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17th September 2014, 18:07
Why would you be embarrassed to visit a doctor?
Because sometimes I have to undress.

Theoretically not unless you go to a private clinic. But we don't dare to go empty handed. We're treated like s*it anyway. Certain services should be also paid even if you're insured. Medicines are also very expensive. You can't afford to be sick here.

When was the last time you had a radiography?

17th September 2014, 22:12
I had an X Ray when I broke my football in January and March.

Do you have a dream house?

17th September 2014, 22:50
YEs. and strangely the house I picture in my mind and the land/location etc was in the local property guide at the weekend. It looked almost exactly how I pictured my dream house - spooky.

We only use about 10% of our brain. What is the other 90% for?

17th September 2014, 23:02
Storing all the memories from every minute of every day, that sadly we can't access. Imagine remembering your whole life in detail. That would be fun. I would love to go back and remember all my school days and a such.

When in your life would you choose to remember in detail if you could?

18th September 2014, 00:15
I remember very well every moment of my life. I surprise my friends from school with stories from that time and they are like How do you remember that?

When were the best years of your life?

18th September 2014, 00:17
Yesterday :)

Would you like to be able to see into the future?

18th September 2014, 09:02
No. There's nothing good there.

Are you able to see into the future?

18th September 2014, 10:46
No. and no one can - inspite of morons going to astrologers.

Do you think time travel will ever be possible? would you like to do it?

18th September 2014, 11:26
I think it's already possible but we're not allowed to know it. :devil:
And yes, I'd like to do it but only back in time.

Is it wrong to be a dreamer?

18th September 2014, 17:47
It's only wrong to be a dreamer if your dreaming makes you less contented with your lot.

Do you believe that if your life is in a rut you can get out by just your own efforts - or do you need external assistance?

18th September 2014, 18:32
Depends on the situation. Often I find a bank loan helps :p: .

Do you own any stocks/shares on any market?

18th September 2014, 18:45
I've never got and never would have asked or accepted a material support, I've always known I'm on my own. But I'm a very insecure person and some moral support will always be welcome. A friendly attitude is all that I ask from people and the most appreciated thing for me. Unfortunately I don't have too much opportunities to feel it.

What was your latest nightmare?

18th September 2014, 18:51
Again too late......

I have a very small amount of shares due to the fact that we were obliged to invest a privatization coupon in some shares. I did it at random, the societies offered for us weren't too profitable but looks like I was inspired. Unlike other people who don't get anything I get dividends of about 50 euro/year :p

So, what was your latest nightmare?

18th September 2014, 20:20
can't remember. I don't usually get nightmares.

What was your last dream?

18th September 2014, 22:00
That I had to meet a forumer in real life. :p
2 in 1 - dream + nightmare

Would you like to live like a farmer?

18th September 2014, 22:07
Not massively, but I guess it could be OK if you were well set before starting out.

What do you think stone Henge is all about really?


18th September 2014, 22:15
A place to venerate gods who in fact were ET-s :p

Have you ever been to Stonehenge?

18th September 2014, 22:48

Would you like to go?

18th September 2014, 23:36
Yes, I love mysterious places.

What's the strangest place you've ever visited?

18th September 2014, 23:39
Stonehenge :p

There is truly something strange about the place. You find yourself wondering how they did it. Latest thoughts are that it took nearly 3 thousand years to complete.

3000 years. How can a project carry on that long?

19th September 2014, 00:19
3000 years? I thought 3000 BC is the approx. year when it was built. :confused:

Is Friday a shorter day of work at your working place?

19th September 2014, 01:13
In theory, no, but in practice, yes. At the first place I worked, a large construction site, it was official that Friday finished an hour early so the men could collect their pay and get the same bus or train as usual (or get an early start to going home for a weekend)

Looking at today's big British news, do you have any view on Scottish independence?

19th September 2014, 01:49
My personal view is that Scotland really doesn't have much to gain by voting yes, but a lot to possibly loose. Emperor Salmon (from afar at least) seems like a megalomaniac who is striving to put himself into the history books, I personally wound't trust him to ferry the mother-in-law to and from the airport.

There were only two options in the Scottish pole, should there have been a third eg 1. YEs, 2. NO 3. Join Russia as they will covertly invade anyway

19th September 2014, 19:18
Bit late to answer this now, but I guess a US state was also an option :p

What have you done in the last 30 minutes?

19th September 2014, 21:12
I'm ashamed to say what I have done in the last 10 minutes and still continue to do. Before I was saying goodbye to my cousin who visited me and then washed some plates and glasses.

Who's the last person in real life you talked to?

19th September 2014, 22:29
My Father who I saw after work today, before that it was a work college

edit: Now a friend who called about football tomorrow.

When did you last see a horse?


19th September 2014, 23:56
October last year when I was at Provita.

When was the last time you saw a pig?

20th September 2014, 02:55
Last weekend,. We drove up from London (-ish) to Lowestoft for the weekend and saw all the usual farm animals - sheep, cows, pigs, horses but not the birds: chickens, ducks or geese. We also saw quite a lot of road kill - rabbits, squirrels, foxes, what migh have been a badger, pheasants and other birds.

Urban foxes are becoming a problem in Britain. Does any other country have problems with urban wildlife?

20th September 2014, 09:08


Carpathian bears use to come down in towns in search of food. In Brasov they're already a touristic attraction and people gather to watch them visiting the garbage bins.

Would you be scared to meet a bear in flesh and blood?

20th September 2014, 10:01
I would guess so. I have no chance of meeting a bear where I live so I don't think about it. However if I did meet one, I dare say i would be scared witless. (If it was a meat eater)

Did you ever come face to face with a dangerous animal?

20th September 2014, 10:45
Yes. But he had the face of a human.

Would you have liked to be a pirate?

20th September 2014, 10:50
Don't think so. I am not fussed about boats, like fresh food to eat and don't like to hurt people. No qualifications for being a pirate there. :p

Is there a song that immediately takes you back to childhood whenever you hear it?

20th September 2014, 12:07
Walk on the wild side - Lou Reed
We listern to it like crazy although we didn't understand too much of the lyrics.

What's the job you don't like and would never accept to do?

21st September 2014, 10:31
Office Job where you have to talk on the phone. I hate talking on the phone. Also jobs where there is a lot of pressure.

Would you like to go scuba diving? (If you have - was it fun?)

21st September 2014, 19:40
I've got several SCUBA certifications and have been diving in some amazing spots. Beautiful corals in Japan and diving with seals in the kelp beds off of California have been highlights for me. Watching surfers from below in heavy surf was also way up on the list.

It's an amazing recreation with possibilities from very relaxing and calm to scary. I've not been in quite some time but hope to add many new dives to the list of my favorites. We have quite a few historic ship wrecks in this area, and I want to get mixed gas certified and enjoy some of them.

Do you enjoy any recreations or hobbies that can be either very relaxing or adrenaline filled depending on the location/type/place of the event?

22nd September 2014, 03:12
White water rafting is fun, as is black water rafting. It you are claustrophobic black water rafting can be extremely scary especially when the ermmm... person behind you spotlights a cave weta (google cave weta :)) and has the thing drop onto your lap in the dark.

are you afraid of large ugly insects?

22nd September 2014, 06:43
not afraid but do not like them buzzing around my head etc (like most people)

What was the last pest that you saw in your home?

22nd September 2014, 14:00
Ants. I had to wage major battle with the tiny and fast black ants we get around here. The house wasn't so bad, just one area they kept trying to come in. The outdoor storage shed was insane, and there were ants any place ants fit. It was like a zombie hoard from a game or something, but after a full day of battle I have defeated them finally.

I live in a fairly suburban and congested area, but we get racoons, foxes, muskrats, opossums, etc in the neighborhood. I accept that as their land that we built on.

Do you ever see animals in the area you live as an invasion of wild animals, or do you simply see it as animals being animals and surviving?

22nd September 2014, 19:23
Animals are only ever being animals. Even if they are bread by humans, they do not know that and you can't be surprised by any animal reaction around humans.

Would you have liked to be a Doctor?

22nd September 2014, 20:40
I think so..I do think I had the talent to become a good one but never the money for the education.. I would probably have been a cranky old git to be honest since I do not like to interact with hundreds of people everyday (most of them panicky too!)

What habit do you have that your close ones find annoying?

23rd September 2014, 00:36
I am quite competitive and expect everyone to give 100% to everything they do i.e. I don't accept near enough is good enough as an attitude.
I am also quite fussy about people I care about.

Dogs or cats?

23rd September 2014, 00:54
Dogs - They are more loyal than cats. Although I don't have either myself

Rabbit or Hamster? (As a potential pet- not food)

23rd September 2014, 01:39
Have kept both. Rabbits are cuter, but hamsters do more. To be honest the answer to this is now days, neither. Am happy with a dog. (If any of you win lotto please by me a komondor :))

What is your fav dog?

23rd September 2014, 10:29
Lab, beagle, Alsatian or even our local strays or those thick furred dogs you see in the Himalayan foothills :cool: actually I like most dogs except the tiny/toy/shrieking ones.

Do you get any birds in/around your house? Assuming you don't live in a wilderness... If in a very urban setting, what is the most unusual bird you have seen in/outside?

23rd September 2014, 14:03
We had some type of hawk that was hunting very aggressively in the neighborhood and got quite territorial. It was using the fenced yards as a way to hunt rabbits, and perching on the rooftops to observe and attack.

But not far from here near a campus, the wild parrots are probably the most unusual bird I have seen for the area. From my understanding someone let a few go or they escaped years ago, and now there are a dozen or so that live in one area.

Overall, do you consider yourself and optimist or pessimist?

23rd September 2014, 16:35
Definitely an optimist. I always try to see the positive in a situation, and, unlike some around here, I always try to make the most out of a sad situation.

Have you ever walked in women's shoes?

23rd September 2014, 19:42
Yes. Not since I was about 7 or 8 probably. (Honest Guv :p)

Where is Gadjo these days?

23rd September 2014, 20:44
I don't know.

Have you missed her?

23rd September 2014, 21:25
I guess so.

Do you often wear a suit?

23rd September 2014, 22:34
Bathing suites during holidays. :p

Have you ever collected stamps?

23rd September 2014, 22:45
(Back from vacation.)
Yes, when I was eight or nine.

Where will you go on your next vacation?

24th September 2014, 00:41
I don't know.Probably when this nightmare will end.

Where did you spent your best vacation?

24th September 2014, 01:13
at home - peace and quiet sun sand and surf 50 feet from the front door - bliss!

If you liver in a country that has free elections for the government, do you or did you vote?

24th September 2014, 02:13
I always vote. To do other wise is to throw your freedoms in the garbage.

What is your preferred political system?

24th September 2014, 08:23
If I was the ruler then dictatorship :laugh:

overall, presidential democracy like the US with only a few parties around unlike here (we are the largest democracy in the world - but a total mess in terms of parties, ethics etc as in most aspects of life)

NASA's orbiter Maven reached Mars a couple of days ago and the first ever Indian Mars mission "Mangalyaan" reached Mars orbit just a couple of hours ago :cool: On their first attempt ever ISRO got it right (and much cheaper than usual Nasa/ESA probes too).

Do you have an interest in space missions?

24th September 2014, 09:09
.... unlike here (we are the largest democracy in the world - but a total mess in terms of parties, ethics etc as in most aspects of life)

Sounds familiar.....:s

Do you have an interest in space missions?

Had when I was very young and a dreamer. Now I'm too overwhelmed by terrestrial issues to have decent interests.

Would you ( or in case you already are -do you ) like to be a boss?

24th September 2014, 13:03
Yes. Most of my career has been in management. You can accomplish much more if you are a decent manager, have a vision for what you want and can direct and motivate your staff.

Would you go on a mission to Mars (assuming a round trip was available)?

24th September 2014, 13:42
No way. It would be a very long trip and I'm not patient when travelling.

Would you go ( if posible ) on a mission to the center of the earth?

24th September 2014, 22:42
no its about 1000 degrees down there and bright orange.

do you like volcanos?

24th September 2014, 22:56
Absolutely. Sadly I have never been to see one in real life.

I would love to one day. As long as its not a full eruption of epic proportions

What are you doing this evening/afternoon/morning?

24th September 2014, 23:04
Watched a few humoristic TV shows, I'll watch my fav TV show in half an hour. Then I'll sleep.

What kind of oil do you use when you cook?

24th September 2014, 23:31
evening, it's thursday, so home from work, cook food, eat, tv and sleep (wow I am boring) rest of the day working.

do you work to live or live to work?

24th September 2014, 23:57
What kind of oil do you use when you cook?

Depends on what I'm cooking but it's either extra virgin olive or canola.

do you work to live or live to work?

I work to feed my kids :p: .

Do you like to plan activities well in advance or are you more spontaneous.

25th September 2014, 00:08
I am spontaneous, I often don't know what I will be doing, until I actually start doing it, especially now that I have had to give up playing football.

Have you ever gone to the airport and bought a ticket for the next plane, without knowing where it is going (internal flight only). If not have you ever wanted to?

25th September 2014, 09:11
No, Distances aren't so big in this country. But I confess sometimes I'm tempted to pack a few things, go to the railway station and take a train without having a certain destination.

Do you like to travel or would you like to be "teleported" to the destination?

25th September 2014, 14:47
I don't mind travel, but flying is my least favorite form. Between flight change rushing around, security, being stuck with airport food prices, etc.... I'd just as quickly drive if the distance isn't too long. My wife is an absolute mess in airports for some reason, so all the more reason to not fly. :laugh: If it could be done, being teleported would have a lot of advantages.

Do you like playing card games? (poker, spades, rummy, etc)

25th September 2014, 15:07
I like some of them but generally I like to play for fun and don't concentrate too much. My best friend and her family are very fond of such games and like to play on money (and guess who's the eternal loser....:devil:). I keep remembering her that even my first visit to her house ( we were about 11 y.o ) ended with a card game. At the beginning of this year we restarted our Saturday card games sessions but then I had my family problems and quitted.

Do you play any game on money?

25th September 2014, 15:59
I'm not a gambler, and other than the occasional few dollar bet mostly for bragging/ragging rights among friends don't gamble on anything really, other than money investments which in some sense are always a gamble of sorts. I've been to casinos and played some card games and slots, but accepted before I went it was just spending money on entertainment. And really even with games I like I would probably lose money, so it makes no sense to me for anything other than some fun.

If you could change one thing about your personality, what would it be?

25th September 2014, 16:14
No kidding.
Even the few features of my character that I don't completely dislike aren't meant for the society I live in.

If you could change one thing about your appearance, what would it be?

25th September 2014, 16:57
No kidding.
Even the few features of my character that I don't completely dislike aren't meant for the society I live in.

If you changed everything, we wouldn't know you as the person you are, and I'm fine with the person you are, so don't go changing it all. :)

If you could change one thing about your appearance, what would it be?

I'd be less good looking. Trying to keep woman at bay takes up too much valuable time. :laugh:

In all honesty, that is a hard question. I guess I'd have to say have more perfect teeth. I don't have a snaggle tooth smile or anything, but my teeth are far from perfect. And most of my other physical faults I can change, I just have to get to the gym more. :)

Name one event in your life that ended up being life changing in some way.

25th September 2014, 18:44
The so called revolution in December 1989. My life has changed completely. I started to enjoy some rights that didn't necessarily make me happier. I started to discover the evil side in people and some friendships were lost because some of us became richer and could afford more than the rest of us. I lost and still miss the feeling of solidarity that kept us united in the past. I've learnt that being educated is a serious handicap and all the values in which I was brought up means nothing for the new society. I've also learnt that not all the people you share your life with are also your friends. And yes, I made some money and today I'm able to live without debts and to take care of my mother and brother.
In brief I don't have material problems anymore but spiritually I'm at the lowest point.

What was the lowest moment of your life?

25th September 2014, 22:54
When my mother had her huge stroke and came about as close to death as its possible to get.

However that sad was replaced by amazement and joy in some of her recovery

What was the happiest moment of your life?

25th September 2014, 23:06
Liverpool winning the Champions League... or getting engaged (hard to separate as they both happen so rarely)

How do you cope with a big loss, i.e. how do you bounce back?

25th September 2014, 23:13
The same revolution moment. It was something incredible, never thought the communist regime would fall and I was young and thought my life would change for the better. 22 December 1989, yes it was the happiest day of my life when an imposible dream really came true.

Do you have a superstition?

Edit : too late again. Don't know if I understood anfield's q......

26th September 2014, 01:01
Its fine gadjo. I'll just answer yours instead :)

When I was playing football I had quite a few. Left sock on before right, then right boot on before left. Always had to wear something red against my skin. On the pitch I had to touch the right goal post, left goal post then the centre of the crossbar. I was a goal keeper and I always wore different coloured gloves (same type, model etc, but different colour from each other) I guess this would indicate that I am slightly insane :)

Do superstitious people scare you?

26th September 2014, 08:03
No, I just laugh at them usually - as long as the superstition is harmless (as in your case) then I don't mind, but when people go overboard and do weird stuff I dislike it.

Do you believe in the Parallel Universes concept? (if you aren't a religious person)

26th September 2014, 09:22
I have no proof but I'm convinced of the existance of some "axis mundi" on earth that tie "our"world with another. They say such places might be in the Carpathians and I strongly believe one could be in India.

Are you comfortable with the idea of changing your home or are you sentimentally tied to the one you live in?

26th September 2014, 12:12
After 30 years in the same house I suppose I am sentimentally tied to it. I know the amount of work I have put in trying to keep it in good order and getting it the way I want. If I changed my home, although I'd have a clearer idea of what I wanted I baulk at the amount of work involved to sort things out.

Which do you think is better - owning your home or renting it?

26th September 2014, 12:28
That's a hard question Gadjo.

There are a lot of memories, and a lot of blood, sweat, and tears in our current home. It was the first house we ever purchased, and we have been here ever since. At one point we thought about getting something a little larger, but then decided that it was pointless and that we really didn't want more house. The house will become our daughters when we are gone, to do with as she pleases.

I've thought that at some point we will move into a condo or something nearby, so we have less work to do when we get older and don't want to do those things as much. But in my head that is because our daughter will live in our current house nearby. In reality our daughter is preparing for a future that will increase her chances of working out of this area, and very possibly out of the country. So maybe my crazy scenario is an attachment that I don't really notice on the surface all that well.

But overall I'd still have to say that I'm comfortable with the idea of changing our home. But this home will always hold a lot of memories, both good and bad, that I will never let go of.

Have you ever been part of any organization where the brotherhood and comradery were so strong that it was clear people outside of that organization could not possibly understand?

26th September 2014, 12:59
Until 2 years ago I lived in a hybrid of half ours/half state home and I was insecure cos based on previous experience our state is able to bring some people ( gypsies included) to cohabitate with you. That stopped me to do any improvement to the house. In the center of Book a Rest the rent is very high and so it's the value of the house. So if I have to pay the money I'd rather buy it.

Airshifter: I don't think that such organization could ever exist in my country and by this I say almost all about my conationals. However it was a sort of a party that was able of such things but unfortunately it was an extremist party that did a lot of political mistakes.
I also think that the aromanian community to which I belong used to develop such relationships that to romanians look strange. I'm surprised by the romanians points of view regarding family or friendship and so are they about mine.

Have you ever considered leaving the country?

26th September 2014, 13:35
D Type beat me by a long time on that last one. I got distracted after I hit the reply button! :laugh:

I could live elsewhere outside of this country, and if I was single would consider it. At the current time I wouldn't even think about it, for for that matter moving within the country, as our daughters school is top notch and her education is very important to us. And even if single I might try another country to live in, but doubt it would be long term. Despite the faults I think the US is a great place to live.

If by chance tomorrow you found the opportunity to do something risky yet extraordinary (such as going into space maybe) but would have to risk losing your job/home/current security to do so, would you do it or not?

26th September 2014, 14:18
Not. I had a tough life and all I want is a bit of security, I'm not a fighter to start again from 0 and i don't live in the place where such thing is possible.

Have you ever lost your job?

26th September 2014, 19:02
Yes, but I put an ad in the paper and someone found it. :p

Several times. Got fired once, one time had my company go bankrupt, once had my company move out of state and once had the company bought out and a number of jobs were eliminated. Each time I found a better paying job and moved up in the management chain.

Do you worry about that kind of thing or do you just figure you'll move on?

26th September 2014, 21:59
I worry about the uncertainty of anything like that, however realise I will still have a chance to move on.

Do you eat Banana's?

27th September 2014, 04:39
Do you mean the fruits? If yes I do but they're not my fav fruits cos they're not juicy.

Do you drink water from the tap?

27th September 2014, 05:55
Yes, here where it's safe, but not other places in the world.

Are you concerned about diseases running wild (Ebola, etc.)?

27th September 2014, 10:44
Of course I'm concerned but in a country where the whole sanitary system is at the ground you're more concerned about common diseases that might affect you and don't have time to think too much of serious issues. Or in other words, until God you'll be eaten by all saints.
A genial but cynical reply in a Romanian black comedy is "AIDS doesn't sell, here we're dying of flu". ( some people in the beggars industry were suggesting texts for beggars to sensiblise people and one presented a weak kid with the slogan I've got AIDS)

Do you have any health problem? ( apart from being nuts enough to spend so much time on forums :p)

27th September 2014, 13:35
Not that I know of. I am generally healthy when not breaking feet :p

Does your country have Pubs/Bars/clubs all over the place or are they quite rare?

27th September 2014, 16:58
Plenty of them if you ask me. A few years ago I had a club in the building next to mine and it was a nightmare. I prayed every night for their banktrupcy and at least that time God listened to me.
Matter of fact the only attraction for foreigners in my hometown are the pubs/cafes in the old center. Come here and we'll take a tour of them. :p

Do you go often to the pub? ( even if you don't drink )

27th September 2014, 20:16
Once a week when I'm home. There is a small pub in my town that features craft beer and single malt scotch. There's only 17 beer taps, but the owner rotates them all the time with new items so there are always several new (to me) craft beers to try. There are over 100 scotchs too though I don't try them that often. It's a small place and everyone is very friendly so if you go a few times you'll have several new friends to chat with. Food is decent but not great so sometimes I eat there, sometimes go elsewhere when I get hungry and sometimes just come home to eat.

What would be your favorite place to socialize if you only could pick one place?

27th September 2014, 21:55
I'm not the friendly type and I dislike to socialize. If I need to, I'd like to socialize at work and coworkers to be my friends. It was like this at my first job. Now I work in a hostile environment.

Have you ever worn a bandana?

28th September 2014, 10:04
Never out and about, but I have as a joke.

Do you ever go on a picnic?

28th September 2014, 10:32
I usually don't but I just did last week-end!!
It ended a bit early unfortunately but the weather was good and a nice experience...will do it again sooner than later.

Did you go out last night?

28th September 2014, 17:15
Nope. I had played football and been out for a while, but felt tired after that, so came home and just watched some classic TV on my laptop.

Do you have a TV series you are following at the moment?

28th September 2014, 17:52
I don't have time for such things now. But when I remember I watch a stupid Indian one. Don't say which one cos Storm would have a laugh.
Well, I guess he laughs anyway at the thought I'm watching such things.

Do you like to eat fresh uncooked vegetables?

29th September 2014, 03:37
some veg are better uncooked, cabbage, sweet corn etc, never tried raw potato though, and raw turnips just aren't that appetizing.

If offered to cook anything at all for you dinner tonight, what would it be (remember the line from Black Adder "Hopefully they want sausages, cause all I've got is sausages (paraphrased))

29th September 2014, 09:12

What is one really beautiful place you've been to and one place where you definitely want to go once?

29th September 2014, 09:48
Haven't traveled too much. Definitely beautiful is the Transfagarasan, one of the most beautiful roads in the world.

I dream to visit Machu Picchu but it will never happen. So I'd like to think one day I'll go to Barcelona. In my opinion it's a very beautiful place.

When will be your next holiday?

29th September 2014, 10:31
mid November - All our family (10 people in all) will travel to the Northern part of our country...8 of them will fly, 2 of us will drive 2000 kms :D (that is a lot on our roads believe me)

is it just the two of us now?

How many languages can you speak?

29th September 2014, 10:50
is it just the two of us now?

At this hour I think that nobody else could or would join us.

How many languages can you speak?

None apart from romanian and a bit of aromanian dialect. I know a bit of English and I kinda can write it but if I speak it I'm sure nobody will understand me. :p

For guys: what can't you stand about a woman?
For girls( ? ): what can't you stand about a man?

29th September 2014, 14:43
I dream to visit Machu Picchu but it will never happen. So I'd like to think one day I'll go to Barcelona. In my opinion it's a very beautiful place.

One day my daughter asked where she might use the spanish she is learning in school, and I used to always tell her maybe we would go to Peru or Guatemala. As it turns out one of her school trips is now going to Peru, and Machu Picchu is one of her main motivations for wanting to go. It's not for another year and a half or so, but I'll make sure she takes pictures for both of us. :)

For guys: what can't you stand about a woman?
For girls( ? ): what can't you stand about a man?

If you are asking what I can't stand about ALL women, I can't think of anything. But all humans are flawed in some way, so it's easy to find something to not like about a lot of people if we try. I usually don't try as I realize my own flaws and don't like to judge.

But if I had to come up with something.... I don't like that women get their periods. It's a caustic and dangerous time for men when they do. :laugh:

What can't you stand about a man?

29th September 2014, 15:29
When I asked that Q, in my mind was more of "what kind of woman/man do you dislike'' but due to my poor English knowledge I screw it.
So I can't say what I can't stand about a man cos I can't generalize. But definitely I can't stand the guys who fancy themselves as ladies’ men and behave accordingly.

So now, what kind of women do you dislike?

29th September 2014, 15:38
Ones that can't stop talking. It's annoying as heck. I also dislike women who represent themselves as dumber than they are. Being smart is something to embrace.

Who will win the next World Cup?

29th September 2014, 15:41
Romania. :p

What World Cup ?

29th September 2014, 15:46
When I asked that Q, in my mind was more of "what kind of woman/man do you dislike'' but due to my poor English knowledge I screw it.
So I can't say what I can't stand about a man cos I can't generalize. But definitely I can't stand the guys who fancy themselves as ladies’ men and behave accordingly.

So now, what kind of women do you dislike?

Don't feel bad. If this discussion was in your native language I could only participate through a translator! :laugh:

But my answer is similar to yours. I can't stand self centered people, and make no time at all for them. Nothing else can possibly make up for a bad personality, and/or people that are just fake and scared to be themselves.

Dogs or cats?

29th September 2014, 15:58
Love both but I admit I have a more weakness for cats.

Do you have a pet now?

29th September 2014, 19:01
No. We are looking into getting another dog. I'm leaning towards a greyhound, and my wife and daughter are leaning towards something cute and cuddly. I'll probably lose. :)

Have you ever had a pet that was a sheer terror and PITA in some way?

29th September 2014, 20:23
Never really had any pets at all. Never did as a child and still don't today. I like animals and make fuss of everyone elses.

What is the next major holiday/event in your country that you are getting excited about?

29th September 2014, 21:09
Not excited about holidays during cold season. Not to mention I can't celebrate anything at the moment. It will be on November 30th(st. Andrei who introduced christianism to this country)+ December 1st our national day. Cold and boring days.

Would you like to be invisible? Why?

29th September 2014, 21:55
If I was 15 years old the answer would be yes, for the obvious 15 year old hormonal boy reasons :)

As a grown up no, just imagine how difficult it would be to comb your hair!!

If you could travel back in time and meet yourself as an 18 year old, what advice would you give yourself on how to alter your own destiny?

29th September 2014, 22:15
Don't bother to educate yourself.

Would you have liked to work for a secret service?
( In case you already do, do you like this work? :laugh:)

30th September 2014, 00:11
no, I am to honest and genuine as a person for this line of work - unless I could have all the cool stuff lijke James Bond, an Aston Martin, flash watch that has a nuke in it, bullet proof undies that glow in the dark and my choice of super models :)

Does this answer kick holes in my assertion about being honest and genuine?

30th September 2014, 01:25
Not really. It seems sense to me.

Do you eat/get Easter eggs at Easter where you are? If so are they chocolate or decorative?

30th September 2014, 02:00
We do, I don't. They are commercial chocolate things that are not too nice. I don't touch them as I try to steer away from too much sugar etc.

Has rampant commercialism ruined the meanings of proper holidays like Easter, Christmas etc?

30th September 2014, 04:48
Considering that Christianity stole Saturnalia to create Christmas and also stole Easter from the existing Passover Seder, commercialism and secularism was always going to steal back something if it thought it could spin a profit from it.
It depends on what you consider the meanings of proper holidays like Easter, Christmas to actually be.


What do you consider the meanings of proper holidays like Easter, Christmas etc. actually to be?

30th September 2014, 08:11
fake made up days so people could celebrate for no real reason.


Which holiday do you enjoy the most and why? (a festival/national holiday etc)

30th September 2014, 08:57
Christmas. I love all the commercialism :o, well not really, but I enjoy the decorations, the spirit, the two weeks I normally take off and spending time with family.

What do you consider a City? Just the main part or all suburbs and regions (in reference to Geo Threa Question)

30th September 2014, 09:01
Easter. It's during spring and I have a good feeling about it. Sometimes it's also close to my birthday or May 1st.
I like to dye eggs and meet my extended family. And I also like that unlike other holidays it implies a special rite - going at midnight to the church to take the light and to knock the eggs. I use to fast for a week before Easter and coming home at midnight and eating the forbidden food is also great.

What's the most popular holiday in your country?

30th September 2014, 09:03
oh, noooooooooooooooooooooo...I was late.

For me a City is without suburbs. I hate suburbs.

What's the most popular holiday in your country?

30th September 2014, 09:23
Diwali (I like it too mostly for the all the lights and the food specific to this festival - Diwa is basically an oil lamp made up of clay - so festival of light - I despise all other religious festivals we have)

Diwali or Deepawali is basically 3/4 days of lights, firecrackers (which are now being frowned upon for all the pollution they cause), food and family. Not very different to Christmas to be honest - just more exotic :p:

I'll post a pic of Diwali (it is in the 3rd week of October this time)

When is the next election where you are?

30th September 2014, 10:02
I know about it. All TV indian series have at least one episode when the family celebrate Diwali and Holi. :p

Election for president on November 2nd 2014.
I won't go as I have no choice this time.

What was the last thing you bought?

30th September 2014, 10:25
You only know the stupid tv version of it. :p:

last thing I bought? apart from the chikoo and guava last night?
for myself? a couple of daily wear t-shirts a few weeks ago..

What are you planning to buy next? for yourself or your house?

edit: this is chikoo or sapota as its also known

30th September 2014, 11:12
I need some new shoes and an autumn coat.

Edit: just 5 minutes ago I bought a perfume Absolutely irresistible ( from Givenchy) from the black market. Might not be genuine but smells good.

Do you often renew your outfits or you wear something until it's "finished"?

30th September 2014, 16:03
I wear it until it's done. Sometimes past that. :p Old clothes are always more comfortable than new.

Regular shoes, sandals or tennies?

30th September 2014, 16:15
I wear sandals only during summer, now it's time for shoes ( although some girls already wear boots ).
Tennis shoes - sometimes during weekends.
I have loose feet and it's a nightmare to find footwear. I have to walk a lot so I can't buy high heels. I need shoes to wear with skirts and shoes for jeans ( with a more "manly" look ). I'll buy the first pair that will suit me and has a reasonable price .

What colour do you prefer for socks?

30th September 2014, 18:56
White business socks and black for when wearing shorts. :D:eek:;)

Do you walk a lot for fun?

30th September 2014, 19:26
I walk a lot because I need to, I live between 2 subway stations, I get off the subway in the center of the network and have to walk a lot till outside, then I have to walk down a long boulevard designed for no public transport. I don't complain, it's the only exercise I do and I live and work in the beautiful part of the city.
In the past I used to walk all the distance home-work and back. Now things have changed.

Do you like to walk?

30th September 2014, 23:33
Yes, I often walk to work along the Coastal Walkway (6km) The two small hills in the distance is roughly where I live (not on the hills, but 50m inland)

Describe your ideal day at work?

30th September 2014, 23:48
Going in to work early and it begins to snow, then I get to go home about half hour later.

Do you think I should give up on photography after my disaster of a day or persist and buy a new camera?

30th September 2014, 23:49

Lovely setting Anfield.

1st October 2014, 00:48
Come on......It just happened and it's not a rule to always lose it. So go and buy a new one and enjoy your passion for photography.
At the end of the day it's but an object that can be replaced. Unlike health or youth.

Have you ever found a thing that somebody else lost?

1st October 2014, 01:15
Steve, be creative - go out and steal one!

Yes, I once found a wallet and returned it to the owner as his address was in it. The miserable beggar didn't beven say "Thank You" (In fairness, he was probably gobsmacked that someone returned it)

If you found a substantial sum of money, say £ 250 +, would you pocket it or hand it in?

1st October 2014, 03:06
Lovely setting Anfield.

Yeah - on a good day New Plymouth is a stunning place to be.

1st October 2014, 03:08
I have always tried to be honest and return or hand in things that I find. even $20 might be all someone has, and they can't really get by without it, so I try and do the right thing. (awwww ain't I nice :))

Do you read the ingredients lists on the side of food packaging?

1st October 2014, 03:47
You bet! Amazing what you find there.....and what is put in some things.

What's your favorite recipe for a home made dish?

1st October 2014, 04:36
I think that using things in unexpected ways sometimes produces results which are surprisingly fun.

We have a kind of "chips" (?) in Australia called Burger Rings* which don't really taste like a burger at all.
If you put them into a mortar and grind them up into a powdery substance, you can then rub them all over chicken pieces to then put under the grill or on a barbecue. There's so much grease/oil in them, that you get something kind of like a weird spicy KFC type batter.

I read a metric heck-ton of books (particularly the classics). What novel should I read next and why?

1st October 2014, 07:06
Aunt Julia and the scriptwriter by Mario Vargas Llosa. In case you haven't already read it. Because the character Pedro Camacho is memorable. Because it's like reading two books, chapters of real life from a Peru in the years when the radio was still the king are mixed with the stories of the prolific scriptwriter who lose control on his characters. Because the humour is genuine and you'll find yourself laughing like mad.
Because M V Llosa is great.

What book will you recommend to me?

1st October 2014, 08:17
Since you read all the "literary stuff" you should try something lighter or something which you haven't tried, perhaps a genre you think you will not like but haven't given a chance at all...

What happened to steve's camera?

1st October 2014, 08:54
He was probably with a girl by the sea shore, lost his minds and forgot the camera. On the camera were loads of pics of the girl and they're lost now.
(Sorry Steve, that was mean, but I remembered what happened to a guy and couldn't help myself )

Will he get a new one?

1st October 2014, 09:13
I hope so.

Do you like a simple P&S camera or a SLR with lots of options?

1st October 2014, 09:26
Now you speak ancient chinese to me....
I'm dumb when it comes to technical issues so you lost me.
But being so dumb means I don't need sophisticated devices. I want simple ones to be easy to handle.

What do you want to get for Christmas?
( for Storm - on a comparable holiday)

1st October 2014, 21:52
A new Camera :p:devil:

Seriously I never want much these days, so maybe I will ask for some funds. Although I plan to get a new Camera asap if I cannot find it.

Do you actively practice mental or written maths much in your life? I mean do you regularly do sums.

1st October 2014, 21:55
I have a mathematical type brain, so yes would be the answer. I find it is a good way to keep brain function.

Does poor grammar annoy you, especially when it comes from news readers and articles etc?

1st October 2014, 21:58
I am poor at it myself as I am sure everyone has noticed. So I can't judge anyone else :)

Do you research your family tree/history? Or would you ever consider it?

1st October 2014, 22:03
I have done some, but after 3 generations, particularly on my mothers side, there are no records. I do however know what my surname means if you are interested.

Do you play pup quizzes?

1st October 2014, 22:37
Pup Quizzes :p Like this.............

What pup is this? http://spenglercounseling.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/cute_puppy-1920x1200.jpg

However I never play pub quizzes either.

Q: What does your surname mean? (If you know and are not Anfield)

1st October 2014, 22:40
my surname is Higham. It means High - up on a hill and Ham - small village, so together I am Andrew of the small village on a hill.

What does you surname mean (If you are not me)?

1st October 2014, 22:49
Atkinson = Atkin (s) is one of many derived pet name forms of Adam (Adam & Eve) Maybe Scandinavian in origin. Obviously the son section is added for obvious family reasons through the centuries.

Making me something along the lines of - Steven Adams son

Is your surname a common one? If so which region does it come from?

1st October 2014, 22:58
In NZ no, it is not common. In Taranaki there is Me, my parents and my sister and one other family. In parts of the mother country it is fairly common. When the Domesday book was written, many people were given the name Higham, simply because they lived in small villages on hillsides. There are a number of place name all across England called Higham ________.

What does your first name mean?

1st October 2014, 23:24
Steven is derived from Greek Stephanos in turn the Greek for Wreath, Crown and means to literally encompass.

Obviously commonly used via Saint Stephen

Same Question back to you

2nd October 2014, 01:31
Andrew is greek and means brave or manly. So I am a Manly little village on a hill. Kinda sounds like some sort of 70's porn star retirement village when you put it that way :)

Do you have any famous ancestors or family connections?

2nd October 2014, 01:33
Whoops! Beaten to it so I'll change my reply.

No, I don't have any famous ancestors that I know of.

If you could choose a new first name, what would you choose?

2nd October 2014, 02:26
Because my surname is Rollason, I like the rhythm that X-x X-x-X has on people's names in our family. I think I'd be a Matthew.

If you could have any address in the world to live, which one would you choose?

2nd October 2014, 03:42
Someplace under a coconut tree on Bora Bora.

If you could move to any city, town, etc. in your country from where you are now, what would it be?

2nd October 2014, 06:50
I wouldn't be happy anywhere else in this country. Brasov or Sibiu seem to be nice places but I definitely won't live there.
If I really have to mention an option I'd say Campina, it's a quiet clean city about 90 km far from Book a Rest.

Do you mind living in a village?

2nd October 2014, 10:32
Whoops! Beaten to it so I'll change my reply.

We missed the chance to know your first name.....:s

2nd October 2014, 19:22
...Do you mind living in a village?

Probably not. Would make a nice change from living in a big city.

Are there many dedicated bicycle lanes in your city/town?

2nd October 2014, 20:09
We don't have at all. Right now they're trying to build one on one of the main boulevards.

Are you turning your head after girls wearing mini skirts?:devil:

2nd October 2014, 20:15
There are supposed to be some, obviously completely useless to any bicycles now that they are encroached on by pedestrians, hawkers, even motorbikes and the odd stray dog :\\ (add the enormous money spent on making those lanes and the obvious graft/bribery/embezzlement that went on in that)

A sad picture of life here for any 1st worlder but that is the fact :(

When did you last watch a movie in a hall?

edit: got pipped to it by gadjo,
err likely to turn my head even for a very brief instant :)

same q

2nd October 2014, 22:27
It's been quite a while. I think it was Oz The Great And Powerful with my kids, probably about a year ago.

Do you purchase expensive (designer) sunglass, like Rayban, Serengeti, etc., or just the cheap ones that you can buy from a service station?

3rd October 2014, 00:11
Cheap ones, or semi cheap I guess. They do a similar job.

I do wear glasses all the time so I have the option of tinted glasses instead.

Do you prefer serious or light heart questions on this thread?

3rd October 2014, 03:08
either or both, its good to find out real things about people, but we all need a smile every now and then as well.

Does my sitting on the fence annoy you?

3rd October 2014, 03:15
Only if it derails the conversation and causes people to picket the thread.

Where do you hope to be in life in 2020

3rd October 2014, 03:28
Still above ground is a good start. Would love to have a couple of acres of land with a couple of horses, a goat a donkey and a Komondor dog.

Are you happy with your own company, or do you need to be around other people?

3rd October 2014, 08:58
Other people don't need my company so I should stay on my own but I also dislike me so I'm not happy, so......

Would you like to get letters ( not the usual bills or ads ) by mail?

3rd October 2014, 19:59
Yes. However these days everyone is on facebook or email, so I will never get any.

The closest is Christmas, receiving cards from far away, with words of kindness on, despite the fact I haven't met them for years

Do you like Garlic?

3rd October 2014, 20:51
Without being a vampire I just hate it and I get sick if I eat it. My coworkers are so rude and eat at work and I'm about to faint. I can only tolerate it mixed
with mushrooms and mayonnaise

What about you? Do you eat garlic?

3rd October 2014, 21:34
I like Garlic. I am not mad about it, but I enjoy Garlic bread and it mix into other foods sometimes.

Will you go to the cinema soon?

3rd October 2014, 22:13
I'd like to but it doesn't depend on me. If a very interesting movie would come soon I'll try to go.

Do you like cartoons?

4th October 2014, 21:09
No..As a I kid I guess I did (spiderman was the main one) but as an adult I dislike cartoons/animation/comic inspired movies etc. immensely.

What was your favourite tv show from your childhood?

5th October 2014, 00:33
Arthur of the Britons. Kai is still the man of my dreams.
( now I'm so ashamed that I'm going to hang myself :s)

What sport did you use to watch on TV when you were a kid?

5th October 2014, 22:02
Tried to watch football, but in NZ especially when I was young all you got was rugby and horse racing.

What is the best live event (sports, music etc) that you have been to?

5th October 2014, 22:15
2008 British Grand Prix. It was my second Grand Prix, but first with other people and the atmosphere as Lewis Hamilton dominated in the rain was electric.

The racing all down the field was great too, with passing and drivers in slow cars doing well.

How many times a week do you go to a shop?

5th October 2014, 22:19
Depends on which shop you are talking about :p:
grocery - 2/3 times - mainly for milk, veggies & fruits

How often do you need to fill up your fuel tank?

5th October 2014, 22:23
I filled it up today. Shall I get back to you when it runs out :p. Probably once every 3-4 weeks. Hard to say, because most weeks I do short distance, but every couple of weeks I might do a long run.

Do you still buy music on Vinyl or CD or do you digital download now?

5th October 2014, 22:32
at work I use an online streaming service that I will not name here :). At home I still buy music, the quality is much better than digital. The high and low range tones are better, you lose most of these when digital compression happens.

What major event (that you havn't already seen) would you most like to attend?

5th October 2014, 23:40
Olympic Games or a football World Cup. Although I'm not as enthusiastic as in the past.

Are you annoyed by people who speak your language with a regional accent?

5th October 2014, 23:46
No. I like the differences between all the accents here. It is amazing for a small country the difference in accent and dialect.

Do you notice accents in foreign languages to you?

6th October 2014, 00:08
Only in some French speakers ie. French and French-Canadians, otherwise "It's all Greek to me."

Was the ideas of Esperanto a good idea? i.e one common world language?

6th October 2014, 00:28
Yes. Why not?

Have you ever been hit by your parents?

6th October 2014, 00:38
Once by my mother that I remember.

Do you think it right to forbid parents to chastise their children?

6th October 2014, 06:57
I don't know. It's not a good mean to educate a young kid but I admit everybody may have lmits of his nerves. I also admit I've seen spoilt kids that behave so annoying that were asking for some shots.

Have you ever been beaten by a teacher?

6th October 2014, 08:01
A couple of times only - for no fault of mine :eek:...now that kind of thing does not happen in schools (atleast city schools I guess)

Do you tend to do some chore/work much before its deadline or are in a hurry at the end?

6th October 2014, 09:00
I tend to do it before but being a lazy ar*e I'm in a hurry at the end.:p

Do you get on well with your boss?

6th October 2014, 20:49
Yes outwardly most of the time, however I have a constant feeling of being on edge around her. She seems slightly two faced. In terms of nice one minute and then speaking in a tone that scares you.

Can you swim? If so how often do you swim?

6th October 2014, 21:57
I was a national level swimmer through my teens and early 20's, then I made my living as a swimming teacher and coach for a number of years. To be honest, now days I don't go near swimming pools. I haven't swum since I started the job I now have which is six years ago.

What is your fav physical activity (keep it clean it is a family forum :))

6th October 2014, 22:02
Football all day long.

I play 11 aside on Saturdays, and 5-10 a side Tuesday and Thursday.

Failing that cycling

Did you cheat at exams at school?

6th October 2014, 22:26
We hadn't exams in school apart from those to be admitted in high school - a tough one and impossible to cheat and the one for the second level of high school when I hadn't any motivation to cheat. OK, I admit I copied a bit at the math baccalaureate exam from the guy who stayed in front of me but only because all the class chose the geometry subject and I wasn't studying it for the uni exams.
But generally I was a stupid girl who was afraid to copy at control papers even when the teachers indirectly invited us to do it.

Have you whispered the right answers to your colleagues when you were in school?

6th October 2014, 22:29
NO!! (feigning righteous indignation). Just a look at my exam results will make this obvious :). I passed all my exams, but didn't tend to leave much room for movement.

What is the worst lie you have ever told?

6th October 2014, 22:47
My life. :p

See my question above.

6th October 2014, 23:24
Occasionally, but if they asked, I was more likely to give them a wrong answer. If they couldn't be bothered to study and learn, why should I do their work for them?

What is the fastest speed you have traveled at?

7th October 2014, 01:56
Whatever an airliner (not Concorde) can do, about 600mph I think

Given the chance would you take a trip into space?

7th October 2014, 07:43

Do you like rollercoasters?

7th October 2014, 09:02
No. I am a bit of a chicken/coward when it comes to those sort of things.

When was the last time you went to a fun fair?

7th October 2014, 09:17
About 3 years ago when I was on holiday.

Did you like the merry-go-round when you were a kid? If yes do youi still like them?

7th October 2014, 20:07
Yes I did, I also like bumper cars/dodgems, spinning tea cups, log flumes, and swings.

What do you make of "Euro Troll" Gate in the "whatever happened to" thread?

7th October 2014, 20:11
I think the real one might be back. I remember him mostly as studiose though since I wasn't very active in the EuroTroll period :p:

Who is the next old-timer who will be back (or appear to be back?)

7th October 2014, 20:32
I wish it would be either Ioan ( although we fought all the time and he insulted me ) or race aficionado whose comments I missed a lot during the World Cup.

Who of the old forumers do you miss most?

7th October 2014, 21:18
Race aficionado (and Eki :evil: )

Do you like international breaks in football? (Euro qualifying is boring and one-sided as hell and friendlies are absolutely worthless)

7th October 2014, 21:37
I do like International football full stop, so I love the international break.

England are playing San Marino this week, I would love an England double figure win, but really I reckon 4 or 5-0.

Do you watch your national football team on TV?

7th October 2014, 22:09
It is rarely on tv, and even if it is - India v Nepal/Bangladesh isn't very appealing. (and in the wcup qually stage we get hammered as well as Asia cup)

Have you been to many live games? (higher level league /national games)

7th October 2014, 22:14
3 top level games

England 0-2 Chile
England 0-2 France

West Ham 2-1 Southampton

What are you doing now?

7th October 2014, 23:16
Well, the TV is usually on but our team is so boring and play so ridiculous that I don't bother to watch. It's most like listening to what happens.

What do you like more, the FIFA world cup or the European championship?

7th October 2014, 23:21
Oops , I just did a D-Type.....
It's 23.25 so I'm in my bed with the tablet on my belly and I'm listening ( again) to my fav TV show. I'll probably fall asleep while typing and wake up at 1.00.

What are you doing now?

PS Steve, you definitely don't have to go to England's matches....:laugh:

7th October 2014, 23:37
I prefer the World Cup, simply because there is more variety. The African and South American teams have a completely different way of playing than the Europeans (apart from the Brazilians diving and rolling around on the ground most of the time).

How can diving (cheating) be removed from the game?

8th October 2014, 08:14
Since the on field refs seem blind to it, use video (by a tv ref like the 3rd umpire in cricket) who informs the main ref about any blatant diving - a straight red should do the trick.

What type of lamps do you use at home? (CFL/bulbs etc - I was just reading abt the Nobel for physics this year and the Japanese inventors of the blue LED got it. Really energy saving and hopefully it will mean the end of normal bulbs in the near future)

8th October 2014, 08:56
Ordinary bulbs for ordinary girls like me.
The old fashioned ones that aren't fabricated anymore in EU

How much do you pay for electrcity?

8th October 2014, 15:43
$ .1570898 per kWh (US). We just redid our kitchen and used all LEDs for the lighting, both ceiling and under cabinet. The rest of the house is a mix of CFLs and conventional light bulbs.

What sort of heat do you have - oil, gas, electric, geothermal, solar?

8th October 2014, 15:59
For two days I have a gas heating central and I'm a bit nervous about how it will work. It took me about 2 years of fighting with our bureaucracy system to get all the papers right. Before this I used wood and it was a nightmare to get such fuel, to start the fires, to watch out the fire, to throw out the ashes, etc. In the last 2 years I used 2 electric radiators that were too small for the big rooms. I trembled of cold all of my life and now I hope it will be finally OK.

Same Q as I'm really interested.

8th October 2014, 18:40
obviously the wrong person for that q..but yeah a lot of natural solar heat ;)

so same Q.

8th October 2014, 18:47
Gas fired central heating like most houses in Britain. After the late summer today is the first time we've had it on.

Let's go the other way. How do you keep cool in summer, or for Storm, in the hot season?

8th October 2014, 19:34
Except for my bedroom it's quite bearable in my old house. When I slept in that room I kept the door open to a hall and get some cold air. The best thing is that I can live without air conditioning but I admit I don't wear too much clothes in the house ::p

Same Q

8th October 2014, 20:02
I have several fans, although they just move the air around rather than cool it. Otherwise its just a case of getting all the windows open.

Do you/would you enjoy an traditional open fire for the cold winter nights?

8th October 2014, 20:36
No. I'm scared by fires since my house burnt when I was very young.

When do you start to heat your home?

8th October 2014, 22:15
This 'winter' I hardly turned the heater on at all, we had maybe three days where it was cold enough to light a fire, but otherwise, we had a warm (around 15 centigrade) winter. The down side of this is that most of the flu and cold bugs that die off in the cold stayed active and everyone is less well this spring that is normal.

Does cold weather make you feel alive, or does it depress you (personally I love it.... but I am a bit odd :))?

8th October 2014, 22:24
I love the cold winter weather, I love snow, but wish we had a bit more of it in the UK. A few years ago we had 3 or 4 winters in a row with quite a bit of snow, but last year it was warm.

Gadjo doesn't like the cold and snow though as she tells me I am mad.

Do you follow Tennis?

8th October 2014, 23:14
To be honest Steve tennis is one of the only sports I don't watch, for some reason it bores me to tears (but as I said I am a bit odd:)).

Here is a deep philosophical question.
Imagine there is a train speeding towards a broken bridge. It has 100 people on board and they will all tragically be killed when the train plunges off the end of the track. You can save them all, but the only way of doing so is to push a complete stranger into the path of the train.
What would you do?

8th October 2014, 23:18
Nah...Only when Simona Halep plays a big tournament.
But where are the days of my childhood when I didn't go to bed before listening the results of the most obscure tournament and had copybooks with all the results? Nobody could move me from TV in the days of Davis Cup.....

Are you interested in politics?

8th October 2014, 23:22
:s late again

To answer anfield's q:
I'll call anfield who's odd enough to find the right solution.

Are you interested in politics?

8th October 2014, 23:29
Not telling, now that you have called me odd!!

Nah..... just kidding :)

Not really interested in politics on a national level, but world politics is a different matter.

Thinking about world affairs, especially economics. My dads former boss came up with the idea that every country should cancel their debts to every other country, and the whole world should start with a zero bank balance. i.e. no country owes any other country anything.

Would this work, considering that almost every nation is in debt to every other nation?

8th October 2014, 23:54
Ceausescu had the odd idea to estinguish the country's debts and he really did it. When he died our debt was zero. How can you do this when you don't have a competitive economy? Cutting all imports and sending to export everything that may bring some money. Life was a nightmare cos all our food was exported and our shops were empty. Even basic products like bread, oil, sugar were rationalized. Even toilet paper was a luxury. Then we had to save energy so electricity was cut whenever they wanted, hot water was available only a few hours/day, radiators in our homes were mostly cold.
We lived like animals in cold, darkness and hunger and guess what. Those who came after him managed to increase again our debts.

Have you ever baked a cake?

9th October 2014, 00:05
I bake quite often, not so much cakes any more (I dont eat much sugar) but I make my own bread most weekends.

Do you like the smell of fresh bread?

9th October 2014, 00:11
Yes. Unfortunately the smell makes me eat it.

Would you have liked to work for police?

9th October 2014, 00:14
Kinda depends on what country I am living in. But on the whole, looking at the NZ police force I would say no. They do a difficult job and deal with some quite terrible situations and people, and don't get paid enough for the job they do.

How about being a fire-fighter?

9th October 2014, 00:36
I've said I'm afraid of fire so no.

What about working as a bodyguard?

9th October 2014, 01:03
:laugh: Don't think I am body guard material. Scared of too many people and things.

What about working as a Paramedic/Ambulance person?

9th October 2014, 01:29
It's a bloody difficult job (pun intended). But the rewards can be quite good it terms of feeling good about what you do.

What is your personal ideal in terms of a relationship (male or female or friend or lover)?

9th October 2014, 09:38
Don't know if I understood the Q. All I ask for from those around me is a bit of sensibility and refinement. I'm fed up to deal with the rude pragmatic type of persons who'll pace on corpses to reach their goals. I also appreciate a good sense of humour, I can't see myself around serious people but then again I dislike the rude sexual jokes. Then I'm aware I need someone to pull me out of the monotony I'm indulged to. I don't get to see very often my best friends but when I do I realise I need new clothes, I have to read a good book, I have to go to the theatre, etc. and to be again the interesting and modern person I used to be.

Do you post on forum when you're at work?

9th October 2014, 22:13
In short yes... sort of. I post from my work computer, but not usually during work time, apart from sometimes.... most times... always.

Is this a bad thing?

9th October 2014, 22:24
No. Helps you to relax. :p

Has anybody at work noticed you post on a forum?

9th October 2014, 22:32
I'm sure the IT manager knows, but it is fine, as long as work is done. While my trainees are busy on their own projects/work, all I would be doing is sitting and watching them.

It is a big sporting weekend down this end of the World. Bathurst day is Sunday, the A-League kicks off, the ANBL starts and over on the dark side the first Russian GP is happening. Are you looking forward to any sporting events?

9th October 2014, 22:38
Yeah, we'll play again against Hungary in European Championship qualifiers. It's a big rivalry between these two. Like Liverpool vs Man U.

Do you like honey?

10th October 2014, 01:14
Who is she? Or if you mean bee poo, then yes, but I try to avoid it as I do with most things that are sugar rich.

If you had to lose one of your major senses which one could you best live without?

10th October 2014, 01:20
sense of humour :p

Do you drink directly from the bottle or do you use a glass?

10th October 2014, 01:28
It depends on what I am drinking - beer, soft drinks from the bottle, wine - usually from a glass, milk - urgh

which is worse - a high fat diet, or a high sugar one?

10th October 2014, 08:42
both are but if I had to choose - high sugar is worse

Do you like fried foods? (who doesn't) what's your favourite?

10th October 2014, 09:11
Yes. Fried peppers in tomatoes sauce. Macedonian dish and my fav food. Unable to cook it though.......

Do you use to wear a tie?

10th October 2014, 09:20
Only on a few (very) rare occassions. Never needed to wear one for my job and although I like it, the weather here means I am not likely to wear one unless someone has a gun pointed to my head.

Do you like people who are smartly dressed all the time?

10th October 2014, 09:28
No. It's ridiculous to go to the peasants market with a fur coat ( My best friend does :laugh:). Matter of fact I like smart clothes but not too elegant like those you have to wear at a wedding or reception. If I have to spend much money on a outfit I like to wear it often not just once.

Do you like to wear jewellry?

10th October 2014, 19:31
No, I only wear a watch, but not for jewellery purposes.

If someone gave you a free weeks holiday in Tuvalu, what would you do with your week there?

10th October 2014, 22:46
Relax. At least it's not a crowded place and its capital has a "interesting'' resonance in Romanian (:devil:). Then you know I love the sea/ocean so I don't need more.

What is the ringtone of your phone?

11th October 2014, 00:37
Just a basic "ring ring"

Have you got a modern mobile phone, or a simpler older style model.

11th October 2014, 09:24
When it comes to modern devices I'm blank. Matter of fact I use the phones that I get from work ( but I'm the one who pays the monthly bill ) so you may imagine they're not the latest fashion. This year I've got one that I use only for email and internet at home ( to get beeps when you guys post on forum :p). Its name don't tell me anything - UAB15C Smart Phone. For phone calls I still use last year's Samsung Y......don't remember the rest.

How's the weather where you live during this weekend?

11th October 2014, 09:57
raining at the moment. I think sun and showers for the weekend and then a storm for Monday.

How useful would an ashtray be on a motorbike?

11th October 2014, 11:38
About as much use as a chocolate teapot

Do you know any other "uselesss" metaphors? (Or are they similes - I've forgotten the difference)

11th October 2014, 11:50
I know a lot but I can't translate them properly. :p

Do you speak/write your mother language correctly from a grammatical point of view?

11th October 2014, 11:53
Probably never. I know it annoys some people, but I am just not that smart. It is something I never really picked up :p

Do you think there will soon be some break through in the fight against the ebola virus?

11th October 2014, 16:21
There might be....like most virus strains, even if a solution comes up, a newer mutation might happen later on.

(btw I am usually a grammar nazi steve :( )

So anybody did anything outdoors this week-end?

11th October 2014, 19:40
I played football today. I had to play in Goal. I made 2 great saves. One which was a one on one and one which was a long shot that I tipped onto the post. Other than that I made 4 other easy saves.

We did still lose 3-0 though. Not much to do about goals 2 & 3, but I should have saved the first probably. First ever official game in Goal though.

What did you do today?

11th October 2014, 20:29
Steve you're so funny.....
You started the post as if you were the hero of the match and then we found out you've got three.:laugh:

Nothing special today. I went to a mall and then found a bit of time for a coffee with some friends. Washed the laundry and then my plans failed cos the match started earlier than I thought. I'm afraid I wouldn't sleep tonight so I planned to "study" the facebook page of a former university colleague who's very active in supporting some political rascals.

What will you do tomorrow?