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11th October 2014, 22:32
Garden/yard work. Plus watching the Grand Prix

Where did you meet most of your friends from?

11th October 2014, 22:34
Steve you're so funny.....
You started the post as if you were the hero of the match and then we found out you've got three.:laugh:

Hey, I have never played in goal before and the team was so poor it could have been 10-0. I did OK :confused::(;)

11th October 2014, 23:00
Don't have too many friends. They were either my classmates and then became my friends or neighbours who played with me when we were kids. I'm still in touch with a few highschool colleagues but not with any from university. I also talk occasionally with people from my first workplace but I'm not friends with anybody from my current job. Generally I'm a shy person who rejects from the start any possibility of communication.

Since when lasts your oldest friendship?

13th October 2014, 09:00
I don't have a boat-load of friends either (I am not shy but making real friends takes time for me) ..my oldest friend who I am still in touch with (we have a beer when he comes to India once a year) is from kindergarten :eek: But most of my closest friends who are still in touch are those from my high-middle/school as well..Almost all of those are now scattered across the globe - 4/5 in the US, a couple in Australia, only one other guy lives here.

My oldest online friendships are 10+ years as well now, on this forum! :)

Do you ever entertain people in your home?

13th October 2014, 09:06
Not really. I more bore people in my home. :p

Seriously though, I do not. I mostly seem to go others homes or we go to a neutral venue.

Its pouring with rain here and my mornings work has been cancelled. What should I do?

13th October 2014, 09:11
cook something nice , warm and wintry

else watch some tv

Do you hate commercial breaks on tv?

13th October 2014, 09:23
They drive me crazy. I find myself channel hopping to avoid them, however if I do sit through one, I get annoyed and angry the longer they go on.

I really wish we could ban them

If you could cook something right now, what would you fancy?

13th October 2014, 09:27
Its pouring with rain here and my mornings work has been cancelled. What should I do?

Talk to us. I understand now why you like the rain. :p

Yes, hate them. There are a few that are obsessinvly repeating. On the other hand it's good that you have time for a p++, to make a sandwich, to have a phone call...

Woul you like to work in advertising?

13th October 2014, 09:28

I'll order a pizza. Hate to cook.

Would you like to work in advertising?

13th October 2014, 09:33
Not really. Sounds like pressure to me, which I can't be doing with

What is your favourite colour to wear in clothes?

13th October 2014, 09:41
black or sky blue

same q?

13th October 2014, 10:10
I too like blue, but I am also not adverse to a bright colour like Yellow.

Do you have an alarm clock?

13th October 2014, 10:23
Now that I'm getting older it's

for summer

grey + bordeaux/purple on winter

What colours do you wear right now?

13th October 2014, 10:25
yes but I don't use it. I wake up with mz phone alarm.

What colours do you wear right now?

13th October 2014, 10:34
blue jeans and dark gray+white striped shirt (could almost be Juve colours :erm: )

Do you celebrate Halloween?

13th October 2014, 10:40
No. In the UK its basically only children and child like Adults :D

Same Q

13th October 2014, 11:06
obviously no, but some Americanized families do it here...I thought it was US only but perhaps it had also permeated Europe.

What's for lunch today?

13th October 2014, 11:46
Something boring, probably cheese and crackers.

Same Q again.

13th October 2014, 11:55
- A mixture of telemea sheep cheese + cow dietetical cheese +butter + dill ( made by me :devil: )
- tomatoes + fibber pepper
- apple+grapes

At what hour do you wake up in the morning?

13th October 2014, 14:47
04:45 - 05:00, depending on if my kids let me get those extra 15 minutes :p:

Same Q again.

13th October 2014, 15:10
6.30 -7.00 depending on my sick mother's state.
Sometimes earlier, sometimes I don't sleep at all.

Where are schmenke, airshifter ans Starter?

13th October 2014, 17:52
Maybe bored of us, or busy at work. Talking of which, I got called in at 10:30 and done a bit of work, now home early as its raining again.

What has Triple 5 been up to lately? Anything exciting do you think

13th October 2014, 18:32
He wasted time swimming in the pool and sailing ( exciting things for me since I can't have them) and doing loads of braai-s. Lucky bastard......( just kidding)

When will you start to buy Christmas presents?

13th October 2014, 18:40
Fun you should say that. Someone gave me a list of presents they would like for Christmas yesterday. So I guess soon I will buy something on the list and pass it on.

Which day of the Christmas period is most important to you?

13th October 2014, 21:36
I'm not very fond of Christmas. Buying the presents is a nightmare and I hate that I get almost nothing from Santa ( naughty girl? :confused:). But I still like the Christmas eve when I decorate the tree and eat the delicious ''sarmale" and the next day when we use to meet at one of my cousins home. Also hate that on 27 Dec I shall be back to work. This year it would be a sad Christmas and I hope I'd be strong enough to get through.

What's the traditional food for Christmas where you live?

13th October 2014, 21:39
Turkey, ham, etc etc. Seems a wee bit off sitting down to a roast dinner in the middle of the day when it is 25 degrees centigrade out side though.

DO holidays as such have any spiritual meaning for you, are are they just some days off work?

13th October 2014, 22:32
When I was young they had a high spiritual significance, now I'm so imbruted that I enjoy the staying home part of the holiday.

What is the latest foolish thing you did?

13th October 2014, 23:57
Lost a Camera :(

Same Question to the next person

14th October 2014, 02:53
super-glued my right thumb and index finger to a pair of tweezers, while I was making a 1:85 scale cannon for a ship I am building.

have you ever by accident (or on purpose if you are that way inclined) stuck, stapled or glued yourself to anything or any one?

14th October 2014, 04:02
Where are schmenke, airshifter ans Starter?

Maybe bored of us, or busy at work.

I can't speak for the others, but I've been busy at work and with personal stuff. I was finishing up work, when another call about work came in. And this took place while trying to catch up with this thread!

super-glued my right thumb and index finger to a pair of tweezers, while I was making a 1:85 scale cannon for a ship I am building.

have you ever by accident (or on purpose if you are that way inclined) stuck, stapled or glued yourself to anything or any one?

When I was young I once attached a 2x4 piece of lumber to my foot via the big nail that when all the way through my foot when we were screwing around in a construction site.

Does bleeding or the sight of blood freak you out?

14th October 2014, 06:55
No. I have a heart of stone.:devil:
What freaks me out is the expression of suffering on people's face.

Do you iron your clothes? I mean if you do it yourself.

14th October 2014, 08:09
The usual small/medium wound related blood doesn't.

Have you ever fainted?

edit: did a Dtype

I used to iron my clothes back in my student days, but after I started my first job I always give it out - here we have a fantastic service in most big cities - someone picks up clothes from the house and drops it back a few days later. So basically haven't done any ironing in the last 14 years. Infact just 2 days ago I threw away the iron we had because the cord was all twisted and cracked.

Do you iron your t-shirts? (some people do and it feels weird to me as I only do shirts!)

14th October 2014, 09:55
No. They're tight enough to take the shape of my body. :p

Do you tickle? ( not you tickling other person , just say if you're sensible if someone tickle you ).

14th October 2014, 10:52
Extremely :(

my last question went unanswered - have you ever fainted?

14th October 2014, 11:19
My mum says that when I was about 2 yo I fainted when we were on holiday at the seaside but I can't remember that episode. Otherwise not but sometimes I feel weak and have the feeling I'm melting while walking on the street. Then I need to eat something with flour to be OK.

Do you regularly check your health?

14th October 2014, 19:25
No, I don't like to think about it too often.

Is there anything you would like to ask me? (as I cant think of a question)

14th October 2014, 19:29
Yes but unfortunately it's a family forum. :devil: :laugh:
Just kidding....

Would you accept to be a taxi driver?

14th October 2014, 19:32
I have thought about it a few times, but I would be worried about people stabbing me or being sick/having sex in the cab. Too scary.

Have you ever ridden a horse?

14th October 2014, 19:35
If I needed the money I would.

How much do you usually tip when you eat out?

My turn to go too soon.

Have you ever ridden a horse?

14th October 2014, 19:40
Lol. I was just up on a horse to take a picture. I still have a laugh when I see it

.How much do you usually tip when you eat out?

14th October 2014, 20:39
For good service, around 15%.

Have you ever had a dish you didn't enjoy returned in a resaurant?

14th October 2014, 21:12
I'm too shy for this. But once I found a sort of a needle in my steak and demanded explanations. They brought me another and I found another needle. Normally they should have offered me the meal for free but I was charged and almost killed.

Have you ever left a restaurant without paying the bill? :p

14th October 2014, 23:05
No, I'm too shy :p: .

How often do you eat at restaurants?

14th October 2014, 23:36
Restaurants, not that often, cafes etc a couple of times a month. Greasy burger holes, only with a gun to my head.

If money were no object, what one thing would you want, as a treat for yourself?

15th October 2014, 00:08
Money can't buy the thing I want. :s

Do people laugh at your jokes?

15th October 2014, 00:15
Does it count if I laugh at my own jokes? If not then the answer is sometimes, as long as I am not trying too hard to be funny.

Is it important not to take life too seriously?

15th October 2014, 00:18
It's great. If you can.....

Are you afraid of death?

15th October 2014, 01:04
no. it is just another part of life, that will happen one day.

are you afraid of life?

15th October 2014, 01:15
Bleeding doesn't faze me as I've cut or grazed myself so often. In fact I don't reckon I've done a proper job unless I've christened it with a little bit of blood. Having said that, a serious injury would bother me.

On the same morbid theme, have you ever seen a dead person?

15th October 2014, 04:35
D-type, I don't know what q you answered. :p

For anfield: - yes, I'm scared of life because every time I think things settled a bit down I get a new hit.Being oversensitive and living in a very judgemental society I'm always hurt and it hurts like hell. However I manage to get the strength to move on. Just yesterday my coworkers said they can't live like I do now and do the things I have to do. I explained I have no choice but they couldn't understand my sacrifice. Maybe that's why I'm scared, becauseall those around me seem to don't care. Once you're down you value nothing.

For D-type: yes, too many. My dad, aunts, uncles, relatives and even my first friend ever who died of a terrible disease. The worst thing is that for months I have to assist to my mother's slowly physical and mental degradation that will inevitably cause her death.

Shall I continue the morbid chain of Q?

15th October 2014, 04:53
Nah, lets lighten things up a wee bit and try to add some cheer into everyones life.

The sun is shining (well it is here - beautiful spring day, slight sea breeze, 21 degrees c. sea is sparkling :)) Does the thought of this bring a smile to your face?

15th October 2014, 05:05
No because here's autumn and a rainy day is annoumced and I couldn't sleep all night and after 1 hpur I should wake up and go to work and I'll have a busy day at the office and......
Life is a misery.....

What shall I ask now?

15th October 2014, 08:51
A question

What sport do you like to play? (or did in the past)

15th October 2014, 08:55
badminton and football ( at a playing in the street level ) when I was a kid. Now I'm a lazy a*se. I'm amused that even now my best friend keeps carrying the badminton rockets whenever we go in a park or holiday.

what is your mental age? (i did a test and I'm 28 - explaining why I'm getting on so well with Steve :laugh:)

15th October 2014, 15:17
15 (The wife says someday I might hope to get to 15. :) )

Today you get to choose a new profession. What is it?

15th October 2014, 15:31
Something for my real possibilities: something for an idiot, something that don't require thinking, something I can do it in time, something that is not done under pressure, something where I don't need to cope with people, something that doesn't make me feel like shooting my brains. If you know something like this just let me know, I don't comment on the wage. I just want some peace of mind. Cos if I continue with this job I'll kill myself.

Is something these days that makes you unhappy?

15th October 2014, 17:20
World peace? Nothing in my personal life to make me unhappy. All's well.

Speaking of world peace, are you getting ready to convert to Islam so as to not be beheaded? :rolleyes:

15th October 2014, 18:35
I know I'm a kinda stupid person but I still believe that the Islamic religion is not bad. There are just some heated heads to blame.
Otherwise I can't see why I should convert. Hundreds of years this country was part of the ottoman empire but nobody forced us to convert or to speak Turkish. More than that, the aromanian branch from northern Greece to which I belong managed to keep their language and traditions without even having a state organization. But if I'll ever be forced I'll do a " Brancoveanu" ( Wallachian king who was beheaded after being forced to watch his four sons beheaded because of their refusal to convert )

Why are most of Americans so convinced that they should make ustice to the whole world?

15th October 2014, 20:48
Most aren't. I'd prefer we not be involved internationally to that degree, but sometimes you just have to nip things in the bud. You would have thought people had learned that from history. But it probably goes back to our having to pull many people's bacon from the fire during WWll.

Sorry for the political question. What will your next sizable purchase for your house be?

15th October 2014, 22:44
I have to buy a new car soon. For me thats a big sizeable purchase. No idea what car I want yet, but after Christmas is the time.

How many biscuits/cookies is too many at one time?

15th October 2014, 23:03
Depending on how sweet they are.

What's the strangest thing you own?

15th October 2014, 23:51
Hard to say really, what seems strange to you might be quite normal for me :)

Possibly my celestial telescope, most people's eyes glaze over when I start telling them about it. The 1-85 scale warship that I am building, most people's eyes glaze over when I start talking about it. Possibly my collection of rocks, most people's eyes glaze over when I start talking about them... :)

Was it wrong for me to admit that I have a collection of rocks?

16th October 2014, 00:44
Not at all. Rocks and mineral samples are fascinating.

(Not the thread question - What kind of rocks are in your collection? Things you find around or samples from all over the world?)

Thread question

Have you got anything rare in your possession that you particularly love?

16th October 2014, 02:38
I already posted the pic of my 3 old gold coins. And 2 copper vases made from bombshells of WW I.

Have you ever long hair?

16th October 2014, 03:08
For a while after getting out of the military I kept very long hair for a guy. I still have fairly long hair on my drivers license, and I get double takes at the bases where they check that along with my access credentials.

Have you ever had really short hair?

16th October 2014, 03:14
Not at all. Rocks and mineral samples are fascinating.

(Not the thread question - What kind of rocks are in your collection? Things you find around or samples from all over the world?)

Thread question

Have you got anything rare in your possession that you particularly love?

I have all sorts that I have found over the years. My fav 3 are an amethyst geode about the size of a tennis ball, a rock full of gold and quartz and a black obsidian and stone layered rock

16th October 2014, 03:15
I have really short hair most of the time, as soon as it is long enough to need combing, it all mysteriously vanishes.

What achievement are you most proud of

16th October 2014, 06:27
Making it through to my current age. There was a time when it was even money I wouldn't (lifestyle).

If someone was to give you a tax free gift of 10K (American - not sure how that converts to some of your currencies) how would you spend it? I picked that number because its a windfall for the vast majority of folks but not nearly enough to make anyone wealthy.

16th October 2014, 06:50
What is a tax free gift? I never think of taxes when I pay/get something.
But if such amount of money would be a gift I'd go to the airport and take the first plane to one of the destinations I've dreamt for years.

Do you use to eat candies?

16th October 2014, 16:49
When I was a kid, yes. Naturally my teeth were full of cavities :s

Do you own any memorabilia that has any value?

16th October 2014, 22:19
I have an old NZ football shirt signed by the 1982 All White's who went to the World Cup in Spain. Not sure if it is worth much, but I like it.

Are you sentimental about things?

16th October 2014, 23:15
Yeah. Very. My home is full of old stupid things with a sentimental value. I even keep the so called memories album, a copybook where school mates and friends wrote a few things about me and the ''oracles'' where the same friends had to answer the same questions. I have old jewellery from my mum's engagement, old letters, my dad's driving licence and many many other such things which normally should have been thrown away.

Are you romantic?

17th October 2014, 00:08
No I am a guy :). But in truth I guess I am, but you would have the ask the other half (which will be difficult because I haven't met her yet :()

Is romance a dying art?

17th October 2014, 00:28
I guess so, but what do I know... I'm a guy :p: .

Are you good at numbers?

17th October 2014, 01:40
Better than my wife, but she's better with people.

Can any woman read a map!

17th October 2014, 06:59
Who knows women to say?

Have you ever run a marathon?

17th October 2014, 08:01
Possibly my celestial telescope, most people's eyes glaze over when I start telling them about it.

Not sure about the rocks but I would like to know about your scope :) (I'm planning to buy a beginner level telescope - well I have been planning it for 10 yrs :s )

as to the Q, no - I haven't run more than 1 km in the last few yrs - my ankles feel the strain and I can't run more although I would like to. I can walk a lot but I don't :(

Do you like climbing hills?

17th October 2014, 09:00
I do, but I do not live near many, so rarely get round to it. However if I am somewhere with a hill. I will climb it

Have you ever been to fly a kite?

17th October 2014, 09:01
Yes. I use to spend some time at my cousin's holiday house. It's on a hills area and we spend a lot of time wandering in the neighbourhood.

Would you like to live in a city on the mountains?

17th October 2014, 09:08
About the kyte:
We tried to build one when we were kids but it was so rudimentary that didn'fly. :laugh:
Used to watch people at the seaside playing with such things. We were se poor and we haven't such things in the shops anyway....And I was impressed by a guy who had one in a vulture shape. Asked where he got it from he said Brazil. Still wonder how he went to Brazil on those times.....

Would you like to live in a city on the mountains?

17th October 2014, 09:10
Yes to mountains...But I would rather live in a small town/village in the hills.

Do you need to wear gloves often? any type.

17th October 2014, 09:18
Only on cold winters although I prefer to keep hands in my pockets.
Also wear plastic gloves when I take care of my mum.

Do you need to wear a muffler often?

17th October 2014, 15:50
No, my car gets upset if I borrow it.

I only wear one on the coldest days (five to ten a year) and then only if I'll be out for a while.

Do you prefer a warmer or cooler climate?

17th October 2014, 16:29
Warmer. I love summer even if sometimes I feel like pouring bottles of cold water on my head.
( wonder where's Starter living that it's so warm......:confused: )

Would you like to live in a cold place like Alaska or......Siberia?

17th October 2014, 18:42
Brrrrrr! No way! But I wouldn't fancy somewhere too hot or humid like Riyadh or Delhi either.

What type of place would be your ideal? (Could be climate, size, politics, lifestyle or all of them)

17th October 2014, 19:34
A place like Greece :laugh:
Apart from politics I love EVERYTHING about it.

What's your sign?

17th October 2014, 19:39
"( wonder where's Starter living that it's so warm....)"
Mid Atlantic USA. it's not too warm here, I just like the variety.

Right where I live now in all the categories mentioned. I complain about many things but enjoy many more of what life has to offer here.

When you vacation, do you do a planned tour or do you make your own plan and arrangements?

17th October 2014, 19:41

Keep Left :rotflmao:

Gemini - Not that I believe in signs and all that stuff.


I always plan my own holidays

Would you like to be taller?

17th October 2014, 19:46
No. I've noticed that a lot of hot guys are shorties.:laugh:
I'm about 1,65 ( metres!) and I'm happy like this. In time I'll probably become shorter.....

Would you like to be shorter?

Gemini - Not that I believe in signs and all that stuff

Does it mean your birthday is on 13 th June?:angel:

17th October 2014, 20:02
No to be honest I would like to be a tad taller than I am now.

When was the last time you went to a party?

17th October 2014, 20:40
18 February. 5 days later my mother fell ill.....

Are you a party animal?

17th October 2014, 22:19
:rotflmao: Dear God no. I am probably the exact opposite for someone of my age.

Would you like to have a super power? If so which one.

17th October 2014, 23:35
To be invisible and able to go everywhere I want. Just to clarify the suspicions I have on some people who cheat me.

What's the name you like most for a woman?

18th October 2014, 02:21
The name is not important. The person is.

If you could choose, what color hair would you have?

18th October 2014, 08:50
Any colour apart from grey. :p

What foreign language would you like to know?

18th October 2014, 08:56


18th October 2014, 08:58

What foreign languages did you study in school/uni?

18th October 2014, 10:36
French and German (Can't remember much of either though

Have you ever visited south America? Or would you like too?

18th October 2014, 11:12
Never been and I'd love to. It would be a dream come true but nice things never happen to me.

Have you ever been in the southern hemisphere?

18th October 2014, 19:29
Yes, I grew up in Kenya which is on the equator and we were south of it. I later visited South Africa and worked in Swaziland.

Where in the southern hemisphere would you like to visit?

19th October 2014, 01:31
New Zealand. It always strikes as a brilliant place (I am sure Anfield can advise). It has such a range of climates, landscapes and interests.

Is there anything interesting on the cards this week?

19th October 2014, 18:39
Not much really exciting. Our daughter had her Homecoming football game to attend on Friday, and the dance last night. We are going to see our new nephew at some point today. (That should be fun but both parents are... well lacking in family skills) We haven't really made it out to do much as the mostly regular things have interfered with time to go out and do something really fun.

It's finally dropping into the 50sF/10C range here at night, and it feels really cool after such a hot summer. How cool (or hot) is it where you live?

19th October 2014, 19:40
For October in the UK its still pretty mild. we are at about 13-17C most days now. Probably the average for later October is 10-14C or something. We are predicted to get some wet weather this week and then cooler weather after that maybe.
The news agencies and papers are doing their normal "Worst winter for 40 years" thing again, but it hardly ever is accurate.

2009-2013 we had (for the UK) cold winters with alot of snow and cool snaps, but last year we had a warm & mild winter.

So question is: What is your prediction for you upcoming Winter or Summer weather?

19th October 2014, 21:46
We'll almost certainly have some.

Since we've had a few questions about football (Euro style) here's one about football (American style) - Will the Redskins win another game this year?

19th October 2014, 22:00
New Zealand. It always strikes as a brilliant place (I am sure Anfield can advise). It has such a range of climates, landscapes and interests.

Is there anything interesting on the cards this week?

The ting about NZ is, despite it being so small, it is full of ermm... interesting stuff. For example the North Island is fully volcanic, it exists because of eruptions and lava flow. The south island has no volcanoes and is the result of tectonic interaction, i.e. the Southern Alps are the edge of the Pacific Plate as it rides over the Australian Plate

20th October 2014, 08:56
Well I used to follow a lot of American sports..say 10-12 years ago (I had a lot of time + I liked most sports) - now I just watch football and F1/Rally. So I know a lot about US teams/sports till the 90s/early 2000s but am dodgy on what is happening currently...so I don't know if they will win a game but I hope they do (I dislike the usual big teams like Yankees/Patriots/Lakers!)

Do you have a home team that you support?

20th October 2014, 15:58
Well, against all odds, they won one yesterday. Which pretty much puts the lie to my question.

A little. The Skins and the Ravens in football and the Wizards in basketball (Baltimore doesn't have a pro team). I don't care much for baseball or hockey.

If you could have been a great athlete, which sport would it have been in?

20th October 2014, 22:08
Football or motorsport. The problem with motorsport is I am 6 feet 5 and wouldn't fir in to racing machines of most types, so football it would be.

If you could be famous for reasons other than sport, what would you choose?

21st October 2014, 03:21
Music. Though the only instrument I know how to play is the stereo and when (if) I sing mirrors and windows break for miles around.

What profession would you choose if you could do it all over again?

21st October 2014, 08:37
A little. The Skins and the Ravens in football and the Wizards in basketball (Baltimore doesn't have a pro team). I don't care much for baseball or hockey.

oh yeah I forgot you are from Baltimore - and you are not an Orioles fan? :eek:
I liked them when I watched baseball although the team I really liked were the Red Sox ;)

Musician (if I lived in a different country)
Physicist/Astronomer (If I was living here)

Have you ever performed anything in public - could be 25 or 2500 people?

21st October 2014, 17:01
Nope, I am not the least bit sufficiently talented to perform anything in front of anybody :D .

What time of the day does the sun rise and set this time of year where you are?

21st October 2014, 19:59
The sunrise was 7:35 am this morning and sunset was 5:52pm which was about 10 minutes ago.

The clocks change this coming weekend in the UK so sunrise next week will be 6:45ish and sunset around 4:45pm

Same Question

21st October 2014, 20:54
Today's sunrise: 8:10am. Sunset: 6:31pm. Our daylight hours are rapidly diminishing :( . In the middle of winter it's pitch black by 4:00pm :s .

Interesting website:

Are you bothered or affected by short daylight hours?

22nd October 2014, 00:28
In NZ no, the short Winter days are not that short. It gets light at about 7:30am and dark at about 6:30 pm. (days are shorter in the South Island).

How well do you drive in the snow?

22nd October 2014, 12:48
I'm not too hot in the snow. I don't get enough practice. I know what you're supposed to do "gentle so you don't break traction, etc" but it is not instinctive.

How do you get on driving in fog?

22nd October 2014, 15:02
I'm not too hot in the snow. I don't get enough practice. I know what you're supposed to do "gentle so you don't break traction, etc" but it is not instinctive.

How do you get on driving in fog?

Thankfully we rarely get any fog in this area. When I was in California the I-5 had areas of fairly heavy fog and the California drivers would keep going 80 mph through it. It was like a freight train of cars waiting for something to go wrong. But I've driven without accident for almost 40 years, so the few times I had to deal with fog I'd say I did fine.

Do you think driver training is adequate where you live?

22nd October 2014, 17:31
God no! Drivers are horrible around here (and I'm, of course, perfect :D ).

Would you support more tax dollars spent on increased mandatory driver training?

22nd October 2014, 17:46
I think they might be better spent on compulsory re-tests for older drivers. Say every two years after between the ages of 60 and 70 and annually after that. Test reflexes, vision and general driving skill. At my age (67) I personally would feel it unnecessary, but as for everybody else ...

On the same note, do you think there should there be mandatory re-training courses for all drivers convicted of motoring offences?

22nd October 2014, 19:27
Yes I think so. I had the misfortune to know someone once, who had been banned twice and still didn't care or change his driving. Although I suspect nothing would change his general outlook on the world either.

What makes Motorsport so special? (Assuming you love motorsport like most of us)

22nd October 2014, 22:20
If you asked this question a few years ago I would have said in F1 designers can interpret the rules and come up with unique solutions, hence a wide variety of different design ideas are on the track together, each with different strengths and weeknesses. Sadly this can't be said now, due to the absurdly rigid 'every one build this!" rule book.
Now its just the sight and sound.

Should the F1 design rules be less rigid to allow designers to design?

22nd October 2014, 22:50
Yes. I know people argue it makes rich teams win, but it has ever been thus. Free it up a bit and we can see so much more interest.

It will be more costly I guess, but smaller teams have never had the budget to challenge at the top, so they just design based on there level.

What motorsport categories do you follow?

22nd October 2014, 23:24
F1, GP2 (Mitch Evans), GP3 (Richie Stanaway), IRL (Scott Dixon). Sports cars (Brendan Hartly) and V8 Supercars.

Have you ever raced (in a race - not as a boy racer) in a motor race?

23rd October 2014, 00:38
Sadly not. I don't think I will ever get the chance.

Would you/have you ever been a marshall at a motorsport event?

23rd October 2014, 03:18
I haven't but I would love to do it.

DO you do any volunteer work?

23rd October 2014, 15:28
We do some volunteer work and fund raising type events when we can. Usually in conjunction with our daughters efforts. She is in an academy program and must do a certain amount of volunteer work every year. Tonight I'll be going to a function for veterans that helps veterans with many social problems such as addictions, depression and PTSD. I find it very fulfilling to give something back when I can make the time.

Would you rather have a larger number of average friends, or a small group of very close and loyal friends?

23rd October 2014, 15:50
In a friendship the most important thing is support, trust and loyalty so this is what I look for. Unfortunately at this moment there`s nobody in my life I can rely on. I have my share of so called friends - not many - but I`m always alone when I need a shoulder to cry on. They`re always good for a laugh but nowhere to be found when things go wrong.
To answer the question I`m all or nothing and I definitely don`t need average friends mostly trying to take advantage. I`m also disgusted that today friendships are tied and untied due to material interests.

Do you have online friends?

23rd October 2014, 16:50
I used to have more "friends" online, these days more people I consider acquaintance but think I would enjoy knowing better and becoming friends. There is this one gypsy woman in particular....

Seriously, to me online friends can be great but drawing the line is harder. Are they friends or just acquaintances? For example on this forum there are several I think I would enjoy meeting at a race or any other thing if we traveled to or lived in the same area.

So I guess my answer is no, but simply because I see friendship as deeper than online banter. If you PMd me on a regular basis I might change my mind! :laugh:

Do you think it's somewhat easier and/or more convenient to have online friends, in a way that you can support them and interact with them, but without the schedule constraints of real life meetings?

23rd October 2014, 18:20
I don't know.....Online friendship is a sort of lottery. Some people seem nice, interesting and funny but they're just wasting time and having a bit of fun without caring too much to whom they're speaking to. But sometimes you may be surprised that unknown people from the other end of the world can feel you're in trouble -even when you try to hide it and post laugh smilies-and care about how you might feel and offer you some nice words. I'm happy I have a few such friends on this forum and I wish they could know how much their support means to me. It's sad what I'll say but at this moment I feel closer to a few posters here than to my best friend that I know from a lifetime. On the other hand there were also online people who definitely disappointed me but you can't be angry on unknown people, can you? It's like lottery.....Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose....:p
Personally I can easier become friends with online persons than real ones cos in real life I'm shy and consider myself plain and stupid. Of course I don't trust anybody on the net. Sometimes it's funny to see esp on Facebook how some people pretend they're models or even they have royal blood, enjoy certain books, movies or music just cos it's fashionable. It's funnier there are also people so stupid who really believe those lies.:p

OK, gotta stop this pathetic tirade before schmenke will pull again my ears for posting sad things and spoiling the good time. Not before telling I'm also disappointed you want to be friend with gypsies.:angryfire:

What age were you when you met your first friend?

23rd October 2014, 18:56
That was no tirade Gadjo, and much of it describes how I feel about online friendships. And for the record I'm not a model, I've turned down those offers as I'm far too busy with being a mogul, turning down advances from women, being a fitness monster, and leading a perfect life! :laugh:

First friend? Wow that is a hard one. I remember a few kids from my very early days, but kids aren't really deep enough to be real "friends", especially since their schedule is determined by the parents. I guess the first real people I considered friends were when I was probably 9-10 years old, when we had a little freedom in the neighborhood and started choosing who we spent time with.

Same question to the next poster.

23rd October 2014, 19:35
I was 6 y.o. and became friends with a girl of my age and her 4 yo brother who lived at the corner of my street. I still refere to her as "Mihaela from the corner". Then we were in the same school class and in the same gang on the street. A very special girl who unfortunately wasted her life although she was smart, beautiful and very talented......She died 3 years ago of a terrible disease that was haunting her since we were kids. We stayed friends all the time and she was a very generous friend. But too crazy and her friends were kinda weird. That's why in her last years we weren't too close.

Do you easily make friends?

23rd October 2014, 19:52

OK, gotta stop this pathetic tirade before schmenke will pull again my ears for posting sad things and spoiling the good time. ...

I would never do that :p: .

Re: on-line friends, similar to airshifter, I like to think my true friends are those with whom I can laugh with while sharing a pint in a warm pub, not some unknown face thousands of miles away linked only through electrons on a computer screen :mark: (no disrespect to anyone here though :p: ). It's no wonder that I find the whole concept of Facebook pathetic.
Good discussion though.

...Do you easily make friends?

I don't think so. I'm somewhat of an introvert. I tend to make friends more easily with others that share common interests.

Do you have friends that live far away with whom you communicate regularly?

23rd October 2014, 21:02
No. I can't handle a friendship even in my hometown. I have some former friends who left the country but it seems they're not happy to still be in touch with me.

What makes someone a good friend?

23rd October 2014, 22:17
honesty, loyalty, sense of humour, willingness to pay for the drinks - NOT a Man Utd supporter

What makes a good partner?

23rd October 2014, 22:55
A large amount of money into a bank account. :angel:

What makes a good mother in law? :devil:

24th October 2014, 00:24
Someone who likes giving lots of money maybe :devil:

Is there a poster on here who has surprised you in some way in the past? (good or bad)

24th October 2014, 00:37
You. You suddenly appeared as steveaki ( never noticed your posts before although I remembered your old nickname) and I had that strange feeling that EuroTrol is back.:devil: :laugh:

Same q.

24th October 2014, 02:05
not one i particular, but it does surprise me how one-eyed and judgemental some people can be.

Are you a thinker or a doer?

24th October 2014, 07:05
None of these :s

Do you take a new job task as a challenge or as a burden?

24th October 2014, 11:53
Burden generally with this job. I don't like my new boss and after three months I am ready to quit. I will try and last till around Christmas. Never felt so miserable with a job. So I guess its just not for me.

Will you change jobs any time soon?

*and yes I have a day off work..........................yaaaaaaaaaaaaaay

24th October 2014, 12:42
No. Nobody would hire me. :s

Is it easy for you to get a new job?

24th October 2014, 14:13
Well yes and no. I left a job I hated a while back. Maybe it's the same people Steveaki is working for... they were ruthless slave drivers.

But I was not getting jobs I was applying for. Jobs well within my reach and experience level. But then out of the blue someone calls me and says his boss wants to talk to me. So I got a job I wasn't looking for. And that has happened no less than three times now, all within the same industry/trade. I guess I should accept that it is my long term destiny and that I'm good at it, as people come looking for me.

What is the worst job you ever worked?

24th October 2014, 14:58
Well although I love gardening and will work in it again, this job is probably the worst so far. I have had worse things to do, but as a temporary worker. So there was no demands or stress. This is something I enjoy, but the company and way its run and the boss make it horrible.

What is your dream job?

24th October 2014, 15:34
Beer taster? :D

No specific job, but one that is challenging and different. I get bored easily and doing the same thing everyday is not fun to me. I work to live and don't live to work, so I am not driven like some people. Though I've always given good value to the companies I've been at.

Do you prefer a straight salary or a smaller salary plus earned bonus?

24th October 2014, 18:11
For a certain period of time we had that small salary+monthly bonus system. Problem was that the bonus wasn't registered in our personal working record and it means it can't be taken into account for pension. Then the sums were distributed not according to our work but to the boss's simpathies and it was another reason of stress. Due to a strike ( the already small salary was cut by 25% and the bonus was no more) we managed to get a straight salary ( small one+ a fix part representing bonus). Maybe sometimes it's less than in the past but at least we're sure we get it and the stress of preferential share disappeared.

What's the worst thing about your current job?

25th October 2014, 13:51
The Boss. Can't guess what her mood will be from one minute to the next, stress when she is around.

What time did you get up this morning?

I was up at 5:45 and out the door for a 75 mile round trip at 6:20am

25th October 2014, 18:18
Woke up as usual at 6.00. But couldn't leave the bed before 10.00.

Have you ever touched holy relics? :devil:

25th October 2014, 18:54
Yes, my socks from two years ago, Not only were they holey relics, they smelled bad too.

Are you religious?

25th October 2014, 19:14
Yeah.....I worship Saint Starter. Whose dirty socks smell is perceived even in Book a Rest. Isn't it a miracle?:devil:

Have you ever attended a pilgrimage? :devil:

26th October 2014, 18:00
Nope can't say I have.

Do you wear smart clothes or casual most of the time?

26th October 2014, 20:00
Casual clothes almost all of the time. (Smart clothes aren't available yet, but with smart watches already on the market they can't be too far away. :D)

Long hair or short hair on men and women?

26th October 2014, 20:23
Love the guys with long hair although from an age on they might look ridiculous. But a good guy is a good guy no matter how long his hair is. Matter of fact I adore a folk song with the chorus: It doesn't matter the length of my hair, It's important how much and how I think ( hint to the communist regime that almost forbid men's long hair).
As for women, they may wear the length that suites them.

Have you ever been courted by a person of your gender? :devil:

27th October 2014, 02:24
It's amazing how perception of a male changes with the length of their hair often. I've had people tell me I looked much "nicer" when I cut my hair from fairly long. Not better, but nicer as in less likely to be mean. But I've had hair from almost non existent to about half way down my back at times, and the difference in the way people act is amazing.

As for the question, I once got cat called by some guys in a car when I had my really long hair. Does that count? :laugh:

Do you ever catch yourself applying stereotypes to people, even though you realize they are just stereotypes?

27th October 2014, 10:45
Only when I`m angry ( meaning most of the time :p ) . So a boss will always be an ox, a gypsy will always be a ”*****”gypsy ( racist, I know....), a girl that my love interest would like is a whore, a guy who does nothing at work is a "pulifrici" ( gross, I know...) etc. I”m also the subject of such epithets but I don”t mind. The good part is that I use these but don`t believe what I say. My coworkers are very mean about such things and I always fight with them on such issues. I live in a very judgemental society and it`s not very easy to cope with it.

What`s the last thing you do before going to bed?

27th October 2014, 14:28
drink water and/or pee.

Do you like very soft beds and pillows? (I found American beds/pillows too soft for my liking - I guess its what you are used to)

27th October 2014, 14:37
Lol. In indian tv series I saw people sleeping directly on the floor so I might understand what you mean ( loved one where a newly wed couple slept on the floor on each side of a king size empty bed :p). Matter of fact I dislike the soft ones. These days it`s almost impossible to find a hard pillow and I miss the old good old pillows from my mum`s dowry. I wake up with terrible neck aches because of this. This weekend I bought an anatomical one and I felt a bit better.

Are there mosquitos bothering you where you live?

27th October 2014, 15:05
tv series isn't real life!! :p:

Yeah they usually bother us like hell after the winter till the end of monsoons....this year there aren't any around since the start of monsoon and even now when it has ended and our winter is about to begin- now I may have jinxed it.
I hate mosquitos :mad:

Have you ever been in a snow blizzard?

27th October 2014, 15:11
Almost every year. Winters are quite tough sometimes.

What do you think it's the worst thing about you?

27th October 2014, 21:27
I can be quite direct with people who annoy me. i.e. any of my clients/students/trainees... who don't smell fresh when they arrive in my office/classroom will be told quite bluntly that they smell like a camel has peed in their armpits.... that kind of thing.

What sort of people really annoy/offend you?

27th October 2014, 23:26
Bossy, arrogant and rude.

What's the nicest thing somebody ever said about you?

28th October 2014, 00:07
They told me I was a nice guy that everyone liked. (Don't know if it was true, but it was nice to hear)

Same Question

28th October 2014, 00:38
When I was a student a young professor ( that I secretly liked) told me I'm well trained and I could be welcomed with open arms in any IT center of the country. Who knew on that time that I'd screw my career?.......

What's the worst thing that was ever said about you?

28th October 2014, 02:08
The worst probably hasn't been said yet, but I'm sure its coming sometime fairly soon. I'll no doubt deserve it too. :p

What is your favorite snack food?

28th October 2014, 04:44
a mix of cashews, macadamias and crystalised pineapple MMMmmmmm

whats for dinner tonight?

28th October 2014, 07:42
Almost every year. Winters are quite tough sometimes.

I actually meant out driving/walking/hiking and being bombarded by a snow storm/blizzard.

28th October 2014, 08:52
I actually meant out driving/walking/hiking and being bombarded by a snow storm/blizzard.

I actually meant walking being bombarded by a snow storm/blizzard. I have to "enjoy" such things every winter although it don't happen every day.

28th October 2014, 11:04
whats for dinner tonight?

I don't know. Usually I don't have a proper dinner. I think I forgot some meat in the fridge and tonight I must cook something. Probably a pork steak and a salad of fresh carrots+celery root+olive oil+lemon juice. Don't think I'll have time and patience to fry some potatoes too. Also forgot a burnt sugar cream and I'll sacrifice myself. Calories bombs, I know.....:s

Apart from eating unhealthy food and being a lousy cook, what do you think about me?
(Honesty required!)

28th October 2014, 13:19
Apart from eating unhealthy food and being a lousy cook, what do you think about me?
(Honesty required!)

I think you are a normal person that is going through a tough time (for all the right reasons) lately, and that you tend to be very hard on yourself. You seem to have a good sense of humor and are obviously very tolerant, otherwise you probably wouldn't hang around this place. :)

Do you let what people think about you bother you?

28th October 2014, 14:08
Yes. Very. Because I have a morbid sense of guilt and always feel I annoy people around me. I'm petrified whenever someone complains about what I do or say, although I fight hard to don't show it. So dear friends or unfriends from the forum, forgive me if sometimes I say something that sounds wrong to you. I know I have my moments when I talk like a shrew but it's not my intention to hurt anybody. :angel:

Do you always answer honestly to the questions of this thread?

28th October 2014, 17:27
Yes. Now, am I being honest saying that? :confused: I think basically I do answer honestly, maybe with a little exaggeration for effect sometimes.

Are you wary of answering honestly sometimes.

28th October 2014, 21:08
No, simply because no one on this forum, knows who we all are in real life, so even if we were introduced in a pub in the real world, we still wouldn't know who we all are. Plus I have nothing to hide and am not easily embarrassed.

Yah just got paid and am shortly off to get my new guitar :) (not a question, but sharing is caring)

Question: Growing up were you encouraged to be yourself and to develop as a unique item, or were you encouraged to conform?

29th October 2014, 07:05
andfield what guitar are you getting? you have a telescope (which you did not answer a question I asked :( ) and you play guitar...we could be long lost brothers!

here, everybody is encouraged, hell driven to conform... hence my intense dislike of the "society" I live in.

Are you good with a car/bike? I mean can you do some running repairs or basic stuff to your vehicle?

29th October 2014, 09:09
I'd let somebody else to answer this but I want to thank Storm for posting a lot around 7.00 (my local time) and helping me to get to work on time. I couldn't wake up this morning but then I got so many phone notifications of his posts that I decided to leave the bed. :laugh:

29th October 2014, 09:48

29th October 2014, 21:09
In short no. I can put petrol, oil and water in it and change the plugs etc, bit other than that nothing ;(

Do you prefer a sunny day with a strong wind, or a rainy day with no wind?

30th October 2014, 01:07
Sunny day with strong wind is wonderful. We had one here in the UK last week, gales and sun. Fantastic. Blows all the cob webs away.

How many miles/KM would you travel for a hobby? I mean I travelled 80 miles round trip last weekend for a 5 minute sighting of a steam special.

30th October 2014, 07:19
Is going to a music gig okay? If yes, then I travelled 900kms one way just to see Iron Maiden's first ever Indian gig in Bangalore, back in 2007. A lot of money spent on flight + tickets but well worth it.

(So any photos of the steam?)
Also a few years ago when I was hiking/trekking a bit, I regularly went 100+kms to climb/hike up forts in our region.

Do you own any thing just because many others also have it rather than you really needing it? (just reading the mobile phone thread and the people I know often buy Apple stuff for this reason it seems)

30th October 2014, 22:11
only clothes. No I tend not to follow others, I honestly dont care if other people like what I like etc, so I tend to buy things I want to buy - probably why I am bitter and friendless :)

What have you bought that you have instantly regretted buying?

30th October 2014, 23:45
(So any photos of the steam?)

Just for Storm.

No stills but this video


31st October 2014, 00:25
only clothes. No I tend not to follow others, I honestly dont care if other people like what I like etc, so I tend to buy things I want to buy - probably why I am bitter and friendless :)

What have you bought that you have instantly regretted buying?
Nothing. I never buy on a whim.

What is the best deal you ever got?

31st October 2014, 01:06
My new guitar was a certain price, and I got a hard case and a leather strap thrown in and also had 15% taken off the price, so in effect I got $xx.xx for about half of what it should have cost me. On top of that an incredibly pretty young lady who works in my local coffee shop (I had the guitar with me heading back to work from the music shop) said that she would love to learn how to play the guitar..... 1st lesson is tomorrow afternoon :) ahhh life is kind sometimes.

how often do you make up your mind to do something new, then chicken out?

31st October 2014, 07:35
Just for Storm.

No stills but this video

Even the station name is apt!
Yuu need to keep your hand steadier or get a tripod :)
Still a great job.

how often do you make up your mind to do something new, then chicken out?

I am keen to try out new things usually...its when I make up my mind to do some healthy things regularly (which I did before) is when I seem to have trouble following it up.

Do you work out at a gym or get any regular exercize (steve is a footballer so he doesn't have a problem keeping fit)

31st October 2014, 08:55
I do need a tripod :)

1st November 2014, 14:04
Do you work out at a gym or get any regular exercize (steve is a footballer so he doesn't have a problem keeping fit)

I try to stay in shape via some biking and such, but lately I've been lazy and making too many excuses. I do stay on my feet and do some physical work in my job, and I actually like that aspect. Most of my heavy duty "work out" days are over, as I'm paying the price for abusing my body for many years. Most likely I have back and shoulder operations in my future.

Have you ever used a diet or workout app on a smart device or computer program for fitness motivation?

1st November 2014, 20:14
No. I'm too stupid for such things.

What's the closest shop to your house?

1st November 2014, 21:22
What we call a 'corner shop'. Sells newspapers , sweets, a variety of groceries, beer, wine & spirits.

Do you think the supermarkets are killing the small family-run shops?

2nd November 2014, 16:53
In my country yes. I think Romanians aren't good for trade, they prefer to sell a small amount of products with a high profit instead of selling much with a lower gain and don't know to attract customers. I buy mostly from hypermarkets where I can find anything from furniture to bread at the lowest price, sometimes from supermarkets where is still possible to find some good prices and almost never from small shops where they take even my skin.

Do you enjoy taking part at family events like weddings, christenings, anniversaries, etc.?

2nd November 2014, 21:10
Sometimes, but they can be tiresome, luckily though in NZ there is only my immediate family, so we don't have to go to Great Aunt Bertha's second annual divorce party etc. Meaning the family occasions we do have are a bit more meaningful.

It's Monday morning (and only 7 more of them left before Christmas break). What are your plans for the week?

4th November 2014, 09:30
Party all the time. :p

Why are the Word Games dying these days?

4th November 2014, 11:19
Maybe people have been busy lately.

Did you watch any good movie recently?

4th November 2014, 12:15
Unfortunately I had to miss "The week of Cannes movies" and "The week of german movies" at my fav cinema. I don't have the patience to watch movies on tv ( I fall asleep anyway ) and I dislike to download movies from internet even if I have a smart tv. Good movies should be watched at a cinema hall not at home in dressing gown and slippers.

Do you feel that your friends are smarter than you? If yes does this bother you?

4th November 2014, 16:11
Some are smarter and some aren't. Doesn't bother me either way. My wife is smarter than I am (one of several reasons I married her), that doesn't bother me either.

Would you like to have a higher IQ than the one you currently have?

4th November 2014, 16:26
Don't know exactly my IQ. Once I did a test for fun with a coworker ( the others feared to show their intelligence despite their annoying arrogance :devil: ) and I had 111 -think it's average.
Fair to say I did it under stressful conditions ( at work, risking to be caught in the act ) and english language is still a barrier for me, I couldn't understand all questions. I'd like to have a higher one when I'm with my friends who are really smart and make me feel like s*it but then....the smarter I am, the more unhappy I may become.....

Does winter coming make you sad?

4th November 2014, 16:54
Not at all. If you let winter get to you around here you’d be sad 9 month out of the year :p: . I look forward to the winter activities, especially skiing with my kids :) .

Are shops already putting up the Christmas decorations where you are?

4th November 2014, 20:28
I guess they still have all the Diwali lights around even after a week, which will end up doing double duty for Xmas now ;)

Do you like shopping for gifts for your family/friends?

4th November 2014, 21:13
It's difficult to buy presents here. Life is very expensive and shops sell things as if all people are young and S size. Every year I wish to buy nice things but it's a nightmare to find something for everybody. Then I'm very thoughtful, I want the presents to match the taste, size and personality of people and things become more difficult.On the other hand I never receive such things. It's like people cleaned their house and offer me something they don't need anymore. It hurts a lot.......Always wanted to get something really nice.
This year x-mas will be sad and I don't have the time and energy to look for presents. I have an ex coworker who does beautiful jewellry from hematite, Mallorca pearls and other such stones and hope she'll help me with the presents for girls. For men's presents I expect your suggestions.

Are you the jealous type?

4th November 2014, 21:18
No is the short answer.

Are you confident in your self?

4th November 2014, 21:57
No, don't have reasons to.

Are you sensitive?

4th November 2014, 22:19
No. I am too confident in myself to be sensitive.

When's the last time you dipped your toes in the sea?

4th November 2014, 22:23
July 2013.

Do you cheat when you play games?

4th November 2014, 23:05
I try not too, as this would defeat the purpose of the game, having said that I am very competitive and don't like to be bested.

Is it still considered cheating if I don't get caught?

5th November 2014, 08:46
yes. because you know it.

Do you play chess?

5th November 2014, 08:52
no. i'm not that clever.

can you work listerning to the music?

5th November 2014, 09:15
I can and I do..ofcourse for some really tough stuff you need to concentrate but usual routine stuff has to be accompanied by music.
btw what has clever got to do with chess? we aren't talking GM norms here

What decade was the best for the type of music you like?

5th November 2014, 09:32
btw what has clever got to do with chess? we aren't talking GM norms here

If you're not clever enough to play this game you're always gonna lose. Then it's not fun to play....

What decade was the best for the type of music you like?
The 70's.

Do you easily concentrate on your work?

5th November 2014, 16:49
I work best when I'm on a strict deadline. Otherwise I can get easily distracted.

What do you normally eat for breakfast?

5th November 2014, 19:29
I'm a creature of habit. Breakfast is a cup of coffee and a slice of toast with Bovril on it. I don't know why I 'fixed' on that but it saves thinking in the morning. The wife and I both do it automatically without having to fully wake up.

It's unusual to eat Bovril on bread or toast rather than drink it or put it in stews. Do you have any unusual combinations you eat?

5th November 2014, 21:09
In NZ we put beetroot on hamburgers, the rest of the world seems to thing that it is a bit odd.

Do you like thunder storms especially those with hail as well?

5th November 2014, 21:14
hell yeah...Hail is fine too but nowadays it is a bit rare - lightning and thunder do get me going though. Although now we probably won't have a t-storm till early next year after the winter ends.

What is the weirdest food that you have eaten?

5th November 2014, 22:26
Piftie (Pork jelly). In fact I've never eaten such porkie despite looking great. It's made of pig's trotters ( popular named addidas ), pig's ears and pig's snout. It also contains garlic which is a turn off. It's a very popular dish here during the winter holidays.

What food you've never tried yet but you wish to taste?

5th November 2014, 23:25
Caviar. Not that I think I'd particularly like it, but just to see what the fuss is all about.

Have you ever tried caviar?

5th November 2014, 23:34
Yes, too salty and fishy tasting for my taste.

One one thing could you eat everyday for two weeks and never get tired of?

6th November 2014, 09:00
Chocolate :laugh:

Do you like to eat fresh vegetables?

6th November 2014, 09:02
Yes although probably not enough

Do you eat a lot food from different cultures? (i.e Chinese/Indian/Greek)... whatever

6th November 2014, 09:17
Romanian food is not my style.
When my mother was cooking we used to eat greek/macedonian style.
Now that I'm in charge with cooking I buy pizza or prepare pastas.

Do you enjoy your meals or just eat because you have to survive?

6th November 2014, 17:30
Well, the wife does most of the cooking so I have to say I enjoy it :p: .

Has the price of petrol dropped recently where you are?

7th November 2014, 07:21
Yes! :cheese: (and diesel too! ) I am starting out on a 10 day road trip to the north during next week and this was the best news for me that diesel/petrol went down by 5 rs/lit in the last 2 weeks.
Diesel used to be heavily subsidized here for so long and finally the govt woke up 2 yrs ago and started slowly increasing the price by 50paise (100p = 1 Re) per month. This unfortnately co-incided with my shifting from a petrol hatchback to a diesel SUV :s), but now the prices are de-regulated and luckily the oil price dropping has led to fuel prices going back to last year levels

Sorry for the discourse though-

do you love road-trips?

7th November 2014, 09:23
Love them. My ideal type of holiday.

Have you ever spent a holiday on a cruise?

7th November 2014, 09:57
No..but I would like to - perhaps the 70,000 tonnes of heavy metal (cruise + metal festival) :)
you would love the trip I'm taking gadjo, except for the mostly crazy traffic and different foods that you will have to try ;)

Can you swim?

7th November 2014, 10:05
Yes but I'm not a great swimmer. I'm not sinking anyway.
But send me to a beach or even a pool and I'll spend hours into the water. My friends say I'm crazy.

Do you like to swim when the waves are high?

7th November 2014, 14:38
Yes. I love the power of the ocean, even when it reaches a point it's somewhat scary. Some of the scariest moments of my life have taken place in the ocean, but somehow I still feel very "connected" to nature when things like that happen.

Have you ever seen a natural sight (other than your reflection in a mirror! :) ) that just left you awestruck?

7th November 2014, 14:47
Himalaya up close. Simply awesome.

Most great mountain(s) do that to me actually as do oceans :erm:

Same question?

7th November 2014, 14:51
Quite a few things over the years, but one that always sticks out was my first encounter with the giant Redwoods. Just freaking awesome.

Do you think only certain people appreciate nature, or it is just that we all appreciate it in different ways?

7th November 2014, 15:07
I think quite a few appreciate nature but somehow forget about it in their daily struggles of life. I wish more did it though.
Atleast in poorer countries where for most, enjoying nature has a lower priority than putting food on the table and putting a table in the house ..and so on.

Do you still read newspapers? Do they have a future where you are - I think many papers are losing the battle to online in the West atleast.

7th November 2014, 15:23
I always read the newspaper in the morning, along with a cup or two of coffee (which I'm doing right now). While papers are not as healthy as they were before digital became more of the norm, the good ones will still be around for a while.

Do you like to read books and how often do you read them?

7th November 2014, 16:40
I don't read much, and when I do it's usually a fiction novel. I probably read only 2 or 3 books per year :mark: .

Paper or e-reader?

7th November 2014, 17:21
Paper all the time.

Back in your school days were you obliged to read works of your national poets/writers?

7th November 2014, 18:46
That book as well as paper question was ideal for me - I'm an avid reader by any standard and a staunch old school paper guy - well I am old school in most respects :s

Well, not works as such but bits and pieces in language classes - poems mainly and a few prose sections of Mahatma Gandhi or Tagore et al (Shakespeare, Mark Twain and Jerome K Jerome being very common as well!)

What book is usually considered a classic but you were either bored like hell reading it or just could not finish it at all?

7th November 2014, 18:59
Faulkner's and Hemingway's novels.
I know I should be ashamed.....
Gonna hide my head into the sand......

Have you ever been to a streap tease show? :devil:

7th November 2014, 19:04
I have not even tried Hemingway ;) so what does that say about my taste?

No I haven't. I actually dropped 2 colleagues at a Crazy Horse (the Americans will know it) once and went on my way to some music store :erm:
This was after I got married, perhaps it would have been different had I been single back then. :p:

Have you?

7th November 2014, 19:11
No. I mean not yet.:devil:

Do you enjoy musicals?

8th November 2014, 01:26
Usually no. I find most of them boring. I prefer dramas or comedy.

Do you go to live theater?

8th November 2014, 01:39
I love to but didn't go for ages. That's a shame cos most theatres are in my area.

What are you doing right now?

8th November 2014, 06:45
I love to but didn't go for ages. That's a shame cos most theatres are in my area.

What are you doing right now?

Getting ready to eat something and go to sleep. Just returned from a local place discussing liberty and the pitfalls of the same. But nobody forced me to go so I think it was OK. :)

What are you doing when you wake up?

8th November 2014, 09:12
A shower.

What's your eye colour?

8th November 2014, 15:56
It depends. Most days blue. Some mornings bloodshot. :D

How tall are you?

8th November 2014, 19:13
On Monday I was 162 cm.

What's your hair colour?
If it's grey or dyed, mention the original colour

8th November 2014, 19:46
My hair is dark brown. Lucky I have yet to dye it. Although at only 28 I do have a few grey hairs appearing.

Do you/would you dye your hair?

8th November 2014, 19:56
I do because I inherited my mum's genes and just like her I started to get a lot of grey hair since my twenties.
Ironically, my much older brother was a genuine brunette until a few years ago.

What's your shoe size?
( don't know why I ask since I'm not familiar neither with men's shoe size, nor with the anglo-saxon sizes)

8th November 2014, 19:58
erm.... well in the UK I am a size 10. No idea what that means to you, but my feet are generally upper average I would guess.

What have you done this week? (Have not been around much)

8th November 2014, 20:30
Had the breakfast served to my bed, saw 3 movies at the cinema, had lunch with my friends and met new interesting people that I'd like to become my friend, bought 3 dresses, 5 pairs of boots, 2 bags and a fur coat, had a date with the man of my dreams and partied in a club till dawn.

What will you do tomorrow?

8th November 2014, 21:49
Drive in the Brazilian GP, then play football for England.

Do you like fireworks?

8th November 2014, 22:03
Yes, the organized fireworks for special events not the random gypsy playing.

What's the last song you sang in the shower?

8th November 2014, 22:08
I want to break free by Queen

How many times a day do you eat?

8th November 2014, 22:18
2 or 3. I run an unhealthy life lately.

Where would you like to spend a city break?

9th November 2014, 08:42
What is a city break?

9th November 2014, 08:51
A short holiday (2-3 days, usually in weekend) in a city only

9th November 2014, 09:36
I spent one such week-end break in London and I have always wanted to go back - but probably won't in the near or distant future :(

closer to home, Bangalore - lots of pubs, music and food. the traffic sucks.

same Q?

9th November 2014, 09:46
At this moment I'd be happy to leave for any destination just to forget for a few days about anything. But I prefer Barcelona or Paris.

Have you ever your pet got lost?

9th November 2014, 10:13
I'd prefer Barcelona for a long trip not just a short break :p:

9th November 2014, 16:29
I will hope that your dream comes true :)
Tomorrow I will give the cupboard under the stairs a clearout (and no doubt get distracted by things I put in there 5 years ago)

When do you start your Christmas shopping?