View Full Version : James Brown RIP

306 Cosworth
25th December 2006, 09:23

Ian McC
25th December 2006, 09:50
He had one hell of a life, he certainly lived it to the full, may he rest in peace.

25th December 2006, 10:48
Wow! :eek:

The world is a duller place without him.

RIP, James Brown.

25th December 2006, 11:03
I best remember him in the Blues Brothers and Eddie Murphy Imitating him.
He Had one Wild ride call his Life. It was worth 2 to 3 oridanry ones.

25th December 2006, 11:16
The Godfather of Soul will never be forgotten, another who lived life to the full as Ian McC said. There will be one hell of a party somewhere in heaven tonight.


25th December 2006, 13:05
I might be a little insensitive here, but my thoughts went to this song immidiately. This one is from about 1994:

25th December 2006, 14:03
A real shame. RIP

25th December 2006, 18:02
great shame, glad i got to see him live once, although i never intended to, it was very entertaining, RIP James Brown

25th December 2006, 18:28
No!! :bigcry:

I would not have accepted a ticket to a soul concert if you paid me the proverbial million pounds!! But the one star in that genre that made me appreciate what soul music was about, the one star that made soul interersting, is James Brown. He epitomised the genre and I am sure he will be greatly missed by his millions of fans. At least he is truly now among the true legends of music.

RIP James! And thanks for the music.

25th December 2006, 19:46
The Godfather of Soul will never be forgotten, another who lived life to the full as Ian McC said. There will be one hell of a party somewhere in heaven tonight.


I still have a Blues Brothers CD and I can play "The Old Landmark" every singles time.

Cab, Ray, John, you have company.

Rest in Peace JB

25th December 2006, 20:20
The Godfather of Soul has left the building, no-one can ever replace him.

RIP James Brown, you were a musical giant, your legend will live on.

25th December 2006, 23:37
poppa's got a new bag

26th December 2006, 01:20
poppa's got a new bag

...or as my sister (see Ipswich thread) came up with earlier. "Papa's got a brand new bodybag".

Very poor taste. (And actually that was the best of the three).

26th December 2006, 15:31
Such a shock when i heard about this on christmas night, so sad especially when he was performing only a month ago at the electric proms! :(

RIP James Brown, a soul legend :(

26th December 2006, 21:03
His music will be missed by millions.

And, goodness, that man could dance.


26th December 2006, 22:14


Rudy Tamasz
27th December 2006, 07:53
That was funky. RIP. :(

27th December 2006, 09:10
The man lived life to the fullest, don't always do it legally either and there will be many who will only remember him for some of the bad stuff he did. Personally I'll remember him for his music, not all of it original, but the way it was performed or adapted always was.

Soul music has lost yet another of the all-time greats and may he rest in peace.

27th December 2006, 15:33
the music world has lost a true legend... rip

oily oaf
29th December 2006, 06:18
I am absolutely rock solid in the belief that he is not dead at all but is merely putting it on to avoid paying his income tax or something.
I know this to be true as only this morning I turned on my standing, singing radio device and heard the crafty songster bawling out "I feel good, I knew that I would now. I feel nice, like sugar and spice now"
People like this who fake their own death for personal gain should be brought to book and then burned face down IMO.

Yours faithfully
E Presley
McDonalds Burger Bar

Thang you very much..........uhuh!

29th December 2006, 08:55
Generally speaking I would by sad. However anyone who beats a woman does not get my respect. Let alone the drugs!! Screw him - hit him in the face with a shovel and lets move on !!