View Full Version : Quotes from Winner's Press Conference, Kimi and Fernando

26th August 2007, 20:12
My intention here is not to beat a dead horse (the issue of overtaking), but I thought this interesting...

[All from the winner's press conference 08-26-07]

“These days in Formula One it's pretty difficult to get past, so the race was really decided yesterday already”

“These days in Formula One it is very, very difficult to overtake. You need to wait for a mistake from the car in front of you”

“Yeah, but it's so boring behind other cars. Unfortunately in Formula One these days the races are pretty much decided after qualifying, so it's a shame”

“Yes. The start was quite bad and after I found myself sixth on the first lap, I thought the race was over because if you overtake them quite quickly in the first five laps, you still have a possibility but if not, it becomes very difficult.”

“As I said, it's a bit boring because you quite often know, especially after the pit stop, where the other cars will stop and that's it. You know that you cannot really do anything if you don't get past the guys and it's very difficult to get past.”
- Kimi

26th August 2007, 22:17
Yup not enough passing. I think a great idea would be to allow each driver to bump the rev limit to 20,000 rpms in 10 second bursts say...20 times max per race? :)

26th August 2007, 22:55
No, no reason to use a button that cheapens the pass. Just whack off the diffuser and put the ground effects back on. Voila! Instant passing.

26th August 2007, 22:57
Eh, my idea is way cheaper ($) and more practical than yours... ;)

26th August 2007, 23:00
Lol, yeah perhaps cheaper but I don't like it in champcar in the USA. The question is problably about more than just aerodynamics but also the size and depth of the field of cars.

26th August 2007, 23:22
I don't follow Champ cRap... ;) They have something like a power boost button? I know A1 GP does, but that series is as lame as Champ Car... :P

27th August 2007, 00:34
Well..i dont understand each time what Kimi says about how the race went at the press conference.. lol ;)

and yes it is difficult to over take in F1 .. does this means everyone allowed to have flexy wings (ferrari) and a booster switch to powerup to overtake ? (again ferrari will cheat on that to win races ) ;)

27th August 2007, 00:53
Ya, Kimi seems more robot than human when he talks... :P

27th August 2007, 02:10
Just watch Q...a little more outcome determinetive and not so nearly boring, and the pit stops are more frequent......

27th August 2007, 02:24
One of the things that has made passing almost impossible, is the ridiculous rule of having a rev limite. That has been great for McLaren's reliability, but it makes passing after a long straight an impossibility.

race aficionado
27th August 2007, 03:26
Unfortunately, it is boring indeed.
Watching LH suffer a flapping tyre was one of the most exciting parts.

I did watch a nascar race yesterday and . . . . .

:s mokin:

27th August 2007, 06:52
Just watch Q...a little more outcome determinetive and not so nearly boring, and the pit stops are more frequent......

I find myself fast forwarding through most of it as it's booooring... Only exciting part is the last few minutes of Q3... :/ I personally liked it better when you could watch 1 car at a time. The way it is now you miss most of the action because all of the cars are on track at the same time... :(

27th August 2007, 08:26
You dont get good slipstreaming (as mentioned in another thread) when you limit the revs. You dont get good racing where theres a buffer of air preventing one car from closing on another. I was expecting the race to be better at Turkey, since it was built to facilitate overtaking for a series where the cars can't overtake.

Half the grip, cut the wings, ban all driver aids, make the cars wider, double the horsepower, give them slicks and loosen the overly restrictive engine rules and it'll all be good.

Maybe even then you could get fast circuits with flow that drivers can overtake on!

27th August 2007, 09:01
Ya, Kimi seems more robot than human when he talks... :P
It's his accent. Arnold Scwarzenegger has an accent too, and he sounds like a robot.

27th August 2007, 09:16
well in this particular race, the reasonfor no overtaking amongst the top guys, was because no one was really close enough to the next guy to force a pass. Further bsck down the grid, the likes of trulli, etc had no problem overtaking drivers when they were close enough too.

Kimi never looked like he was going to challenge Massa, LH was not close enough and in pace too, to get past Kimi on the track, Alonso wasn't getting buy the BMW due to his pace and fuel load not some aero issue.

It seems to me a convenient excuse by all the drivers for their inabilty to match the pace of the car ahead of them, leaving only ther pitstops to try to pass. When looking at the live timing you would see that none of these guys were in any shape to challenge for positions, that in itself madfe the race a bit boring IMO,