View Full Version : Feels like winter

1st September 2007, 20:52
Woke up a couple of hours ago(had a rather hard Friday night :) ) and now it feels just like late autumn or winter here. Is it because of September 1st? I dunno... but I don't like this feeling. :\

(not that I have anything against winter of course, just...)

Brown, Jon Brow
1st September 2007, 21:01

1st September 2007, 22:25
32 degrees yesterday, 30 today. It must be some European thing ;) :p :

1st September 2007, 23:36
Feels like a Perth kind of early winter day!

2nd September 2007, 08:53
Here in the rather more normal than is normal South Shields (I don't really live near the SEAT factory! :) ) we havd quite a nice day. Bit of a slight breeze but not to bad.

Now as a write on this Sunday morn before 9am I saw a quite a few drops of rain which has now stopped. The sky doesn't look threatening. Big clear patches. And the grey (though not the thundery dark grey) clouds are all in the distance.

2nd September 2007, 11:29
Here in Denmark it looks and feels like we were in November month :blackeye: Good I am leaving for Italy in 3 weeks time :D

2nd September 2007, 12:02
It is winter here in Scotland.

Ian McC
2nd September 2007, 12:29
Sunny and windy but not winter, looks like we might get a little but of decent weather over the next few weeks.

2nd September 2007, 14:56
15 degrees Celcius, the warmest day in a week, was a bit cold on friday night when we played some mölkky (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mölkky) and made pancaces while celebrating the loss of analog tv-broadcasts.
Woolly mittens and a warm hat was indeed needed.

jim mcglinchey
2nd September 2007, 15:06
It has felt like Autumn since early August. The seasons seem to be coming in earlier now. What could it mean ?
( says he, singing the Twilight Zone theme )

doo doo doo doo
doo doo doo doo...

2nd September 2007, 15:32
+13... heavy clouds... feels quite humid... this is depressing...

2nd September 2007, 15:52
According to BBC weather it's 20c here. Is it hell..

Stuff this, I'm off to Berlin next week, it better be sunnier there!

2nd September 2007, 16:18
Stuff this, I'm off to Berlin next week, it better be sunnier there!

Of course it's sunnier there - an ex classmate of mine lives and studies there. I remember she was a rather sunny person. :)

2nd September 2007, 19:56
Woke up a couple of hours ago(had a rather hard Friday night :) ) and now it feels just like late autumn or winter here. Is it because of September 1st? I dunno... but I don't like this feeling. :\

(not that I have anything against winter of course, just...)

Global warming caused it. Didn't you know? Sheesh, thought everyone knew that.