View Full Version : A1 Northumberland

4th September 2007, 09:34
Just had another frustrating drive from Edinburgh to Berwick.

Everything flows along very nicely indeed when you are on the D2 sections, it's a joy to drive. But something seriously needs to be done about the S2 sections.

I was along on Monday morning and it was just full of HGV's. Usually 5 cars, an HGV, then five more cars and so on, streching into the distance as far as the eye could see. You had no chance of overtaking as the traffic in the opposite direction was just as heavy. In any case it wouldn't have done any good as the queue of traffic was pretty much continuous.

I spent the entire time from Berwick to Alnwick sitting at about 35mph when it was going well, but often down to 15mph.

The road is by no strech of the imagination adequate for the traffic levels it is having to deal with. They need to get on and dual the lot of it, and quit whinging about local funding priorities.

/rant off

4th September 2007, 19:43
I regularly make the same journey and I share your frustration. The only current practical way around the problem is to make the journey in the late evening, where circumstances allow.