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7th August 2007, 22:40
I think we had this one on the old forums, should revive it, don't you think? :)

I even quite like photography, would like to be better at it. Most of my better shots(there aren't many) are always flukes. I understand that sometimes you have to put in quantity to get quality but I'd like my quality/quantity ratio to be a bit higher still...

And don't you just hate it when this happens: http://www.hot.ee/erki333/160.jpg :mad:

7th August 2007, 22:43
Do you mean the date stamp? My camera does'nt do that, I would have thought that could be turned off in the camera options. It's not necessary, after all... Come to think of it, why is it that we see so many photos or videos with date or time stamps like that on them?

7th August 2007, 22:46
I can turn it off on my camera, surely you can too, Erki?

I guess time stamps are there because people don't realise if you look at the photo's property on thje computer, you can tell from there the date of the picture (if the time on the camera is set correctly :) )

Brown, Jon Brow
7th August 2007, 22:48
Dare I click on the link supplied by Erki? :erm:

7th August 2007, 23:14
It was my parents' cam and I was just messing when I found that the sun was setting pretty nicely... only after taking the pic did I realise that the time stamp thingy was still on. :mad: Apparently the time stamp had been turned off for a long time but they put it back on because this way it's easier to identify when the photo was shot, especially if they're going to print it on the paper.

7th August 2007, 23:15
Dare I click on the link supplied by Erki? :erm:

Only if you're under parental guidance. :)

8th August 2007, 00:16
Dare I click on the link supplied by Erki? :erm:

it's safe :) , albeit a little dark. :\

8th August 2007, 00:31
http://www.hot.ee/erki333/160.jpg[/url] :mad:

Most cameras will set the date and time of the file to that of when the picture was taken, and many also tag the picture with that information. So, as others already said: turn the time stamp off! :D

8th August 2007, 09:14
Some advice then. You can see this picture of myself


It's far too dark (which is best for pictures of me :p ) it was a pretty overcast day in general, and it didn't help that I was standing under trees, but is there something I should have been doing with the camera settings in order to get a better picture, apart from just using flash?

Brown, Jon Brow
8th August 2007, 10:03
It's far too dark (which is best for pictures of me :p )?

You can say that again :p


8th August 2007, 11:38
It's far too dark (which is best for pictures of me :p ) it was a pretty overcast day in general, and it didn't help that I was standing under trees, but is there something I should have been doing with the camera settings in order to get a better picture, apart from just using flash?
If your camera allows it you should try and increase the exposure and/or lengthen the shutter speed.

8th August 2007, 11:48
It may also have been taken slightly into sun. I know the sun obviously wasn't shining through the clouds, but its position still makes a lot of difference to a photo even when there is cloud cover.

8th August 2007, 11:50
Yes, the background was lit by the sun, and I was basically standing in the shade under some trees.

8th August 2007, 12:14
Mark, what your camera has done is expose for the background, because there is more of it which means that there is more light for the light meter to read, the camera will automatically read the biggest part of the image. Without knowing what kind of camera you are using it is hard to offer advice. If SLR, Change your shutter speed/aperture so that you are correctly exposed and not the background. if it's a compact.. i dont know.. i dont use the things..

8th August 2007, 12:44
It is a kodak compact but it does allow manual settings.

8th August 2007, 12:44
Dare I click on the link supplied by Erki?
If you do, you are braver than I. ;) :laugh:

On topic now, I also enjoy photography.
I take pictures of anything that catches my interest.
I look for bizarre things, fires, serious accidents, pretty women & anything I consider humorous.

I have found that it is best that a person starts with a good camera.
I like a camera that does all the thinking that sets the exposures & speeds for me.
I don't want to be bothered with stressing over f settings, exposure times, etc.
A true photo-nut will have to be in total control but I love electronics that let me point & shoot.

I've taken some very good pictures, a local television station has shown several of them.
I like hearing my name mentioned when they show my pictures. :D
I have also submitted pictures to the local newspaper, once they used 1 of them but I got no mention. :s

Since I've went digital & I have ventured into photo editing the possiblities are endless ..... ;)

8th August 2007, 14:24
I love photography and i've been lucky to be able to take it as an A-Level which is handy :D

Got my first DSLR at christmas and to date i've taken over 3000 images with it, my computers full of pictures. I'll put some of my favourites up later :)

8th August 2007, 15:14
I guess i should put my photographic info on here.. Umm.. well, i'm a photographer. kinda.. I've studied photography since i started high school, and continued to study after that and now have an "advanced dipolma" in visual communications or some crap. The course sucked, but it meant i could spend copius hours in the best darkroom layout i've ever had the pleasure to have at my disposal. It meant fun with big fancy feild cameras (the ones with the consatina and the black cloth over your head) and a lot of technical jargon.

I've since progressed from there to working a few different photographic jobs, but this being perth and the market being very limited there aint much fun in it. I did School Portraits for the better part of this year and it sucked the soul out of me. I havent gone out and done a shoot since. Snotty nosed kids and rude teachers. ugh. Although doing that work has made me a whiz with photoshop because half of the other photographers didnt know what "correct exposure" or "focus" were, so i'd spend the time not out at schools, in the lab correcting images. Now i work in a digital photo lab. it's boring, but i get to see some cool stuff sometimes. I miss working at my pro-lab but they shut down, that's how i ended up doing the portraits. I do a few photo-restorations from time to time as well.. it's kinda fun putting someone's face back on.

I shoot on a Nikon D200 (my kingdom for a D2x) with a variety of lenses. I love making those real abstract arty shots where you have to stare at them for ages to figure out what they are, and it turns out it's a blob of water or something. I'd show you some of my more recent work, but i've lost my CF port, so i cant upload.

8th August 2007, 16:00

If you aren't worried about "blowing out" the water in that shot you can also go center weighted on yourself in the center of the image. The camera's sensors will then adjust the exposure and shutter for the amount of light on your person. The downside is that there is more light in other parts of the frame so those will be over exposed. If you feel adventurous you can shoot the photo twice and then merge them for the overall best results (more or less what I would do if I were shooting it).

Most of the time the secret to becoming a better photographer, without training, is comfort. You need to first and foremost know your subject and know your equipment. I'm not a true expert by any means but I do alright and my clients seem happy...

8th August 2007, 16:02
Or failing taking two shots and merging them, get a reflector. will reflect that lovely soft light nicely! Plus they're fun to play with, especially those ones that work like the pop-up tents..

8th August 2007, 16:42
So I guess the answer is there is no easy answer!

8th August 2007, 18:22
The answer to your problem could be solved if you bought a SLR and spent £1300 on a F2.3 L series lens. Its the answer all photography problems that I'm hearing about these days.

8th August 2007, 21:29
The answer to your problem could be solved if you bought a SLR and spent £1300 on a F2.3 L series lens. Its the answer all photography problems that I'm hearing about these days.

I think spending money is the answer to everything. Even if the problem is that the problem still exists after spending money... :rolleyes: :p :

8th August 2007, 21:34
GridGirl, well I know who you've been taking to!

8th August 2007, 21:48
Got it in one Nitromaster, once you spend all that money you want to spend another £1800 that you haven't got on other L series lenses. Photography, its an expensive obsession which can drive a photgraphy widow insane. :rolleyes:

8th August 2007, 21:50
I agree with what L5->R5/CR said, and is probably what I would have done (or spot metering but it's basically the same). You could have tried using some fill-in flash too Mark, to lighten up your pretty face whilst retaining the detail in the background :D

Here's one I took in Helsinki yesterday

Was actually taken with my mobile so couldn't change any settings, but I think it's ok :s

8th August 2007, 21:52
Also how is this for a perfectly timed shot? :D


8th August 2007, 22:07
So I guess the answer is there is no easy answer!

I agree, but some cameras now make it easier to get more shots right.

My wife won a Fuji F5 camera in a work related drawing at their annual meeting. It has some very cool features and takes excellent shots for a compact camera.

One of those features is hardware driven face detection. In the case of your shot, the exposure would be set for your face if that mode was used. Along with that, it also has a dual shot mode that takes two photos in quick sequence, one using flash and one without.

Though I haven't messed with all the various features yet, it's a capable little camera.

I can't agree that spending a lot of money is the answer to everything. Often people with high end cameras and either lack of understanding or poor judgement end up with photos just as bad as people with cheap cameras and better training or judgement. There is also a factor of luck involved in any really hard shot, as there is often no set rule.

My brother has a 5D and loads of expensive lenses. I have the money I could have spent on it, and still have plenty of great photos. :D

Here is a strange semi pan photo that happened when I was caught off guard and tried to still get a shot in. This was from the hip. :laugh:

8th August 2007, 23:17
Well, you're all lucky in comparison

Here is my pièce de résistance :\

9th August 2007, 04:07
Failing all these tricks and gadjets Mark, send it to me and i'll photoshop it for you. I can fix dark easy. it's blown-out that sucks.

9th August 2007, 08:34
This is probably one of my favourite photo's that we've taken this year. Its a view across lake Windemere. :)

9th August 2007, 08:38
Weird, it doesnt look as good when it was shrunken down. :s

I also like this one, taken at the Edinburgh tattoo last weekend. It was taken at the show finale at about 11pm.

9th August 2007, 16:48
I like taking nature shots, although I am not a photography geek and never spent any money on equipment.. I had a small Kodak compact which my sister has now stolen from me :s , but I got myself a Panasonic Lumix which arrived yesterday...maybe I will post something from that...

this is an old photo of Mulshi dam/lake about 30kms from my home.

9th August 2007, 16:49
This is probably one of my favourite photo's that we've taken this year. Its a view across lake Windemere. :)

:up: I have taken a similar photo at Windermere....its an amazing place ...Lake District I mean :)

9th August 2007, 22:13
What I usually do in that type of situation, Mark, is use a flash and cover a bit of it (the flash) with my finger! A bit lo-fi, but sometimes it works a dream!

10th August 2007, 17:05
On Wednesday evening I took my 10,000th photo on my 5D. :D

12th August 2007, 17:06
So I guess the answer is there is no easy answer!
Basically the only thing which would solve your problem is flash. Altering the exposure is simply going to wash out the background and it'll look stupid. I assume the point of the photo was to show you being somewhere? If that's the case then you want to get the background right and only a flash would have done it for you.

12th August 2007, 22:15
I think a lot of people still assume that a flash is only for when it's dark or extremely dull. But you can do so much more with it! :D

I should really get out my photography book again, as reading this thread I realise how much I've forgotten...

12th August 2007, 23:14
My sunset pic was taken with flash. I had taken one before without flash and it wasn't good. Conclusion: take that pic with flash. Aaah the good ol' trial and error... :p

13th August 2007, 07:37
In that case I think I was too far away and my flash too weak for it to have made much difference!

13th August 2007, 07:39
In that case I think I was too far away and my flash too weak for it to have made much difference!
As long as you're no more than a few metres from the camera most flashes will usually do for a fill flash :)

14th August 2007, 01:19
I just put it to AUTO and let it decide whether it needs a flash or not. :p :

I'm really getting the hang of this panning malarkey now when taking motorsport photos. :) :D

14th August 2007, 11:36
I remember trying to take a picture of a car at Donington and I had to press the shutter when the car was still a way down the track as it took about 2 seconds for the camera to take the picture! This was a while ago now mind.

I've had my camera since Christmas and I'm still learning all the features it has, although one it doesn't have is image stabilisation, which I'm thinking would be useful as I'm always taking pictures from a car or more often while walking along.

Does anyone have a camera with digital image stabilsation, and does it work?

14th August 2007, 11:47
My lens has an image stabiliser but I don't use it very much because it messes up action photos. If you're following a moving object with your camera, the image stabiliser is trying to freeze the image that you're taking which often ends up blurring the picture.

Image stabilising can be useful though for a night time shot when you don't have a tripod with you, or for taking a still image on a windy day, so it's a good feature to have.

14th August 2007, 11:49
I don't really take pictures of moving images so much, in fact it's usually me that's moving, both through either walking along, or more often just my hands shaking (too much coffee :D :p ).

Night mode pictures are a big problem, you have to hold the camera still for quite a while, on some occasions I've found that a good result is only possible while resting the camera on a solid object. It typically results in shots like this


14th August 2007, 12:01
Yeah, to get a night time shot like that you're probably needing a half-second exposure, in which time your hand will move quite a bit and distort the image. Resting the camera on something is just as good as having a tripod, provided you can find a level surface.

14th August 2007, 12:13
Would a camera with a higher ISO be able to capture the image using a shorter exposure time? The EXIF data on that photo says 2 second exposure, ISO speed 64.

14th August 2007, 12:44
Would a camera with a higher ISO be able to capture the image using a shorter exposure time? The EXIF data on that photo says 2 second exposure, ISO speed 64.

14th August 2007, 12:45
My lens has an image stabiliser but I don't use it very much because it messes up action photos. If you're following a moving object with your camera, the image stabiliser is trying to freeze the image that you're taking which often ends up blurring the picture.

Image stabilising can be useful though for a night time shot when you don't have a tripod with you, or for taking a still image on a windy day, so it's a good feature to have.
Does the lens not have a mode whereby it detects horizontal panning and only stabilises on the vertical plane? I know the Nikon VR lenses do this :)

14th August 2007, 12:45
It would seem that ISO 64 is woefully inadequate then, particularly as the camera was set into 'night' mode and is capable of ISO800 :s

14th August 2007, 12:47
It would seem that ISO 64 is woefully inadequate then, particularly as the camera was set into 'night' mode and is capable of ISO800 :s
ISO 800 might have let you get something usable if slightly "soft" and probably quite grainy because you're using a compact :)

14th August 2007, 13:15
My recent 'moving' pictures. :D





14th August 2007, 21:21
They look good, better than what I can do!

My camera's flash is useless - it just isn't powerfull enough even pictures in daylight end up dark!

My fave pictures that I have taken are these:

14th August 2007, 21:25
and this one :

14th August 2007, 22:56
Good work Iain, those Lurgan Park shots are great! :up:

14th August 2007, 22:56
nicemms, both your photos look like familiar places, but it's difficult to be sure. The first one reminds me of Rangitoto Island near Auckland in New Zealand. The second one looks like Inverness, the capital of the Scottish Highlands, looking down the river from the main bridge in the town centre, but I don't recall the two church spires on the right. Am I anywhere close with either?

15th August 2007, 00:20
Now this just sucks: I have a Mount Everest on one of my knuckles and I don't even get to take a picture of it because I have no camera! :mad: I'd never seen so cool swelling before! :D

15th August 2007, 03:21
I actually took a picture of Mt Everest 2 yrs ago.....from Sikkim , let me search for it ;)

15th August 2007, 07:54
The second one looks like Inverness, the capital of the Scottish Highlands, looking down the river from the main bridge in the town centre, but I don't recall the two church spires on the right. Am I anywhere close with either?

Here's one of mine :

15th August 2007, 14:01
Finally remembered to post a couple up. Sorry for the copyright on the first one it was posted on rally forums a month or so ago. Was also my first try at panning etc so was chuffed when i took this

http://img53.imageshack.us/img53/8523/img25151fg6.jpg (http://imageshack.us)

http://img53.imageshack.us/img53/5114/img20101fx6.jpg (http://imageshack.us)

I'll put a couple more on later, imageshack has just had a fit on me :(

15th August 2007, 18:29
nicemms, both your photos look like familiar places, but it's difficult to be sure. The first one reminds me of Rangitoto Island near Auckland in New Zealand. The second one looks like Inverness, the capital of the Scottish Highlands, looking down the river from the main bridge in the town centre, but I don't recall the two church spires on the right. Am I anywhere close with either?

The first one is Mount Vesuvius, from Sorrento. The second one is indeed Inverness! I think I took it from the main bridge that crosses the river.


6th June 2013, 19:33
At the time I thought this thread had potential (yes, I was a member back them :rolleyes: )

Anyone care to resurrect it?

Here's a recent photo taken of typical scenery in the Alberta "badlands" ( Alberta Badlands (http://albertatravel.org/Badlands_Alberta.htm) ):


Camera: Olympus E-520 DSLR
Focal length: 22mm
Exposure: 1/125
Aperture: f/10.0 (shutter priority)
ISO: 100
Digitally converted to sepia.

c'mon shutterbugs, post 'em! :)

9th June 2013, 22:43
Another ancient thread.

Last posted on 2 years before I joined. wow

I am going to Silverstone for Friday of the British GP and only have a decent camera (rather than a brilliant one) but I always enjoy taking photos.

I take loads and normally end up with some that I can enjoy. They are not great by others standards but I give it a Go.

If I take any good ones I will post some maybe.

13th June 2013, 06:36
Photography is the best business to do i am a professional photographer and doing this business from 6 to 7 years actually there are many photographers who are doing this business and making their own ways photography

22nd April 2014, 19:36
I have only begun taking photo's over the last couple of years, and haven't got very good at it yet but I have a flickr page with a couple of Albums on it.

I have one which is railways, one which is my local town and a motorsports one. Most of the motorsport photos were from my first few goes at taking photo's so are not great, but now my foots almost mended I am determined to get back into the swing this year.

My motorsport Album.


22nd April 2014, 21:27
Some photos from a car vintage day at a local glider airfield:

http://i.imgur.com/lLuLIGll.jpg (http://imgur.com/lLuLIGl)

http://i.imgur.com/15ZKZCEl.jpg (http://imgur.com/15ZKZCE)

http://i.imgur.com/NT07kS9l.jpg (http://imgur.com/NT07kS9)

http://i.imgur.com/2m7L6c0l.jpg (http://imgur.com/2m7L6c0)

I have more but can only post 4 at a time.

22nd April 2014, 21:29
http://i.imgur.com/4JfpzJdl.jpg (http://imgur.com/4JfpzJd)

http://i.imgur.com/cppMIABl.jpg (http://imgur.com/cppMIAB)

http://i.imgur.com/ai6oj81l.jpg (http://imgur.com/ai6oj81)

http://i.imgur.com/kdMXgeEl.jpg (http://imgur.com/kdMXgeE)

As I said I have allot more but they aren't uploaded at the moment, might add some more later.

22nd April 2014, 22:35
^ Love the pink Cadillac :D

22nd April 2014, 23:53
^ Love the pink Cadillac :D

Yeah it's sweet isn't it?

Rolling down in a pink Cadillac, roll away and I'm never coming back....

29th April 2014, 16:13
Was browsing through my photo album and came across this one where I was experimenting with a macro lens on some pansies in a flower pot on my back porch:


29th April 2014, 16:15
Same macro lens, as I was dancing trying to follow this soap bubble (from one of my kids :) ) floating along.


11th June 2014, 23:48
I have been searching my photos so bare with me.

For some reason it comes up small, but you can click for a larger version



12th June 2014, 08:04
I'm not good at taking pictures and I have the cheapest camera on the market. But nobody can stop my joy to take photos.
Here's the one that best describes myself:

12th June 2014, 16:42

One of my favorite taken with my mobile ;)

12th June 2014, 16:47

Beautiful Copenhagen !

12th June 2014, 16:49

On my way to Italy...

12th June 2014, 17:05

St Mary Lake in Glacier Park Montana

12th June 2014, 17:54
^ That's a beautiful park. Pity the glaciers are gone though.

12th June 2014, 20:23
^ That's a beautiful park. Pity the glaciers are gone though.
Not gone quite yet, but it won't be too many more years.

Big Ben
16th June 2014, 12:35

Not much of a photographer but I enjoy taking pictures of nice places :p

Sent from my HTC One X using Tapatalk 2

Big Ben
16th June 2014, 12:40

Second try

Sent from my HTC One X using Tapatalk 2

16th June 2014, 12:50

Legendary Gigi Galli :D

28th June 2014, 00:19

28th June 2014, 00:23
A picture of the sky out of my front door. A very strange mix of colours in the sky. Ignore the rust bucket in the bottom of the picture thats my Ford Focus. :o


28th June 2014, 00:38
And in Celebration of my 6000th Post I have posted one of my personal favourites.

I dont know quite what it is but I think this is one of my best.


28th June 2014, 04:19
Hey guys remember this?

One little known fact that rj would be interested in. That chasis is the one that Fisi won Brazil with.
Also I bought a new camera for the trip and got some pics from the three seater deal but that same day (because billy was lagging so badly bless his soul) in my haste to get into the CotA Im dropped my canera and broke it beyond repair. The following pic was taken with one of billy's cameras(by me).....The Boss punked Seb that day "me olde son"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PmrkY-EZy74 ;)

Who cares, I know :sailor:


28th June 2014, 08:10
Wow Taz. Did you get a ride in an F1 car in Austin? :dork::p:kiss::sailor:

28th June 2014, 08:17
Wow Taz. Did you get a ride in an F1 car in Austin? :dork::p:kiss::sailor:
He would do anything to impress Billy's missus. :p

28th June 2014, 08:39

28th June 2014, 08:40

28th June 2014, 08:40

28th June 2014, 08:41
All 3 taken with my iPhone 4S ;)

28th June 2014, 08:51
Nice dog Pino.. Is he/she yours?

28th June 2014, 08:56
Yes he's mine, his name is Arturo and is 3 years old :)

28th June 2014, 08:57

28th June 2014, 09:36
I wonder why I never posted in this thread..Here is one I snapped early one morning last year from the balcony of my apartment.

28th June 2014, 18:57
He would do anything to impress Billy's missus. :pNo I got billy free ticketss to all three days of the race weekend, parking pass, and his ride in the 3 seater was on me. While we were at the race donkey and billy's missuss were busy getting their freak on. :kiss: donky is a sneaky little sh*t :rolleyes:

28th June 2014, 21:50
Here ia a picture I got on my Pannosonic before I broke it 0f Didies Theys. I has talking to him after he had to jump out of one of the 2 3 seaters that caught on fire when he was warming it up on laps. I rode with Martin Plowman as my pilot because Theys burned one of his company's Jordan Judd V10, plus hurt himself bailing :)


donKey jote
28th June 2014, 22:22
While we were at the race donkey and billy's missuss were busy getting their freak on. :kiss: donky is a sneaky little sh*t :rolleyes:
that was the deal... Billy gets my ride, I get his ride. :sailor:
I regret it now though :dozey:

29th June 2014, 10:18
Yep we would have partied our asses off, but you bailed. At least now you are able to admit you blew it ;)

29th June 2014, 10:51
Shot on 35mm film at Rally Sardegna 2014. 180 degrees of the spot is captured on the photo.

29th June 2014, 15:28
Shot on 35mm film at Rally Sardegna 2014. 180 degrees of the spot is captured on the photo.
Nice shot.

29th June 2014, 22:42

30th June 2014, 10:55
Winter on my alley
( explaining why I hate it )


The sky from my window

30th June 2014, 11:04
Idylic ( my a** ) life in the country

30th June 2014, 11:08
A place that Taz would dream of

30th June 2014, 11:17

30th June 2014, 12:20
A place that Taz would dream of

You and Neymar seem to be enjoying it just fine yourselves darlin' :bounce:

30th June 2014, 12:29
You and Neymar seem to be enjoying it just fine yourselves darlin' :bounce:

Correction: Me and Samaras :p

30th June 2014, 16:05
Correction: Me and Samaras Funny you should mention Samaras, I made up a song about the Costa Rica Greece match yesterday. It is sung to the melody of "La Cucaracha":

Oh Costa Rica Oh Costa Rica Rica http://s.ytimg.com/yts/img/pixel-vfl3z5WfW.gifRica Rica http://s.ytimg.com/yts/img/pixel-vfl3z5WfW.gifRica
Oh Costa Rica Oh Costa Rica do do do do do do do
Oh Costa Rica Oh Costa Rica Rica http://s.ytimg.com/yts/img/pixel-vfl3z5WfW.gifRica Rica http://s.ytimg.com/yts/img/pixel-vfl3z5WfW.gifRica
Oh Costa Rica Oh Costa Rica do do do do do do do

Catchy isn't it?

30th June 2014, 16:33

Billy!! :wave:

30th June 2014, 16:52
Road to nowhere (southern Alberta)


30th June 2014, 17:06
Funny you should mention Samaras, I made up a song about the Costa Rica Greece match yesterday. It is sung to the melody of "La Cucaracha":

Catchy isn't it?
How many Newcastles had you on board? :stareup: :confused:

Now that you posted Billy's pic would you be so kind to also share with us a pic of his infamous missus?
BTW what was he praying for?

30th June 2014, 18:14
...Now that you posted Billy's pic would you be so kind to also share with us a pic of his infamous missus?...

Post #103.

30th June 2014, 19:03
Now I understand why she and Donks are an item.

5th July 2014, 06:36
I took this picture right on this time last year in one of those rare moments when I was happy.
Now I can but look at it and weep...

5th July 2014, 10:11
Looks a lovely beach Gadjo. Nice photo.

7th July 2014, 11:03
on the beach/sea theme

7th July 2014, 11:29
BTW what was he praying for?

Probably his eternal soul judging by how shaken he was after the ride. :rolleyes: :D

7th July 2014, 15:45
on the beach/sea theme


7th July 2014, 18:12
no, but in the same area...this is a couple hundred kms to the north in Konkan.

7th July 2014, 18:35
Taken on Saturday with my iPhone. View from the clubhouse at Kananaskis Ranch golf course.


Beautiful day, but the mosquitos were brutal :s (so was the course :erm: )

8th August 2014, 08:32
feel like going on a hike like this again..

8th August 2014, 08:36

One of my fave photos, taken with my iPhone 4s btw :p:

8th August 2014, 08:41
Is it the same you put on fb, loved the colours :)

8th August 2014, 08:42
Yes, the same photo. ;)

8th August 2014, 08:44

Love this as well !

8th August 2014, 09:01
Waiting for Pino's spring/summer collection........:stareup:

8th August 2014, 09:16

Dont like my photo gadjo ? too bad for you ! ;)

Here's another one :p:

8th August 2014, 09:19
I liked them very much , it's only that autumn and winter landscapes make me sad. :s

8th August 2014, 09:41
nah winter is great, I guess I love these cold, desolate scenes as I do not get to experience winters like these


Here's another one :p:

8th August 2014, 09:47
My favourite photo I took at the F1 last month


8th August 2014, 10:46
I seem to have kickstarted this thread into life :) keep posting guys and gadgal..
That FI looks awful..nothing wrong with your photo!

8th August 2014, 11:41
The quiet life in the countryside + The Black Sea could be so blue.....

8th August 2014, 12:06
That photo of the Black sea looks inviting.

I fancy a swim now

8th August 2014, 12:09
https://scontent-b-lhr.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xfp1/v/t1.0-9/10444550_813763721967924_2755826275256663673_n.jpg ?oh=dd748599f2aea303e7fc3757441fc5df&oe=5477900D
A tree on a hillside at about 8pm at night last summer, in Leicestershire

8th August 2014, 12:24
That photo of the Black sea looks inviting.

I fancy a swim now

That's why you asked the Q about skinny dipping......:p

8th August 2014, 16:30
Here is a picture I took in Scotland a few years back. The view is beautiful, but slight spoilt but my Nessie :p
https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpa1/v/t1.0-9/164803_193692463975056_1229539_n.jpg?oh=d0fea806ac 1b9e9f64aa3095ef1a3725&oe=547DA51F&__gda__=1417267778_ee4568eacf46de502aa8b07ad242c46 f

11th August 2014, 17:49

My lovely dog with a friend :D

11th August 2014, 17:53

Here 3 legendary players !

11th August 2014, 17:55

The amazing Lancia Delta !

11th August 2014, 17:59
Btw last two pics are not mine, just wanted to share with you guys hehe :p:

11th August 2014, 18:05
I may have posted this before, but its one of my favourites.


11th August 2014, 18:09

This is mine, on my way to Italy

11th August 2014, 19:06

My lovely dog with a friend :D

Un carlino. How sweet.......
Reminds me my cousin's lovely Carla. :s

11th August 2014, 19:57
I may have posted this before, but its one of my favourites.


Billy's missus! :D

11th August 2014, 20:09
Billy's missus! :D

...and one of Steve's favourites......:crazy:

11th August 2014, 22:06
...and one of Steve's favourites......:crazy:

You know it. I am always at Billys. Look at that tongue and hair style :bandit:

12th August 2014, 08:10
You know it. I am always at Billys. Look at that tongue and hair style :bandit:

Looks better than me anyway. :s

13th August 2014, 11:43

Legendary Lancia Fulvia HF

13th August 2014, 11:46

The place I live, when in Italy :D

13th August 2014, 11:47

My lovely Arturo ;)

18th August 2014, 09:41

This flower is from a potted plant in my home...only blooms in the middle of the night

18th August 2014, 09:49
This flower is from a potted plant in my home...only blooms in the middle of the night

Looks like the flowers on my top :dork:

Does it smell?

18th August 2014, 10:11
Yeah it has a pretty sweet (but not sickeningly sweet) smell...

18th August 2014, 12:09
Some of the funny images I've shoot:



21st August 2014, 09:58

27th August 2014, 14:16

27th August 2014, 14:17

27th August 2014, 14:19

27th August 2014, 14:20
Photos from my vacations :D

27th August 2014, 15:59
Photo of my recent vacation :D

27th August 2014, 17:07

Have you lost your swimsuit in those waves?
(Just curious)

27th August 2014, 17:20
Nope, I was taking that pic, but I did 5 min later, when I was myself into the water lol :D

27th August 2014, 18:46
Jealous now :(

31st August 2014, 20:14


https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xaf1/v/t1.0-9/10614111_860615807282715_422605982546251033_n.jpg? oh=73aa20b7e4b89d381eabc3553abbd9b9&oe=54711E19&__gda__=1415888487_6dc7013613dbcd2fb370da4ce6a444a 5

https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xap1/v/t1.0-9/10628498_860615880616041_3278661945857146659_n.jpg ?oh=57c7e4a77a664ff40917a5eb30a871a6&oe=546E2001&__gda__=1416811997_f6307e3c0e8cecb31e123c210efbd5d 1

31st August 2014, 20:15
Great shots :up:

31st August 2014, 20:22
Cheers Pino, as usual I took quite a few, but very few were the kind of shots worth posting.

22nd October 2014, 21:44
Book-a-rest sunset as seen from my 9th floor flat.
What if I jump?

22nd October 2014, 21:46
We won't be able to see anymore wonderful sun sets.

Is it warm in Book A Rest at the moment? It looks chilly/cold just from looking at the photo

22nd October 2014, 21:52
We won't be able to see anymore wonderful sun sets.

Is it warm in Book A Rest at the moment? It looks chilly/cold just from looking at the photo

We enjoyed a few very warm sunny days with max of 23-25C. Tomorrow ( is it still tomorrow?) things will change.

22nd October 2014, 21:57
We had an ex Hurricane come across yesterday.

It was not the best day to be a gardener and raking up leaves

Anyway, on Saturday I am hoping to go and take some photo's with my new camera of a mainline Steam special. If I get some I will post here.

For Storm especially as he will be interested.

22nd October 2014, 22:05
See some leaves from my court

22nd October 2014, 22:14
Nice colours.

Dont try and sweep them up when its windy :p

22nd October 2014, 23:04
A lovely photo of my most recent Scotch Whisky club tasting event.



22nd October 2014, 23:35
A lovely photo of my most recent Scotch Whisky club tasting event.



So? Which one was your favourite?

23rd October 2014, 03:06
Half way into the evening they all became my favourite :p:

24th October 2014, 08:41

24th October 2014, 08:43

24th October 2014, 08:45
Both taken with my new camera. Ups I meant new iPhone :p:

24th October 2014, 09:10
iConned again eh?

thats 6 times now :p:

25th October 2014, 08:47

Show us more pics of the lovely Arturo.

25th October 2014, 09:00

25th October 2014, 09:00

25th October 2014, 09:01

25th October 2014, 09:02
Want some more ? :p:

25th October 2014, 12:45
Here is my lates photography.

No a still photo, but a video.


Edit: Finally getting some use out of my camera :p

25th October 2014, 16:41
Want some more ? :p:

Yes, please.

25th October 2014, 17:54

25th October 2014, 17:55

25th October 2014, 17:56

25th October 2014, 17:57

25th October 2014, 17:59
Thats all for now, before I get banned ! ;)

25th October 2014, 19:03
Invalid Attachment specified. If you followed a valid link, please notify the administrator


25th October 2014, 19:05

25th October 2014, 19:07

Did you try to post a photo ?

25th October 2014, 19:23
No, I wanted to see your photos ant it says Attachment__ and when I click on it I get that message.

25th October 2014, 19:26
Can you see them now ?
Are you on PC or smartphone?

25th October 2014, 19:30
Tablet and smartphone.
But I could see them before you deleted the thread.

25th October 2014, 19:31
What you mean, I deleted the thread ? :s

25th October 2014, 19:33
I just deleted one of my photo, I didn't like it ;)

25th October 2014, 19:35
You deleted the thread instead of photo. Ask Mark. :p

25th October 2014, 19:45
Ok, start a new one then ! :p:

26th October 2014, 00:56
No, I wanted to see your photos ant it says Attachment__ and when I click on it I get that message.

I get the same problem, am on a laptop.

I'd love to get a bit better at landscape photography, but I simply don't have the patience or the eye for it. Quite often I'll be driving somewhere and think that there's a really good shot, but when I get the camera out I just can't recreate it. THe only time that I seem to get shots I like is using long exposure at night, but even that takes too much trial and error. In the end I pretty much only get shots of cars!

This is probably my favourite picture I ever took, which I wheel out at every opportunity because I'm dead proud of it.
https://farm9.staticflickr.com/8344/8225237702_c26b41d445_z.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/dwQuB9)IMG_9394 (https://flic.kr/p/dwQuB9) by Jan Yeo (https://www.flickr.com/people/7887315@N02/), on Flickr

I always find this striking too, especially as the framing was a complete fluke. It was the display at Goodwood FoS years ago and I just knelt down and took a snapshot, which turned out better than most other photos I've taken.
https://farm4.staticflickr.com/3542/3690429177_b2b5e251ca_z.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/6C7q2g)DSCF1290 (https://flic.kr/p/6C7q2g) by Jan Yeo (https://www.flickr.com/people/7887315@N02/), on Flickr

But in the end I always come back to taking pictures of cars using a slower shutter speed and trying to pan..it has quite a low success rate though. This was one of the good ones.
https://farm8.staticflickr.com/7411/8947364679_0b97a86d01_z.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/eCDzNg)IMG_0015 (https://flic.kr/p/eCDzNg) by Jan Yeo (https://www.flickr.com/people/7887315@N02/), on Flickr

https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5341/9626571561_9f4a003610_z.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/fEEGkK)IMG_1289 (https://flic.kr/p/fEEGkK) by Jan Yeo (https://www.flickr.com/people/7887315@N02/), on Flickr

27th October 2014, 06:39
What you mean, I deleted the thread ? :s

idiot :\\

28th November 2014, 07:55
I was here last week.

28th November 2014, 07:57
Beautiful. Where is it?

28th November 2014, 08:05

edit: gadjo, this is a place called Khajjiar up in Himachal Pradesh in the laps of the Himalaya...
the mountain range in the 2nd photo is the Pir Panjal, one of the lower Himalayan ranges.

that small lake/meadow is the view from the hotel window :)

28th November 2014, 08:13
Brilliant Storm. What a beautiful place

28th November 2014, 16:52
Yep, that's one heck of a view Storm! Were you on holiday there?

29th November 2014, 05:39

donKey jote
4th December 2014, 20:44
Dawn at around 11:00am:

And the midday sun:


donKey jote
7th December 2014, 18:58
Donkey Borealis

7th December 2014, 19:26
Great pic donks....
But short sleeves there?.......:eek:

donKey jote
7th December 2014, 19:55
It's fairly warm at -5 and I was only 100m from my "office" :andrea:

8th December 2014, 01:16
It's fairly warm at -5 and I was only 100m from my "office" :andrea:

Haven't known you're working for Santa Claus.......:angel:

8th December 2014, 15:42
Nice Donks, but it looks like you're scaring the reindeer away :p: .

donKey jote
8th December 2014, 16:31
There aren't any left... I ate them all! :facelick:

8th December 2014, 18:25
A reindeer eating donkey is something i never want to see :p

8th December 2014, 19:31
It's fairly warm at -5 and I was only 100m from my "office" :andrea:

Wow, that looks amazing!

16th December 2014, 10:07
Christmas tree at work.


19th December 2014, 14:40
A reindeer eating donkey is something i never want to see :p


24th December 2014, 00:09
Twilight zone

24th December 2014, 03:45

24th December 2014, 17:38
https://scontent-a-ams.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpa1/v/t1.0-9/10610919_931270433550585_7045114488386008508_n.jpg ?oh=09e41acd089e113efe53446e43d0fac9&oe=5502E711

24th December 2014, 18:35

Sunset view from my terrace !

24th December 2014, 18:36
Merry Christmas everyone ! :)

donKey jote
24th December 2014, 19:46

24th December 2014, 20:25
Wrong post

24th December 2014, 21:23
Nice pics everyone. Merry Christmas all

24th December 2014, 22:38

24th December 2014, 23:20
https://scontent-b-ams.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpf1/v/t1.0-9/10881656_931428960201399_4961468149680237764_n.jpg ?oh=792b8be58709a3128dbe378f7a857509&oe=553F03A4

24th December 2014, 23:33
8000th post upcoming. I reckon I need a special Christmas celebration post

24th December 2014, 23:42
8000th post upcoming. I reckon I need a special Christmas celebration post
Maybe a pic of you as Santa.......:angel:

24th December 2014, 23:44
Probably can't do that but I can get close.

24th December 2014, 23:47
As close as I can get for you Gadjo

https://scontent-b-ams.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xfp1/v/t1.0-9/10846220_920956001248695_3027765834583743904_n.jpg ?oh=b320d8253ee764658b3c891340cb060b&oe=54FF748E

25th December 2014, 00:02
Mosule, ce tanar esti........:eek: :kiss:


(Means old man you're so young. Santa Clause in Romanian is Mos Craciun. Mos means old man.)
So where are the white locks and the beard?

25th December 2014, 00:07
Mosule, ce tanar esti........:eek: :kiss:

www.youtube.com/watch?v=WJF5McGhefY (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WJF5McGhefY)

(Means old man you're so young. Santa Clause in Romanian is Mos Craciun. Mos means old man.)
So where are the white locks and the beard?

Best I could do at short Notice Gadjo.

Give me a few years and the white hairs will come :D

12th January 2015, 23:32
Wishing I was back here. Was a great day on the slopes on Saturday.
(photo taken with my crappy iPhone)


21st January 2015, 22:30

Beautiful Sanremo, taken on my way back to Denmark !

5th February 2015, 15:08
I know I have put this up before somewhere, but I was sorting through old pictures.

https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpa1/v/t1.0-9/10882122_933416356669326_5184691260030573266_n.jpg ?oh=98931f4a3a5386cea6c21f7a25aa56c2&oe=5563EB66&__gda__=1431429342_44bcf5d449be679c45ec59c2985e698 2

5th February 2015, 15:50
Nice photo Steve. Where was that taken?

Another pic from my iPhone. Sunshine ski resort. Top of the Gread Divide quad, 9,000ft elevation.


5th February 2015, 17:32
At Silverstone last summer.

Its into Club corner

7th April 2015, 18:45
Few snapshots from my recent trip to the Alps for a solid week of skiing.

https://farm9.staticflickr.com/8771/17068238995_10630f7f12_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/s1gbNF)IMG_1960 (https://flic.kr/p/s1gbNF) by Jan Yeo (https://www.flickr.com/people/7887315@N02/), on Flickr

https://farm9.staticflickr.com/8799/16860839697_e17d0ef4a1_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/rFWddH)IMG_1963 (https://flic.kr/p/rFWddH) by Jan Yeo (https://www.flickr.com/people/7887315@N02/), on Flickr

https://farm9.staticflickr.com/8733/16882023559_01a85d4247_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/rHNMrH)IMG_1956 (https://flic.kr/p/rHNMrH) by Jan Yeo (https://www.flickr.com/people/7887315@N02/), on Flickr

https://farm8.staticflickr.com/7696/17042272166_2f87340fef_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/rXY6LJ)IMG_1976 (https://flic.kr/p/rXY6LJ) by Jan Yeo (https://www.flickr.com/people/7887315@N02/), on Flickr - Pefect balcony to sit on after a hard day on the slopes, beer in hand and soaking up a few rays. As long as you were out the wind it was warm enough to lounge about in shorts and a long sleeve top (which wasn't a great help with the snow cover though)

None of them particularly brilliant in terms of shot as I took them on an iPhone and in a bit of a rush (always keen to get going when I'm skiing. Particularly chuffed with getting to ski above the clouds, especially with Mont Blanc as a backdrop , the photos don't even come close to doing it justice, truly breathtaking.

As an aside, any theories on what the hell this is https://flic.kr/p/rXY5t3 and why it's making that noise?

7th April 2015, 18:54
In my desperation to see some cars on track before the start of the motorsport season I popped down to Lydden Hill a couple of weeks ago for a drift track day. Couple of my fave shots from the day:



8th April 2015, 15:56
Ugh. I feel jealous Jan. We've had a miserable skiing season here lately, with really poor conditions.
Below is a pic the missus took with her crappy iPhone 4 recently at Panorama Mountain in British Columbia (the speck in the lower left is me). Don't let the white snow in the pic fool you. It was hard as concrete and not very pleasant to ski on :mark: .


8th April 2015, 21:46
Ugh. I feel jealous Jan. We've had a miserable skiing season here lately, with really poor conditions.

You're not the only ones, France has had a pretty bad season too, last year I went to the same resort in the same week (end of March) and the snow line was a hell of a lot lower. Don't get me wrong, La Plagne was good as long as you hit the right area at the right time, but get the timing wrong and you're on ice or slush (depending where the sun was). Not great for a beginner like me as you're always second guessing the surface that you're on. Ultimately though I was just happy to be under blue skies with snow beneath my skis, it's not that often that I get the chance and I'm still pretty new to it.

Would love to get to BC at sometime (scenery just looks fantastic) but sadly it costs so much that I've got a choice of one trip to Canada or two trips to Europe, and so far the latter has won out. One day though, one day.

12th April 2015, 23:11
The reason I missed the Chinese GP today :p

https://scontent-lhr.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xtp1/v/t1.0-9/11130244_997012856976342_5457208531086551922_n.jpg ?oh=d5bd1def64d019c99870f6ff1204eebb&oe=55AAD0D4

https://scontent-lhr.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xtf1/v/t1.0-9/11081289_997012810309680_8694348202929771735_n.jpg ?oh=f315eb68181c9e836b952f709d2939da&oe=5597D32C

https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xap1/v/t1.0-9/11038121_997013036976324_1102712574263675480_n.jpg ?oh=ee15492448111ed869811ac34a20e3b2&oe=55A69D05&__gda__=1436458713_d2db91022f4fd17bba975f8c4d2fc05 3

12th April 2015, 23:12
https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xtp1/v/t1.0-9/11133649_997012976976330_2962944962256750897_n.jpg ?oh=e7cdb92c8faab00d36dcd4702e93eaa6&oe=55AEA33F&__gda__=1440829449_92faf6d66e589a9c8a75a33b358a04c 0

https://scontent-lhr.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpa1/v/t1.0-9/11150365_997012816976346_2597295912537338696_n.jpg ?oh=4776490dd9a503332c14cd0192dc78f4&oe=55B031F5

https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xtf1/v/t1.0-9/11133915_997013116976316_8147138375371704662_n.jpg ?oh=041114290ba47f5165387e0ad833b6c7&oe=55B34D81&__gda__=1437636570_a76b8f938cdd80b7c2c87f176d135ed 4

12th April 2015, 23:54
The reason I missed the Chinese GP today :p
Sensible move I would say. ;) Great pictures!