View Full Version : Name that Frog!

Hazell B
6th August 2007, 10:56
There's a common frog that sits on some wood balanced over a Belfast sink full of water on my yard and we've decided to name him or her.

It's the only frog on the whole place that just stays there when we're working near it, we even have to move it on the wood if we need to use the sink to soak plants in. Then we have to put it back because we feel mean disturbing it :mark:

It has no worries about us, dogs, the cat and ponies being near it. It's a hard frog, needing a suitable hard name.

Phileus Frog (sp?) is the best I can come up with :s

Any better ideas?

6th August 2007, 11:59
Baron Greenback, like the Dangermouse villain.

6th August 2007, 13:03
Kermit, is that you? :p :

6th August 2007, 13:05
Dave :D And this is in no way to do with Dave Brockman, it's just always my first suggestion for a pet name :D

6th August 2007, 13:28
Dave :D And this is in no way to do with Dave Brockman, it's just always my first suggestion for a pet name :D

I was going to say the same. :D Inspired by Rat Fan's famous comment "I don't like cats called Dave". He also wanted to buy a Peugeot 106 and call it Keith........ :laugh:

6th August 2007, 13:34
And why not? :D

6th August 2007, 13:41

6th August 2007, 13:42
If the frog never moves & never appears to be bothered by anything .....
you might want to see if it is breathing as your frog may have passed ..... :s

if it is still among the living perhaps the name "McClain" would be appropiate .....
if you have seen any of the Die Hard movies you know the charactor I speak of .....
McClain takes everything in stride & is definately a survivor, much like your frog ..... :D

Hazell B
6th August 2007, 22:07
I was going to say the same. :D Inspired by Rat Fan's famous comment "I don't like cats called Dave". He also wanted to buy a Peugeot 106 and call it Keith........ :laugh:

His Metro was called Jason. The Punto's also got a pointless name that I can't recall. Strange boy, young Ratty.

Oddly, I'd thought of Dave too, but figured nobody would remember it's funny side. McClane was another, so Stan's seconded that.

Dave McClane it is. Thanks Donnie, Iain and Stan. Gold stars in the post. Frog leg mini meals, you'll have to fight over ......

Azumanga Davo
7th August 2007, 16:58

Hazell B
9th August 2007, 00:03


Typical - the damned reptile hasn't appeared once since we named him :mark:

10th August 2007, 00:35
Freddie, after the chocolate frogs you can get at 10p or 15p :p :

oh no wait, that's freddo's :p :

10th August 2007, 08:07

:D Now I remember that crazy frog dance. :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:

10th August 2007, 08:12
No!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please don't remind me of that travesty!!!!!!! No!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

! Costa Blanca !
11th August 2007, 19:05
Arnold Schwarterfrogger.

Hazell B
11th August 2007, 21:30
Der, der, ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding .... repeat until out of breath, etc.

Dave's back and he's angry. I put a plantpot in his sink and the bleeder attacked it then scarpered again. No pleasing some frogs :mark:

12th August 2007, 04:51
You should now keep your doors & windows locked ..... :s hock:
you can never know how a deranged frog may over-react ..... :eek:



Azumanga Davo
13th August 2007, 13:56
RaceFanStan speaks the truth there, Hazell. Frogs get very nasty, especially when they keep repeating two-stroke downchanges...

"Hi, I'm Dave McLane. You may remember me from past backgardens like Hazell B's sink and Oily Oaf's kerosene bath." :D

Hazell B
15th August 2007, 10:23
I've taken to carrying a semi automatic now, thanks folks.

That frog ain't getting the better of me :p :

Azumanga Davo
15th August 2007, 13:38
Nice to know you won't be outwitted by a little amphibian...

15th August 2007, 20:18
Be careful Hazell, them frogs are crafty devils ! http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g202/gr8link/orn/00.gif

Hazell B
16th August 2007, 23:18
My partner started bashing a hollow iron pipe in to the ground this afternoon and a frog jumped about four foot out of the top of it in to his face. I've never heard him scream before :p :

Crafty, indeed :laugh:

17th August 2007, 03:16
name it "ribbet"

17th August 2007, 09:43
My partner started bashing a hollow iron pipe in to the ground this afternoon and a frog jumped about four foot out of the top of it in to his face. I've never heard him scream before :p :

Perhaps you should name it Frog one, as in Frog one - Mick nil ;)

Azumanga Davo
17th August 2007, 13:16
name it "ribbet"

"Oh wow, daddy. It says it's own name." :D

Hazell B
18th August 2007, 21:54
Perhaps you should name it Frog one, as in Frog one - Mick nil ;)

Carl, I love it! :p :

Just told Mick what you said and he insists I make it clear he did not scream. It just happened to be a high pitched "weeerrrrr" type uttering because it was the day after his 40th birthday and he was 'tired and emotional'.
Absolute rubbish, of course. He screamed. :laugh: