View Full Version : Made me remember ....

Hazell B
3rd August 2007, 20:42
.... how bad my own dog's life was before he was rescued :(

BBC TV has been running a series of live broadcasts from Battersea Dogs Home recently and while filming a rather nasty case came in. She's a Staffie type bitch of unknown age found wandering and her skin was about 80% mange infested. My own dog Naburn was over 90% when he was eventually trapped by the RSPCA, though his health was better as he'd not been starved like this Battersea dog.

There's some pictures on http://www.dogshome.org/rescue/home_news/index.html
of Mattie the Staffie.

Naburn was totally wild and terrified of people, which made the baths and injections (to treat his skin) very traumatic. In the end they just injected him with something unlicenced for dogs as it was easier on his nerves. Mattie is lucky, she appeared happy to be handled. I'm sure she'll make a fine pet in the next six months or so, once her hair grows back.

When you hear people complaining about foxes spreading mange, this is what they mean. The mites from foxes attack thousands of dogs each year. It's called Scabies on us humans, but it's pretty much the same thing.

Anyway, thought some of you might be interested.

4th August 2007, 00:43
My last dog, Ben was a rescue from Battersea. He was an 8 month old springer pup would had been really badly treated by it's previous owner. I could never understand why when he was such a loving and playful dog who just needed a bit of TLC. I had him for alomst 12 years before old age and a fast moving car got the better of him ;(

My wife has banned me from visiting Battersea because she knows I'd come home with at least one, maybe more ;)

4th August 2007, 03:45
I got my puppy dog from the RSPCA when she was just 4 weeks old. There wasnt anything wrong with her fortunately. She'd just been dumped there. Now she's two years old and is the most gorgeous, intelligent loveliest dog I've ever met. I cant think why anyone wouldnt want her, but at least she wasnt mis-treated or left to die.

Carl, i'm also not allowed back to the dog shelter. I want another dog to keep Chilli company, but i'd probably end up bringing the entire of the RSPCA home with me!

4th August 2007, 15:58
I don't allow myself those visits because I come home very depressed. When I have my own home I'll get one or two of those dogs.

One of my friends has a dog from the local shelter and even if it is 12 years old and suffering from it, it is one of the most intelligent and well behaved dogs I have ever seen.

Hazell B
4th August 2007, 21:35
My wife has banned me from visiting Battersea because she knows I'd come home with at least one, maybe more ;)

I've banned Mick in the same way :p :

We took Naburn back for a visit to his old RSPCA and they made us bring Kipper out when we left :mark: I should get them on trade's description - he's not the sweetness and light they promised, nor is he suited to our outdoor lifestyle. Not that I'd swap the evil twisted ponce, of course :) In fact, I'd have another two just like him!

5th August 2007, 03:47
Mrs billiaml has made it quite clear that, if I bring a dog (or a cat, I suppose) into the house, she's moving out. I don't even want to think about what she'd do if I paid to have one transported "across the pond." :p :

Otherwise, like Carl & Christina, I'd give homes to several of them as well.

5th August 2007, 19:29
Our dear departed Staffy cross was a rescue dog, found in a barn by a friend of my mum's. He was a lovely, fun pet, despite being stinky and having a murderous dislike of other animals. We still talk about the funny things he used to do, like always insisting on having the last "word" when told to stop barking by my Dad.