View Full Version : Internal Arm Bling.. Update on a broken arm.

4th August 2007, 03:32
Because a couple of people asked in another thread, i thought i'd post an update on my arm, with added visual aids!

Apparently the bone is fully healed now and yes, i do get to keep all my new bits of bling! I dont wanna have another surgery anyways, they hurt, no matter how many cool painkillers you get. I still cant turn my palm up which is incredibly frustrating, but i start physio next week so i guess we'll be working on that..

Anyways, enough talking, here are two of my images, the first two are x-rays of the healed joint.. (i think.. i dont remember..) and the third is a copy of the Fluoroscopy they did when i was still all knocked out on the operating table. Enjoy!




Hehe.. i love showing off my x-rays. Coolest injury i've ever had! ... if the most annoying as well...

4th August 2007, 06:17
Hello Christina,

Looks nasty!!
Just as an aside is it possible for you to edit your photos so your personal details doesn't show.
You can be never too sure in this day an age!!!! and yes I am paranoid.

4th August 2007, 06:32
Meh.. i dont care. you only get my name and date of birth. None of those numbers on there mean anything. hmm.. actually.. one of those does... But i dont think anyone really wants to check into RPH as me, so i'm not worried.

4th August 2007, 06:54
Meh.. i dont care. you only get my name and date of birth. None of those numbers on there mean anything. hmm.. actually.. one of those does... But i dont think anyone really wants to check into RPH as me, so i'm not worried.

Ahhhh, the innocence of youth!

I suppose if someone tried to impersonate you, all you would have to do is take an x-ray of their arm.......

4th August 2007, 16:35
Wow Christina !!! :eek:
4 screws to hold it together !!! :eek: OMG !!! :eek:

I know that has to hurt, be sure to take your meds. ;)
Until my recent injury I had no clue had bad cracked/broken bones hurt.
I had heard that broken ribs hurt (& yes they do) but that pain is nowhere near the level of fractured bones. :s

4th August 2007, 16:57
I think you beat me on the pain levels stan! your crash looked horrific!

But umm.. there are five bolts in there.. three in the top of the "T" section and two at the bottom. But like you, i had no idea how much broken bones hurt! i was always curious about it, now i am completely over it. i want my arm to work properly now. I'm not sure if you can tell from those images, but i actually snapped off the entire end of that bone. The bit where there is no screw is where the break was. crazy huh?!

Is it weird to be proud of the metal in my elbow?

4th August 2007, 21:02
Snapped entire end off the bone? Does that mean it was a compund fracture then? :s hock: Looks a bit painful. :) I'll put it to my to-do list. :p o

5th August 2007, 02:02
I dunno what kinda of fracture it was, when the doctor was talking to me in the ER i was kinda a bit too high on Pethadiene to actually understand what she was saying. But i do know that they had to try manipulate the bone back into the right place, which involved a nurse holding me down and a doctor jamming her fingers in there. it didnt work. it bloody hurt!

5th August 2007, 03:27
I'm glad to see how well your arm is healing. Hopefully, the tort ... I mean physio goes at least as well, and you'll have full range of motion in no time ;)

5th August 2007, 07:26
Beautiful pictures Christina ;) Pity you had to go through so much pain to get them ;)

...and that you can't appreciate their beauty without inflicting more pain on yourself ;)

jim mcglinchey
5th August 2007, 18:56
bloody hell, do those self-tappers need to be so long? no wonder it hurts! That isnt going anywhere, as we say in the trade.

Mark in Oshawa
7th August 2007, 20:51
Geeze...you gonna audition for the TV show "Bionic woman" Those are NOT small screws.....

8th August 2007, 13:00
Christina, I am just staggered that you survived a visit to RPH!