View Full Version : Raise camels and they'll....

donKey jote
20th August 2007, 14:01
http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/low/asia-pacific/6954728.stm :eek:

20th August 2007, 14:19
That's why donkeys make better pets :p

20th August 2007, 15:03
Recently a camel killed a donkey at the Helsinki zoo:


Camel kills wild ass at Helsinki Zoo

A Bactrian camel killed a wild ass or kulan at the Helsinki Zoo yesterday - Wednesday. Although none of the zoo's staff was present, some passers-by witnessed the chain of events.
"Apparently the arrogant donkey started the fight", said Zoo Director Seppo Turunen.
"The camel bit into the kulan’s muzzle, killing it almost instantaneously", Turunen states.
The exact cause of death will be revealed after further investigations. The camel was not injured.

Both animals were males, and Turunen believes that this confrontation was a sporadic incident caused by the kulan’s raging hormones and consequent disturbed behaviour.
"All other animals in the enclosure are female, and they stayed calm. The females understand that they had better stay out of things when males are fighting", notes Turunen.
At the Helsinki Zoo, the camels and kulans - of a race of the Asian Wild Ass family - live in a shared enclosure. The dead kulan was the newest animal in the pen, having lived there only since May.

The remaining three kulan females were put in a separate pen, while the camel couple remained in the enclosure where the killing had occurred.
At 7.00 p.m. the killer camel looked calm, and there were no signs of the fight to be seen any more. The camel - of the two-humped variety - stretched himself in his pen, rubbing his neck against the dried branch of a tree.
Only a warning note on the fence, saying that the camels bite, was left to remind visitors of the unfortunate incident and encourage them to keep their hands outside the pen. Unlike most slayings that occur among the human population outside the confines of the island zoo, alcohol was not believed to have been a contributory factor.

oily oaf
20th August 2007, 17:00
My dad had an affair with a camel in 1943.
He was serving in Egypt with the Royal Artillery and one day his platoon sergeant announced that there was going to be a dance on the parade ground that evening.
When my old man turned up in his best dancing togs he was a bit surprised to see a line of about 20 camels standing about 200 yards away.
"What are they doing there Sarge?" he asked
"On account of a shortage of ladies they're your dance partners" replied the CSM.
"When I blow this whistle I want you all to go across and chose a partner"
He then gives a long blast on his whistle upon which, to my dad's astonishment the entire platoon start sprinting across the parade ground like the clappers.
When my pa eventually caught up with 'em he asked his mate "Why are we running Chalkie?"
"You don't wanna get stuck with one of the ugly ones do ya?" he gasped.

I also do weddings, funerals and Bar Mitzvahs.
I thank you

20th August 2007, 17:41
My dad had an affair with a camel in 1943.
He was serving in Egypt with the Royal Artillery and one day his platoon sergeant announced that there was going to be a dance on the parade ground that evening.
When my old man turned up in his best dancing togs he was a bit surprised to see a line of about 20 camels standing about 200 yards away.
"What are they doing there Sarge?" he asked
"On account of a shortage of ladies they're your dance partners" replied the CSM.
"When I blow this whistle I want you all to go across and chose a partner"
He then gives a long blast on his whistle upon which, to my dad's astonishment the entire platoon start sprinting across the parade ground like the clappers.
When my pa eventually caught up with 'em he asked his mate "Why are we running Chalkie?"
"You don't wanna get stuck with one of the ugly ones do ya?" he gasped.

I also do weddings, funerals and Bar Mitzvahs.
I thank you
I was in artillery too. Never got to go to Egypt though, just Lapland. No camels there, just reindeer.

20th August 2007, 17:50
Apparently it got the hump.

Goodnight and god bless.

Will L
21st August 2007, 01:24
What a way to go. LMFAO

Her family is said to have got the hump about the whole thing.