View Full Version : What did you get for Christmas?

25th December 2006, 20:03
Just the usaul books, DVDs and clothes this year. What about you?

Brown, Jon Brow
25th December 2006, 20:19
Guitar Package :D


a new wallet because my old one had a hole in it


some new socks because my other ones have holes in them. ;)

25th December 2006, 20:56
1985 F1 review video (collecters items now you know! ;) )
A book - The Life of Senna
Another Book - Clarkson's new one
And another book - To do with Deal or No deal
Top Gear - Race the Stig game
Deal or No deal hand held game
some money
A couple of games

And a couple of other things.

Captain VXR
25th December 2006, 22:18
Money and GWR 2007

25th December 2006, 22:39
A few CD's, a DVD and a couple of books as wells as the compulsory chocolate.

25th December 2006, 23:37
Mobile phone :)

And loads of sweets that will rot my teeth :p :

26th December 2006, 03:19
How about being able to listen on the radio to The Nokia Concert of the Year 2006 on Christmas night?

I enjoyed listening to the public radio broadcast of the 18 November SC Philharmonic performance of Handel's Messiah.

http://www.scphilharmonic.com/serenahill.gif http://www.scphilharmonic.com/cynthiahanna.gif http://www.scphilharmonic.com/waltercuttino.gif http://www.scphilharmonic.com/marcrattray.gif

26th December 2006, 09:16
My little gathering of festive commerical goods can be itemised as such:

A few items of clothes (inc. a few bits of my fave football teams training gear)
A few books (inc. an encyclopedia of F1, two books on Egyptian history, a horror novel by the greatest novelist since King, Richard Laymon, a book on bonsai and a history of my fave football team)
An F1 book and DVD set
A CD storage box
A CD player
And a few bits of chocs which will rocket me back up to my original weight this time last year.

Captain VXR
26th December 2006, 10:24
Who is your favourite football team, SEATFreak? For me it is :up: Man United.

Brown, Jon Brow
26th December 2006, 11:19
Who is your favourite football team, SEATFreak? For me it is :up: Man United.

:up: :D

Ian McC
26th December 2006, 11:43
In amongst the usual stuff I of course received the 2006 BTCC video :D

I also got a large box of magic tricks :s , still, should have fun cutting a few relatives in half :D

26th December 2006, 11:55
A new tv with teletext, Clarkson DVDs, James May interactive DVD and Richard Hammond's book. I also got BTCC calender and lots of chocloate.

Oh and some socks as mine had holes!

26th December 2006, 12:27
I got:
some clothing items - punk goth style
a book
alarm clock - of two tires, one sitting on the other
The CARS calendar
a ring
some money
some chocolates
and a few other things

26th December 2006, 12:48
some clothing items - punk goth style

Punk goth socks?

26th December 2006, 12:53
No Erki, I got a couple of tops and a pair of trousers.

Dan Eaves Fan
26th December 2006, 14:09
Being a lass i got alot of girly stuff. but i did get alot of DVD's Top gear boxset being one and BTCC Review. Also got alot of Emo band CD's. And James bond Stuff.


26th December 2006, 15:47
Clothes, a bit of money, Chocolate when im on a diet :mad: and f1 06 for PS2 :)

26th December 2006, 22:39
Besides the usual clothes and CD's i get every year, a major major surprise for me was waiting under the tree, a new PS2 :D , after 1 year my old one broke down this is definitely a good surprise :D

jim mcglinchey
26th December 2006, 23:50
My Dad got an acre of land......on the moon. I think its on the bright side so he can keep an eye on it with his telescope "Get orf moi lannnddd! "

27th December 2006, 10:08
I got a rather nice watch from my wife which was good :up: and plenty of dvd's, some of which are good :s and socks, aftershave and cufflinks all of which I have an abundance of, which are therefore no bloody good at all :(

Still................it's the (lack of) thought that counts :p :

27th December 2006, 12:23
I got a driving experience at Croft! I get to drive a Porsche 911 and a Ginetta. It's an ambition of mine to drive round a race track, so I'm looking forward to it.

Hazell B
27th December 2006, 14:52
I also got a large box of magic tricks :s , still, should have fun cutting a few relatives in half :D

That's soooo cool!

My small collection included cold, hard cash (my favourite :D ) some gold earrings (hate gold), nice bracelet, scarf and there's a day out for sometime soon.

All in all, very nice stuff :up:

27th December 2006, 15:51
Motec data acquisition classes paid for
Thai cookbook and pair of bowls and chopsticks
Borders giftcard (I can finally buy Grand Prix and a few other books I've been eyeing)
A nearly stress-free time with my family and all our significant others

27th December 2006, 17:37
And three job offers for the summer

27th December 2006, 18:17
I got the satisfaction of completely convincing my wife that she wasn't getting the gift she most wanted.

With the able assistance of my daughter, I waited until my wife had opened all other presents, then mentioned that we had forgot a stocking stuffer that didn't fit in the stocking. Our well played performance paid off when the stocking stuffer turned out to be her touch screen mobile GPS she's been wanting.

I love getting over with a good surprise! :D

27th December 2006, 22:29
A couple of items of clothing, some chocolate and some smelly stuff.

27th December 2006, 22:34
Who is your favourite football team, SEATFreak? For me it is :up: Man United.

Oh good God, another thread littered by footy hooligans :p :

28th December 2006, 08:15
Plenty of shirts and socks.

Xmas is the time of the year when i get clothes that aren't motorsport related.

Was spewing my brother's wife gave him the most awesome toolkit :(


28th December 2006, 09:24
I got an OMP racing steering wheel so well chuffed!! and WRC calender

28th December 2006, 18:40
oooh I got looads! I got enough chocolate and booze to last me until next christmas, a new jacket, books, money, slippers, earings, sin city on DVD, two Cd's, perfume, the usual bits and bobs that girls always get :)

29th December 2006, 00:47
Well, among the usual assortment of socks and underwear, the missus presented me with an iPod video 30Gb :s hock: ...

and this :D ...


29th December 2006, 01:05
Schmenke I'm jealous. I want one of those. :p :

29th December 2006, 01:12
A wife or a lego model? :p :

29th December 2006, 02:01
I recieved my Dell Insiron E1505 laptop early, so all I got XMAS day was
a 1:24 #29 Goodwrench/Brickyard 400 commemerative die cast (the one that has both Harvick's and Earnhardt Sr's Brickyard 400 trophies on the hood)
a couple of smaller #29 GM-Goodwrench cars (the 20th aniversary scheme from 2005 and the Gretchen Wilson scheme from Harvick's win at Richmond, both with seperate hood dispays....of, and of course, the bathrobe (xmas is not complete without some kind of clothing gift.....)

Oh and last, but certainly not least....

A coffee cup that one can plug into ones accessory port or cigarette lighter in the car to keep your coffee warm; a must for someone in Law Enforcement and Pizza Delivery :)

29th December 2006, 02:20

That would look sooo good on the shelf next to my Enzo I got last year.............and seeing you have an allergy to all things red.................

29th December 2006, 03:28
A wife or a lego model? :p :

A lego wife?

29th December 2006, 03:58
i got a camera
jeans and a tee shirt for clubbin
Shane webcke Autobiography

oily oaf
29th December 2006, 06:38
Good interminably boring bit before we can tear into the heavy grog again before laying a steaming loaf in the airing cupboard during the night.

On Christmas Eve I remarked to Mrs Oaf that I sorely missed the halcyon days of my childhood when my mummykins would leave a big sack of prezzies at the foot of the bed for me to tear at frenziedly at 2.30am.

After having poured me into bed later that evening the sentimental brute went into the attic and removed an old Santa sack that we used to use for the kids and stuffed it full with my prezzers :)

Imagine my unfettered joy when I woke next morning only to glance down and see my bulging, swollen sack.

I'm here 'till they kick off at Upton Park :s mokin:

29th December 2006, 08:47
I got a iPod can you believe it. Mr
Apple boy. What is even more amazing it I went out and
plugged it into my cig lighter and WOW the tunes played on my
stereo. This little deal RAWKS !!

30th December 2006, 00:14
A nintendo wii

30th December 2006, 18:59
I got a BMW-Sauber T-shirt. :)