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4th September 2014, 01:07
Boring Rugby boring Union boring, gets most coverage, but everytime the All Whites (not much imagination when naming teams in NZ) play their matches are usually on TV. In truth there is a bit of a 'band wagon' mentality here. If the team are looking like qualifying for the World CUp, all of the arm chair experts suddenly appear, and try to convince the rest of us of their dedication and knowledge of all things football.

Would you watch F1 live if races started at midnight and finished at 1:30 - 2am on a Monday morning?

4th September 2014, 01:13
Probably, but no guarantee. You must be very committed to do that.

Time for bed here. Whats on for the rest of your day?

4th September 2014, 01:54
Yes. :p

Am I a fool for trying to answer the Q above but falling asleep with the tablet on my chest and waking up at 2 am?

Edit :eek: I answered at #3749. Meanwhile there were 3 other posts.
Ignore my Q.

4th September 2014, 01:55
Work until 4:30. Home, cook tea, watch replay of England v Norway at 5pm, get bored with watching England v Norway at 5:15, then who the hell knows until bed time :)

In this digital world we live in, do you consider your on-line forum friends as real friends?

4th September 2014, 01:59
A few months ago I would have said no. Now it's completely different. I get to talk to you more often than to my friends in real life and due to this thread you know me as well as they do. So yes, for me some of the forumers are real friends.

Am I really such a sad fart?

4th September 2014, 04:37
Certainly not. Your answer was exactly what many of us would put, to be honest I (and probably many others here) tend to open up more in a forum like this than we do to many of our flesh and blood friends...

and how can a fart that is the corner stone of British humour ever be considered as sad? :) (that isn't my question, it was rhetorical)

Do you find the differences in different countries sense of humour confusing. i.e. why for example do many of our American friends find the British sense of humour difficult to understand etc?

4th September 2014, 05:11
Not confusing but just the like the language or cultural differences ,funny in their own right...The brash/outlandish American humour vs the dry, self deprecating British wit...both can be/are funny in different situations.

What phrase/word (that gets used a lot by people/media) irritates the hell out of you? (Unless you are the saintly type who is above such trivial matters :) )

4th September 2014, 05:51
From sports figures - "We're going to give it 110%.". Just stupid on the face of it.

What's the real world value of an advanced education where you are?

4th September 2014, 06:42
Not much. The only thing an advanced education does is open doors of bigger companies especially in the high-tech industry...doesn't really help you do your job as such.

(Those sports phrases and most of them from America (and a fair few from UK, especially football related) are what harass me too)

Are you satisfied with the education you received? In terms of quality? Do you plan to study any further?

4th September 2014, 07:51
Storm you were faster in answering a Q that touched my sensible chord and whose answer is the key to my unhappiness. But your Q is also good.
My education isn't great. On that time we studied all to know all but in reality we didn't study anything thoroughly.. However it was difficult to access a university and then to pass the exams so I had to study hard( not to mention that I'm not an intelligent person, just average ). I hadn't problems where I worked and was joking that I needn't my studies to do it. When I started to work in my current job I faced a new problem, I had to study tons of legislation. I did it and even tried to study legislation that didn't apply to my department. I wasn' probably the best employee but I was very serious about my work and followed courses to improve my knowledge. In time I realised I'm a fool, in our society the ones who make it are those with dubious studies ( there are tens of private universities where you almost can buy a diploma of graduation ) who are hired through relationships and gets key positions without any experience. Hence the flourishing economy of the country......Those who are serious and dedicated to work are considered fools and also are used to work while the army of the so called 'wise guys" take the benefits. On these circumstances I'm not interested anymore to study more than I need for my current job. It's their world in which I can't fit in and I dislike it. All the values in which I was raised are obsolete now ( and now I'm not speaking only about work ) and it's a crazy world with new rules that are strange to my nature. I do my best to adapt myself to these rules but it's really hard and I'm more and more unhappy. At the same time I've noticed I changed a lot and I really dislike this person..
Good God... I was determined to sleep a lot this morning and again I was taken by the wave....

Are you happy with your job?

4th September 2014, 12:55
Yes I love my job :) I wake up every morning wanting to go to work which is a blessing. You need to be happy with your job considering that you spend approx 30% of your life at work. If you don't enjoy your job, move to where you will be happier, even if it's for less money it's the best thing you will ever do.

What would be your dream job?

4th September 2014, 13:57
Yes I love my job :) I wake up every morning wanting to go to work which is a blessing. You need to be happy with your job considering that you spend approx 30% of your life at work. If you don't enjoy your job, move to where you will be happier, even if it's for less money it's the best thing you will ever do.

I'm glad you like your job, but you must be a patient person. I've been led to believe that at times your boss can be a miserable prick! :laugh:

But I agree completely with your statement. Not long back I left a company and moved down in salary, for the sake of seeing my family and having time to enjoy life. You can't replace happiness with cubic dollars and find a real balance in it, unless you fool yourself into thinking so. This is not to say that there aren't good/great paying jobs that still leave time for a life, as I'm working in one now.

What would be your dream job?

A very tough question, and from my life experiences my "dream job" would be about much more than income. I'd say it would have to involve something where I saw first hand I was helping people truly in need of help. Not as a smile in a suit or upper level position, but where I actually contributed more directly. Maybe a middle level management position for a humanitarian organization, or as a counselor of some sort. But it would have to be a "hands on" type thing in either case.

Do you think that there are people living in relative poverty that are quite happy with their lives and living conditions?

4th September 2014, 16:07
I'm glad you like your job, but you must be a patient person. I've been led to believe that at times your boss can be a miserable prick! :laugh:
He's the boss. That's why going to work is a blessing. :angryfire:

Do you think that there are people living in relative poverty that are quite happy with their lives and living conditions?
Living in poverty is tough and generates a lot of problems. Still the most important thing is health. I lived at the lowest limit of poverty but I was happier than I'm now when I have a relative good income but about 2/3 of it goes on my mother's treatment. Maybe for you it's hard to understand but poor people has their own reasons of joy. What is considered normal for us for a poor might be a big realization even if we consider it minimal.

Have you been baptized ( or christened or whatever the word is )?

4th September 2014, 19:09
And we’ve baptized both my kids, even though my wife and I are not really religious. Not sure why we bothered to baptize them; more out of custom I guess.

When’s the last time you attended church (temple, whatever…)?

4th September 2014, 20:19
I usually go only for weddings, christening and funerals and I've never missed the Easter night. However since my mother is so sick I started to go from time to time just to light a candle for her health ( in fact candles are lighted outside the church - an annoying new custom ).

What's your fav cake?

4th September 2014, 22:35
I reckon Victoria Sponge or maybe Chocolate and Caramel shortbread. yum yum

Do you ever diet or are you someone who doesn't care if they are small, big or square?

4th September 2014, 23:00
I don't diet as such, but I try to eat a balanced and sensible way (I did say try, not succeed). As to how I look, as long as I am healthy and relatively fit I am not too worried.

Not including any physical traits, what would you consider to be your best feature?

4th September 2014, 23:02
I like to think I am a very friendly person to anyone I speak to, online or in person. I have no time for people who are nasty for no reason.

Be nice and you feel better.

Do you have a balanced musical taste or do you only like one genre of music?

4th September 2014, 23:08
I like different kinds of music. Can't stand folkloric music but there are a few songs that I admit are great. When I'm in the mood I can also listern to symphonic music or opera.

Would you have liked to be a singer? If yes, who?

4th September 2014, 23:12
I would certainly love to be able to sing, but if you had heard my voice you would agree I can't.

I would like to have been someone who can sing many types of song well. Don't really know who though.

Do you read Newspapers?

4th September 2014, 23:17
No. From time to time when I'm at work I read a tabloid online just to tease a coworker with news like ''look what your lover did"".

Do you read comics?

4th September 2014, 23:27
I used too. I was a child and I read the "Beano" Probably not known outside the UK.

Then when I was older I moved on to Superman.

I still have all the graphic novels I got 10-15 years ago and occasionally look at them.

Do you ever remember strange dreams when you wake up?

4th September 2014, 23:28
Just read the story on that issue being about Rolf Harris. Oh dear sorry about that.

4th September 2014, 23:33
Usually I'm too tired to dream. I mostly dream with eyes open. :devil:

Do you believe in dreams interpretation?

4th September 2014, 23:35
Not really. I tend to subscribe to the thought that dreams are your days events and thoughts being shuffled around. Most dreams I remember feature things that are on my mind.

What do you day dream about?

4th September 2014, 23:44
About traveling, about guys.....:p

Do you snore?

4th September 2014, 23:45
Often don't remember. But from time to time I am in a situation or visiting a place I have never been too, and I know I have seen the place before in a dream.

Does that make me weird? :)

4th September 2014, 23:51
Yeah because you answered a wrong Q. :p

Do you snore?

5th September 2014, 00:09
Don't know, but it might explain the grumpy looks I used to get from Denise in the mornings :) I always assumed it was because I farted in bed, or mumbled other names in my sleep.

What plans have you got for the weekend?

5th September 2014, 00:27
I had a hectic weekend last week. This week I have my first football match of the season on Saturday Afternoon followed by a day in my garden on Sunday.

Now I am back at work. I am knackered and don't do any work in my garden. So that is my job this weekend

Same Question

5th September 2014, 01:03
It looks like being wet and miserable, so I'll be inside. I am building a few things, a Wolf WR1, and a wooden replica of a 17th Century Man-O-War. The wolf is a kit the ship is from scratch, with the details on its design and specs coming from various books and web sites. If the weather clears up I might get in a round of golf as well. Plus it's Italian GP weekend.

Do you but lotto tickets?

5th September 2014, 01:09
I have done regularly in the past, however I am out of the habit and so have no chance of all that money.

What would you do if you won a huge amount? (After family and friends)

5th September 2014, 01:59
Don't know, but it might explain the grumpy looks I used to get from Denise in the mornings
:eek: you're moving fast anfield.......

Plans are the same: clean house/find a dress.

Lol. It happened again. I fell asleep while answering anfield's q and then wake up at 2 am.
Do you think I'll find the right dress?

5th September 2014, 02:18
I have done regularly in the past, however I am out of the habit and so have no chance of all that money.

What would you do if you won a huge amount? (After family and friends)

For myself. Buy a house with 4-5 acres of land to keep a couple of horse, a donkey, a goat and a Komondor (google it and smile). Spend a couple of months back in England catching up with old friends and family, then back to New Plymouth and start my own business.

For others, I would look at setting up a trust for up and coming sportsmen to access to help them to get to the elite level of their sport, as many kids have the talent to go a long way, but simply can't afford the costs associated with this. Plus various charities would get a decent windfall as well.

How much is too much when talking about Lotto winnings etc?

5th September 2014, 07:58
edit: (I did a D-Type and posted an answer to a Q on the last page about week-end plans) :dozey:

After last week-ends rafting rush this will be a down w/e...we plan to shop for some clothes(and a wallet for me - I was stupid enough to take mine while rafting and everything inside got soaked!!! and the leather wallet is now weird shaped :s ) and then eat out and have a beer or two. Sunday nothing is planned , so maybe watch the GP, play with the little one (no footie to watch late nights)

same Q?

5th September 2014, 08:58
Tough one to answer. I guess there is a to big an amount, but you can always use extra for charity or helping family more, so I dare say I could cope with trying to find out ;)

Should I have answered Storms very late question?

5th September 2014, 14:18
I say the right thing to do is nothing, that way you can't offend anyone :D

What you doing this weekend?

5th September 2014, 14:27
But ALL of us already answered this Q. :confused:

Do you use to read the previous posts since your last reply? :p

5th September 2014, 15:21
Obviously not! :laugh: :D

Ok, what would you like to do this weekend instead of what you will be doing? :)

5th September 2014, 15:46
Going at the seaside, swimming for hours, getting some sun tan, getting drunk, falling in love, building sand castles, eating fried anchovies/sprats, watching the sea for hours, wandering on the dams, etc. :crazy:

What's your idea of perfect weekend?

5th September 2014, 16:20
Friday night: watching Friday night rugby accompanied by a large pizza while ignoring the wife.
Saturday: early morning workout session in my gym followed by playing and swimming with my kids then have an ice cold beer or two watching the Springboks play rugby in the afternoon. In the evening chill with the wife watching a good movie.
Sunday: Take my cars to the car wash, play with the kids or visit friends/family followed by an evening of PS3.

That is my perfect weekend which I manage to achieve every now and then :)

What did you have for lunch today?

5th September 2014, 16:58
Roast pork with a salad of tomatoes, cucumbers and kapia peppers.
A Redd's Cranberry
Grapes and plums

Same q.

5th September 2014, 17:05
Haven't had lunch yet and won't for an hour or two. It'll be a ham and swiss sandwich with hot mustard and a fruit cup when I do.

What's your favorite beer (assuming you drink beer)?

5th September 2014, 17:19
Well, I like beer but it's fair to say I can't make the difference between brands. I'm not very fond of black beer. Also I once tried a Guinness and I thought it was awful, as bitter as a gall bladder's content.To be honest I like Carlsberg but it's too expensive to drink on regular bases. I use to buy the brand that has a special offer.
I'm afraid this post is another low point for me. :s

What is your fav wine?

5th September 2014, 18:42
Years ago when I worked for a liquor and wine distributor, I learned not to be a wine snob. Some of the best wines are also among the less expensive. Like beer, it depends on your individual taste. I like a nice chardonnay, or a merlot and sometimes a sangria, depending on my mood.

What would be your idea weight (lbs or kilos) and are you far off it? (I'm about 12 - 15 lbs over what I would like.)

5th September 2014, 19:27
I wish you'll appreciate my honesty. I can pretend I have the weight of a supermodel and since none of you knows me or will ever get to see a pic of me I can easily lie. But I admit I'm not happy with my weight, I wish I have let's say about 10 kg.less to be ok with my height, age and constitution. At the beginning of the year when my mother got sick I couldn't eat anything for weeks and lost about 6 kg. Then I learned to cope with the situation and started to eat again but not in the healthiest way possible and put weight again. Then I also have big and heavy bones that must be taken into account. The only good point is that my face look much younger and nobody believes my biological age.
So what is it guys? Question by question and answer by answer I miss points. :p

What kind of women do you like? Skinny or with some meat on the bones? ( I suppose none of you like the overweight/obese type :p).

5th September 2014, 19:46
since none of you knows me or will ever get to see a pic of me .

Unless we find you on facebook :devil:

5th September 2014, 19:59
Unless we find you on facebook :devil:
It's easy for you to find me now.( in case you haven't yet :devil:) But there's no pic of me there. :p

Now you'll never look for it cos you're scared of my extra kilos. :laugh:

5th September 2014, 21:19
I prefer women in the middle, not too skinny and not too chunky. However, I much prefer women with an active brain and a good sense of humor over any particular body type.

What is the long range winter weather forecast for where you live?

5th September 2014, 21:35
They keep telling us that they cannot tell us yet. I think they said last year it was going to be a mini ice age, and we barely had 3 frosts in the whole winter.

They are scared of getting it wrong again.

Whats the silliest thing someone said to you recently?

5th September 2014, 22:32
I'm trying for 30 min. to remember one but I can't. Not meaning that I deal only with intelligent people. :p

What's the silliest nickname you've ever got?

6th September 2014, 00:36
Smiler - because I smile alot, but its pretty silly being called smiler.

Do you ever look online at things from your childhood (tv shows, music or toys) and wish you could go back to those days?

6th September 2014, 09:11
Yes! Loved the 80's. Decade that gave us some great tv shows that i fondly watch re runs of on the series channel. It was a tough decade too where my folks were dirt poor and my parents split up but is was a time that, as a young age, made me realise nothing in life is easy and moulded me into the man I am today.

When you were a kid did your parents throw big birthday parties for you or small family type affairs?

6th September 2014, 09:25
They didn't throw any kind of party because aromanians of their generation didn't celebrate birthdays. The only celebrations were the name days on the days of the respective saints and it was only for men. My name hasn't a saint anyway but to please me they assimilated in to a saint. Family still congratulate me on that saint day rising suspicions on my coworkers mind who think also to assimilate it in order to get cake and drinks. The funny thing is that until I was 19 I had no clue about my parents birthdays. I had to fill in some data for my military service and when I had to say their birth information I hadn't the faintest idea and I lied.

Do you use to celebrate your birthday at work?

6th September 2014, 10:56
Not really, I used to get a card from my former employer and a small gift, but nothing amazing.

Do you ever ride a bike? If not can you ride a bike?

6th September 2014, 11:03
I can but not very well. I think I answered already this q a few times. I'm afraid of my city's traffic.

What's your fav cat's breed? You don't have to be a cat lover, just what breed you think is nice and funny.

6th September 2014, 11:21
I don't know names of breeds really, but I like these cats


Who will get pole position for the Italian GP today?

6th September 2014, 11:28
Hamilton. Just a saying. :laugh:

Who will win the Italian GP tomorrow? :p

6th September 2014, 11:34
Rosberg or maybe Hamilton (wow thats original :p)

Who will win the F1 2014 World Championship? :p

6th September 2014, 11:36
Nico ha ha :laugh:

Same q

6th September 2014, 11:51
Yer Nico.

Who will win this seasons Champions League?

6th September 2014, 12:59
Liverpool :laugh: :devil:

Same q

6th September 2014, 21:55
Chelsea or Bayern?

How has your day been going?

6th September 2014, 22:05
Boring. The nurse who comes to my mother decided to come at noon so ruined any possibility to go out. Did just a short walk and a bit of shopping in the neighbourhood. And kept the fingers crossed for your match of course. :p

So, how was Steve's match?

6th September 2014, 23:03
You do not want to know. :(;), our B team I heard lost 7-0 :dozey: while me and the first A team lost...........................7-2 :s

I am coming back from injury so only played the last 15 minutes.

Still poor

Are you laughing at how bad my team was today?

6th September 2014, 23:27
I bet most of the goals of the winner team were scored in the last 15 min. :angel:
Only a joke. I'm really sorry for you.

Do you ever drink milk?

6th September 2014, 23:39
I will have you know it was 7-2 when I came on, no goals conceded with me on the pitch :mad:

No never drink milk.

Have you ever been to the Zoo?

7th September 2014, 00:09
Yes. When I was very young. But the zoo in my city is cr*p.

Have you ever felt an earthquake?

7th September 2014, 00:23
No. It will sound strange but I would be interested to feel one, it must be a bizzare and unsettling experience.

Do you shop online?

7th September 2014, 02:08
No. Never did.

Have you ever sung in a choir?

7th September 2014, 02:13
Steve and gadji....... Soooooooooooooooooooooorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrrrry :dork: :angel:

7th September 2014, 02:23
Sometimes you're such a ****.......
Sorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrry. :s

7th September 2014, 02:25
:kiss: :kiss: :kiss: I love brunettes v

7th September 2014, 02:27
So. :angel:

7th September 2014, 03:00
I know exactly what you mean :dozey: : lick you: ;devil: angel:

7th September 2014, 03:05
I don't.

What does Gadjo mean?
(rules of this game are to answer q and ask a new one)

7th September 2014, 03:16
Never sung in a choir. When I sing all glass items must be removed within a half mile radius. A cat in heat is an infinitely better singer than I am.

What are you planning for tomorrow (Sunday).

7th September 2014, 03:25
You know that I can't plan anything. I still hope I could go to a mall. Tomorrow evening is a football match I'd like to watch. Then I'll start working again next week so tomorrow I should prepare my soul for this.

It's weird that everybody here can't sing. What forum member do you think it's a great singer?

7th September 2014, 10:37
Taz :angel:

Do you think Romania can qualify for Euro 2016 considering 24 nations will make it to France?

7th September 2014, 11:48
Bunch of losers, they don't deserve to qualify.

What's to do when you need to calm down?

7th September 2014, 12:12
Go and sit in the garden and do a bit of gardening. Very relaxing I find.

What is the most wonderful City you have been too or seen?

7th September 2014, 12:18
Never seen a wonderful city. Didn't have the opportunity to travel. Still dreaming to do it.

What's your dream in life?

7th September 2014, 12:57
Never seen a wonderful city.

7th September 2014, 16:19

"This video is unavailable'' :stareup:

Wonderful cities are forbidden to me even in the virtual world. :s

7th September 2014, 16:57
My dream is to have a nice country house somewhere and be rich enough to give up work and travel the world a bit.

What have you been doing while we all watched the Grand Prix?

7th September 2014, 17:28
My 'patient' drove me crazy these last 2 days and I couldn't sleep properly. So as soon as the nurse left I also left the house determined to never come back. Went to a mall, ate a pizza, bought a few things for the house and finally came back to start again the nightmare. Can't wait to go to work tomorrow, as weird as it may sound.

Who won the GP? I'm too lazy to check myself.

7th September 2014, 18:51
Lewis Hamilton

What type of Pizza is your favourite?

7th September 2014, 19:19
Super suprema

What type is your fav ( in case you like it )?

7th September 2014, 19:24
Some kind of all meat feast Pizza. Yum.... Or maybe a Ham & Mushroom with extra cheese.

Will you be able to watch any Euro 2016 Qualifiers

7th September 2014, 20:13
Greece - Romania is on our public TV. But I'm afraid I'll fall asleep and wake up at 2 am as I do every night.:p

What natch are you gonna watch tonight?

7th September 2014, 20:54
I have just watch Northern Ireland win 1-2 in your group away to Hungary. Next I will watch a double screen. Germany v Scotland and Gibraltar v Poland

Who is your countries greatest ever sportsman?

7th September 2014, 21:33
Undoubtetly Nadia Comaneci who made history in gymnastics being the fist who got a 10, followed closely by tennis player Ilie Nastase and footballer Gica Hagi. But these two played sports with great exposure .

What is your fav flower in your garden?

7th September 2014, 22:45
Don't have a garden in the flat, but I love crocus' and old-world roses (as opposed to the flashy hybrids)

Do you prefer simple elegance or flashy show?

7th September 2014, 22:53
Always KISS....Keep It Simple Stupid :D

What is the Sunday night movie you watched this evening?

7th September 2014, 23:01
I watch a match.

Was it a good weekend?

7th September 2014, 23:06
Well it was a busy....scratch that....hectic weekend but a good one. Had 3 kids birthday parties, my youngest sons sports day and had my mother-in-law over for the weekend. I'm officially pooped now :laugh:

Same q.

7th September 2014, 23:07
Same as always, weather was bad, then good. Read a book, built part of my ship, played golf, roasted a chunk of dead pig. Watched Italian GP.

When was the last time you did something completely new?

7th September 2014, 23:09
Everyday when i make a new mistake that the wife points out :D

You like Mondays?

7th September 2014, 23:13
My mum has one of her crises when she's totally in another world and is yelling all the time. She's like this from Friday and today I had a breakdown. Can't wait for Monday to go to work and forget it

How many pairs of shoes do you have?

7th September 2014, 23:14
Depends on what the weekend was like. GP Monday's I am not fond of. European races start at midnight and finish towards 2am, so starting work on 4 hours sleep is quite a pain.

Whaen the wife does something wrong, do you appologise?

7th September 2014, 23:15
Mine was horrible. My mum has one of her crises when she's totally in another world and is yelling all the time. She's like this from Friday and today I had a breakdown.

How many pairs of shoes do you have?

snap :)

7th September 2014, 23:18
My mum has one of her crises when she's totally in another world and is yelling all the time. She's like this from Friday and today I had a breakdown. Can't wait for Monday to go to work and forget it

How many pairs of shoes do you have?

I'm a guy so as many as I need which is 5 :)

How many shoes do you have? ;)

7th September 2014, 23:21
one for each foot

Is this enough?

7th September 2014, 23:22
I would say so, unless you get them soaking wet. Then what.

How many posts have you made in this thread?

7th September 2014, 23:23
Is too many the right answer?

What you got planned for the week besides work?

7th September 2014, 23:26
(You can find out, by hovering you cursor if you have one over the box at the left hand side of the thread title on the Word Games page)

Football training match 9-10pm Tuesday and 5 a side Thursday 6-7pm. I am having a meal out with family one day and maybe trying to catch up on Garden work at home for a couple of hours in the ever shortening evenings.

Is the overuse of antibiotics a worry for you?

7th September 2014, 23:30
Not really as I'm one of those people that rarely takes medicine even when sick and my body is pretty immune to most of the crap out there. But I know that hypochondriacs the world over are in for fun times ahead!

What you make of all the troubles in the world today?

7th September 2014, 23:45
Its worrying that as the world advances it seems that just as many groups of people seem intent on holding things back. Most of the issues and conflicts seem so needless, but I guess humans by nature are pretty aggressive creatures and as long as they believe different things, they will always come to blows.

I think there are some very worrying times ahead.

Do you feel any world events threaten you country?

8th September 2014, 00:27
We are less directly threatened than some of our European friends. Still, no place is safe in today's world. I see a possibility of a world wide melt down potentially looming. We'll all be in deep dodo if that happens.

Do you have plans for time off in September for a quick get away?

8th September 2014, 00:54
Not for a quick get away a such, but I do have a couple of days off next week to make a 4 day weekend, which I will do something for. Not sure what yet. It will be a short notice decision.

What sort of things have you done at short notice in a similar situation?

8th September 2014, 02:22
We used to show up at the airport from time to time and jump on a plane and go to wherever it was going for the weekend. (I should explain New Plymouth airport is kinda small and usually only has one plane on the ground at a time:))

How do you decide on where you will go on holiday?

8th September 2014, 07:07
My holidays depends mostly on finding a friend to accompany me. Then comes the money factor. Very difficult to combine these two. Next time I'll go by myself.

Do you spend holidays in your country or abroad?

8th September 2014, 08:55
Both in the past, but more often in the UK.

Do you have a coal fire/central heating or oil/gas heating at home?

8th September 2014, 09:14
Tragedy is that at the moment I have both but none works. I have wood/coal stoves that are old and need serious repairs. Also to get wood fuel in the middle of Bucharest is very hard. I have installed a gas heating central for 2 years but bureaucracy stopped me branching to the gas network. I used electric radiators that couldn't heat the big old rooms and trembled all the winter.

How do you heat your home during winter? ( bet the next to answer is Storm :laugh:)

8th September 2014, 16:47
(Not Storm :p: )

Around here pretty much all homes are heated by a natural gas furnace with a fan that blows heated air to all rooms through ducts. I really prefer electric heating but that's very expensive here.

How's public transportation where you are?

8th September 2014, 17:21
Non existent...unless you count death trap taxis and never on time buses and trains if the populace don't burn them first!

How was your Monday?

8th September 2014, 21:52
Tiring. I worked 9 hours up a ladder cutting tree's. Got home cooked something easy and then done a hours gardening at home before its dark. Now watching England trying to get a draw in Switzerland

What are you doing/watching now?

8th September 2014, 23:06
sitting at work, planning the day, following SUI-ENG on the BBC web site and talking to you.

Who said guys can't multi-task?

8th September 2014, 23:14

Can England hold on to win this tough match?

8th September 2014, 23:15
It was probably some woman somewhere. ;):D

just to get equal time with all the footie questions here, who will have the worse NFL season Washington or Baltimore?

8th September 2014, 23:17
to late starter :D

8th September 2014, 23:18
It was probably some woman somewhere. ;):D

just to get equal time with all the footie questions here, who will have the worse NFL season Washington or Baltimore?

Who, what - don't know and with the utmost respect to my U.S friends I don't care either (Sorry starter, not wishing to sound rude but contrived US sports have no interest to me at all sorry :()

I'll cheat and re-ask Steve's question. Will England hold on?

8th September 2014, 23:21
For Steve: no.:devil:
For Starter: Definitely Baltimore.:laugh:

Why am I laughing although I had a horrible day?

8th September 2014, 23:23
Because the day is over and things are better than they were earlier on..... or you have gone completely mad :), like the rest of us.

Are you and individual or a conformist?

8th September 2014, 23:34
I'm an individual when I'm alone, otherwise a boring conformist.

Did anfield observed that asteroid above New Zeeland on Sunday?

8th September 2014, 23:46
For Steve: no.:devil:

:) Romania and England win away. What could be better in these Qualifiers

8th September 2014, 23:47
Probably not if he is anything like me. I hear about these things and forget to look.

What would you do if Motorsport Forums Closed down?

9th September 2014, 00:07
Hang myself :s

What would you do if you'll become the only member of Motorsport Forums?

9th September 2014, 00:47
Cry and then move on. Signing off with a really profound post and hoping one day we might all meet again.

Do you eat Cakes?


9th September 2014, 01:04
YESSSSSSS, please......

Do you eat candies?

9th September 2014, 01:05
I'm an individual when I'm alone, otherwise a boring conformist.

Did anfield observed that asteroid above New Zeeland on Sunday?

Been watching comet Siding Spring through my telescope for a few weeks.

9th September 2014, 01:06
YESSSSSSS, please......

Do you eat candies?

Not any more, I have mild diabetes and don't like tempting fate.

Full cream milk or skim (fat free)?

9th September 2014, 01:07

Who is your countries traditional rival?

9th September 2014, 01:10
Australia - we have a real love-hate thing with them. Although the Aussies see England as their rival instead of NZ, this really annoys us poor little Kiwis.

Is history and tradition important to you?

9th September 2014, 01:27
Yes I think so, I mean we would not have the things we have today without it.

Do you read up on local history to you?

9th September 2014, 02:21
I have done in the past, and tend to if I ever relocate to a new area.

What would be you 'Eggheads" specialist category?

9th September 2014, 10:03
I did not understand the question.

Somebody wants to explain?

9th September 2014, 10:09
Didn't understand either.

Do you often have difficulties in understanding the q's of this thread?

9th September 2014, 10:19
Not really.

Do you like asking questions or answering them?

9th September 2014, 11:04
I think my answers should be shorter. I talk too much about me and I.m afraid I put too much my soul on a plate in front of unknown people. I don't mean the few regular posters of this thread who I already consider dear friends but, blimey, I see that the forums have hundreds guests who might read my elucubrations...Recently I saw that a nephew is a big F1 fan and even went to hungarian GP. I thought what if he's one of the guests and see that his otherwise serious auntie is playing the fool on a forum....So all the time I swear my answers would be yes or no + less than 10 words but then I write again half a page...
I suppose it's because I like to answer the q.
I also like to ask q but I'm afraid I asked almost everything. But my imagination is unlimited anyway. :p
Last but not least, I confess this thread is my fav of the forums.

What is/was your fav thread?

9th September 2014, 11:53
quite a few.I like this one and the counting images too (apart from those rules :s ), also all the football/world cup related threads in CC, also the Geography thread, plus many more in the F1 forum but most are in the past. Still currently the donkey of the race is a good thread ;)

Do you like restaurant food or street food ? (if you have any street food where you live!)

9th September 2014, 12:17
I don't like to eat cooked food with vegetables at restaurants. I'd rather prefer different types of grills with fried potatoes. Street food....They don't have our traditional dishes but shaormas and kebabs, definitely not my taste ( chicken, garlic, grrrrr.....)

In indian tv series I see people no matter social condition use to take food cooked at home in a sort of metalic boxes to eat at school, work, etc. Do you take such thing?

9th September 2014, 15:39
I don't like to eat cooked food with vegetables at restaurants. I'd rather prefer different types of grills with fried potatoes. Street food....They don't have our traditional dishes but shaormas and kebabs, definitely not my taste ( chicken, garlic, grrrrr.....)

In indian tv series I see people no matter social condition use to take food cooked at home in a sort of metalic boxes to eat at school, work, etc. Do you take such thing?
Kids for school lunches, trade people who work away from home or easy access to restaurants and some office folks who bring their lunch do.

What's the last piece of clothing you bought and did you buy it because you needed it or wanted it?

9th September 2014, 15:52
I badly need an elegant dress but I can't find it. On my search I found a rather casual one that I tried on, liked and bought it. I don't wear dresses, just skirts or jeans so I thought it will be a nice change.

Do you like to buy clothes?

9th September 2014, 17:41
Not really.

Do you like eggs? If so, fried, poached, boiled, scrambled or other?

9th September 2014, 18:13
Yes, scrambled, in an omelet, fried or hard boiled.

Do you enjoy reading, if so what?

9th September 2014, 18:19
Posts on forum and I simply adore PM's. :p

Was your country literature a mandatory object of study when you were in school?

9th September 2014, 20:04
*Explanation of Anfield's egghead question. Eggheads are clever people on a quiz show, that people trying and beat. So your egghead subject would be a subject you are very knowledgeable about and enjoy

answer: Yes for a few years later in school life

Do you have a favourite TV quiz show?

9th September 2014, 20:36
Used to love them in the past and was proud of my general knowledge. These days TV channels don't have such shows anymore and I also lost interest. My fav was Who wants to be a billionaire (yes, due to inflation we were billionaires).

Do you watch reality shows?

9th September 2014, 21:37
No I can't stand them to be honest.

North, East, South or West? :p

9th September 2014, 22:25

Have you ever met someone interesting on a train?

10th September 2014, 14:06

Have you ever met someone interesting on a train?

Yes. Though I've only been on a train a few times in my life, on one long trip in the US I met a very interesting young woman and we talked most of the day long trip while we were awake.

Does your work ever require you to travel?

10th September 2014, 14:40
No. I would have liked to travel abroad but then again I'm too shy to cope with new people. I hate it even when I have to go to different institutions here. Definitely I'm happy that I don't have to travel within the country.

Does your work require hand crafts?

10th September 2014, 16:44
Does keyboard typing count? :p:

Do work primarily out of one location?

10th September 2014, 22:41
Not really. Being a Gardener I have to move around a bit, but nowhere majorly away from base.

When was the last time you got the giggles?

10th September 2014, 23:45
When I saw a friend doing the ice bucket. :p

When was the last time you lost your temper?

10th September 2014, 23:59
When I saw a friend doing the ice bucket. :p

When was the last time you lost your temper?

When I had to do the ice bucket ;)

erm..... This afternoon on the way home from work. I got half way home in good time and got stuck in a massive traffic jam gridlock.

What is your favourite type of Bread?

11th September 2014, 00:01
A few weeks ago, when one of my former trainees, whom I placed into a job, started spreading wicked lies around town about me, and how I had refused to assist her into a job, how she had to do it on her own, and then she claimed that I was sexually harrassing her while she was on my course. - This kinda got me quite mad, angry enough to see my solicitor and have him issue a letter to this ermm.... person, stating that if she continued to do what she was doing we would issue a defamation suit against her. (who says work is boring?)

Do you hold grudges or do you let bygones be bygones?

11th September 2014, 00:04
Slow down folks :p:

11th September 2014, 01:46
Slow down folks :p:

Bugger!! pipped at the post again!!

11th September 2014, 08:00
Do you hold grudges or do you let bygones be bygones?

David James. 1996 FA Cup Final. 85th Minute... no-one comes forward like that... no-one.
Oh I hold grudges... long ones :D

What do you think are the best things to go in a toasted sandwich?

11th September 2014, 09:05
Rollo: Cascaval (- don't know how to say in English. It's caciocavallo in italian and it's a sort of cheese) + Prague ham.

Steve: the bread of my childhood, the real bread.

What's the first thing to come to your mind when you wake up in the morning?

11th September 2014, 09:14
Bacon or Cheese

Do you like toasted subs? (I miss Quiznos)

edit: gadjo got there first

mornings- I guess, "It felt only like I slept a few hours) (which it often is!)

11th September 2014, 09:17
Don't know what you talking about but after googled it and saw some pics I suppose I do like them.

What's your fav tea? In case you drink tea.

11th September 2014, 15:50
Rollo: Cascaval (- don't know how to say in English. It's caciocavallo in italian and it's a sort of cheese) + Prague ham.

What's the first thing to come to your mind when you wake up in the morning?
I have to pee.

:D :D :D

(Out of order, but I couldn't resist.)

11th September 2014, 16:23
Don't know what you talking about but after googled it and saw some pics I suppose I do like them.

What's your fav tea? In case you drink tea.

I don't drink tea.

Do you wear your underwear for more than one day before washing them?

11th September 2014, 16:29
No way......

Why do you ask so personal Q?

11th September 2014, 16:36
I didn't realise that was personal. I thought we were all friends here :p: .

Do you wipe with your right or left hand?

11th September 2014, 16:40

Wipe where? :confused:

11th September 2014, 20:06

11th September 2014, 23:11
wow.... what a dark turn this thread has taken :rotflmao:

11th September 2014, 23:17
Stop laughing and come with the answer.

11th September 2014, 23:17
erm.......................... do I have to answer Gadjo's question? ;)

Look at your signature and think about it.

Do you have rabbits in your country? If so are you a fan of the cute ones or not

11th September 2014, 23:18
Stop laughing and come with the answer.

Keep your hair on, its done :beer:

11th September 2014, 23:28
Of course we have rabbits. They are lovely but not the pet I'd like. My brother's ex father in law asked me once to shelter his rabbits. They did a lot of dirt, eating all the time and poo*ing accordingly.

Do you like hamsters?

11th September 2014, 23:42
Yes I suppose so. They are funny, but I would not ever keep one.

What strange thing did you see today?

12th September 2014, 00:04
Snow :dozey:

Are you fussed about wearing matching socks?

12th September 2014, 00:12
No. I don't even worry too much if I put them on inside out either :~

Does your belt match your shoes?

12th September 2014, 00:13

Has it really been snowing today with Schmenke?

12th September 2014, 00:31
Yes, out city had over 15cm during the last two days. It's stopped now thankfully. I'd post pics but don't know how (someone PM please :p: ).

Are you going to rush out and purchase the iPhone 6?

12th September 2014, 01:10
No. My money and I have a better long term relationship than to split up over something like that.

What's the thing you most regret buying?

12th September 2014, 04:54
Maintenance on Mrs Rollo's Nissan Skyline R31.
Because I spent the money on that, when my little red Ka got rear ended, there wasn't the available funds to replace the front suspension bushings and towers. That dang Skyline effectively ate my Ka.

In your dream ten car garage (hasn't everyone got one of these) what would be your sixth choice?

12th September 2014, 06:40
My 10 car garage would be fairly practical with only a couple of classic exotics like a Ferrari GTO and a Mercedes Gullwing. It would also include a 68 Pontiac GTO, a 72 Datsun (Nissan) 240Z, a 14 BMW M3, a 14 Ford F150 pickup, a 14 Infiniti Q70 and a 14 Volvo wagon. But my 6th chojce would be an old Ford Model T just for the fun of it.

Pick one car and only one each for yourself and your wife/partner/ significant other - what would they be?

12th September 2014, 17:05
My 10 car garage would be fairly practical with only a couple of classic exotics like a Ferrari GTO and a Mercedes Gullwing. It would also include a 68 Pontiac GTO, a 72 Datsun (Nissan) 240Z, a 14 BMW M3, a 14 Ford F150 pickup, a 14 Infiniti Q70 and a 14 Volvo wagon. But my 6th chojce would be an old Ford Model T just for the fun of it....

Hey, I own 1/10th of your dream garage :D .
Um, that would be the F150 (and a '13 not the '14) :erm: .

12th September 2014, 19:15
From your list, I'd have the 240Z and the wife would probably choose the Volvo (with the automatic option). Given a free choice, I would have a Bristol 406 and the other half a Toyota Yaris Verso Automatic

Going the other way, which ten cars would you consign to the crusher?

12th September 2014, 19:51
Not sure i can give you ten, but I personally hate Nissan Micra's, smart cars and G Wiz's for a start

What is the best car you have ever driven? (If you dont drive, then the best car you have had a ride in

12th September 2014, 20:27
The 240Z. I owned one and loved it.

Have you ever competed in a rally? Either TSD or performance.

12th September 2014, 20:41
Yes, once in a stripped out Ford Escort 1600 with a dodgy roll cage. My debut lasted.....only 3 kilometres before hitting a massive rock thrown onto the road by another competitor. Decided there and then that tar was a better option!

You ever driven a truly exotic performance car (Ferrari 458, Pagani Zonda etc)?

12th September 2014, 20:44
Does a Hyundai count :p:
Seriously, no :dozey:

How often do you check tire pressure?

12th September 2014, 20:52
No they don't :D ;)

Every Friday when I fill up with "gas" as the Yanks say.

How long does a tank of gas in your car last normally?

12th September 2014, 22:06
415 miles or 670 km, but I do a lot of stop start driving unfortunately which is a bitch for fuel usage. I would say that is anything from 3 weeks to 5 weeks in terms of gap between fills.

How many cars have you owned?

12th September 2014, 23:18
My first car was a 1984(?) POS Pontiac 6000 that I "purchased" from my sister after she had given up on it (GM's "J" platform at the time was an utter piece of crap).

After that I owned:
1988 Jeep Wrangler
1994 Acura Integra (the first car I ever purchased new)
2001 Jeep Cherokee Sport
2004 Mazda Tribute 4x4

Our current cars are (yes, embarassingly we own three):
2011 Toyota Sienna LE minivan (the missus' daily "bus" )
2013 Hyundai Elantra (555 is well fond of this one :p: )
2013 Ford F150 Ecoboost pickup truck (<- my favourite :D )

Have you ever built or restored a vehicle?

13th September 2014, 09:46
No, sadly I do not have the mind or patients to do such a thing.

What does this weekend hold? Anything interesting

13th September 2014, 14:17
We are going to a local indie music/art/food festival today. Tomorrow we are taking our daughter to do some volunteer work, and I'll be catching up on yard work and things around the house. Hopefully we will have time to sit down as a family tomorrow afternoon and have a nice meal and some time together.

What was the most frightening thing you remember happening in your life?

13th September 2014, 20:00
A big earthquake of 7.2 in my hometown. Over 1000 deaths and many buildings fell down right in the area where I live.

Have you ever pretended to be somebody else?
( on the phone, on forums, on Facebook, on emails, etc.).

13th September 2014, 21:15
Yes I pretended to be a friend of mines supervisor at work telling his wife over the phone he had to come in to work night shift on a breakdown. And it worked! We partied hard that night :D

You ever built a kit car at home with your father as a father/son bonding experience?

13th September 2014, 21:29
You ever built a kit car at home with your father as a father/son/ bonding experience?

Yes I did. Many times. :devil: :laugh:

White grapes or black grapes?

13th September 2014, 22:42
Red wine for me so black grapes I would say :D

Scooter or Harley?

13th September 2014, 22:55

Dracula or Frankenstein?

14th September 2014, 09:14
Dracula, cause he's far better looking :D

You get lost in the swamp. Do you go left or right?

14th September 2014, 09:31
Straight ahead until the swamp would swallow me.

What term of endearment do you use to call your wife(or husband)/gf-bf/partner?

14th September 2014, 09:58
Babe...I know, I know, not very original :p:

What's your favourite Sunday morning activity?

14th September 2014, 10:06
Sleeping a bit longer.

What do you dislike about Sundays?
(Except for being followed by Mondays.:p)

14th September 2014, 10:17
I dislike some Sundays because there is no Grand Prix :(

Do you like Heights?

14th September 2014, 10:34
Hell no! It scares the crap out of me and is the reason I hate flying even though I have to fly often.

You afraid of snakes?

14th September 2014, 10:48
It's more repulsion than fear.

Are you afraid of rats?

14th September 2014, 14:43
No afraid, they have their place, but its the fact that they live off our waste and carry disease. So that makes me wary.

Are you watching any sport today?

14th September 2014, 18:36
Nope, been chilling with the kids now getting ready to play Age Of Empires for the first time in ages :)

Did your sports team(s) win this weekend?

14th September 2014, 18:54
Steaua won against a mediocre team but one of the goals was sensational, directly from corner

Do you know what Liverpool did?

14th September 2014, 20:16
Yes Lost 0-1 at home to Aston Villa. Not looking good this season compared to last.

Do you like Burgers? If so whats your favourite?

14th September 2014, 20:27
No. Ate a few times from curiosity but our traditional food is much better.

How can a loser ever win?

15th September 2014, 03:15
A loser can never win because as soon as they do they aren't a loser anymore. (Words to keep in mind on the darkest days.)

What thing are you most looking forward to this week?

15th September 2014, 06:59
I gave up looking for a dress.
I gave up going to the wedding.
I gave up on everybody and everything.

Do you have breakfast at home or do you have it on your way to work?

15th September 2014, 09:12
I nearly always have something boring at home, but I have a day off today and am going to have breakfast out and about.

What is your ideal breakfast?

15th September 2014, 09:25
I can't eat in the morning so I can't think about it.

Do you usually get to work on time?

15th September 2014, 13:41
I can't eat in the morning so I can't think about it.

Do you usually get to work on time?

Well right now I make my own schedule, so I always get to work on time. :) But I don't always get there when I want to. :laugh:

Do you usually get home from work on time?

15th September 2014, 14:37
When I was working it depended. If I was caught up I left when I felt like it. If not, then when I was done. So no particular time.

Would you rather work a set schedule or be able to adjust as needed?

15th September 2014, 14:43
I want to work just 6 hours/day. I don't have enough time to live.:devil:

Are you happy with the idea of retirement or are you one of those who want to work till death?

15th September 2014, 14:52
Depends on what I am working on when I reach the retirement age...I don't like the work I do currently but that might change.

Do you get injured often (are you clumsy enough? I made an embarassing minor injury to myself today :( )

15th September 2014, 15:09
No. I'm clumsy but strong.

Do you like to write notes/reviws/reports/essays, etc. for your work?

15th September 2014, 16:58
I gave up on everybody and everything.

(There's that ever-present optimism :rolleyes: )

Do you like to write notes/reviws/reports/essays, etc. for your work?

No, I really don’t like writing but ironically I am quick to “wordsmith” others’ work, for spelling and grammar.

Did you manage to accomplish any household chores this weekend?

15th September 2014, 18:38
Hell yes.

I spent all day Sunday Tidying the Garden and today with my day off I have been out and about doing some bits and pieces that needed doing to the house.

What do you think Storm's injury might be?

15th September 2014, 19:58
After watching a few hundred episodes of Indian soaps Ii think he did a wrong step and has a sprained ankle.

How often do you have a haircut?

15th September 2014, 20:23
I, ah, self-serve about every week or two :p: .

Do you brush your teeth after every meal?

15th September 2014, 20:40
No. Obviously I can't brush my teeth at work. :devil:

Do you have beautiful teeth?

15th September 2014, 22:02
I think they are OK. I only have one small filling and they are all straight.

Do you have many repairs or false teeth?

15th September 2014, 22:23
Well, all I can say is that I have horrible teeth. :s

Do you use make up? :p

15th September 2014, 22:50
Everyday. Lipstick, blush, eye liner, eye shadow, nail varnish and anything else you can think of. ;)

Tell us one thing which is going on tomorrow?

15th September 2014, 22:50
Not on myself.

Do you have a hair style, or a hair cut?

15th September 2014, 23:21
My hair is simply cut at a certain length. My cousin who's cutting it calls this coiffure ''mala mujer''. Not because I'm a bad person but because an actress who played in this peruan telenovela had this cut.

Would you have liked to be a spy?
( in case you're not already, of course)

15th September 2014, 23:52
It rather depends on who I am spying on, and whether I get to choose my target :)

Who would you like to spy on?

16th September 2014, 09:18
The next person who'll answer this thread. :p
( I guess it's probably the end of it. :angel: )

Do you think you'll notice that I'm spying on you?

16th September 2014, 09:30
Always, although I am just going to work. How are you going to spy on me there? :p

Do you think Scotland will choose to leave the UK union or will they stay?

16th September 2014, 10:43
Always, although I am just going to work. How are you going to spy on me there? :p
Hiding behind the trees, sheltered by the bushes.....:devil:

Do you think Scotland will choose to leave the UK union or will they stay?

Is it fair to ask 2 questions on the same post?

16th September 2014, 20:08
Yes, because I am so dumb I didn't even know I had posted two questions. :p

Will you watch TV soon? Or read a book?

16th September 2014, 20:18
I am too tired today to do anything...athough in an hour or so CL kicks off :s

Will you be watching any football tonight? 1945 kickoffs for you lot :hmph:

16th September 2014, 20:50
I have my own football training at the time, so I won't see any tonight. I will watch tomorrow.

Do you normally sleep well?

16th September 2014, 21:13
Not in the last 8 months.It's hard to sleep when someone keeps on shouting. When she doesn't I still have the feeling she does.

Can you sing yodeling?

16th September 2014, 22:14
Never tried, and I don't think I want to :p: .

Have you every played or sang in a band?

16th September 2014, 23:12
No. With my voice no band in this world would want me as a singer

When was the last time you had a blood analysis?

16th September 2014, 23:19
A few months ago (April I think) as part of my annual checkup.

Do you donate blood? Does you country have a "national blood bank"?

(Two questions :p: )

16th September 2014, 23:50
1. No.
2. That's the country of vampires, remember?:p
Our blood bank is almost empty. Only poor people donate blood for some bonus.

Would you donate your organs in case of clinical death?

17th September 2014, 01:46
Yes I'm sure some church or orchestra would love them. :D

Already have. It's an option on your driver's license here to be an organ donor.

When's the last time you had to seek medical help, other than for routine checkups.

17th September 2014, 05:50
3 months ago. I started with a common flu virus that migrated to my heart and started interfering with the electrical impulses that make it work - scary stuff. On the plus side I have lost 25kg (55 ibs) in 3 months :)

do you worry about your health or do you have an "It'll all be alright" attitude?

17th September 2014, 06:54
Generally I'm a healthy person and I'm not very concerned about health problems. Whenever I have a problem it takes a long time until I decide to go to a doctor. I did it yesterday and now I'm scared to death.

Do you have to offfer a ''material attention'' when you visit a doctor?

17th September 2014, 14:17

What is a ''material attention''?

17th September 2014, 14:33
Money, a package of coffee, a bottle of whiskey, chocolates, flowers, a bunch of bananas, etc.
Depending on the medical service, the doctor and the financial power of the patient..
I always do despite being a serious contributor to health funds.

Are you embarassed to go to a doctor?

17th September 2014, 16:33

Why would you be embarrassed to visit a doctor?

17th September 2014, 16:56
If you had a huge ego about being supremely healthy and fit etc...(not that I do..but I did pride myself in the past on not taking any meds unless I absolutely had to)

Is the cost of medicines too high where you are?

17th September 2014, 17:11
I think so, but pretty much all of the prescription meds that our family buys is covered by either my or my wife’s company health insurance plans (for which we each pay a small annual cost).

Do you have to pay when you visit a doctor?