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6th August 2014, 06:46
No. Esp. since I have become a clown of the forum. :s

Do you like dark chocolate?

6th August 2014, 07:55
yes I do

Do you like hot chocolate?

6th August 2014, 09:12
Not my fav but if you offer me a cup I won't refuse you. :p

Mineral water: still or sparkling?

6th August 2014, 09:34
Never had sparkling and probably won't..so still water - although I do not buy mineral/bottled water unless I am travelling or in a place known for its poor water quality (most of rural areas)

Where are all the other regulars form this thread?

6th August 2014, 10:05
Sleeping? Bored? Angry with us? On holiday? In love? :confused:

Why do you think just a few forumers used to write on this thread that otherwise is quite interesting and funny?

6th August 2014, 10:15
Cause they are not clever enough to be as funny and witty as we are :stareup:

BTW I was sleeping.

Where do you get your hair cut/styled? At home, a small barbers etc or a huge fashionable salon?

6th August 2014, 10:22
Cause they are not clever enough to be as funny and witty as we are :stareup:


(What remained of ) my hair is periodically cut by one of my cousins. I'm not a stylish girl ( on the contrary :p) and I take advantage that although I hate this, my hair is naturally waved.

Do you ever go to a tailor to order clothes on your size?

6th August 2014, 11:23
Haven't been to a tailor for 20 years....back then probably only went for some trousers or something. Off the shelf always.

What fruit/fruit juice do you like? What uncommon/rare (in your market) fruit do you like but can't get easily?

6th August 2014, 11:54
Orange juice.
I'm not very curious about uncommon fruits. Some are on the market but I never tried the taste. Don't think there's one I'd like and couldn't find.

Do you know the name of your city/town/village mayor?

6th August 2014, 15:09
Of course. How can I vote against somebody if I don't know their name?

Do you vote in all elections?

6th August 2014, 15:20
Sometimes I do vote. Don't think I'll go this year. It's in vain.

Do you go to meetings with the candidates in elections?

6th August 2014, 20:59

We just had general elections a couple of months ago and the tv/paper/news was saturated by that coverage.

Do you like watching news on tv (or you think they talk a lot but do not actually convey much?)

6th August 2014, 22:50
I find the TV news to be very biased when it comes to political stuff, depending on the channel, biased either left of right. The rest of the news is superficial at best and always with an eye toward getting ratings as opposed to actually reporting news.

What are you planing for this weekend?

6th August 2014, 23:01
Planning not to plan anything. Being single (again :() has its up side :) Prob just read my book and I have just bought a Wolf WR1 (1:12 scale) thing to build, so that might get started, and I have 7 guitars n' things that need playing with as well.

Is there 1 song that could describe you?

7th August 2014, 00:08

(Just kidding):devil:
It should be Eleanor Rigby by Beatles for more reasons than you might imagine.

Can you tell a funny thing that happened at your workplace?

7th August 2014, 01:45
A few weeks ago we had a fire drill, everyone evacuated in an organised fashion within 2 minutes. Unfortunately the electronics in the alarm control box shorted out and started a fire :)
Granted it's not that funny, but we all laughed - I guess it was a situation comedy moment that you had to be there to appreciate.

If you could redesign your national flag, what would it look like?

7th August 2014, 06:48
A barbecue on a grass-green background. :s
To suggest what I call a grill civilisation.

Have you ever cried because of a (so called) friend?

7th August 2014, 10:38
Not since I was about 7 to be honest. When I was 6 or 7 I had a brand new Pen for my school work and some friend decided to snap it in two pieces and I remember crying at that.

Why is it generally that Men don't cry as much as Women? Is it a subconscious Macho thing or is it a chemical thing?

7th August 2014, 10:59
Motto: “Tears shed for another person are not a sign of weakness. They are a sign of a pure heart.” ― José N. Harris :angel:

Neither women cry much lately. I'm a sort of tears well but then again, you know I'm not normal. :s
It's not my fault that people disappoint me and things are not how they seem to be. :bigcry:

What will you have for lunch today?

7th August 2014, 11:11
stuffed okra, roti (wheat flatbread) and some daal.

Same question...

7th August 2014, 11:39
melted cheese with ham flavour+ bread +1 big fresh tomato+ 1 fresh cucumber+1 fresh kapia pepper + 2 nectarina fruits + a glass of Pepsi. If I have time and the heat outside won't discourage me I might also go to a supermarket to buy an ice cream.

What did you have for breakfast?

7th August 2014, 12:08
A day or two old idli (google if you want to know) with a fried egg on top which is my twist on a traditional breakfast dish (idli)

I liked the lunch you had till you mentioned Pepsi :s (Also I do not know nectarina either but sounds nice enough)

Do you ever have power cuts in your town (or anywhere else in the country?)

7th August 2014, 12:25
Very rarely where I live. I reckon the last was 8 years ago that I know of.

They do happen around the UK more frequently though, especially after storms or snow, which we cannot deal with here.

Which is your absolute favourite Month of the year?

7th August 2014, 12:26
Lol, by the time you asked the Q all the computers in my office just shut down. :laugh: Still had light ....
In Bucharest they're very rare, usually during terrible storms or when it's too hot and the network is saturated. They're usually solved very quickly.
One of my cousins has a holiday house in a small village at about 100 km far from Bucharest on a hills area. Rains and storms cause many power cuts and they last long ( even days ). It happen every time when I spend time there and it means no water for wash or toilets, no fridge and a lot of food destroyed and no TV ( I was missing a lot of important matches while I was there ).

Can you bear the air conditioned easily?

7th August 2014, 12:27
To slow Gadjo ;)

7th August 2014, 12:29
Oops...I was late.

Fav month is June. The summer is starting but it's still bearable, I'm always a bit optimistic and have hopes to go to the seaside.

What is your least fav month?

7th August 2014, 12:31
To slow Gadjo ;)
Power cut......

7th August 2014, 12:33

Just for you Gadjo :pI like November/December cause of Christmas and snow. I like January cause of snow, but February is normally cold, but no snow.

Other than that maybe July as it is too hot.

Do you like Air conditioning? ;)

7th August 2014, 12:52
It's killing me. I don't need it at home as it's an old house and it's colder or I can simply stay naked ( thx God a certain person doesn't read this :devil:) but at work as we work at the last floor and the sun shines all the day in our windows is absolutely necessary. Problem is that some of my colleagues are "in heats" and set it too low or in periods when we can cool the room by opening the window. I always have inflamated tonsils.

What about you? How do you cope with air conditioning?

7th August 2014, 13:41
(Also I do not know nectarina either but sounds nice enough)


Nectarina is a sort of peach with a flat skin. Personally I see it like a combination of peach and plum.

7th August 2014, 14:49
Please don't say "okra" before I've had breakfast (in my time zone). Thanks for your consideration. :)

Coping isn't the right word. Enjoying is. I usually keep it around 73F in the house during the warmer months.

Have you ever had a surgery done?

7th August 2014, 15:01
No. Not yet.

Do you use to have a walk in a park?

7th August 2014, 15:42
Well I cycled through the park this morning. It was lovely and sunny, with a cooling breeze.

Have you ever been skinny dipping? :devil::pimp:

7th August 2014, 16:19
What do you mean ? I googled it and found different meanings.

If you mean swimming naked I didn't although 2 Mai and Vama Veche where I use to spend holidays were famous for the nudists beaches. :p

Have you ever cruised naked in your car? :devil: (I was asked before on the forum :angel:)

7th August 2014, 18:16
All the time :devil:

Why does the earth spin west to east and not the other way round?

7th August 2014, 18:20
What do you mean ? I googled it and found different meanings.

Wow, shows what I know. I only thought it means naked swimming. All those other things mentioned I am too innocent to understand ;)

7th August 2014, 19:46
^^ I think that is due to the original rotation of the proto-planetary disc (the gas+dust cloud swirling around the sun) which formed the solar system and hence the earth.

Do you have an interest in astronomy and cosmology?

7th August 2014, 23:59
I had when I was very young and loved the mysteries. Now I don't have time to contemplate the stars and it's a shame cos I live in the neighbourhood of the National Observatory

Do you smoke?

8th August 2014, 00:09
no, life is too short to shorten it further, plus I choose not to smell like a 12 day old ash tray.

what is your most secret vice?

8th August 2014, 02:18
If I say it wouldn't be a secret anymore. :p

Do you know the lyrics of your national anthem?

8th August 2014, 03:16
yes all 5 verses. at least ours has words with it unlike you lazy Spanish :)

What do you want from life?

8th August 2014, 03:36
To learn, to enjoy, to love and be loved.

Is there a time in your life when you wish you had taken a different path?

8th August 2014, 04:53
I don't know.....I lived times when I had to compromise for survival but even if I'll start over again ....I always do mistakes, I'm not able to do anything good, I'm not able to handle relationships of any kind even those with friends or family, I always destroy anything.. And I can't be loved, there's nothing special about me. I'm afraid that even taking another path would lead to the same result.

What's the biggest mistake you've done in your life?

8th August 2014, 07:54
Studying engineering (which led to the grind of a software programming job) and not sciences (physics & astronomy) which I love. (Btw I just ate a ham and cheese sandwich - well it was very chewy as I left the ham too long in the microwave) but I remembered your lunch)

Best tasting meat?

8th August 2014, 08:55
We have a saying here : the best flying bird is the pig.
Maybe because pork meat is very popular here but chicken is the cheapest and probably the most consumed. People wish to eat pork but they have to eat chicken. Pork is really tasty and we don't care too much it's kinda unhealthy. Matter of fact most of our food is unhealthy. BTW, unlike you who ate cheese and ham, yesterday I ate melted cheese with a probably chemical addition of ham flavour. It was an accident. Usually I ate the "telemea" cheese ( in case you've ever heared about this type ) bought from shepherds.

What will you have today for lunch?
( lentil? :devil: :confused: )

8th August 2014, 09:11
I love pork. everything about it. :facelick: can't get in any restaurants here though (only in Goa and Kerala) and bacon/ham is very expensive (I guess due to lack of demand)

I think Aloo (potato) Paratha (its an amazing north indian dish, mashed potatoes with some herbs/spices all stuffed in a flat bread) with some salad/natural yoghurt and ketchup. You might like it actually.

What was the last dish you cooked?

8th August 2014, 09:40
I've said I'm a disaster in the kitchen. Matter of fact I've never had to cook until a few months ago. Now I seldom cook easy dishes that most of the time end wrong. Last time I did some fried zucchini - half of them were highly burnt. My brother tasted them and said they were better than his gf's who's an excellent cook. I guess he was just nice....

How often do you eat at restaurants?

8th August 2014, 10:43
Occasionally, but not often. I like to if I am out and about and need lunch and sometimes my whole family will go for a family meal.

Hard Question. If you had to live your life again, but in a different country. Which country would you choose?
(I would choose New Zealand I think)

8th August 2014, 10:55
Greece Greece Greece Greece Greece Greece Greece Greece Greece Greece Greece Greece Greece Greece Greece Greece Greece Greece Greece Greece Greece Greece Greece Greece Greece Greece Greece Greece Greece Greece Greece Greece Greece Greece Greece Greece Greece Greece Greece Greece Greece Greece Greece Greece Greece Greece Greece Greece .....etc.

When was the last time that someone dear disappointed you?

8th August 2014, 13:12
Not in a major way, but my Father critised me a bit, for not handling the stress of job hunting very well, and that made me feel worse, so I guess that would be it.

What is your favourite Tree?

8th August 2014, 14:04
Never thought of that. Usually I don't notice such things. Let's say linden trees cos on my way to work I have to walk on a long long long alley with linden trees. When they're in blossom they smell like tea. In my country the linden tree is associated with romantic love due to our national poet whose lyric is full of references to such trees.

What would you say if you'll get a new job and your new coworkers are Steve, Storm, anfield, schmenke, Starter, gadjo, D-Type? ( hope I didn't miss anyone ).

(obviously the one who'll answer should omit himself from the list )

8th August 2014, 14:16
Firstly I would say: Does the job involve travelling?

I would imagine it would be a fine team.

Storm would be our scientific advisor
Anfield would be our geographical advisor
Schmenke would be the big boss
Starter would be our Personal advisor/HR department ( as his aim is to be loved and to love others)
Gadjo would be our fashion and style advisor

and D-Type would be the looks I guess :D;) and or manager.

If Gadjo, Steve, Storm, D Type, Starter, Schmenke, Anfield all live in the same street, what sort of neighbourly things would they do and how would the street be?

8th August 2014, 14:30
A quiet one cos except Steve none of them seem to be too exuberant, Steve will play football in the street and occasionaly break the windows.
Starter and D-Type who in my eyes are the embodiement of the anglo-saxon spirit will take care that the rules of a civilised cohabitation wouldn't be broken. From time to time Storm would invite us at dinner and his wife would cook lentil for us while he'll play his collection of music. Schmenke will organize trips for us and will entertain us in his van. Anfield will always do comparisons with life at the antipodes and will complain.
Me, the shy one, would stay quiet in a corner and enjoy the company.
Etc. etc.

Do you use to pay cash or by card?

8th August 2014, 14:38
Depends. For small amounts I use cash, but rather than carrying wads of cash around I use cards for large amounts.

Have you ever laughed so hard that it hurt?

8th August 2014, 16:26
Yes, very often. Hard to believe but I laugh more than I cry. Problem is that sometimes I remember something funny or prepare a farse and laugh by myself in the middle of the street like an idiot. Not that I'm not one.....

Do you like pickles?

8th August 2014, 16:40
Yes, sometimes. I like them with a meaty meal.

Did you ever send someone famous a fan letter?

8th August 2014, 17:00
I might be crazy but I'm not so lame.
However sometimes I feel the urge to write such a letter to our Steve. :kiss:

Do you buy magazines for adult men? :p

8th August 2014, 17:27
Never have bought one, but when I was in my mid teens, me and some friends found a stash. :cool:

Does your country have Adult Magazines? :devil:

8th August 2014, 17:35
Of course. We also have our share of old perverts to read them.:p
Well, they're not exactly reading them......:laugh:

What are you doing now?
(Apart from browsing the forums)

8th August 2014, 17:50
I have finished look for jobs for today and been to the local government offices to prove I am looking for work.

Now at this moment I am relaxing and browsing this very quiet forum and watching some football I recorded last week. Oh and I also just had a cup of tea. (What an exciting life I lead)

Do you or have you ever smoked?

8th August 2014, 17:52
Getting ready to leave for a SCCA MARRS race at Pocono. I'll be out the door in about an hour.

What do you think is the best way cook meat - broil, bake or grill?

8th August 2014, 18:01
to late again starter. :D Anyway it doesn't matter its great to have another player, me and Gadjo have been talking amongst ourselves all day:p

Probably Bake? I like Grill, but It often makes the meat chewy. A BBQ or frying is best, but probably unhealthy.

Do you or have you ever smoked?

8th August 2014, 18:05
I obviusly can't answer Starter's q about cooking.:s
I shall pretend he was anyway late with his answer.

About smoking, I don't, not that I don't want to but I can't simply pull the smoke into my chest. I told you I'm not good for anything....
When I was very young and went to parties I tried to avoid dancing and pretended I'm smoking and I had to finish the cigar was a good excuse. Unfortunately it was more of puffing smoke. I quitted when I started to work.

Do you wear belt at your trousers?
( can't find a normal q )

8th August 2014, 18:28
When they are baggy :p, most of the time around the house or in the sunshine, i wear comfy shorts.

What is a normal question? ;)

8th August 2014, 22:15
I suppose in this context a 'normal' question is one that anyone can answer and hopefully requiring more than a simple 'Yes' or 'No' answer.

Do you always answer the questions on this thread truthfully?

8th August 2014, 22:16
Something of public interest. Like:

Do you go to the bathroom overnight? :angel:

8th August 2014, 22:21
Oops....I was one minute late.
Yeah, 95℅ of my answers are true. I could have lied that I'm beautiful, a good housewife, actfive, smart, stylish, ....
But why?

So, do you go to the bathroom overnight?

9th August 2014, 00:11
Normally once.... I don't know what else to say to that question :o

Serious question: What are your thoughts on Israel & Gaza War at the moment?

9th August 2014, 02:08
At this moment my thoughts are focused on the mess of my life and I don't follow the news. As you see I'm not able and smart enough to answer serious questions. BTW, thank you for wasting so much time here with me today. You helped me a lot by diverting my dark thoughts. You're a real friend. :kiss:

Have you (ever :p ) been at the kindergarten?

9th August 2014, 10:22
Well, I guess when I was 2 or 3 :p

Who will be the next non Gadjo or Steve to post a question?

9th August 2014, 10:36
We'll have to wait about 2 days to find out......:s

Why nobody else wants to play with us? :big cry:

9th August 2014, 10:58
Because we own this thread and they are worried by our power.:D :confused: Probably because they have some thing more interesting to do.

I have my first football pre season friendly this afternoon. Any advice?

9th August 2014, 11:05
Break their legs! :laugh:
(And take care of your own legs after your last injury :kiss:)

What should I cook for lunch?

9th August 2014, 11:08
Depends what you have in your fridge/larder/cupboards.

What have you got in your fridge/larder/cupboards to cook?

9th August 2014, 11:20
Potatoes, eggs, zucchini, pork chops, pork meat for schnitzel, freezed rice with vegetables, ravioli filled with mushrooms.:s
In fact I was supposed to go to the market for the weekly shopping.

Where do you go to buy vegetables/fruits?

9th August 2014, 11:38
Mostly from the boring old supermarket, but the local market stalls have a nice fruit/veg stall. Occasionally by stuff from him. Mostly when he shouts out "Buy 4 apples for 50p"

Then I feel I have too.

Have you ever sold something? i.e with work or on ebay.

9th August 2014, 11:51
I'm bad at such things. Always feel guilty that the buyer might feel he was cheated.I offer things I don't need or simply throw them away. In the past a cousin asked me to sell for her some packages of coffee at my workplace. But she didn't tell me the price and I was ashamed to ask much. My coworkers were angry cos I destroyed the (black) market and I was afraid that my cousin would think I sold them with an increased price and kept the profit for me.

Will you party after this afternoon match?

9th August 2014, 12:13
Well maybe not Party but we will go for a social drink afterwards Yes. We tend to play, then head to a nearby bar/pub for an hour or two before splitting up.

Strange Question: I was looking at the motorsport forum facebook page earlier and it has hundreds of people following it and liking updates that Mark puts up. So why do none of those ever come in here?

Also they all use real names on facebook, so apart from Pino & Dave B I haven't a clue who they are :p

9th August 2014, 12:59
I did liked that page. You'll never guess my name on fb. :laugh: :devil:

What do you mean by "social drink"?

9th August 2014, 13:12
I too liked that page, I will be easier to find because my name is almost my name:erm::D

Anyway. A social drink = where we all go to chat and catch up with each others news, call each other childish names, make rude jokes and swear a bit. Then we all say bye bye and do it all again next week.

Do you use an umbrella?

9th August 2014, 13:21
I too liked that page, I will be easier to find because my name is almost my name:erm::D

Just going there to look for you....:devil:

I use umbrellas only when it's raining and have no hood at my jacket. Hate this object.....

What childish names do you get at social drinks? :p

9th August 2014, 14:00
sick note = Sick note from doctor cause I have had a lot of injuries later
Gut= Belly cause I have put on weight since breaking my foot

The others involve naughty words so I can't say.

I am off to Football now, will you find anyone else to ask silly questions too?

9th August 2014, 14:32
No. Nobody else wants to talk to me. :s
Anyway I have to cook something :angryfire: and then go to the market.
Good luck!
Hope you'll score. :angel:

Should I ask a Q although I know nobody will answer? :confused:

9th August 2014, 19:17
Surprise surprise I will answer.

What did you cook? (or last cook if some one else answers this)

9th August 2014, 19:23
The mushroom ravioli. It was the easiest choice. My mum didn't enjoy it.:s

Did you score?
If the next to answer is not Steve he/she ' ll have to take the figurative sense of the q.

9th August 2014, 19:58
No I play CB and as it was my first game back, I stayed back and tried to defend (tried), I came off after 60 minutes and we lost 4-2 in the end.

If you do have ever/do wear a sports kit, which number would you have on the back. I play with my number 13

9th August 2014, 20:13
CR? No way.....
It's for Marius Lacatus, Steaua's iconic player.

Do you really think my q are stupid?

9th August 2014, 20:27
No more stupid than all of our questions :p Its fun Gadjo

What song do you enjoy singing?

9th August 2014, 21:08
Depending on the mood.....Now it's like




Do you think I can sing in Portuguese?

9th August 2014, 21:29
You can probably sing in Portuguese and English as well as Romanian

Who would you see as the most important person from your country?

9th August 2014, 21:47
Dracula of course. :devil:

Are we the saddest members of the forum? :s

9th August 2014, 22:04
I think we probably are. To be honest normally I wouldn't have this much time, but apart from football I don't have much on these few days. I have been Gardening at home, and am happy chit chatting here in between to you Gadjo. :p

I think I have asked this before, but how did you find Motorsport Forums?

9th August 2014, 22:28
Nahhh....I'm ashamed to say....I'll PM this. If you promise to keep the secret.

What plans do you have for tomorrow?

9th August 2014, 22:31
I have to visit my 4 year old cousins birthday family get together tomorrow evening, other than that prepare for a week of job hunting.

How should we react when someone else finally posts on this thread again?

9th August 2014, 22:36
I'll jump for joy but don't think it's gonna happen soon. All the others have a life.:p
The embarrassing thing is they might read these later.

At what hour will you go to sleep?

9th August 2014, 22:52
The next time someone else posts a question. Which will be Tuesday at about 4pm :rotflmao:

Do you think we should stop asking silly questions then? Considering they might read this.

9th August 2014, 22:55
It's difficult to say which is "My Country" as I was born in Iraq, raised in Kenya and have spent all my adult life in Britain so it will have to be a three-parter:
Sadam Hussein
Jomo Kenyatta
Isembard Kingdom Brunel

Did you notice that the [British] football season started today?

9th August 2014, 22:59
I'm thinking to offer a special prize to the first who'll dare to post here. :laugh:
I also think we should stop asking silly questions but I'm not able to post something of substance. So as long as nobody knows me I can say anything

What team from Premier League is your fav?

9th August 2014, 23:01
Oops... we have a winner.
As usual D-Type answered the wrong q. :p

9th August 2014, 23:30
Oops... we have a winner.
As usual D-Type answered the wrong q. :p

He did, but its someone else :D

D-Type = Yes I noticed my home team Chelmsford City lost 0-1 at home.

Gadjo = My Premier League team is West Ham

What do you hope to be doing in 2020?

9th August 2014, 23:43
Become a millionare, stop working and travel around the world.

Have you noticed the ultra special full moon outside?

Steve, now you can go to sleep.:p Saved by D-Type.......

10th August 2014, 00:11

10th August 2014, 10:08
I couldn't notice the full moon last night, because it was cloudy and raining here. We have an ex Hurricane called Big Bertha coming over us at the moment. So there was no chance of seeing the moon.

Do you have any nickname for the moon or sun in your country?

10th August 2014, 10:22

Do you?

10th August 2014, 10:32
Well I don't know how wide spread some are, but Luna is an obvious one, also my grandmother when she was alive called it Monnie Moon

As for the Sun, when it sets my father calls it Phoebe which is from ancient Greece and their sun Goddess

What did you have for breakfast this morning?

10th August 2014, 10:49
Coffee +cocoa biscuits

Do you think that the full moon will make us lunatics tonight?

10th August 2014, 11:05
This was me last night, so we should be fine. ;)

Have you ever seen a ghost?

10th August 2014, 12:08
No. I've never met a forumer in real life.

Do you think that today we'll have company here?

10th August 2014, 12:25
Seems like Storm only comes on here weekdays, D Type in weekday evenings, Anfield weekdays, Starter & Airshifter occasionally and Schmenke in the evenings, so I guess I could be us all alone again.

Should we make an appeal? (Come on anyone who is reading this, come and ask a question)

10th August 2014, 12:26
No. I've never met a forumer in real life.

Do you think that today we'll have company here?

Plenty of time to meet each one of us :p:

10th August 2014, 12:28
Plenty of time to meet each one of us :p:
Time is not a problem. :s

10th August 2014, 12:29
Yes. Make an appeal. :p

Do you mind if I go away for 3 hours?

10th August 2014, 13:37
No. Carry on, I will be going away for a few hours this evening.

Bye bye

Will someone answer this before Gadjo gets back?

10th August 2014, 16:01
No. Because there's no question to answer.:p

Except for the base-team (those who post on this thread) who else would you like to interview as "the person below''?

10th August 2014, 17:16
Henners cause he seems nice, Taz because he always has something to say, Pino because he is mysterious and maybe rjbetty cause he seems similar to me in our thinking on F1.

Who would you like to interview on here other than the base team?

10th August 2014, 17:21
EuroTroll because I miss him.

Do you think that Steve is EuroTroll in disguise? :angel:

10th August 2014, 19:30
EuroTroll because I miss him.

Do you think that Steve is EuroTroll in disguise? :angel:

I don't think it's even remotely possible. Before adding the "Steve" to his name, Aki13 was too busy to be playing two forum names at once, and doesn't hide much. So he wouldn't hide another name IMO, unless he was on top secret assignment from a government agency... then maybe. :)

My question is one that has weighed on my heavily for many years.....

Do you think that the world as a whole is slow to prevent real humanitarian crisis and suffering of the worlds people?

10th August 2014, 20:38
It could become faster if there was any interest to cut the causes that generate the different types of. crises. If intentions would remain at the level of charity I can't see a progress.

Do you think that a Sunday evening ( at least here) is appropriate for such serious questions?

10th August 2014, 21:32
I think that serious questions often come up at times we don't expect them, so I think that almost any time is appropriate for a serious question.

But I'll sway towards lighter with the next one so.....

Do you ever enjoy getting soaked in the rain when caught in a storm or unprepared for the rain? :)

10th August 2014, 21:38
NEVER!!!!!!!!!!! Hate the rain and snow even when I'm prepared for them.

Will you watch the super full moon tonight?

10th August 2014, 22:24
Hi everyone.

Thanks Airshifter for the nice words. How did you remember me as aki13? I didn't think anyone would take that much notice.

Anyway I will watch the full moon if its clear.

Are you good at Mathematics generally?

10th August 2014, 22:46
I studied a lot of maths both in high school and then at uni because the profile was IT. When I started to work I followed other career and in time I forgot everything. Whenever I'm thinking why I had to waste so much time on it I remember a guy who said that maths develops your logic. And he was right.

They said on TV that this full moon induce suicidal thoughts. Do you think it has an influence on our psychic?

10th August 2014, 22:53
No I do not. I feel OK and not suicidal at all. Thats just a personal view though.

Who do you think will win this years Champions League?

10th August 2014, 23:09
LIVERPOOL!!!!!! Second choice is any one other than The Spanish cash cheats, but that is a hope rather than who my head would choose :(

I was talking to a friend at the weekend and we got to talking about the obscene amount of money people get paid for chasing a plastic orb around a field, or driving around in little circles or going on tv an pretending to be someone else!
My question is are these people overpaid for entertaining the world, and what professions should be paid more for what they do?

11th August 2014, 00:10
Not only that they're overpaid but most of them can't even entertain me. As for other categories I don't know how people are paid in your countries. In my country all of us have low salaries except for those who work in banks or assurance.

What would you like to change about you?

11th August 2014, 00:30
Well... my health has been a wee bit worse than it should be, so getting fit and strong again would be nice. My best friend/ girl friend is no longer speaking to me for reasons I can't fathom (she just decided one day to stop talking etc - bloody women) so figuring that out would be good too.

Do you like to cook and are you a good cook?

11th August 2014, 01:03
Oh no,.......Not this embarassing Q again.......The answer is NO and NO


Are you a good friend?

My best friend/ girl friend is no longer speaking to me for reasons I can't fathom (she just decided one day to stop talking etc - bloody women)

:angryfire: Men do the same thing. Most of the time for other woman. :s

11th August 2014, 02:55
:angryfire: Men do the same thing. Most of the time for other woman. :s

Thanks Gadjo that makes me feel a whole lot better :(

As to being a good friend. I would like to think so, I tend to put others before my self. In the case of the afore mentioned person, this was always the way.

Selfless or selfish?

11th August 2014, 05:55
Both, at different times.

If one of the forumers hit the lottery and was willing to send everyone the airfare to come meet for a visit would you go or would you stay home and be mysterious?

11th August 2014, 06:14
I'd play the mysterious girl role of course. If I really want to meet a former I have enough money to travel anyway.

Do you use to play the lottery?

11th August 2014, 09:37
No. Neither will I start now.

Do you gamble online or have you been to casinos?

(btw I just spent 5 mins reading steve and gadjo have all the fun over the weekend :cheese: I was busy doing household chores, picking up people at airports, visiting my sister and chasing Storm Jr :dozey: )

11th August 2014, 09:45
(btw I just spent 5 mins reading steve and gadjo have all the fun over the weekend :cheese: I was busy doing household chores, picking up people at airports, visiting my sister and chasing Storm Jr :dozey: )


No I have never been to casino or gambled online. I have been Greyhound racing with my football and placed some bets there, however I really do not like Gambling really. I think it leads to pain and suffering for most who do it.

How good are the weather forecasts you get on TV? Do they give lots of detail and is it accurate.

11th August 2014, 09:57
(btw I just spent 5 mins reading steve and gadjo have all the fun over the weekend I was busy doing household chores, picking up people at airports, visiting my sister and chasing Storm Jr )
I also had to do household chores but Steve kept me stuck on the tablet and I did nothing. Even when I went to the kitchen or bath I took the phone with me.:p Otherwise I would have loved to have your activities instead of staying home alone with a sick person that needs caring.

Neither. Used to gamble at my best friend's home where all games - with cards, dice or remy - were played on money ( and guess who was always the loser :p ). Can't forget how on a holiday her mother insisted to play dice (yamms) on money with a young couple who didn't know the game and took them the last money. :p

Do you do sporting bets?

11th August 2014, 09:58

11th August 2014, 09:59
Wrong question Gadjo :D

11th August 2014, 10:22
Ok, I will do the weather bit...
forecasts are crap on tv, well atl east the monsoon season they often tend to get things totally wrong - well it is very complex and unpredictable but still...for summer or winter, forecasts do not play a huge role in most of the peninsular parts as it is fairly standard weather with no rain (up north near the Himalaya t is different with fog/snow etc in winter)

Which tv show do you see regularly or like to see re-runs even?

11th August 2014, 10:34
I like a show called Cronica carcotasilor ( The grumpies chronicle ) a weekly show based on the funny facts that were ( involuntarly ) on TV channels on previous week. The presenters are very funny and I used to send them messages when I noticed something memorable. I also like a show called Banciu's World. The guy remembers me one of my brother's friends who was also a dear friend of mine. Also his memories of the past and even parts of his vocabulary are on the same wave with me. Otherwise the guy is hated by many people and I also can't stand his political orientation. But every night I fall asleep on his show. Or as I say, last night I slept again with Radu Banciu.:p

Do you do sporting bets? .

11th August 2014, 11:20
Not generally. As I said, the only time I have really bet on sport was greyhound racing and I didn't really like that, it was just a group activity

Have you ever had/do you own a pet? If so what was/is his/her name?

11th August 2014, 12:19
I hadn't cos I'm an idiot who can't take care even of myself leave alone another soul. But I always was fond of my neighbours pets, esp. the cats. I'm afraid I'd become old as "the lady with the cats" :s

Did/do you have a weird hobby?

11th August 2014, 18:19
Well I visit steam railways with my father at times. He engineers live model steam engines, which we also drive.
So I guess to you, thats quite strange.

Why do job interviews these days feature lots of silly questions which bare little relevance to real life? :( (I dont think I did well at my interview today)

11th August 2014, 18:37
I've never been to a job interview so I don't know. When I got this job I had to pass an examination. I've spent a few weeks in libraries trying to find legislation and trying to understand things that sounded like ancient Chinese to me. All who were hired after me escaped with the so called interview. I think I've told you how we're hired these days.

Are you a jealous guy?

PS You're doing very well at this thread's interviews. Mark should offer you a job here for your efforts to keep alive the forum.

11th August 2014, 18:47
I don't think so. I understand people talk and interact with other people, and jealousy is a damaging emotion.

Different sort of question...
Can you explain how this happened?

11th August 2014, 21:14
At a guess I would think the poor moo got caught in a flood and drowned. When the flood subsided the bloated body got trapped in a tree.
Alternatively, they were testing a catapult for a film.

I've been laying concrete paving slabs today. Do you enjoy DIY?

11th August 2014, 21:21
Carried by a flood? :confused:

Do you like cakes?

11th August 2014, 21:24
Again too late :angryfire:
But I gave the same answer.

I would have liked the DIY thing but I have two left hands. :s

So, do you like cakes?

11th August 2014, 21:28
I like eating them but not making them!

What's your favourite type of cake?

11th August 2014, 21:30
I don't think so. I understand people talk and interact with other people, and jealousy is a damaging emotion.

Different sort of question...
Can you explain how this happened?
http://www.nicefunnyjokes.com/images/visual-jokes/animal/unexplained-cefjeghldfgkacfh.jpgI'm sure we all missed a "Pigs might fly" joke here!
But remember the topic is now "cakes".

11th August 2014, 21:38
If baked at home I like those with forest fruits.
If bought then the ones with cream.
At this moment I'd eat any cake. :s

Do you like to climb the mountains?

11th August 2014, 21:40
I'm sure we all missed a "Pigs might fly" joke here!
But remember the topic is now "cakes".

I thought of it but I feared you'd send me again to the oculist.

11th August 2014, 22:12
I do..or atleast I have climbed in the past - a few smallish mountains/hills close to where I am - but not for the last couple of years. I do dream of climbing something substantial in the future (maybe the smallest mountain in the Himalaya :erm: )

What do you think you must do in the rest of your life which you haven't done yet?

11th August 2014, 22:32

Do you sweat much?
(Stupid Q but it's unbearable hot here)

11th August 2014, 22:48
Because the "professional" HR people are convinced that your answers show in detail the kind of person and employee you would be. It's all very scientific of course. Me, I say its BS.

What would you like to do for a living? (My dream part time job is to assist Bill Gates, Warren Buffett and Carlos Slim count their money.)

11th August 2014, 23:03
Work is over-rated and I have been doing it for a long time now, so I would like to sit on a beach in St Lucia for a living. If any one knows where I can apply for the job pm me :)

Are you happier going to work, or going home after work?

11th August 2014, 23:23
I think a question got missed further up.

Anfield: I love doing things with free time and playing football with my friends. So definitely the latter. Work is only for money to live in my case. Not a love.

Gadjo: Sorry to gross you all out, but I am a very sweaty person. I can sweat just sitting in a hot room, no exercise required.

Do you know the order of the planets without looking online or in a book? It seems amazing how many people in the UK do not. However the Brits as a whole can be quite arrogant about learning such things

12th August 2014, 00:22
Yes - prove me wrong :)....

Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and poor little Pluto who is so unloved he is not a planet anymore.

What is the single biggest discovery (not invention) made by humanity?

12th August 2014, 08:00
Gadjo: Sorry to gross you all out, but I am a very sweaty person. I can sweat just sitting in a hot room, no exercise required.

sounds like another thing we have in common and not a pretty one either :dozey:

anfield you did miss the asteroid belt between M and J :D

IMO finding out that the Sun and not the Earth was at the centre of the known universe (still wrong) was a huge thing (thanks to Copernicus, Brahe, Kepler et al) which changed how seriously science and especially astronomy was taken. Basically kick started the modern scientific era.

Do you read science books or any other non fiction books?

12th August 2014, 08:52
No. I'm too dumb to read any kind of book. In the past loved to read books about the mysterious places on earth, about possible life on other planets and stuff like that. Now I've become a total insensitive idiot. That's how our country wants us to be.

Will you watch the Perseids meteor shower tonight?

12th August 2014, 15:14
No, its raining here today and we won't be able to see it.

Do you prefer to sleep on your back, face or side?

12th August 2014, 15:17
Side ( and dreaming of cuddling somebody :angel: )

Do you wear pyjamas?

12th August 2014, 16:55
Um, no :erm: :andrea: :colour:

Do you need to sleep under thick covers, even when it's hot?

12th August 2014, 17:01
No. If its hot, I sleep with windows wide open and just on the mattress.

Do you drink alcohol often? If so what is your favourite drink.

12th August 2014, 17:03
no . No covers at all and no pyjamas. :angel:

Do you like hot weather?

12th August 2014, 17:21
Too late again.

12th August 2014, 17:26
I prefer a good craft beer. Though a decent bottle of wine or mixed drink won't find me turning my nose up at it. I also enjoy a straight malt scotch when I'm reading.

What are your plans for the rest of today?

12th August 2014, 18:37
Plans....For seven months now I don't dare to make plans not even for the next hour. In time I've learnt a bit to cope with the idea that my life don't belong to me anymore. Today I was already warned that coming home wouldn't be very nice and it surely isn't. All I want is to sleep a few hours during night cos I didn't lately.In case I couldn't I don't know.....It will be too late to call somebody up and to talk, the forum is generally quiet, so probably I'll try to read something. Found a good book called Bonjour Tristesse......:s

So, do you like hot weather?

12th August 2014, 19:06
I don't mind hot weather as long as its not too humid. Of course I prefer the snow Gadjo :devil:

Have you ever eaten Octopus or something equally slimy? I personally hate all Fishy things

12th August 2014, 19:37
I absolutely hate it. I only live for the monsoon and whatever short (and these days much milder) winter we have here.

Do you listen to the radio?

edit: didn't refresh after I was away for a while!

yes I have eaten octo and many other fishy/slimy things :p:
I love seafood. Prawns, crab, calamari (and I guess lobster but I haven't really eaten it enough) are the best things in life tbh. Living 200km away from the sea is a pain though, unable to get the really great fresh stuff here.
same Q as above.

12th August 2014, 19:38
No. I find repulsive all these things, octopus, calamars, shells, snails.....grrrr.
OK, I know I'm a peasant but that is. I don't eat much meat either

Where would you like to spend this summer holiday?

12th August 2014, 19:38
Late again......:s

12th August 2014, 19:39
Total mess here....:laugh:

12th August 2014, 19:40
err late again and again :crazy:


edit: cluster**** !

edit2: people reading this page are going to go mad....anyways I am off to make some dinner ...its late and nothing is ready..I think egg sandwich is the most we'll make tonight.

12th August 2014, 19:42
I don't have time to listern to the radio. Used to do it in the past.

Where would you like to spend this summer holiday?

Bon appetit Storm!

12th August 2014, 19:51
I would like to have gone to Scotland again, I love the highlands, but broken foot and no money mean that it will have to be next year.

Do you have any paintings in your house?

12th August 2014, 19:59
No. I had a few old ones but they weren't great and I don't know what happened to them. I have 2 big framed photos of my two grand-grand fathers from my dad's side. Some laugh at them but I love them to bits, they look very Macedonian.

Do you have carpets on the floor?

12th August 2014, 20:16
Carpets upstairs (probably time to replace them :s ). Maple hardwood downstairs, with ceramic tile in the kitchen (recently renovated :) ).

Do you have a balcony or patio that you can enjoy?

12th August 2014, 20:51
I live at the ground floor so no balcony. The apartment on the first floor that belongs to my cousins has a very nice balcony. I can spend time in my small yard or on the terrace above the garrage but it's too hot to stay outside. I use the terrace only to dry the laundry.

What's the most popular name for the girls and boys in your country?

12th August 2014, 21:05
I am not sure...there are just so many. Some are more popular than others obviously and they sort of have eras where those type of names are popular e.g my father's and his brothers' names were typical for that era (1940s and 50s) but now you will not find a single child with those names - at least in urban India.

Do you like your name?

12th August 2014, 21:35
No. It's horrible and too serious. Everybody call me with a diminutive that is not very usual. I don't like it either. Wonder what would I do if I lived with this name in Italy...... Both were the names of my dad's sister who died when she was 28. Aromanian tradition is to name the kids after their grandparents or close family. I escaped an even worse name, my dad's mum name was Despa. Good God, what an embarrassment to be called Despina......
Anyway, I hate to introduce myself and I have to do it quite often at work.

What brand is your cell phone?

12th August 2014, 22:52
dont know, dont care :)

are labels important to you?

13th August 2014, 03:42
are labels important to you?

None. The ones on clothes are just an irritation, and the ones attached to people are often done without knowing the person but as a snap judgement, often in hopes of making themselves feel superior in some way.

What is the most rewarding thing you have personally done to help another human?

13th August 2014, 05:06
I had a friend who was quite unwell, she had no one to really support her so basically I stepped in. Paid for her doctors visits, medication etc - not a loan that I expected back, just support as a friend etc, supported her in other ways, helped her regain health and happiness to such a degree that she was able to re-enter the workforce and get back on her feet. Aw - don't I sound like a saint :) Sadly though the thanks I received back was that, she no longer needs my help and has decided she doesn't need to speak to me - I really know how to choose friends eh ;)

What has been the worst thing any one has done to you (for my answer read the above answer to the previous question )

13th August 2014, 07:03
Well, there's someone at work who can't stand me and has influence on my boss who's trying to ''bite my ass''. Also she's talking cr*p about me and the rest of the coworkers to the big boss. I don't care but it's disgusting.
What really worries me is the way I lose friends. I mean it happens all of a sudden. Not that I have many. But in real life I'm different than here, I'm polite, calm and thoughtful and they suddenly begin to avoid me. This makes me suffer like hell and I wouldn't mind if they'd tell me where I'm wrong. Such thing happened last week and that's why I'm so such upside down. I always say never mind, I'll move on but it's so painful.....Maybe I invest too much soul and time in people who don't deserve it.

When will you have a day off from work?

13th August 2014, 11:29
I don't know as I am starting work again tomorrow. So I guess its a bit early to have a day off.

Do you ever go into a room and forget why you are in there?

13th August 2014, 11:56
Yes. Esp in the morning when I have to do too many things and I'm late. But it's more like going into a room to do X but doing Y instead. Most of the times I go to the kitchen to start the boiler but when I'm there I think about taking some food for work. I do the package but when I leave the house I remember I forgot the fruits and I'm about to return but the cat is mewing at my feet and I feed her but forget about the fruits, etc. etc. :crazy:

Are you a tidy person?

(PS Steve, i was thinking of a national holiday when all the people stay home)

13th August 2014, 14:05
Oh OK next national holiday is in a couple of weeks, then we have to wait until Christmas.

I am quite a tidy person. I like to have things organised in a certain way, although if I feel down like the last few weeks I often can't be bothered and so things get messy.

Have you ever skateboarded/roller skated/roller bladed?

13th August 2014, 14:41
I have skated a time or two, and don't recall that I've ever roller bladed. BUT I lived in southern California during the big skateboard boom and was a very good skateboarder. Due to where I lived I also met some of the people who would go on to be the industry leaders in skateboarding. I've met Tony Alva and Stacy Peralta, and watched some pool sessions. :)

What is the worst job you ever had, however brief and regardless of age?

13th August 2014, 14:57
I had only 3 jobs. First was tough but coworkers super fine. Quit it only because it was far from home. The second was piece of cake, almost nothing to do and very close of home but coworkers very suspicious and selfish. It was also quite boring, just to stay 8 hours doing nothing, we didn't even have computers to pass the time. I left because of the company reorganizatiom. My current job is very demanding ( although you might not believe it ), it's nerves eating and boring, coworkers are mean, selfish, arrogant and boring, but it's kinda well paid and I can't get a new one anyway.
Now honestly I can't say which one was the worst....

At what age have you started working?

13th August 2014, 15:19
I had a part time job when I was 16; full time at 18.

If you could have anyone as a neighbor, who would you like to have move in next door?

13th August 2014, 15:25
Steve :p

If you could punch in the nose anyone who would you like to be?

( I know I'm the first choice so I'm excluded from the start :p )

13th August 2014, 17:17
I think I would like to punch Bernie Ecclestone because
(a) he's smaller than me
(b) he's older than me
(c) I think the changes he inspired have ruined motor racing as iknew it when I fell in love with the sport

This has probably been asked already, what is the worst car you have had - and the best?

13th August 2014, 18:15

Never had a car of my own. When I was a kid my dad bought a Ford Taunus 17 m Turnier like the one above. It was very old ( we bought it second hand ) but it was very comfortable and I loved it to bits. I used to stay in the luggage seat :p It was old and always needed fixing and we couldn't find exchange parts but my dad who was a driver since he was 13 managed to keep it alive. I used to call it Rablette and was a 2 in 1: worst and best car I've had.

At what age did you get your driving licence?

13th August 2014, 18:19
Worst - A 1955 Chevy BelAir 6 banger which was VERY used when it came into my hands. Things would tend to fall off, the gas gauge didn't work and the muffler was iffy - among a host of other things. Very close second was another VERY used 1957 Dodge Red Ram convertible. The rings were shot, the top was dry rotted and the generator was held on with a C clamp. The worst new car was a 1971 Chevy Vega GT. Great handling but a myriad other issues.
Best - A 1992 Acura Integra GT; a 2002 Acura CLS 5 sp; and my current 2011 Infiniti G37S. All excellent, trouble free cars. But my favorite was a 1972 Datsun 240Z. What a hoot to drive. And, for its day, pretty darn reliable.

What is your favorite sport that you participate in?

13th August 2014, 18:21
Gadjo, you're too quick. Or I spent too much time typing. :p

13th August 2014, 18:28
I got my driving licence at 18. I don't participate in any sports - a combination of lack of co-ordination and slow reflexes.

Does wood or charcoal produce a better barbecue?

13th August 2014, 19:16
I have only done a charcoal bbq which has a unique flavour, I probably have eaten wood fired stuff. BBQing isn't something thats done regularly here but I love it and have a very small portable charcoal grill. I am planning to do a small bbq on friday (national holiday!). Luckily a bit of a break in the monsoons after getting pounded for 3 weeks.

What is your ultimate dream car?

13th August 2014, 20:48
An electric one that has as much or more range as my gas powered one.

What color will your new car be.

13th August 2014, 21:13
Depending on the brand.

How many cars did you have during your life?

13th August 2014, 21:39
I have owned 3 (sold 2 of those, including my first ever car :( - which I sold almost exactly 1 year ago to the day), but I have had/driven a couple more quite regularly as well (my sister's 2 cars when she wasn't in the country).

What is your favourite racing livery?

13th August 2014, 21:56
I’m going to sound like an old fart but I’ve always loved the following cars for their liveries:

Lotus Type 25 – The yellow stripes on the green background, coupled with the yellow wheel rims was always attractive.
Lotus Type 76, 77 & 78 – Classic JPS, gold on black.
Porsche 917 in the distinctive Gulf Oil, orange on sky-blue.

Do you keep your vehicle clean, with regular washing and/or waxing?

... Best - A 1992 Acura Integra ...

That was the first car I purchased new (although not a GT). Loved it! Was fun to drive, handled great and was super-reliable. :)

13th August 2014, 21:56
In 43 years I have had Mini, Triumph Herald estate x2, Mini Traveller, VW Golf, Fiat 127, Hyundai Stellar, Citroen BX14, Vauxhall Cavalier, Rover 216, Metro Automatic, Toyota Corolla Auto, Fiat Uno Auto, VW Golf Auto, Hyundai Accent Auto, VW Polo Auto, Honda Jazz Auto which I think is adds uo to 17

Do you enjoy flying?

13th August 2014, 21:58
Mixed posts again :p: .

Btw, D-Type, I can only imagine that Cavalier was a POS :p: .

13th August 2014, 22:03
Yeah. Without wings. One day I'll throw myself out of the window.

Do you like to run?

13th August 2014, 22:09
Somewhat. I run regularly, about 40kms per week and participate in a few ~10km race events per summer. Unlike others around here (see the other thread :p: ), I don’t run anything close to a marathon :uhoh: .

What do you do to try to keep fit?

13th August 2014, 22:17
Nothing. I'm used with the idea I'm not good looking.

Do you go to a fitness club?

13th August 2014, 23:01
Haven't been to a gym etc for about 20 years.

which weighs more, a pound of gold or a pound of feathers? :)

13th August 2014, 23:26
Pound of Gold, because I am holding onto it. :p

What is your idea of the perfect day?

13th August 2014, 23:39
A day of holiday at the seaside. Swimming all the day, then going out for a drink and dinner, then playing cards with friends while on TV we could watch Steaua winning a CL match, then........:devil:
I'd do anything for a day of holiday.......:s

Do you like to go on holiday at the seaside?

13th August 2014, 23:56
Absolutely, I have not been to the seaside for a day on the beach for years sadly.

Can you ride a bike? If so do you ride one reguarly

14th August 2014, 00:12
Yes. No.

Who's your fav singer/band?

14th August 2014, 00:54
Back in the day it was Ian & Sylvia, Currently its probably Josh Groban.

Have you ever gone to a major concert?

14th August 2014, 01:10
A few, but none all that recently. Bands touring now days have no interest for me, they are mostly either bands from 40 yrs ago, who are now in their 70's or older, ore modern talentless mass produced dross.

what was the last movie you saw in a theater?

14th August 2014, 01:52
Nymphomaniac part II by Lars con Trier

Same Q for you

14th August 2014, 03:05
Embarrassingly it was the 3rd Lord of the Rings movie 10 years ago. I usually wait for them to come out on DVD :(

When was the last time you made someone laugh?

14th August 2014, 05:50
About 10 minutes ago. My wife says that's why she keeps me around.

What is your favorite art form?

14th August 2014, 06:37
Probably music. But there were times when cinematography, literature and painting were highly appreciated. I reckon these days I've become an ignorant insensitive disgusting ××××. :s

Do you like to write letters?

14th August 2014, 15:04
No. I'm lazy that way and my handwriting is terrible. (Not that my typing is much better.)

Who do you speak with most often on the phone? Mother, father, aunt, sister, friend, neighbor, etc.

14th August 2014, 15:41
I've become very close to one of my cousins lately. She and her husband spend summers at their house in the country so we speak quite often and for hours.
Problem is that I can't sleep and need to talk to someone during nights and I can't wake up anybody to talk to me. It's really hard to pass the time.....:s

How high is your phone bill?

14th August 2014, 16:28
I have no idea; the wife pays the bill :p: . It’s not too much though as we subscribe to a pretty decent plan and make next to no long-distance calls. I have been suggesting that we drop our land line as I see no need for it, but she still wants to keep it.

Do you still have a phone land line?

14th August 2014, 17:22
Yes, its bundled with cable & internet. Also have a cell phone on a separate plan.

What electronic gadget, real or dreamt, would you like to own and how much would you be willing to pay for it?

14th August 2014, 18:51
I am not very fond of gadgets. I do lust after certain other things though (especially guitars, speaker systems etc)

Do you play video games? Or did you play any in the past?

14th August 2014, 21:06
Yes. I play F1 & motorsport games and FIFA series.

How many times have you been to a different country?

14th August 2014, 21:53
I was counting up the other day and I've been to 28 different countries. The criterion I used was spending at lest one night there. Day trips and airline stops where you remain 'airside' don't count. Being born overseas and having a father who worked overseas in the days before air travel was common are reasons there are so many. Add in holidays abroad and working abroad and they soon add up.

What country would you like to visit or live in?

14th August 2014, 22:09
New Zealand. I guess I could visit Anfield, but I have always liked the look of it. It seems to have so many diverse climates and places.

Do you ever eat at takeaway restaurants like McDonalds, Burger King or KFC etc etc?

14th August 2014, 22:16
No, I never eat "fast food" (and avoid fried food altogether), although we will sometimes have a pizza or Chinese takeaway.

Do you like sushi (sorry, I get the feeling this question has been previously asked :mark: ).

I was counting up the other day and I've been to 28 different countries. ...

That's quite impressive. Using your criteria I've only been to 12 :mark: .

14th August 2014, 22:57
Never eat. Hate this kind of stuff.

So do you eat healthy?

14th August 2014, 23:02
I try to Gadjo, but I normally end up eating chips, chocolate or cake.

Would you/ have you ever been Sky Diving?

14th August 2014, 23:05
Healthily yes, health food no, just try to balance things eg pies AND beer!

Do major companies who invent false science to make you buy their products annoy the hell out of you, or is it just me? eg cosmetic companies that invent names of sciency sounding compounds that only their crap contains and you can't live without.

14th August 2014, 23:07
too late Anfield :D

14th August 2014, 23:10
Sky diving - hell....no....
Anfield's q -I don't bother with such things

How's the weather where you live? I nearly fainted at 38 C in the shadow. In the sun and central part it was 50C

15th August 2014, 04:49
For the last two days we have had southerly gales, driving rain and a temperature of about 8 degrees.centegrade

what is the single dumbest thing you have ever done?

15th August 2014, 05:16
Waking up at 5.10 on a day off and coming to read the forum instead of going back to sleep :p

What was your most ridiculous outfit?

15th August 2014, 16:07
Blew it again.

15th August 2014, 20:14
Most ridiculous outfit.

I guess when I was young (8-10) and I used to dress up as Dennis the Menace :rolleyes:I looked a fool, but I was young.

Who is the last person to shout at you?

15th August 2014, 20:31
My general manager( or chief of department or god knows how I can call him). But the guy is mad and shouts all the time and at everybody. About half of my coworkers needed medical assistance after a dispute with him. We nicknamed him Tarzan cos he shouts. Just remember me to post about him and Tarzan shout at funny facts thread.

Who's the person you like most to talk to? - Can be from real life, from the forum, from Facebook, etc.
( me excluded) :p

15th August 2014, 22:57
Why should we exclude you? :fasttalk:

15th August 2014, 23:17
Because I ask q to find things about you but because you all have a strong sense of humour, one might say "you" just for fun. :p

15th August 2014, 23:49
Well I do like talking to you Gadjo (dont blush) :p

My answer though is strangely enough my Auntie. She is a very kind person generally, very positive and supportive and we talk at times about all manner of things.

She listens well, which not many people do that I know.

Have you ever picked apples off a tree in person? (Strange Q maybe, but tonight I have picked and boiled apples off my apple tree's)

16th August 2014, 00:36
Well I do like talking to you Gadjo (dont blush)
After a week or two I'll bore you to death as I do with everybody. You'll probably change your forum name just to avoid me :laugh:

Yes, every year at my cousin's house in the country. They have about 6 apple trees and I love the fruits when are still green and sour. Most of the fruits are attacked by worms and fall from the branches. I don't have the possibility now but on Monday I'll show you a nice picture taken from her house attic. The door of the room is open and you can see the branches full of fruits as if they enter the room.

One of my darkest memory is related to picking grapes. Have you ever harvest a vineyard?

16th August 2014, 01:33
I have been to a vineyard, but never picked anything other maybe my nose :D, I always thought I might fancy working a vineyard but I guess it might be tough work.

Probably asked not that long ago, but do you own a Teddy Bear or soft toy?

16th August 2014, 01:47
No. And all my life I wished I have a teddy bear.

Did you have an electric train when you were a kid?

16th August 2014, 04:40

Do you like to go fishing?

16th August 2014, 05:48
No. I can't see why people is doing it.

Do you like to travel?

16th August 2014, 18:39
Well I do want to travel around, but I have yet to achieve that goal really on a global scale.

Do you prefer earphones that go in the ear or the headphones that go over you head.


16th August 2014, 20:59
None of them. I hate earphones.

Do you use to play music loud?

16th August 2014, 22:54
Not really, i have never been one for loud noise, until I started watching F1.

Do you like horror films?

16th August 2014, 23:50
Lol. When I was very young and crazy after movies these movies weren't presented in my country. When finally I could see such things I was kinda disappointed

How much liquid do you drink/day?

17th August 2014, 00:51
Cup of tea at Breakfast, a Bottle of juice/soft drink at work through the day, plus another cup of tea. Then a cup of tea when I get home, a cup of tea after my evening meal and a hot chocolate before bed. Plus sometimes a glass of water in the evening.

So however much that is.

What one rule/law would you like to change anywhere?

17th August 2014, 02:34
:eek: Your nickname should be cupoftea. :devil:

I hate to change rules/laws. My work deals with such things.

Have you changed yourself much since last year?

17th August 2014, 10:22
Only my job really, although after breaking my foot and sitting around for 3 months, I am trying to get around a take the world in a bit more. Rather than just walk past it. I also go out and about more now.

Have you been to a Art Gallery recently?

17th August 2014, 10:27
No and I'm ashamed of this. I have become a total idiot with no interest in things that can affect me emotionally.:s

Do you believe in karma?