View Full Version : Talking to things that can't answer back.

Hazell B
21st December 2006, 21:15
Do you ever find yourself telling an object to do something, when you know full well it hasn't got ears?

I congratulate my vehicle if it ever manages to overtake another, for example. I ask the dogs if they've enjoyed whatever disgusting thing they've just eaten, even though they're not going to answer.

Yesterday I could hear my partner in a stable trying to hold a conversation with a new, frightened pony we've bought. He was chatting away to the timid little thing while trying to clean it's feet and I was biting my lip trying not to laugh outside.

This morning a lone man walked past my gate and said "Oh, you're all covered in ice" to something in the street :s

When was the last time you shouted "C'mon you feckless ****!" at something inanimate? :)

21st December 2006, 21:26
:laugh: Sadly, I do this alot! I pretty much scream bloody murder at my poor computer who I have a love/hate relationship with. I have been known to talk to my fish ... do they have ears!?... nevertheless I know they won't answer back.

21st December 2006, 21:44
I do this alot as well :p : especially at the computer when it decides to be slow or crash on me, i also talk to my car and my cat - though my cat does sometimes answer back.
Does talking to myself count?

Wait a minute I'm not inanimate object :arrows:

Dave B
21st December 2006, 21:50
I talk to the dog more than is healthy, and I do yell at my car's lack of appreciable accelleration sometimes. Other than that, I think I'm pretty sane... :uhoh:

21st December 2006, 21:51
I keep shouting at my computer too..while playing games usually, and sometimes when I'm browsing or working and there's a long delay. Apart from that I think I'm alright..except when I'm talking to the walls while studying :p :

21st December 2006, 21:52
Wait a minute I'm not inanimate object :arrows:
Neither is your cat (I hope) or Hazell's dogs and pony.

Hazell, just because your dogs don't answer doesn't mean they can't. They just don't want to answer a stupid question. Of course they had enjoyed it, why else would they have eaten it. Duh.

Captain VXR
21st December 2006, 21:57
I talk to my cat when she jumps on my bed in the mornings.

21st December 2006, 22:43
I do scream at the tv during races, when a driver has done something wonderful, or incredibly stupid.

I occasionally talk to the car --- not sure why.

I'm so damned tired of raking leaves, I've been asking the trees if they are through shedding. My husband thinks I'm a bit off.

21st December 2006, 22:44
I'm pretty sure by now my computer has managed to pick up every swear word I know...

22nd December 2006, 00:06
Guilty as Charged.
I do this way too often.
But I only notice I have done it, after I have done It!!!

22nd December 2006, 00:10
I have been known to shout the slap the screen when the PC isnt fast enough, or it randomly decides to shut down firefox............maybe thats why my screen is f****d, I talk to the cat, but I know she listens.

22nd December 2006, 00:12
Another computer conversationalist here!
I can also have long, one-sided chats with almost any animal I come across, including butterflies and grasshoppers that find their way into my flat in summer and other people's dogs.

22nd December 2006, 00:48
your all nuts!!! ;)

22nd December 2006, 02:55
Is there anyone that doesnt rage at there computer? (Guilty as charged here) Have talked to the TV on occasion and, strangely, at my bass when practicing.

22nd December 2006, 07:33
I often talk to my car when I'm washing her :(

oily oaf
22nd December 2006, 08:28
When I switch on my home movie system the display says "Hello" to which I reply "Right back at ya"
When I've finished watching the latest Thomas The Tank Engine epic and I switch off, the amiable brute promptly bids me "Goodbye" to which I always say "Cheers mate, thanks for that"

Well you don't like to be rude do ya? :mad:

22nd December 2006, 11:47
I admit I'm guilty:

I talk to my dogs all the time we enjoy full conversations. I even answer questions they've supposedly asked.

I talk my car when she's done somethig right like starting when frozen or after a very long trip or going up a steep hill without loosing much speed.

Talk to the shower while the water heats.

Hate my computer, my internet conection and my cell phone so I give them a hard time on ocassions.

Talk to the people on the radio when I disagree with them.

And the list goes on.... :rolleyes:

22nd December 2006, 18:03
Screaming obscenities at the referee on t.v. is far too common in our household :uhoh: . Must be wary of the presence of the wee one though :mark: :uhoh:

Hazell B
22nd December 2006, 20:35
Hazell, just because your dogs don't answer doesn't mean they can't. They just don't want to answer a stupid question.

Good point. They're probably chatting to each other right now about how they don't answer me because they're not potty like us humans :s

Slinkster, fish have a lateral line to absorb sound in water, so they hear you. Carp can be taught their names and to come to call individually. They don't have the joke 5 second memory :)

Caught myself asking Kipper (one of my dogs) which jumper he wanted to wear to go out in this morning. Not only talking to the animal, but expecting him to have fashion sense and an eye for the weather :mark:

22nd December 2006, 22:16
call me nutter but I understand what my cats tell me, I can tell wich meows are for "I want to eat", "let me out", etc. of course that means I talk to them and I'm pretty sure they understand me
Now my computer gets the usual swearing while people in Tv specially referees and anchors surely know what i think about them!

23rd December 2006, 04:58
I've tried telling my wife to get me another beer from the fridge, but I get no response, does that count?

As for talking to computers and cars? :crazy: