View Full Version : Hi there!

7th August 2007, 09:06
Hey, my names Catt and I'm from Perth Western Australia.
Thought I'd introduce myself as nobody else is going to do it for me.
I'm horse and Rally mad, love death metal music, cooking, coffee and a good chat.

My Rally official friends got me hooked on rallying a few years back, (think it was Telstra Rally Australia 2005) Since then I go with them as road closure officials to a few Western Australian Rallies a year. Sadly due to our money hungry government, W.Aust will host the World Rally no more.

This year we are doing the Targa West Rally again. Last year, we did not attend as my friends were getting married on the 9th September 2006. Sadly, that was the rally which claimed the life of our beloved Peter Brock(R.I.P)

What do you like and Where you from?

Catt :crazy:

7th August 2007, 11:14
Welcome to the forum.

7th August 2007, 11:15
Hi, I like chocolate cake but don't expect it from the mods here, they eat it before sending it to you... (it's a forum joke)

Welcome to this place and please don't be scared and keep posting.

I'm from Spain and I love any form of motorsport which involves turning left and right.

Have fun around here.


7th August 2007, 11:26
Hello, Catt. :) I hope you stick around for longer. :)

And keep distance from Mr Brow. :) (friendly advice)

7th August 2007, 12:25
Hi Catt. Welcome to the forum from The Freakster.

Brown, Jon Brow
7th August 2007, 12:48
Hello, Catt. :) I hope you stick around for longer. :)

And keep distance from Mr Brow. :) (friendly advice)


Hello Catt :cat:

Azumanga Davo
7th August 2007, 16:04
Another Perthert... :D Evinin'

7th August 2007, 16:08
Welcome! :)

7th August 2007, 16:25
Welcome to the forum :wave:

7th August 2007, 16:53
Oh christ not another one from Perth, run girl run!

Watch out for E(r)ki :rolleyes:

Welcome ;)

7th August 2007, 17:06
Hello Catt, welcome to the nuthouse.
Make sure that you're around on Fridays for the usual quality material (exception: see post #4)

Mark in Oshawa
7th August 2007, 20:39
Catt, welcome, and beware of the Oaf......

8th August 2007, 02:14
Welcome Catt!

Like yourself, i became hooked on rally because of Rally Australia. Only i was a year before you in 2004. The year petter wedged himself in a gate at shakedown. It was too funny not to become an instant rally fan! Although i originally came to these forums for the F1.

Now i'm pondering a move to the gold coast so i can stay near the rally! (not really.. my sister moved there and i miss her, rally is just a bonus)

Who is your favourite team/driver?

8th August 2007, 05:22
Greetings new person :)

You shall find us, for the most part, friendly and not at all scary ;)

Azumanga Davo
8th August 2007, 08:02
Oh christ not another one from Perth, run girl run!

Watch out for E(r)ki :rolleyes:

Oh gawd, he's not here as well is he? :eek: No wonder Danny boy shifted to Wales... ;)

oily oaf
8th August 2007, 09:12
Catt, welcome, and beware of the Oaf......

Please pay no heed to the above ranting as the author is not only not currently in Oshawa but has never actually been there and thinks it is a small provincial city in the industrial heartland of Japan.

Like yourself I'm a great fan of rallies although I must confess that I was crushed under the tracks of a Red Army tank and killed instantly after attending a rally in Tiananmen Square carrying a banner which bore the legend "Chairman Mao is a bum-faced chinky arseole"

Horses? I love em although I do think it's worth paying that little bit extra for some of the leaner cuts as some of the old 'uns tend to get stuck between your teeth.

Hope this helps

8th August 2007, 09:17
At least Daniel isn't in Perth any more :p

8th August 2007, 11:16
Hi Catt,

Welcome to the forums.

Come and say hi at Targa West, I'll be in the Silver Evo 6.5 Lancer with a big bottle of wine on the side of it.


Ian McC
8th August 2007, 17:50
Welcome to the forms

Standard rules for posting here, tin hats are required and available should you wish to enter the F1 forum and as always you can check out anytime, but you can never leave ;)


And of course

Do not feed the Oaf :s ailor:

9th August 2007, 06:37
Tina! Look a perth-tar-ian rally fan haha

10th August 2007, 07:32
:wave: :wave: :wave:

10th August 2007, 09:14
Looks like another one-post wonder :rolleyes:

10th August 2007, 10:52
Did I scare her away? :(

10th August 2007, 10:54
Most likely :p And she's not aware of your moose tendencies. :D

Azumanga Davo
10th August 2007, 15:28
Yeah, thanks a lot Erki...

11th August 2007, 15:50
If your name is Catt and you're a rally fan, you just can't be a bad person. Welcome milady :wave:

12th August 2007, 03:53
Looks like another one-post wonder :rolleyes:
I was just thinking the same thing. :D

Ian McC
12th August 2007, 11:52
Did I scare her away? :(

Maybe it was Mister Brow