View Full Version : Speed up!!

7th August 2007, 11:39
Now I certainly agree that driving too fast is a problem, and you should always keep your speed down if the road or conditions warrant it.

But there are so many drivers out there, when presented with a well aligned, straight, wide single carriageway road, still trundle along at 40mph. You often can't overtake them because of a curve in the road or oncoming traffic.

Several times on the A66 and A69 at the weekend, I've been stuck in a queue of more than 20 cars behind someone trundling along at 35-40mph.

If you can't drive at the speed limit when conditions allow, STAY AT HOME.

Brown, Jon Brow
7th August 2007, 11:43
I feel your pain :erm:

I got stuck behind a Skoda Fabia estate the other day that was going at the slowest speed ever recorded by man.

7th August 2007, 14:47
What irks me is those who stick rigidly to a 30 or 40mph zone, but when it comes to a 60mph zone do they stick to that speed? Do they heck :mad: They pootle along at 40.

Either these drivers cannot drive, or they think they're doing us a public service :rolleyes:

7th August 2007, 15:18
The worst, are the people who sit on 50mph in the left lane(ie: the fast lane) of multilane interstates, where the speed limit is 70mph.

7th August 2007, 15:29
Wow, guys, I didn't think it was that bad. :s hock: Maybe we can come together one day and take some pints, that should cool your brains and lower your blood pressure too. Deal? :)

7th August 2007, 15:44
The worst, are the people who sit on 50mph in the left lane(ie: the fast lane) of multilane interstates, where the speed limit is 70mph.

At least you can get around them. On single carriageway roads you have no choice but to sit behind, sometimes for a very long distance.

7th August 2007, 15:45
Every time I tend to take the shortcut to the M'way to go South, which is quicker and shorter than going via Motorway, I get held up so badly by slow vehicles, that I'd be quicker going the Motorway route. That's quite annoying. :mark:

I'm not a fan of the constant 40mph club. :down:

7th August 2007, 16:31
What irks me is those who stick rigidly to a 30 or 40mph zone, but when it comes to a 60mph zone do they stick to that speed? Do they heck :mad: They pootle along at 40.

Either these drivers cannot drive, or they think they're doing us a public service :rolleyes:

Whats worse is people who go 40mph in a 60 zone then don't slow down in a 30 zone, it's a if they have found the cruise control at 40 and don't know how to take it off!

7th August 2007, 17:44
Whats worse is people who go 40mph in a 60 zone then don't slow down in a 30 zone, it's a if they have found the cruise control at 40 and don't know how to take it off!

Ah yes, the lady I was following today in a Prius was exactly like that :rolleyes: She even sped up in a 30mph zone!

7th August 2007, 23:30
Now I certainly agree that driving too fast is a problem, and you should always keep your speed down if the road or conditions warrant it.

But there are so many drivers out there, when presented with a well aligned, straight, wide single carriageway road, still trundle along at 40mph. You often can't overtake them because of a curve in the road or oncoming traffic.

Several times on the A66 and A69 at the weekend, I've been stuck in a queue of more than 20 cars behind someone trundling along at 35-40mph.

If you can't drive at the speed limit when conditions allow, STAY AT HOME.

Here, here, I feel your pain. Travelling down to the Harry Flatters Rally at the weekend I was stuck in a queue on the A470, some oldish couple doing 40-45mph. GET OFF THE F**KING ROAD!!!If you don't want to drive at a sensible speed, don't drive. Must have been 20 odd minutes stuck behind them. Why,What is their problem? Inapropriate speed kills, then when they arrived at a 40 limit they slow down to 20mph.... :mad: :mad:

8th August 2007, 00:47
I often get stuck on a 60mph single carriageway road behind someone doing 40mph, and then when the road enters a 30mph zone, they continue at 40mph. Therefore, they aren't even interested in the law, just their own selfish desire to go at 40mph.

Also annoying are people who fail to keep up with traffic, particularly if it's busy.

8th August 2007, 12:20
If you look at it from their side of the law though, the speed limit is just that, a limit. It is the maximum speed permitted on that particular section of road. There is nothing in the highway code which states that a drive rhas to achieve the maximum speed in a speed limit, in fact what it does say is that a driver should maintain a speed consistant with road conditions, weather and their own abilities. If someone doesn't feel comfortable driving at 60mph then I would rather they drive at a speed they are comfortable at than lose control and cause an accident.

Everyone is always in such a rush to get from point A to point B these days, take a little extra time, chill out a bit and enjoy the fact that you're alive instead of rushing to be dead.

8th August 2007, 12:27
Everyone is always in such a rush to get from point A to point B these days, take a little extra time, chill out a bit and enjoy the fact that you're alive instead of rushing to be dead.

You should always drive at the maximum safe speed for the conditions. You might be out for a nice slow Sunday afternoon drive, but roads are not there for your enjoyment, they are there to allow people to get from point A to point B in a timely manner. Quite often the government has spent millions of pounds constructing a road in such a way that it's safe to proceed at 60mph, but then someone comes along and unilaterally decides that all the traffic must now go at 40mph.

It's not about being in a rush or being impatient or needing to chill out, it's about actually getting to your destination before you die of old age!

Brown, Jon Brow
8th August 2007, 17:34
Going too slow may anger the driver behind into making a rash overtaking move.

8th August 2007, 17:58
You should always drive at the maximum safe speed for the conditions. You might be out for a nice slow Sunday afternoon drive, but roads are not there for your enjoyment, they are there to allow people to get from point A to point B in a timely manner.

I hate it when people take all the fun away from driving and replace it with being productive, effective, and time saving. :) I actually don't know, at least when I was learning to drive, nobody told me that roads are there to get from point A to point B.

Quite often the government has spent millions of pounds constructing a road in such a way that it's safe to proceed at 60mph, but then someone comes along and unilaterally decides that all the traffic must now go at 40mph.

That's just doing it differently. :) Seriously, road and everything might be top notch, but sometimes people indeed are a tad uncomfortable at higher speeds. When I was starting out, 100km/h felt like Mach 2. :)

It's not about being in a rush or being impatient or needing to chill out, it's about actually getting to your destination before you die of old age!

"Anything worth doing is worth doing slowly." -- Mae West. :)

8th August 2007, 18:00
Going too slow may anger the driver behind into making a rash overtaking move.

That's the problem of the driver behind.

Brown, Jon Brow
8th August 2007, 18:07
That's the problem of the driver behind.

Mostly caused by someone going to slow.

8th August 2007, 18:13
Mostly caused by someone going to slow.

Mostly caused by someone's weak nerves. - that's what you really wanted to say, right? ;)

8th August 2007, 18:17
You should always drive at the maximum safe speed for the conditions.

In which case, everyone would drive at the same speed, which is never going to happen, and some people would still deem it too tardy. One person's maximum safe speed may not be comfortable to another, or to someone else it may be too slow.

8th August 2007, 18:26
You should always drive at the maximum safe speed for the conditions.

Show me where it says that in the highway code and I'll agree with it. Any driver should only drive at a speed at which they feel comfortable with, according to their own abilities and road and weather conditions. God forbid that you should arrive somewhere ten minutes later than you planned because someone was driving slower than you thought they should :rolleyes:

8th August 2007, 20:36
My driving instructor always said 'If you aren't travelling at the speed limit, then ask yourself why'. If there isn't a geniune reason such as poor road conditions or traffic, then you should travel at the speed limit.

8th August 2007, 20:37
Any driver should only drive at a speed at which they feel comfortable with, according to their own abilities and road and weather conditions.

It sounds harsh, but if someone isn't able to drive at the speed limit on a clear, dry road due to not having the ability, then they shouldn't be on the road.

8th August 2007, 20:42
It sounds harsh, but if someone isn't able to drive at the speed limit on a clear, dry road due to not having the ability, then they shouldn't be on the road.

Maybe the ability will come with time? :)

8th August 2007, 22:38
I think it's more common that the ability has been lost over time ;)

8th August 2007, 23:24
In Spain there is a minimum speed, which is half the maximum speed. Most people ignore both :D

I agree with Carl here. Sometimes it's good for someone to make you slow down a bit. If it gets on your nerves that much then it is you are the bigger danger than Mr. Slowcoach. Roads are not simply to get from A to B as quick as possible. However, I hate those drivers who enter a motorway as if they just got out of bed, and then two minutes later are passing you above the speed limit.

Hazell B
9th August 2007, 00:17
You should always drive at the maximum safe speed for the conditions.

Took a while, but at last somebody said it.

Yes, I get annoyed when I want to be in York but the A19's bunged up with Rovers doing 45 when 60 is safe. Thing is, I'm often coming home along that same road at 45 when it looks as if I could be happily doing 60.

What's often forgotten is that a car isn't just full of a driver and fresh air. I sometimes have delicate items in my vehicle, antiques and the like, that may not be visible to another driver but are not safe at over 45. I may also have weight in and you can't tell as my vehicle is high already, so doesn't look low when carrying half a tonne of stone in the back. Sorry folks, but sometimes cars are moving slowly for a very good reason, not just to annoy you.

9th August 2007, 01:05
It annoys me even more when you are in Mark's situation but with a car in between you and them who is happy sitting there and makes no attempt to overtake :s

9th August 2007, 07:56
Then you just do what MAX_THRUST does, overtake the whole lot. :p :

9th August 2007, 09:44
It annoys me even more when you are in Mark's situation but with a car in between you and them who is happy sitting there and makes no attempt to overtake :s

Happened to me the weekend gone, 2 cars between me and the slow coach ahead, driving at 40-45mph in perfectly good conditions. Not once did they attempt to overtake. Grrhh :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

10th August 2007, 20:32
What's often forgotten is that a car isn't just full of a driver and fresh air. I sometimes have delicate items in my vehicle, antiques and the like, that may not be visible to another driver but are not safe at over 45. I may also have weight in and you can't tell as my vehicle is high already, so doesn't look low when carrying half a tonne of stone in the back. Sorry folks, but sometimes cars are moving slowly for a very good reason, not just to annoy you.

I have to agree with this comment as I had to do this today as I had a ton of stone in the car and it didn't feel safe at high speeds, but saying that I was aware of the queue behind and did pull over to let them through (not always possible).

The other thing that really annoys me is speed cameras!!! Not just because they are a pain but the number of people who are doing the speed limit (eg 30mph in a 30mph zone) but as soon as they see one the break lights come on and everyone has to go 10mph slower, for crying out load look at your speedo you are on the limit!!!!!!!! It happened 3 times today with different drivers, aaaaahhhhh!!

rant over

Brown, Jon Brow
10th August 2007, 20:39
I'm worried that I've been caught speeding :s

As I went past a speed camera I was passed by a police car on an emergency call. So as it flashed it would have got my registration.

10th August 2007, 20:44
I wouldn't worry as if there is an emegency vehicle in shot and they can see the blues are on they disregard the picture. Also shouldn't be too hard to prove.
I'm sure there is someone on who can confirm this who is in the know!

11th August 2007, 10:16
There have been people who have gone through red lights as the only way to let an ambulance through and they have still been prosecuted.

speedy king
22nd August 2007, 01:58
I've always been afraid of the same. Especially as i'm still on the 2 year probation after you pass your test, points are the last thing i need.

Having said that.....there is a stretch of raod coming out of Norwich from Riverside towards the southern bypass that goes from 40mph to duel carriageway, and im sure people are either dumb, ignorant, or dont know it changes to 70mph and sit in the FAST LANE DOING 45!!!!!!!! and i'm sorry, i know its wrong but it pisses me off and i undertake everyone that does it, why are some people so unaware????

speedy king
22nd August 2007, 01:59
I'm worried that I've been caught speeding :s

As I went past a speed camera I was passed by a police car on an emergency call. So as it flashed it would have got my registration.

They should count the white lines on the road anyway and see you haven't passed enough to be speeding :)