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6th July 2014, 08:55
I don't have one. I don't joke. I'm a very serious person. :p

Did you ever have a serious fight on this forum?

6th July 2014, 10:43

Not that I can recall.

Shall we start a serious fight right now, so that I can answer yes to your question?

6th July 2014, 10:49
Don't think anybody can fight with you. You're such a sweet guy..... EuroTroll no.2, remember? :p

Do you like summer?

6th July 2014, 11:52
I do.

I do not like it very hot, but a nice warm mid 20's summers day I love. Especially sitting under a tree reading a book or something.

When does your summer end? Here in the UK its mid September really. Then it starts feeling like Autumn.

6th July 2014, 23:21
Mid September also. It's still very warm during the day but mornings and evenings become cold.

Have you ever recognized yourself in a character of a literary work?

7th July 2014, 17:04
No, I've never thought of that.

Are mosquitos bothersome where you are?

7th July 2014, 17:53
No, I've never thought of that.

Are mosquitos bothersome where you are?
Occasionally, but they are not a big problem.

Where do you see yourself 10 years from now?

7th July 2014, 18:07
Mad house, jail, cemetery......

When was the last time you had a good laugh?

7th July 2014, 21:02
Mad house, jail, cemetery......

When was the last time you had a good laugh?
All at the same time?? :p

7th July 2014, 21:18
^^ about 5 mins ago...I was watching The Big Bang Theory. It doesn't take a lot to make me laugh :) (and get mad too :erm: )

Do you have a quick temper?

7th July 2014, 23:03
no, I am patient and quite serene most of the time. It takes an aweful lot to make me blow my cool

when was the last time some body really upset you?

7th July 2014, 23:19
Yes. But, to an extent I have learned to keep it under control.

When was the last time you really lost yours?

7th July 2014, 23:32
This morning. Two times.

When was the last time you were really drunk?

8th July 2014, 00:13
This morning. Two times.

When was the last time you were really drunk?


What is your reaction to someone who doesn't drink?

(because I endless get questioned and people being quite rude to me. Amazingly I thought my life was my choice.)

8th July 2014, 09:19
I'm not comfortable with people who drink too much, otherwise the level of alcohool in expired air is not an index in judging people. I think that people should drink a glass or two but they need to stop when they start to talk rubbish and behave like idiots. In my country a lot of women use to drink ( me included, without getting drunk, just to become more cheerful and to untie my tongue ) but the rest who are abstinent are very judgemental on them. In the past on different ocasions we used to celebrate at work with drinks and I used to have a glass of something until I noticed that a colleague called "drunken" a girl who did the same thing. Anyway, Steve and Mark helped me forget the old stereotype about brittish guys who drinks like pigs and are mad for football. That's why I like this forum.....:p

What are you wearing now?
( asked before but meanwhile I suppose you've changed your clothes :p )

8th July 2014, 11:42
A blue shirt and dark gray jeans..

What about you?

8th July 2014, 12:09
If I had known I have to say this on the forum I should have worn something special......:p
Yessica black skirt with white and grey flower print
Clockhouse bright blue t-shirt with a rather trivial print ( "calories are my friends" :laugh: )
Antilopa Black sandals
Hematite necklace and earrings
Oxette-Loisire watch
To add a bit of class to this rather cheap outfit I wear brown metalic eyeglasses from Sophia Loren's collection.

What had/have/will have ( depending of the local time of the person below ) you for lunch today?

8th July 2014, 14:52
I will have a ham & cheese sandwich and either a soda (coke) or a glass of orange juice.

Do you have a pet and what is it (strange people don't count)?

8th July 2014, 15:09
Don't have my own pet but my neighbour's cat spends all the time at my door, window or terrace.

What's the most exotic place you ever visited?

8th July 2014, 16:19
Define exotic. The whole bloody country is like most people's definition of exotic :eek:

8th July 2014, 16:29
A place that is far away and is impressing due to unusual and strange aspects. Could your country be far away ( although it's very big) and strange to you?
Example: Just heared that a sort of cousin of mine is on a trip to India

8th July 2014, 16:38
I dunno. I’ve been to a few “far away” places but each was unusual and strange in their own way.

Do you consider graffiti art?

8th July 2014, 17:20
yes. in it's own way. Something which takes a lot of skill as well as creativity is art for me. (though I may not like that art form) Music > All though :p:

What is your favourite art form?

gadjo: plenty of places are FAR away from my city - the furthest I have been within my own country is more than 2200+kms!! (Sikkim) and yes some of those parts were pretty strange. Since most regions have their own food, culture, language and traditions they all are pretty exotic when I visit them for the first time.

your sort of cousin is in which part of India? the usual touristy bits?

8th July 2014, 18:12
I have no clue. I talked to her mother who's the annoying type of woman who praised herself and her family. She knows I'm in big trouble and with my nerves down but kept talking about their wonderful trips around the world. So I tried to end the conversation very quickly. I had my own period of fascination about India and I'm always fighting my coworkers wrong opinions. I mean they see only the poverty side of the country and the place where our gypsies came from.

My fav form of art is cinematography. How lame....I read a lot about the movies and artists and tried to see the best art movies.

Can you dance traditional/folkloric dances? :p

8th July 2014, 23:07

Should I?

9th July 2014, 19:33
Yes. :p

Do you like to gamble?

9th July 2014, 21:22
Not really. I'll have a token bet on the Grand National and buy a lottery ticket most weeks and that's it.

I think we've probably had this one before but I can't think of another. What place would you like to visit, and why?

9th July 2014, 21:47
1. Machu Picchu - it's beautiful and full of mistery. It's my life dream.

2. The birthtowns of my parents in northern Greece. For a return to the roots.

Where will you spend this summer/winter holiday?

9th July 2014, 22:48
Holidays planned:

Next week: http://parksandrecreation.idaho.gov/parks/priest-lake

First week of August: http://www.christinalake.com/

First weekend of September: http://www.pc.gc.ca/eng/pn-np/bc/kootenay/index.aspx

Oct. 11th to 13th: http://www.grizzlyevents.ca/grizzly-ultra-marathon---relay.html :uhoh: :erm:

Well, you asked :mark:

What holiday plans do you have?

10th July 2014, 00:27
Holidays planned:

Next week: http://parksandrecreation.idaho.gov/parks/priest-lake

First week of August: http://www.christinalake.com/

First weekend of September: http://www.pc.gc.ca/eng/pn-np/bc/kootenay/index.aspx

Oct. 11th to 13th: http://www.grizzlyevents.ca/grizzly-ultra-marathon---relay.html :uhoh: :erm:

Well, you asked :mark:

What holiday plans do you have?
Priest Lake is very nice. While there you should also go to Spirit Lake and Coeur d'Alene if you haven't been there before. Lots of craft brew available in the area also. Strongly recommend Moose Lodge for dinner outside of Coeur d'Alene.

Nothing this summer. We'll be in Maine in mid September. Maybe Patagonia in the winter, either this year or next.

10th July 2014, 01:57
And your Q is........?

10th July 2014, 02:04
And your Q is........?
What is the fastest you have ever driven on a public road?

10th July 2014, 16:49
195kph... once... briefly.

Were you ever in a significant road accident?

10th July 2014, 18:32
Yes..back in college - the car toppled into a gutter on the left side of the road. A broken window and some very minor bruises. After that I never got in a car with people who smoked/drank and drove.
I do not drive if I'm out drinking..max is a beer or two if I must.

feel like a beer right now though, do you have any in the fridge? (I hope a Labatt's or Molson :D, still remember those from so many years ago)

10th July 2014, 19:08
Bad news Storm! :D

No I dont I am afraid.

Have you ever been to a International Sport Fixture? (Of any sport between two nations)

10th July 2014, 20:52

I should have caught the beer question. Have a case each of Heavy Seas Loose Cannon (hop 3 IPA), Trogg's Trogenator (dopplebock), Heavy Seas Cutlass (amber ale) and Harpoon UFO White (wheat beer with coriander & orange). Stop on by, I'm always willing to share.

If you had to pick one, and only one, car to keep forever what would it be?

10th July 2014, 22:09
This beauty was my dad's family first car. Wish it still stayed in our garage.:p
Otherwise I'd like a Wyllis Jeep.

Are there any cameras watching you at your work place?

11th July 2014, 09:32
I should have caught the beer question. Have a case each of Heavy Seas Loose Cannon (hop 3 IPA), Trogg's Trogenator (dopplebock), Heavy Seas Cutlass (amber ale) and Harpoon UFO White (wheat beer with coriander & orange). Stop on by, I'm always willing to share.

An ocean theme there...
Are those craft beers? I have never tasted any beers which weren't mass market. I really want to try some craft/micro stuff but sadly we are not a nation of breweries.

who knows maybe someday I will stop by for that :beer:

11th July 2014, 15:29
An ocean theme there...
Are those craft beers? I have never tasted any beers which weren't mass market. I really want to try some craft/micro stuff but sadly we are not a nation of breweries.

who knows maybe someday I will stop by for that :beer:
Yes, those are craft beers. Though Heavy Seas is getting pretty big with decent distribution these days, not nearly as big as something like Sam Adams though. They used to be known as Clipper City and are in Baltimore. Troegs is in Hershey, PA and Harpoon has facilities in Boston and Windsor, VT.

11th July 2014, 15:47
Back to the questions.

I have no job still, so I am sat posting on Motorsport Forums most of the time. Unless you lot are watching me. :uhoh:

Can you sew or stitch?

11th July 2014, 16:27
A button by hand - yes. Only in emergencies though..
We actually even have a portable sewing machine which nobody uses :erm:

What OS are you using (if you are on a desk/laptop?)

11th July 2014, 16:31
Thx to Storm who was quicker that I had to delete my answer to the previous Q. I made a fool of myself. :p
Also too dumb the answer the current Q. Anyway now I'm at home using a tablet. :s

11th July 2014, 17:44
which is most likely running Android (or iOS if its an iPad)

11th July 2014, 17:54
Yes, I know it's Android but I have no clue about the computer at work. I'll get a new one anyway next week. :p

Can you describe your personna in just 3 words?

11th July 2014, 18:15
Cantankerous old git!

How often do you get a new computer at work?

11th July 2014, 18:26
It's austherity so I can't remember when was the last time when computers were bought for all the employees. In my office we need some better ones for an application so about 5 years ago we received other PC's but they were second hand. Then last year my computer crashed and I needed a new one. But these days all people will get new ones.

When was the last time you had a barbecue?

11th July 2014, 19:18
May 31st. I remember the exact date as it was the football team I play for's end of season BBQ.

What's your favourite thing to eat off a BBQ?

11th July 2014, 19:41

What are your plans for the weekend?

11th July 2014, 23:01
Saturday: visit mother-in-law :o, Sunday: watch a football match

Do you do any gardening?

12th July 2014, 00:20
Saturday: visit mother-in-law :o, Sunday: watch a football match

Do you do any gardening?

Perfect Question for me, I do lots of Gardening. I am always out in my Garden and if I do say so myself Its a very nice Garden.

I feel at peace while in the garden and it is never finished there is always something to do.



Do you like Gardening?

12th July 2014, 02:33
Perfect Question for me, I do lots of Gardening. I am always out in my Garden and if I do say so myself Its a very nice Garden.

I feel at peace while in the garden and it is never finished there is always something to do.



Do you like Gardening?
I like it but I'm not particularly good at it. I usually get a bumper crop of weeds. Is the top photo your place to hang out and have a cold one?

Question for the thread is: What is the favorite formal garden you have been to?

12th July 2014, 10:32
Yes, I spend the warm evenings in the summer house in the top photo. :p

Hyde Hall is my favourite garden. Its not far from where I live although its not a classical formal garden its lovely.

Do you like cooking or is it something you do because you need to eat or do you just eat takeaways?

12th July 2014, 10:58
Come on..... What's with all these embarassing Q's about sewing or cooking?:p
I hate to cook from the bottom of my heart. Never done it in my life until a few months ago when I had no choice. I cook is just a saying cos I do the simplest things possible and either these get wrong. I'm left handed and I lack practice and I don't have time and energy for that. I love the summer dishes cooked with vegetables but I'm not able to cook them so I must add a new reason of frustration.

Do you like ironing? ( I prefer to ask it before Steve does - to avoid a new embarassment. :p)

12th July 2014, 15:51
Come on..... What's with all these embarassing Q's about sewing or cooking?:p
I hate to cook from the bottom of my heart. Never done it in my life until a few months ago when I had no choice. I cook is just a saying cos I do the simplest things possible and either these get wrong. I'm left handed and I lack practice and I don't have time and energy for that. I love the summer dishes cooked with vegetables but I'm not able to cook them so I must add a new reason of frustration.

Do you like ironing? ( I prefer to ask it before Steve does - to avoid a new embarassment. :p)


Never Iron ever.

What have you been doing today or what are you doing soon?

12th July 2014, 16:05
Went to a mall for the weekly shopping, tried to take care of my mum, now I'm supposed to cook (:angryfire:) something for myself, then I want to dye my hair and have a bath. Finally, if nothing wrong would happen on the family front, I shall lie on my bed and watch the match hoping to don't fall asleep.
Also hope to have some fun on the forum but it's less activity during weekends.

Same Q to you

12th July 2014, 22:38
I played some Football this morning then had a nap and this evening I went to see my Uncle and his family for his Birthday.

Just got back in time to watch the football.

Do worry about international politics and wars in other parts of the world?

12th July 2014, 23:58
No. My mind is always busy with a lot of things I have to cope with in everyday life.

How many meals do you have/day?

13th July 2014, 00:09
3 normally. Breakfast a light meal in the middle of the day and a big meal in the evening.

Who will win the World Cup? Germany or Argentina

13th July 2014, 00:45
I love Argentina but I don't think they deserve it

Who will win the next World Cup? :p

13th July 2014, 00:55
England or Romania? :D I reckon Germany or France. Long way off though

Have you ever watched Rugby?

13th July 2014, 01:12
Yeah when I was very young and had to share a tv set with my older brother who was a sport freak. We watched the 5 Nations championship. Even Romania was pretty good on that time. I wasn't a fan of rugby though, I mean I knew the rules but I disliked that the game was interrupted too often.

Have you ever watched gymnastics?

13th July 2014, 18:24
Yes. Sadly I have watched EVERY frigging sport on the planet atleast once :( (if its been on tv!)
This was till I was in college...

Luckily for my family I now only watch football (it is still too much time I waste - as it affects my sleep since most of it is late night for us)

any rain there? finally the monsoon has re-activated here...lovely.

13th July 2014, 18:35
It's raining almost every day, the typical summer heavy rains. Unfortunately in the last years rains are associated with extreme phenomena like storms, hail or little tornades.

What's the highest temperature you faced in your country?

13th July 2014, 19:25
38.1oC and it was recorded in Kent in South East UK.

What and where was the highest Temperature you have ever been in? I mean weather wise.

13th July 2014, 19:59
Well, in my hometown we may ''enjoy'' days with 42C but due to humidity the sensation is awful. Then the temps are measured in the shadow and outside the city. At the asphalt level and in the sun itt exceeds 50C.

Lowest temp I felt in Book a rest as far as I remember was about -23C. Then again, if the wind is blowing the sensation of cold is amplified.

Did you have measles?

14th July 2014, 01:34
Well, in my hometown we may ''enjoy'' days with 42C but due to humidity the sensation is awful. Then the temps are measured in the shadow and outside the city. At the asphalt level and in the sun itt exceeds 50C.

Lowest temp I felt in Book a rest as far as I remember was about -23C. Then again, if the wind is blowing the sensation of cold is amplified.

Did you have measles?
No, had mumps & chicken pox as a kid. I'm boringly healthy now though.

Should the UN take a hand in the middle east or build a wall around it, throw a bunch of guns & ammo over the wall and leave them locked in for about ten years? (Sorry, was just watching news a bit ago.)

14th July 2014, 09:03
It doesn't matter what UN does. It's a useless organization anyway.
There are some other "circles" that decide the line to follow.:devil:
(BTW,I'm impressed that still there are people watching the serious news during the World Cup final :p)

Are you happy that the World Cup is over?

14th July 2014, 09:53
No. It did not end the way I wanted but still not happy.
Now I have to go back to domestic stuff like getting whole wheat flour+milk this morning.

Are you a gadget freak?

14th July 2014, 10:04
I'm a boring conservative Taurus so I can't be ars+d with such things.

Are you a lazy person?

14th July 2014, 15:17
depends..overall yes.. but if I really like or get into some work I do not quit it until it is done.

Do you believe in astrology (crap!) ?

14th July 2014, 15:24
No way. I agree with your terminology.

In the UK women Bishops are the subject of church reform on the news at the moment. Where do you stand on women high up in the church/religion, despite religion generally frowning on it for hundreds of years? (even if you dont believe in religion)

14th July 2014, 15:50
Women should be equal in everything. Anything else is just a waste of 50% of the intelligence and productivity of the human race.

Have you ever taken an extended cruise on a smaller boat?

14th July 2014, 16:10
No. I hadn't the opportunity.

Is it wrong if I believe in magic?

14th July 2014, 16:20
No. I hadn't the opportunity.

Is it wrong if I believe in magic?
Only if you don't "spell" it correctly. :p

Your choice, though it seems to me to be against objective experience.

What is your favorite sport that you actually participate in?

14th July 2014, 16:20
Football although its the sport I have played very often. I am a RB/LB or CB.
and I am not very good either.

Have you ever been in a Police cell?

14th July 2014, 16:33
:God, no.......(yet :p)

Have you ever called the police?

14th July 2014, 16:39
Not the police, but I have called an ambulance for my sick mother a few times. That was very scary.

What would be your absolute dream job if you could do anything in the world?

14th July 2014, 17:11
I'd like to work in a book shop or library, or in an art gallery, or in a theater, or.......

Do you know poems by heart?

14th July 2014, 19:26
A few that I had drummed into me at school. In my case i think mit was a bit like driving a wedge in wide end first!

What would you have liked to be included in your school curriculum, but wasn't?

14th July 2014, 20:34
History of arts, history of religions and french language

Did your school curriculuum included practical activities?

15th July 2014, 23:14
a couple of them for a year or so only (pretty useless as nobody took those seriously...)
gardening (although I love it), baking

Do you have any school reunions? or old classmates meeting on your own?

15th July 2014, 23:31
We weren't great friends during high school. However there are a few of us who are very stubborn and keep organizing such things even 2 or 3 times/year. Generally I avoid going but I was at those organized in the high school( after 5,10,20, 30, 40......100 years from graduating). Just a month ago a guy from my class called up for an informal meeting at a terrace and for the first time I really wanted to go but I couldn't. Anyway, about half of my former classmates left the country and we'll probably celebrate the next reunion in Canada. :p

When you were in school did you ever run away from the classes? - don't know the english word, I mean if you left school without permission when you were supposed to stay at a class.

16th July 2014, 01:07
The English term is 'Playing Truant'. As I was at a boarding school, the boundary between cutting a class and running away from school was very narrow. You would be missed. Likewise, at weekends, as we all sat in the same places you would be missed at the next meal. So, in short I didn't.

They (whoever 'they' are) say "Your schooldays are the happiest days of your life". Do you agree?

16th July 2014, 05:25
The elementary school was great. Haven't problems with learning and the classmates were living in the neighbourhood. For a reason I don't get many of them came and played on my street and became part of our gang. Life on the street was wonderful and full of adventure - a la Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn. Sometimes I wonder how free we were, my mother never bothered that I disappeared for hours from the street as we were going to parks, cinema, museums, even art galleries. Yes I was very very happy and enjoyed life and took advantage of living in the central part of the city. The nightmare started when I went to a certain high school, probably the worst choice of my life ( it wasn't mine, my family decided).

Did your school bring you tickets to theatre?

18th July 2014, 10:48
Yes. We went to a few Shakespeare plays. MacBeth, Midsummer Nights Dream and the Tempest. To name three.

Have you been to the theatre recently?

18th July 2014, 11:19
No and it's a shame because I live in the area where all theatres are placed. I don't know..... It's not only about me but about all the people here. In the past the cultural life was very intense, I was going to the theatre at least once/month and getting tickets was a tough business. Looks like these days I became a carpathian monkey like everybody. :s
(Btw, since you've mentioned shakesperian plays, I remember I was at King Lear performed by Royal Shakespeare Company and couldn't understand much and it was funny to see that Gloucester was a black guy with a rasta haircut. Fortunatelly I knew the play and knew what's going to happen)

What was your latest disappointment?
( warning: Messi's play at WC doesn't count. :p )

18th July 2014, 11:23

I didn't get a job I appiled for. :( I have been doing a bit of "cash in hand" work, but as for a proper job I have been looking for the last month or so and I was turned down for one I applied for the other day.

Do you think you will ever change jobs?

18th July 2014, 11:45
I' m realy sorry for you Steve. I know what's it like. But don't worry, one day the sun wil rise again on your alley. :kiss:

To answer your Q, I don't think so. I think I've already said how you can get a job here and I don't want that. humiliation again. Things would have been easier if I were a young long legged blonde but I'm not. :p
Besides, my job despite burning me up is quite good . It assures a. decent wage ( for our standars of course ) and a good social position ( people generally are impressed by this institution, even scared that's why I avoid mentioning where I. work). If I weren't thar shy ( it doesn't matter I'm also stupid, my coworkers don't have such sensibilities) my job could offer me the opportunity to gain a lot of money -legally of course-but since I am and have a bad impression about myself I won't.

Would you accept a job that you dislike?

18th July 2014, 12:00
Things would have been easier if I were a young long legged blonde but I'm not. :p

Your not. :eek::(;)

Q: I dont think I would like to accept a job I disliked but I guess I would have to if I had no choice. Hopefully I can find something that I like a bit more.

What was your first ever job?

18th July 2014, 12:14
Your not. :eek::(;)

See? If I ask again this would be your latest disappointment. :s

My first job was at the planning department of a factory. It produced equipments for industrial constructions like cranes, hydraulic hammers, etc. It was probably the single place where I was treated like a human being and where I had great coworkers.

Who was the last person that disappointed you?
( apart from me and Messi of course )

18th July 2014, 12:24
I honestly can't think of anyone!! I tend not to expect too much and then I never get disappointed I guess.

What should we talk about next?

18th July 2014, 12:31
If I were a guy we could have talked about women - men's fav topic. :devil::p

Why communication become harder and harder these days?

18th July 2014, 12:42
cellphones/internet/fb - rather than making it easier it has become difficult

I would much prefer a chat in a pub/bar...
Any of you want to join me? Shy or not.

18th July 2014, 12:46
Count on me. We'll talk about football. ( Meaning you'll talk, I won't be able to say anything :laugh:)

Do indians have a traditional alcohoolic drink?

18th July 2014, 21:18
Tonnes of them. depends where you are..e.g Goa/West Coastal usually is "feni" which is made from coconut or cashew. so basically whatever is the local fruit/grain, you have a local spirit.

and yeah, I do talk a lot. especially about football :rolleyes:

What's the most traditional drink where you are?

18th July 2014, 21:41
It's called Tuica ( read tzuica ) and is a sort of plum brandy.
http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C8%9Auic%C4%83 It's mostly drunk in the country cos it's home made and a cheap drink. In big cities it's not too popular. When it's well prepared I like to drink a little glass but usually it had a horrible smell. The smelly one is jokely called Tuica Dobrin's eyes. Dobrin was one of our best football players-some say that even better than Hagi- who used to drink and had blue eyes. The bottle of cheap tuica had a label with 2 plums-hence Dobrin's. eyes.
In Transylvania the plum brandy is stronger and is called palinka. It's too strong for me, it's like feeling your throat is burning.

Do you drink occasionally or on regular bases?

18th July 2014, 21:54
Do you drink occasionally or on regular bases?

:D I will leave this to someone else.

18th July 2014, 22:33
:D I will leave this to someone else.
Steve, if you ever come to Bucharest I'll offer you this bottle of original home made palinka from Zalau ( that's the most famous place where it's produced)
It will cure you of shyness and make you a regular drinker. :laugh:

18th July 2014, 23:04
Steve, if you ever come to Bucharest I'll offer you this bottle of original home made palinka from Zalau ( that's the most famous place where it's produced)
It will cure you of shyness and make you a regular drinker. :laugh:

I was warned about girls like you. Trying to get a man drunk and where that leads. ;)

18th July 2014, 23:25
I was warned about girls like you. Trying to get a man drunk and where that leads. ;)
You're very smart. You understood that a man should be very drunk to
get on with a girl like me.:laugh:

But don't worry, my intention was to offer the bottle as a traditional gift-please notice that it has a ribbon in the colours of our flag. And don't listern to those who warned you, I'm sure you can handle a date with a girl without being drunk. You did it during that infamous Germany-Brazil. :laugh:

19th July 2014, 21:26
To get the thread moving I will say I drink very regularly. Can't get enough :p

Do you like Thunderstorms? We have loads here at the moment.

19th July 2014, 21:45
To add another low point to my humble person I confess I hate them cos they scare me.

What quality do you most appreciate from a friend?

PS I appreciate that you were the only one of the forum who admitted drinking. :p

20th July 2014, 00:02
I think it would have to be that person being non judgemental. i.e except things about me that are not the norm I guess. And except I am entitled to my own interests and am never going to be a sheep and do whatever other people think I should do.

Excepting who I am.

Do you except that logic? That people as long as they do not hurt others should be allowed to be themselves. Whatever that means for the individual?

20th July 2014, 00:53
I don't know....What hurts me might be a very normal thing for somebody else. I'm way too sensitive.... I always think that what I do is done in the wrong way and. what I say is rubbish. On these circumstances it's hard to be myself and I'm probably the first to criticize my behaviour and ideas. Living in a very judgemental society and being part of a very judgemental ethnic don't help either. But what's the point to do something that I like without hurting anybody and then become the stupid fart I am?
Well I guess it's a stupid answer but it's 1.00 am, and I'm tired, and I can't sleep ( despite watching a match on tv :p)

What's the most ridiculous thing you've ever done?

20th July 2014, 22:08
I don't really know what kind of ridiculous you mean. I have never done anything very scary.

I missed Windsor Castle while driving right past it. Thats pretty ridiculous :D

Why doesn't anyone else want to play this game? :(

20th July 2014, 22:45
Why don't you admit that neither you are interested in this game but from time to time. you play just because you're polite and don't want to let us waiting too much? :laugh:
As for the rest, there is a multitude of posible answers:
- because they have better things to do.
-because they are shyer than us and don't want to speak about themselves
-because they don't have a sense of humour
-because they don't bother to read this part of the forum
- because they dislike us

Do you think that now we'll get new members in this thread? :laugh:
(I bet we don't :devil:)

20th July 2014, 23:46
Of course. No one can resist our charms Gadjo. ;)

Have you ever seen Monty Python? If so did you find it funny?

21st July 2014, 00:47
I know about it but never got to see any of the movies. Never been on our cinemas or on TV. But I saw some of the Terry Gilliam's movies ( love the Fisher King).

When was the last time you danced?

21st July 2014, 01:18
I dance all the time at home when listening to music. I just hope someone is not recording it on a secret camera. :p

Do you own a Camera?

21st July 2014, 01:24
Yeah, the cheapest possible. I don't know much about taking pictures but I love to do it. Esp. when I'm going at my cousin's holiday home in the country.

Have you ever grown a beard or a moustache?

21st July 2014, 07:34
I cannot grow a full fledged beard, and whatever grasslands I do grow are now heavily tinged with gray so I tend to shave them :p:
...I do have a Ronaldo (the fat one) type beard quite often (without the moustache - I hate them! I guess its a goatee - more like a Ram)

Do you spend a lot of time grooming yourself (if stevie replies, I hope not!) and what the hell is all this about not liking thunderstorms :mad:

21st July 2014, 08:49
Not really. Less than Steve, anyway. :devil::p
About thunderstorms- I hate the rain, snow and humidity in general. In the last years thunderstorms have become more violent and are associated with floods, hail, flying roofs and falling trees. If I'm out it's annoying to shelter and wait. I also live in an old house and I fear that the big amount of water would cause damages. My bedroom is on a corner and have 2 windows on differnt walls so the lightnings seem to gather in the middle of the room. And then it's the noise of thunders....It's fair to say I'm afraid of natural phenomena. On those moments I understand that nature is above us and everything may happen.

In real life are you the friendly type o person or an unaccessible ''complex rock''?

21st July 2014, 09:01
friendly and polite enough to strangers but overall am a "complex rock" really - I usually do not make friends easily and I do tend to have strong opinions on most topics - although I will talk a lot even on a first meeting - but once I am comfortable with that person and he/she is a friend, better be ready for more of that :p:
So overall I do not have a lot of close friends but I do care about the ones I have.

(you need to worry less about nature - it is indeed above all and we are just a little part of it - enjoy the lightning and thunder, I do :cool: )

Do you like umbrellas? or are you prefer a rain-coat/windcheater?

21st July 2014, 09:46
I feel unconfortable with an umbrella in my hand but I have no choice. During the warm season nobody wears rain-coats here. Umbrellas are generally useless cos the wind turns them up and breaks them and when it's not the wind it's the stream in certain parts of my route.

Can you (and your family for those who have one) manage to cope with the home problems or you have a person to help ( for cleaning, cooking, taking care of the kid(s), etc.)?

21st July 2014, 10:49
I grew one many years ago. I can't remember why - I think I just wondered how I looked in one. I found that although I saved ten minutes a day not shaving I had to spend about half an hour trimming and tidying it every week or so. When I shaved it off it was rather amusing - my boss knew something was different about me but wasn't sure what (he had knownme before I grew the beard. I find that if someone I know grows a beard I canstill recognise them, but if I've only known someone with a beard I don't recognise them when they shave it off.

What about tattoes. Do you think women tattoes make someone, particularly a woman, more attractive or the reverse?

21st July 2014, 11:03
D-Type, you answered an old Q. :p

21st July 2014, 16:09
Sorry, I must have missed the page end. :mad:

My wife and I (although she probably reckons just her) manage to do everything around the house ourselves. In Britain you have to be very rich to be able to afford any domestic help.

Same question as before: Do you think tattoes make someone, particularly a woman, more attractive or the reverse?

21st July 2014, 20:02
Much more non attractive. There are two things that would cause me to never go out with a woman. Smoking cigarettes (or other tobacco usage) and piercings. Tats come a close third. As a youthful indiscretion, they might be OK except that they are pretty much permanent (nothing like that looong stemmed rose on the mammary later in life). Pretty much the same for tattoos on men.

If you could go back and choose, in what country would you be born, has to be the same year as your original birth, and would you be male or female?

21st July 2014, 23:08
I am a proud member of the Scouse Nation, so being born in Liverpool suits me fine. Never had any complaints about being a guy so I am happy with that too.

does anyone really understand women?

21st July 2014, 23:34
Maybe Gadjo? :p

Have you ever seen a solar eclipse?

21st July 2014, 23:46
Neither me. They are worse than men. And yes I have seen a total eclipse of the sun in 1999. Romania was the best place to see it.

Have you ever seen a rain of asteroids?

22nd July 2014, 02:37
meteors yes several times, every time earth passes through the Leonid belt

Will humaity be living off-world in permanent colonies (on the moon etc) in our life time?

22nd July 2014, 09:30
Not in out lifetime but perhaps in the next century.

would you go to space or another planet if given a chance?

22nd July 2014, 09:38
No. There are more interesting places on earth I'd like to see before.

What is your fav colour?

22nd July 2014, 10:06
I've seen a couple of partial eclipses including the one over England about 10 years ago - In london it was very close to being a full eclipse

Would you rather your country had a different anthem? eg The Marsellais rather than You'll Never Walk Alone

22nd July 2014, 10:25
Come on D Type.......
Yoy missed the page again

22nd July 2014, 10:35
Come on D Type.......
Yoy missed the page again

:laugh: Come on D Type you need to concentrate. ;)

22nd July 2014, 10:43
change the number of posts to 20 or more per page and you should be sorted D ;)

22nd July 2014, 15:15
I don't have a particular favorite color.

If starting over and knowing what you know now, what would you choose as your profession and why?

22nd July 2014, 15:30
Comedian. The type of acting that match my personality.

The q of D Type about the anthem

Would you rather your country had a different anthem? eg The Marsellais rather than You'll Never Walk Alone

22nd July 2014, 22:50
You'll Never Walk Alone is the perfect anthem for the Scouse Nation :) There is however no way in hell that the funeral dirge God Save The Queen should be the UK anthem, it is so slow and boring. It is the reaqson British sports teams are aweful - by the time the anthem is finished they are all years older.
Anthems should be inspiring and should reflect the Nation, take 'Das Deutschlandlied' for example

What is the 1 thing in life that you still want to acheive

23rd July 2014, 08:11
Retirement :p

What''s the best achievement of your life until now ( apart from kids for those who have any)

23rd July 2014, 08:44
Nothing really...ok perhaps getting pretty decent at Spanish (working full time as a computer programmer while studying) and getting the advanced diploma from the Uni (now I am not as good due to lack of practice even though I read news)

btw I had been harping about the monsoon being late - well finally it got here last week

I am at the lower end of the huge system in the middle :p:

yeah a question right, What are you planning to buy in the near future?

23rd July 2014, 09:16
In a few hours -when our own monsoonic rain will stpp- I intend to go out and look fpr some summer shoewear. Enjoy the monsoon Storm! :wave:

How many hours do you work/day?

23rd July 2014, 12:18
0.02 at the moment :( I have been doing a bit of paid work here and there, but am still looking for some fulltime employment.

What was the last thing you were given as a present/gift of some kind?

23rd July 2014, 17:15
I think that on my birthday my cousins offered me some cheap cosmetics and a set of bracelet-necklace that I've never worn. I always get the feeling that when they offer something they are cleaning their cupboards, they never think of my age, personality or taste. The presents I usually get are most of the time a disappointment.

what was the last thing that you offered to someone as a gift?

23rd July 2014, 22:57

are flowers a boring cliche?

24th July 2014, 00:20
It kinda has become. In my country offering flowers is at high price. Whenever you go at somebody's house you have to bring flowers for the women in it. I mean if I go to a man's anniversary I have to also buy flowers for the wife, or mother or daughter or anybody wearing a skirt. As it happens this otherwise nice and civilised custom was exaggerated and now you can't come with a normal bouquet but with a special arrangement that costs a lot of money. Aromanians don't have such refinements and we prefer to spend those money to buy cakes or drinks . :p
Personally, I don't mind getting flowers at home but I hate to walk on the street with flowers in my hand. The most annoying is when I get flowers at work.and I have to carry them on my way home. During my first job when I had a lot of friends at work and flowers were cheap I used to get so many flowers that it was impossible to gather them in my arms.

I attached a few samples of what offering flowers means today and my Q is: do you offer such floral homages to the women in your life? :devil:

24th July 2014, 01:42
some times, but last time I sent her flowers, she decided not to speak to me for a week - bloody women... you can't live with them, and it's still a crime to shoot them :)

would I be better off getting a puppy?

24th July 2014, 05:03
some times, but last time I sent her flowers, she decided not to speak to me for a week - bloody women... you can't live with them, and it's still a crime to shoot them :)

would I be better off getting a puppy?
Yes. Go for it.

Did you ever want to walk up to a person in a position of power, economic, political or religious, and slap them up side the head and say: "What in the h-ll were you thinking?"

24th July 2014, 07:28
Yeah. But only when I'm at work and have to deal with work papers related to these smart guys. Since I can't slap them my verbal violence takes unimaginable forms of expression that would definitely shock you.

Do you swear in public?

24th July 2014, 10:31
Only when I play football. :o I am very polite, but when the football team is together things get a bit more rude.

Have you ever fired a gun or some such?

24th July 2014, 10:43
I think I've answered this a million times. During the premilitary service in high school we were to a shooting camp and had to fire 5 bullets. I probably missed all the targets, nobody bothered to check, we just had to fire. :p

Would you have liked to serve in the army?

24th July 2014, 13:20
I think I've answered this a million times. During the premilitary service in high school we were to a shooting camp and had to fire 5 bullets. I probably missed all the targets, nobody bothered to check, we just had to fire. :p

Would you have liked to serve in the army?

No way I am too much of a scaredy cat and to soft to shoot anyone. All in all complete anti army material.

Do you like Pizza? If so what is your favourite topping?

24th July 2014, 13:45
Yes and I'm not pretentious at all. I'd eat any type as long as it doesn't contain chicken or sea fruits. I prefer the spicy ones so I'd choose pepperoni and jalapeños. I have a Pizza Hut 5 min. far from home and every Tuesday it's a special offer of any small pizza at 10 lei so every week I take a Super Suprema with almost all ingredients.

Do you like vegetables food cooked with sauce?

25th July 2014, 01:07
beans on toast Mmmmm goooood

do you like trying food from different parts of the world?

25th July 2014, 07:45
Not exactly. When it comes to food I'm quite a finical person cos there are certain things I refuse to eat (chicken and any bird meat, sea fruits, shells, liver, kidneys, heart, brains, meat in sauce, etc.).

Do you like to mock other persons?

25th July 2014, 10:30
No, I will mock a situation and this might be interpreted as mocking the person who created it, but I will not consciously mock a person for what they are as opposed to what they have done. A subtle difference which isn't always clear.

What is the funniest thing you have seen recently?

25th July 2014, 10:41
My neighbour's cat sleeping on my terrace in an impossible position.It's killing hot outside and the poor creature was probably trying to cool down.

When was the last timei you laughed and why?

25th July 2014, 10:57
About a week ago, my neighbour was getting the shopping from his car and I was outside, he was bragging about a bottle of Brandy he had got cheap and how great it was. Then as he went to go in the house "SMASH" and a loud shout of "B*****ks". I had trouble not laughing out loud, it was funny though.

Do you own any real Gold? (in any form jewellery, Gold coin, Gold Bullion- whatever)

25th July 2014, 15:40
My beautiful soul is the real gold I own. :p.
I have 3 old Turkish gold coins that in aromanian tradition were offered to new born babies ( fair to say they were offered at my brother's birth). My family had 100 such pieces but they were confiscated by communists and my dad was emprisoned and tortured for refusing to give them.
Would like to wear them on my neck but I'd be robbed by gypsies who also wear such things.
I also have some family jewellery, never bought gold for myself. My brother who never offered me a present, not even on my birthday or on Christmas offered me once when he was probably drunk a very thin gold bracelet that had become a part of me. I never left it from my hand until 2 years ago when I lost it.
For me jewellery have a sentimental value not a material one. If someone I care of gives me a sweet nothing it would become mor valuable than a tone of gold.

do you wear jewellery?

25th July 2014, 17:59
Wedding ring only, nothing else.

If you had to give up one electronic thing forever (TV, cell phone, computer, etc.) what would it be and why?

25th July 2014, 18:59
These days I hardly watch TV but I still need it for sport events and breaking news.
I never wanted a computer at home knowing I'd become its slave and I resisted until last year when all started by buying a smart TV and bringing internet in the house. Now I'm totally addicted and during my sleepless nights my tablet keeps me company.
At the same time I've noticed that my communication with what I call ''real life'' has become more and more difficult. I feel that people don't want to talk to me, when they do everything is conventional and false. So I don't think I need anymore my cell phone + land phone, objects that are totally useless in my home and I'd gladly give up them.

Do you drink soft drinks and if yes which is your fav?

27th July 2014, 10:28
I drink alot of fruit juice, but occasionally I have fizzy soft drinks. I like Fanta/Sprite/7up. I dont really like Coke or Pepsi though.

How will Steaua Bucharest Football team do this season? ;)

27th July 2014, 12:17
It will sink slowly but surely. :p

The coach Reghecampf has left, so did a lot of players. The owner of the club is emprisoned and there are not money for good acquisitions. The new coach is a former player who has no experience.
They're now fighting to access the groups of CL.. Played and won against the champions of Norway and will face now the champs of Kazakhstan. But they play awful.

What is the feature of character you lack but you would have liked to have?

28th July 2014, 11:05
A talent for something. Not really a character trait, but I am OK at a few things, but really have no talent for anything.

Have you ever seen a crime being committed?

28th July 2014, 15:08
I've seen a few times how gypsies tried to rob poor old persons on the bus or at a queue. Everytime I warned the victims about what's gonna happen. I remember that in a bus a fellow gypsy of the robber came to me and whispered in my ear "I've got a knife". :s

What's the highest number of beers you managed to drink in a row?
( For Steve beer=juice )

28th July 2014, 15:26
( For Steve beer=juice )


28th July 2014, 16:36
I've seen a few times how gypsies tried to rob poor old persons on the bus or at a queue. Everytime I warned the victims about what's gonna happen. I remember that in a bus a fellow gypsy of the robber came to me and whispered in my ear "I've got a knife". :s

What's the highest number of beers you managed to drink in a row?
( For Steve beer=juice )
If I could remember, it couldn't have been that many. :D :D :D

28th July 2014, 19:38
And the question is?

28th July 2014, 20:18
How many do you think it was? :D

28th July 2014, 21:26
5 :laugh:

How many hours have you resisted most without sleeping?

29th July 2014, 00:02
I generally am quite lucky, I sleep well, however a month or so ago I had trouble sleeping and went 2 nights without any real sleep. So about 48+ hours

Whats the longest you can remember sleeping?

29th July 2014, 00:18
When I'm asleep I tend not to remember :) Although a friend asked me how my weekend was and I replied "I can't remember, I went to bed Friday night, then woke up and it was Monday morning."

What sort of people really, really, really annoy you?

29th July 2014, 00:28
People who mock questions asked on threads like this :p.

No really its people who have no view of the bigger picture of the world and universe around them. People who just think that fashion/TV is the most important thing and when you mention history or palaeontology as an example just say "Who cares". That bugs me as these things IMO i guess are important and in reality the latest TV is not.

Are you at all interested in Palaeontology and alike?

29th July 2014, 03:16
Yes. Many scientificalistical (you like that word? I made it up just now) interest me, from fossils, to ancient history to astronomy etc.

Staying with history, does it really, really really annoy you the way Hollywierd try to change history to include themselves in it?

29th July 2014, 09:01
I don't know. I don't follow "Hollyweird" releases anymore.

When was the last time you were swimming?

29th July 2014, 16:56
A couple of weeks ago in a lake in a state park in Idaho :) . Looking forward to doing the same next week in a lake in a provincial park in British Columbia. I much prefer swimming in either a lake or the ocean, rather than a pool. Mind you, where I live the closest ocean is about 1,000kms away, and the lakes around here are more like sloughs :s . So when we go away camping in the summer we always try to find a campsite that is close to a lake (many nice ones in British Columbia :) ).

Do you enjoy camping?

29th July 2014, 20:16
I have been camping a couple of times and enjoyed in alot. However whether I would be less interested if I done it more often I don't know.

Do you prefer a bath/soak in a tub or a shower?

29th July 2014, 20:17
The steam from the tub makes me sick.

Have you ever shared a room when on holiday with more than 2 friends?

29th July 2014, 21:31
yes but not in the recent past. partly to lower the cost and party for the company/fun

Do you play a musical instrument?

29th July 2014, 23:08
No. I don't have any skill.

Who is your fav painter?

29th July 2014, 23:19
The guy that did my house.

do you like classical guitar?

29th July 2014, 23:38
the guy that did my house. ...

lol! :D

29th July 2014, 23:42
Yes absolutely. I tried to learn once, but never took to it sadly. :(

What is your favourite instrument to play/listen to?

30th July 2014, 00:12

Do you like ballet?

30th July 2014, 01:11
no, it's just not my thing. I have a great deal of respect for the dancers, it takes a huge amount of dedication etc.

I'm going out for a coffee, who wants one? (sorry couldn't think of anything else to ask:))

30th July 2014, 09:58
Can't stand Coffee, but grab us a Hot Chocolate instead please Anfield.

Should I have a biscuit/cookie with my hot chocolate?

30th July 2014, 10:09
Yeah. And a lollipop too.:p

What kind of guy is Steve? No beer, no coffee....:confused:

30th July 2014, 13:03
Yeah. And a lollipop too.:p

What kind of guy is Steve? No beer, no coffee....:confused:

A fussy one. :p

What type of woman is Gadjo, always worrying about what Steve likes? :p

30th July 2014, 15:21
Motherly type. :devil:

when was the last time you cried?

30th July 2014, 16:24
I am not the crier type tbh.

Are you a crier?

30th July 2014, 16:32
Yes. I'm a cry baby. :s

Can you fix the installations in your house?

30th July 2014, 16:57
A few..like the electrical stuff, sometimes a tap or something like that (not a huge DIY person but can manage most things around the house)
I have a few light fixtures/bulbs to replace though..

Do you need anything fixed in your house right now?

30th July 2014, 17:04
Nothing to fix, but some painting to do after a major kitchen remodel.

When was the last time you actually attended a racing or rally event?

30th July 2014, 17:12
2004 :dozey:
F1 finally came to my country but I got tangled up in real life (can't complain though) and now that race is off. I do plan on attending some race/rally in the future though. so its all tv watching at the moment.

Will you be attending any live sports in the near future?

30th July 2014, 17:31
Yes I will be heading to Brands Hatch towards the end of the season for BTCC round probably and maybe a Truck Racing day too.

Are you going out and about this weekend?

30th July 2014, 17:34
No. Maybe I'll go out for the weekly shopping but I can't go anywhere else.

When was the last time you cooked something and what was that?

30th July 2014, 19:21
The missus does most of the cooking in the schmenke household :mark: .
My cullinary exploits are generally limited do the backyard BBQing. Grilled up some blue cheese stuffed burgers a couple of days ago :facelick: .

Are you a picky eater?

30th July 2014, 22:23
Have to Google for picky eater.....:p
And YES I am, I would never eat chicken (except from schnitzel of chicken chest ), or vegetables cooked together with chicken, or the soup with chicken. Even the smell of chicken makes me sick

Do you have a nice handwriting?

30th July 2014, 22:34
If you like to read sanskrit. I can't even print in a straight line.

What color will your next car be?

30th July 2014, 22:35
Blue, I love Blue.

I have a job interview Friday. :uhoh: Do you have any advice for me?

30th July 2014, 22:45
Yeah: stop hoping.:devil:

Have you ever bribed someone?

30th July 2014, 23:02
Yeah: stop hoping.:devil:


30th July 2014, 23:29
I have never offered anyone a bribe. But I have been in situations abroad where I realised afterwards a bribe would have helped ease the way.

What do you think can be done to protect endangered species?

Steve, at the interview be yourself, build on your strengths and tell them about them, remember they only have limited time so the more time you can spend telling them good things about yourself the better. Good luck!

31st July 2014, 00:00
I have never offered anyone a bribe. But I have been in situations abroad where I realised afterwards a bribe would have helped ease the way.

What do you think can be done to protect endangered species?

Steve, at the interview be yourself, build on your strengths and tell them about them, remember they only have limited time so the more time you can spend telling them good things about yourself the better. Good luck!

Thanks D Type.

Its tough to know how is best to go about protecting endangered species. I mean some you do fear are lost causes, however due to the likelyhood it was human action that led to the situation you feel we must do something.

I quite like the corridors they are creating across South/Central Asia in order for many animals to move about. Rather than be stuck in pockets isolated.

Other than that its education and support to those who are causing the most damage I guess, with tough penalties if you are found poaching or breaking international law.

Which endangered species do you fear most for(that its possible to answer about)?

31st July 2014, 00:34
Hectors and Maui dolphins around NZ. Both species populations are sliding towards unsustainable, and commercial fishermen would rather rape the sea for their catches than help take measures to protect them. In the case of the Hector there are thought to be only 50-60 adults left. If something isn't done soon they will disappear in the next 10 years.

Is it right that commercial considerations i.e. money should trump preservation - are we more important than nature?

31st July 2014, 05:44
There should be a balance struck there without going to either extreme. Those who rape nature for profit should remember the story about the golden goose. Harvesting is fine, but what do they think they will do for a living when all the prey is gone?

If it was possible, would you consider living on another planet? A terraformed Mars perhaps.

31st July 2014, 06:13
Not for me. I'm too insecure to start things from zero.

What's the thing you've ever lost that made you very very very sad?

31st July 2014, 22:40
My mind!! or seriously, I lost my girlfriend to a drunk driver in a road crash a few years ago, and nothing will ever be worse than that.

Do you tend to dwell on bad things that have happened or, do you pick yourself up and move on?

31st July 2014, 23:10
I'd like to say I pick myself up and move on, but I do sometimes dwell on things.

What's your earliest memory, including how old you may have been?

1st August 2014, 00:14
I woke up this morning! :)

Or even earlier, playing in the snow at home near Liverpool. I would have been about 4. I would like to say England winning the world cup, but that was a month before I was let loose on an unsuspecting world.

It is said that "It is better to have loved and lost, than never to have loved at all." What do you think, and was Alfred Lord Tennyson mad when he wrote it?

1st August 2014, 01:19
Alfred Lord Tennyson was quite mad, but it had nothing to do with love. Never to have loved is safer, but not nearly as much fun. What's life without the ups and downs?

What would you like for your next birthday?

1st August 2014, 02:12
A bottle of Calvin Klein's Euphoria perfume, an expensive bag, a shirt, an expensive watch and many other such wonderful things that I never get.

How much time do you spend on Facebook?

1st August 2014, 04:47
About 20 minutes a year.

Have you ever wished you were a professional athlete or actor/ess?

1st August 2014, 06:50
Yes, who doesn't?

What after shave do you use?
( in case you're a man :p)

1st August 2014, 08:17
Not everytime, but when I do it is usually Old Spice

Do you read a newspaper everyday? (a real paper)

1st August 2014, 08:53
no. i regularly pick up the free np from the subway but never get to read it. Forget about them in my bag for days and then use them to pack litter. Used to buy a tabloid on Fridays for tv programme for my mum. Now it's not the case anymore. I don't read newspapers online either. I'm head in the clouds.

Where have you spent your last holiday?

1st August 2014, 18:41
My last Holiday was Scotland in the highlands. I have been there quite a few times now.

More recently I had two mini holidays, 3 days in Leicestershire visiting a heritage steam railway (you'd have loved that Gadjo ;)) and also a 3 day trip to Silverstone for F1 testing a few weeks back.

When ever you are next able to, where will your next break/holiday be?

1st August 2014, 21:27
That's a tough Q. I dream of visiting Europe but always end up in small villages like 2 Mai or Provita.
The recent event in my life made me reconsider the money problem. I mean I'd be ready to spend enough just for a few days far away from home.
Anyway, at this moment it's very frustrating to see all my coworkers going on holiday and coming back relaxed , happy and sporting a healthy tan. This year I will not get to see the sea so I consider it a(nother) lost year of my life.

Have you ever gone to work dressed in short trousers?

1st August 2014, 22:20
Yes, when I worked in Swaziland. At that time (seventies) 'Safari suits' were very popular in southern Africa - shorts, bush jacket and long socks all colour co-ordinated in colours like khaki, light and dark green, brown and, believe it or not, powder blue.

Have you worked outside your home country?

2nd August 2014, 00:33
Yep, most of my working life as a Gardener. I guess that may change if I get a new job soon.

How would you help improve an organisation that you have no knowledge of? That was a question I was asked today :D

2nd August 2014, 00:45
By keeping apart from it. :devil:

Where did Steve worked as a gardener outside his country? :confused:

2nd August 2014, 10:23
By keeping apart from it. :devil:

Where did Steve worked as a gardener outside his country? :confused:

whoops misread the question. :o Maybe Wales once I picked a flower. :D

Should I read the questions on this thread more closely?

2nd August 2014, 12:22
No. It's just a game.

Which way do you prefer to cook eggs?

2nd August 2014, 18:52
Fried or poached.

Fried with bacon and sausages, but poached with Toast. I like Scrambled and hard boiled too but not so much.

Do you eat steak? If so Rare/medium or well done?

2nd August 2014, 18:58
I aim at medium and either end up with medium/rare or well done. which is OK as I like steak either way. if you cook them under the grill there's all the juice to mop up with a slice of bread preferably the end slice (aka crust)

Do you like black pudding?

2nd August 2014, 22:09
Yes, although I only eat it with a fried breakfast, which I dont eat massively often. I remember on Holiday in 2008 in Scotland I had a fried breakfast every morning with Black Pudding and Haggis. It was delicious but sadly only something to be done on a holiday.

Have you ever eaten Haggis?

2nd August 2014, 23:35
We have a similar food called "drob" and I'd rather die than eat it. Although my mother's drob looked great.

What are you wearing now?

3rd August 2014, 00:07
White T shirt, Grey fleece shorts (they are comfy indoors even if they look rubbish) and socks.

Should I come off Facebook? I am getting a bit bored of it

3rd August 2014, 03:34
Never been a fan of Facebook so I can't offer an impartial answer.
I don't understand how someone could be friends with more than 100 people.

If you live in a big city: would you mind leaving it and moving to a smaller and quieter place?
If you live in a small to or in the country: : Do you ever feel frustrated and wish to move to a big city?

3rd August 2014, 14:09
I now live in what was a large-ish town now a small City, but if I had enough money I would definitely move into the countryside and someone rural and quiet.

Just how much is that doggy in the window?

3rd August 2014, 19:43
I now live in what was a large-ish town now a small City, but if I had enough money I would definitely move into the countryside
Why do you need money to move into the countryside? Is it more expensive there?

and someone rural and quiet.

I'm sure ''and'' is in fact ''with'' :laugh:

Well, for you the doggy is for free.

What's your fav dog breed?

3rd August 2014, 20:33
Why do you need money to move into the countryside? Is it more expensive there?

You laugh Gadjo but around here a small apartment costs £150,000 a normal town house costs £400,000

and a country house in some nice countryside is £800,000+

I have no where near that amount.

I quite like

but my fav has to be

What is your favourite cat breed? (If whoever answers likes cats)

3rd August 2014, 21:47
Steve, it's time to move to Romania. Buy a house in the country and you might become prince Charles's neighbour. :p
He bought a house at Viscri for only 15000 Euro and is regularly visiting it.

I like the cats with long hair like Norwegian forest cats or Birmanese. Not very fond of Persians who look always sad. But all the cats are lovely and I also have a weakness for those with tiger fur.

Do you snore?

3rd August 2014, 23:18
never heard myself.

What animal do you liken yourself too?

3rd August 2014, 23:57
Some kind of Ape ;)

When was the last time you yelled at someone?

4th August 2014, 00:34
10 minutes ago.

When was the last time you whispered something to someone.

4th August 2014, 02:37
now. I am whispering too you. :p Probably within the last couple of days and probably behind someones back.

Whats the one most important thing you have to do before you leave the house?

4th August 2014, 02:54
open the door! :)

I have been sounding quite negative here recently, how should I cheer myself up and get back to normal again?

4th August 2014, 09:03
Stay on this forum.

Have you ever followed someine without his/her knowledge?

4th August 2014, 09:08
Do something you really enjoy - if you like hiking go outdoors on a hill..or play/listen to music. should work. it does for me.

What is your favourite colour when it comes to clothes?

4th August 2014, 09:31
Too late Storm....:laugh:

Depends on the age and season.
When I was very young I loved black and dark blue clothes.
Then I was fond of khaki.
These days I feel tired and old so my preference has turned to fucsia because it brings some colour to my white-vampirish look. During summer I also love bright blue or brazilian green.
On winter I like either different shades of grey (:devil:) +purple or magenta or a combination of different shades of brown.
It doesn't mean that I always wear clothes just like that. It's just what I like.

Have you ever followed someone without his/her knowledge?

4th August 2014, 16:06
Don't think so.

Oh except you Gadjo. I came to Book A Rest last week and followed you round all week. :devil::blackeye:

Have you ever been followed/tracked by someone?

4th August 2014, 16:22
[I'm really sorry for you Steve. To come to the city with the most beautiful girls ( as they pretend to be ) and to follow a quasi-old horrible fart is a terrible waste of time. :devil: :p ]

Don't think so. Except for you Steve, nobody ever follow/track quasi-old horrible farts. :s

When was the last time you farted?

4th August 2014, 18:33
5 minutes ago at whatever time you read this :p

Whats the next major event in the world you are loooking forward too?

4th August 2014, 22:41
Not much on the event horizon at the moment. World cup is 4 years away, olympics 2. Maybe aliens finally visiting the world properly, instead of the way they do now. :)

Do you believe that being from other planets have ever visited Earth?

4th August 2014, 23:31
Yes because I'm one of them.

Do you believe in reincarnation?

5th August 2014, 06:08
I honestly don't know. Initially I would say no, but there are always things that sometimes point towards maybe.

Are there any major (big) animals that are undiscovered?

5th August 2014, 07:07
There could perhaps be some deep ocean animals but land animals? probably not.

Which animal would you like to see up close in its own habitat? Or you have seen already?

5th August 2014, 10:25
Penguins. It would be like observing my own life.

Would you mind asking a Q instead of me?

5th August 2014, 11:33

What's the longest time you have been on in a single journey (could be a plane/bus/train/car)..do you enjoy the journey or you just want to get to your destination as quickly as possible?

5th August 2014, 15:35
Yetis. :p

Actually, my choice would be otters. I've seen them of course, but it would be fun to watch them over a period of time.

What will be the next thing to change the way the world lives? (Think semiconductor as an example.)

5th August 2014, 17:34
You missed a couple of questions Starter :p

5th August 2014, 18:28
You missed a couple of questions Starter :p
No, I'm just living in the past. :D ;)

5th August 2014, 22:52
single journey... flying from London To Wellington. We didn't fly direct, we went from London to Brussels, then to Tehran, Deli, Singapore, Sydney, Auckland and finally Wellington

Do you like to walk in the rain?

5th August 2014, 23:43
Hate it.

Do you wear sunglasses?

6th August 2014, 01:03

Do you watch Top Gear?

6th August 2014, 01:13
I do. Its very silly but its a bit of fun.

Can you juggle?

6th August 2014, 02:59
kind of, I can keep two tennis balls going with one hand, or three going with both hands, but that's about it really.

Do you like clowns (the circus kind, not Bernie Ecclestone)