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17th August 2014, 10:53
Nope. I do believe in ones life that if they are nice, kind and honest, they will feel better. Hiding things and lying causes stress later on.

Would you ever have plastic surgery?

17th August 2014, 10:59
Only if I'd be mutilated on an accident. Otherwise ugly women don't have anything to lose so no. :p

What's the item in your wardrobe that is your fav?

17th August 2014, 11:04
My leather biker jacket - which I do not get to wear much due to the hot weather for most part of the year (and can't use in the rain obviously) - only for a couple of months of the year even then in mornings/evenings.

What sort of footwear do you prefer?

17th August 2014, 11:25
Comfy. I have to walk a lot and I'm always in a hurry so obviously I can't wear high heels.

Are you a trendy person?

17th August 2014, 14:50
No way. I am about as un trendy as a 28 year old can get I imagine. I dress for comfort. :p

Do you celebrate Christmas? If so when do you first think about it?

17th August 2014, 16:14
Yes. As soon as Easter's gone.

Have you ever been to a blind date?

17th August 2014, 18:36
No, Is that your way of asking Gadjo :kiss::laugh:

When did you first get a computer? If you can remember.

17th August 2014, 20:37
No, Is that your way of asking Gadjo :kiss::laugh:

I was testing your shyness......:angel:

I can remember very well cos I've never had a computer at home.:p

Did you have a tricycle when you were a kid?

17th August 2014, 21:30
No. :s or atleast I don't think so :confused:

Do you ride a motorbike? (gadjo definitely doesn't :\\ )

17th August 2014, 21:55
Do you ride a motorbike? (gadjo definitely doesn't :\\ )
No but I like to have my photo taken on bikes pretending I'm riding. :p

Do you ride a horse?

17th August 2014, 22:03
No but I have also had a photo taken on a horse when young pretending to ride one. :D

Have you ever seen an unusual animal sport? (fishing/horse riding and alike not aloud). I mean like sheep racing as I once saw. :)

17th August 2014, 22:17
I think there were some circus numbers with bears or dogs playing football.

Have you ever been on a safari?

17th August 2014, 22:39
I never been to safari, but have seen some wild sights around Essex my home county/state :D. I would love to go one day though.

Have you ever built a snow man?

17th August 2014, 22:48
Of course. Plenty of snow on my street.( see photography thread :p)

What is a Essex girl?

17th August 2014, 22:58
Ermm, without sounding too insulting, the word cheap comes to mind.

will time travel ever be possible?

17th August 2014, 23:14
Can't answer q about the future. I don't even know what will happen next hour.

Can you post here from work?

17th August 2014, 23:54
Nope. In the middle of Gardens and with no phone on me, its not possible now. Just before and after work.

Do you go to the dentist?

17th August 2014, 23:56
Ermm, without sounding too insulting, the word cheap comes to mind.

will time travel ever be possible?

Being from Essex its a tale of 2 halves. There are some horrors that make the Essex Girl tag live and the other half are lovely and get a terrible reputation through no fault of their own.

Anyway I am an Essex boy, but not a normal one. :D

17th August 2014, 23:59
I go in case of emergency but not for a periodical check.

When was the last time you danced?

18th August 2014, 02:43
erm... can't remember, I have the natural grace of a pregnant hippo on stilts, walking across ice.

would learning to dance improve me?

18th August 2014, 03:35
erm... can't remember, I have the natural grace of a pregnant hippo on stilts, walking across ice.

would learning to dance improve me?

Learning to dance would only improve you if you enjoy it, even if you are bad at it. Otherwise learning something you don't enjoy probably wouldn't improve you at all.

Do you think Steveaki13 is cheap because he is an Essex boy, or would he just carry that reputation because of other boys that are cheap? ( No offense Steve, but I couldn't help myself :laugh: )

18th August 2014, 03:45
To my knowledge the saying is only about Essex girls and Steve is a sweet guy anyway.

Do you believe that the labels attached to people from different regions are true?

18th August 2014, 04:58
no, essentially we are all the same, even though we are all completely different. I have an idiom I use at work that goes.... everybody has the right to be different - and everybody has the right to be treated the same.

what makes someone truly beautiful?

18th August 2014, 07:08
What makes a person truly beautiful is something intangible that you can't touch. It's often defined by that person sharing passions in line with your own, regardless of what they are. The physical is only a wrapper for the soul beneath, and IMO is no indication of what is contained within.

Do people in Book A Rest ever sleep, or is Gadjo_dilo the exception to the rule? (I often keep weird hours as well, but I do it in a different time zone)

18th August 2014, 07:19
They do.In my case it's about couldn't sleep when somebody else won't let you. Add to this some tropical nights with high temperatures+humidity. The forum is my refuge cos I need to talk to someone and obviously I can't wake up people at such hours.Unfortunately either the forum is dead. Fair to say that all day I'll look and act like a zombie cos I'm really tired.

Should I take sleeping pills?

18th August 2014, 08:28
No. They are never the answer.

What is one thing you would like to do to make your life better but just somehow cannot find the will/time/money to do? (this came to mind because in my case I was thinking about walking/working out at the gym which I do enjoy but just cannot do it consistently enough for some reason or other, mostly lack of motivation)

18th August 2014, 09:14
All I need is a proper holiday somewhere where I can't be in touch with work/family problems and have no responsability. Just to relax and discover new places. It's the thing that will finally make me happy. I have money, I can find time but I have too many responsabilities that keep me home + I don't have someone to accompany me.

Do Mondays make you a bit sad?

18th August 2014, 16:34
Not sad but perhaps a bit depressed. The feeling quickly fades as I immerse myself in my work and start thinking about Friday :D .

Do you enjoy stand-up comedy?

18th August 2014, 19:47
I didn't watched such shows. I don't think they're my cup of tea.

Do you enjoy street parades?

18th August 2014, 20:37
Yes why not. They are nice and fun for all the family.

Do you like chocolate? If so whats your favourite?

18th August 2014, 21:18
Yes. All kind of. Used to love that with hazelnuts but strangely these days I'm crazy after dark chocolate, the one I've rejected for years.

Do you have a cake for your birthday?

18th August 2014, 22:12
Yes. A nice home made one with icing.

Are you looking forward to the new football/soccer season?

18th August 2014, 22:40
Not exactly. Our league is weak and my cable company doesn't broadcast the channels with football matches. I'm afraid that Steaua won't qualify on CL and even if it does will lose all the games. The season can't be as exciting as the WC when all of us watched the same match at the same time.

Have you ever built castles in the sand?

18th August 2014, 22:56
Yes. I used to build castles with a blue bucket which every year as a child went on holiday. I used to build who forts with walls, tunnels and turrets.

What games did you play on the beach?

18th August 2014, 23:39
Games with playing cards or dice. :laugh: :devil:
When I was a teenager we stayed for hours on the beach playing such games until our skin got burnt. We stayed on the beach from 9am till 8 pm.

At what age did you start to wear a swimming suit? :devil:

18th August 2014, 23:43
I dunno. 4 or 5? maybe always. I don't recall :p

Same Question to the next person as my answer is boring

19th August 2014, 00:17
Why wear a swim suit at all? :)

has that put a disturbing picture in your mind?

19th August 2014, 00:30
Luckily as I don't know what you look like. No. Otherwise I would be quivering right now :p

Is your cooker Gas/electric or old fashioned wood burner/coal?

19th August 2014, 01:04
Luckily as I don't know what you look like. No. Otherwise I would be quivering right now :p

Is your cooker Gas/electric or old fashioned wood burner/coal?

Quivering would be the least of your problems Steve :) (hopefully quivering in revulsion, rather than anticipation though)

Have an electric stove, but also a wood burner with a wet-back - I don't use this for cooking though

would you rather have comfortable old fashioned things or gadgets?

19th August 2014, 01:18
Whenever I have an answer somebody else posts before me.:s

19th August 2014, 08:01
happens often to me too.

19th August 2014, 08:56
would you rather have comfortable old fashioned things or gadgets?
In my case I live in an old fashioned house and I love to have old things but only if they're in good taste. I also appreciate things that were brought by my family when they left Greece, I tresure their sentimental value.

Do you like to swim when the sea is agitated and waves are high?

19th August 2014, 14:57
I love the ocean at all times, and when it's rough and stormy I find it even more enchanting. There is something about the raw power of the ocean that entices me, but when it's rough I'm much more likely to be on a boogie board of have some form of life support vs swimming. Diving under angry surf with SCUBA gear is probably one of the coolest things I've ever seen in my life.

Since we are on a nature topic.....

What is the most awesome natural thing you have ever seen? (Your reflection in a mirror is not an allowed answer, nor are any other humans :) )

19th August 2014, 15:43
You'd be surprised to know that in Romania we have our own Sphinx located in Bucegi Mountains. It's a rock formation that resembles a human face. They say it's an energetic point of the earth and on certain dates people say they feel strange energies. They say that one day/year on nov 28 the sunset creats a magic pyramid over the mountains that empower the people there.
Don’t know if it’s true it’s not scientifically proved but the place is really special.


Coming back from mysteries to our trivial world: Have you ever lost your swimming suit when hit by a high strong wave? :p

19th August 2014, 16:37
That formation is really cool, and I am surprised to know about it.

As for losing my suit due to strong waves, I don't think I ever have. I've lost my breath after being wiped out by a wave.
I have lost a swim suit due to alcohol and/or libido at times though, and just for the sake of skinny dipping too. :)

Staying on the trivial path, do you ever sing in the shower?

19th August 2014, 16:53
Yeah, most of the times, but in a very low voice cos the bath wall is glued to the next house. I can hear them talking and probably they'd hear my repertoire.

Have you ever had your trousers broken in the ass when you were in a public place? :p

19th August 2014, 19:12
Not that I can recall.

Have you every been told that your "fly" is open?

19th August 2014, 22:28
yeah :erm:
I also wore a t-shirt inside out once :\\
but the pattern was such that it wasn't that easily seen by people I met that day :p:

moving away from wardrobe problems, and on a slight twist to airshifter's q, what is the most amazing man-made object that you have ever seen?

(personally I prefer natural to man-made everytime, but once in a while humans can surprise me too, in a good way ;) )

19th August 2014, 22:41

I have an obsession with this painting by Chagall

On a scale from 1 to 10 how bored are you at this moment?

19th August 2014, 22:56
8 - it is 7:57 in the morning, I am at work by my self for the next half hour, it is heavy overcast and dull outside and looking out of the window all I can see is grey :(

What (apart from this site and forums) do you do to overcome boredom?

19th August 2014, 23:43
Solve Sudoku, write long emails to friends who don't bother to reply and guess my fortune in the cards praying to don't have 7 of spades near the 7 of clubs. Completely idiot I am....

Have you met an outstanding person lately?

20th August 2014, 01:05
you mean apart from your good self? :)

Most people I meet are clients through work and I am the one who has to be understanding, it very rarely works in the other direction.

If olive oil is made from olives and rice-bran oil is made from rice-bran... What is baby oil made from?

20th August 2014, 05:32
Who cares? It's a retard anyway.....

What's your biggest disappointment about this forum?

you mean apart from your good self? :)
NO! I didn't specify this. I was hoping you'd say you usually don't meet outstanding persons but there's a remarkable woman on a forum who despite being vulnerable is really great.:angryfire:

20th August 2014, 06:03
biggest disappointment - hmm... well there is this remarkable woman from Romania, who despite being vulnerable is really great - or so she says :)

same question back at you

20th August 2014, 06:12
That despite being really great I end up disappointing everybody.:s

What's the best thing about this forum?

20th August 2014, 08:18
Some people have stayed "loyal" and have been around for years and generally seem to be very nice people (often they are in real life too). In the end, it really does feel like a group of friends chatting about things they really like (even though virtual)

Do you write on any other forums (any topic)?

20th August 2014, 09:26
Not now. I'd better find a new forum since this is dying and people lose interest. If I still come here it's because of those who post on this thread. I like that you guys have the courage to be sincere about youselves. But my problem is that I'm shy and unfriendly and it would be difficult to start from zero with new people on a new forum. That's also why I don't use facebook although I have an account.

Is there a certain place where you use to go when you're out? ( workplace excluded )

20th August 2014, 16:52
Not sure I understand the question. You mean is there a place I go to regularly when I’m out?
No, not really. Probably because I don’t go out much anymore :p: :mark: .

What’s been your most memorable moment of the year so far?

20th August 2014, 16:59
This year is the ugliest of my life. I stopped to live on February 23th. That was a memorable moment but in a bad way. The rest was/is only a sort of survival.

Are you happy whenever a new year starts?

20th August 2014, 22:38
This year is the ugliest of my life. I stopped to live on February 23th. That was a memorable moment but in a bad way. The rest was/is only a sort of survival.

Hang in there Gadjo, you must remember whatever happens things will change in future and you will have fun again.

Answer: Not really, I love Christmas and the build up to Christmas, a new year means a lot of dark winter days ahead until spring.

Do you ever eat out in a restaurant?

20th August 2014, 22:39
Honestly for me it is just another day, the same as the one before.

If you were king/queen of the world, what 1 thing would you do to improve it

20th August 2014, 22:40
Sorry Anfield just beat you to it

20th August 2014, 22:53
sorry anfield just beat you to it

bastard!!!! :)

20th August 2014, 22:57
Hang in there Gadjo, you must remember whatever happens things will change in future and you will have fun again.

Answer: Not really, I love Christmas and the build up to Christmas, a new year means a lot of dark winter days ahead until spring.

Do you ever eat out in a restaurant?

Now that I am just me again, not that often :(, apart from going to the odd cafe with friends at lunch time.

what makes you truly happy? (apart from Liverpool winning the EPL, FA Cup and Champions league this season :))

20th August 2014, 23:04
Why would that make me happy? :p

Playing Football with my friends, going to motorsport events and doing my Garden at home. These are some of the things that make me happy without thinking about anything else.

Sorry to steal your question Anfield, but its a good one.
If you were king/queen of the world, what 1 thing would you do to improve it?

21st August 2014, 00:06
I'd abdicate. :devil:

What flowers would you offer to your wife/gf/mum/friend,etc.?

21st August 2014, 00:18
I have lots of flowers at home and have made some family members bunches from those. Including Carnations, Fuschia, Roses and Gladioli

What flowers mean most to you?

21st August 2014, 02:03
I like the wildflowers bouqets, flowers that grow in a field and at first sight might look plain and cheap.


Would you like to have a flower shop?

21st August 2014, 02:40
Not sure. I like the look and the smell etc, but the sob stories people give you about why they are sending people flowers, and what they have done etc would make me want to scream. BAH HUMBUG!!

If you could set up your own business, what would it be?

21st August 2014, 06:49
This year is the ugliest of my life. I stopped to live on February 23th. That was a memorable moment but in a bad way. The rest was/is only a sort of survival.

Things can only get better then.. .I have had some tough moments a few years ago but I also had the best moments of my life just after those tough ones. Keep yourselves together in the meanwhile. Sorry if this is unwanted advice but couldn't help myself.

^own business- perhaps running a small inn or a B&B? close to the sea or the mountains of course.

What is your favourite location to go on a holiday?

21st August 2014, 09:01
I don't have one and I don't care where I go as long as the sea is nearby. Most of the times I go to 2 Mai, a small village of fishermen and I feel great cos I stay on the beach all day long.

Do you like to walk barefeet in the grass?

21st August 2014, 09:13
Yes. One of the best feelings apart from walking on the sand of a beach with the water in your feet.

Do you like photography and if yes, what sort of equipment do you use? phones don't count.

21st August 2014, 09:21
Yes. I love it. Always wanted my own camera but when i was very young I couldn't afford it. Now I use the cheapest camera on the market - think it's a Nikon L22- but I'm happy with it. When I go to the countryside at my cousin's house I think I become really annoying taking pics all the time.

Same Q to the one below ( cos I feel guilty taking Steve's turn to answer. I know he's a great photographer )

21st August 2014, 09:37
so I won't answer either :p:

21st August 2014, 09:46
oops...steve is probably at work. we'll repeat the q later for him. let's continue

21st August 2014, 09:52
it's not even 8am there, does he start work so early? anyways, what is the question?

21st August 2014, 09:59
But he doesn't jump from bed and just start to work. He probably need to prepare + it takes time with the road to work.

The Q was the same about photography.

21st August 2014, 10:56
I love it too...started with a cheap Kodak digital camera 10 yrs ago which was excellent, moved on to a Lumix (which sadly is not working - the camera is fine but the viewfinder/screen is off :s ). A few years ago finally went for a SLR. So currently have a basic model Nikon D3000 and a few must have lenses. I haven't spent a tonne of money on this like some newbies I know (still quite a bit though) but I do manage to take a few good photos especially when I'm travelling.

Would you have liked to be in the armed forces? (unless you have compulsory service)

21st August 2014, 11:51
Hate everything related to uniforms and orders. In the past all the girls ( me included ) who attended universitary studies had to serve . It was compulsory once/week in the first 3 years + a concentration of 1 month during summer ( imagine walking in boots at over 30C ). All the thing was so absurd, the uniform was horrible and heavy esp during winter, just a waste of time + we were ashamed to salute all the grades we've met in our way. After 3 months I managed to get a medical act and escaped.

Have you served?

21st August 2014, 12:16
No. It is voluntary (you can imagine wth such a population we don't need mandatory things as enough volunteers are alwaya available :s )
I did harbour hopes of joining the NDA (it is basically the training school for officer cadets - which is in my city) after completing high school, but I had to start wearing glasses at the end of my school years - which effectively ended my hopes of joining the air force/army ). Later on before age 25 I could have appeared for another exam to be part of the engineering/signal corps but that did not interest me.

Did you have a school uniform?

21st August 2014, 12:54
Yes from the first grade to the last year of high school. All of them horrible but you know that girls use to find solutions when it comes to their look. I think the 3 types of uniforms I had to wear increased in their ugliness proportionally with the number of the grade.
Pics of the various types of uniformes from the golden age:
1-4 grade

5-8 grade


high school


Wasn't a country's hawk in kindergarten so I won't post that uniform. A! And I'm not in any of these pics Tried an extra pic with the premilitary uniforms in high school but I'm not allowed to post more than 4 pics.

What uniforms have you worn until now?

21st August 2014, 13:58
I've only ever worn the uniforms of the US Marine Corps. I did so of my own will for eight years and don't regret a second of it.

Do you think that uniforms worn for any purpose give the wearers a sense of team spirit and comradery?

21st August 2014, 14:25
To be honest the only sesnse I've got was of embarassment. You can't see it in the pics but we also had to wear a small label with the name of school + personal registering number ( could have been used to report you in case you had "undignified" behaviour ). Since I was a good girl and have no fear I'd be reported ( although I remember that I was in uniform when I had some beers with some colleagues....) I was kinda proud that my high school was an elite one if not the best in the country and people will read I was studying there. What a **** I was.....:p
I suppose that things were a bit different with the boys who had to serve. It was compulsory and it was a stage of 9 months ( for students ) and 1year 4 months for the others. Nobody was happy with this service that was complicating our existance and the conditions were miserable but it strangely realised a sort of communion between the boys.
Now I don't think that if i were a waitress in a pub wearing an uniform I'd show off any sense of team spirit....

Do you have fantasies?

21st August 2014, 18:22
Yeah, I have fantasies of Romanian girls in school uniforms :devil:

What's your latest achievement that you're personally proud of?

21st August 2014, 19:01
I managed to interview a few special guys on a forum.

What can we do to attract more people on this thread?

21st August 2014, 20:37
I think it's difficult because it looks as if it's very cliquey with various two person dialogues going on. On occasions I have felt I have been answering a question that was targeted at someone else. Maybe a "Talk about anything that's on your mind" thread on the main Chit Chat forum might help and ask open-ended generalised questions here.

Who would you like to have a meal with? (Could be past, present, true or fictitious)

21st August 2014, 21:32
Jesus. Now I am not religious in any way, but I think the guy was clearly a very interesting presence and it would be great to see what he was like and how much of his influence is fiction or real.

Would anyone post if I post a thread like the one D Type suggested?

21st August 2014, 21:53
No. There's no topic to beat the apathy of the members. I'm afraid that people just don't enjoy the forum anymore. Maybe we should try a thread about Why have you lost interest in this forum :p

What's your fav thread of the forum?

PS D-type, that's big fun to answer a q that you think that was meant to somebody else. At the end of the day it's a game. Personally I enjoyed answering q about my driving style or driving licence, about the F1 season, fav driver, etc. :p

21st August 2014, 21:57
The one I just set up by stealing D Types Idea ;), probably this one other than that.

Who is going to be F1 World Champion this season then?

21st August 2014, 22:59
Nico. Looking forward to seeing Hamiltwit's face when it happens, watch out for the knife in the hand when he pats Nico on the back :)

What is you lucky number and why?

21st August 2014, 23:04
My lottery numbers are 18, 21, 25, 33, 43, 49 these are the GP-winning Lotus types. Before that I had 5, 7, 27 (for Mansell, Moss and G Villeneuve) and I forget the others.

Do you believe in luck?

21st August 2014, 23:07
on the "Apathy" thing - I think a lot of people are moving from forums to facebook

21st August 2014, 23:45
on the "Apathy" thing - I think a lot of people are moving from forums to facebook

ARRRGGGHHHHH don't mention the evil insidious book-face thing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

21st August 2014, 23:47
Since I was a good girl and have no fear I'd be reported ( although I remember that I was in uniform when I had some beers with some colleagues....)

We're going to put an end to that nonsense. I demands your registration number! :laugh:

Back to the question...

I guess I have to believe in luck. The people playing the lottery don't win due to skill.

Studies show that for the most part the "fight or flight" reflex is instinctual, and can't be overcome. Have you ever been in a situation to find out, and did you fight or beat feet?

21st August 2014, 23:48
I believe in luck, but I think that you make your own luck in most cases (lottery numbers aside :))

What superstitions do you have

22nd August 2014, 01:03
We're going to put an end to that nonsense. I demands your registration number! :laugh:

I'm sure I still have that label but I'm too lazy to look for it.

22nd August 2014, 01:46
We're going to put an end to that nonsense. I demands your registration number! :laugh:

Back to the question...

I guess I have to believe in luck. The people playing the lottery don't win due to skill.

Studies show that for the most part the "fight or flight" reflex is instinctual, and can't be overcome. Have you ever been in a situation to find out, and did you fight or beat feet?

I dont believe in conflict so the fight thing rarely happens, but I dont run away either!

Does this the indicate that I am some sort of genetic anomaly or a mutation?

22nd August 2014, 04:16
I'm sure I still have that label but I'm too lazy to look for it.

Enough with the back talk young lady. Find your registration number or there may be additional discipline in store for you!

I dont believe in conflict so the fight thing rarely happens, but I dont run away either!

Does this the indicate that I am some sort of genetic anomaly or a mutation?

I don't think it indicates you are a genetic anomaly. I think it implies you are more apt to stand your ground, which is the fight reflex that doesn't become physical.

Do you like your current job?

22nd August 2014, 04:40
current job has its' moments, not much in the way of excitement in it though.

What is the first thing you usually do when you get home from work?

22nd August 2014, 05:58
OK, I'll be honest although it's trivial. No matter the season I warm up on my way home. So my first impulse is to wash my hands and throw out the pantyhose or trousers. If it's summer I usually get wet clothes so on my way to bath I start to throw them out.

What's the first thing you do when you wake up?

Enough with the back talk young lady.
Young lady? Me?......:eek:


22nd August 2014, 08:53

What is your favourite thing for breakfast?

22nd August 2014, 09:13
Fried English Breakfast. Sausage, Bacon, Eggs, Beans, Mushrooms, Black pudding, Hash Brown and Toast. Yum Yum.
I only have it about 4 times a year though.

Have you ever stayed in a caravan or mobile home?

22nd August 2014, 09:29
Like gypsies?....:eek: :laugh:
No. But I slept once in the old Taunus ( pics were posted a few days ago ) that was big enough to shelter me and my parents.

Did you ever shared a bedroom with more than 1o people?

22nd August 2014, 21:30
Can't say I have.

What is happening outside your window right now?

22nd August 2014, 22:29
Window to the street: wind is blowing into the trees across the street and a young couple is wandering hand in hand
Window to the court: the cat is sleeping at my window and the company over the fence is closed during weekend.
Window to the inner court: too small space for any action.

Do you feel tired after a week of work?

23rd August 2014, 00:13
Yes very. I have also been picking apples this evening. I am ready for bed.

Do you eat Apples?

23rd August 2014, 01:35
Not my fav fruit but I eat. I like them when they're not fully ripe and sour.

Did Steve climbed in the tree to pick apples?

23rd August 2014, 09:53
Not really. Mostly I was using a step ladder.

Do you have a favourite Cheese?

23rd August 2014, 11:41
Strange you asked this. Being a genuine '' machedoanca" I should be a strong cheese eater. Romanians say about us that we are kinda shepherds. :laugh: I like cheese but only during summer when I can eat it with fresh tomatoes, cucumbers and peppers. I eat only cheese from sheep or sometimes cows milk, never of goat or buffalo . In this part of the world we eat telemea cheese and we buy it from the market directly from the producer. http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Telemea I also like feta cheese.

What will you do today apart from watching Belgian gp?

23rd August 2014, 12:11
I have an Inter Club football match to play in. I may have to play in goal.

Will you be watching the Belgian GP or any part of it?

23rd August 2014, 12:47
No. I don't have that channel on cable anyway. :p

How will you celebrate if you score?

23rd August 2014, 13:23
From Goalkeeper? I will run a lap of the pitch.

(Story - One Pre Season match about 5 years ago, I was in Goal and I got the ball in hand and ran off up the pitch and made it towards their Penalty area before passing it. All my team mates were looking at me in disgust. :p) -Thats what I get for being a Rene Higuita fan

What position would you like to play in Soccer?

23rd August 2014, 17:50
Probably a midfielder, nobody would blame me for missing the target or for getting a goal. Although when I played football in the street-as a kid of course- I used to be the ''pole of the defence". :laugh:

Do you like cats?

24th August 2014, 10:42
Yes I do like Cats. Not enough to get one, but I know some people with cats and I don't mind giving them a fuss.

Would you/do you have Chickens? (As a pet or to provide you with eggs)

24th August 2014, 23:39
Enough with the back talk young lady. Find your registration number or there may be additional discipline in store for you!

Yessssir! Looked for it, couldn't find the label ( probably was eaten by moths :s)
However the label is visible in the picture on my graduating diploma. It was a miracle it wasn't covered by my hair. I can proudly report that I was number 685 and you can also report my reprehensible acts here:


Back to q

I'm allergic to chicken, can't stand their smell.

Do you like to get sun tan?

25th August 2014, 00:02
I don't really try and get one, but being outside all day every day, I get a decent tan anyway.

What have you done today?

25th August 2014, 00:06
Nothing. :s

Are you happy with the Belgian GP results?

25th August 2014, 00:32
Yes. Dan Ricciardo is the star of the season without a doubt. Sure he only won because there is a civil war brewing at Mercedes, but he won none the less. Any result that sees Hamilton whinging crying and generally acting like a spoilt baby is a good result. Nico was a wee bit naughty though.

Did Magnusson deserve a penalty for pushing Fred off? Even Fred didn't think so.

25th August 2014, 00:33
Yes. I originally thought not, but Alonso seemed alongside when Magnussen moved over and closed the door.

Do you wear a watch?

25th August 2014, 00:35
yes I do. I feel naked without it.

Digital or real watch?

25th August 2014, 00:36
Real watch. I have had mine for about 8 years now, I wear it every day out and about and it is pretty bashed, but its like an old friend.

What will you do tomorrow?

25th August 2014, 00:38
Yes. I don't like Hamilton and I do like Ricciardo

Do you like public holidays?

25th August 2014, 00:38
wake up at 5:30, read for a bit. Shower etc, go to work, go home, go to bed. - thrill a minute stuff innit.

what would you rather do tomorrow

25th August 2014, 00:42

What else should I do?

For D-type: Yes I like them cos I can do nothing

25th August 2014, 00:44
What ever challenges you, invigorates you and makes you feel alive.... or not.

What does challenge you, invigorate you and make you feel alive?

25th August 2014, 00:49
I won't say.

What had you for lunch?

25th August 2014, 01:00
it's only 10am, so lunch is still 2 hours away. But I'll prop only have a cup of coffee.

is it better to be good at something or simply enjoy what you are doing, no matter how bad you are at it?

25th August 2014, 01:55
Always key to enjoy what you do. I play football, but suck at it as do my whole team generally. We play about as low in the English system as possible, but love it and have a great time. Thats all that matters

Do you eat Baked Beans?

25th August 2014, 03:32
no but I do wrestle naked in them :).

Or truthfully yes, there is nothing better than beans on toast with a poached egg for Sunday brunch.

Has the first part of my answer put you off baked beans?, OR MADE YOU WANT THEM MORE?

25th August 2014, 05:20
I won't say.

What had you for lunch?

I'm calling foul. You can't NOT answer the question then give another one. I suspect this all started back in your school days when drinking beer. If only someone like me had taken your number and reported you back then, we might not be in this predicament. :laugh:

25th August 2014, 05:22
Wow... I used to like baked beans, and even thought the idea of beans on toast with an egg. But now I'm not so sure my appetite for them will ever be the same. So if anything the answer put me off.

Have you ever had to fire anyone from a job?

25th August 2014, 05:47
Yes in a previous job I was running a swim school and had to hire and unhire people from time to time.

Have you ever been fired from a job?

25th August 2014, 06:46
I'm calling foul. You can't NOT answer the question then give another one. I suspect this all started back in your school days when drinking beer. If only someone like me had taken your number and reported you back then, we might not be in this predicament. :laugh:

OK.....The Q was '' What does challenge you, invigorate you and make you feel alive?''
My answer is Nothing.

As for the beers...I started to drink when I was just a little kid. When I was at the restaurant with my family I used to ''erase'' the beer foam from all the glasses :p. Drinking beer in high school wasn't a criminal thing. But smoking was. You probably noticed the big park near the high school. We drank beer at a terrace there wearing uniforms when we were in the 9 th grade and probably 16 yo and the waiters served us without a problem. But I had colleagues who smoked in the park and they had reporting problems. The bad part was that bloody label was also sewd on our jackets or winter coats and followed us also in private life.

Back to the Q about being fired. Yes, I've got the second job to a foreign trade company where my cousin's husband was one of the managers. When he was in conflict with the other 2 bosses he was fired and so was I. Well, they called it ''reorganization'' and I was surprised because I was hard working. But I've told you about how you're hired/fired here....

Have you smoked when you were in school? I mean if you smoked to enjoy an illegal thing.

25th August 2014, 09:39
No. Have been put off smoking ever since I was a child watching my father smoking cigarettes all the time (thankfully that ended when I was in middle school and he had a massive heart-attack - he survived but quit smoking). I hate smoking and especially smokers who blow smoke into other people's faces with no regard to whether they enjoy that crap or not.

What is favourite alcoholic beverage? (stevie = juice?)

25th August 2014, 10:03
I like liqueurs esp home made sour cherry liqueur and esp the alcohoolized fruits in it

What's your fav soft drink? ( for Steve = beer :p)

25th August 2014, 10:09
If by soft drink you mean fizzy colas then none really,but I do like most fruit juices (especially orange, pomegranate, watermelon)
Vodka with Pulpy Orange juice on Saturday night and then later with Sprite (that's the only time I drink fizzy stuff ;) )

Do you read real books or e-books?

25th August 2014, 10:20
No. I was an avid reader in the past but in the last years, in my accelerate process of becoming a total idiot I quitted.
I don't read at all. :s

Do you think I'd rather read a book instead talking s*it all day ( and night ) long on the forum?

25th August 2014, 10:54
I think if you cannot sleep at night, reading a book is the best thing you could be doing at that time. Personally, I cannot sleep without at least holding a book in my hand (however tired- I read a page or two)

edit: I thought I typed a question :erm:

25th August 2014, 11:07

25th August 2014, 11:12
How often do you get sick on average in a year? (stuff like flu/fever ..etc)

sort of a forum health survey (I have a runny nose today - whenever there is a big temp swing from cooler to warmer I get a runny nose for half a day :s )

25th August 2014, 11:51
2 or 3 times? Its hard to say. Being outside all day and in all weathers you tend to get a cold occasionally, also I have some young cousins and they always have bugs from school. Its a good reason to stay away from them :p

Are you surprised to see me here right now?

25th August 2014, 11:53
Yes. I was going to ask.

Has Steve been fired?:confused:

25th August 2014, 11:54
Do you want me to answer that? :D

25th August 2014, 11:56

25th August 2014, 12:00
I hope not (fired etc). Perhaps the garden he is tending to is flooded from all the rain last night..
nah, he isn't in the tropics so perhaps not the same chance of 65mm in a 3 hours like we had yesterday :s

25th August 2014, 12:00
No I haven't been fired. Today is a public Holiday in the UK. So I have a day to chat to y'all. Especially as its raining cats and dogs here.

Have you ever broken bones?

25th August 2014, 12:01
I hope not (fired etc). Perhaps the garden he is tending to is flooded from all the rain last night..
nah, he isn't in the tropics so perhaps not the same chance of 65mm in a 3 hours like we had yesterday :s

See above :D

25th August 2014, 12:10
Today is a public Holiday in the UK. So I have a day to chat to y'all.

Great. I'm home too. We should have been going out for a beer. :p

No broken bone. Yet. But terrible bones ache since last winter when I slept in cold.

Do you like tennis?

25th August 2014, 12:15
I don't mind Tennis. I tend to watch Wimbledon cause its all over TV here, but I don't follow it much generally.

Do you like Water Polo?

*(Shall I pop round and we can have that Beer? :p)

25th August 2014, 12:16
I used to. Stopped watching a long time ago. (I used to like all sports tbh - even billiards and golf!, but I fell out of love of cricket+tennis and dislike almost everything now apart from motor-racing and football (my true love!) nowadays.

What sports do you follow?

edit: steve got there first..can I join in the beer-fest or it just for two? :stare:

25th August 2014, 12:19
Do you like Water Polo?

*(Shall I pop round and we can have that Beer? :p)

Only if you drink it. :p

25th August 2014, 12:23

What sports do you follow?

edit: steve got there first..can I join in the beer-fest or it just for two? :stare:

Don't follow any. Just occasionally watching.

Of course you can. The more of us the merrier we'll be. Just promise that you two won't talk about Messi. :p

25th August 2014, 12:25
Why not? :angryfire
We will also talk about Neymar to keep you happy :p:

25th August 2014, 12:30
Ok :p

25th August 2014, 12:42
Is there actually a question at the moment :p

25th August 2014, 12:44
Yes. Where should we meet?

25th August 2014, 12:48
Under a clock at a railway station is the usual place in films and TV series. How about Book A Rest Station.

What is the weather like where you are?

25th August 2014, 12:55
Book a rest is perfect. It's sunny but not hot beer is cheap the railway station is close to my home

What hour should we meet?

25th August 2014, 13:13
In the evening baby :devil::laugh:;)

Do you like History?

25th August 2014, 13:30
In the evening baby :devil::laugh:;)

Do you like History?

OK. It's a date. To recognize each other you and Storm would wear FCB shirts with Messi on the back. I'll wear a Steaua shirt with no. 7 Lacatus. Although I risk a fight with some possible Dinamo or Rapid fans.

I am fascinated by the ancient history. Not very fond of the modern and contemporary parts.

What was your fav class in school?

25th August 2014, 14:03
Drama. It was easy and free. We would spend hours messing about as we rehearsed plays.

Same Question?

25th August 2014, 14:14
English :laugh:

What was Steve's most memorable role in a school drama?

(Good God.....You studied drama in school....Where were the dull things I had to study? )

25th August 2014, 14:23
Banquo in MacBeth or Gerald in a play called "An Inspector Calls"

Do you have a favourite Shakespeare play?

25th August 2014, 14:47
The twelfth night. Got to see it in an outstanding version. I still sing the fool's song from the end of the play.

Do you like historical plays?

25th August 2014, 15:07
Hard question. Now that I am older I can appreciate historical plays, but haven't really been to any after I got to the age I could appreciate them. The last play we went to was American Idiot a couple years back.

What is one thing in your life that you have had a long term passion for?

25th August 2014, 15:38
Steaua . I'm a fanatic fan since I was 7 y.o.
Then from that age I also became interested in cinematography, I mean I read magazines, books, reviews about it. Then you can't imagine at what lengths I went to get to see some movies or how early I got up and stayed at queues for tickets.

Do you collect something?

25th August 2014, 16:23
Yes. F1 Races. Sad I know :dork:

Why did you choose your particular forum name?

25th August 2014, 16:38
Because that's what I am here, a gadjo dilo = crazy stranger in Romany. Stranger with the sense of intruder, someone who's not part of a community. Crazy because I'm not interested at all in motorsports but I spend a lot of time here.
Because I love movies and this is the title of a french movie.
Because I never wanted to let the forum know I'm a woman and become the target of stupid jokes and the ™o" ending sounds very neutral. But as it happens, I was betrayed.
The ''djo'' sounds terrible in my opinion and sometimes I think to change this name.

What nickname should I choose and why?

25th August 2014, 16:55
No Idea. I am no good at nicknames hence why I went with something similar to my name.

Have you a day off today?

25th August 2014, 17:08
For this time of the year I was planning a holiday. I planned it at the end of last year but obviously I can't leave now. I still decided to don't go to work because I'm tired and on the verge of a breakdown. Don't know if it's a good choice cos neither home I can't relax. Matter of fact I don't have the energy to do anything.

How many official days off do you have/year?

25th August 2014, 17:51
You mean paid statutory holidays?
Eleven I think (generally one per month):

January: New Years Day
February: Family Day
March: Nothing :(
April: Easter
May: Victoria Day
June: Nothing :(
July: Canada Day
August: Heritage Day
September: Labour Day
October: Thanksgiving
November: Rememberance Day
December: Christmas Day and Boxing Day

When is your next holiday?

25th August 2014, 17:57
Thats unfair. I only count 8 in the UK I think

January - New Year
April - Good Friday & Easter Monday
May - May Day & Spring Bank Holiday
August - Summer Holiday
December - Christmas & Boxing day

8 :(

So after today Christmas Day is our next National Holiday

When do you start planning for Autumn/winter?

25th August 2014, 18:02
I don't know how many official days off I have per year! :laugh: I just started with a new company and they do things a little differently. We get every big national holiday off, but unlike many companies I have worked for they also include the following or previous days as paid days off. They also don't count weekends against our vacation time, so I can take five days vacation yet not go to work for 9 days. I think it all works out to more paid days off than I used to have, but I'm not sure yet and have other priorities for now. I work independently and will rarely see a boss, so really they do it more on a trust basic regardless.

Does your opinion of a persons professional work ethic make it hard for you to be friends with those that are "slackers" at their jobs?

25th August 2014, 18:05
I don't plan. These 2 horrible things come anyway
Schmenke's q: next days off:
November 30 the _St Andrew (the one who introduced christianism in Romania + December 1 st our national day

How many holiday days from work do you have/year?

25th August 2014, 18:28
In my current position I have six weeks of paid vacation, or 30 days, per year. I rarely manage to take all 30 days off so I typically carry a balance into the following year. I really don’t know how what my current balance is for the remainder of this year :s . I’ll likely take a couple of days off, plus a few days during the Christmas break, and then carry over another balance into next year :mark: .
Similar to airshifter my company provides every second Friday off as a paid day, so taking two consecutive weeks off (which I rarely do) requires only 9 days of vacation time.

Did you enjoy the weekend?

25th August 2014, 18:35
I enjoyed the Belgian GP and talking with my daughter and wife who are out of town. Overall I worked a good part of the weekend, so only those parts were enjoyable. But I'll take a "weekend" during the week.

Do you think all people in Canada get too much vacation time, or is there no such thing as too much vacation?

25th August 2014, 19:15
I could never get enough vacation time.

How flexible is your job? In terms of days off and time of year.

25th August 2014, 19:41
I don't think I understand the q. I have 25 days of holiday/year but our management always turn their noses when we ask for them. The official days off are not a problem but otherwise is difficult to get one. We have to do extra hours and we should get free time instead but our manager refuse to sign the reports of hours or the requests of days off. I think I have more than 100 extra hours.

Do you have siblings?

25th August 2014, 19:42
I could never get enough vacation time.

How flexible is your job? In terms of days off and time of year.

Fairly flexible. We have a couple periods of time when it's not wise to take time off due to workload being greater, but they won't stop us if we want to do it. I will probably only see my boss a couple times a year on average, so day to day I do what I want and his only concern is if my job gets done. For that matter they don't care if I choose to work in the middle of the night rather than during the day.

Do you think your job pays you fairly for what they expect from you?

25th August 2014, 19:57
Oh....Now I understand what flexible means. My job is imprevisible. You never know when an emergency comes. They come all the time lately. We work like slaves on plantation and they always consider it's not enough and insult us.
The paying is decent for the level of our salaries but the responsibility is huge. Then it's the frustration that in other countries people like us earn well. We also may represent our institution in boards and get good extra money but you know I don't have a good opinion on me and keep myself apart. I'd rather have a quiet sleep than complicating my life.

Do you think you'll be happy when you'll retire?

25th August 2014, 20:52
Hope so, though I plan to kick the bucket before I get to old :p:

Have you got a retirement plan in place?

25th August 2014, 20:58
I have to get the age and it's always increasing. :s

Will you get a decent pension?

25th August 2014, 21:01
My business and properties are my pension fund so hopefully they are still there when I want to retire :)

What's the retirement age in your country?

25th August 2014, 21:02
No. zero actually.

Do you plan your life for the next 10/15 years?

edit: 555 beat me to it. retirement age for public/gov service is usually 58/60
Private co..about the same but can be flexible for upper management especially.

25th August 2014, 21:05
I plan for today with the possible future in mind :) (hey could get knocked over by a bus tomorrow!)

Retirement or early joyous exit?

25th August 2014, 21:12
I have no other solution than retirement. :s

What age would be perfect for retirement?

25th August 2014, 21:15
At 55 :D

How was your day today?

25th August 2014, 21:23
I did nothing. Just stayed in bed with a tablet on my lap. I was supposed to meet Steve and Storm for a beer but they didn't come. Typical.....

Is 555 back for good?

25th August 2014, 21:26
Depends, who's asking? :D

Where's the party at?

25th August 2014, 21:29
Book A Rest station or something...:s

your favourite pub or restaurent is called?

25th August 2014, 21:34
Depends on who's asking :p

Will 555 join us?

25th August 2014, 21:34
Judge's Bench. 17 rotating taps and the finest assortment of straight malt scotch you'll ever hope to see.

Are you eating out this week?

25th August 2014, 21:35

Anyone for a quick party trip to Book A Rest?

25th August 2014, 21:35

25th August 2014, 21:37
Yip :laugh:

25th August 2014, 21:37
This has turned to chaos.

Yes. Lets all head over to Gadjo's place.

Do you have a local shop you use or super/hyper markets?

25th August 2014, 21:38
Just as I searched the picture, this is a pub I go to for meals semi often

25th August 2014, 21:41
Yeah, Woolworths or Pick n Pay for groceries. They're supermarkets.

Pub fare or mums fare?

25th August 2014, 21:42
Just as I searched the picture, this is a pub I go to for meals semi often


25th August 2014, 21:45
I am happy to be honest. Pub Fare. Mums Grub was never top notch.

Do you like Fireworks?

25th August 2014, 21:45
Like fireworks and I command a few for you

Found two locations for you: Caru cu bere or Hanul Lui Manuc. Or both:p

Which one would you choose?

25th August 2014, 21:46
I would choose answering the right question Gadjo ;)

25th August 2014, 21:47
No, too noisy and pointless. Plus they scare the crap out of my dog, literally!

What u think about the current state of Hollywood Marvel sequels?

25th August 2014, 21:48

25th August 2014, 22:07
What u think about the current state of Hollywood Marvel sequels?
Bad idea although I don't know what you're talking about :p

Do any of you watch right now Man City vs Liverpool?

25th August 2014, 22:10
Yes :D

Who's gonna win?

25th August 2014, 22:19

What team will you support?

25th August 2014, 22:25
Liverpool. I forgot it was on so thanks for that.

Whats the score?

25th August 2014, 22:29

Are you tired?

25th August 2014, 22:30
Always. It comes from working outside all day.

Are you bored?

25th August 2014, 22:34
Nah, watching the footy and replay of All Blacks vs Auzzies :D

You never walk alone?

25th August 2014, 22:36
Nah, watching the footy and replay of All Blacks vs Auzzies :D

You never walk alone?

BRAD - your alive!! It's been nearly a year welcome home :)

25th August 2014, 22:37
I often walk alone. I don't mind it though.

I have started watching the game now. Has it been a good one until now?

25th August 2014, 22:38
Not when I walk through a storm and there is a golden sky and the sweet-silver sound of the lark!

How much of a good thing is too much

25th August 2014, 22:40
Was referring to you being a Liverpool supporter :)

Been ok, MC just scored!

25th August 2014, 22:41
BRAD - your alive!! It's been nearly a year welcome home :)

Yebo yes :D

Good to chat again :)

25th August 2014, 22:42
Not when I walk through a storm and there is a golden sky and the sweet-silver sound of the lark!

How much of a good thing is too much

You can never have too much of a good thing ;)

What u doing right now?

25th August 2014, 22:42
Always. It comes from working in an office.

Have you left the house today?

:eek: I lost the plot....

25th August 2014, 22:44
Which Question should I answer

Gadjo: I have not left the house today its been raining hard

555: Watching Football and wasting time on here

Is this a waste of time, or a bit of fun?

25th August 2014, 22:46
Fun fun fun :)

You scared of rain?

25th August 2014, 22:46
Right now it's the match pause so I'm entering the shower. bye bye!

Will you still be here when I'm back?

25th August 2014, 22:47
555: Love the rain

Gadjo: Maybe.

Will Gadjo come back after her shower?

25th August 2014, 22:49
Hope so!

You enjoying the footy?

25th August 2014, 22:52
I have only seen the last 15 minutes of the first half. Liverpool defender was very slow before the goal.

What have you planned for tomorrow? (Other than work)

25th August 2014, 22:54
Not much. Don't have time for much after work :s .

Are you looking forward to the weekend? (I know, it's only Monday :rolleyes: )

25th August 2014, 22:57

I have football Saturday morning. Then a free afternoon and I am going to the British GT and F3 at Brands Hatch on Sunday

Have you ever been to a motor race (guessing most have) if so what was the last?

25th August 2014, 23:04
Of course! And, cant remember :shock:

What is your favourite race car of all time?

25th August 2014, 23:05
Bad luck It's my turn to answer and the answer is No.
I'm back anyway.

Is this thread ace?

25th August 2014, 23:06
Late again... I give up.

25th August 2014, 23:09
Late again... I give up.

At least you smell better now after your annual shower :p: ;)

25th August 2014, 23:09
555 Fav Race Car - So hard to decide.

http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_N0czq5X9Wzw/SBQj67p-NdI/AAAAAAAAAwM/n_YHBIBuStQ/s1600/San%2BMarino%2BGaston%2BMazzacane,%2BProst%2BRacin g%2BF1%2B2001%2B2.jpg
Just love it and don't know why.

Gadjo: Of course its Ace, with us posting on it.

Should Gadjo give up?

25th August 2014, 23:12
No, never, ever, give up!

you hating the footy now?

25th August 2014, 23:13
At least you smell better now after your annual shower :p: ;)
You're wrong. I had one more during the World Cup. :devil:

25th August 2014, 23:16
You're wrong. I had one more during the World Cup. :devil:

Lol my bad :p:

25th August 2014, 23:16
If you are talking to me 555 you have the wrong end of the stick. I am supporting Liverpool tonight in this game, but I support West Ham.

Anfield & Gadjo are Liverpool fans so I guess they will be crying.

Is this the best day for word games in a long time?

25th August 2014, 23:18
Wouldn't know haven't been round for a while :p:

Is this the best day for word games in a while?

25th August 2014, 23:19
If you are talking to me 555 you have the wrong end of the stick. I am supporting Liverpool tonight in this game, but I support West Ham.

Anfield & Gadjo are Liverpool fans so I guess they will be crying.

Is this the best day for word games in a long time?

Was referring to Gadjo :)

25th August 2014, 23:21
Was referring to Gadjo :)

Just thought I would check. Dont want to be labelled a Liverpool fan :D

25th August 2014, 23:22
Lol :laugh:

25th August 2014, 23:23
Is she taking another shower?

25th August 2014, 23:25
Anfield & Gadjo are Liverpool fans so I guess they will be crying.

I cry every day anyway ......:p

Yes it's the best day and I haven't had such laugh for ages. That's my idea of such games, very dinamic...
Oops 3-0... Miss Suarez....

Do you think Man City will score one more?.

25th August 2014, 23:28
Looks like it yes.

Will Liverpool get any goals tonight?

25th August 2014, 23:30
No they look done for.

What should I do to celebrate my up coming 7,000th post?

25th August 2014, 23:31
Because they haven't Steve for goalkeeper. :p

How cold is in Manchester? why is Balotelli so wrapped?

25th August 2014, 23:34
What should I do to celebrate my up coming 7,000th post?
Taking your shirt off and showing us a top where's written ""this is for you gadjo''. :p

Do you wear a shirt?

25th August 2014, 23:35
No they look done for.

What should I do to celebrate my up coming 7,000th post?

Drink 7000 pints? :D

What did you think when you heard Robin Williams had passed away?

25th August 2014, 23:36
Taking your shirt off and showing us a top where's written ""this is for you gadjo''. :p

Do you wear a shirt?

Only in winter :)

Do you wear underwear?

25th August 2014, 23:37
Lol. Liverpool scored....

25th August 2014, 23:39
Almost another too!

25th August 2014, 23:39
Do you wear underwear?

Sometimes :p

Will Liverpool score again?