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25th August 2014, 23:42
No :p:

What you going to do after the footy?

25th August 2014, 23:46
Wash the dishes

Where is Anfield?

25th August 2014, 23:51
He's eating breakfast probably.

Where's schmenke gone?

25th August 2014, 23:54
He's eating lunch probably.

Where's Steve?

25th August 2014, 23:54
Writing on my T shirt for you Gadjo

What time do you go to bed?

25th August 2014, 23:56
Racing in the F1 forums.

Should i get to bed now?

25th August 2014, 23:57
Writing on my T shirt for you Gadjo

What time do you go to bed?

Around midnight normally.

Should I hit the sack now?

25th August 2014, 23:57
Writing on my T shirt for you Gadjo

What time do you go to bed?

I'm already in bed. Just that I can't sleep.

Where's Storm?

26th August 2014, 00:00
I think all of us should. But thx for such an entertaining evening.

Will you come again tomorrow?

26th August 2014, 00:00
He only appears in the Morning doesn't he? Probably sound asleep by now.

Gadjo: Back to work tomorrow so it will be a limited time.

Should we all stop posting questions and let Gadjo sleep, let 555 go to bed and tear me away from my laptop?

26th August 2014, 00:02
Sounds like a plan :)

Can I have a nightcap for you guys?

26th August 2014, 00:02
Will you come again tomorrow?

Yebo :)

26th August 2014, 00:03
Go for it.

Hope to see you around again 555, enjoyed this evening. Night Gadjo :wave:

26th August 2014, 00:05
Thanks enjoy yours too :)

Night Gadjo :kiss:

26th August 2014, 02:45
What do you mean good night, it's not even lunch time yet!!.

Does the difference in time zones confuse you? :)

26th August 2014, 04:24
[Wrong post.

26th August 2014, 08:18
:erm: :eek: to everything that went on above'

steve: I am a night owl, so I did actually watch the footy till end of the 1st half (which was 0100 here) and then went off to bed...but I do not always logon at night, did logon before the game but nobody was here then :s

as to question? I am guessing timezone confusion?

Nope. I have worked mostly with people in the US/Europe so timezones always had to be calculated to decide on what time to call/chat/email etc. Also watching so much football/F1/cricket on tv (not in my timezone) helps too.

Do you still live in the place you were born in or have you moved around ? (stayed in a town for say a few months/years)

26th August 2014, 08:43
I still live in the same city, on the same street and in the same house where I was born.

If given the opportunity would you leave your current city?

26th August 2014, 08:54
I think so. Its not the most exciting place in the world.

Do I really have to go to work? (its raining and miserable outside)

26th August 2014, 08:56
No. A gardener can't work in the pouring rain.

Have you ever worked in a greenhouse?

26th August 2014, 08:58
No. The whole country is a greenhouse for most of the year except the rainy season.

Do you have any plants at home that you tend to? (steve has a whole garden I know)

26th August 2014, 09:13
It's very cold in my house during winter and they can't resist.
In my small yard I have some spontaneous vegetation ( weeds :p)+ a bush of wild roses older than me + vines
The terrace above the garage is mixed with vines and glycine and ivy coming from the neighbours

Do you have a yard?

26th August 2014, 09:14
Yard in the sense of Garden yes.

Yard as in a concreted area no.

Are you at work today?

26th August 2014, 09:35

Will you go to work?

26th August 2014, 20:11
Yes I have gone and come back from work.

No one asked a question in all that time?

26th August 2014, 20:48
They did but you can't see it. :p

What was your fav game to play as a kid?

26th August 2014, 21:03
Cops and robbers or cowboys and indians :D

Did you have a stable, happy childhood?

26th August 2014, 21:18
Mostly yes.

What sort of student were you in school?

26th August 2014, 21:22
Quite a good one in the first 8 grades. Submediocre in the high school ( due to drinking beer in school uniform)

How did you behave in school?

26th August 2014, 21:26
I was a little s#!t if I'm honest :D

Did you enjoy school?

26th August 2014, 21:42
Elementary school was great, high school awful
. That's why I have elementary knowledge....

Have you repeated a year in school?

26th August 2014, 22:41
Yes, I dated my teachers daughter and she flunked me the b!tc#. Got 92% in the repeat year :)

What was your worst subject at school?

26th August 2014, 22:59
My worst was biology. It was interesting, but the way we were taught involved memorising loads of stuff and I'm lazy.

What was your favourite subject?

26th August 2014, 23:10
Home time :D Seriously though, Business Economics.

Which is really mightier, the pen or the sword?

26th August 2014, 23:11

Should I have Sausages or soup for a late dinner?

26th August 2014, 23:14

Do you cook your dinner by yourself?

26th August 2014, 23:17
No that's what the wife's for :D

What's your favourite "cheat" meal?

26th August 2014, 23:20
beans on toast, with a poached egg and maybe some bacon if I am feeling adventurous

comfort or style?

26th August 2014, 23:22
Comfort every time. Don't understand the fascination behind style. Who gives a crap what I'm wearing???

Raincoat or umbrella?

27th August 2014, 00:00
Who gives a crap what I'm wearing???
Me :p

Raincoat or umbrella?

Football or soccer?

27th August 2014, 02:28
FOOTBALL. We invented it we named it, it is played with a ball using your feet. It is called football in all but two countries in the world, namely USA and Australia. Every other association in every other country calls it Football (ok, rant over :))

Does it surprise you that certain little and trite things can apparently upset people to an unusual degree?

27th August 2014, 04:07
After the last 3 weeks nothing can surprise me anymore. I decided to take the life as it is (ugly).

Do you like your gf/wife to call you stupid names like angel, sweetie, boo boo, etc.?

27th August 2014, 04:26
I don't care what she calls me so long as its not late to dinner. ;)

Will it rain where you are tomorrow?

27th August 2014, 04:36
No. It will be sunny and 33°C.

How many times/week they take away the garbage on your street?

27th August 2014, 05:40
Just once, but we have very large bins with wheels that are lifted with a hydraulic arm and emptied into the truck. You can put a lot of weight in them!

Do you recycle most things that you can?

27th August 2014, 05:59
No. There are bins for recycling on the corner of the street but I'm too busy for such things. Besides people are uneducated and throw normal garbage in them. But from time to time I become responsible and recycle. BTW, my bin was stolen.:p

Is there in the place where you live assured a desinsection-deratization service?

27th August 2014, 06:05
no just me with a can of fly spray.

are you afraid of spiders?

27th August 2014, 06:33
Don't think so. Right now I have 3 spots on my right leg either from a spider or a giant mosquito.

I'm bothered by a mosquito( or could it be Tazio's flea? :devil:). Are there mosquitoes where you live?

27th August 2014, 14:20
Yes, and recently the city has improved the frequency of spraying in certain areas due to finding mosquitoes that carry certain disease.

Have you ever seen an unusual disaster, natural or man made?

27th August 2014, 14:31
Each time when I look in the mirror. :devil:

Are you afraid of natural disasters?

27th August 2014, 15:21
No, not afraid of meteor strikes either.

What brand of tires will be your next purchase?

27th August 2014, 16:27
The second cheapest. These days, I don't think there is much difference in performance of different brands

Are there any poorly designed cars made nowadays? (Things like the rear-engined Skoda, with its unpredictable handling)

27th August 2014, 17:10
Yeah, any GM product :p: .

When's the last time you purchased a vehicle?

27th August 2014, 20:09
1.5 yrs ago

When was the last time you sold an auto?

27th August 2014, 20:10
Three years ago.

Would you purchase an electric car, assuming the infrastructure to recharge was in place?

27th August 2014, 20:15
perhaps (but as a second car only for the city)

Do you think a real alternative to fossil fuel might be available easily during our lifetimes?

27th August 2014, 20:25
I think potentially it could be, but it seems that it is all taking longer than it should. You feel it could be achieved soon, if only the organisations involved could commit to it.

What is your favourite Car?

27th August 2014, 20:35
This is a difficult question..but probably a BMW M5

same Q?

27th August 2014, 21:43
:laugh: funniest lyrics ever.....

What have you eaten at lunch?

27th August 2014, 21:48
that link will work for people if you hadn't chopped off 1 w from the start ;)
lunch? its past mid night here.....anyways I am off..will watch the CL qualifying for a while and then sleep after 1am (Napoli v Bilbao is on I think.) good luck to Steaua

27th August 2014, 21:59
Can you believe that I can't see that match? :angryfire: Bloody cable companies......
The link works now.
And your q was?

27th August 2014, 22:24
I think his time's over. He is watching the football or sleeping. Might as well take things from here.

Is it weird I was thinking about this thread today at work?

27th August 2014, 22:36
Yes. At your age you should think of girls. :laugh:

Do you watch a match tonight?

27th August 2014, 22:39
A bit late as always, but I am now watching Arsenal v Besiktas. Sanchez just scored so its 1-0.

How are Steaua doing?

27th August 2014, 22:47
I think his time's over. He is watching the football or sleeping. Might as well take things from here.

Is it weird I was thinking about this thread today at work?

I am back...Napoli game isn't live because of bloody US Open on that channel....instead Arsenal v Besiktas is live which isn't that good but I saw Alexis score...which is nice, ex barca so want him to do well :)

I might as well watch the rest of the match considering Dennis the Menace might wake up and need some milk, I hate to wake up once I have slept..better to stay awake.

sorry for going completely OT!

27th August 2014, 22:50
Yay Storm's back.

Answer the question dude :D

27th August 2014, 22:51
Ludogorets Razgrad 0 - 0 Steaua Bucharest

What was dinner tonight?

27th August 2014, 22:53
A easy ready made meal. I was so shattered after work. It was Chicken Roast dinner. Pretty awful, but filled a hole

How many times a week do you exercise (if at all)?

28th August 2014, 00:02
every day to a degree. Doctor's orders. I need to do 1/2 - 1 hour light exercise per day to strengthen the heart muscle back again.

Do you understand the chaos theory?

28th August 2014, 00:16
Yeah, I have two kids :p: .

Are you following the US Tennis Open?

28th August 2014, 00:29
No to be honest. I am not a massive fan of Tennis.

Anything interesting happening in September in your life?

28th August 2014, 00:37
How are Steaua doing?
I fell asleep ( as usually when it's a match) and completely forgot about it. Read on the net that it was 1-0 for Ludogorets, 1-1 agg and now are penalties. The Bulgarian goalkeeper was eliminated and a field player took his place and he's......Romanian but played for the rival Dinamo. :eek: :eek: 4-4 now,.

We lost....:bigcry: I'm a loser who loves a bunch of losers. The midfielder become goalkeeper was better....

28th August 2014, 00:41
Bad luck Gadjo. There is always next season.

28th August 2014, 00:42
Anything interesting happening in September in your life?
My oldest cousin's son is getting married. I don't know if I can go, I need an elegant outfit and has no patience and time to go shopping. I have to offer them about 300 euros, a big hole in my budget

Do you like to go to weddings?

28th August 2014, 00:43
Bad luck Gadjo. There is always next season.

Next season we'll not be winning our league so bye bye CL

28th August 2014, 01:16
...Do you like to go to weddings?

Can’t stand them. Had to attend one about a month ago, and I barely knew the couple. Fortunately the reception had an open bar :D

Do you either donate or volunteer your time much to charitable causes?

28th August 2014, 01:52
These kind of activities aren't too popular here. Most of us are fighting for survival and don't have money for donations or time to spend for this.I usually contribute with money when a coworker or their family is in need for medical care which is very expensive here. Now I have my own case in da house and don't have much to offer.

Are there beggars where you live?

28th August 2014, 12:48
Yes, and sad to say many seem to be from Eastern European countries

What would you say our government should do about the problem of "economic migrants"?

28th August 2014, 14:33
It's a slippery slope when it comes to economic motivations, and I don't think there is an easy answer. Long term evidence of immigrants desiring to support (through taxes, purchases) the country in which they work should be required, otherwise they are taking jobs, and getting benefits, and not much money goes back into the system.

What is the poorest place in the world you have ever spent any time in?

28th August 2014, 15:21

What's the most pleasant country you've visited?

28th August 2014, 16:20

What's the highest altitude you've visited?

28th August 2014, 16:46
2000 m I think. In the Bucegi Mountains.

What's the destination of your next trip?

28th August 2014, 16:58
Nothing too exotic, this Monday is a holiday so the schmenke clan is heading out Friday morning to do some camping here:


Where you live do drivers generally respect pedestrians and give the right of way?

28th August 2014, 17:09
More or less.... I think their respect is fear to be fined.

Is it easy to find a place for parking cars where you live?

28th August 2014, 17:14
Hell, no
in fact driving/parking problems here are the reason I often think of living in a different country.

Any plan for the evening?

28th August 2014, 17:23
My friends want to take me out for a coffee/drink. But it's cloudy and it will probably rain.

Do you use to go out after work?

28th August 2014, 17:40

Sorry, no, I don't have a life :dozey:

Ever try zip-lining?

28th August 2014, 20:57
Only zip lining i do involves a pair of jeans :p:

Ever sky dived?

28th August 2014, 21:21
Nothing too exotic, this Monday is a holiday so the schmenke clan is heading out Friday morning to do some camping here:

I'm jealous. You live way too close to some of the best scenery in the US & Canada.

28th August 2014, 21:45
Never sky dived. I'm not brave enough.

Did you play with a hike when you were a kid?

28th August 2014, 21:52
Not sure if I ever played with a hike buy I've hiked many times.

You an indoors or outdoors type?

28th August 2014, 21:58
I feel safer indoors but I like to spend some time out every day.

Have you ever used a gun?

28th August 2014, 22:26
Nothing more than hunting fowl with a .22 rifle or a 20 gauge shotgun.

Can you recognize constellations in the night sky?

28th August 2014, 22:27
I'm jealous. You live way too close to some of the best scenery in the US & Canada.

Yeah, we are fortunate with all this in "our backyard" but and sometimes we take it for granted.
Just recently spent a lovely time in Idaho too :) .

28th August 2014, 22:43
I know a few. Probably 4 or 5, but I always want to learn more, but here there is a lot of light pollution and so I rarely see more than the brightest stars in the night sky.

Do you think Humans will go back to the moon any time soon?

28th August 2014, 22:44
evening everyone by the way. :wave:

28th August 2014, 22:48
Yes. I don't think it will be too long before a semi-permanent base is established there.

Would you go?

28th August 2014, 22:52
If it was open and I had the money, I would take the risk. It would be something amazing to look at earth and imagine our whole world in front of your eyes.

What is the next live event of any kind you are planning to see/watch?

28th August 2014, 22:54
No. I like to live in crowded places.

Do you believe that we are visited by ET's?

28th August 2014, 22:55
Too late. :s

People say I don't have a life so I can't attend live events

Q about the et above

28th August 2014, 23:02
Not really. Sorry to spoil the fun.

Why do humans often look on the bad side of things?

28th August 2014, 23:15
Because things go really bad

Why are you optimistic?

28th August 2014, 23:17
I enjoy my life as dull as it is sometimes. I love my garden and playing football. Simple but important.

Given my stressing over my new job lately, why do you think I am optimistic?

28th August 2014, 23:20
Because I saw your smile :p :devil:

Do you think that life is easy?

28th August 2014, 23:31
No way. It is unnecessarily hard. I mean I just want a job to earn enough money to enjoy life, however all the stuff around it that is expected of you makes it hard.

Do you enjoy the simple things in life? (bird song, sunshine and stuff like that)

28th August 2014, 23:39
Well, not such things related to nature. But I enjoy simple things like a dynamic thread on the forum, a good movie in my fav theatre, a friends reunion for a "glass of talking''.

When was the last time you had a fight?

28th August 2014, 23:46
If your talking fist fight. Never. I am too nice and calm to fight :) Fight with words. hmmm...... Have to say I can't remember one really for a couple of years. At football I had a argument with a team mate.

Have you had a fight recently?

28th August 2014, 23:56
Most of the time. I've become a package of nerves.
When I'm angry I talk dirty. But what really scare me is that more and more often I feel like hitting somebody. Keep the guns away from me.:dork:

Have you ever win a contest?

29th August 2014, 00:04
I once came joint first in a drawing competition for the David Coulthard fan club. Thats about it sadly. I am a loser generally. :(

Have you ever visited an ancient castle or house?

29th August 2014, 00:11
Before we moved to NZ, visited a few in England. But here in NZ there are no ancient structures too visit.

Could you have survived living in the Middle Ages?

29th August 2014, 00:16
Who knows?

Do you have a loud laugh?

29th August 2014, 00:17
Who knows?

Do you have a loud laugh?

erm... you answered the wrong question :) :)

29th August 2014, 00:26
No, I answered yours

29th August 2014, 03:09
No, I answered yours

Oops 'my bad :(

29th August 2014, 08:08
yes (to loud laugh)

if you were to be born in a different time/epoch what would you choose?

29th August 2014, 08:30
End of the 19th century.

If you were to be born again what would you like to be, boy or girl and why?

29th August 2014, 15:41
Perhaps a boy because I like sports.

What do you prefer on women, pants or a dress?

29th August 2014, 21:31
Dress. I will let you guess why :D

What have you done today?

29th August 2014, 22:00
Wandering through the old town in search of a frock. :p
Felt sick for a bit. Now I'm watching Simona Halep losing at US open.

will you have a busy weekend?

29th August 2014, 22:42
Football tomorrow morning, then lunch and watching a football match on tv with my friends, then watching my local team play in the afternoon.

Sunday I am going to the British GT Championship all day at Brands Hatch.

So you won't see much of me here this weekend. :)

Do you have a valuable piece of furniture?

29th August 2014, 23:08
No. But in my bedroom I have a few nice old pieces. Also there's a nice assembly of bookshelves.

All my sports favs lost this week. Liverpool, Steaua, Simona Halep. Why? Is it something wrong with me?

29th August 2014, 23:39
Not at all. You are not God Gadjo ;) They can lose with or without your support.

What is Time?

30th August 2014, 00:11
The forth dimension.

It's a holiday weekend here, what is anyone on this side of the Atlantic going to do?

30th August 2014, 00:12
Something untouchable, pretious, perpetual,relative.....
Or better said, something that I also waste....

Are you stubborn?

30th August 2014, 00:13
Sorry, I was late......

30th August 2014, 00:18
It's a holiday weekend here, what is anyone on this side of the Atlantic going to do?
This forum taught me that your nation is very heterogeneous so it's difficult to say.

Are you stubborn?

30th August 2014, 00:36
Not really. I can be if someone treats me bad or I disagree with something enough, but ultimately I tend to go with the flow.

What is your favourite genre of Music?

30th August 2014, 00:52

Same Q

30th August 2014, 03:07
New age with jazz and classical close seconds. Used to be a huge folkie, but that was a while back.

What type of books do you like?

30th August 2014, 07:11
These days I seldom read although I have more than 50 new books waiting on the shelves. I don't have the patience to read novels anymore. I prefer essays or short stories. There are a few Romanian writers and journalists that I like and try to follow their works. And their work deals with the current situation here but in a sweet bitter comical way. I also read the books of one of our historians who sees the things a bit different. He demolished all the myths about our glorious ancestors. Totally different of the we were indoctrinated in school.

What is your fav book?

30th August 2014, 13:18
If I had to pick just one? ...tough
2001: A Space Odyssey (Arthur C Clarke), Cosmos (Carl Sagan), The Godfather and a couple others in Marathi (one is a travelogue, another a history of WW2 - that you will not know) are near the top of my list though. Much easier to list my favourite authors :)

Favourite film(s)?

30th August 2014, 15:16
I think you already know them. :devil:
But just like you said, it's easier to say the movie directors: Emir Kusturica, Pedro Almodovar, Andrei Tarkovski, Milos Foreman( in his Czechoslovakian period), Fellini, Chaplin.
There are also 2 old movies that I've seen a million times but don't bore me: Zorba the Greek and Casablanca.
I love to bits the movies of Romanian Nae Caranfil, this guy has a crazy sense of humour.

Who's your fav painter? ( those who paint houses excluded)

30th August 2014, 21:58
Constable as he painted my local area. I am not massively up on painters

What have you done today?

30th August 2014, 22:11
Was out for a few hours to look for that bloody frock for the wedding.
Once again I felt sick in the middle of the street,
Nothing else. I'm tired and I hope to sleep at least 6 hours.

Did your team win the match?

30th August 2014, 22:14
2-2 draw

How many people do you see each day on average?

30th August 2014, 22:32
On weekends 2
On working days about 20.
I suppose the q was about people I know.

When was the last time you ate an ice-cream?( I know it's a stupid q :s)

30th August 2014, 22:50
Not at all. I ate a bowl of ice cream yesterday but it must be a months since I had an ice cream

What is your favourite flavour ice cream?

30th August 2014, 22:55
Tiramisu and forest fruits. In fact I like all flavours.....

Are you interested in body building?

30th August 2014, 23:17
I don't think so. You have seen the proof ;)

Do you like Horse Racing?

30th August 2014, 23:32
Don't have the opportunity to watch. But used to like the steeplechase when I was young.

Do you like rowing?

30th August 2014, 23:34
Yes I watch it on TV at the Olympics and things.

Have you ever smoked?

30th August 2014, 23:52
Wanted but couldn't. Couldn't inhale the smoke so I felt nothing. Just acted foolish and made a lot of smoke.

Same Q

30th August 2014, 23:58
Nope. I have never even tried smoking. I hate the idea and so never been tempted.

Do you eat Crisps/ potato chips?

31st August 2014, 00:07
Not really although I like it. I prefer fried potatoes

Do you like boiled corn?

(Lol Steve. You don't drink alcohool, you don't smoke....But they say that the sum of all vices is constant :eek:)

31st August 2014, 00:46
Yes I do with, hot with lots of butter spread over it :D

What is your idea of the perfect hamburger?

31st August 2014, 00:49
I don't eat hamburgers.

What meat is your fav?

31st August 2014, 00:53
A thick juicy steak on the braai :D

It's midnight. Tea, coffee or hot chocolate?

31st August 2014, 09:18
Hot Chocolate for me. If not Tea. Never ever Coffee

What is public transport like where you are?

31st August 2014, 09:33
Subway is ok although the ventilation is cr*p and no matter the season you feel like in a sauna. But trains come regularly and I'm lucky cos always in the sense I'm traveling it's empty.
Buses, trolleybuses and trams come rather slowly and are kinda crowded. Hate to travel with them and I'm once again lucky cos I don't have to. There are also traffic jams that make the travel a nightmare.

If Steve doesn't drink alcohool and coffee and doesn't smoke and the sum of vices is constant does it mean his vice is girls? :confused:

31st August 2014, 14:05
If Steve doesn't drink alcohool and coffee and doesn't smoke and the sum of vices is constant does it mean his vice is girls? :confused:

Sadly, I feel that Steves hard drives are filled with scantily clad buxom beauties, videos of his recent conquests, and Word files of future targets, as well as a history of all the women he has left behind in his rampage of lust. His cabinets are filled with "little black books" from the days before he accepted that is wrath of desire was more efficiently managed in digital formats.

Seriously though, maybe Steve is lucky or strong willed enough to not have any major vices. If so, I openly admit that I envy that.

Since we are on the subject, if you could change one major vice with the flick of a switch, what would it be?

31st August 2014, 16:33
Are you talking about my personal vices? :confused:
I don't smoke. I drink a glass or two but never get drunk.
I drink coffee but moderately. I like men but they don't like me.
What's to change here? :confused:

Do you often get drunk?

31st August 2014, 19:38
I'm shocked. Being that you seemed surprises that Steve doesn't have any major vices we know of, I thought you might have one of your own. No offense intended. :)

I very rarely even drink, and my days of getting drunk are far behind me. And I'm really glad that is the case. :laugh:

Hmmm.... do you lust after the opposite sex, or do you just "like" them?

31st August 2014, 20:38
But except for smoking I'm still a bit of a sinner.....:confused:

Well, it's difficult to keep feelings under control. But I realised over time that if I lust I'll end up brokenhearted. So I just like one or another. I do it quietly. They don't even know.:angel:
I think that women lust for men less than men lust for women.Because men are generally interested in woman's appearance while women think that man should be just a bit more handsome than the devil. :p

Is there a sort of food you'll never want to eat?

31st August 2014, 20:52
I am glad you are having a good time speculating on my vices or lack of. Maybe we could talk about something else. :confused: ;)

Yes. Fish. I can't stand fishy things and would never eat any fish.

Did your favourite sport team (whoever it is) win their game this weekend?

31st August 2014, 21:06
Didn't follow the results. After last week's results I don't care anymore. I think Steaua won against a modest squad. Don't know about Liverpool.

Do you like to decorate your house?

31st August 2014, 21:18
Liverpool won 3-0 I think v Tottenham

Yes, I don't like things to look to old, so I decorate as often as I can

When did you last decorate a room?

31st August 2014, 21:40
Last year I did some changes to my bedroom. Love the old furniture ( because it's very old ) and changed only the bed that was literally broken. Bought a couch and new curtains and galleries. The funny thing is that now I don't feel the need to sleep there.

Do you wear a cap or hat or something else to cover your head during winter?

31st August 2014, 22:04
Yes sometimes while out working. I woolly hat. I tend to where a hat for work of some kind generally. To keep sun off my head.

Did you ever go bowling?

31st August 2014, 22:34
Just a few times in the past during holidays at the seaside. I was really bad at it. How else?

Do you like blondes or brunettes?

31st August 2014, 22:48
Both ;)

Have you ever had to be in hospital

31st August 2014, 23:05
No. Yet.....

Do you ever cross the street on the red light?

1st September 2014, 00:21
NO! and anyone who says I did is a liar! Or truthfully yes, can't see the point of waiting if there is no traffic coming.

Is honesty the best policy?

1st September 2014, 00:33
Tough one. Not always. I have told white lies in everyday life to ease the way. However I try to be honest in all the big things.

That probably sounds a bit two faced.

Have you ever been arrested or questioned by Police?

1st September 2014, 01:45
Arrested not. Yet.
Ouestioned yes.

Where would you like to be now?

1st September 2014, 01:52
Arrested not. Yet.
Ouestioned yes.

Where would you like to be now?

Going to get something to eat, which is where I'm going right now. :)

If you could eat anything you wanted tonight what would it be?

1st September 2014, 02:06
Can't say now cos I'm not hungry.
But wait....I'd like some fried peppers with tomato sauce. It's my fav food and didn't eat since last year. Probably I'll never eat that again....:s

When was the last time you had a headache?

1st September 2014, 02:26
This morning when I woke up, great start to the day, and having to go to work with a headache already is something to look forward too.

Do you have many sick days off work?

1st September 2014, 02:33
No. Even when I'm sick I carry myself to work. In all my life I had only 10 days of paid sick days. But I was generally a healthy person. Until now.

What's the highest fever you ever had?

1st September 2014, 03:38
Had a fever half way up a mountain once, prob about 2500 feet or so.

Do you celebrate your birthday?

1st September 2014, 06:50
I think she wanted to know what was the max temp you had in a fever ;) anyways
b'days? Usually no, apart from my extended family (sis in law and her family) and my sister coming to my place or all of us going out for dinner. Last couple of years I did not even get gifts as now my b'day will always be over-shadowed (and I am fine with it!) by Storm Jr's b'day 1 week later.

I did my first ever white water rafting yesterday having missed it twice on past occassions even after booking/travelling to a rating location. It was fun. Have you done it?

1st September 2014, 06:56
No. You know I'm not the daring type.

Do you like games with playing cards?

1st September 2014, 12:05
Yes I do...although I don't often get to play them.

Do you like indoor games or outdoor stuff?

1st September 2014, 12:14
To watch - outdoor games + gymnastics that is indoor.
To play- none of them. I mean I like to play and I have the team spirit but I'm totally unskilful so I keep myself apart from such activities. I'm old to play anyway....

Are you good at sports?

1st September 2014, 12:21
I used to be decent at a variety of sports back in school (foot, cricket, kabaddi etc)..overall I am still okay with badminton or table-tennis...not very skilled but I can hold my own due to a very competitive nature and some athletic ability and good reflexes.

If you had the chance would you have become a professional sportsperson?

1st September 2014, 12:29
I would have liked to. As a kid I wanted to become a tennis player.
But even these days I'd like to work for a sports federation or to become a sort of ''Mitica-de-la-liga" :p

Do you have acting skills?

1st September 2014, 19:58
Yes even if I do say so myself. In school I was quite good and in my everyday life it comes in handy

Have you had a busy day?

1st September 2014, 20:24
Only a little busy. A bit tired/sore today after 5+ hrs of driving through rains/hills/bad roads and then 2+ hours of rafting.

Would you prefer a desk job or a job where you need to move around?

1st September 2014, 20:26
in my everyday life it comes in handy

I've noticed. :devil:

Have you had a busy day?
Stayed home. Tried to do a bit of house cleaning but our mutual friend Storm didn't let me. Every time I was up to wash the windows my phone rang announcing a notification from the forum. :p

Do you know a poem ( a serious one ) by heart?

1st September 2014, 20:29
Again I'm late...

I don't know. I hate to keep my a.s stuck on a chair but then I'm not always in the mood to go around....

The Q above.

1st September 2014, 21:44
Not really. Never been massively into poetry.

Can you perform a hand stand?

1st September 2014, 21:48
Are you kidding? :eek:
It's not enough to come from Nadia's country to do such things...

What have you done in the last 30 min.?

1st September 2014, 21:54
I have been posting in Word Games trying to keep the one rules to minimum and keeping that thread safe for people like steve and I :p: Also reading BBC Sport on the sideline, transfer news and what not.

same Q?

1st September 2014, 22:02
I have been washing the dishes after dinner. How boring is that. Also listening to a few songs on youtube while doing so.

What will you do in the next 30 minutes?

1st September 2014, 22:04
Hopefully a shower.

Same Q

1st September 2014, 22:08
Its now dark here, but I still might take a stroll in the garden to get some fresh air.

If there was one thing about Motorsport Forums you could change, what would it be?

1st September 2014, 22:12
The members. :p
( those posting on this thread excluded. They're my best friends)

Same Q

1st September 2014, 22:32
More posters. I enjoy our games here, but a few more people posting around chit chat and F1 for me would be great.

Has Storm finally gone to sleep?

1st September 2014, 23:05
don't know, but it is only 8:10am so maybe not.

Do people who ask silly questions annoy you, and if so why do you answer them? :)

1st September 2014, 23:29
No. It's but a game. There are q I won't answer or I regret I answered. I do/did that for the continuity of the game. A few weeks ago I was determined to quit the forums but then I noticed that the word games although lost a few notable posters gained a few new ones and stayed.

Would you like a new section of the forum?

1st September 2014, 23:42
Personally I don't think anything else is needed, but I am just one voice of the multitude, so others may feel free to disagree :)

What is your fav season of the year? Why?

1st September 2014, 23:46
I love all seasons really. Spring is fresh, bright and colourful. Summer is warm summer evenings sitting outside and enjoying the weather, Autumn has a feel of the end of an era which I also like. Especially being a gardener. You must start doing and planning for next year. Winter is great too. It has Christmas, snow and for me less work which is nice. Cant choose.

Is it/do you think it is strange moving to the other side of the world and having Christmas in summer?

2nd September 2014, 01:39
Christmas in summer takes some getting to grips with, but it does have its' plus side. Summer holidays and Christmas go together, so it is easy to go away for 3 weeks over Christmas, it is not a rush to get to the family home, then have to dash back a couple of days later to get back to work. Plus Christmas dinner outside in the sun is quite cool.

Have you ever watched a full solar eclipse?

2nd September 2014, 07:29
A total one was in 1999 and this was the best place to see it. However it wasn't as spectacular as I expected.

Have you ever seen a tornado?

2nd September 2014, 08:03
No...although there was one quite close by when I was in the US for a few months.

Have you seen a total lunar eclipse...the so-called blood or copper moon? beautiful sight :)

2nd September 2014, 08:10
Yes. It was scary cos I was on holiday at the seaside and didn't know about the eclipse.

Have you ever seen the moon rising from the sea?

2nd September 2014, 08:26
umm, I think no as I haven't been to many east-facing sea-side places..The Arabian sea is 250km from me that is the one which gets visited most often and it faces west.
We were on a beach and a friend of mine did get up early to watch the sun rising from the sea :D I guess she forgot that we are on the Arabian Sea and not the Bay of Bengal!

Sunrise or sunsets?

2nd September 2014, 08:35
Sunrise because I never got to see any.

What's your fav planet?

2nd September 2014, 08:47
Saturn. The rings just make it look so beautiful but sinister at the same time. next is Neptune though :love:

same question?

2nd September 2014, 08:51
Venus. Because I'm a Taurus.

Did you study astronomy in school?

2nd September 2014, 09:13
Only a little bit about the physics like orbits/gravitation etc. I read/learnt more and more about it on my own out of interest later on.

Who will be the next poster here or is it another 1-on-1 today?

2nd September 2014, 09:25
I reckon it might be Steve. I am about to go to work so I will see you later

Will you be here in about 9 hours when I get back?

2nd September 2014, 09:38
That would be 9pm for me..so not then but I will be here say 1030pm...when you have had a chance to eat/rest a bit :p:

Who is next?

2nd September 2014, 09:39
:wave: anytime for you Steve

2nd September 2014, 09:41
Might be Starter or Air shifter a bit later.

Who will be the next new entry forumer on this thread?

2nd September 2014, 15:28
Someone who hasn't posted in this thread before. :p

If you could go back to any time in world events and change just one thing, what would it be?

2nd September 2014, 15:47
1945 The result of conference of Yalta when Churchill, Stalin and Roosevelt played with the future of eastern Europe.

What historical personality would you have liked to be and why?

2nd September 2014, 19:38
And I am back :)

Charles Darwen

I am fascinated by evolution and the animal kingdom and nature. Thus I guess I would have enjoyed discovering some of these things.

What is your weather like today? Here has been hot and sunny

2nd September 2014, 19:51
welcome back, I came back to check if you are around as well !

It was cloudy and we had some drizzle early in the morning but later on was a bit sunny but pleasant.
It is raining again right now though...not very heavy.

What was the last gift you bought for somebody?

2nd September 2014, 20:16
2 shirts for my brother's birthday.

What kind of gifts do you like to get on your bday?

2nd September 2014, 20:19
I used to love getting presents, but now I am happy to have a trip paid for to a motor race or something.

What is your absolute favourite motorsport? (even Gadjo who hates motorsport)

2nd September 2014, 21:37
F1. :angel:
( I don't hate motorsports. I'm just not interested)

Why do you guys hate so much my rules on Counting thread?

2nd September 2014, 21:40
Storm are you going to answer this one?

2nd September 2014, 21:48
Although it is a cliche, perhaps you need to be a man to understand the "dislike" (hate is too strong)

Who is your current/past favourite driver or team in the motorsport you like/liked?

2nd September 2014, 21:58
In F1 it would be a tie between Giles Villenuve and Jimmy Clark. In IndyCar it would be Memo Gidley (for his enthusiasm for the sport, not because he was that good) and all around driver would be Dan Gurney.

What sport would you like to be good at that you aren't now?

2nd September 2014, 22:00
Current none. Past Jackie Stewart, Emerson Fittipaldi and Gilles Villeneuve. :devil:

Did I surprise you?

2nd September 2014, 22:01
Starter.....You stole my surprise.....:s

2nd September 2014, 22:06
you did surprise me a bit.

2nd September 2014, 22:39
Gadjo: Not me. We have discussed Gadjo's former F1 followship :devil:

Starter: I would love to be a racing driver. I do not know if I would be good or not, but I am guessing not.

Are you interested in evolution and stuff like that?

2nd September 2014, 22:56
Not at all.

Are you a member of any organization?

2nd September 2014, 23:36
I might be, but if I told you I would have to kill you :andrea:

Have you ever visited a power station?

3rd September 2014, 00:10

What's the next race you'll attend?

3rd September 2014, 00:15
I was thinking about this yesterday. Maybe Truck racing in a couple of weeks at Snetterton or if not BTCC at Brands Hatch in a month.

Do you find it hard to think of questions?

3rd September 2014, 00:18
Not really. I always have stupid things on my mind.

What q was never asked although you're waiting for it?

3rd September 2014, 00:48
"When would be a convenient time to pick up your winning lottery cheque?"

Do you regularily purchase lottery tickets?

3rd September 2014, 01:12
Not reguarly now. In the past I have done it most weeks, but now the prices have gone up and maybe I do it once a month if that.

What do you see as your countries biggest achievement/creation?

3rd September 2014, 05:04
England - too many to name. New Zealand - to few to worry about :)

Would you rather live somewhere with fewer people, or a highly populated city?

3rd September 2014, 08:00
I have lived all my life in 2 cities (1 a mega-city and 1 slightly smaller but still very large) with too many people. I really want to spend at least part of my next half-life in a place with very few people and a cooler climate.

Which city that you have visited or previously lived in, would you like to live/visit again?

3rd September 2014, 09:05
Nah...Never had the chance to visit memorable places......

Do you like to go on picnic?

3rd September 2014, 15:31
No. Too many bugs and you have to tote your food, etc. all over the place. I'll take a restaurant when I eat out.

What climate do you prefer?

3rd September 2014, 15:38
Mediteranean. When I retire I'll sell everything and move my as* to Greece. At least that is what I dream of......:p

Will you move in other place because of your job?

3rd September 2014, 15:43
Hopefully in the future....if I get a job I like.

Do you still listen to CDs/vinyl or only to digital format music?

3rd September 2014, 15:49
Sadly I don't listern at all these days. From time to time I remember a song and play it on YouTube. Where are the days when I knew the charts of every country?

How often do you go to movies in a year?

3rd September 2014, 15:55
To a movie hall? very few..perhaps 1/2 a year..infact I haven't been to any this year although I wanted to see Gravity it was only in 3d so did not go. I watch a lot of movies but most of them have been on cable/dvds in the past..these days I don't/can't go to many movies.

same question?

3rd September 2014, 16:12
I like to see art movies and for these is important to go to a cinema hall. I watch around 15/year but unfortunately this year I couldn't watch more than 2 ( I think )

Do you go to symphonic concerts?

3rd September 2014, 17:37
No, not my cup of tea.

Are you an optimistic person who, even when you feel your life is “down” and miserable, tries to see the positive in every situation and take action to turn your life around, or are you pessimistic, content to just accept what life has thrown you and sit an mope all day?

3rd September 2014, 17:46
Definitely optimistic.

Are there only the 2 possibilities that schmenke described above?

3rd September 2014, 19:04
No, there are all kinds of shades of grey between.

What is the one thing you would like to accomplish before the week is out?

3rd September 2014, 19:28
Finishing the cleaning of the house and finding an outfit for the wedding. Both are mission impossible.

Do you like to travel?

3rd September 2014, 19:43
I love to.

(by any mode of transport, but especially in my own car/motorbike)

Have you travelled alone to an unknown place?

3rd September 2014, 20:12
Alone yes but never to an unknown place.

Is there a forum member that annoys you even if he/she hasn't done/said something wrong to you?

3rd September 2014, 20:14
As if I would think that of anyone ;)

Is there a Forum member you find mysterious?

3rd September 2014, 20:23
Yes. You. :p

Is there a forum member that you find boring ( Steve and Gadjo excluded as they already admit it ).?

3rd September 2014, 22:47
Can I nominate myself? I've been around my self my whole life, and it is that bad that I sometimes know what I am going to say before I even say it, not to mention I often find myself completing my sentences for me.

What traits in people (or forum members) bore you?

3rd September 2014, 23:07
No sense of humor.

When was the last time you told a joke?

3rd September 2014, 23:18
Never have. ;)

In truth I do not often tell jokes as much as funny stories/ incidents

Are you a believer in fate/luck/destiny or whatever term you use for it?

4th September 2014, 00:05
Yes and that's my problem.I can't see a sense for my existence.

Have you watched England vs Norway?

4th September 2014, 00:07
I am at work, so no. But there is a replay on at 5pm tonight. Looking at the matches Germany v Argentina looked a bit more interesting though.

If attack is the best form of defence, why is Roy Hodgson still England manager?

4th September 2014, 00:09
Cause the FA like his calm manner and like the hassle free life

Are you looking forward to Euro 2016 qualifiers ahead?

4th September 2014, 00:18
Yes. Even though it can be a lonely and barren exercise, I am an England supporter and I go into every competition with my heart telling me that we have a genuine chance of winning this time :(

Am I a misguided fool?

4th September 2014, 00:50
Yes. Anyone English is. We can win every tournament in any sport we play.

How popular is the New Zealand football team in New Zealand? I mean do they get much coverage.

Question for anyone else. Does your football team get much coverage in your country?