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26th February 2014, 06:06
I am not sure but perhaps busy with work or on a vacation..

when was your last proper vacation/trip?

26th February 2014, 15:33
About a year ago when the family went on a week's holiday to sunny Playa del Carmen, Mexico. We're off in a few week's time to Disney World.

Does Gadjo take vacations?

26th February 2014, 16:33
Sadly it seems like Gadjo has some tough personal issues at the moment. Hence why she has not been on here for a while.

Do you ever nap in the daytime?

26th February 2014, 20:52
Often when there's a GP on the TV

How many vacations a year do you think we need?

27th February 2014, 09:14
As many as you want/can - since I haven't had a proper one since well before the birth of "little Storm" ~ 2 yrs
I do hope we make it to the Himalayan foothills this year.
honestly, a couple of long ones are definitely needed for anyone

If given a chance to travel into space, will you take it?

28th February 2014, 16:04
Nah, I think space travel is overrated. You just float around in a tin can exposed to radiation :p: .

Do you/have you ever scuba dived?

1st March 2014, 09:11
No. I haven't.

Whats the most bizarre question you've ever been asked?

2nd March 2014, 20:31
That one!

If a bird can fly, can a fly bird?

4th March 2014, 08:36
Yes if it's romanian.

Have you ever feel like a fool?

4th March 2014, 09:01
Yes. Plenty of times.

Have you ever ridden in a Lorry/Truck?

4th March 2014, 19:50
yes, but only in the passenger seat, unless a 1 tonne thing counts.

Have you ever found anything valuable?

6th March 2014, 22:23
No unfortunately. I wish.

Whats your weather been like the last couple of days?

6th March 2014, 23:05
Cold - but dry which makes a pleasant change.

What sort of weather do you least like driving in?

7th March 2014, 00:55
Strong winds. Rain and snow I don't mind but strong gusty winds make driving challenging, especially in the van.

Is Stephen Hawiking a genius, or just a guy with the knoack of inventing theories, that no one else understands?

10th March 2014, 10:28
I don't know.

Am I losing my mind?

10th March 2014, 20:10
If you can ask that question, ch

10th March 2014, 20:10
If you can ask that question, ch

10th March 2014, 20:10
If you can ask that question, ch

10th March 2014, 20:10
If you can ask that question, ch

10th March 2014, 20:10
If you can ask that question, chances are the answer is no. If you were you would be the last to know.

What is stopping you from doing the thing you would rather be doing, instead of what you are doing now?

10th March 2014, 21:33
A stupid thing called consciousness and a rather archaic macedonian education..

Why are you asking complicated questions?

10th March 2014, 21:33
d p.

10th March 2014, 21:43
I'm not.

I will prove it.

Do you like Cows?

10th March 2014, 22:01
I should. My sign is Taurus so I'm a cow.

What's your sign?

11th March 2014, 17:14
Gemini, weird thing is that I am a loner which I don't believe is common. Although I don't believe a word of it personally.

How many cups of Tea/Coffee/Water/Fruit Juice do you drink a day?

11th March 2014, 19:44
TEa - about 4, but my tea cup looks like a soup bowl with a handle, coffee one before work, and sometimes one when I get home, plus about 1 litre of water.

DO you value education over experience?

11th March 2014, 22:30
Difficult to say, as a civil engineer we have to have a blend of both. I've known some engineers who are just too theoretical and others who don't understand the basic principles governing what they are doing. Personally I come down more on the education side.

Why does British education appear to be getting poorer relative to the rest of the world (apart from the USA)?

12th March 2014, 00:28
Probably similar reason to us in NZ. Basically a lack of funding for some schools coupled with the pc rubbish that gives the power to the students, i.e. lack of discipline that allows kids to basically do as they please.

Are cell phones the work of Satan?

12th March 2014, 22:41
I'm not familiar with his work so I don't know.

Is there any case without solution?

13th March 2014, 07:27
I don't think so, but not every solution will please everybody

Beer or Wine?

13th March 2014, 15:29
Beer in the summer wine in the winter.

Have you ever thought to adopt a child?

13th March 2014, 17:34
Yes but I'm afraid I would not love him/her as much as I would mine ;(

Do you understand why everybody is infatuated with zombies lately?

13th March 2014, 20:10
They remind people of their own families.

If Zombies have no functioning brain how do they shamble about and eat people?

13th March 2014, 21:22
:laugh: No idea. Magic? or supernatural powers?

Do you watch Rugby?

13th March 2014, 21:31
Only the internationals - Scotland for myself and England with my wife

do you collect anything?

13th March 2014, 23:42
F1 Races on DVD. I have every GP since 1989 on DVD and am now in the process of transferring to Hard Drive.

To learn about others I will return the question

do you collect anything?

14th March 2014, 08:35
Used to collect magazines but my brother cleaned the attic and threw then away.
These days I collect only bad memories

Do you like to decorate your windows with curtains?

14th March 2014, 08:59
not decorate , but yes thick curtains to keep out the sunlight...and ofcourse lots of money spent on picking the right style/colours too :\

Do you like hot or cold weather?

14th March 2014, 09:13
Both of them are hard to bear but I prefer hot sunny days to cold grey winter days.

What is your fav mean of transport when you travel?

14th March 2014, 09:25
Actually very hard to say..I love motorbikes, cars and trains! I love planes too but it gets boring pretty quickly in a plane on a long journey.
I would pick the car though.

What is the most distance you have driven in one go?

14th March 2014, 17:34
Not that far in the greater scheme. About 200 miles in one go.

How long have you been doing your currant work?

16th March 2014, 19:48
So many that the law says I deserve a medal. Even this insignificant honour is denied by my dear country.

Do you think I'll wake up tomorrow?

16th March 2014, 22:12
It depends on if you go too sleep tonight or not

Would you rather read a book, or watch the movie made based on said book?

17th March 2014, 10:04
Movie. Not a big reader of fiction.

Have you ever ridden a horse?

17th March 2014, 11:28
Never riding a horse. But I was on a horse for taking a pic. I was scared cos the horse wasn't for riding but for carrying a cart and hadn't a saddle. Still I mimed a happy smile. That pic is a real laugh.

Have you ever been to horse races?

17th March 2014, 13:08
Nope never have. Not something that really interests me. I feel to sorry for the horses.

Have you ever visited a large house or posh garden?

17th March 2014, 18:05
Only castles-museums like Peles Castle in Sinaia and its garden or Queen Maria's castle in Balchik with its famous botanical garden.

Have you ever visited a battlefield?

17th March 2014, 19:51
Yes, there are many battle sites in this part of NZ from the Land Wars of 150 years ago.

Have you ever ridden an animal other than a horse?

17th March 2014, 21:33
I have ridden a great dane ( my grandad had one when I was young) but I would really like a chance to ride on an elephant.

What is your favourite animal

17th March 2014, 21:44
Penguins and seals.

What are you doing when you can't sleep?

17th March 2014, 22:55
Reading Motorsport Forums. :p

Have you done much research or reading on your countries history?

18th March 2014, 00:30
Yes, I arrived in New Zealand as an 8 year old, and decided then to find out as much as I could.

Should atlas' be re written with the names of countries written the way the locals would pronounce them, eg we call Finland, Finland while the Finnish people call it Suomi, so should we all call it Suomi?

18th March 2014, 09:30
Maybe both one under the other. Plenty of room for that in a detailed atlas.

Do the clocks change in your country at certain times of the year?

18th March 2014, 10:04

Where has my answer to anfield5 Q ( about the atlas ) disappeared? :confused:
Stop censorship! :angryfire

18th March 2014, 12:27
Did you perhaps hit "SAVE DRAFT" instead of "SUBMIT"? I've done that on occasions and lost my response.
Alternatively, you may have been a page behind and the reply was therefore nonsense so one of the mods (not me this time!) may have deleted it so the thread made sense.

Onwards -

Do you believe that there are occasions when [government] censorship is acceptable? I so, when?

18th March 2014, 20:29
In some circumstances censorship can be justified, but only if it serves the common good, but not just to keep us in the dark or to stop us from making our own judgements.

Imagine if you will NASA (or some such) has discovered a huge asteroid hurtling towards Earth. On impact every living thing on Earth will be obliterated. Would you want to know, or would you be happier to continue living your life in ignorance, until..... BLAM!!

18th March 2014, 21:42
Good question. I probably would not want to know, simply because I wouldn't want to live my last few days worrying about it.

Did you do anything to acknowledge St. Patrick's day?

18th March 2014, 22:11
No but in my home city it was a parade.

What saint is the most popular in your country?

18th March 2014, 23:51
none really.

do you prefer gold or silver?

19th March 2014, 07:59

At what hour do you usually have lunch?

19th March 2014, 09:08
12:30pm-1pm normally. Its normally quite a dull lunch. Sandwhich or Paninni or something.

What are your impressions of Argentina? (Asked because I am watching a Argentine Football Match)

19th March 2014, 09:52
Well, never been there but I have a weird atraction for South America in general and Argentina in particular. Talking about football Argentina is my fav national team. It started by having a crush on Mario Kempes ( :rolleyes: :heart: :stare: :heart: ) then on Batistuta and Caniggia ( hope you noticed what these 3 guys had in common - a very long hair :D ). In my opinion Maradona was the best player of all times, the kind of player who was able to win a game by himself.
Ironically the best achievement of my country at a world cup was in USA-1994 when we managed to send Argentina home after a 3-2.

What are your impressions of Romania? (Asked because I live there and I hate life)

19th March 2014, 14:07
I am not going to bluff, I don't know too much about Romania.

I have watched TV documentary's and seen Bucharest and certainly the main areas look beautiful and magnificent. However general life in Romania I don't have a real picture of.

What do you think of the New/Old look Forum?

19th March 2014, 18:27
It feels good going back to the old style, although the previous more modern one was not a problem for me.

When do you have your next holidays?

19th March 2014, 19:42
In 4 weeks, at Easter, we have Friday and Monday off.

Do ignorant people playing crappy music on tinny sounding cell phones annoy you?

19th March 2014, 22:48
In 4 weeks, at Easter, we have Friday and Monday off.

Do ignorant people playing crappy music on tinny sounding cell phones annoy you?

http://www.clicksmilies.com/s1106/sauer/angry-smiley-010.gif Hell Yes.

Do you watch Crime/Police drama's on TV?

19th March 2014, 22:55
SOme of them, but there are way too many on the box and they all blend in to each other.

What is your fav tv comedy?

20th March 2014, 08:30
quite a few - (Seinfeld, Friends, Everybody loves Raymond) but currently it is The Big Bang Theory

and yes agree on the crime/police thing too..

Ok, same q, what is your favourite tv comedy?

20th March 2014, 08:54
I don't watch tv comedies.

Do you watch soaps?

20th March 2014, 19:55
You mean like Lux, Dove, Sard Wonder Soap etc? No I don't watch those but I would rather watch them than the TV variety!

If a tree falls in the forest and there is nobody around to hear it - does it make a sound?

20th March 2014, 22:08
I never understood the logic of this. It still makes a sound whether anyone hears it or not. If you shine a torch in the face of a blind man you are still shining the torch even if he can't see it.

Does anyone have other similar examples of "potted philosophy"?

21st March 2014, 00:33
I have quite a few, but most of them wouldn't fit on a family forum.

Do you still want me to post them?

21st March 2014, 08:07
yes, sure

(as for the tree in forest thing..it is like quantum mechanics - the "observer" makes things happen - so if somebody is there, then he will hear the sound...ah its difficult to explain on a forum!

do you like science?

21st March 2014, 08:20
No. I'm too dumb to understand logical things.

Are you interested in any form of art?

21st March 2014, 11:14
No. I'm too dumb to understand logical things.

Are you interested in any form of art?

In the past I went to the theatre a few times, but as for paintings and sculpture etc. I never have looked much into it.

Do you like Pug Dogs? ;)

21st March 2014, 11:55
In the past I thought they're ugly. The one in my avatar - her name was Carla- was brought by my cousin's daughter from Italy and I was "how could you get such an ugly dog?". My cousin who for years couldn't stand having a pet in her home started to love her and finished by keeping her for herself. Then during my holidays at her house in Provita I found out what a funny and loving dog she was. I loved her to bits and we even used to celebrate her birthday. She passed away last year but my computer is still full of her pics.

Would you like to have a pug?

21st March 2014, 15:30
nope....I love dogs but I do not like pugs sorry...although I met a pug once on the road who was very friendly. But for some reason I don't warm up to them much. I would like to have a German Shepherd though.

do you think you will ever have a dog yourself?

21st March 2014, 17:03
No. I'm not able to take care of myself. I'm not able to take care of my old mother. So I'm definitely not good to take care of a dog. Can't see myself as The Lady with the Dog (classic Russian movie )

Have you ever had a pet?

23rd March 2014, 19:58
Yes - many. In my life to date I have had a border collie called Rinty, a black lab called Sam, a 50/50 cross irish wolfhound/german shepherd called radar, 3 cats, 4 rabbits and up to 5 tanks of tropical fish.

At present though I dont' have any but I would love a Komondor

Can you look at the picture of a Komondor jumping and not break into a smile?

24th March 2014, 07:56
No. I didn't know about this breed, never seen one.

How would you take care of a Komondor's fur?

24th March 2014, 17:11
I guess a groomer would do a much better job than I would.

Do you have a favourite number?

24th March 2014, 19:21
39. And any number ending with a 9.

Do you have a fav letter?

24th March 2014, 22:11
S. No other reason as I write it very often

Are you interested in History? If so which part of history interests you most?

24th March 2014, 23:59
Yes, most hings historical I find of interest.

What about the same question of the sciences?

26th March 2014, 16:43
Yes. I would not say I am very clever on most science subjects but I am interested.

I particularly like Biology (especially evolution and life spanning the planets history) and Astronomy (i.e Space/Time and stars/planets etc)

Who/What is your favourite band/piece of music?

26th March 2014, 17:44
My favourite band would be Dire Straits and my favourite style of music is the Blues.

What was the first record/cassette/CD you bought?

26th March 2014, 19:47
Queen's Greatest Hits Volume One in 1984. It was a vinyl L.P.

When you first started earning money, what was the first thing you bought (real thing, not just a cup of coffee, or lunch etc)

26th March 2014, 20:47
Don't think I bought things. I had a lot of debts and life was very tough. At that age I was probably interested in clothes but it was impossible to buy fashionable things from our socialist economy. I was my own designer.

What is the most extravagant thing you've ever bought?

26th March 2014, 21:47
I don't really do extravagant, I would say my Strat electric guitar, or my stargazer telescope.

Is there a musical instrument you would really like to learn how to play?

27th March 2014, 10:59
Piano but my fingers are too blunt and anyway it's too late to start now. Although my best friend hired a teacher for her 9 y.o. son and finished by taking piano lessons herself. Her son quitted after 2 months but she's still very passionate about it.

Is there a foreign language ( apart romanian, of course ) you would like to learn to speak?

27th March 2014, 17:18
Apart from Romanian... I would like to learn Finish for the rally connection.

How many languages do you speak?

27th March 2014, 20:36
Apart from Romanian I. speak a very bad English. Back in high school I had to study a bit of Russian but I hadn't abilities and will to learn it. I also can speak the aromanian dialect.

What was your fav game to play when you were a kid?

27th March 2014, 21:24
My fav childhood games: Șotron and Piticot ...

Name the first couple of things that come to your mind when you think about Romania! :)

27th March 2014, 22:12
Vampires and gadjo ;)

What country or place have you always wanted to visit?

27th March 2014, 22:30
Peru - Machu Picchu

Have you ever. done something crazy as a fan of a celebrity?

My fav childhood games: Șotron and Piticot ...

Piticot.......!!!!!!!!!! I loved it!

29th March 2014, 10:12
No, never I have never been much of a crazy fan.

Who was your all time childhood hero?

29th March 2014, 20:20
Winnetou. Ha, ha.......

When was the last time you was sad?

31st March 2014, 16:20
10 days ago when our little westie had to go to a better place because she was banned from the premises thanks to our neighbours. The poor animal commited the sin of being a dog in a place full of asses.

When was the last time you drank red wine?

31st March 2014, 17:45
16 February 2014 when my life still had a bit of sense.

When was the last time you got drunk?

31st March 2014, 18:29
Wow that's extremely accurate!!!

I don't remember when was the last time I got properly drunk, Christmas maybe, but a bit Merry on Friday when I drank 4 lemonades, which here are not what you may be thinking of.

Why did you choose to learn English?

31st March 2014, 19:03
I had no choice really :p: .

How's the local tap water?

31st March 2014, 20:47
Clear and fresh.

What is the silliest product you have ever seen (or heard of) for sale?

1st April 2014, 11:53
Barbie dolls.

Do you buy products only cos they're labeled as "sales"?

1st April 2014, 17:26
Nope never, althoug the price, of course, plays a big part in my decision.

Do you buy CD's anymore?

1st April 2014, 20:42
yes. The quality of the sound on a CD is better than the compressed digital nonsense you get by downloading from the interweb.

According to latest research we should be eating at least 7 servings of fruit/veg per day. Do you?

2nd April 2014, 00:01
Afraid not. I am lucky if I reach 5.
I like Fruit and Veg but only tend to have it with my main meal. Apart from the occasional Apple and Orange Juice.

When was the last time you spent "a lot" of money in your eyes for something?

2nd April 2014, 08:07
Right now. All my money goes on my mother's caring, medicines, bribes to people who have the duty to take care of her. More than that the bill for electricity is about 20% of my salary. I'm lucky to have a decent salary and wonder what other people do when they are in my situation.

What was your fav thread on these forums?

2nd April 2014, 09:34
Apart from this one. I guess it would be the Fantasy F1 Thread. A few of us post a lot of nonsense there and have a bit of a laugh.

Do you use any other forums regularly now that this one is becoming quiet?

2nd April 2014, 10:07
No. When I'm in love I'm not cheating. :p

Do you use other forums regularly?

2nd April 2014, 11:43
No. When I'm in love I'm not cheating. :p

Do you use other forums regularly?

Yes. I use 3 football forums, another motorsport forum, a general forum around TV and stuff and a railway forum.

Do you think I use to many forums?

2nd April 2014, 12:01
No but I wonder what you discuss on the railway forum.

What is Steve discussing on the railway forum?

3rd April 2014, 11:18
Track width and speed control systems, obviously.

Why do they need a railway forum?

3rd April 2014, 19:50
Because they have nothing else to do. :p

Have you been to the kindergarten when you were a kid?

3rd April 2014, 20:50
no. I started school before my 5th birthday though.

How many different places (towns etc_ have you lived in?

3rd April 2014, 20:55
Never lived elsewhere. And I still live in the house where I was born.

Where would you have liked to live?

3rd April 2014, 21:07
I am happy in New Zealand, weather is good without being too hot or humid, there are only 4.3 million of us here so it's not crowded, we have beautiful snow covered mountains and decent beaches. The standard of living is pretty good, although house prices are way too high.

What is your favourite flower?

3rd April 2014, 22:19
Passion Flower, crocus, Rose and Dalia. Cant decide between them, each has something amazing.

What's your favourite Vegetable?

4th April 2014, 00:11
Braised fennel an essential item of Italian cuisine.
So do you remember your first kiss?

4th April 2014, 08:43
No. At my age memory betrays me. :p

What was your latest nightmare?

4th April 2014, 15:29
Being kissed by ....
......................... you :)

What wild animals have you seen (in your own country)

4th April 2014, 15:41
In my country wild animals live in wild places and I'm not the kind to go in such places. So apart from some squirrels or rabbits I don't think I've ever seen one.

Do you like the meat of hunted animals?

6th April 2014, 22:28
depending on the animal. I find wild venison has more flavour than farmed, but tends to be much oiler, the same for wild pig etc.

Is it important for you to know where your food comes from?

7th April 2014, 22:02
No. There was a time when I was happy just to have something to eat.
And on our market they're lying us anyway.about the origin. All those who sell vegetables or fruits say they're Romanian, all those who sell cheese pretend to be from Sibiu, etc.

Do you celebrate Easter?

7th April 2014, 22:16
In a small way - chocolate eggs for the wife and the [grown up] kids. We used to give the kids an Easter present and sometimes give each other one if there's something she or I want/need. But we don't make an effort to go to church or anything.

What are your favourite signs that spring has arrived?

7th April 2014, 22:40
Trees in blossom.

Have you ever attended a spiritism session?

7th April 2014, 23:45
No cant say I have.

Do you dance?

8th April 2014, 05:11
not on purpose.

Should I dance?

8th April 2014, 07:49
Why not?

Have you ever been to a brothel? :p

8th April 2014, 17:44
Not on purpose or to my knowledge :D

Have you ever visited the other hemisphere?

8th April 2014, 20:31
Yes, I guess I’ve been to all four :mark: .

Do you have a family doctor?

8th April 2014, 20:46
Yes but only because that's the law. She never bothered to come home to see my old and sick mum. I go at her every month, offer her an "attention" and she gives me a prescription for my mum's treatment. Whenever I ask something she looks at me as I'm a total idiot - which is quite true......
Had a very good doc before but she's retired now.

Do you take a medicine on regular bases?

8th April 2014, 22:00
Just some anti-inflam/pain killers for my knackered achilles tendons and ankles

what is your favourite machine or gizmo?

8th April 2014, 22:39
My new truck :D (does that count...? :erm: )

When did you last visit the dentist?

8th April 2014, 23:45
erm..., well...., way too long ago - I broke a tooth playing football in 2005.

what is the most damage you have ever done to yourself?

9th April 2014, 08:12
Probably being born ALIVE

Are you a calm person?

9th April 2014, 16:03
Probably being born ALIVE...

Terrible post :s

gadjo, while one of the more intelligent, you are also possibly the most pessimistic poster on these forums. Your posts full of misery and self-pity are getting quite tiresome to read :s

Yes, I like to think of myself as a calm person.

Have you had a chance to see Mars in the evening sky? (Been cloudy here, so no luck yet :( )

9th April 2014, 18:09
Terrible post :s

gadjo, while one of the more intelligent, you are also possibly the most pessimistic poster on these forums. Your posts full of misery and self-pity are getting quite tiresome to read

Sorry to bother you with my posts. You should do what everybody does: ignore them. I promise I'll not mind it as it always happen in real life. I mean people think I might be an interesting person (even you felt in the trap thinking I'm intelligent - anyone can be in front of a computer wiith Google and copy/paste at hand :p) then just realise I'm a total boredom and politely avoid me.

Back to the thread:
I don't have time to watch the stars and even if I have it's difficult to see them from the middle of the city. Maybe I should go to the National Astronomic Observatory - it's about 100 m far from my home.

Have you ever seen a falling "star"?

9th April 2014, 19:13
Yep but I have never thought of a wish when I was watching...

Do you have a favourite museum?

9th April 2014, 20:46
Museum of Natural History Grigore Antipa. When we were kids we spent a lot of time there ( it's in the neighbourhood ). We knew it by heart but still were fascinated every time we visited it. It was renovated recently and I wish one day I'll have time to go again.

Do you visit art galleries?

9th April 2014, 21:58
Not really, we have a small one in New Plymouth, but a larger one dedicated to kinetic artist Len Lye is being built and is due to open later this year, so that might be interesting.

What is your favourite exhibit type in a museum?

10th April 2014, 08:36
Paintings. Unfortunately romanian museums don't have many famous works. My dream is to visit the great galleries of the world.

Do you enter in bookshops?

10th April 2014, 09:24
I've always loved books. Yesterday when I had half an hour to kill I spent it browsing the book sections in our two charity shops (the bookshop in our town has closed so these are the only places selling books)

Do we overdo preserving of old buildings, preserving some simply because they are old rather than concentrating our efforts on the old and good ones

10th April 2014, 10:42
Well, I live in a city where the central part is full of old houses most of them in need of serious repairs and the rest consists of neighbourhoods built in the communist period with horrible blocks that look alike. I love the old houses with their special architecture. Unfortunately due to the rush for money and the corruption in this country, a lot of them were demolished and some horrible glass blocks were built in order to be hired as offices. For years when I wake up this beautiful house enchanted my eyes. Then suddenly they destroyed it. Why? Today nobody is able to build such a nice house. I miss the old days and the old city with its quiet streets with a strange perfume.

Do you spend time in parks?

10th April 2014, 13:39
We live on the edge of the green belt - literally, my fence is the city boundary so I don't feel the need to visit a park.

Do the cities in your country have enough parks?

10th April 2014, 15:44
Some do, but not in the city where I'm currently living. I'd hazard a guess that the parking lots outnumber the parks :s .

Do you get along with your neighbours?

10th April 2014, 17:09
Most of my neighbours are companies and I don't know the employees. The most of the others are new in the neighbourhood and not the friendly type - even not saying hello. Then there's an awful gipsy family - God knows how they managed to get a house in this area-that I can't stand and can't be integrated in a decent society. Only a few families are old on this street and I don't have much in common with them but we still exchange a few words when we meet.

Are there stores on your street?

10th April 2014, 23:14
I live in a suburban street which is all houses. There are corner shops 10 minutes walk away in the next street, and the local high street 30 minutes away (or 10 minutes by bus). The nearest large shopping centre is half an hour away by bus.

Do you think families should live in houses or are flats OK?

11th April 2014, 02:41
If possible houses, to give the kids room to play, but in reality, inner city living doesn't allow for this. I have always believed that this is one of the reasons why there is so much trouble with youth in cities.

Would you rather live in the mountains or by the sea?

11th April 2014, 07:56
If possible INTO the sea. I love the sea. It's the only place where I feel happy.
Mountains are pitoresque but I associate them with cold weather most of the time.

Where did you use to play when you were a kid?

11th April 2014, 15:23
All over the neighbourhood I suppose. Fortunately I grew up in a neighbourhood with plenty of parks and green space.
My favourite time was spending days at the cottage, running amok in the woods :D .

Do you/have you ever played an organised sport(s)?

11th April 2014, 17:25
No. I hadn't special abilities for a sport. Besides, I was always busy with school.

Have you done a military service?

11th April 2014, 22:12
No. National service was abolished a year or two before I was old enough. We did "play at soldiers" in the school cadet force so I did learn to polish boots and brass, march, fire a rifle, use a compass, read a map, etc.

Do you think compulsory military service (national service) is a good idea

11th April 2014, 22:41
No. At least in my country it was a waste of time. I was happy when I managed to get a medical document that exonerated me from the service. The uniform was awful and I think it weighted about 10 kilos during winter.

Would you have liked to be a policeman?

12th April 2014, 00:07
No! A policeman spends his life dealing with the worst in people and I think it rubs off on them and they see the worst in everybody. Call it brutalization if you like.

Have you ever had a bad experience with the police?

12th April 2014, 06:16
Apart from having a police station on the corner I don't think so.

What are your plans for this weekend?

13th April 2014, 23:25
It's Monday already, and next weekend is a 4 day one for Easter.

Can you pat your head and rub your stomach?

14th April 2014, 09:54
I don't think I understand the Q so I'll not risk to say yes.....

What did you cook lately?

14th April 2014, 10:42
Bacon and Leek pie.

Do you swear or curse often? Or are you a good guy/girl.

14th April 2014, 14:52
ALL the time. And in a shameful and frightening way. But this week I'll be nice cos I fast before Easter.

Will you have a Easter holiday?

14th April 2014, 21:55
We have Good Friday - Easter Monday off, then the following Friday is ANZAC Day. So in effect we have four day week this week and a three day week next week.

Do you believe in the after life?

14th April 2014, 22:13
I believe in reincarnation although the simple thought of starting again a miserable life makes me sick. I also use to wonder what kind of terrible sins have I done in my past lives to run such a miserable life today.

What do you usually eat on Easter?

15th April 2014, 02:17
food. I am not a religious person, so I don't hold any stock in not eating certain things at certain times.

what is your fav junk food?

15th April 2014, 05:46
Pretzels. 4 of them was all I ate yesterday.

What is your fav perfume for women?

15th April 2014, 15:23
Eau de home made chocolate chip cookies :D

Do you floss?

15th April 2014, 17:16

Do you spit on the street?

15th April 2014, 19:45
No, that's positively repulsive :s

Do you silently fart in public then look around as if someone else did it?

15th April 2014, 20:38
No. I do it only when I'm in the street, after being sure nobody's around to smell it. BTW, usually I produce silent ones.....

Do you pe* in swimming pools?

15th April 2014, 21:43
Grosser and grosser. No, I used to make my living as a swim coach, and can't imagine why any sort of animal would do that.

Keeping the gross thing going - do you pick your nose?

15th April 2014, 21:51
Yeah. Right now. :p

Let's continue: Do you clean your ears with the nail of the little finger? :p

15th April 2014, 21:53
Not the nail on MY little finger

How many days in a row would you wear a pair of socks?

15th April 2014, 22:03
Nah...I can't wear a pair twice.

Do you have smelly feet?

15th April 2014, 22:07
Sadly, it is a family curse (more sweaty than smelly though). In summer I take a spare pair of socks to work and change them at midday.

What are you proud of that other people find slightly revolting or disturbing?

15th April 2014, 22:15
You already know I'm not proud of anything.

Do you talk loudly when you watch a movie in a theater?

15th April 2014, 22:19
No! I absolutely hate people that do that. We went to see LotR The Two Towers. I ended up sitting next to a couple, the woman spent the whole movie playing on her damn cell phone and her partner was giving her a running commentary of the movie. I say the whole movie, but I actually mean, until it was suggested to them that they would be better off sitting somewhere else :)

Should bloody cell phones be banned from public place like cinemas, restaurants etc?

15th April 2014, 22:36
No. The solution is high fines for those who don't switch them on silent mode.

Do you talk much when you're at work?

15th April 2014, 22:48
It is part of my job, so yes.

Do you prefer summer or winter?

15th April 2014, 22:54
Summer. I hate winter.

If you open the doors of your wardrobe and look at your clothes what is the predominant colour?

15th April 2014, 23:04
Blue shirts, khaki trousers

Should women be forbidden to wear black, except at funerals,?

15th April 2014, 23:09
Nah. It's elegant and makes them look slimmer.

Should men be allowed to wear skirts?

16th April 2014, 00:08
Well the Scots and Greeks and others already do, and to be quite honest I like the way kilts look, they have a dignified elegance about them. I have one in my clan colours "Cameron of the Valley" but I have never worn it.

Imagine you have the money to buy a new car, would you prefer something similar to everyone else, to blend in and be part of the group, or would you prefer something way different to stand out. eg would you rather have something like a Toyota Yaris or would you prefer a Fiat 500?

16th April 2014, 09:07
Lol. Yesterday I saw a Tico and remembered the times when my best friend bought one and we were always out for a ride. We were young and it was fun but these days I don't think I'd like it. I wouldn't feel comfortable neither in an extravagant car.
Probably something of about 15000 euros will suit me. A VW Golf or Polo would be fine for the crazy traffic of my hometown.

What is your fav cocktail?

16th April 2014, 16:09
I don't drink cocktails much, but have been known to order an extra wet martini with a twist.

What's the first car you ever drove?

16th April 2014, 21:48
My Dad's Mark 5 Cortina Ghia. It had a v6 engine, was metallic blue with a vinyl roof and had brown velour seats - nice.

What's the first car you ever crashed?

17th April 2014, 06:04

How many cars did you crashed till now?

17th April 2014, 13:38
It depends what you mean by "crash". Many many years ago I wrote off my Mini when I went through a 'give way' sign. I won't bore you with my excuses. Since then I've had several minor bumps. The most recent was a year ago when a young lady reversed out of a supermarket parking bay into my passenger door.

Do you feel that the body shops rip you (or your insurance company) off when you have an accident?

18th April 2014, 08:01
I've never had to deal with any but I suppose they do.

Do you dye hen eggs for Easter?

21st April 2014, 21:55
I think some people do, but I personally have not since school days.

Have you ever ridden a camel? Would you like to ride a camel if not?

21st April 2014, 21:57
no and no I'll stick to horses

what about elephants?

21st April 2014, 22:20
no and no I'll stick to walking.

what about donkeys?

22nd April 2014, 01:14
I'm 6 foot 5, so if i didn't kill the poor thing my feet would be touching the ground either side, and since I adore donkeys I wouldn't inflict me on any of them ;)

What is the strangest animal you have ever seen?

22nd April 2014, 07:48
Man :p

Is May 1st a holiday in your country?

22nd April 2014, 15:39
No, but May 19th is, when we celebrate Queen Victoria’s birthday :mark: .

Have you ever snorkeled?

22nd April 2014, 21:07

Do you use to play a sport when you're on the beach?

22nd April 2014, 22:00
Is bikini spotting counted as a sport? oh and I used to compete at surf life-saving.

Would you like to swim with dolphins?

22nd April 2014, 22:17

Do you like to swim when the sea has high waves?

22nd April 2014, 23:40
Yep, love it. Living where I do I so rarely get a chance to swim in the ocean, so when I do I want the full experience :D .

Do you have to undergo any kind of specific training for your job? (I just had to undergo a full day of training on Hydrogen Sulfide exposure :s )

23rd April 2014, 00:51
Not really, but I do have a couple of bachelors degrees.

is job satisfaction more or less important than earnings?

23rd April 2014, 15:19
Yes, I think so. I couldn't work in a place where I wasn't happy (I'd end up like gadjo :p: ).

Do you have to work much on weekend?

23rd April 2014, 20:44
No more than any other day (I've recently retired)

When do you think you should start planning and saving for your retirement?

23rd April 2014, 21:50
Already have. I joined Kiwi Saver, which is a government established retirement savings plan, it should give me a tidy little nest egg when I retire.

Apart from D-Type who has retired :) would you work if you didn't have to?

23rd April 2014, 22:10
Nooooooooo.........All I need is some time for myself.

What was the most radical change you've done to your look?

24th April 2014, 15:50
Nothing. I'm perfect the way I am :D

Are you planning on attending any motorsport events in the near future?

24th April 2014, 15:53
You bet I am. :p

What was the last motorsport event you attended?

26th April 2014, 21:30
Last year's Goodwood Revival. If you mean real race, as opposed to historic racing, it was a European GP at Brands Hatch in 1983 or 1985 - I can't remember which.

Do you feel that these days there is too much emphasis on Formula 1 which means that other forms of racing suffer?

26th April 2014, 23:29

What's the most romantic thing you've done?

27th April 2014, 22:07
taken the missus to a motor race :)

Is romance dead?

27th April 2014, 22:13
After reading your answer above I think it is. :p

Whose missus did anfield5 take to a motor race? His own or Billy's? :confused:

27th April 2014, 22:56
I think that's for Anfield to answer - I can only speculate.

What motorsport events take place in your country, and are they affordable?

27th April 2014, 23:56
I really don't know but I've seen a thread on these forums called Sibiu Rally.
Then I think it's a sort of national competition:


What's the latest movie you watched in a theater?

27th April 2014, 23:59

Has anybody made a good motor sport film?

Alfa Fan
28th April 2014, 00:59

Will people ever stop expecting too much technical detail & accuracy from racing films?

28th April 2014, 02:57
No, but if they are as crappy as Rush, then probably yes - why let the facts get in the way of a story :)

Does it annoy you the way certain film makers from certain countries try to change history, so they can sell more tickets. eg. The aweful movie called U471, that claimed a unit from a particular country siezed and enigma machine to help end the war, when in fact a Brit commando unit seized said machine 8 months befor the US were involved in ww2?

28th April 2014, 13:25
After watching even north korean movies I'm not bothered with such things. I simply don't watch them. When I have no choice i just have a laugh.

Have you ever win a contest/competition?

28th April 2014, 23:07
My family is cursed, we simply cant win things. If I bought 99 out of 100 tickets in a raffle I would still not win.

How do you decide if you have had a good week?

28th April 2014, 23:17
If at the end of it I have. some peace of mind.

Have you ever slept in a tent?

29th April 2014, 02:28
We used to go camping every summer when we were kids, so we spent 3 weeks of every summer under canvas. Plus other hiking, tramping trips I have done.

Do you enjoy sleeping under the stars with nothing around you but peace and quiet?

29th April 2014, 19:18
Yes, especially the peace and quiet, under the stars depending on how many insects are around me... But yeah, I do.

What's the best thing you've done today?

29th April 2014, 19:25
Last night I wanted to cut my veins but hadn't the balls to do it. Some would say it's a good thing....

Do you use to go out for a picnic?

30th April 2014, 04:27
Used to, still do. Can't beat lunch on the beach, apart from the sand.

Do you ride a bicycle?

30th April 2014, 10:38
No. My hometown has a crazy traffic and I think it's dangerous.

Where is Djarumdudley?

30th April 2014, 19:49
I dont know. Havent been around much myself here the last couple of weeks.

Who is Djarumdudley? I mean I only ever saw him post in the word games thread. Does he ever post anywhere else?

30th April 2014, 19:54
Yeah, he used to post more often in the other forums.

How often do you purchase a new pair of shoes?

30th April 2014, 20:07
Two in the last month! None for about three years before that (slippers excepted)

Do you think that slippers are designed to last from Christmas to Father's Day, or vice versa, and no longer?

30th April 2014, 20:50
I don't know when father's day is. We don't celebrate it so I can't answer.
However I think slippers last depending on how much time you spend at home and how busy you are.

Do you think you behave like a gentleman?

30th April 2014, 22:20
Of course I do:
- I hold doors open for ladies
- I give up my seat on the bus to a lady
- I get out of the bath to fart (even when I'm bathing alone)
- etc
But I sometimes think the Afghans may have it right: The woman always walks three steps behind the man - except in minefields!

Do you think using land mines is ever justified?

30th April 2014, 22:53
I know a few guys that I'd like to see walking down a minefield.......

Are you short tempered?

30th April 2014, 23:11
Not usually, life is too short to explode at people and things.

Are the words of Bobby McFeran's song 'Don't Worry, Be Happy" a good model for life?

30th April 2014, 23:21
Yes. However I'm more of a "I can't be happy cos I worry all the time". :p

What was the worst gift you've ever received on your birthday?

1st May 2014, 04:34
Hard to say, I am grateful for anything, but if I had to choose I would say a white, black and gold woollen pullover, it looked worse than anything I could describe.

What is the best gift you have ever received?

1st May 2014, 05:00
I think I've already said it. The book ''Playing the moldovans at tennis''. Maybe because it travelled half of the world to get in my hands, maybe cos it was a miracle that I saw the postman laying it at my door and nobody could steal the big tempting envelope, maybe because it was all I needed at that time, etc. etc.

Do you wear eye glasses?

1st May 2014, 08:59
Yes. I have worn glasses since the age of 18. They are for long distance vision. So I have to wear them all the time really.

Here's a gross one. Do you have any false teeth? :p

1st May 2014, 10:18
Lol. Yes. Dentists in my country always will come with the solution of an implant or reconstruction just to take a lot of money. Greedy......

Do you have a day off for May 1st?

1st May 2014, 16:50
You already asked this question, didn't you? I answered no, stating that we have May 19th off instead to celebrate(?) Queen Victoria's birthday.

Do you typically shower/bathe in the morning or evening (or not at all :erm: )?

1st May 2014, 16:56
I have a shower in the evening and a very quick one in the morning-cos I'm always in a hurry.

Now that we're asking intimate Q, : how often do you wash your hair?

1st May 2014, 18:11
I don't have enough hair to worry about, so it gets touch of shampoo about once a week

(And in Britain we get the May Day holiday on the first Monday (5th this year) so we can make a long weekend of it)

Do you believe the theory that says it's better not to shampoo your hair daily as it simply induces the hair to produce more oils to compensate?

1st May 2014, 21:57
Well, romanian theory is once/week and I think it's a healthy one. Daily washing would also mean losing a lot of hair.

Do you use to have fresh flowers in your home?

1st May 2014, 22:57
Not usually, mainly because I can't be bothered growing and picking them.

What colour is your house/flat, and can you repaint it if you wish to?

2nd May 2014, 00:31
Outside it's white - well it is under the grime. Inside, each room is a different colour. We own it so we can repaint it if we want - or can afford to.

Should window frames always be painted white?

2nd May 2014, 00:46
No. I have brown frames in the rooms with a view to the street/court just because the house is old and has a distinctive style and decorations.

How many rooms has your house/flat?

2nd May 2014, 02:12
Only 5 plus a hall way (six if you include the wc.)

Do you actually like where you live?

2nd May 2014, 08:43
The city or the house? The city is ugly and dirty but I live in a beautiful area and it's in the middle of the city so I have good connection with any part of it.
The house is an old one and belonged to an aristocratic lady. It needs serious repairs but I love it. I could sell it and get a lot of money then move to a convenient place (but not in the same area) but I don't want it and prefer the agony of damaged pipes and shrunk walls.
The country? It's the cross I'll have to wear......

Do you like to sail?

2nd May 2014, 11:52
Strangely no, I say strangely because I absolutely love sailing ships.

Do you like to fly? either with or without a plane?

2nd May 2014, 13:03
Having flown quite a bit, flying in an airliner has no attraction any more - it is just a glorified bus. Now, small aircraft are a different matter - I like them them and would love to fly a microlite or glider - I'm not sure about hang gliding though. What I have done once is flying without an aircraft. They have a vertical wind tunnel and basically you are free falling relative to the air but only a couple of feet above a metal grille so you can't get hurt. Great fun!

On a similar theme, have you ever been caving?

2nd May 2014, 15:58
Just during a trip with my school. It's a shame cos we have many spectacular caves here.

Have you ever been in a salt cave?

3rd May 2014, 13:46
no, never even seen a salt cave

What about white-water rafting?

3rd May 2014, 16:15
I don't know what you're talking about. :p

What utility has the most expensive bills for you?

5th May 2014, 00:26
Electricity prices are probably the worst, unless you count petrol for the car.

do you think it is fair that petrol prices are so high because us smaller nations are subsidising the fuel costs in the bigger countries?

5th May 2014, 00:47
No high price is ever fair....

Are you a vengeful person?

5th May 2014, 03:08
no, and if you disagree I will get you! :)

If you could be any animal (apart from the human animal) what would you be and why?

5th May 2014, 09:38
A cat. They’re beautiful, funny, playful and sleep a lot. A cat never bothers about what happens around. They’re exactly what I’m not.

What was the last party you attended?