View Full Version : Re-Bourne! NO SPOILERS!!!!

Hazell B
16th August 2007, 23:02
Film of the year so far without a doubt :up:

David Webb's back with no bad language, no pointless killing sprees and no sex. How in hell's teeth they managed that and still kept the film so good I will never know :p :

16th August 2007, 23:30
:eek: :rolleyes: :confused: :dozey: :dozey:
I'm just gobsmacked.

Even Mr. Ludlum couldn't manage that one.

Hazell B
16th August 2007, 23:42
I've done nothing wrong :confused:

17th August 2007, 05:45
Good film once again although he seems to get more super-human in this than the others but still a nice way to finish (or perhaps not....looking at the last scene)

Mark in Oshawa
18th August 2007, 18:10
What gets me about the Bourne pictures is the jerky and overwhelming fast scenes when he goes into action. It is almost too fast, and it is my only criticism...that and I wanted to see the CIA weenie.....oh right...don't spoil it....well you guys probably felt the same....

18th August 2007, 18:18
Yes the jerky nature is due to the hand-held camera style that Greengrass has used in Supremacy and Ultimatum both.. The key to enjoying these movies is to forget the books if you have read them (as I did)

18th August 2007, 18:41
Saw it yesterday.

Wish I hadn't bothered, thought it wasn't very good at all :s

20th August 2007, 12:46
I want to go see it, just can't afford it at the moment :p :

20th August 2007, 17:35
Watched all 3 the other night.
Agreed on the jerky camera style...was a bit off-putting.

Lots of loud action, which is great with the amp cranked to 11.....

Mark in Oshawa
21st August 2007, 17:08
Greengrass is a good director, but if I have an epiletic seizure from watching his movies, I am not going to want to go back. The fast camera work can be slowed a little...the tasty little personal combat scenes would be better appreciated with slightly less movement on behalf of the camera operator...