View Full Version : LH to win WDC by yachting with RD

16th August 2007, 17:10
Now if there were any doubts, when LH said something about meeting up with FA, he did not mention that it would on a yacht, after he spent a few days on same relaxing with the co-owner's daughter and rubbing sun screen on RD' :vader: lean muscular body.

Seems FA has decided to jump ship--well actually he never got on board---
Can not imagine why FA would decline such a fine invitation issued by RD :vader: hisself

So I would say yacht on and cuddle up withe the boss's daughter as that says it all as to who has true Macalarenut in his blood and who is the recycled one

"While Hamilton has been onboard for a few days already, frolicking in the waves with Ojjeh's daugher Sara, Dennis arrived earlier this week and invited Alonso to join the party." And the link to this quote


so worry no more me mates, rub on and drink up :beer:

Yachts win races, even world championships :cool: so quit worrying about LH to win it in Japan, he is wining it in the water

17th August 2007, 03:04

17th August 2007, 06:29
Here we call it "sucking up to the boss." (Also known as "brown-nosing!")

Valve Bounce
17th August 2007, 07:39
Ever been invited to a party as an afterthought? when you turn up, and find out many of your mates had early invitations ? and then find everybody well and truly comfortably enjoying themselves when you walk in? Didn't you feel a goose?

This was one helluva insult. If Fernando was already on his own holiday, and enjoying himself with his friends, why on earth would he want to turn up as a late addition to a party for his team mate (read enemy)?

Common people - let's have some common sense about this.

17th August 2007, 10:56
its all in the newspaper so it must be true.

follow the yellow brick road, follow the yellow brick road. Ohhhhhh, were off to see the wizard, the wonde..........

17th August 2007, 11:14
its all in the newspaper so it must be true.

follow the yellow brick road, follow the yellow brick road. Ohhhhhh, were off to see the wizard, the wonde..........

You must forgive those of us that live in countries where the media is not a laughing stock of lies, jingoistic bigotry, and misinformation.

17th August 2007, 11:42
You must forgive those of us that live in countries where the media is not a laughing stock of lies, jingoistic bigotry, and misinformation.

ahhhh, your from China. sorry, I didn't know. fair enough :p :

Rudy Tamasz
17th August 2007, 13:21
Interesting to read the spin that British press is putting on the matter:

"Alonso snubs McLaren peace-talks

Fernando Alonso's relationship with McLaren suffered another blow this week when he reportedly turned down the opportunity for peace-talks. "


Incredible, just incredible. So, when you decline an invitation to party with your bitter championship rival, you snub peace talks?

17th August 2007, 13:22
You must forgive those of us that live in countries where the media is not a laughing stock of lies, jingoistic bigotry, and misinformation.

let me know when you find yourself in one of these countries?

Fox News or National Enquirer anyone? ;)

17th August 2007, 13:29
Interesting to read the spin that British press is putting on the matter:

"Alonso snubs McLaren peace-talks

Fernando Alonso's relationship with McLaren suffered another blow this week when he reportedly turned down the opportunity for peace-talks. "


Incredible, just incredible. So, when you decline an invitation to party with your bitter championship rival, you snub peace talks?
didnt he have a prior engagement with Flavio and since hes going to be best man at Flav's wedding its natural for him to attend

Now you know why I hate the British

17th August 2007, 13:45
Interesting to read the spin that British press is putting on the matter:

"Alonso snubs McLaren peace-talks

Fernando Alonso's relationship with McLaren suffered another blow this week when he reportedly turned down the opportunity for peace-talks. "


Incredible, just incredible. So, when you decline an invitation to party with your bitter championship rival, you snub peace talks?


stories like this should be taken with a pinch of salt.

the facts are that several McLaren people were on a yacht. Alonso was not one of them.

breaking news!!!!!!

Alonso cannot stand to be in the same room as Lewis and says the Rookie stinks

reports today confirm that Alonso stormed out of a room because Lewis was in there. a reliable source says that Fernando entered the room which held the one toilet in the Motorhome and found Lewis had deliberatly locked him out. Alonso immediatly left and in disgust went to another toilet

Our source claimed that Lewis made some remark that sounded like BFFFFF moments before Fernando entered.

17th August 2007, 14:08

stories like this should be taken with a pinch of salt.

the facts are that several McLaren people were on a yacht. Alonso was not one of them.
Yep--But LH said about a couple of weeks ago, time for peace talks with FA over the holidays--now if one is attempting to smooth out a rocky relationship, as distinguished from making oneself look good in the press, does one announce such a thing, or does one simply say to the other, how about we go drinking somewhere out of everyone's sight on neutral ground

and one does not spend time partying with the bosses and family, (the daughter who he is tossing in a photo on another thread) on their "super"yacht owned by one, then after a few days after one of the bosses shows up (RD), ask his rival to come talk some peace with me while I am partying as something of an afterthought.....it was an insult, it was published and the appearance of the partying says it all as to who is in and who was left out......

"fact that several McLAren people were on a yacht. Alsono was not one of them"

Yes FA is clearly NOT "one of them", them being "McLaren people".........

equal treatment, I wonder does that mean equal time and "treatment" from the girl as well..........

17th August 2007, 14:28
you, nor I know what has happened over the last couple of weeks.

has it not occured to you that freddie might prefer some time away. he is quite a private person and has a lot to think about at the moment like "how am I going to get my mindset right to defend my crown and do my talking on the track rather than getting stroppy"

as a fan of Alonso, thats what I want to see.

17th August 2007, 14:52
you, nor I know what has happened over the last couple of weeks.

has it not occured to you that freddie might prefer some time away. he is quite a private person and has a lot to think about at the moment like "how am I going to get my mindset right to defend my crown and do my talking on the track rather than getting stroppy"

as a fan of Alonso, thats what I want to see.
And if i were FA, that is exactly what I would be doing...rather than peace talkin at a party for LH....

17th August 2007, 15:54
He's on holiday so I don't see why he should bother to try to solve a problem in a yatch...

Hamilton chose to spent his holiday in one particular yatch, Alonso chose another one...

Seems like another case of journos without anyhting to do so they start making up stories out of nothing :rolleyes:

17th August 2007, 15:56
He's on holiday so I don't see why he should bother to try to solve a problem in a yatch...

Hamilton chose to spent his holiday in one particular yatch, Alonso chose another one...

Seems like another case of journos without anyhting to do so they start making up stories out of nothing :rolleyes:


journos have to justify their food and drink expenses somehow.

Valve Bounce
18th August 2007, 08:41
I wonder who leaked/gave/invented this story to the media?

18th August 2007, 09:01
Wait a minute, Fernando is spending time with Flavio, my god, what a suck up
"oooh let me have a job with you" [slurp*slurp]

What's the difference between Lewis hanging out with the boss and Fernando hanging out with his new boss?

18th August 2007, 18:40
Wait a minute, Fernando is spending time with Flavio, my god, what a suck up
"oooh let me have a job with you" [slurp*slurp]

What's the difference between Lewis hanging out with the boss and Fernando hanging out with his new boss?

Flavio has been spending his time at the super billionaire club with diehard Bruce Willis (atleast until die hard failed to pay enough attention to the 24 year old intended bride of the old man--)

Now old Flavio being the old goat that he is, probably should not have either FA or diehard hanging out with him and new intended girl bride, she might discover that die hard is a bit more fun , and proper in shape(d) FA, might have even more "energy"

I would say Flavio is old enuff to be her father, but that would be WRONG, he is old enough to he her great-grandfather...... :uhoh:

18th August 2007, 19:11
he is old enough to he her great-grandfather...... :uhoh:

I know... lucky b@$t@rd

Valve Bounce
19th August 2007, 04:04
Yeah!! :(

19th August 2007, 07:14
The sad thing is that even I am better looking than Flavio, but I don't have his money. :(

19th August 2007, 15:12
The sad thing is that even I am better looking than Flavio, ......y. :(

Not much of a brag

About all that anyone would need to do to do is brush their teeth once every week or two....

19th August 2007, 15:47
I wonder who leaked/gave/invented this story to the media?

My best friend's sister's boyfriend's brother's girlfriend heard from this guy who knows this kid who's going with the girl who saw Ferris pass out at 31 Flavors last night. I guess it's pretty serious.

20th August 2007, 11:51
My best friend's sister's boyfriend's brother's girlfriend heard from this guy who knows this kid who's going with the girl who saw Ferris pass out at 31 Flavors last night. I guess it's pretty serious.

according to the 7 degrees of seperation rule, that must have been me :D

20th August 2007, 15:54
What's up with some of you guys....

If I was twenty two, invited onto the bosses yacht, had a chance to feel up his daughter, mix with top level people, and improve my career chances I would. Hell I'd be rubbing suntan lotion into Rons wife all week if she wanted. Why is everyone so anti Hamilton???? I'm not his biggest fan, but so what. Get in there my son.......If Fernando is off doing his thing good luck to him as well. It's not like any of us really know whats going on, wxcept there are three weeks between races and we must all be bored to be even thinking about discussing this!!!!!!!!!!!

Thougj Spyjer selling would have been more interesting....VW, Hyundai, Bugger me PROTON!!!!!

Easy Drifter
20th August 2007, 19:17
I heard from an impeachable (sic) souse (hic) that Toyota were bringing in Darrell Waltrip to run the F1 team with AJ as #1 driver!