View Full Version : I have a great idea!

5th August 2007, 15:24
Let us just skip the formalities, the waste of gasolne and its resultant polution, wasted sunday afternoons. and just GIVE Hamilton the WDC.

Pure genius. Wish I had thought of it myself, but the FIA beat me to it. This season has become the biggest joke in the history of F1. Thank you douche bag Ron Dennis, thank you douche bag Bernie and the FIA cabal.

5th August 2007, 15:34
:monkeedan To quote two key players in resposne to your inquiry;
Hamilton: "Don't ever f****** do that to me again!"

Dennis: "Don't ever f****** speak to me like that again!"

So that should answer you quite good!!!!! :monkeedan :monkeedan

Now go drink your koolaide, after a a minute or so you will feel no pain :vader: :beer:

donKey jote
5th August 2007, 15:36
I have a great idea too... why donīt you two get a room and drink Koolaid together :p :

5th August 2007, 15:42
:monkeedan To quote two key players in resposne to your inquiry;
Hamilton: "Don't ever f****** do that to me again!"

Dennis: "Don't ever f****** speak to me like that again!"

Was that after Dennis used his stolen ferrari files to poison the ferrari aerodynamics? Sorry, this is way more than some stupid teenager that is full of himself and someone equally full of himself. Hmm. Don't be so myopic.

5th August 2007, 15:43
Not a great idea. I think their current strategy is better, since it keeps the TV audience high. Just focus on anything suspicious Alonso says or does, and interpret the rules against him, even if you need to improvise them.
At least they haven't reached the status of "He was certainly blocking Massa!" we saw last year. But if he gets any closer to Hamilton, don't discard it :D

5th August 2007, 15:50
Not a great idea. I think their current strategy is better, since it keeps the TV audience high. Just focus on anything suspicious Alonso says or does, and interpret the rules against him, even if you need to improvise them.
At least they haven't reached the status of "He was certainly blocking Massa!" we saw last year. But if he gets any closer to Hamilton, don't discard it :D

Meh. He probably was blocking Massa. Why else did his lap time go down when it should have been going up? But whatever. Stay on topic.

Dave B
5th August 2007, 15:53
Don't feed the trolls... don't feed the trolls... don't feed the trolls....

5th August 2007, 15:53
Don't be sad, be happy

According to The Times, Hamilton stormed up to Dennis saying: "Don't ever f****** do that to me again!"

Dennis replied with: "Don't ever f****** speak to me like that again!"

To which Hamilton said: "Go f****** swivel!"

The deal was clearly done to placate FA...there is no way that RD ultimately throws away his investment in LH, the one with "maclareunt in his blood" in favor of the "recycled one" as well as the chance for eternal glory of having him win a rookie Brit WDC in a Brit Maclarenut...but LH just has not been drinking his koolaid....shame shame for running his mouth and NOT his brain, don't he know that RD has got to make it look good, fair and honest so that evryone who is not blind in one eye and can not see out of the other...will know it was all a farce, a sham???

Heckfire, even Bernie wants it and Bernie will have it or else all that new revenue might go to pro wesrtling or bowling for dollars.......

Now go drink some RD koolaid, celebrate the second coming of MS, you will feel much better :beer:

5th August 2007, 15:57
Meh. He probably was blocking Massa. Why else did his lap time go down when it should have been going up? But whatever. Stay on topic.Driver error maybe? Maybe Massa got nervous just by seeing the car in the distance? Video evidence showed that Alonso was not intentionally blocking him. He was also going as fast as possible. But whatever.
I think this had everything to do with the topic. It was another controversial decision with the result of Alonso given a penalty when in position to get a lead in the WDC.

donKey jote
5th August 2007, 16:37
Don't feed the trolls... don't feed the trolls... don't feed the trolls....
hey dave :wave:
where did they go ? ;) :p :

5th August 2007, 16:40
What does swivel mean?

Ian McC
5th August 2007, 16:44
Don't be sad, be happy

According to The Times, Hamilton stormed up to Dennis saying: "Don't ever f****** do that to me again!"

Dennis replied with: "Don't ever f****** speak to me like that again!"

To which Hamilton said: "Go f****** swivel!"

The deal was clearly done to placate FA...there is no way that RD ultimately throws away his investment in LH, the one with "maclareunt in his blood" in favor of the "recycled one" as well as the chance for eternal glory of having him win a rookie Brit WDC in a Brit Maclarenut...but LH just has not been drinking his koolaid....shame shame for running his mouth and NOT his brain, don't he know that RD has got to make it look good, fair and honest so that evryone who is not blind in one eye and can not see out of the other...will know it was all a farce, a sham???

Heckfire, even Bernie wants it and Bernie will have it or else all that new revenue might go to pro wesrtling or bowling for dollars.......

Now go drink some RD koolaid, celebrate the second coming of MS, you will feel much better :beer:

More rubbish, congratulations, you are the first ever to make it onto my ignore list, have a nice life.

Ian McC
5th August 2007, 16:45
Let us just skip the formalities, the waste of gasolne and its resultant polution, wasted sunday afternoons. and just GIVE Hamilton the WDC.

Pure genius. Wish I had thought of it myself, but the FIA beat me to it. This season has become the biggest joke in the history of F1. Thank you douche bag Ron Dennis, thank you douche bag Bernie and the FIA cabal.

Little upset that FA got punished for his dirty tricks are we?

5th August 2007, 16:49
yea yea we have drama, suspense, political outcomes, but still no passing

donKey jote
5th August 2007, 16:58
Alonso passed more than your new gay bar boy fousto :p :

5th August 2007, 17:14
More rubbish, congratulations, you are the first ever to make it onto my ignore list, have a nice life.

When the facts are against you, argue the rules.
When the rules are against you, argue the facts,
and when both are against you, engage in name calling

Like they say truth hurts worse than any lie and you have confirmed that

But thanks for your wish, though quite unnecessary, as I already do have a nice life...

But you really need to relax and start celebrating, :beer: all comfy in the knowledge that at the end of the last race, RD will not have gone traitor and betrayed his country (and especially his cash investment) by letting "the recycled one" win the 2007 WDC.

It will take a lot more of this, much much more of this to change it:
"Go f****** swivel!"

and even then we are talkin cash money, so it will have to be more of "f...." with RD's cash before anything changes at the final race where Hamie wins the 2007 WDC, while FA sits and tries to figure out what really happenned...("err, RD told me that was my carrot..")

5th August 2007, 17:23
More rubbish, congratulations, you are the first ever to make it onto my ignore list, have a nice life.

I shouldn't think you'll be missing much. I have difficulty working out which language the posts in question are being written in.

5th August 2007, 17:29
I shouldn't think you'll be missing much. I have difficulty working out which language the posts in question are being written in.

Sorry to hear about your language disabilities, you should know that there is professional help you can get, assuming that your brain is still functional.....

5th August 2007, 17:38
I usually avoid the F1 forum on here like the plague. Having made this rare visit, I shall be avoiding it like the plague again.

5th August 2007, 18:35
Don't blame you.

5th August 2007, 18:40
... and there's the 'Klink' of pino's lock. :p

5th August 2007, 18:41
I usually avoid the F1 forum on here like the plague. Having made this rare visit, I shall be avoiding it like the plague again.

Bah, it's not that bad :) You just need to know who to put into your ignore list ;) :D

5th August 2007, 18:44
I don't know for certain that Alonso was to blame.
I don't know for certain that McLaren did indeed use team tactics yesterday in qualifying.
I don't know for certain whether McLaren used or didn't use Ferrari documents.

I read the F1 news and stay up to date. What I don't do is come onto forums like these and make silly, offensive and ignorant posts.

Have a nice day. :)

Ian McC
5th August 2007, 18:45
You just need to know who to put into your ignore list ;) :D

Now that would make an interesting thread ;)

5th August 2007, 19:48
I don't know for certain that Alonso was to blame.
I don't know for certain that McLaren did indeed use team tactics yesterday in qualifying.
I don't know for certain whether McLaren used or didn't use Ferrari documents.

I read the F1 news and stay up to date. What I don't do is come onto forums like these and make silly, offensive and ignorant posts.

Have a nice day. :)


Again, it's a shame that more people seem unable to enjoy the sport, for all its faults, without letting partisanship get in the way.

5th August 2007, 19:55
Don't feed the trolls... don't feed the trolls... don't feed the trolls....

So tempting, but you're right.

I'll keep my question about "which cheese goes best with whine" to myself. :D

Feed them once and they'll start milling around your house, looking for more.

5th August 2007, 19:55
How dare anyone make silly comments about the sacred sport of formula one...this is serious business, where intelligent, serious tones must at all times be maintained, where walter mitty rules and only serious competition prevails.

This sport is the search for ultimate speed, truth, justice and freedom for all--no one who dilutes their kool-aid shall never be allowed the precious right to post here on this forum. Amen, Rev. Jim Jones. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jim_Jones

There are billions of Bernie's cash at risk here, and for the good of the sport it must be protected and maximized to its fullest potential and woe be it to those who dare stray from the path, thos who dare to suggest that at the last race, when FA has chased the carrot long enough to secure the CC crown and its golden reward, that FA shall be vanquished by RD orders to the pit of recycled drivers, indeed banishment is insufficient for those who stray from the true path of the righteous, strike down that nonbeliever hillybilly and trample him beneath your feet, and rejoice with Kool aid :beer:
and the righteous true beleivers of the faith

That is why it is called F1

Boring races, boring website, time to do something more exciting like watch paint dry

5th August 2007, 20:22
Funny how's it ALWAYS the brits who are so offended when Hammy is questioned. They couldn't be BIASED or anything now could they? LMFAO...

El Sween
5th August 2007, 21:48
Im not offended I could not give a ......

Dude not all of us Brits are in love with Lewis.

5th August 2007, 22:52
Now that would make an interesting thread ;)

I think we had one a few years ago :D

Ian McC
5th August 2007, 23:35
Funny how's it ALWAYS the brits who are so offended when Hammy is questioned. They couldn't be BIASED or anything now could they? LMFAO...

Everyone has their favourites, yours is obviously Alonso, why else would you post this rubbish?

6th August 2007, 00:22
The first initial of BBC stands for impartial, or was that something else?

Races come and go but controversy lasts forever.