View Full Version : Barcelona

3rd August 2007, 21:23
Hey Guys

My Mum, sister(18) and me(16) are off to Barcelona on Tuesday for a week. Just wondering if anyone has any tips on the transport and places to visit.

Also what are the beaches like? We are staying at the Apartahotel Calabria its near Rocarfort/Urgell Metro Stations for those who know!


3rd August 2007, 21:25
Oops I can't type. The title is meant to be Barcelona

3rd August 2007, 22:04
I can't help you, but a friend has told me it's one of, if not the best cities that he's visited in the world, so have fun!

3rd August 2007, 22:39
I'm almost sure one of our members lives there, he'll be able to help you.

One thing about Catalunya that I wanted to know, do many people refuse to speak to you, if you speak in Spanish?

3rd August 2007, 23:30
I'm almost sure one of our members lives there, he'll be able to help you.

One thing about Catalunya that I wanted to know, do many people refuse to speak to you, if you speak in Spanish?

I wouldn't say many, but it does happen. Once I was in McDonalds opposite to Sagrada Familia, and the signage inside was in Catalan and English, but not in Spanish. Taking into acount that these days you find signs in Spanish even in Northern USA, it was quite impressive :eek:

4th August 2007, 03:45
fandango lives in Barcelona and even CarlMetro can tell you since he has been there recently I think.

As mentioned do visit some of Antoni Gaudi's designs...La Sagrada Familia , Parc Guell or Casa Battlo...

and yes of course the Camp Nou :p :

6th August 2007, 00:11
I'm almost sure one of our members lives there, he'll be able to help you.

One thing about Catalunya that I wanted to know, do many people refuse to speak to you, if you speak in Spanish?

Yes indeed! Just back from a weekend away, and planning next week's trip to Tuscany!! There's plenty to see and do here in BCN for visitors. The best thing to do is to take the tourist bus trips around, and then stop or go back to the things that look the best. Tourist info is good, and if you don't feel like doing things so planned, take a walk round the old Barri Gotic, the centre, and you'll come across stuff. The beaches are fine, that's to say good if you're coming from somewhere rainy, but when you live here you get choosy and prefer the ones up or down the coast.

The only thing to be aware of is pickpockets - it's not a terrible problem, and not violent, just be aware of where your valuables are.

As for the language question, Catalan is a language that 7 million people speak, so some of them don't really like speaking Spanish, or being forced to change to Spanish, a "foreign" language, in their own country. At first I found it frustrating that people insisted on replying to my Spanish with Catalan, but nowadays I find it frustrating when people answer my Catalan with Spanish. Swings and roundabouts... But you can't begrudge people wanting to speak their own language in their own country.

6th August 2007, 11:04
Barcelona has a harbour, not sandy beaches, if I remember correctly. However, there are beach resorts down the Catalunya coast that are easy to get to.
Definitely go and see some Gaudi while you're there, and have a walk down La Rambla at least once, if only for the experience. I remember Barcelona as being very clean, with a really nice Metro system, and very easy to get around. There are some very good restaurants that don't charge the earth too, especially if you like seafood.

6th August 2007, 18:33
Thanks guys for the tips! I'll let you know how it was when we get back!

6th August 2007, 22:07
Barcelona has a harbour, not sandy beaches, if I remember correctly. However, there are beach resorts down the Catalunya coast that are easy to get to.
Definitely go and see some Gaudi while you're there, and have a walk down La Rambla at least once, if only for the experience. I remember Barcelona as being very clean, with a really nice Metro system, and very easy to get around. There are some very good restaurants that don't charge the earth too, especially if you like seafood.

Sorry, but you don't remember correctly! There are beaches, which were put in for the Olympics, and they have sand. Not 100% natural, but they're there.

As for restaurants etc, DON'T eat on La Rambla, because it's not great, and wildly overpriced. It's easy to find better places if you explore for yourself.

6th August 2007, 22:10
I stand corrected. I'll rephrase: I never saw any beaches.
I can't remember where the restaurant we went to was but it was quite a way off La Rambla somewhere. Mmmm, seafood paella with mussels...

oily oaf
7th August 2007, 07:25
My daughter and a number of her little nurse chums went to Barcelona a couple of weeks ago for a girly weekend.
She later told me that it was a very nice place and they enjoyed themselves immensely :)

A spokesperson from the Barcelona Tourist Office has stated that the clean-up operation should be completed within days but that the stocks of strong liquor and hard core pornography may take up to a month to replenish :(
Ai Caramba!....etc

14th August 2007, 19:07
Well we are back and had a great time!

The weather was good despite rain on wednesday and a thunderstorm on sunday night! We managed the metro - its quite easy really!