View Full Version : Nose and ear hair

4th August 2007, 00:57
What's it all about ??
Is it just to make you feel old, or is it to make "Victor Kiam" rich ??

It's definatley an age thing, but what's the best way to get rid of it ??

4th August 2007, 16:36
You know that you are getting old when you start finding grey hairs in your nose ;(

5th August 2007, 00:02
Appologies for this thread, I must have been drunker than I thought last night as I was amazed to see that I'd posted in the first place :)

5th August 2007, 03:39
Sometimes I pluck (with Mrs BilliamL's tweezers) and sometimes I trim with whatever little tiny pair of snips I can find. I've seen some electric clippers advertised, but can't really see the point of spending the money right now.

I think it was from the show, "Married, with children" where the wife said, "Love is not telling your husband that the hair that used to grow on the top of his head is now growing out his ears and nose."

I wish it still grew on the top of my head where it used to -- even if it was grey.

Galveston dunes
5th August 2007, 05:42
And all this time I thought it was to help prevent dirt and viruses from entering your body.
No I'm not drunk just bored.

5th August 2007, 16:09
I've seen some electric clippers advertised, but can't really see the point of spending the money right now. $10 at Bed, Bath & Beyond and they work great for the nose hairs and fairly well for the ear hairs, but those hairs can be buried in the ear canal fairly deep. The wife bought the trimmer last Christmas for me... I think she was trying to tell me something? :laugh:

5th August 2007, 19:32
You know that you are getting old when you start finding grey hairs in your nose ;(

The giant eyebrow hairs come first! The eyebrows on a middle-aged man can be 3-4" long!

6th August 2007, 10:25
The giant eyebrow hairs come first! The eyebrows on a middle-aged man can be 3-4" long!

is that a good thing or a bad thing ??

6th August 2007, 10:57
Bad, definitely, unless you are a wizard!

oily oaf
10th August 2007, 07:33
Personally I don't have any of that nose and ear hair stuff going on...........but my cat does :mad:

For the love of God please tell me this helps :p imp:

10th August 2007, 08:00
The giant eyebrow hairs come first! The eyebrows on a middle-aged man can be 3-4" long!


Bad, definitely, unless you are a wizard!

So what is the middle-aged man to do? Grooming the eyebrows is a totally un-manly thing to do, so not an option. Shaving them off could be fun, but may be irreversible...

Or, how does one become a wizard? Is it achievable in the 30 or so years I have to go before I become middle-aged?

10th August 2007, 08:51
Is it achievable in the 30 or so years I have to go before I become middle-aged?

Who says you've got 30 years? It could be ten or even less, I know my nasal hair started getting longer five or six years ago ;(

As for the eyebrows? Mine are still normal at the moment but I would recommend a beard trimmer would work well enough :)

10th August 2007, 13:00
The ear hair is not a problem, but plucking my bloody nose hairs drives me to distraction...and tears...and French language :p :

10th August 2007, 13:01
Who says you've got 30 years? It could be ten or even less, I know my nasal hair started getting longer five or six years ago ;(

As for the eyebrows? Mine are still normal at the moment but I would recommend a beard trimmer would work well enough :)

Yeah! Look at Alonso. If he didn't trim his eyebrows, he wouldn't be able to see where he's going :(

10th August 2007, 19:11
What's worse is when it all happens at once!

The hair falls out with whats left turning grey, ear and nose hair grows to compensate and the eyebrows turn into bushes. Also the goaty beard becomes multicoloured and the chest hair also turns grey. Thanks Dad for these terriffic jeans you gave me!!

11th August 2007, 00:14
I'm pleased (and ammased) that you geezers have taken to this but, what's the best for removal ? I'm thinking some special sort of sisscors ??? (sorry, don't know how to spell sissors??)

11th August 2007, 09:52
Do nose and ear hairs really grow that long? :eek:

11th August 2007, 12:19
Do nose and ear hairs really grow that long? :eek:

Yes if you leave it to grow!!!