View Full Version : Serves me right.

Hazell B
3rd September 2007, 21:43
Having spent all the damned day sawing up exterior plywood boards in to 4x9 inch bits, then rasping and sanding them to smooth perfection, you'd expect me to have a few splinters in my hands. But no, not one.

Then I point out to my partner that he's chosen wood far too flimsy for a series of roof trusses and a brutal row ensues. To explain my worries I try dangling by one hand from one of the beams for two seconds ... and get a huge splinter right in the wrinkly bit near the end of my middle finger :rolleyes:

That's like making it out of Tescos at 4.59pm on Christmas Eve with all your shopping intact and not one elbow to the ribs, then falling over your shoe laces in the car park :mark:

At least the splinter came out (in three pieces :( ) and he's agreed to use stronger beams. But all the same, I shall wear gloves next time we argue :p :

3rd September 2007, 21:48
Well you won the argument. What else matters? :D

jim mcglinchey
3rd September 2007, 21:57
what do you do with all the rectangles of plywood?

Ian McC
3rd September 2007, 23:07
If you build it, he will come ;)

3rd September 2007, 23:33
what do you do with all the rectangles of plywood?

Just watched a 'Grand Designs' programme where a forestry worker was allowed to build a house in the woods somewhere in Sussex. Took him 10 years to get permission and he built it using traditional methods, all the timber was taken from the woods/forests that he manages and there were 12,000 hand cut shingles on the roof! Interesting house, completely self sustainable using wind and solar power. The finished house wasn't my cup of tea, but it was interesting to see how much work he had put into it.
The other intesesting thing was that if he sells the land he has to demolish the house. Stupid planning laws!

Found a link: http://www.channel4.com/4homes/ontv/grand-designs/houses/S/sussex_woodman.html

Hazell B
5th September 2007, 20:15
what do you do with all the rectangles of plywood?

They're signs for something. Not very interesting, actually :p :

Cossie, that's a great house isn't it? Wouldn't mind making a frame similar to it for myself one day, but not the same inside. There's one incredibly alike near here, built by my friend's partner in his own wood. Same laws apply. It's fairly common practice.

5th September 2007, 22:06
They're signs for something. Not very interesting, actually :p :

aaah, so they have the word "Something" on them and an arrow. Awesome. :p :

5th September 2007, 23:00
.....But all the same, I shall wear gloves next time we argue :p :

If you don't want to do too much damage, I can recommend these 14 oz. beauties from Everlast, choice of champions!

5th September 2007, 23:02
And depending on the severity of the disagreement you may want to keep a pair of these handy. Randy Coture swears by 'em!!

Hazell B
12th September 2007, 22:11

I'm a bare knuckle sort of girl, Breeze :p :