View Full Version : Petter and Subaru?

6th August 2007, 21:33
Let's have an own thread for this subject as it seems to squeeze in to many threads after last weekend.

So what do you think? Too much whining, too little trying or what?

6th August 2007, 21:56
His psyche is worse and worse from rally to rally and i think this is result because he is not winning now for 2 years. in past years he was used to fight with the best and win some rallies. Now with new impreza he has only problems. At start there was only problem the car but now there are problems in his head he looks full of optimism but inside i think he is not so self-confident in driving like he was. Subaru new evolution of impreza must be PERFECT to rescue Solberg otherwise he will never be the best like he was.
Other solution is to go to ford if Gronholm quit. But for me solberg without subaru is not solberg

6th August 2007, 22:02
Lainaus suomen f1-forumilta:

"Kyllä on taas kiiteltävä MTV3:n asiantuntemusta! Täyttä paskaa jauhaa pallinaama Tuominen minkä kerkee! "Petterillä ei kestä pää"

Kun tässä nyt Petterin kaa tuli juteltua ja kartturi Philkin oli meillä eilen illalla saunomassa niin molemmat sanoivat että ei uskalla olla sen auton kyyissä! Kun rattia pitää suorassa niin auto todellakin menee puolelta toiselle! Siis Subaru ei tällä hetkellä kulje suoraan ollenkaan... Petterillä oli pe aamuna ja la päivällä myös onglmia auton voimansiirron kanssa, ei tietäneet missä mutta auto muutti 2-vetoiseksi... Eikä siinä vielä kaikki vaan autossa ei ollut yhtään pitoa!"

According to writer Petter's car was no more 4wd both in friday and saturday. That person is working in Ford and discussed with Phill Mills in his Sauna after race! He criticizes (using very heavy words) finnish tv-commentators because they put Petter under suspicion instead of the car.

I can also witness that Petter's car behaved very weirdly in almost direct road. Those who are questioning Petter due to rally Finland are simply stupidos with little understanding of rallying. They cannot see that when the car is working perfectly Petter drives with top-pace in three consecutive stages (ss 4-6) and then his pace drops suddenly by one second/seconds per/km. This kind of differencies are not inside of drivers head.

6th August 2007, 22:02
poor petter now he really needs one of those sport psychologists to help him focus and stuff like that. Didnt henning had one? or was it someone else...

6th August 2007, 22:03
Well in my opinion its a bit complicated issue, the team has told they give him a good car to drive building up his hopes, but soon as the ink has dryed in the contract the only thing they can deliver is sh!t in blue package, so it's understandable that he is frustrated, on the other hand what did he expect for this event, so why refuse to drive?
I think best for Petter would be is trying to get rid of the contract what ever it takes, take a sabbath time rest a bit and try to find back the joy of driving, he still have a few good driving years ahead, i think he just should wait for offers and pick the best.

6th August 2007, 22:19
Tomi probably you have right to change car and the team. but i cant imagine driving another car.

6th August 2007, 22:20
Tomi probably you have right to change car and the team. but i cant imagine driving another car.

what do you mean, do you drive a subaru impreza WRC?

6th August 2007, 22:26
All he can do, is plod around in that heap of junk until the 2008 car comes along.

6th August 2007, 22:29
All he can do, is plod around in that heap of junk until the 2008 car comes along.

if i would not be this lazy, i would dig up the tread about when this one was launched or the one before or before or.................

6th August 2007, 22:29
Sorry i posted to fast: i cant imagine Solberg to drive another car. For me subaru+ solberg is the whole package

6th August 2007, 22:33
Sorry i posted to fast: i cant imagine Solberg to drive another car. For me subaru+ solberg is the whole package

well, a few days back he was crying because he had to. It's stupid to waste an propably good carreer in a car you cant win with if there is better possibilities.

6th August 2007, 22:47
Tomi i completely agree with you. we need more drivers to fight for victory and rally will become more interesting-> Solberg can definetely helps

6th August 2007, 22:48
For some time the Subaru's don't seem to have been too competitive, and they still don't seem particularly hot today. It seems to be a combination of the car, but also affecting Petter psychologically now.

I think if Atkinson pushed him a bit harder it would help...

6th August 2007, 23:51
if i would not be this lazy, i would dig up the tread about when this one was launched or the one before or before or.................

Even DR admitted the car was fundementally flawed because a race car engineer did most of the design. They have got rid of those problems, but it will only be on the new car that we will see if those problems have really been sorted.

7th August 2007, 00:21
I feel sorry for his situation. He's a proven winner who now isn't winning any more, although he clearly still has the ability to.

Neither, you have to say, is Subaru's nondescript form doing anything to enhance the WRC as a whole, let alone Solberg's own performance. It's not good when one of the small number of manufacturers involved isn't really able to compete.

7th August 2007, 00:33
I wonder if Prodrive's succesful application to run an F1 team has had an effect on the Subaru rally side of things...

7th August 2007, 00:45
I wonder if Prodrive's succesful application to run an F1 team has had an effect on the Subaru rally side of things...

I would imagine that the two operations are sufficiently separate for this not to be a problem.

7th August 2007, 01:13
I would imagine that the two operations are sufficiently separate for this not to be a problem.

I said it before and I'll say it again.

A company like Prodrive can only do and start doing so many things so fast before projects suffer.

SWRT has suffered from Prodrives growth forcing new people to be hired, personnel re-located and re-tasked.

Its not just the F1 project, but also the Aston Martin effort.

You can look back and the more extensively involved in these types of projects Prodrive has become the more issues SWRT has had and the worse the car has become...

7th August 2007, 07:43
I totally blame Subaru, for the 3rd consecutive year they have failed to build/give a competitive car to Petter. And considering that we are talking about Subaru and not Skoda, Suzuki, Mitsu or Fiat it's too bad :down: Petter still is a great driver me thinks ;)

7th August 2007, 12:02
I think he is a great driver driving a pig of a car. That has to affect him somehow.

Mickey T
7th August 2007, 12:07
I think if Atkinson pushed him a bit harder it would help...

if atkinson pushed him any harder, there would be even more tears...

petter's car was not rear wheel drive. i saw the car on the stage he retired after. it was spinning up the front wheels on the corner exit.

i don't doubt it was difficult to drive, but chris has had the same issues in previous rallies and kept going. similar issues have caused a few of the crashes you guys have hammered him over, but he kept going anyway, knowing that was the risk.

chris had petter's measure all weekend in finland.

it was his coming of age.

i really doubt petter wants him any faster...

7th August 2007, 12:30
The car sure looked like it behaved strangely. It sort of reminded me of one Didier Auriol in Finland years back in a Corolla.

7th August 2007, 13:04
Seen Petter on a very high speed section of "Leustu" and the handling looked terrible in comparison to Chris's one.

7th August 2007, 13:34
if atkinson pushed him any harder, there would be even more tears...

petter's car was not rear wheel drive. i saw the car on the stage he retired after. it was spinning up the front wheels on the corner exit.

i don't doubt it was difficult to drive, but chris has had the same issues in previous rallies and kept going. similar issues have caused a few of the crashes you guys have hammered him over, but he kept going anyway, knowing that was the risk.

chris had petter's measure all weekend in finland.

it was his coming of age.

i really doubt petter wants him any faster...

Exactly, although I may be biased, I can't help that feel Atko has it all over Petter, this talk of Petter going back to Ford, I can't help but feel they would be much better off giving Chris a drive, at least he is prepared to give it a go when the chips are down......
Petter was a class act when things were going his way, now I'm not so sure.
So much criticism of Chris on this forum, IMO he has done an exceptional job in a sh*t of a car........

7th August 2007, 14:12
I think it´s really hard for Petter at this time, because he wants to perform, but the car is not good enough. I remember as it was the same with Marcus and Peugeot and we all know what happened then...
If Subaru doesn´t suit Petter he should be looking for a new Team and then we can see how will he do with other car.
Of course it would have been nice of him at least to try and finish in finland, as it shows true sportsman!

7th August 2007, 15:25
if atkinson pushed him any harder, there would be even more tears...

petter's car was not rear wheel drive. i saw the car on the stage he retired after. it was spinning up the front wheels on the corner exit.

i don't doubt it was difficult to drive, but chris has had the same issues in previous rallies and kept going. similar issues have caused a few of the crashes you guys have hammered him over, but he kept going anyway, knowing that was the risk.

How do you know that previously Chris has had exactly the same problem(s)?

Actually looking at times we can see that Petter had three kind of paces: (1) when everything worked in the car he was well on Seb's pace (stages 3-6). (2) He had serious handling problems but was able to go some speed losing 1 sec per/km. (3) His car was complitely undriveable, losing group N cars (Ouninpohja I for instance). There was no point to continue as the driving looked dangerous and he was loosing ten seconds per/km.

I don't see that Petter cried due to Chris' pace. When his car was ok he was able to respond it. In most of rallies Petter has been more ahead of Chris than for instance Grönholm has been ahead of Hirvonen. Sometimes, on the other hand Chris has gone extremely well. This kind of inconsistency between drivers is related to Subaru's car.

7th August 2007, 15:28
By the way, Atkinson's performance in Ouninpohja 1 was superb. Almost the same time with Hirvonen and faster than Loeb. In my place Hirvonen and Atko were most impressive drivers in that run and I already guessed that Chris will have better stage time than Seb. It would have been nice to how Petter would have done Ouninpohja with healthy car. Possibly not better than Atko - otherwise he would have been on Grönholm's pace.

Mickey T
7th August 2007, 18:32
How do you know that previously Chris has had exactly the same problem(s)?

i was there and (very) senior SWRT personnel told me. even in finland, chris did not have a trouble-free event.

Actually looking at times we can see that Petter had three kind of paces: (1) when everything worked in the car he was well on Seb's pace (stages 3-6). (2) He had serious handling problems but was able to go some speed losing 1 sec per/km. (3) His car was complitely undriveable, losing group N cars (Ouninpohja I for instance). There was no point to continue as the driving looked dangerous and he was loosing ten seconds per/km.

he was losing three seconds a kilometre when it was at its worst, not ten. you're right, it might as well hav been 10, but it was three.

chris was on seb's pace as well. a spin early on friday cost him 12 seconds (i've timed it on the in-car), then he had the engine stall at a hairpin after service, on one of the stages where petter beat him. were it not for the stall and the spin, he' ahve been within five or six seconds of loeb at day's end.

I don't see that Petter cried due to Chris' pace. When his car was ok he was able to respond it. In most of rallies Petter has been more ahead of Chris than for instance Grönholm has been ahead of Hirvonen. Sometimes, on the other hand Chris has gone extremely well. This kind of inconsistency between drivers is related to Subaru's car.

i didn't suggest petter cried because of chris's pace. jsut that if chris had been any quicker, he'd have had even more reason to cry.

If you analyse the per km times between petter and chris, then compare them to the citroen and ford number twos (when the cars are healthy), chris is easily the closest to his number one. by some margin.

Buzz Lightyear
7th August 2007, 18:58
The time has comes when no2 are no more..

mikko has already outpaced marcus on norway, much to his annoyance.

sordo pushed seb very hard on germany last year, and I actually think he is worried about danny's pace, but knows that managment will not allow him to beat seb

while petter is flipped out with diff maps and steering racks woes, chris is just getting on with it. finland was a water shed where he regualry outpaced petter. monte carlo this year chris set some fastest times.. I could see him also out pacing petter in germany.

7th August 2007, 20:26
There is a fundamental problem with the car for the last three years.

First of all Pirelli was blamed, but now the problems are still there on BF Goodrich tyres.

Within Prodrive, the engineers are arguing with each other and spend more time trying to pass the blame than they do on getting the car right. They've changed engineers three or four times now.

Petter has been able to drive around the problem for much of the time; Chris hasn't.

Initially the problem was the chassis - there was flexing in the shell causing suspension problems and changing the handling from corner to corner, as each event went on.

This is why the car often started well in rallies, then got worse and worse, or the drivers were caught out and crashed.

In Finland, Petter had a central diff problem but nobody accepts the blame. Petter was frustrated - DR was in Finland saying that it was Petter's fault.

Petter is fed up, but he has nowhere else to go. Ford has no space for him, Citroen has no space. Petter wants a good salary and to win rallies - Suzuki can't do that for him.

He can only stay where he is, get a good salary and cry with frustration and having such a bad car and team.

7th August 2007, 22:41
if atkinson pushed him any harder, there would be even more tears...

petter's car was not rear wheel drive. i saw the car on the stage he retired after. it was spinning up the front wheels on the corner exit.

i don't doubt it was difficult to drive, but chris has had the same issues in previous rallies and kept going. similar issues have caused a few of the crashes you guys have hammered him over, but he kept going anyway, knowing that was the risk.

chris had petter's measure all weekend in finland.

it was his coming of age.

i really doubt petter wants him any faster...

His car could well have had intermittant 4wd then 2wd if it was indeed suffering centre diff issues. Even though my old Escort Cosworth rally car was obviously a much more simple machine, I suffered centre diff problems on the odd occasion and I can assure you that it makes the car very difficult to drive as it not only means it behaves very oddly when you are on throttle it also screws up the brake balance. One minute you are in a 4wd car with 4wd type responses, the next you have all the grunt at the back pushing you sideways. Under braking, one moment you have the car all nicely balanced, then the next it locks up one end totally and tries to jump off the road. If Petter was suffering these symptoms then I don't blame him for chucking in the towel after a stage like Ouninpohja.

11th August 2007, 16:41
The locations I was spectating, I didn't saw any strange behaviour with his car. But the footage later on proved it true.

According to field reporter of Rally Radio, Petter was sunbathing on the bonnet of his Subaru. If that is not a statement to his team, then I don't know what is.

I really hope Petter will get a second beginning to his sinking career. And i do hope it'll happen with Subaru. Great history with rallying. Shame to see it just fading away.

13th August 2007, 17:48
Subaru have revealed that they are 'confident' that the problems that affected their number one driver, Petter Solberg in Finland two weeks ago will not reoccur this coming weekend on the Rallye Deutschland.

Full story (http://www.crashpa.net/news.asp?news_id=152842).

Let's hope they have sorted it. I don't expect either Subaru driver will be in the thick of the battle this weekend, but it would be nice to see them up there in New Zealand.

13th August 2007, 17:51
petter and atkinson in suzuki's nxt year!! :p

13th August 2007, 18:02
"The issues on the Saturday were related to the dampers – and were not connected with the diffs" why did some fault in the dampers make the car act like a snake?

13th August 2007, 21:10
"The issues on the Saturday were related to the dampers – and were not connected with the diffs" why did some fault in the dampers make the car act like a snake?
i dont know and also i think subaru's engeeners dont know :(

13th August 2007, 21:24
"The issues on the Saturday were related to the dampers – and were not connected with the diffs" why did some fault in the dampers make the car act like a snake?

Yeah, Im a bit suspect on that comment too.

The way the car was behaving looked similar to how an Australian V8supercar behaves when it has a broken Whats Linkage (spelling), in that the rear of the car seems to jump from side to side.
If Subaru are saying that it was to do with the dampers that could just be a bogus cover story, or they found something that seems to have fit the profile and are just going to hope thats its right.

13th August 2007, 22:07
Yhea and the word confident doesen't sound to optimistic iether (is "iether" spelled this way?)

13th August 2007, 22:47
(is "iether" spelled this way?)

Either iether or either either.

14th August 2007, 11:53
It is either. :)

14th August 2007, 12:02
It is either. :)

ok thanks

14th August 2007, 14:04
Even DR admitted the car was fundementally flawed because a race car engineer did most of the design. They have got rid of those problems, but it will only be on the new car that we will see if those problems have really been sorted.

Well how many times will the engineers get the car wrong? Next year there will be more problems and the excuse will be the same and also the comment from SWRT will be the same "problem fixed, never going to happen again"; everytime they say "new car is very good" but in the end its always the same.

Maybe someone should get new engineers that arent F1 engineers? Who designed the '07? Who did the one before? How many times can you get it "fundamentally flawed" before it turns into plain and simple incompetence?

15th August 2007, 18:44
I was told that if the rebound was left open the car could behave like that, the rebound adjusts the outwards friction of the damper, bound is in.

15th August 2007, 21:28
petter and atkinson in suzuki's nxt year!! :p
What are you on about? You go around and post silly statements like that all the time. What's the deal?????? :confused:

15th August 2007, 21:30
Subaru have revealed that they are 'confident' that the problems that affected their number one driver, Petter Solberg in Finland two weeks ago will not reoccur this coming weekend on the Rallye Deutschland.

Full story (http://www.crashpa.net/news.asp?news_id=152842).

Let's hope they have sorted it. I don't expect either Subaru driver will be in the thick of the battle this weekend, but it would be nice to see them up there in New Zealand.
The problem is that Subaru have said a few times that their underlying issues have been "sorted" :mark:

Brother John
16th August 2007, 09:16
Subaru, Prodrive i mean :D They tell a lot of sh!t, why they need more then 4 years to buld a propper rally car? :rolleyes:

16th August 2007, 14:10
Subaru, Prodrive i mean :D They tell a lot of sh!t, why they need more then 4 years to buld a propper rally car? :rolleyes:
I'm sure this time they're telling the truth :D

Brother John
16th August 2007, 14:53
I'm sure this time they're telling the truth :D

We will see on Sunday Daniel! Has Petter a new thing to complain when Atkinson is faster? ;)

19th August 2007, 01:33
New event, new car, same story...

Petter Solberg Subaru "Not steering, no chance, no feeling, very similar to Finland. I can't get a proper feeling."...is this his last year with Subaru?

Brother John
17th December 2007, 18:43

17th December 2007, 19:03

17th December 2007, 20:03
I'm sorry but WTF?

17th December 2007, 22:13
Well, at the end of the season Petter finally beat Atko with 47 pts to 31. Atko for sure is agreat driver. I remember some guy, was it mikey T?, who wrote abt Atko on this forum prior to his engagement in the wrc and that he has an tremendous talent. However, he doesn´t seem very amiable...

Besides; Solberg is a great driver, and I feel so very bad for him. The years are passing by, and he is struggling and struggling and struggling. To know that you can compete with Loeb and Bosse, but not given the material to prove it must be so extremely frustrating. He is sitting in a dream position for anyone, but for him I guess it´s something like a nightmare...

17th December 2007, 22:14
I think the previous posts clarifies the level of interest on Petter and Subaru novadays :mark:

18th December 2007, 00:42
I'm sad also the 2008 Subaru isn't ready for Monte-Carlo yet :(

18th December 2007, 00:43
I'm sad also the 2008 Subaru isn't ready for Monte-Carlo yet :(
Subaru have in general had a history of bringing new cars in after about 4 or 5 rounds.

18th December 2007, 09:34
Well, at the end of the season Petter finally beat Atko with 47 pts to 31. Atko for sure is agreat driver. I remember some guy, was it mikey T?, who wrote abt Atko on this forum prior to his engagement in the wrc and that he has an tremendous talent. However, he doesn´t seem very amiable...

Besides; Solberg is a great driver, and I feel so very bad for him. The years are passing by, and he is struggling and struggling and struggling. To know that you can compete with Loeb and Bosse, but not given the material to prove it must be so extremely frustrating. He is sitting in a dream position for anyone, but for him I guess it´s something like a nightmare...

I think the time for Petter is past. He is in some rounds not so motivated, as example Finland this year. It is not only the material that faild, but also Petter. He has lost speed and he has beaten by Atkinson in much rounds. I really hope he can find his motivation back and fight for podium places next year, but I really doubt that.

18th December 2007, 09:52
Well, I think Petter is a professional and need only a small spark to get his hunger for wins back.

18th December 2007, 10:08
I agree.

18th December 2007, 11:18
Subaru have in general had a history of bringing new cars in after about 4 or 5 rounds.

Only this time it's more than necessary...

Brother John
18th December 2007, 11:55
I think the time for Petter is past. He is in some rounds not so motivated, as example Finland this year. It is not only the material that faild, but also Petter. He has lost speed and he has beaten by Atkinson in much rounds. I really hope he can find his motivation back and fight for podium places next year, but I really doubt that.

I´l try to explain this about 2 years now. :rolleyes:

19th December 2007, 11:54
Petter's hunger for win is still there, and his time hasn't past yet. I think what he needs is simply a competitive car and nothing more.

Brother John
19th December 2007, 13:41
Petter's hunger for win is still there, and his time hasn't past yet. I think what he needs is simply a competitive car and nothing more.
Than he have to leave Subaru! :D

19th December 2007, 13:48
Than he have to leave Subaru! :D

I think that idea has crossed Petter's mind more than once. Obviouysly I'm not sure but I would think that hence Petter's contract covers still this new model of Subaru, he'll give it a chance and if nothing happens, he'll change the team.

Brother John
19th December 2007, 13:59
I think that idea has crossed Petter's mind more than once. Obviouysly I'm not sure but I would think that hence Petter's contract covers still this new model of Subaru, he'll give it a chance and if nothing happens, he'll change the team.

That can be to late for him! :(

Buzz Lightyear
19th December 2007, 14:01
I think that idea has crossed Petter's mind more than once. Obviouysly I'm not sure but I would think that hence Petter's contract covers still this new model of Subaru, he'll give it a chance and if nothing happens, he'll change the team.

ok, maybe the blame should be split between petter and swrt, but simply the fact that the 2008 car has not turned a wheel is not good news. Citroen is a "master" of lauching new rally cars, and usually ultra competitive on there first outing, and they were running it for 12 months before launching it on the stages. there seem to be a organisational problem, and lack of radical thinking in subaru more than anything else.

19th December 2007, 23:30
ok, maybe the blame should be split between petter and swrt, but simply the fact that the 2008 car has not turned a wheel is not good news. Citroen is a "master" of lauching new rally cars, and usually ultra competitive on there first outing, and they were running it for 12 months before launching it on the stages. there seem to be a organisational problem, and lack of radical thinking in subaru more than anything else.Japanese conservatism?

20th December 2007, 04:16
...or maybe lack of $$$$$?

20th December 2007, 09:43
ok, maybe the blame should be split between petter and swrt, but simply the fact that the 2008 car has not turned a wheel is not good news. Citroen is a "master" of lauching new rally cars, and usually ultra competitive on there first outing, and they were running it for 12 months before launching it on the stages. there seem to be a organisational problem, and lack of radical thinking in subaru more than anything else.

What ??? The Impreza WRC08 hasn't been tested yet ???? :eek: :eek:

20th December 2007, 13:31
What ??? The Impreza WRC08 hasn't been tested yet ???? :eek: :eek:

As far as I know, nope. SWRT hasn't run WRC2008 yet. Their website said they are doing parallel development on both versions (2007 & 2008) of WRCar since they'll start with the 2007WRC, but I wonder if it is good idea. I mean, do you really think the development of 2007WRC makes SWRT more competitive??? They should just accept the poor result at the begining of the season and spend as much resources as possible on the development of new car.

20th December 2007, 14:21
I agree, but they have to do some testing with the 2007 car, new Pirellis and s.o.
Good thing they brought Markko in for testing :up:

20th December 2007, 15:04
What ??? The Impreza WRC08 hasn't been tested yet ???? :eek: :eek:

As Petter commented. "No point in testing, we haven't a working car yet"

20th December 2007, 16:17
As Petter commented. "No point in testing, we haven't a working car yet"

So very, very depressing. No wonder Petter probably feels discouraged...

21st December 2007, 12:23
Subaru keeps this joke running.. amazing dudes..

21st December 2007, 12:34
Subaru keeps this joke running.. amazing dudes..

This is crazy...feel so sorry for Petter :(

21st December 2007, 12:44
So very, very depressing. No wonder Petter probably feels discouraged...
You have my genuine sympathies. My motto in regards to WRC teams is "Come in and spend some money, do things properly and get proper results or **** off and quit wasting the time and energy of spectators and drivers"

21st December 2007, 12:57
Hard to be Subaru/Prodrive fans these days... :s

21st December 2007, 13:02

Petter got a confirmation that the new car will be ready for Greece on monday. Interesting to see if this promise will be held..

21st December 2007, 13:57
many, many tiny tears.

rofl, the new subaru.

Buzz Lightyear
21st December 2007, 15:38

Petter got a confirmation that the new car will be ready for Greece on monday. Interesting to see if this promise will be held..

my question is why rush is now? it its not competitive, dont run it. if you wanted if for greece, start the project 2/3 months earlier. i wouldnt be bringing 'my new rally car ' to acropolis, i couldnt think of a worse event! why not wait till germany.

22nd December 2007, 00:08
my question is why rush is now? it its not competitive, dont run it. if you wanted if for greece, start the project 2/3 months earlier. i wouldnt be bringing 'my new rally car ' to acropolis, i couldnt think of a worse event! why not wait till germany.

i completely agree with you, it is better to test more and give good car out

22nd December 2007, 00:09

i think this tractor worst than impreza 2007 cant be :D

22nd December 2007, 10:04
It is only two wheel drive but on the other hand it is probably fairly good on tar with its very hard suspension. From the looks of it the SWRT still have some work to do on the aerodynamis though...

22nd December 2007, 10:22
It is only two wheel drive but on the other hand it is probably fairly good on tar with its very hard suspension. From the looks of it the SWRT still have some work to do on the aerodynamis though...

and it is very important you CAN NOT stuck in ditch :D

mrs markie
23rd December 2007, 18:02
Hard to be Subaru/Prodrive fans these days... :s
Well i dont find it hard to be a loyal suporter its all about the highs & lows, at the moment they are having a low ;( but that does not make me want to desert them in favour of a team thats on a winning roll right now :rolleyes: SWRT need to make some huge changes & the new car will hopefully prove itself worthy :) this is the team that gave me the passion for this sport, so i will not be deserting them only supporting them :cool:

Mrs markie

23rd December 2007, 18:47
This might sound stupid, but I've never needed to think about it before so here it goes!

What do you do when the guy you support retires? As in I am a massive Petter Solberg fan, but after he retires in a couple of years, should I support someone else, or nobody in particular? What have other people done when the driver they supported retired?

23rd December 2007, 19:37
This might sound stupid, but I've never needed to think about it before so here it goes!

What do you do when the guy you support retires? As in I am a massive Petter Solberg fan, but after he retires in a couple of years, should I support someone else, or nobody in particular? What have other people done when the driver they supported retired?

Hopefully Østberg and Mikkelsen will be up there by then ;)
Atkisnson ore maybe Pastrana already, a fan of him though.

23rd December 2007, 20:32
my question is why rush is now? it its not competitive, dont run it. if you wanted if for greece, start the project 2/3 months earlier. i wouldnt be bringing 'my new rally car ' to acropolis, i couldnt think of a worse event! why not wait till germany.

I think it's a joke to debut a 08-spec car halfway through the season, specially when the 07 car isn't competitive. makes Subaru look like aren't taking things seriously and don't care about their drivirs limping around for half a season

23rd December 2007, 21:14
My fear is that Subaru are going to pull out of the WRC. They are having much more success in the P-WRC and having a Japanese driver (Arai) as a defending champion is a bonus. As the years go by it is becoming more difficult for fans of Subura to have faith in a team that obviously has no direction.

What's the point of continuing if you're bound to fail?

Petter should have left years ago, but now his chances of nailing a competitive team are nil.

24th December 2007, 00:31
Well i dont find it hard to be a loyal suporter its all about the highs & lows, at the moment they are having a low ;( but that does not make me want to desert them in favour of a team thats on a winning roll right now :rolleyes: SWRT need to make some huge changes & the new car will hopefully prove itself worthy :) this is the team that gave me the passion for this sport, so i will not be deserting them only supporting them :cool:

Mrs markie

I cant agree more. They also give passion to me

24th December 2007, 10:16
Well i dont find it hard to be a loyal suporter its all about the highs & lows, at the moment they are having a low ;( but that does not make me want to desert them in favour of a team thats on a winning roll right now :rolleyes: SWRT need to make some huge changes & the new car will hopefully prove itself worthy :) this is the team that gave me the passion for this sport, so i will not be deserting them only supporting them :cool:

Mrs markie

In a point you're right, it's what I also did with Peugeot even during the unsuccessful "whales years"(2004-2005) :p :

24th December 2007, 12:07
In a point you're right, it's what I also did with Peugeot even during the unsuccessful "whales years"(2004-2005) :p :
At the end of the day if a team wants to shoot itself in the foot and run a silly car like the 307 Crap Cabriolet and then decides with no logic at all to use Pirelli tyres then why should people support you? At the end of the day when a team doesn't support a top class driver like Petter in the way they should then why support them. I don't support teams just because they win. I supported Peugeot and Citroen back in their F2 days so it was only natural for me to support them when they came into the WRC. But as soon as Peugeot announced the whale I stopped supporting them and even moreso when they announced they were going over to Pirelli's.

24th December 2007, 20:32
Sorry for my ignorance, but which tyres Peugeot used in 2004 ?

24th December 2007, 21:14
Sorry for my ignorance, but which tyres Peugeot used in 2004 ?

25th December 2007, 07:03
And any huge difference in performance/victories/points achieved for the 307 in 2004 compared to 2005 ?

Norwegian Blue
26th December 2007, 13:23
This might sound stupid, but I've never needed to think about it before so here it goes!

What do you do when the guy you support retires? As in I am a massive Petter Solberg fan, but after he retires in a couple of years, should I support someone else, or nobody in particular? What have other people done when the driver they supported retired?

Well i guess you gotta be like ford, breeding hirvonen and latvala to fill in gronholms shoes! Find a young driver you like and support them all the way to the top!

26th December 2007, 14:20
And any huge difference in performance/victories/points achieved for the 307 in 2004 compared to 2005 ?
More to do with having Markko as a driver, Subaru falling down and a new evolution of the car :)

26th December 2007, 17:07
More to do with having Markko as a driver, Subaru falling down and a new evolution of the car :)

Pug was with wrong tyres in both years! 2004 Pirelli was better most of the races and then Petter was unstoppable. Just when Peugeot switched to Pirelli Michelin got huge upperhand. In terms of tyre situation 2004 was better but 307 had transmission problems in every other race.

Buzz Lightyear
26th December 2007, 18:27
Well i guess you gotta be like ford, breeding hirvonen and latvala to fill in gronholms shoes! Find a young driver you like and support them all the way to the top!

ford doesnt 'support' them.

26th December 2007, 18:33
I agree. Very few drivers get "support" from manufacturers from an early stage till they get a works seat.

27th December 2007, 20:48
This is Petter and Chris future car for 2008 ???? :eek:



27th December 2007, 23:36
Subaru solved the traction problem http://www.break.com/index/sweet-subaru-with-snow-tracks.html

11th January 2008, 05:49

Richard's is now focusing on the WRC instead of failing, miserably, to get into F1. I don't want to jinx anything, but I'm eagerly awaiting for the arrival of the new Subaru.

Does anyone know the name of the new chasis?

11th January 2008, 11:37

11th January 2008, 13:13

Richard's is now focusing on the WRC instead of failing, miserably, to get into F1. I don't want to jinx anything, but I'm eagerly awaiting for the arrival of the new Subaru.

Does anyone know the name of the new chasis?

Regarding Prodrive I'm far more excited by the endurance Aston-Martin program than the Subaru WRC one :p :

11th January 2008, 13:25
Lunching the new car mid season is a retarded idea...the car they use now its not competitive enough to sustain them in the title race....and by the time they launch the new car other teams will have evolution specs ready....

Subaru is really a pathetic excuse of a team right now.....

11th January 2008, 21:27
Next impreza must nor be **** like this one so i think is better to test more and develop and homologate good car than just put new car out. so i m more on swrt side to give car out later