seriosity :) Is it one of your own? Seriously though people are people are people, we are all different and each of us has the right to be who we are. True you are maybe a bit more serious than I am, but that is who you are and I respect that in you.

On a lighter note - what is your favourite ice cream flavour?

2nd December 2014, 22:02
ALL of them. However let's say tiramisu and forest fruits.

What colour are your bedroom walls?

2nd December 2014, 22:23
a boring slightly off-white colour. When I was a kid I had a room that was not connected to the rest of my parents' house. It had wallpaper that was black, with silver threads through it - awesome:)

do you believe the notion that colours can alter your mood or psyche

2nd December 2014, 22:29
Never really thought about it but I guess I would feel somewhat uncomfortable if I had to sleep in a bedroom that was all pink :p: .

Do you prefer a room slightly cool or warm (the missus and I are each constantly adjusting the thermostat in the schmenke house :mark: )?

2nd December 2014, 23:07

Have you ever fallen asleep while typing on this forum?

2nd December 2014, 23:14
No way, it's far too exciting :p: .

Are you a heavy sleeper or do you often wake up in the middle of the night?

2nd December 2014, 23:32
I wake up but then usually go right back to sleep.

What kind of fuel heats your home?

2nd December 2014, 23:40


When was the last time you bought furniture?

2nd December 2014, 23:58
Bought a leather recliner about a month ago to replace the old one that had seen better days, and well, you just need a leather recliner placed strategically in front of the 50" :D :uhoh: .

What's your favourite piece of furniture?

3rd December 2014, 00:48
The bed. I'm a lazy a*se.

Do you have a yard around the house?

3rd December 2014, 02:30
Only a really small one with enough room for the washing line.

Do you like mowing lawns?

3rd December 2014, 07:02
I would if I had one.

Do you like gardening?

3rd December 2014, 09:01
No :p.... oh wait

Yes I do, I am always outside and although my current job is not ideal, I still love Gardening itself. Its so relaxing when done as a hobby.

Whats the most challenging piece of gardening you have ever done?

3rd December 2014, 09:11
Helped my cousin to plant a few plants ( :p ) in her court in the country. It was stressful.....

Do you celebrate St Nicholas on 6th December? I mean the old tradition to let kids' boots at the door and in the morning the old Nicholas would leave some sweets or a stick ( depending on how naughty they've been ). I always get the stick........

3rd December 2014, 10:56
No :p.... oh wait

Yes I do, I am always outside and although my current job is not ideal, I still love Gardening itself. Its so relaxing when done as a hobby.

Whats the most challenging piece of gardening you have ever done?

When I posted that I knew that you would be the one to reply :D

I even added (not to steve and then edited it out!)

3rd December 2014, 11:04
When I posted that I knew that you would be the one to reply :D

I even added (not to steve and then edited it out!)

I also knew it. That's why I refrained to answer.;)

3rd December 2014, 19:02
Sorry to be so predictable guys :p

Saint Nicholas is not widely celebrated here on the 6th as far as I know.

Who is your national saint?

3rd December 2014, 19:29
St. Andrew ( we call him Andrei ). These days Andreea has become one of the most spread name for the young girls. St Andrew is celebrated on 30 November and is a national holiday. This year it was on Sunday....:s. The good part is that it's linked to 1 st December - our national day.

When is your national day and what's its significance?

3rd December 2014, 20:40
July 1st, the significance of which commemorates the creation of the dominion of Canada through the British North America Act, enacted on July 1st, 1867.

What’s the furthest from home you’ve travelled?

3rd December 2014, 20:44
In NZ it is Waitangi Day on Feb 6th. It recognises when a treaty was signed between the British Crown and Maori tribes, basically creating one nation and ending the land wars (1840).

How different are local accents and dialects in your country (unless you live in England :))

3rd December 2014, 22:36
Lol. A lot to tell.....The most annoying are the Moldovans. They pronounce ce/ci like she/shi and pe like pi. They sound really funny. Moldova is the poorest region of the country so if you also add the terrible accent, the Moldovan is perceived like an uneducated peasant ( good.....no Moldovans here on the forum to be offended). Then we have the proudly transylvanians ( like Ioan) who speak slowly with a lot of regionalisms and tend to use annoying pronunciations ( ex. s-o dus instead of s-a dus ). Generally they can't stand people from Book a Rest who they call "southerners". They start a phrase by saying interjections like'' ioi ''or ''no'', etc.
In Banat te may become ce, and de may become ge. In Oltenia they speak very fast and use a specific tense of the verb called simple perfect. Etc etc. What is simply wonderful about romanian language is that despite all these differences we speak the same language and can understand each other no matter the region we come from.

What foreign language do you think that sounds really good?

4th December 2014, 01:32
July 1st, the significance of which commemorates the creation of the dominion of Canada through the British North America Act, enacted on July 1st, 1867.

What’s the furthest from home you’ve travelled?

Lol. A lot to tell.....The most annoying are the Moldovans. They pronounce ce/ci like she/shi and pe like pi. They sound really funny. Moldova is the poorest region of the country so if you also add the terrible accent, the Moldovan is perceived like an uneducated peasant ( good.....no Moldovans here on the forum to be offended). Then we have the proudly transylvanians ( like Ioan) who speak slowly with a lot of regionalisms and tend to use annoying pronunciations ( ex. s-o dus instead of s-a dus ). Generally they can't stand people from Book a Rest who they call "southerners". They start a phrase by saying interjections like'' ioi ''or ''no'', etc.
In Banat te may become ce, and de may become ge. In Oltenia they speak very fast and use a specific tense of the verb called simple perfect. Etc etc. What is simply wonderful about romanian language is that despite all these differences we speak the same language and can understand each other no matter the region we come from.

What foreign language do you think that sounds really good?

(a) It has to be either Taiwan or Thailand, both of which I have visited in the course of my work, whichever is further from Britain.

(b) The language depends who is speaking - compare Marlene Dietrich and Adolf Hitler. Having said that, I think Italian sounds good

Do you love or loathe Christmas?

4th December 2014, 09:47
Don't loathe it but it can't bring me the joy it used to do în the past. Fair to say that I fear this year Christmas. It would be the first time I'll be alone at home just with my sick mum. Santa won't come, as usual, and I can't enjoy the traditional food sitting alone at the table.
To answer the q, for me Christmas still remains an important tee of the year, an important target for all my actions ( like „I have to finish....until Christmas”).

Have you ever played the role of Santa?

4th December 2014, 15:54
No. Not fat enough, not jolly enough, no reindeer in sight (and I'd probably put reindeer steaks on the grill if I had one of those animals), and I don't own a red suit though I do have a beard.

Do the decorations for Christmas go up too early where you live?

4th December 2014, 16:32
No. Not fat enough, not jolly enough, no reindeer in sight (and I'd probably put reindeer steaks on the grill if I had one of those animals), and I don't own a red suit though I do have a beard.

The beard should be white :laugh:

Yes. Too early in my opinion. The malls are already full of decorated Christmas trees. The city christmas lights were lighted last weekend. However the small shops in the center of the city are still "clean".

What have you dreamed last time?

8th December 2014, 10:54
Nobody answers my question. I refuse to think that none of you dreams.......
I'll take it as if either you're ashamed to admit it or ashamed of what you dream.

:s :s

8th December 2014, 11:11
Well I considered answering but thought it was a boring answer.

I dream a lot. I can only remember a few snippets of the last dreams till early that morning unless it is some spectacular and memorable dream. Last night one of my dreams was about my sis-in-law's back problem and a visit to the doctor (she had a MRI scan done yesterday and we talked about it).
Not a very interesting last dream.

do you dream a lot or remember things clearly the next day?

8th December 2014, 11:26
For two months I sleep about 4 hours/night and then I sleep like a log so no time for dreams. I don't even hear anymore the phone notifications of mail, forum posts or fb.
But generally I forget the dreams unless they're very intense and have an emotional impact. Happily(or sadly?) my dreams never come true.

Do you snore?

8th December 2014, 16:45

Do you read before going to sleep?

8th December 2014, 16:56

Will you get a bonus for Christmas?

8th December 2014, 17:11
No, thanks to the Saudis :(

Do many people commute by bicycle where you live?

8th December 2014, 17:19
No, they're too infatuated for this.

Is there a snow layer where you live?

8th December 2014, 17:49
Yes, but the forecast is for mild temperatures (above freezing) for the next few days so it may all melt.

What's your favourite winter activity?

8th December 2014, 17:53
Laying in my bed under a warm blanket with a nice glass of red wine.

I HATE winter! :angryfire:

Why do you like winter?

8th December 2014, 18:35
Around here you have to embrace winter otherwise you'd do nothing for 6 months a year :p: .
I love to ski with the family (usually here: http://www.skinakiska.com/conditions/mountain-cam.aspx ), or toboggan, or simply long walks in the crisp air.

What time does the sun rise and set this time of year?

8th December 2014, 19:19
Officially rise at 7:37 am and sets at .4:34 pm

In reality we hadn't seen the sun from November 11. Just a long chain of gloomy rainy days + days when it snowed. It's the longest period without sun in our history and a new source of depression.

Do you like to do the Christmas shopping?

8th December 2014, 20:42
Hell no! I haven't even started yet, and will prob finish on Christmas Eve.

Would you rather have a white winter Christmas, or a sunny summer one like we get?

8th December 2014, 22:51
I've just said I hate winter.

What present do you wish for Christmas?

9th December 2014, 07:16
I will let some one else answer since most of the above Qs did not apply to me at all ! :p:

9th December 2014, 09:49
Ooooohhhhh.....I'm sorry...
Generally I'm a thoughtful person who takes care of such things.
Of course I thought you don't celebrate Christmas but then I thought you have such a western education and behaviour that you might do it at least for Storm jr's sake.
I was about to mention that in your case you should refere to some Indian celebration. In TV series I saw some festivals when brothers/sisters have to offer gifts. But then again, I don't remember if you have siblings.
But you may answer the Q's as if you were celebrating Christmas. I suppose we kinda finished the usual questions and take Christmas as an opportunity to continue this thread.

9th December 2014, 10:07
no worries, we don't celebrate Xmas as such but as you said it is very likely the newer generations will grow up celebrating some aspects of it like some already do(the commercialized stuff like buying gifts, Santa, decorating etc ) till they are grown ups (who knows what's ahead of that)
I do have an older sister and yes during Diwali there is a day when a brother has to gift his sister. And his wife on another day. Pretty expensive stuff, these festivals :p:

If I were to get a gift, I might want a small starter telescope - which I have been intending to buy for years but haven't. Also it is one of the best times to look at the skies, being clear and cool (not in the city though :s )

same question to those who actually will get gifts? :)

9th December 2014, 11:34
Now it would be my turn to skip the Q as I don't think I'll get a gift. My mother obviously can't buy but even in the past she offered me money to get what I want. It's not the same thing....Even the most insignificant and cheap thing becomes important when you know that somebody thinks of you and offers something that you may enjoy. My brother never in his life bought me something. Not even a chocolate. Even when he had money. So does his gf. The rest of the family will give me old things that they don't need anymore knowing exactly they are useless for me ( rings, face creams, photo frames ) or don't match my size. That's the most painful part of the celebration.
But I like girlish things like any normal woman so I'll buy things by myself ( pretending then that I received them from Santa :p). I've already treated myself with a new bag and I also want a new watch, some earrings and some perfumes.

Will you have a Christmas party at work?

9th December 2014, 16:40
Well, we already had our company Christmas party a few weeks ago here:
http://www.fairmont.com/lake-louise/?cmpid=google_cll_search-branded-canada_branded-e-revsh&s_kwcid=TC|1025556|chateau%20lake%20louise||S|e|51 300436863&gclid=CM2EouaYucICFYNFaQodYW4Avw

We had our department party about a week ago, in a smaller venue.

And I'm sure a few libations will be had in the office on Dec. 19th :D .

What's your favourite annual festival or celebration?

9th December 2014, 22:37
Well, we already had our company Christmas party a few weeks ago here:
http://www.fairmont.com/lake-louise/?cmpid=google_cll_search-branded-canada_branded-e-revsh&s_kwcid=TC|1025556|chateau%20lake%20louise||S|e|51 300436863&gclid=CM2EouaYucICFYNFaQodYW4Avw

We had our department party about a week ago, in a smaller venue.

And I'm sure a few libations will be had in the office on Dec. 19th :D .

What's your favourite annual festival or celebration?
Now I remember that place. From last year :p
Lot of celebration for you. Are you still working?

Well, my fav celebration is the Easter. Because it's on spring when I still have hopes. Because sometimes it's tied with my birthday. Because I love traditions and Easter has a lot. Because I love the painted eggs. Because I fast a week before Easter and the meal at midnight becomes the best food ( although I love to eat telemea cheese with green onion). Because the ressurection church service at midnight has something magical ( for me ). Because I love to eat panettone and drink red wine. Because.

Do you attend a party on new year's eve?

9th December 2014, 23:00
Not any more. It is just another day.

What sign are you based on the Chinese astro chart thing?

10th December 2014, 16:40
...panettone ...

I had to google that where according to wikipedia it's more of a Christmas food.

10th December 2014, 16:41
Not any more. It is just another day.

What sign are you based on the Chinese astro chart thing?

A snake. The wife's a horse. Does that make us compatable? :p:

Is there any special food that you typically only have during celebrations/festivals that you wish you could have more often?

10th December 2014, 20:53
used to be roast turkey, but that is available all year round now

Do you tired of eating Christmas left-overs in the week after Christmas?

11th December 2014, 07:57
I have never had a proper Western Xmas meal, so no...I would like to try one someday!

same Q?

11th December 2014, 09:04
We tend to have larger family gatherings so most is eaten on Christmas Day & Boxing Day. So its just chocolate for the next week. :p

What does today hold for you?

11th December 2014, 20:46
Last day at work for the year - then 5 weeks off :)

Do you/ have you built up images of the posters on this site, and does it include what each/some of us look like in your minds eye?

12th December 2014, 08:58
I guess so. I do know what a few around here look like and visa versa. But for those who I have not seen, I have a certain image I guess. Its a natural thing to do.

If you had 5 weeks off. What would/are you doing with it?

12th December 2014, 18:44
Pack a few things and run to the sea. Just by myself. Just me and the sea. No family, no friends, no guys to break my heart. No phone, TV, internet....... No problems. Just me and the sea......

When will you decorate the Christmas tree?

13th December 2014, 10:25
I guess so. I do know what a few around here look like and visa versa. But for those who I have not seen, I have a certain image I guess. Its a natural thing to do.

If you had 5 weeks off. What would/are you doing with it?

I headed out of New Plymouth today with a few changes of clothes, two of my guitars, my telescope nd golf clubs.

13th December 2014, 10:28
Pack a few things and run to the sea. Just by myself. Just me and the sea. No family, no friends, no guys to break my heart. No phone, TV, internet....... No problems. Just me and the sea......

When will you decorate the Christmas tree?

As soon as I get it out of its' box and plug it in - it is fibre optic.

what would be your ideal Christmas?

13th December 2014, 11:20
I headed out of New Plymouth today with a few changes of clothes, two of my guitars, my telescope nd golf clubs.
That's great news! Have a nice holiday!
Good idea to take both guitars. Watching the stars by yourself icould become boring. :devil:

PS Don't forget to take photos for the photography thread.
:wave: :kiss:

13th December 2014, 12:06
what would be your ideal Christmas?

I want my old family back and my old house to smell again of "sarmale" and fresh baked 'cozonac" ( for schmenke- it's the Romanian kind of panettone ). I want to have a good voice and sing the wonderful Romanian carols which are the best in the world while decorating a tall natural Christmas tree. Then I'd like to find many gifts under the tree and to be surprised with nice things and I'd like that the presents I offer would be appreciated by the others. And I'd like to come on the forum and find that my Inbox is full of greetings from my friends. :p
And I'd like to......etc.etc. Nonsense......

Now that I just woke up from my Christmas dream, I ask the same Q

16th December 2014, 01:10
Enjoying the holiday with my family, with warm smiles on my kids’ faces. Visiting friends or having them visiting. Enjoying skiing, skating and having fun outdoors.
I don’t need gifts under a tree to have a memorable holiday.

Do you think we should stop talking about Christmas as Storm is starting to feel left out? :p:

16th December 2014, 03:12
Probably. I don't really want any things other than to enjoy life. My wife and I have too much "stuff" already.

Here's a Christmas list for all on the thread, which will you choose or will you do something different?
Call a friend you haven't seen in a while and say "hello".
Do a favor for someone you meet at random.
Watch a friend's kids so they can have a night out.
Sit and talk for a few hours with a relative, friend or whatever who's elderly or sick.
Next time you're at a drive through restaurant, pay for the person in line behind you.
What can you think of?

16th December 2014, 06:42
Might sound morbid but many of us use to go to the cemetery and decorate the cross and tomb of our dear ones with branches or crowns of fir tree and immortal flowers.
Also, for the dead's soul we offer food and drinks to the beggars( usually unashamed gypsies) in the cemetery.

Should Storm feel he's left out also if we turn the q to the new year celebration? Looks like we have to be politically correct....

16th December 2014, 07:15
No. I am the last person you need to be politically correct to.

Visiting friends or having them visiting. Enjoying skiing, skating and having fun outdoors.....

Do you think we should stop talking about Christmas as Storm is starting to feel left out? :p:
nah, you better ask me for a Xmas meal if I'm ever in that vast land of yours :p:

16th December 2014, 09:23
Hey Storm, if you're interested in a traditional Christmas meal you should come here. Don't think that anybody in the world celebrate with more dishes than romanians. Not to mention that celebrations start on Christmas eve and end on 7th January ( when it's st. John, myabe the most common name here ).
Here's the main menu. Hope you like pork.



Now that's a fact I'm a lousy chef but if you come I'll organize something for you and your family in places where traditions are still well kept like Bucovina or Maramures. Storm jr. will definitely enjoy our -mostly pagan- traditions.


Let's continue with the usual trivial Q's. What are you wearing now? :p

16th December 2014, 13:26
I am always interested in food + I love pork :D
you are making me hungry now :s

wearing? shorts and a black t-shirt..
Do you have a jacket or cap or something like that which you wear very often?

16th December 2014, 13:40
I never wear caps. When it's very cold or it's snowing I wear the hood of my coat or jacket. When my jacket/coat doesn't have a hood I use a muffler or a shawl to cover my head. However last year I bought a woolen cap, just in case, but don't remember to ever wear it. Jacket? In the cold seasons I have to wear them every day but I don't have too many such items. Hate winter, hate cold, hate winter clothes......

Do you use to eat honey?

16th December 2014, 17:23
...a woolen cap...

We call that a "toque" around here :p: , and yes, I wear one every day during the winter, mostly due to the, ah, lack of natural insulation :uhoh: .

No, I don't eat honey.

Do you barbecue/grill outdoors much?

16th December 2014, 20:21
This was a q for 555..... He and his famous braai :p
Well, barbeques are a sort of national sport here. It's quite annoying.... It seems that the only reason people meet is to have a barbeque. I can't do such things at home as my yard is very small and anyway it would be of bad taste to make much smoke in the middle of the city. But we do when I visit my cousin in the country side. She has a barbeque built in her court.

Do you bake bread at home?

16th December 2014, 21:45
Yes, normally every Sunday when I wake up and have it ready for lunch.

Do you like watching old (60's) TV programmes?

16th December 2014, 22:23
No. In fact I don't have the patience to watch TV programmes at all.

Have you ever jumped with a parachute?

17th December 2014, 02:29
Yes - it seemed better than jumping without one :)

Would you like to hang-glide?

17th December 2014, 06:56
I would but I'm afraid I'm past my do-it date already!

Have you bungee-jumped?

17th December 2014, 09:33
No. When I jump I'll do it without a chord. :devil:

Can you leave your workplace during the programme?

17th December 2014, 16:52
Not sure I understand the question...

17th December 2014, 20:41
Let's say you have to work from 8 to 16. Is it possible in this time to leave work and go to pay a bill, or do some shopping or simply have a walk outside without having trouble with the chiefs?

18th December 2014, 09:10
Not for me, because I work out and about in different locations. However occasionally if we pass a shop I could pop in, but we are pretty tight for time.

What is your boss like?

21st December 2014, 00:23
My boss is a lazy arse who does nothing except for playing Solitaire on computer. All the tasks are directed to us, esp a few of us who work hard and he knows there wouldn't be complaints. He doesn't care of us and never support us in front of our manager. He's the first to leave and always send us to the meetings that are in his competence. He's the most annoying boss possible and has never done something to help me. I owe him nothing and I'm lucky I don't need a promotion cos this bastard would have never supported me. The weird thing is that we were great pals before he became our boss and he really seemed to be a nice guy. He wanted me by his side against our former boss but turned the page since the first day of his new job. He's the kind of guy I despise and I never lose an opportunity to express my discontent.

Are you a fan of a singer? Whose?

23rd December 2014, 09:02
I like music generally. Don't really have a favourite singer.

Favourites Bands are

The Who, Beatles, Madness, The Clash, The Jam, Squeeze

How long if any is your holiday over Christmas?

23rd December 2014, 09:31
I don't have a proper holiday. The Government decided we can stay home on 24 and 31 Dec but we have to work on Saturdays or extra hours every day for these, which is very annoying. Then 25, 26 are national holidays +27 Sat+28 Sun. Then I'll work on 29 and 30, then again free until 5 Jan.
In the past I used to like the end of the year at work cos we partied most of the time. Now it's the most stressful period of the year cos all the other institutions dreamt with their asses on papers all the year and now they sent them here as emergencies. On the other hand I don't know how I'll cope so many days alone with the "patient" with no assistant to help me. I'll see.....

Will you ( personally ) cook something special this Christmas?

28th December 2014, 19:50
nobody cooked anything? Well I made a chilli chicken that evening...

28th December 2014, 21:56
I fried (for the second time in my life) some meatballs. They tasted good but lacked the artistic impression. But I was invited to lunch/dinner evey day and didn't get to eat them so they became tough in the fridge. It was my brother who sacrificed himself to eat a few. I'm eating the last one right now and I soften it with a glass of red wine. :beer:

29th December 2014, 11:01
What the hells the question now? :confused: ;)

29th December 2014, 12:20
I don't know.

How will you spend the new year's eve?

29th December 2014, 15:10
I am with family again. It should be a nice evening. Nothing too noisy :)

Same Q?

29th December 2014, 15:27
I don't know. My best friend insists to join the old gang at her home and to play cards till morning and it's probably for the first time I'd really like to go but on the other hand it might be my mum's last new year's eve so......I really don't know.....

Do you follow certain silly traditions for the new year? ( like girls wearing red underwear, keeping money in the pockets, eating grapes at midnight, etc.)

29th December 2014, 17:05
We used to. My old Grandma used to have a tradition from up North I believe, that the first person to come into the front door in the new year would be a dark haired man carrying coal. I assume to symbolise good wealth and keeping a heated home.
So that was me for a few years at 12:04 new years morning.

What will be something that you aim for in 2015?

29th December 2014, 18:03
To leave this forum. I spend way too much time here and it's a bit out of order.

Same Q

29th December 2014, 19:04
getting some regular exercise for the body as well as mind.

same Q?

29th December 2014, 22:11
2016 :)

What was the best thing that happened to you/for you in 2014?

30th December 2014, 09:03
Although my new job has not worked out so well this year. I have made a very good friend out of it. We have become very close very quickly. Despite it being a slightly odd age gap. Anyway that has made everything worthwhile in my eyes.

Have you got a favourite Animal?

2nd January 2015, 00:16
The elephant - I don't really know why

Should people in flats be allowed to keep pets?

2nd January 2015, 06:03
Yes, so long as they have room for their elephant and use a proper size pooper scooper when they walk them. Cats and small to middle sized dogs can do well in flats (apartments to us over here) as well as other things like gerbils, hamsters, etc.

What is the favorite pet you have ever had?

2nd January 2015, 09:31
Never had a pet. But a lot of cats from the neighbourhood used to visit me and some even used to spend a few hours in my house. I loved them to bits.

Have you ever cried when you lost a pet?

3rd January 2015, 04:44
certainly. when we lost Radar (german shep crossed with an irish wolf-hound), then when we lost Sam (black Lab), it was losing a family member.

what pet would you like?

4th January 2015, 15:19
I'm not ready to assume the responsability of a pet. Then I suffer and cry even when pets that are not mine die. But I think I'd like a kitty kitty kitten. :p
BTW, a neighbour told me that lovely Tina died. :s

How old were you when you've got your first pet?

6th January 2015, 00:13
Don't really remember. Our family had always had a cat as far back as I can remember, and in more later years a dog.

Have you ever raised chickens?

6th January 2015, 08:46
No I have not but the thought of it alway Egg-sited me :p

Do you own a good quality World Atlas?

6th January 2015, 10:18
I don't have an atlas at all although I would have liked one when I was younger. In time I've lost interest in almost everything.

Do you own any good quality art album?

6th January 2015, 11:47
Does a music album count?

6th January 2015, 11:58
Only printed stuff.

6th January 2015, 12:11
F1 encyclopaedia :D

6th January 2015, 12:16

8th January 2015, 12:01
That wasn't a real answer to that question, was it?

11th January 2015, 10:42
I don't know because it was so long ago. So I am going to kick start the thread.

Have you ever been in trouble/danger around a wild animal?

11th January 2015, 21:40
Yes. I wouldn't say mortal danger but still a big moment on a jeep safari in Jim Corbett NP a few years ago. Some wildlife filmmaker's jeep tried to go ahead while a male elephant was grazing on the side of the road and as he tried to squeeze past the elephant did a mock charge (with ears flared and loud trumpeting) on them and the jeep behind them (us).

Frankly it only occurred to us much later that it was a mock charge and not the real thing as we finally went past the behemoth when he walked away a bit off the track.

same question?

12th January 2015, 22:13
No. I haven't met any beast. Yet......

Have you ever entered a video chat room? :p :devil:

13th January 2015, 09:01

Have you? (surely not the shy Gadjo) ;)

13th January 2015, 09:13


Have you? (surely not the shy Gadjo) ;)

No. Only vicious men do such things. :p

Do you have a particular permanent sign/scar on your skin?

14th January 2015, 18:26
Countless moles, appendix scar, removed skin cancer scar, marks of a few scrapes from falling out of trees and similar things while growing up, but nothing visible.

Do you find scars or birthmarks on other people repugnant?

14th January 2015, 18:54
Some might look sexy. :p

What do you think you were in a previous life?

16th January 2015, 09:03

No. Only vicious men do such things. :p

Surely you dont see me as a vicious man :(;) sorry to disappoint you Gadjo.

Don't know really. Maybe a leopard. ( a loner but with a lovely coat :p)

Do you believe in reincarnation?

16th January 2015, 10:38
Surely you dont see me as a vicious man :(;) sorry to disappoint you Gadjo.

They say that the sum of a man's vices is a constant. You don't drink, don't smoke, don't get naughty with girls....What's your vice Steve? :confused:

I believe in reincarnation but the simple thought that I have to start over a tormented life makes me sick.

Do you believe in soul mates?

16th January 2015, 21:32
They say that the sum of a man's vices is a constant. You don't drink, don't smoke, don't get naughty with girls....What's your vice Steve? :confused:

I believe in reincarnation but the simple thought that I have to start over a tormented life makes me sick.

Do you believe in soul mates?

I believe you can meet someone who you click with beyond anyone else you meet, as close to a soul mate as you can get.

Do you believe in fate?

17th January 2015, 18:07
Do you believe in fate?

I believe to some extent in fate, decided by our beliefs and actions that drive us to a certain thing. This question reminds me of a favorite quote of mine....

“From the day of our birth, we were meant for this time and place, and today, we will land an American on the Moon. Whatever happens here today, I will stand behind every decision you will make. We came into this room as a team and we will leave as a team”. Then I told my ground controller to lock the control room doors. “And from now on, no person will leave or enter this room until we have either landed, we have crashed, or we have aborted. Those are the only three outcomes from this time on”.

Being that fate led me to this quote....

Who is a person who you see as a great leader in any area of life?

23rd January 2015, 08:53
The cynical fart that I am , I don't really see anybody as a great leader right now.

Whose quote is that ? ( I assume it was in the Apollo but) - for airshifter

Do you believe humans will land on another celestial object again during our lifetime?

23rd January 2015, 09:15
Definitely not during my lifetime. But before another human landing I still hope that some green little men would come here and try to communicate with us.

Would you like to have a close encounter of the third kind?

23rd January 2015, 13:39
The cynical fart that I am , I don't really see anybody as a great leader right now.

Whose quote is that ? ( I assume it was in the Apollo but) - for airshifter

I think there are great leaders all around us, but sometimes we have to look for them. Many IMO are people who will never be noticed for their leadership, but it remains.

As for the quote, it's from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gene_Kranz#.22The_Kranz_Dictum.22 Gene Kranz. Read the section on "The Kranz Dictum".... I believe that should be used as an example of strong leadership, with the emphasis on accountability.

Would you like to have a close encounter of the third kind?

Gadjo, you know I'm a married man. I would prefer that all advances are more private in the future! :laugh:

Seriously though..... I don't know. Even assuming that there would be no probing involved (almost all close encounter claim probing right?) it might be the type of thing that would make a person lose their mind. Surely if one had an experience with life from another planet, without major evidence that couldn't be disputed nobody would believe it. And for that reason you would have to keep it to yourself or expect to be humiliated and ridiculed for sharing it.

I guess despite that, I would say yes. I already accept that on the grand scale of thing I am but an insignificant blip in a mass of humanity. But I also realize that any one of us insignificant blips has the ability to have a major and significant impact on others. And in some cases, many others.

Do you think the existence of Bigfoot or Yeti is possible?

23rd January 2015, 13:55
Yes. In fact Yeti is the nickname of one of my annoying coworkers. :p

Since airshifter is a married man, I'm just curious: Did you guys bend down on one knee when you popped the question? :p
For those who aren't married yet: Do you intend to propose marriage down on one bent knee?

23rd January 2015, 20:48
Don't know really, I guess its something you need to decide once you are planning that moment.

Do you swim in the sea?

23rd January 2015, 21:51

23rd January 2015, 21:52
Love it. Once I enter the sea I don't wanna leave it. My friends say I'm crazy and call me Meduza (jelly fish) or Casha ( from casalot ).:laugh:

Do you swim in a river?

23rd January 2015, 22:04
I grew up in Kenya. You simply did not swim in rivers because of bilharzia. And I'm too old to change now.

Have you ever peed in a swimming pool?

23rd January 2015, 22:19
Of course. :p

Do you enjoy laying on a beach?

24th January 2015, 02:25
I enjoy laying on a beach, but really I prefer it remain short and spend my time in the river, lake, stream, or ocean that beach is attached to.

What is the largest animal you've come close to while swimming?

24th January 2015, 04:26

24th January 2015, 17:59
I'm really happy for you ;)

24th January 2015, 18:07
I enjoy laying on a beach, but really I prefer it remain short and spend my time in the river, lake, stream, or ocean that beach is attached to.

What is the largest animal you've come close to while swimming?
It's unlikely to meet animals in the Black Sea esp near the shore. Probably someone's dog or a big jelly fish......

Do you practice any sport on the beach?

25th January 2015, 22:28
No, I usually just read on the beach.

In answer to airshifters previous q. I have swum with dolphins and even sharks. We were at the North Island surf-lifesaving champs a few years ago, and I was swimming in the surf race. Part way round the course I felt something brush past my leg, this happened three or four times. When we got out of the sea the organisers told us there were three grey nurse sharks cruising through the race area.

I have also kayaked with a pod of orcas off the New Plymouth coast.

Do things you can't see frighten you? I am thinking about the things that live in the sea etc, and do they stop you from swimming?

26th January 2015, 00:59
Maybe not scare me, but i do wonder about unseen things lurking in the hidden depths. Its part of the human make up I think. Its like being afraid of the dark. No real reason for it, but the thought something might be there.

Are you afraid or nervous in the dark?

26th January 2015, 01:02
no. This might sound creepy, but I like the dark. :)

What scares you more than anything else?

26th January 2015, 05:26
Heights. I'll go up on the roof of the first story of my house, but you'd need a shotgun to get me up the ladder to the second story. Which is really weird because when I was in the army I'd stand in the door of my helicopter and it didn't bother me at all.

What's the scariest movie you ever saw?

26th January 2015, 09:20
I don't know.....I'm too old and already saw too many movies to be scared of such things. When I was very young I dreamt of watching a scary movie but they were banned here. However I admit I was impressed by some very old movies. One that had a strong impact on me was "The cabinet of dr. Cagliari" that was shot in 1919. I was but a child when I saw it and found it bizarre and fantastic. Very expressive.....
For years I was haunted by this film that might look childish for today's technique.
Then there are those Fritz Lang movies with Dr. Mabuse. Fabulous.....
Lol. I've been impressed by too many doctors.....:devil:
When I go home I'll look for these movies on the web.

Have you ever been kissing in the darkness of a cinema theatre? :p

26th January 2015, 20:58
does it count if I was on my own? The real answer is when I was young and foolish, but now it costs too much to get in to the theatre not to watch the show/movie.

what is your fav musical instrument to listen too?

26th January 2015, 21:23
Bouzouki :p

What is your fav dance style?

26th January 2015, 21:46
Something latin. Not great on dances, but something fun and quick. Cha Cha or something

What you up to this week? Anything unusual.

26th January 2015, 22:14
nothing unusual, work, work , work, then weekend. We are getting close to drought conditions here, no proper rain for nearly 2 months, nice and warm, so spending a lot of time outside.

have you experienced droughts, or floods - which is worse?

27th January 2015, 09:36
None actuall., Floods are deadly though as we often have them in some areas of our country, droughts are common too but people tend to adapt to those even though shortage of water is irritating for us city dwellers.

Ever been in any major natural disaster?

27th January 2015, 09:49
An earthquake of 7,2 magnitude on Richter scale with a lot of blocks collapsing and about 1600 deaths / 11000 injured.

If you have the chance to go on a holiday right now where will you go ?

27th January 2015, 10:31
New Zealand. Always fancied it. Heard from several people recently who have been and it still appeals. So that would be it.

Do you get sea sickness when on a boat/ship?

27th January 2015, 11:18
I don't know. I never sailed on the sea. But I might do it as my coworker still tease me about a cruising holiday. :p

Would you like to own a yacht?

27th January 2015, 16:20
I don't know. I never sailed on the sea. But I might do it as my coworker still tease me about a cruising holiday. :p

Would you like to own a yacht?

I guess that depends on how you define "yacht" as it is often debated.

But even if money was no object, and how you define the term doesn't matter, then YES!

If money was no object I'd still want something more suited to higher speeds and fishing ability vs a large mega cruiser luxury yacht. I love the ocean and offshore fishing, and if a 63' Bertram sportfishing boat was to fall into my hands I would surely not turn it down. In reality even if money was no object I'd probably still have something smaller, as smaller boats are easier to handle with only one or two people onboard.

I used to work on boats/yachts for a period of time, and some of them are just amazing. I've been on boats that would shame high end custom homes. I helped a friend install approximately $50 thousand dollars in upgrades to a yacht, mostly just in electronics and navigation systems/automation. I guess to the owner it was a drop in the bucket.

Have you ever done any type of snow sports? (Skiing, snowboarding, etc) Building a snow man does not qualify!

27th January 2015, 16:49
What about playing with a sledge and fighting with snowballs? :laugh:
I hate snow and my experience is limited to these two activities.
And sometimes when I were on trips on the mountains I left myself sliding on plastic bags ( well, some people used the toilet lids instead of plastic bags :laugh: ).

Have you ever won a sport competition?

27th January 2015, 22:13
Not that I can recall lol.

How many people do you talk to on an average day face to face?

My rough guess is 6

27th January 2015, 22:34
New Zealand. Always fancied it. Heard from several people recently who have been and it still appeals. So that would be it.

Do you get sea sickness when on a boat/ship?

NZ is great Steve. New Plymouth is awesome, clean clear sea to the west and north and a snow covered mountain to the south east. The people are mostly great too, although they do tend to talk about rugby all of the time:)

28th January 2015, 11:09
On a working day I'd definitely talk to at least 10 persons.
On weekends it may vary from 1 to 6.

What greeting do you say when you meet people?

29th January 2015, 08:52
All right son...... (joke)

Probably just Hello or Good Morning/Afternoon etc

Do you hug your friends/people you meet or do you just shake hands?

29th January 2015, 08:56
Usually just shake hands...I only occasionally hug people if I haven't seen them in a long time.

Do you have a local pub/bar that you often go to?

29th January 2015, 09:18
Usually just shake hands...
I noticed that all men shake hands when they meet but don't shake hands with women too. Why? I asked a few guys but none offered an explanation. My boss always shakes hands with the only guy in my office and when I asked why he started to shake my hand too :p

I don't go out too much, we usually meet at a friend's house. But from time to time we meet at a certain cafe bar for a frappe or beer. We go there cos it's at equal distance of our homes and has a nice terrace. Unfortunately last month it closed.

Do you go out with your wife/gf on Valentine's day?

29th January 2015, 09:19
:( Not at the moment

Same Question.

29th January 2015, 10:54
Not at the moment. :laugh:
Because I haven't a wife/gf. :devil:
We don't have this tradition anyway. Only very young people follow it.

How do you see what is usually called a "romantic dinner"?

29th January 2015, 14:21
I see it as an opportunity to share something special with a person I care about, in this case my wife*. A quiet restaurant, good food, good wine and candlelight.

(* Better be my wife or I'm toast.) ;)

When was the last time you were out for that kind of dinner?