View Full Version : Battle at Kruger

9th August 2007, 21:05
this video on Youtube is simply amazing, its long (about 8 mins) but persevere and watch it all, i won't spoil it but rest assured its pretty much the most amazing wildlife footage i've ever seen

follow the link, or search for "Battle at Kruger"


let me know what you think!

9th August 2007, 21:14
Yes indeed, almost as vicious as Summer sales...

9th August 2007, 21:44
I saw that on ABC news (it was on bbc2 late last night for some reason)

Impressive, but annoying with that woman in the background, welcome to nature, love!

Brown, Jon Brow
9th August 2007, 22:05
Maybe we will see something like that in the field next to my house. There's some cows and a pussy cat prowling around ;)

9th August 2007, 22:21
"Can we go help it?"

Hahahaha.... Americans :rolleyes: