View Full Version : Amy Winehouse

speedy king
22nd August 2007, 18:35
What are your opinions on this 23 year old musician? Started out reasonably unsuccessfuly in music until her current album and 'new image'. Now she has gone and cancelled a string of events due to 'health issues'.

What do people make of her?

22nd August 2007, 18:53
Dunno about her health issues but her music is currently playing on my iPod :D

22nd August 2007, 18:57
What do people make of her?

A fairly unique artist and personality, I like her.

As for her health issues, I hope she gets well soon.

jim mcglinchey
22nd August 2007, 19:02
She topped the chart in a recent BBC3 "100 most annoying pop moments " but I think that she's by no means the worst...that would be The Kooks vocalist.

Dave B
22nd August 2007, 19:26
Decent enough musician, self-destructive addict. "Health problems" my arse.

22nd August 2007, 19:35
Like BBB said, she's unique and has some decent music. But her health problems are self inflicted which is where she loses my sympathy in a way tbh.

Ian McC
22nd August 2007, 20:05
self-destructive addict.

Musically she holds no interest for me, however I do hope she doesn't end up the female Pete Doherty :(

22nd August 2007, 20:08
"Health problems" my arse.

Addiction is a health problem though.

If someone cancelled a tour with physical health problems, they'd get everyone's sympathy, but when it's a mental problem there's a stigma.

22nd August 2007, 20:10
They tried to make me go to rehab I said...actually yes, I think it'd be for the best.

Hazell B
22nd August 2007, 21:32
I'm not so sure leaving rehab to go to the pub counts as wanting to get better, so it's her own stupid fault if she ends up losing everything.

Record companies soon drop those who don't show or make cash. She's already a no-show. Only a matter of time before we're saying "Amy Who?"

22nd August 2007, 21:42
Record companies soon drop those who don't show or make cash. She's already a no-show. Only a matter of time before we're saying "Amy Who?"

Interpol should be getting dropped soon then.

They cancelled their performance so late last night that most people (including me) were already in the venue.

22nd August 2007, 22:28
Talented signer :up:

22nd August 2007, 23:39
I'm not so keen on her stuff, it it catchy but it's not really my thing. My dad is a huge fan though, so when he heard she was gonna do a signing at the V Festival, he was desperate for me to get her autograph.

It is a shame that she has cancelled her big events, hopefully she will get over her addiction soon.

22nd August 2007, 23:44
I like her music but I don't like the persona or the example she's setting to others, especially some of her stage performances.

And I wish she'd learn to do her eye makeup without smudging it everywhere ;)

22nd August 2007, 23:49
A question first, if she's a musician, what does she play?

I remember hearing some songs of her first album and found them plesant, if unspectacular, her more recent songs have been extremely annoying though. As for her health problems, she gets as much sympathy from me as anyother addict.

23rd August 2007, 02:27
I don't think much of her

23rd August 2007, 08:52
A question first, if she's a musician, what does she play?

She's a vocalist, therefore by my definition, she's a musician.

23rd August 2007, 09:26
I like her music but I don't like the persona or the example she's setting to others, especially some of her stage performances.

I agree with this. It's a shame that a pop singer who's trying to do something different musically is such a mess personally.

23rd August 2007, 10:10
I lke her music and about her lifestyle or addictions I don't care, it's her choice.

Dave B
23rd August 2007, 10:15
Addiction is a health problem though.

If someone cancelled a tour with physical health problems, they'd get everyone's sympathy, but when it's a mental problem there's a stigma.
Addiction certainly is a health problem, and Winehouse is in the fortunate position of being able to seek professional help, as well having a career which would be more forgiving than most of a break. However, she deliberatey chooses a path which may ultimately lead to self-destruction, so my sympathy goes right out the window.

23rd August 2007, 12:55
She doesn't seem to be too smart.

23rd August 2007, 13:47
Unique I'll give her that and her music is OK but I'm not a fan.

23rd August 2007, 14:46
Addiction certainly is a health problem, and Winehouse is in the fortunate position of being able to seek professional help, as well having a career which would be more forgiving than most of a break. However, she deliberatey chooses a path which may ultimately lead to self-destruction, so my sympathy goes right out the window.

I think any addict has to hit rock bottom before they realise that they cannot control their addiction and that it controls them.

I quite like her stuff but feel she has such a destructive personality that it may be one of those legendary stories in the making about huge talent fatally flawed.

perhaps in a few years we will be asking ourselves what Amy would be doing if she survived a bit like Kurt Cobain :(

good luck to her is all I can say.

23rd August 2007, 19:09
Unique I'll give her that and her music is OK but I'm not a fan.

she might be unique in today's pop world. jazz singers have been around for a long time.

23rd August 2007, 19:28
I don't care a great deal for her music but I like the fact that it's fairly unique sounding. She's pretty unique herself I guess, and I too hope that she can pull back from her addictions. It must be pretty hard when there's a media out there just waiting for you to slip up again though.

23rd August 2007, 19:55

And I mean really, WHO? :(

Hazell B
24th August 2007, 07:48
Don't worry about it Erki - we'll be wondering the same thing within a few years too :)

Dave B
24th August 2007, 08:47
At least Winelake doesn't feel the need to constantly open her gob to slate everybody else in showbiz, unlike that cretinous waste of DNA which is Lily Allen. :s

24th August 2007, 12:50
At least Winelake doesn't feel the need to constantly open her gob to slate everybody else in showbiz, unlike that cretinous waste of DNA which is Lily Allen. :s
What is Lily Allen famous for other than talking while some crappy music plays in the background and wearing flowery dresses?

24th August 2007, 13:25
Isnt it because her father is comedian Keith Allen?

24th August 2007, 13:28
What is Lily Allen famous for other than talking while some crappy music plays in the background and wearing flowery dresses?

I like flowery dresses. :) :p

24th August 2007, 17:50
Amy Winehouse was beaten up last night.

oily oaf
24th August 2007, 18:49
What is Lily Allen famous for other than talking while some crappy music plays in the background and wearing flowery dresses?

I believe her fame stems from the fact that she has reduced erstwhile forum London hater and self styled "Man O' T' North" Bezza to a quivering bowl of testosterone flavoured jelly who is now regularly heard warbling "London's mine, all mine, all mine, don't wanna be anywhere else"

Amy? Great music! Dodgy hair :( Even dodgier old man :mad:
Get rid love.

Ian McC
24th August 2007, 20:11
At least Winelake doesn't feel the need to constantly open her gob to slate everybody else in showbiz, unlike that cretinous waste of DNA which is Lily Allen. :s

Christ on a bike Dave that's a bit harsh for you :eek:

Still, know what you mean though

24th August 2007, 20:49
I think Amy Winehouse's got great potential ... to be the female Pete Doherty.

Better voice than him, though ;)

24th August 2007, 21:17
Achille Varzi was an addict, and it almost completely ruined his racing career. Are people going to start to label him as weak and cowardly? Because he's one of the strongest, bravest people I've ever read about.

24th August 2007, 21:53
Achille Varzi was an addict, and it almost completely ruined his racing career. Are people going to start to label him as weak and cowardly? Because he's one of the strongest, bravest people I've ever read about.

Read? Can you recommend some books about racing in the times of Varzi, Nuvolari, Rosemeyer etc?
I think there were some youtube videos of that time too, should check those out too. :)

But not to take this thread too offtopic... I agree with TripleBeans. She obviously has a problem, and denying that problem is one of her problems too. I don't think he's just a dumb girl. Accusing her(and anyone else with similar problems) of stupidity would be the last thing I'd do.

25th August 2007, 04:52
In 2004, Amy was everywhere before I heard a song of hers. Every magazine supplement from every newspaper had an interview with her. She was mouthing against every other singer too.

I'd say that she might need to shift a few more records before she can rely on the drug fuelled lifestyle to keep her going.

At lest Shane mcGowan has an annual payday because of fairytale of new york.

25th August 2007, 19:21

25th August 2007, 20:28
From SOD's link:

So not only did a 60 pound Amy Winehouse beat this guy up, she also outran him.

60 pounds? :\

Hazell B
26th August 2007, 22:11
Accusing her(and anyone else with similar problems) of stupidity would be the last thing I'd do.

I really don't understand why anyone would say that.

We all know drugs aren't good for you. Starting to take them is your own choice. We all know smoking, drinking, driving while blind and jumping off the White Cliffs of Dover may cause harm. Why see some as not your own fault and the others as wholey your own stupid fault? Because of the addiction element?

Plenty of people are addicted to adrenalin/dopamine rushes, too. That's why they jump out of perfectly good planes .... and if they do it without using a 'chute and land on their skull would we call them anything but stupid?

I'm addicted to nicotine and I never blamed anyone but myself for that. I'm stupid to have started. All other addicts are equally lacking gorm, especially if they leave rehab twice in a week to get drunk :mark:

27th August 2007, 06:33
Saying that it's all her fault solves the whole problem, doesn't it? :) I recall her saying that "she'll die in a year if she goes on like this". She seems to know what she's playing with, let's leave her alone... Bet she's already feeling quite lonely and empty anyway, more accusations would just make us get rid of her faster(yeeeeaaa! or maybe not so very...).

See yesterday I couldn't even kill an insect on a wall because it hadn't bitten me or anything so I just let it be. :\ :rolleyes:

27th August 2007, 11:23
Read? Can you recommend some books about racing in the times of Varzi, Nuvolari, Rosemeyer etc?

From my collection; there's good bits about Varzi and Rosemeyer in Nigel Roebuck's Grand Prix Greats, and Kings of the Nurburgring by Chris Nixon also offers detailed profiles of Caracciola and Nuvolari, but there are probably more suitable books out there which concentrate solely on this era.

27th August 2007, 12:04
Plenty of people are addicted to adrenalin/dopamine rushes, too. That's why they jump out of perfectly good planes .... and if they do it without using a 'chute and land on their skull would we call them anything but stupid?

If they did so knowingly, I would suggest that there is probably some sort of psychological problem there which goes some way beyond merely being 'stupid'.

27th August 2007, 12:07
She obviously has a problem, and denying that problem is one of her problems too.

Very well put.

Hazell B
27th August 2007, 20:04
Saying that it's all her fault solves the whole problem, doesn't it? :)

No, it just places blame.

27th August 2007, 20:08
No, it just places blame.

And what positive change does it make?

Hazell B
27th August 2007, 20:21
None Erki. I was asked at the start of the thread what I thought of her, not what I'd do to help her.

I don't expect she specifically wants my help, so why wonder what I'd do for the positive if she did?