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Mp3 Astra
22nd August 2007, 23:34
Well, they're out tomorrow, and even though our fates are already sealed I bet everyone who is waiting for them is very nervous anyway. Including me.

Good luck, and if you're a forumer who is getting these results, post how you feel tomorrow morning... if you dare :D

22nd August 2007, 23:46
Good luck to everyone tomorrow, i know i felt a bit nervous waiting for them. Hope you all do well. :)

22nd August 2007, 23:46
Good luck Seņor Astra :up:

What are you hoping to do afterwards?

22nd August 2007, 23:55
Good luck people. I hope you find your results pleasing :)

Do you have scaling of marks in the UK?

Mp3 Astra
22nd August 2007, 23:58
Good luck people. I hope you find your results pleasing :)

Do you have scaling of marks in the UK?
A* A B C D E F G U
A* - C is seen as a "pass" in most people's eyes.

Good luck Seņor Astra :up:

What are you hoping to do afterwards?

Sixth Form, then University. But that all hangs upon these here results!

23rd August 2007, 00:03
Does U stand for "Unbelievably awful answers"? :p :

We just have Achieved, Merit and Excellence representing (roughly) 45-70%, 70-90% and 90-100% respectively. It's not a bad system - you get the mark you earn, so long as the standards are set at an appropriate level, which they aren't always. I was in the first year of the system, and you had some papers were the standard was set way too high and something like 70% of the country failed it. English and Media Studies were like that. Frustrated everyone.

Mp3 Astra
23rd August 2007, 00:10
Does U stand for "Unbelievably awful answers"? :p :

We just have Achieved, Merit and Excellence representing (roughly) 45-70%, 70-90% and 90-100% respectively. It's not a bad system - you get the mark you earn, so long as the standards are set at an appropriate level, which they aren't always. I was in the first year of the system, and you had some papers were the standard was set way too high and something like 70% of the country failed it. English and Media Studies were like that. Frustrated everyone.

Problem with having so few boundries is that if you miss by a couple of percent, you make a completely different impression on potential employers, whereas with lots of boundries it won't make such a difference. Well that's what I think anyway; since I'm not an employer :D

23rd August 2007, 00:11
Does U stand for "Unbelievably awful answers"? :p :

It means it's so bad, it's Ungraded.

I was told at school that an F or a G (don't remember which) was still (theoretically) a pass.

Mp3 Astra
23rd August 2007, 00:12
It means it's so bad, it's Ungraded.

I was told at school that an F or a G (don't remember which) was still (theoretically) a pass.

All the way up to G is a "pass", but C and above marks the boundry between "good" and "not so good" for employers, and all league tables are based upon 5x A*-C. It's a strange little system.

23rd August 2007, 00:13
Precisely - in one part of my seventh form calculus exam I made a small mistake that made the difference between an Achieved and a Merit. On everything else in the paper I was solidly in the Merit category, but this tiny error meant that I only got an Achieved. I was so disappointed.

If it had been A, B, etc, I might have got a B insstead of a B+, but as you say, so few boundaries amplify tiny errors.

23rd August 2007, 00:16
It means it's so bad, it's Ungraded.

I was told at school that an F or a G (don't remember which) was still (theoretically) a pass.

You have a strange system, kind of like the one we replaced with the one I've been talking about.

So a U means "your answers were so bad I couldn't force myself to read them without throwing up" :D

23rd August 2007, 00:32
You have a strange system, kind of like the one we replaced with the one I've been talking about.

So a U means "your answers were so bad I couldn't force myself to read them without throwing up" :D

I almost got a B in maths, I missed out by 2 points! :\

U at GCSE is pretty much either: you're in the "special" class and opted to do the exams, you didn't show up, you didn't bother trying or you really had no idea what you were writing about.

23rd August 2007, 00:36
So it's pretty difficult to get a U?

I hate it when that happens, Drew. So you got a C?

23rd August 2007, 00:41
So it's pretty difficult to get a U?

I hate it when that happens, Drew. So you got a C?

At this level, yeah it's pretty hard , but of course for many reasons it happens :)

Yup a C indeed. As astra said, a C is the minimum that's expected. Generally you need a C in English, Maths and Science and in the subjects you want to do to get to the next level of education. At least that's what I was told to get :)

Mp3 Astra
23rd August 2007, 10:37
Well I'm home after picking the results up... Just in case you were interested I got:
Sociology B
Science A* x2
German A
English A*
Literature A
Maths A
ICT A x2
Drama A
Statistics A

:D :D :D :D
I hope everyone else is happy after opening the envelope. :)

23rd August 2007, 11:35
Well I'm home after picking the results up... Just in case you were interested I got:
Sociology B
Science A* x2
German A
English A*
Literature A
Maths A
ICT A x2
Drama A
Statistics A

WOW! Many congratulations :up: They're brilliant results!

23rd August 2007, 12:59
Well done MP3 Astra! Sixth form awaits then!

23rd August 2007, 13:10
Wow, congratulations Seņor Astra!

23rd August 2007, 13:32
Just came back from picking mine up

Maths A :bounce:
English C
English Lit C
Science Double award C
Geography C
French D 2 marks of a C :bigcry:
Business Studies D doomed from the start :(

23rd August 2007, 13:36
Well I'm home after picking the results up... Just in case you were interested I got:
Sociology B
Science A* x2
German A
English A*
Literature A
Maths A
ICT A x2
Drama A
Statistics A

:D :D :D :D
I hope everyone else is happy after opening the envelope. :)

Looks like you have a bright future ahead. Seems your school had many more options than mine.

23rd August 2007, 13:41
Looks like you have a bright future ahead. Seems your school had many more options than mine.

I'm going to guess that Astra is in fact a genius. At my school the genius kids were allowed to do as many GCSEs as they wanted and the school offered them teaching at lunch time and after school to do it :)

I did 4 optional subjects and that was enough :p :

23rd August 2007, 17:06
I got my GCSE reslults today. I got:
French A
Geography A
English A
Maths A*
Science A*
English Literature A*

Well done everyone else!!!

23rd August 2007, 22:01
Has everyone got A*s cept me :(

23rd August 2007, 22:43
:D :D :D :D

Congrats mate! Very impressive. Everyone at school will resent you now ;)

Mp3 Astra
23rd August 2007, 23:21
Just came back from picking mine up

Maths A
English C
English Lit C
Science Double award C
Geography C
French D 2 marks of a C
Business Studies D doomed from the start

You got the 5 A* to C, which is the important things. Anything above that is irrelevent up to a point. Congrats!

I got my GCSE reslults today. I got:
French A
Geography A
English A
Maths A*
Science A*
English Literature A*

Well done everyone else!!!
Holy Bananas I don't know anyone who's got that many A*s! Congrats to you too!

I'm going to guess that Astra is in fact a genius. At my school the genius kids were allowed to do as many GCSEs as they wanted and the school offered them teaching at lunch time and after school to do it

I did 4 optional subjects and that was enough

None of the subjects listed were ones I did outside of school. We get three options and we have to do ICT, RE, maths, eng, and science. Literature comes bundled with the English course really, and it takes about 6 months. The downside is you get less time in each subject, because you only get 25 hours a week of lessons... so some get less than others

Thanks for your congratulations!

23rd August 2007, 23:25
Someone at my school got 6 A*s :eek:

23rd August 2007, 23:35
I didn't get any A*s :p :

I'm pretty sure a girl at my school got straight A*s and she's french too :rolleyes:

23rd August 2007, 23:38
Are you just resentful, or do French people have a reputation for being swats?

Alfa Fan
23rd August 2007, 23:44
I think the point is English isn't her first language, making the exams even harder (in theory)

23rd August 2007, 23:53
Yeah... but I think that would make her try even harder than all the rest, surely.

The best academic results in New Zealand should, going by the general rules, come from an Asian girl at an all-girls Catholic school.

Alfa Fan
23rd August 2007, 23:56
The best result in NZ should go to whoever's the most intelligent and works the hardest!

23rd August 2007, 23:58
Are you just resentful, or do French people have a reputation for being swats?

I'm just jealous ;)

And the only person from my year to go to Cambridge was a German exchange student :p :

24th August 2007, 00:02
Yeah, obviously, but if you look at the rankings, Asians do better than the rest, girls do better than boys, Catholic schools do better than the rest, and girls to better at single-sex schools than at mixed schools, so by the ranking, an Asian girl at a single-sex Catholic school will do the best.

But as everyone knows, statistics exist only to mislead, so the top student in the country rarely is what you'd expect from the rankings. The second, third, fourth and fist best students are though.

24th August 2007, 00:03
I'm just jealous ;)

And the only person from my year to go to Cambridge was a German exchange student :p :

He he he... you're at a disadvantage. For your next year go to Molgolia on an exchange :D

24th August 2007, 01:25
Congrats to all, and good luck with your further studies.

As an employer, I can tell you that while grades are important for qualifying for good schools later on, the important thing to me is that a job candidate actually has achieved their university degree.

Having a degree tells the world not that you're an intellectual, but that you have finally learned how to learn!

24th August 2007, 03:02
Business Studies D doomed from the start :(
Sounds like working gloves & a lifetime of sore muscles could be in your future ..... :eek:

oily oaf
24th August 2007, 06:33
Sounds like working gloves & a lifetime of sore muscles could be in your future ..... :eek:

Hang on Stan! I've got a degree (it didn't come cheap either :mad: ) and I've STILL been consigned to a lifetime of working gloves and sore muscles. :(
Where did it all go wrong eh? (snivel)

(dons filthy Honda overall, picks up cheese and pickle sandwiches from workop and trudges disconsolately towards front door as a small tear runs down grimy cheek)