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6th May 2014, 20:16
My football team had an end of season party type event at the weekend.

Watched Football, played Pool and Listened to music.

Do you liked Eggs? If which type are your favourite? (fried, scrambled.....or Duck eggs, hens) whatever.

6th May 2014, 22:01
I'm not fond of them. I seldom eat eggs, only hen eggs and only from big farms ( while normal people would prefer the more ''natural'' ones from peasants ). When I do I prefer boiled eggs with hard yolk and only with salt, pepper and hot mustard. On Easter it's the time when I eat such eggs but painted in different colours.

Are you bored by this thread?

6th May 2014, 23:12
In short no :)

Are you?

7th May 2014, 00:04
Not really. I just run out of things to ask that make sense.

So on that note.

What would win in a fight. A horse sized Duck or 100 Duck sized Horses? Explain your workings please. :D

7th May 2014, 00:39
Alliances have mor chances so I think it's the latter.

Do you wear ties?

7th May 2014, 07:31
No. Back when I got out of college I thought I would like to have a job where a tie is needed. I have never had a job which has a strict dress-code so I only own 2 ties which I never wear :s (of course it is stupid anyway to wear a suit/tie in a country which is as hot as ours)

Do you have to wear formal clothes to work?

7th May 2014, 10:28
I used to, I worked for the local council offices and required smart dress.

Recent years being a Gardener I dont need such things.

Have you got one TV programme which you just cannot miss and must watch it every time?

7th May 2014, 10:59
lol, usually its the football on weekends (used to be F1 too)

how about you? same Q

7th May 2014, 11:34
I like a TV show (well it's not a show it's more of a monologue based on tomorrow's morning press) that starts on sunday-friday at 23.00. I use to fall asleep listerning to the guy, it's like I'm sleeping with him all the week. :p
Can't say I can't miss the programme. it's more like a sort of routine.....

Did you ever have a conflict at work?

7th May 2014, 16:30
You mean a dispute with a coworker, sure it's happened, but things tend to get sorted out in the end.

Have you ever eaten turtle?

7th May 2014, 16:58
No and I'll never will.

Have you ever eaten monkey brain?

You mean a dispute with a coworker
Matter of fact I meant a dispute with the "big boss". That's the real thing.

7th May 2014, 19:39
No and I never will. :p

What was the last funny thing you saw while walking down the street?

7th May 2014, 21:10

7th May 2014, 21:25
Well, life in the countryside is still funny here.....

When was the last time you attended a wedding?

8th May 2014, 03:44
Wow haven't been to a wedding for years, most of my friends are either already dead, erm married, or happily unmarried, and all of my cousins etc live in England and 12000 miles is a long way to go for a wedding.

If I invented a device that warned you when your tea/coffee was getting cold, would you buy one?

8th May 2014, 08:48
No. I answered too many of your questions to be entitled to get one for free.

When was the last time you attended a funeral?

8th May 2014, 10:16
About two months ago. To say goodbye to David McKinney (the author of the book on the Maserati 250F) who I vaguely knew.

On the inventions front: what recent invention do you consider has really made a significant improvement to your life?

8th May 2014, 10:22

Where have you spent your last holiday*

8th May 2014, 11:24
Nepal - but it was not completely a holiday either

where would you like to spend your next holiday?

8th May 2014, 11:55
It's imposible to have a holiday but nobody can stop me to keep on dreaming of Barcelona, Paris and Viena,

Do you ever dream with eyes open?

8th May 2014, 16:53
Everytime I look in the mirror :D

Paper book or e-book?

8th May 2014, 17:15
Sadly none of them lately. But I hate to read from a screen.

Do you read much?

8th May 2014, 17:50
Not too much, mostly just novels to pass the time. I only just started The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest, despite it being released several years ago :mark: .

(P.s. e-book for me)

Do you find your local public transportation works well?

8th May 2014, 19:02
It works OK for my needs and I am realistic about the services. However I used it quite rarely and thus it may not be good for people who have to use it every day.

I find though that often people are too quick to say things are run badly. As though the whole system should be perfect for them, I mean the infrastructure of railways and alike have to be the best for as many people as possible for a low cost. Some people seem to forget that.

When was the last time you went on a train?

8th May 2014, 21:58
August 2013 when I came back from a short holiday.

Do trains have long delays in your country?

8th May 2014, 22:59
Apart from in Auckland and Wellington that have short range commuters, we don't have any passenger trains.

do you drive to work or catch the bus/train/tram etc, or walk?

9th May 2014, 00:03
I usually take a municipal bus (hence my previous question :p: )

Is it expensive to park in your city's core?

9th May 2014, 01:06
Not in my City, three or four pounds sterling gets you 3 or 4 hours. Maybe 6 quid for a day. A carpark I go too in the centre of Town offers 2 hours free.

How long does it take you to get into the nearest city? (If you live in a City how long does it take to get across the City?)

9th May 2014, 01:38
From end to end New Plymouth is about 12-13km. I can walk it in 2 hours. At 'rush hour" it can take up to 45 minutes at times. The worst I have ever had was going from a school I was teaching at 2.5 km to the swim school I taught at, it was the Thursday before good Friday and it took me over an hour.

Would it be better to simply ban private cars from city centres?

9th May 2014, 12:26
I live in a city centre and banning cars meant nobody would come to see me. ( just kidding. most of my friends and relatives live in the same area. But it's hard when you need help that X can't come because their car is not allowed )

Can you live without your car?

9th May 2014, 17:09
Not in this city, no. This city is horribly bicycle and pedestrian unfriendly with terrible urban sprawl. Without a vehicle you can barely go out for a loaf of bread.

Do you ride a bicycle often?

9th May 2014, 17:47
Never. This city is too crowded and with too many uneducated drivers. It's dangerous to ride a bycicle and there's no room for them on the road. Besides, too many thiefs ready to steal your bike.

Is there an area restricted to cars in your town?

9th May 2014, 22:43
Yes. In my home City of Chelmsford (not used to writing that yet. We only became a City 2 years ago) the high street and surrounding shopping roads are all Car free and the roads are paved and pedestrianised.

Do you like Gardening? If you have no space do you grow anything small in pots?

11th May 2014, 10:24
I don't. In my court I have a wild rose ( should have flowers these days ) and vine but I don't take care of them. Also I ''enjoy''( meaning gathering falling leaves in autumn) some glycine and ivy from my neighbour but only on the terrace. Don't have pots in home because it's too cold during winter.

Who is your fav tennis player?

11th May 2014, 23:20
Tennis is one sport that absolutely bores me to tears. I don't/won't watch it, so I don't have a fav player.

What sports bore you?

12th May 2014, 08:07
plenty of them... surprising since I watched almost ANY sport I could find on tv back in the 90s (including golf, basketball and snooker/pool) and ofcourse every possible thing in tennis, football, F1, cricket and motorbikes.
for the last 6/7 years though I have only watched football and F1.

Do you play any sport?

12th May 2014, 10:41
Football at a very poor level. Both 11 aside and 6 a side. I used to play Table Tennis regularly but havent now for about 5 or 6 years. I also Cycle although not for sport, just to get around.

Can you list your top 5 favourite sports?

12th May 2014, 17:02
As a spectator sport? Well at the top of my head:

Hockey (well, duh! :p: ): Fast paced, hard hitting, demonstrates both individual and team talent.
Football, the American kind, although the Canadian Football League. All the action with far less commercial hype.
Rugby (union): Same reason as hockey I guess.
Motorsports, although I’ve been less interested in Formula 1 lately. I do enjoy the Le Mans series though.
Unlike others, I do at times watch tennis, mostly the major grand slam events.

What's the one world-wide sporting event that you've never attended but would like to if given the opportunity?

12th May 2014, 18:59
the World Cup....absolutely..I and the missus talked about going to Brasil this year a few yrs ago, but the arrival of Storm Jr 1.5 years ago has meant that plan had to be dropped. Qatar 2022 perhaps? closest cup to us and probably cheapest to get to, bu nah..a hot desert and no beer? just no.

Do you read a newspaper (the old and real way?)

12th May 2014, 22:54
Every morning, but not from cover to cover, I tend to skip-read it until something gets my attention.

Would you rather read the book or wait for the movie?

13th May 2014, 06:12
always the book.

Which movie adaptation do you think gave full justice to the book?

13th May 2014, 19:06
I never read many books that have been made into films and I havent watched many films that were books. :( Oh dear thats a sad thing to admit. So I cant really give you an answer.

How many sheep should be in a small field? (random question :p)

13th May 2014, 23:02
It depends on the size of the small field, but 1 to every 10 square meters sound good.

What is your favourite onomatopoeia?

15th May 2014, 17:12
Holy cow, I had to look that up :erm: .
Dunno, never considered a favourite before :mark: . Maybe vroom! :p:

Are you handy with DIY projects around the house?

15th May 2014, 23:04
In short no. As far as DIY goes I am as useful as an ashtray on a motor cycle.

If you could go on a dream date with your fav actor/actress who would it be? (gawd that sounds like garbage from a teen magazine :))

18th May 2014, 18:03
My idea of ''dream date'' is a bit different. I would have liked to go out with Florian Pittis, the handsome rebel who coloured the dark childhood and teenage years of my generation with his nonconformist acting, directing of theatre plays and radio shows where he promoted the real music of the 60-70"s. Unfortunately he died a few years ago...
I also would like to meet the movie director Nae Caranfil who has an intelligent sense of humour. I simply adore his movies and I'm sure he's a good laugh in real life.
Sorry guys for mentioning two names unknown to you.

What was the last song you sang under the shower?

19th May 2014, 03:36
raindrops keep falling on my head :)

Does it annoy/irritate you when some one sings quite loudly to a song on the radio, but doesn't know the words?

20th May 2014, 10:47
Yes. If anyone other than me is going to sing they must know the words. :p

What sports are shown on your tv each week (i.e the most popular)?

21st May 2014, 23:41
Sport competitions are less ad less shown on our channels. Even the sports channels broadcast only stupid games of snookers or wrestling. There's one good sport channel that gets the rights for important football matches but it's not in my cable company schedule

Do mosquitos bother you in the place where you live?

24th May 2014, 22:07
Not really. I believe some people have malaria around airports here, after they get transported on the planes from abroad.

Do you like these animals?

25th May 2014, 00:50

When. was the last time you asked someone for a dance?

25th May 2014, 11:36
Gadjo would you care to dance?

There you go. About 5 seconds was the last time.

Do you eat much Chocolate?

25th May 2014, 16:02
Yes during winter, not at all during summer.

Do you eat much ice cream?

26th May 2014, 06:16
No, but it is not because I don't like ice-cream, I like it far to much and once I start I can't stop :)

what is your fav ice cream flavour?

26th May 2014, 09:05
forest fruits or rum with raisins from Betty Ice

Have you ever had a fight with a forum member?

26th May 2014, 23:06
Fight no, respectful difference of opinion, naturally.
Why? are you spoiling for a fight gadjo?

26th May 2014, 23:47
Yeah..... I miss the good old fights....

Do you like fishing and hunting?

27th May 2014, 01:13
Haven't got the patience for fishing and I don't like shooting things.

When you said hunting you weren't meaning people...right?

27th May 2014, 07:21

Hunting animals for fun rather than food? you okay with it?

27th May 2014, 09:16
Hunting could be ok only to keep the ecologic balance. I can't see what's funny in killing helpless animals and I don't eat much meat in general and venison at all in particular.

Will you have a holiday this summer ( or winter for the southeners )?

27th May 2014, 20:11
Yes I am going away for a few days later in the year with my friends I play football with to Bournemouth.

Should we have a forum argument right now?

27th May 2014, 22:50
YES!... NO!...YES!... NO!

Is that what you had in mind?

27th May 2014, 23:04
No. I'm a peaceful person.

Are you obsessed with something?

28th May 2014, 00:39
I don't think so, but truth be told there is someone I don't seem to be able to stop thinking about ;)

Does that sound too creepy?

28th May 2014, 09:57
Yes it does a bit, but If you cant stop thinking about me Anfield, just come out and say it. :p

Can you remember your first day at school?

28th May 2014, 11:29
Yeah, I was 7 y.o. and had short hair and a horrible blue and white uniform. School was round the corner ( building is still there but now it’s a university ) and there were many chestnuts trees in the court. We should have been careful because it was September and we had risked to get the nuts on our heads ( or maybe that’s why I’m so abnormal....:confused: ). I was in the same class with 2 girls from my street and one of them remained a dear friend until 2 years ago when she died of a terrible disease. It was exciting to get the books ( although I already knew to read/write) and I remember “comrade”Secanu - the teacher who for four years pretended small “attentions” from our families.:p etc. etc.
O tempora, o mores.......

Did you get on well with your classmates?

28th May 2014, 12:29
fairly well...infact yes most of my close friends are from way back (high school, even primary school)

school or college/uni? what did you enjoy more?

28th May 2014, 13:29
Elementary school ( until 8th grade ) was the best. School was easy, classmates great and it was fun. The high school years were a nightmare cos I attended one of the best HS in the country but I was too dumb for it and I had to struggle to finish it. It's probably the period that threw me to this extreme of low self confidence and the idea of "good for nothing" started there.
The uni years weren't too hard - my poor knowledge from that HS helped me to be among the best students, still I was always frightened I'm not able to pass the exams. Fair to say that in that period it was very difficult to enter a uni and once admitted you couldn't graduate without hard work. Neither in HS nor in uni we weren't united and friends so I don't have great memories of those times. I can't understand why some ex coleagues from HS keep trying to organize class reunions almost every year. On that time we weren't able to go out for a beer.....

What were the classes you didn't enjoy in school?

28th May 2014, 16:51
I don't remember :( . Probably literature. It's odd because now I enjoy reading and am a stickler for proper written English and grammar :mark: .

Was university tuition expensive where you attended?

28th May 2014, 17:00
On "my time" it was for free but I repeat, entering was very difficult and required a lot of expensive private hours of preparation ( I also got them for free cos my brother and a cousin were prepearing people for exams ) . During uni studies I also had a scholarship because I got good marks. :p
I was lucky because on that time my father died and I hadn't any other income.

What mattered when you chose what to study?

28th May 2014, 22:43
Initially I studied to be a teacher (Bachelor of Education) but part way through I realised that there was no way in hell that I wanted to teach. I completed the degree, then a few years ago I did a second degree in Info Tech.

Do uni degree actually have any real purpose?

29th May 2014, 09:25
In my country getting a degree has become a sort of a fest, anyone can get it on the condition to have enough money to pay for it. People collect master by master without having any knowledge or interest in that field, just to be proud in society with their titles and to mention it in a CV. Or maybe it’s just due to the old times when only a few managed to enter a uni. Now people “study” ( do they? :confused: ) just to prove they’re smart ( are they? :confused: ). That’s another reason I’m disgusted with life, I had to work hard and pass difficult exams while other people pass through a university like a goose through the water. Once you have the degree you may wipe your a¤¤ with the diploma, nobody would hire you for your knowledge or qualities but for the person behind you (could be a husband, a relative, a godfather ) that could bring an advantage to the employer.

Have you ever failed an exam during your uni years?

29th May 2014, 16:36
Nope. 3.4 GPA :)

In hindsight would you have chosen a different university study?

30th May 2014, 00:35
Yes for my education degree since I have never used it, but no for my I.T. degree

what are you planning to do for the weekend since there is no GP

30th May 2014, 08:54
I take care of my old sick mother who's totally dependent of me so I can't plan anything - with or without a GP. My only consolation would be the forum so I'd be more than happy to see some activity here.

What is the age when you can officially retire?

2nd June 2014, 12:46
I dont really know. Being 28 its a long time until I retire sadly and they keep changing the age. I think its likely to be 69 or 70 by the time I get there.

What do you think is the best thing about your country?

2nd June 2014, 13:08
As a poet said, it's a sad country full of humour. If you don't take into account it's inhabited you might like it.
Like him:

What do you think is the best thing about your country? .

2nd June 2014, 13:44
Its sense of humour. Come to the UK and you'll see we mostly laugh at ourselves. I think thats why we have given the world so much humour. :p

I know its not a massively important thing, but I love a good laugh and I reckon we are pretty good at it.

Have you ever seen a ghost or anything similar?

2nd June 2014, 14:01
. I think thats why we have given the world so much humour. :p

I've seen a man who looked like devil ( no horns and tail, though...)

Have you ever seen a fairy or anything similar?

3rd June 2014, 23:12
My new girl friend :) - but it's probably just because she has wings sprouting out of her shoulder blades.

What is the nicest thing anyone has ever tried to do for you, that has turned into an absolute disaster?

4th June 2014, 09:12
Hard to pick one cos anytime people are nice to me I screw up the opportunities. Let's say one with a serious impact on my life: one of my cousins helped me to find this job.:devil:

What was the biggest embarassment of your life?

4th June 2014, 22:55
That's easy. Sneaking to my girlfriend's front door in the middle of the night to leave a bunch of roses on her doorstep, then tripping over her up cat and falling against the side of the house and waking the house up, only to find that I was at her next door neighbour's front door instead of hers. - He wasn't impressed:) (before any one doubts this 'Hollywood comedy" moment, there are pictures available!)

It is better to have loved and lost, than never to have loved at all - is this true, or a load of absolute garbage?

4th June 2014, 23:21
True but painful.

Have you ever divorced? :devil:

(before any one doubts this 'Hollywood comedy" moment, there are pictures available!
I doubt so you have to prove it. I request a PM with the pics.

4th June 2014, 23:44
True but painful.

Have you ever divorced? :devil:

I doubt so you have to prove it. I request a PM with the pics.

I will have to download them from Chantele's phone first :).

No I have never been divorced - never being married is one of the reasons :). Was meant to be married a few short years ago, but we lost her in a road accident :(

What thing in your life stands out the most. ie. is there a single event that has fundamentally changed you?

5th June 2014, 00:55
Don't think my life has ever fundamentally changed. I always had a boring existance.

Have you ever fell asleep at work?

5th June 2014, 02:04
I arrive at work asleep, wake up near lunch time, doze off at 1pm and wake up in time to go home.

Does the previous answer indicate that I need a change of career?

5th June 2014, 10:06
No. It indicates you have a great job. :devil:

(Despite sleeping so much ) Is your job stressful? :p

5th June 2014, 16:33
It can be at times, yes.

What's your favourite vegitable? (lame Q, I know, I just can't think of anything else right now :rolleyes: )

5th June 2014, 18:51
Peppers and tomatoes

What's your fav after shave?

5th June 2014, 19:20
I don’t really have a favourite as a bottle last me forever :mark: . Currently I have a bottle of Adidas something-or-other, Polo, and Hugo Boss (I think the latter was purchased by the wife :mark: ).

Do you sunburn easily?

5th June 2014, 20:23
I have greek roots so my pigmentation is kinda mediteranean. I become red from the first day at the seaside but it quickly turns into a nice tan. My best friends who are blondes are mad seeing I become darker than a gipsy in about 4 days.

Do you like to lay on a beach?

5th June 2014, 23:00
YEs and no. If I am alone on the beach, Greenpeace would assume I am stranded and try to roll me back into the sea :)

Is Steven Hawking a genius, or a genuine nut-case?

6th June 2014, 09:07
Genius or nuts, who cares? It's important just to don't be normal.:devil:
But haven't you already asked this before?

What's your fav site on the net?

6th June 2014, 10:17
Apart from Motorsport Forums? :p I would have to say youtube. There is so many unusual things on there to see. From Football to Railways and from animals to Motor racing.

Failing that I would say some of the other forums I am with.

Do you like Humidity? i.e when its hot and sticky outside.

(reason I ask is I was talking to my Croatian Uncle and he loves it when its hot and sticky, yet most UK born and bread tend to hate humidity, I wonder if it depends where you come from?)

6th June 2014, 10:55
Don't know if I understand the "sticky" thing....
In my hometown the summer is very hot and with a high humidity factor. Due to this the index of thermic discomfort is very high and exceed the normal limits. The result is that the clothes are usually wet on me and I hate this feeling. I always wish to be near a pool or lake and jump in it with my clothes on. Unfortunately this summer I should stay home and I'm afraid it would be too much for my (already damaged) brain. Still I love summer....Would like a holiday....

Otherwise I hate both rain and snow. Hate them from the bottom of my heart.

What team ( apart from your country in case it's qualified )will you support at World Cup?

7th June 2014, 20:37
Most English people will call me a traitor, but I really would love Messi to win a World Cup. So Argentina for me. Once England lose their first two games and are out. :p

Will you watch much of the FIFA World Cup?

8th June 2014, 19:06
I'd like to but as you know my life took an unexpected turn and I can't plan anything. Some of the matches will be at 1.00 AM ( my time) and I already behave like a zombie, what will happen if I don't sleep at all? Besides none of my friends or coworkers (not even the guys) are interested and I don't have. somebody to talk about matches. I would have liked to be able to watch the matches on an open air pub. in the old center.....
Lol . I remember the times when our television didn't broadcast the world cup and all we could do was to watch them at bulgarian tv with improvised antennas.. I didn't have one and. god knows at what lengths I went to watch the matches....

What was the first world cup edition you've watched?

10th June 2014, 09:10
France 1998. I was 12 and was not into football in 1994.

Which is your favourite World Cup so far?

10th June 2014, 09:17
Espana '82 for the games.
USA 94 for our great celebrations in the street cos we did incredible matches.

Who is the best football player you've ever seen?
( please be original and don't say Messi. I'm fed up with this guy :p)

10th June 2014, 22:45
Too hard to pick just one. Steven Gerrard goes close, add to this George Best, Garincha, Pele atc.

Who will win this edition of the world cup?

10th June 2014, 23:22
(:eek: :confused: have you seen Garrincha playing?)

I don't know who'll win but I hope it's Brasil - despite being an. old fan of Argentina.

What's your fav memory from a World Cup?

11th June 2014, 01:06
Last time when little old New Zealand went through their group unbeaten. and effectively put Italy out of the tournament, and the Italians having to resort to cheating to even draw with us.

How should FIFA drum the cheating (diving etc) out of the game?

11th June 2014, 09:29
They can't. The referee is sovereign. :p

Do you think that deciding a match on penalties is fair?

11th June 2014, 09:33
Not massively, but what other option is there? A replay :p

How should a drawn football match be decided if Penalty Shoot Outs are scrapped?

11th June 2014, 09:40
Write the name of the teams on 2 pieces of paper, put them in a hat, whirl them a bit and get a pretty girl to select one and decide the winner. :devil:

Do you enjoy the WC games ended with a draw that require extra time + penalties?

11th June 2014, 09:46
yes, I do - but I enjoy the extra time goals win more than penalties tbh

What is your worst memory from a WC?

11th June 2014, 10:22
A match lost at penalties, naturally.:p
WC USA 1994- quarters of final

ROMĀNIA - Sweden 2-2 (1-1, 0-0), 4-5 and we missed the chance to play the semifinal. What a nightmare......The rule of "golden goal" wasn't in force otherwise ....We had 2-1 in min 101.

What was the best performance of your country at a world cup?

11th June 2014, 16:32
Well that would have to be 1986, the only year my country has ever qualified for the World Cup :p: .

Do you think these questions should be asked in the FIFA World Cup thread in the CC forum?

11th June 2014, 16:35
Not really. This is an interview thread and we ask whatever we like. :devil:

What was the most controversial moment your nation football (soccer) team has been involved in?

11th June 2014, 17:40
Nobody here cares enough about football to have any controversies (unless you count being unable to travel to Brasil for the 1950 Cup which is the only time we qualified) :(

^Your nation has had its share of controversial moments though (I am guilty of having enjoyed all of them immensely :p: )

Who is your favourite player? (current and/or all time)

11th June 2014, 18:02
All time Maradona and Kempes (he was a cutie :p)
Current : Neymar ( love him in musical videos :p )

What outsider do you think will be great at this WC?

11th June 2014, 23:06
As a nation Belgium will be worth watching. If England get past Italy and Uruguay and make it out of their group, they could be a dark horse as well.

Who will be the golden boot winner?

11th June 2014, 23:50
Neymar, Aguero or Benzemaa. I have heard a lot of people saying Messi, but they all fail to realise despite scoring 10 in Qualifying he plays a more midfield role for Argentina and thus generally doesnt score as many as he does for Barca.

Have you ever followed Le Man 24 hours? I am watching Quali now, thus the question. (If Gadjo is next I guess your answer will be no, so make up a long winded answer)

11th June 2014, 23:55
I hope it would be Neymar.
I had great expectations from Falcao but since he'll miss the world cup.......

What player will be the donkey of the world cup?

12th June 2014, 00:04
oops..... I answered the same q.
Matter of fact I was interested in Le Mans race when I was very young cos it. was mentioned in a great movie - Un homme et une femme .

So, what player will be the donkey of the world cup?

12th June 2014, 00:38

Do you still find Le Mans interesting?

12th June 2014, 00:48
Yes, very much so.

Are you glad we're no longer discussing the world cup?

12th June 2014, 01:06
I think we are going to have saturation coverage so by the end of the tournament we will be sick of it.

Do you feel that these days Le Mans gets less publicity than F1 - and hence less recogition from the general public?

12th June 2014, 06:34
Unfortunately the answer is yes, it does get less coverage than it deserves, its is still the most important single race in the world of motor sport and should be treated accordingly. Part of the problem is that it is part of a season-long series. As a stand alone event it was a pinnacle of sorts, now it is in some ways just another race.

Was LeMans better in the days when many of the F1 drivers competed?

12th June 2014, 07:07
I guess so, but I have never really followed it a lot mainly due to lack of any tv coverage here..

With Porsche coming I think it will be more interesting than the Audis winning everything...
will we see Porsche or even BMW back in F1 again? (with the new engine regs I had hoped for more engine makers to come in)

12th June 2014, 09:12
I'm the oracle from Book a Rest and I predict YES.:p

Do you think these questions should be asked in the F1 and GT Racing and Le Mans forums? :p

14th June 2014, 11:03
Not really. If we banned Football and Motorsport questions I reckon we would be down to 1 poster.

Does Netherlands 5-1 smashing of Spain mean its the end for Spain?

14th June 2014, 16:47
No. There are teams that did poor games in the groups and then won the cup ( thx god that pino doesn't read this topic ).

Is your personal life affected by the World cup schedule?

14th June 2014, 17:31
No. There are teams that did poor games in the groups and then won the cup ( thx god that pino doesn't read this topic ).

Is your personal life affected by the World cup schedule?

When the world cup is on, I have no personal life. :D

Why is there so few posters here now? I am in Le Man thread on my own pretty much. :(

14th June 2014, 23:39
I don't know. There are always a lot of users online but only a few post. Maybe the threads aren't interesting enough. Bur we're lucky with the world cup.

Why do you rarely post on word games?

15th June 2014, 00:07
I have got out of the habbit over recent weeks, due to getting back into some temporary work.

Do you miss me? :p

15th June 2014, 02:33
Yes. :kiss:
Your posts cheer me up.

What is the last thing you purchased?

15th June 2014, 02:45
A new Camera. If you want cheering up I will tell you why.

My old camera was only 2 years old, and I was out and about taking some photos. When I dropped my camera and it was run over. :smash:
Can you believe that.

How many jobs have you had since you left school/college/uni?

15th June 2014, 03:14
I started to work after graduating a uni and had 3 jobs. None of them was/is. exciting. The recent one is the worst but is decent paid (according to our standards, of course).

Is it difficult for you to get a new job?

15th June 2014, 03:19
yes. I have applied to some places but no reply. I have some money in my hand work for a few weeks. After that I just have to hope I can find something permanent.

Have you now or in the past had a hobby?

15th June 2014, 03:36
More in the past than now. I collected stamps and magazines, spent time with crosswords ( hard ones not the usual stuff from newspapers), tried to see the best movies of all times and the work of the famous film directors, was mad about tennis and football and followed such competitions and results, etc. etc.

How many hours of sleep do you need to feel relaxed?

15th June 2014, 10:33
At least 7 hours and probably 8. I tend to go to sleep about midnight normally and am getting up at 7 or 8.

When did you last go to a museum?

15th June 2014, 10:51
Last summer when I was on holiday. We crossed the border to Bulgaria to visit the castle of Maria- queen of Romania and its fabulous botanical garden (you would have liked it) in Balchik. Had seen it before but went just for fun and taking pictures.

What's your fav place in your hometown?(apart from the stadium :p)

15th June 2014, 11:20
In the City centre we have some lovely gardens/parks and the rivers. Thats my favourite place.

Who is the most famous person you have met?

15th June 2014, 17:48
You. But only online. :devil:

Who's the weirdest person you have met?

15th June 2014, 19:02
When Gardening a little old lady was very weird. Her entire Garden was cover in rope and string. It was supposedly to stop birds stealing seeds, but it was everywhere. You could not walk 10 metres without getting tangled up.

Have you ever been to the Opera?

16th June 2014, 08:32
No. Not likely to since there aren't any here.

Do you think Gymnastics and the like are sports?

16th June 2014, 09:27
I think so. The girls in our national team of gymnastics work very hard in difficult conditions and the rewards are almost nule. They work more and harder than football players.

Do you think that chess should be considered sport?

16th June 2014, 11:36
No. Neither do I think gymnastics or synchro swimming should be.. (I grew up watching Olympics and liking it but for years now I have absolutely no time/interest in any of the events)

anything which cannot be measured objectively should not be in a sport competition...8/10 etc

Nadia or Hagi?

16th June 2014, 12:20
I should have left the answer for somebody else wondering who are these. But:
I leave Nadia for Taz as he's addicted to her, Hagi wasn't so great but he's an aromanian ethnic like me, I'd rather pick up the third option of romanian sports: Ilie Nastase. Nasty was my first idol when I was just a kid..

Do you celebrate होली ? :p

16th June 2014, 15:01
I personally do not...I do like the sweet bread (google - puran poli) that is usually made on that day. - like you I should have left this one as well ;)

and hey, Hagi was fantastic...one of my favourites from that era.(Nadia is still remembered fondly even here, is one of those great ones that even my 70 yr old mother who has no interest in sport rememberes/talks about)

Do you like celebrating festivals? if yes, which ones?

16th June 2014, 15:20
I'd like to attend Stufstock Festival in Vama Veche but I never have a holiday during it. It's a sort of romanian version of Woodstock ( keeping the proportion of course ; stuf means reed).
Well, I think it's other forms of festivals you're talking about but at the moment we don't have such things here. Or maybe the Revelion ( new year's eve ) which is our no.1 celebration but it's too cold to stay in the street at midnight.

Why is Salman Khan so popular? He's not handsome and plays awful.

16th June 2014, 15:44
I hate Bollywood movies (98%) - quite picky when it comes to movies in general

Which band would you love to see live in a concert atleast once?

16th June 2014, 15:54
Manic Street Preachers

What sport would you have liked to practice at a high level?

16th June 2014, 16:30

Do you play any sport now? Or any exercize? (I wish I did :( )

16th June 2014, 16:57
No. I'm the ankylosed type. :p

Do you like winter sports?

16th June 2014, 18:30
I watch the winter olympics, but do not follow any of the sports otherwise. Nor do I partake in any. Sadly

Do you tell many lies to bosses, friends or people you meet?

16th June 2014, 21:04
Rarely and innocent ones.

Have you ever worn traditional clothes of your country?

17th June 2014, 00:12
Not really. We dont have many traditional clothes really.

I suppose there is this

What are the traditional clothes of your country?

17th June 2014, 08:42
There are so many, one for every state/region I guess and there 25+ of those (and that's just counting big regions)
Still the most common across the country is probably the Kurta


What is the best thing about the place where you live?

17th June 2014, 09:36
Honestly? I don't know.....
(Today I'm on the phase when I hate this place).

Have you ever been investigated by a state institution?

17th June 2014, 20:06
No to my knowledge :uhoh:

Should people be able to say what they like? Or should free speech have a limit?

17th June 2014, 22:48
Hard to answer. Free speech is a great ideal to have, but on certain occasions when 'free' speech incites civil unrest, there need to be limits in place for the greater good.

Yesterday in NZ out 'wonderful' government decided to allow oil exploration into a marine reserve where the world's most endangered dolphins live 'a-holes!". My question is this
Is the search for a few more drops of oil more important than the protection of a species?

18th June 2014, 08:20
It is not. But to most of the world it is. "Progress" for humanity rather than saving natural resources.

Do you do anything for a greener environment?

18th June 2014, 09:30
Yeah. My work is mostly related to forests, waters and environmental protection. ( have I ever said I hate my job? :p).

Have you ever take part to a protest march?

18th June 2014, 14:16
No I haven't. I realise while answering these questions that I am really boring. :(

Have you ever done anything illegal? :devil: (Don't admit to murder or anything)

18th June 2014, 14:30
Still do. I travel by subway using my mother's or my cousin's free pass - was caught 2 times in 10 years- never fined. Sometimes I travel by bus without ticket but never in my life had the balls to travel by train "with the godfather".
I buy from gypsies in the street products that are probably stolen.
Well, these are the things that can be said on a public forum.

Have you ever nicked something?

18th June 2014, 23:12
no, I'm a good boy - borrowed yes :)

what is the worst thing you have ever done to another person?

19th June 2014, 06:43
I'm ashamed to say. But I did something awful.

What was your worst punishment?

20th June 2014, 12:15
I sound so boring, but probably going to bed without supper when I was a wee laddy.


Have you ever met a person from a far away place? (like Tibet or Mongolia or somewhere)

20th June 2014, 16:30
For me far away could be Canada, USA, Australia......
If you meant something exotic I had during my uni years colleagues from Benin, Colombia, Congo.

Have you ever flied with a deltaplane?

20th June 2014, 17:15
Can’t say that I ever have, although I’d like to (fly supersonic).

Have you ever ridden a TGV train?

20th June 2014, 17:21
No. I would love to. Trains are pretty slow here (but still amazing in their own way!)

What's the fastest you have ever driven?

21st June 2014, 12:03
Hope there are no police reading this. :uhoh:

Once when younger and a bit more foolish I did break our 70mph speed limit on a motorway/freeway and do 100mph in my rubbish little Ford Ka.

Never driven on a race track or anything.

Have you ever driven on a racetrack of any kind? Or driven a track day?

23rd June 2014, 15:35
Obviously not.

Have you ever rowed in a boat?

23rd June 2014, 16:59
Yes, we used to have a beat-up old row boat at the family cottage. After many years and much neglect it rotted and fell apart (the boat, not the cottage :p: … well that too tbh :erm: ).

What did you do this weekend?

23rd June 2014, 17:27
A lot of football watching (obviously), a friend and my sis-in-law + family came over..so had a little bbq before the game(s).

Same question?

23rd June 2014, 19:01
Horrible weekend. On Saturday my mother had one of her terrible crises that brought me on the edge of a breakdown. Sunday was a dull day with a short visit to the market, some long talks on the phone and ended gloriously with a disappointment.
Thanks God for the World Cup, it's my oxygen baloon these days. For a few hours I forget everything and have a laugh on the forum.

Do you use to leave town on weekends?

23rd June 2014, 21:38
Quite a few times - not anymore - atleast not without a lot of planning!

(hope things get better for you gadjo)

Have you ever been on a hot-air balloon? Or a parachute/parasail?

23rd June 2014, 22:17
No. Neither I had the opportunity nor I'm brave enough. :p

Have you ever felt discriminated?

24th June 2014, 23:20
honestly no. I am quite thick skinned and things like that tend not to worry me. If people can't see my value, than that is their bad luck, not mine.

I have been rather sick recently, but I am more worried about a dear friend's health problems. Is this normal? (thought I would ask a Dr Phil sort of question :))

25th June 2014, 11:12
It's normal if his/her health problem is more difficult than yours
( BTW I wish you good health in case you're still sick ).

Why a guy who chose his nickname after a famous ( the best ever? :devil:) football squad is not following the WC 2014 thread?

25th June 2014, 23:16
It's normal if his/her health problem is more difficult than yours
( BTW I wish you good health in case you're still sick ).

Why a guy who chose his nickname after a famous ( the best ever? :devil:) football squad is not following the WC 2014 thread?

Thank you gadjo - have had a virus that attached itself to heart muscle, was stopping it from beating properly even at all for brief periods :(

25th June 2014, 23:21
England have again ripped my heart out and stomped all over it at another world cup. Liverpool's best player has again shown the world what a total a-hole he is, and the matches start at 4am NZ time.

Are mobile phones the work of the devil?

26th June 2014, 09:11
I don't know. Haven't met this guy.

Do you have a tablet?

26th June 2014, 09:30
Yes I take one every night to help me sleep. :devil:

Whats the weather like where you are?

26th June 2014, 17:35
Usually at this time it is amazing (not often you can say that but the monsoons are indeed special) - no sun, only clouds and rain and lush green mountains and hills everywhere. Unfortunately due to La Nińa this time there is a deficit in rains and we still haven got any rains inspite of the "official" start to the monsoon season.

What sort of weather do you like?

27th June 2014, 00:07
Dry. I hate any form of precipitation. I'm surprised you like the monsoonic season. Everytime it's a heavy rain I use to say it's monsoonic.

What is your mental age? :p

27th June 2014, 03:33
well... my IQ is apparently 148, but according to Chantel :) my mental age is about somewhere between 11 and 13

Is it fair that women expect us poor hen-pecked males, to show out softer, caring side, than nag us to death because we are not stoic enough?

27th June 2014, 08:28
Not at all!
Agree with the first part - I have been called too stoic and practical way too many times :dozey:

(148 IQ is practically a genius)

Do you work in the same profession as dicatated by your education - I mean was your education relevant to your current job?

OT: gadjo, if you had lived in a hot (luckily not so humid here like the coast which I simply cannot bear) and tropical country like mine you would understand the power the monsoon has on most Indian minds. It is simply put, a life-giver in more than one sense.

27th June 2014, 10:54
Not at all. Did not get taught Gardening in school :p

What sport of any kind did you last play/take part in? (whether it was a week ago or 10 years ago)

27th June 2014, 11:43
Does footie with my toddler count (if yes that was last evening :D )
I played a little badminton a few months ago. would like to play more though.

What's on the menu tonight?

27th June 2014, 12:12
I'm in charge of cooking so I'll probably starve. :devil:

What's on the menu tomorrow?

27th June 2014, 14:41
Hopefully something good at the end of a week full of dull food...but definitely beer before the Super South American Saturday ;)

Which cuisine is your favourite?

27th June 2014, 17:01
I'm a plain person who wasn't too much brought to the church so I'm not familiar with international cuisine. Besides, people in my country hardly afford to go to restaurants. Last but not least I'm a kinda difficult person when it comes to food - I don't eat much meat, never eat chicken or food that contains chicken or other ''flying'' creatures, or sea fruits, liver, kidneys, shells, brains, , etc. - so I can't experiment too much.
Loved my mother's food cooked in a sort of aromanian way.

What place in the world would be perfect for you to live in?

27th June 2014, 20:17
Perhaps somewhere close to mountains like Himalaya or Alps or Andes.

(gadjo: you are indeed a difficult person to have a meal with - especially for a foodie like me...but I probably could adapt easily to whatever food you like)

How many languages can you speak?

27th June 2014, 21:09
None apart from my mother language and a bit of aromanian dialect. I can write in English but I don't dare to speak because I think I have a terrible accent.
Did some russian in high school but I hated it and classes were dull so I don't know much. These days I regret this but there wasn't time anyway for foreign languages.

Do indians eat a lot of lentil? ( in tv series they always cook this :p )

(I'm not a too difficult person, I like food with vegetables but I'm a disaster in the kitchen. I'm not able to cook and I lack practice in this field.)

28th June 2014, 01:12
erm................ :erm: Storm. Can you answer this because I cannot.

Do Indians eat a lot of Lentil? :p

28th June 2014, 10:44
You could have guessed it stevie :p:
Yes we do..I don't know any Indian who does not love Daal (which is basically all pulses - lentils, gram etc). A day without daal is a sad day at home, except when I am cooking Italian food :love:
It is fairly easy to cook , so yoou should try it someday. It is basically a daily substitute for meat as it is protein rich.

What is the plan for the week-end (apart from the football) ?

28th June 2014, 15:03
I saw a old steam engine pull a special train along my local line this morning, now I am playing a new PS3 game "Grid Autosport"

Then football this evening.

Tomorrow it will be gardening and then more football and a traditional Sunday Roast

Will you be cheering anyone at Wimbledon tennis?

28th June 2014, 15:40
Simona Halep of course. If she reaches the final she'll become world's no.2. It's unlikely though. Wimbledon was always unfriendly with us.

Will you see tonight's matches with friends or home alone? ( for those who have family it means that I know women generally aren't interested so it would be like watching alone :p )

( lentil is not popular here, in the past we haven't such thing on the market. Some greek cousins brought us a bag but I didn't like it. Also I never heard someone here buying or cooking such thing)

28th June 2014, 16:01
^There is always a first time!

I am usually watching the footie alone (and getting nagged because of the amount of late nights I spend doing it :erm: ) but the missus is keen when it comes to the World Cup. Especially in the knock-outs as she loves the penalty/extra time drama :s

My sister is visiting tonight but she'll be asleep I think as the games kick-off pretty late here (2130 and 0130). Last saturday had a couple of friends over though. Might have some for the final too.

Do you like pre-planned goal celebrations?

28th June 2014, 16:26
I don't think I understand this Q. :rolleyes:

28th June 2014, 16:57
It means when a player scores do you like a dance celebration which the players have been practicing or do you like a celebration of on the spot joy. :D

28th June 2014, 17:24
I like them if Steaua scores :laugh:


Do you like to celebrate in the street your country's victory?

28th June 2014, 18:59
I like them if Steaua scores :laugh:


Do you like to celebrate in the street your country's victory?

I might if we ever won anything. :(

How many World Cups can you remember? (I remember the last 5 - including this one)

28th June 2014, 22:23
Well I have watched every Cup properly since Italia '90. I do remember a wee bit of '86 too - mainly that Linekar is awesome (and England used to be a decent team) and also the fact that Maradona is God.

Luckily I have also seen the next God of football ever since he made his debut as a professional 10 yrs ago.

Do you watch any football live - I mean in the stadia?

28th June 2014, 23:43
Used to when I was very young and it was still safe to go to the stadium. I was probably the only girl in the stand. It was forbidden to come with alcoholic drinks and my brother and his friends used to hide small bottles in my bag.:p They were thoroughly checked but with me they were like welcome miss, nice to have you here. The only problem was the toilet cos guys used also the ladies room.

What player impressed you at this WC until now?

29th June 2014, 18:33
James Rodriguez without a doubt. He went to Monaco for big money and I can see why..Also Cuadrado (who has been linked with Barca and on this showing yes, he can well be the answer to Dani Alves)

Which player did you think would do well but hasn't?

29th June 2014, 21:02
Neymar and Messi without a doubt. I was expecting for some spectacular bends.

Have you ever done a military service?

29th June 2014, 21:21
Neymar and Messi without a doubt. I was expecting for some spectacular bends.

Have you ever done a military service?

(can I make sure we have a correct answer. Gadjo did you say Neymar and Messi with 4 goals each, have NOT impressed you? - Its OK if thats the case, I was just interested)

No. Luckily we don't have military service here.

Did you ever win the lottery or money prize?

29th June 2014, 21:32
Yes, Messi and Neymar scored but I expected something a la Maradona in '86 ( not the hand-goal :p)

I won at 6/49 lottery but small amounts at the 3rd category.
Also used to gamble at Loto Pronosport ( pino would be surprised by my knowledge in Serie A and even B about 15 years ago). Once I had 13 results/13 but the money were insignificant cos there were many winners.

Have you ever worn earrings?

29th June 2014, 23:07
I've never worn earrings. Where I grew up the only males with earrings were gypsies - there's a reason that they wore them but I can't remember what it was.

What do you feel about tattoos - particularly on women?

29th June 2014, 23:22
I am not a fan of any tattoos for either Men or Women. I just dont like them or "get" them really. If people want them I have no problem with that.

How did the universe start?

29th June 2014, 23:23
On women I hate the bloody things, on men I hate the bloody things. I HATE THE BLOODY THINGS! :) chill

Do you have a tattoo? (don't be frightened)

29th June 2014, 23:44
erm.............. sorry Anfield I just beat you to it. ;)

30th June 2014, 08:34
The Big Bang (well the best explanation until we find a better or a deeper one)

tattoo? No. will never get one either although I do admire it sometimes when done tastefully

Do you like jewellery?

30th June 2014, 10:01
I suppose every woman does. :p Never been a fan of gold jewels apart from a platinum cross with small crystals that was a gift and hanged on my neck for years. These days I’m interested in accesories that even if they’re rather cheap look rather refined ( in my opinion of course ). And I confess that sometimes I fear I might look ridiculous.
I always wear a necklace or beads and earrings, sometimes ( esp during summer ) bracelets, never rings (cos I have ugly hands ). Never dared to wear a ring in the nose or a bracelet on my ankle. :p

Do you like shopping clothes?

30th June 2014, 22:05
You mean shopping for clothes? Not really. I only do it out of obvious necessity :mark: .

Do you wear a watch?

30th June 2014, 22:09
Only on summer and mostly as a bracelet cos never look at it. I wear it only when I remember it or when I want to look smart.

Do you wear a suit at work?

30th June 2014, 22:57
Not anymore, when I worked for the local Council offices, I had to wear a suit.

I hated it. I am a naturally scruffy and comfy person.

Do you listen to the radio? Or are you happy enough with TV.

30th June 2014, 23:05
listen to radio at work, not really at home though.

do radio announcers that talk too much really annoy you.

30th June 2014, 23:17
Not really, as I tend to listen to chat radio anyway.

I used to listen regularly to Radio 2, which has quite a lot of chatting. The only thing which bugged me was talking over song intro's or endings.

I now listen to sports radio or 5 Live which both have talk or 5 live Xtra which has all the cricket on it.

May have asked this before, but how did you find Motorsport Forums?

1st July 2014, 00:16
was with another site, that closed its' forums, so I looked for an alternative, and here I am.

Should the wish to be a politician preclude you from being one?

1st July 2014, 01:07
was with another site, that closed its' forums, so I looked for an alternative, and here I am.

Should the wish to be a politician preclude you from being one?

haha Probably. They say they are doing it for the people, but anyone who wants that stress and pressure must be slightly strange and power hungry. Which in turn makes them not ideal for being a politician

Do you buy a weekly or monthly magazine?

1st July 2014, 01:08
I used to subscribe to Motor Sport but I found less and less of the content interested me.

Like the politicians, how would you screen the wannabee bullyboys from becoming policemen?

1st July 2014, 03:44
make them pass an i.q. test

what do you do to wind down at the end of a stressful day?

1st July 2014, 06:50
cry :laugh:

when will you go on holiday?

1st July 2014, 08:19
I went for 4 days to Goa at the start of June, but I am planning a longer trip to the north at the end of the year when it is colder.

Do you have a dark sky where you live (or is it like mine - filled with bloody lights)?

1st July 2014, 09:08
Is this a figure of style?:confused:
If yes and you talk about the sky during night then it's impossible to be really dark in the middle of a big city. However my hometown isn't lighted properly during night. I mean it's not like Las Vegas.
Being the prosaic dull employee I am: at the moment the sky is grey announcing a terrible.....storm.:p

(or is it like mine - filled with bloody lights)?
UFO's? :eek:

have you ever seen a UFO?

1st July 2014, 17:06
No, as I still have hold of my senses.

-and as you might have guessed I love storms :D - I think we might be getting rain tomorrow too..finally!
what did you mean by "figure of style"? - I like looking at the stars/night sky, but due to the terrible light pollution in a big city it is frustrating, hence the Q as I envy people living close to nature (and dark skies)

Would you like to have an encounter with an UFO?

1st July 2014, 18:46
Pardon me, the english version is figure of speech

I might like an encounter but not of the third kind.:p

Do you have an astronomical observatory in the neighbourhood?

1st July 2014, 20:47
Surprisingly we do. The Croydon Astronomical Society have an observatory on a hill near us with a 14"" (350mm) telescope - I'm not sure if it is a mirror telescope or purely optical. It's away from houses in its immediate neighbourhood but still subject to light pollution.

I enjoy a thunderstorm if I'm safely indoors. How about you?

1st July 2014, 20:50
Love Thunderstorms. Sadly we do not get many here do we. So I dont enjoy many of them

Do you like Elephants?

1st July 2014, 21:29
No. Too heavy and slow.

Did you ever have a teddy bear?

1st July 2014, 22:12

Why do people like teddy bears? (and nothing wrong with elephants - amazing animals they are ! :) )

1st July 2014, 23:48
I can answer the last two questions in one.

I am 28 and still have my favourite teddy bear from Childhood. As for why people like teddy bears. Well generally they are quite cuddly, but I think when I was small I loved this bear so much. Hugged it all night and whatever. That level of attachment as a child doesn't just stop when you become an adult and so I could never throw him away. He means to much to me.

Soppy I know but there you go.

What was/is the name of your Teddy Bear?

2nd July 2014, 01:53
Mine was called Do-do (rhyming with no-no and not with yoo-hoo!).

What can we do to save the remaining elephant population?

2nd July 2014, 02:12
Play more with teddy bears and keep the innocence of a kid in your soul.

Why are those toy bears called teddy bears?

2nd July 2014, 09:34
They are named after US president Theodore Roosevelt. Teddy was his nickname and the maker call his bear Teddy's Bear. Thus the name Teddy Bear stuck.

What do you think is the best political system?

2nd July 2014, 10:08
Parliamentary Democracy - atleast in a country where people like to follow rules/laws and aren't corrupt to the bone.

I do think sometimes though that an autocratic rule might be for the greater good i.e quick progress/solving major issues for a developing country, but then again it comes with its baggage of tyranny (as in I would not be able to post this online :erm: )

Do you vote?

2nd July 2014, 11:24
Sometimes. I was so naive to have faith that things would change. They do but always for worse. :p
Unfortunately the worst consequences are on my job. At this moment I think I have no option, we tried all the parties and....( I won't say more. I'm at work. :p )

but then again it comes with its baggage of tyranny (as in I would not be able to post this online )
I've noticed an interesting thing. I lived under a draconic dictatorship and we were aware that our mail, call phones, even personal discussion were thoroughly checked, however people weren't as stressed about these things as they're now when we live in democracy.

Do you watch political debates on TV?

2nd July 2014, 17:42
There aren't any "real" debates on TV here..it is mostly political rhetoric and a lot of shouting/slanging matches including the mediapersonb who think too highly of themselves :erm:

No football tonight - Will you sleep early? :p:

2nd July 2014, 18:18
I'm afraid to plan what to do because as I've said I depend on somebody else's state. I'd like to watch a tv show from 23pm. Usually, the guy's voice makes me fall asleep.

Have you ever hit a person you cared of?

2nd July 2014, 18:38
Never, though I've thought about it.

Where in the world do you think you might like to live, other than where you are now?

2nd July 2014, 20:01
Definitely Greece. It's in the same balkanic area, it's sunny and warm, people are friendly and full of joy of life. Wonderful climate, wonderful language, wonderful music.......
I shall never forgive my grandparents who left such a beautiful place to come to.......:angryfire:

What kind of holiday would you like? To lay on a beach and relax or to visit new places and explore the unknown?

3rd July 2014, 11:05
explore the unknown definitely...thesedays I guess we have to lay anywhere we can though :erm:

(Move to Greece, ody is waiting :p: ...and oh souvlaki, but I bet you don't eat that either :mad: )

What's the longest distance you have ever driven?

3rd July 2014, 11:40
About 100 m when I was a kid and my father who was a driver let me "play" with the wheel on an empty road. :p
I don't have a licence and I never tried to get one. When I was 11 yo a terrible accident happened under my eyes and since then I have a reticence about driving. Not to mention that in this country the traffic is chaotic and I'm too shy to breakthrough.

Move to Greece, ody is waiting ...and oh souvlaki, but I bet you don't eat that either Matter of fact I have a lot of ( not very close but very heartful) relatives there and many childhood friends who belonged to political refugees that returned home. Ironically I've never been in Greece although it's in the neighbourhood, I have a cousin who keeps on inviting me and holidays are quite cheap. And souvlaki....It's one of the few meat dishes that I like. I'm mad for it. And we also have such things here called "frigarui" https://www.google.ro/search?q=frigarui&hl=ro&gbv=2&prmd=ivns&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=wxi1U-LsKLOI7Ablx4DIAg&ved=0CAUQ_AU.

How far is your working place from home?

3rd July 2014, 11:58
(Move to Greece, ody is waiting :p: ...and oh souvlaki, but I bet you don't eat that either :mad: )

LOL :p:

3rd July 2014, 22:44
6 km

do you pretend to be sick, just to get a couple of days off work?

3rd July 2014, 23:23
It's in vain to pretend. We're not allowed to stay home without a paper from the family doctor. Of course the boss has a few favs who are let home if they have a pain in the nail. When I'm sick the boss simply recomands me to take a pill. In my 100 years of hard work I had only 15 days of sick days with medical recommandation.

Have you ever stayed in a hospital?

4th July 2014, 00:30
Yes two nights when I broke my wrist. I had to have it set in a winch and stayed the first night. Have a procedure the next day to put my wrist in the correct position and it cast in plaster (for which I was put to sleep) and then stayed the following night as I was still only coming round from sedation.

That was 5 years ago at the time I joined this forum through being bored. Look at me now hooked.

What is your favourite Motorsport Forum memory?

4th July 2014, 06:35
There is no one memory. Too many good conversations to pick only one.

How did you become interested in motorsports in the first place?

4th July 2014, 06:48
Always loved cars/bikes as a boy even though not many were on the roads here back then...Then whatever snippets of F1 or rallying were on the national tele got me really interested. Just when I finished my high school in mid 90s we got cable/satellite tv here and all types of racing in its full glory on tv..hooked!

Have you met any forum member till now?

4th July 2014, 06:52
No and I will never meet.

Do you also have a nickname in real life?

4th July 2014, 08:08
I don't, my real name is short enough :)

gadjo specific: curious but why do you think you will never meet anybody from here? or is it that you don't WANT to meet?

(personally I was quite apprehensive meeting people from a virtual world but I ended up meeting many (and most were great!) in real life. Will probably meet a few more in the future if I am in the right place/right time (but now they aren't really strangers)

4th July 2014, 09:41
I don't, my real name is short enough :))

So what? You may not like your real name or some joker would exploit one of your qualities/defects and call you names like dwarf, gipsy, shorty, Tarzan, crazy, etc.

gadjo specific: curious but why do you think you will never meet anybody from here? or is it that you don't WANT to meet?

A mix of these two. :p
It's unlikely to get to meet somebody from the forum because I don't have the opportunity to travel and on the other hand people don't have reasons to come to Book-a-rest. There are a few romanians here but we aren't friends.

Then I don't want to meet anybody because I'm sick-shy and boring and I can't handle a decent conversation. More than that I've said on the forum things that I wouldn't dare to say in real life and I'd die of embarassment. I'd like to think I have a few very good friends here and I don't want to lose them. At the end of the day the forum is my oasis of serenity where I try to get free of the cruel realities of life.

( After writing this I added a new reason to never meet anybody from the forum :p)

Now I'm probably supposed to interview the person below me so:
Can I be sadder? :devil:

4th July 2014, 10:12
No. unless you want to be?

and I don't think you would be boring in a real conversation at all..we could always talk abt Steaua. :\\
I would like to visit BookARest someday..infact I would love to travel to most of Europe..heck I would give anything to travel the whole world (excep perhaps the middle east - deserts bore me and no alcohol = no go)

Can't wait for tonight...I just fought with a close friend on chat about Netherland and their diving and not so attractive play..people tend to get angry/defensive online a lot than in real life!

Do you read? if yes, who is your favourite author?

4th July 2014, 11:16
Not too much in the latest years. I love the south american literature and esp. Mario Vargas Llosa.
I also like a czech writer who lives in France- Milan Kundera.
And then it's the romanian Andrei Plesu who's my model of intelectual guy, very smart but with a refined humour. Unfortunately I don't have the desire to read anymore, I buy books but forget about them on the shelves.

(The single indian book I've ever read is A Bend in the Ganges by Manohar Malgonkar. Found it very interesting, I didn't know too much about what happened on that period)

Who's your fav movie director?

I would like to visit BookARest someday..
Don't bother. It's ugly and boring. But there are plenty of places for a good drink.:p

6th July 2014, 00:10
I don't really watch many movies so I honestly could not answer it. I know none really. :confused:

Sorry :(

Whats your funniest joke?